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WebSocketsA quick tour and demoGaurav OberoiDec 18, 2010 - Chennai Geeks
Who am I?Entrepreneur: started and sold 2 companiesBillMonk (consumer)Precision Polling (SaaS)Programmer, Product Manager:Amazon, Obopay, Xmarks, SurveyMonkeyGeneral geekery:Seattle Tech Startups founder (~2200 member list)TechStars mentor, advisor to startups
What is this talk about?What are WebSockets?Why do we need them?How do we use them?What limitations do they have?
DisclaimerHaven’t deployed production code using WebSockets.Not an expert!

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A REST API uses HTTP requests with verbs like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on resources identified by URLs. It provides a lightweight alternative to SOAP that returns data in JSON format and HTTP response codes. Well-known codes include 200 for OK, 201 for Created, 400 for Bad Request, and 404 for Not Found. REST enables building applications and platforms that can easily integrate new interfaces over time.

crudcrud applicationwhat is crud
REST & RESTful Web Services
REST & RESTful Web ServicesREST & RESTful Web Services
REST & RESTful Web Services

An introduction to REST and RESTful web services. You can take the course below to learn about REST & RESTful web services.

information technologyweb servicecloud computing
Simple Object Access Protocol
Simple Object Access ProtocolSimple Object Access Protocol
Simple Object Access Protocol

This document discusses Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). SOAP allows applications to exchange information over HTTP and is independent of platform and language. A SOAP message contains an envelope, header, body, and optional fault. The envelope defines the message as SOAP. The header contains application-specific metadata. The body contains the call and response. Fault indicates any errors. SOAP uses HTTP for transport and is XML-based, allowing it to penetrate firewalls.

What are WebSockets?+= ?
According to the textbook:WebSocket is a technology for providing bi-directional full duplex communication channels over a single TCP socket.Ahem…
Put simply, WebSockets:Are a new feature in HTML5 (draft) that let you stream data to and from web browsers.
For comparison:Here’s good ol’ HTTP request and response:GET /index.html200 OK (...)With sockets, send data back and forth anytime:

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Http protocol
Http protocolHttp protocol
Http protocol

HTTP is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative hypermedia systems that has been used by the World Wide Web since 1990. The initial HTTP/0.9 version provided a simple protocol for raw data transfer, while HTTP/1.0 introduced MIME-like messages to include meta information and request/response modifiers. HTTP/1.0 did not sufficiently account for hierarchical proxies, caching, persistent connections or virtual hosts. HTTP sits at the top of the TCP/IP stack and uses ports to carry protocols between services, with HTTP typically using port 80. An HTTP message is delivered over a TCP/IP connection by chopping the message into chunks small enough to fit in TCP segments, which are then sent inside IP datagrams

An Overview of Web Services: SOAP and REST
An Overview of Web Services: SOAP and REST An Overview of Web Services: SOAP and REST
An Overview of Web Services: SOAP and REST

The presentation provides an overview of what are Web Services, Why we need for Web Services; Features of SOAP & RESTful Web Services.

web servicesoapsoa
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

HTTP is the application-layer protocol for transmitting hypertext documents across the internet. It works by establishing a TCP connection between an HTTP client, like a web browser, and an HTTP server. The client sends a request to the server using methods like GET or POST. The server responds with a status code and the requested resource. HTTP is stateless, meaning each request is independent and servers do not remember past client interactions. Cookies and caching are techniques used to maintain some state and improve performance.

pipeliningcachehow http works
More juicy detailsNew protocol (ws:// and wss://)W3C and IETF standardCurrently a draft, more on this laterUses ports 80 and 443443 recommended for proxy traversalStarts as HTTP, then switches to WSSupports >1 connections over 1 TCP socket
More juicy details: the handshakeClient sends:Server responds:
Yawn…… so why do we need WebSockets?
2 good reasons

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SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol
SOAP - Simple Object Access ProtocolSOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol
SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol

A detailed description of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Content: What is SOAP? Why SOAP? SOAP Transport Methods SOAP Messaging Framework SOAP Message SOAP Request Message SOAP Response Message Pros & Cons of SOAP References provided

soapweb serviceshttp
Introduction to the Web API
Introduction to the Web APIIntroduction to the Web API
Introduction to the Web API

The document provides an introduction to web APIs and REST. It defines APIs as methods to access data and workflows from an application without using the application itself. It describes REST as an architectural style for APIs that uses a client-server model with stateless operations and a uniform interface. The document outlines best practices for REST APIs, including using HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT and DELETE to perform CRUD operations on resources identified by URIs. It also discusses authentication, authorization, security concerns and gives examples of popular REST APIs from Facebook, Twitter and other services.

HTTP Request and Response Structure
HTTP Request and Response StructureHTTP Request and Response Structure
HTTP Request and Response Structure HTTP messages are how data is exchanged between a server and a client. There are two types of messages: requests sent by the client to trigger an action on the server, and responses, the answer from the server.

First: desire for real-timeWant low latency 2-way communication for:Gaming (pong)Collaboration (live wikis)Dashboards (financial apps)Tracking (watch user actions)Presence (chat with customer support)More!
Second: HTTP doesn’t deliverPeople hack around this (see “Comet”)Polling, long-polling, stream via hidden iframeBUT these are slow, complex, and bulkyOr rely on plugins:Flash, Silverlight, Java appletsBUT these don’t work everywhere (phones)
Damn, this is hairy:Source:
Vs. HTTP hacks, Websockets provide:Lower latency: no new TCP connections for each HTTP requestLower overhead: for each message sent(2 bytes vs. lines of HTTP header junk)Less traffic: since clients don’t need to poll, messages only sent when we have data

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Https presentation
Https presentationHttps presentation
Https presentation

HTTPS is a protocol that combines HTTP with SSL/TLS encryption to provide secure communication between a client and server. It encrypts data sent between a browser and website using a public/private key system. When a client requests an HTTPS connection, the website sends its SSL certificate containing a public key. This begins the SSL handshake where shared secrets are generated to uniquely encrypt the connection. HTTPS is important for securing sensitive communications and establishing trust, as it is used widely on banking, payment, shopping and email sites.

jatin patel
Http and its Applications
Http and its ApplicationsHttp and its Applications
Http and its Applications

HTTP is an application-level protocol for distributed, collaborative hypermedia information systems. It is based on the client-server model and uses TCP/IP protocols. HTTP functions by having clients make requests to servers, which respond with status codes and requested resources. Key aspects of HTTP include its stateless and connectionless nature, as well as its use of request methods like GET and POST.

Learn react-js
Learn react-jsLearn react-js
Learn react-js

The document provides an introduction to ReactJS, including: - ReactJS is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces. - It uses virtual DOM for rendering UI components efficiently. Only updated components are re-rendered. - Components are the basic building blocks of React apps. They accept input and return React elements to describe what should appear on the screen. - The main steps to set up a React app are installing React and ReactDOM libraries, adding JSX syntax, and rendering components onto the DOM using ReactDOM.render().

How do we use WebSockets?
What you’ll need:WebSockets compliant browserWebKit: Chrome, Safari (works on iOS)Client Javascript APIServer-side API
Client API in JavascriptInitialize:varws = new WebSocket(“ws://”)Send data:send(data)Event-handlers:onopenonmessageoncloseonerror
Server-side APIThreaded servers can be used but not recommended:1 thread/process per socket  memory hog!Evented-servers are ideal:1 process handles all requestsWaits for I/O before processing requests (reactor pattern)Suggested servers:Ruby: Event Machine + em-websocketJavascript: Node.js + WebSocket modulePython: Twisted + txWebSocket

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Restful web services ppt
Restful web services pptRestful web services ppt
Restful web services ppt

The document provides an overview of a seminar on RESTful web services. It discusses what REST is, its characteristics and principles, and compares RESTful architectures to SOAP. Key points covered include how REST focuses on a system's resources and how they are addressed and transferred over HTTP, the client-server interaction style of REST, and advantages of REST like scalability and loose coupling between components.

Hypertext transfer protocol and hypertext transfer protocol secure(HTTP and H...
Hypertext transfer protocol and hypertext transfer protocol secure(HTTP and H...Hypertext transfer protocol and hypertext transfer protocol secure(HTTP and H...
Hypertext transfer protocol and hypertext transfer protocol secure(HTTP and H...

The document defines HTTP and HTTPS. HTTP is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol that provides communication between web browsers and servers. It is unsecured and transmits data in plain text. HTTPS is HTTP secured with SSL/TLS encryption to provide security. Key differences are that HTTPS uses port 443 instead of HTTP's port 80, establishes an encrypted channel, and verifies servers with certificates to protect against attacks.


SSL and certificates exist to provide encryption and identification for secure communication between web servers and clients. OpenSSL is a cryptography library and toolkit that implements the SSL and TLS protocols, providing encryption through different ciphers and algorithms. It is widely used by over 60% of web servers to generate private keys, certificate signing requests, and perform encryption and decryption as well as manage certificates.

opensslcyber securitydata encryption
What limitations do WebSockets have?
First, the big onesNot all browsers support themNo support in Firefox 4, IE9, OperaSo you need to fallback to something that worksSee Socket.IO: client and server library for graceful fallbackDraft spec in jeopardy after Dec 8 security announcement by MozillaSecurity vulnerabilities with transparent proxiesNot caused by WebSockets, but they expose issueMy guess: we’ll get by this with some spec changes
And the other thingsWebSockets need maintenance and care:Re-open connif network hiccup or timeoutBack off if server is down, don’t keep tryingKeep alive if your connection times outBuffer and re-send msgs in the above casesMy guess: libraries will fill in these gaps

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Http methods
Http methodsHttp methods
Http methods

1. The document describes the common HTTP methods used to retrieve or send data over the web, including GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, CONNECT, OPTIONS, and TRACE. 2. GET is used to retrieve a resource, HEAD is like GET but only returns headers, and POST sends data to a server like form data or file uploads. 3. PUT replaces a resource with uploaded content, DELETE removes a resource, and CONNECT establishes a tunnel. OPTIONS returns supported methods and TRACE echoes a request for debugging.

http methodshttpmethods of http
Introduction to API
Introduction to APIIntroduction to API
Introduction to API

The document discusses APIs, defining them as interfaces that allow applications to communicate and share data over a network. It notes that APIs act as an interface between clients and servers, exposing backend data through operations, inputs, outputs, and data types. The document also outlines the benefits of APIs in standardizing communication and enabling reusability. It introduces common API terminology and types, focusing on web APIs which are the most widely used.

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HTML5 WebSocket: The New Network Stack for the Web
HTML5 WebSocket: The New Network Stack for the WebHTML5 WebSocket: The New Network Stack for the Web
HTML5 WebSocket: The New Network Stack for the Web

Presentation given on Feb. 11, 2011 at the New York HTML5 User Group by Peter Lubbers and Frank Greco

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In ConclusionWebSockets == “TCP for the Web”Easy JS library, evented-servers on the backNot prod ready, but soon (fingers crossed)Check out some demos:

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Intro to WebSockets

  • 1. WebSocketsA quick tour and demoGaurav OberoiDec 18, 2010 - Chennai Geeks
  • 2. Who am I?Entrepreneur: started and sold 2 companiesBillMonk (consumer)Precision Polling (SaaS)Programmer, Product Manager:Amazon, Obopay, Xmarks, SurveyMonkeyGeneral geekery:Seattle Tech Startups founder (~2200 member list)TechStars mentor, advisor to startups
  • 3. What is this talk about?What are WebSockets?Why do we need them?How do we use them?What limitations do they have?
  • 4. DisclaimerHaven’t deployed production code using WebSockets.Not an expert!
  • 6. According to the textbook:WebSocket is a technology for providing bi-directional full duplex communication channels over a single TCP socket.Ahem…
  • 7. Put simply, WebSockets:Are a new feature in HTML5 (draft) that let you stream data to and from web browsers.
  • 8. For comparison:Here’s good ol’ HTTP request and response:GET /index.html200 OK (...)With sockets, send data back and forth anytime:
  • 9. More juicy detailsNew protocol (ws:// and wss://)W3C and IETF standardCurrently a draft, more on this laterUses ports 80 and 443443 recommended for proxy traversalStarts as HTTP, then switches to WSSupports >1 connections over 1 TCP socket
  • 10. More juicy details: the handshakeClient sends:Server responds:
  • 11. Yawn…… so why do we need WebSockets?
  • 13. First: desire for real-timeWant low latency 2-way communication for:Gaming (pong)Collaboration (live wikis)Dashboards (financial apps)Tracking (watch user actions)Presence (chat with customer support)More!
  • 14. Second: HTTP doesn’t deliverPeople hack around this (see “Comet”)Polling, long-polling, stream via hidden iframeBUT these are slow, complex, and bulkyOr rely on plugins:Flash, Silverlight, Java appletsBUT these don’t work everywhere (phones)
  • 15. Damn, this is hairy:Source:
  • 16. Vs. HTTP hacks, Websockets provide:Lower latency: no new TCP connections for each HTTP requestLower overhead: for each message sent(2 bytes vs. lines of HTTP header junk)Less traffic: since clients don’t need to poll, messages only sent when we have data
  • 17. How do we use WebSockets?
  • 18. What you’ll need:WebSockets compliant browserWebKit: Chrome, Safari (works on iOS)Client Javascript APIServer-side API
  • 19. Client API in JavascriptInitialize:varws = new WebSocket(“ws://”)Send data:send(data)Event-handlers:onopenonmessageoncloseonerror
  • 20. Server-side APIThreaded servers can be used but not recommended:1 thread/process per socket  memory hog!Evented-servers are ideal:1 process handles all requestsWaits for I/O before processing requests (reactor pattern)Suggested servers:Ruby: Event Machine + em-websocketJavascript: Node.js + WebSocket modulePython: Twisted + txWebSocket
  • 22. What limitations do WebSockets have?
  • 23. First, the big onesNot all browsers support themNo support in Firefox 4, IE9, OperaSo you need to fallback to something that worksSee Socket.IO: client and server library for graceful fallbackDraft spec in jeopardy after Dec 8 security announcement by MozillaSecurity vulnerabilities with transparent proxiesNot caused by WebSockets, but they expose issueMy guess: we’ll get by this with some spec changes
  • 24. And the other thingsWebSockets need maintenance and care:Re-open connif network hiccup or timeoutBack off if server is down, don’t keep tryingKeep alive if your connection times outBuffer and re-send msgs in the above casesMy guess: libraries will fill in these gaps
  • 25. In ConclusionWebSockets == “TCP for the Web”Easy JS library, evented-servers on the backNot prod ready, but soon (fingers crossed)Check out some demos: