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Toward hybrid cloud serverless transparency with
Lithops framework
Gil Vernik, IBM Research
About myself
• Gil Vernik
• IBM Research from 2010
• Architect, 25+ years of development experience
• Active in open source
• Hybrid cloud. Big Data Engines. Serverless Twitter: @vernikgil
All material and code presented in this talk are open source.
Comments, suggestions or code contributions are welcome
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825184.
Photos used in this presentaton by Unknown Author are licensed under CC
Toward hybrid cloud serverless
transparency with Lithops framework

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API Gateway study
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The document compares the API gateways Kong and Traefik. Kong is easy to install and maintain, has great performance, and flexible integration with Kubernetes ingress. However, it lacks an official dashboard and plugins must be built in Lua. Traefik is very simple to configure and use and has strong integration with many cloud systems. However, it has less documentation and lacks some advanced features of Kong. Overall, both tools are suitable API gateways but Kong may be better for more complex needs while Traefik is simpler to use and get started with.

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Toward hybrid cloud serverless
transparency with Lithops framework
Toward hybrid cloud serverless
transparency with Lithops framework
Toward hybrid cloud serverless
transparency with Lithops framework
Serverless paradigm
It doesn't mean that
there are no servers
it means that we don't
need to worry about
In the Serverless
world, we simply
“deliver” our code,
software stack or
The “serverless
backend engine” will
take of provisioning
the server(s) and
execute the code

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Kafka moves blobs of data from one place to another. That's its job. Kafka doesn't care what the blob is or what it looks like. This can be a boon because it's simple and it allows for a multitude of use cases. It can also be a curse in those cases when you DO want to have control over what that blob may look like. Especially when you want to share a topic with another team it is important that you have clear-cut rules for what you want to allow on that topic and what not. Or in other words, you need a clearly defined interface contract. In the RESTful world the case is clear: You would define an OpenAPI spec and give it to the other team. Done. What about the event streaming case though? Would you treat your topic like an API? If you're not sure about the answer then this talk is for you. You'll learn about the schema registry, a centralized data governance tool which allows you to define, and more importantly, enforce interface contracts among Kafka clients.

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This Photo by
Author is
licensed under
This way, we don’t
think anywhere about
servers and so the
name Serverless
User code with
Software stack
Serverless user experience
IBM Cloud Functions
The more we focus on the business logic and
less how to deploy and execute – so better our
‘serverless’ experience

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apache kafkakubernetesdevops
Code, dependencies and containers
Docker image with
Dependencies, packages,
software, etc.
Code as part of
Docker image?
The gap between the business logic and the boileplate code
User wants to run ML algorithms on
the colors extracted from images.
He wrote a function that extracts colors
from a single image and tested it works
He now wants to run this function on
millions of images, located in different
storage places (cloud object storage,
local CEPH, etc.) , extract all the colors
and inject them into ML framework for
further processing
Bring the code to data or move data to code
• How to run the code as close
as possible to the data?
Local? Cloud? Hybrid?
How to collect results?
• Move as less data as possible
• The boiler plate code to access
User wants to run ML algorithms on
the colors extracted from images.
He wrote a function that extracts color
from a single image and tested it works
He now wants to run this function on
millions of images, located in different
storage places (cloud object storage,
local CEPH, etc.) , extract all the colors
and inject them into ML framework for
further processing
The gap between the business logic and the boileplate code
• How to partition input data?
• How to list millions of images?
• How much memory needed to
process a single image
assuming images of different
• How to deploy the code with
• and so on…
User wants to run ML algorithms on
the colors extracted from images.
He wrote a function that extracts color
from a single image and tested it works
He now wants to run this function on
millions of images, located in different
storage places (cloud object storage,
local CEPH, etc.) , extract all the colors
and inject them into ML framework for
further processing

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With microservices and containers becoming mainstream, container orchestrators provide much of what the cluster (nodes and containers) needs. With container orchestrators' core focus on scheduling, discovery, and health at an infrastructure level, microservices are left with unmet, service-level needs, such as: - Traffic management, routing, and resilient and secure communication between services - Policy enforcement, rate-limiting, circuit breaking - Visibility and monitoring with metrics, logs, and traces - Load balancing and rollout/canary deployment support Service meshes provide for these needs. In this session, we will dive into Istio - its components, capabilities, and extensibility. Istio envelops and integrates with other open source projects to deliver a full-service mesh. We'll explore these integrations and Istio's extensibility in terms of choice of proxies and adapters, such as nginMesh.

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Know APIs and the semantics
Developers need to know vendor documentation and APIs, use CLI tools, learn how
to deploy code and dependencies, how to retrieve results, etc.
Each cloud vendor has it’s own API and semantics
User software
User software
Containeriazed model is not only to run and deploy the code
User software
• How to “containerize” code or scale software components from an existing application without major disruption
and without rewriting all from scratch?
• How to scale the code decide the right parallelism on terabytes of data without become a systems expert in
scaling the code and learn storage semantics?
• How to partition input data, generate output, leverage cache if needed
COS, Ceph, databases, in
memory cache, etc.
Software stack
Push to the serverless with Lithops framework
• Lithops is a novel Python framework designed to scale code or applications at massive scale, exploiting
almost any execution backend platform, hybrid clouds, public clouds, etc.
• A single Lithops API against any backend engine
• Open source , Apache License 2.0
• Leaded by IBM Research Haifa and URV university
• Can benefit to variety of use cases
Serverless for more use cases
The easy move to serverless

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Lithops to scale Python code and applications
input data = array, COS, etc.
def my_func(x):
//business logic
print (lt.get_result())
IBM Cloud Functions
import lithops
lt = lithops.FunctionExecutor(), input_data))
Going beyond Python
print (lt.get_result())
IBM Cloud Functions
import lithops
lt = lithops.FunctionExecutor(), input_data))
input data = array, COS, etc.
def cmd_exec(x, bucket, ibm_cos,cmd):
res=, shell = True)
Gromacs, Protomol, Dlib, Gdal, ffmpeg, etc.
Lithops API
Example of Lithops to run Monte Carlo simulations

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The document discusses how Heroku leveraged Apache Kafka to realize the vision of an enterprise service bus (ESB). It defines what an ESB is according to analysts and vendors. Heroku defined the API as its ESB but faced bottlenecks and reliability issues. It transitioned to using Kafka with a pull-based architecture for independent development, scalability, and avoiding single points of failure. Heroku now uses Kafka for operational data pipelines and metrics aggregation. It provides examples of using Kafka topics and discusses next steps of implementing a schema registry and security.

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This document discusses ideas and technologies for building scalable software systems and processing big data. It covers: 1. Bi-modal distribution of developers shapes architecture/design and the need for loosely/tightly coupled code. 2. Internet companies like Google and Facebook innovate at large scale using open source tools and REST architectures. 3. A REST architecture allows scalability, extensible development, and integration of tools/ideas from the internet for non-internet applications.

resthpcoil and gas
The user experience
More on Lithops
• Truly serverless, lightweight framework, without need to deploy additional cluster on
top of serverless engine.
• Scales from 0 to many
• Can deploy code to any compute backend and simplify hybrid use cases with a single
Lithops API
• Data driven with advanced data partitioner to support processing of large input datasets
• Lithops can execute any native code, not limited to Python code
• Hides complexity of sharing data between compute stages and supports shuffle
• Fits well into workflow orchestrator frameworks
User code or
Data driven flows with Lithops
User code or
Lithops leverage user business logic to simply the containerization process
• Decides the right scale, coordinate parallel inovocations, etc.
• Lithops runtime handle all accesses to the datasets, data partitionning, use cache if needed, monitor progress
• Lithops runtime allows to or exchange data between serverless invocations, implements shuffle
COS, Ceph, databases, in
memory cache, etc.
User software
User software
User software
Lithops runtime
Software stack
Lithops client
automatically deploys
user’s software stack as a
serverless actions
Lithops runtime Lithops runtime
What Lithops good for
• Data pre-processing for ML / DL / AI Frameworks
• Batch processing, UDF, ETL, HPC and Monte Carlo simulations
• Embarrassingly parallel workload or problems - often the case where there is little or no dependency or
need for communication between parallel tasks
• Subset of map-reduce flows
Input Data
Tasks 1 2 3 n

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- PyWren-IBM is a Python framework that allows users to easily scale Python code across serverless platforms like IBM Cloud Functions without having to learn the underlying storage or function as a service APIs. - It addresses challenges like how to integrate existing applications and workflows with serverless computing, how to process large datasets without becoming a storage expert, and how to scale code without major disruptions. - The document discusses use cases for PyWren-IBM like Monte Carlo simulations, protein folding, and stock price prediction that demonstrate how it can be used for high performance computing workloads.

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End-to-End Deep Learning Deployment with ONNX

The Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) standard has emerged for representing deep learning models in a standardized format. In this talk, I will discuss: 1. ONNX for exporting deep learning computation graphs, the ONNX-ML component of the specification for exporting both traditional ML models, common feature extraction, data transformation and post-processing steps. 2. How to use ONNX and the growing ecosystem of exporter libraries for common frameworks (including TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, scikit-learn and Apache SparkML) to deploy complete deep learning pipelines. 3. Best practices for working with and combining these disparate exporter toolkits, as well as highlight the gaps, issues, and missing pieces to be taken into account and still to be addressed.

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The Download: Tech Talks by the HPCC Systems Community, Episode 11
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Join us as we continue this series of webinars specifically designed for the community by the community with the goal to share knowledge, spark innovation and further build and link the relationships within our HPCC Systems community. Episode 11 includes Tech Talks featuring speakers from our community on topics covering Big Data solutions, Spark Integration and other ECL Tips leveraging the HPCC Systems platform. 1) Raj Chandrasekaran, CTO & Co-Founder, ClearFunnel - Scaling Data Science capabilities: Leveraging a homogeneous Big Data ecosystem 2) James McMullan, Software Engineer III, LexisNexis Risk Solutions - HDFS Connector Preview 3) Bob Foreman, Senior Software Engineer, LexisNexis Risk Solutions - Building a RELATIONal Dataset - A Valentine’s Day Special!

big dataecldata science
Demo and use cases
Data pre-processing
Serverless data pre-processing
•Majority of ML / DL / AI flows requires raw data to be pre-processed before
being consumed by the execution frameworks
• Images persisted in the object storage.
User wants to extract colors and run
DL algorithms on the extracted colors
• Face alignment in images is usually
required as a first step before further
Face alignment in images without Lithops
• import logging
• import os
• import sys
• import time
• import shutil
• import cv2
• from openface.align_dlib import AlignDlib
• logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
• temp_dir = '/tmp'
• def preprocess_image(bucket, key, data_stream, storage_handler):
• """
• Detect face, align and crop :param input_path. Write output to :param output_path
• :param bucket: COS bucket
• :param key: COS key (object name ) - may contain delimiters
• :param storage_handler: can be used to read / write data from / into COS
• """
• crop_dim = 180
• #print("Process bucket {} key {}".format(bucket, key))
• sys.stdout.write(".")
• # key of the form /subdir1/../subdirN/file_name
• key_components = key.split('/')
• file_name = key_components[len(key_components)-1]
• input_path = temp_dir + '/' + file_name
• if not os.path.exists(temp_dir + '/' + 'output'):
• os.makedirs(temp_dir + '/' +'output')
• output_path = temp_dir + '/' +'output/' + file_name
• with open(input_path, 'wb') as localfile:
• shutil.copyfileobj(data_stream, localfile)
• exists = os.path.isfile(temp_dir + '/' +'shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks')
• if exists:
• pass;
• else:
• res = storage_handler.get_object(bucket, 'lfw/model/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat', stream = True)
• with open(temp_dir + '/' +'shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks', 'wb') as localfile:
• shutil.copyfileobj(res, localfile)
• align_dlib = AlignDlib(temp_dir + '/' +'shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks')
• image = _process_image(input_path, crop_dim, align_dlib)
• if image is not None:
• #print('Writing processed file: {}'.format(output_path))
• cv2.imwrite(output_path, image)
• f = open(output_path, "rb")
• processed_image_path = os.path.join('output',key)
• storage_handler.put_object(bucket, processed_image_path, f)
• os.remove(output_path)
• else:
• pass;
• #print("Skipping filename: {}".format(input_path))
• os.remove(input_path)
• def _process_image(filename, crop_dim, align_dlib):
• image = None
• aligned_image = None
• image = _buffer_image(filename)
• if image is not None:
• aligned_image = _align_image(image, crop_dim, align_dlib)
• else:
• raise IOError('Error buffering image: {}'.format(filename))
• return aligned_image
• def _buffer_image(filename):
• logger.debug('Reading image: {}'.format(filename))
• image = cv2.imread(filename, )
• image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
• return image
• def _align_image(image, crop_dim, align_dlib):
• bb = align_dlib.getLargestFaceBoundingBox(image)
• aligned = align_dlib.align(crop_dim, image, bb, landmarkIndices=AlignDlib.INNER_EYES_AND_BOTTOM_LIP)
• if aligned is not None:
• aligned = cv2.cvtColor(aligned, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
• return aligned
import ibm_boto3
import ibm_botocore
from ibm_botocore.client import Config
from ibm_botocore.credentials import DefaultTokenManager
t0 = time.time()
client_config = ibm_botocore.client.Config(signature_version='oauth',
api_key = config['ibm_cos']['api_key']
token_manager = DefaultTokenManager(api_key_id=api_key)
cos_client = ibm_boto3.client('s3', token_manager=token_manager,
config=client_config, endpoint_url=config['ibm_cos']['endpoint'])
paginator = cos_client.get_paginator('list_objects_v2')
page_iterator = paginator.paginate(Bucket="gilvdata", Prefix = 'lfw/test/images')
print (page_iterator)
except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
class StorageHandler:
def __init__(self, cos_client):
self.cos_client = cos_client
def get_object(self, bucket_name, key, stream=False, extra_get_args={}):
Get object from COS with a key. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given key does not exist.
:param key: key of the object
:return: Data of the object
:rtype: str/bytes
r = self.cos_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, **extra_get_args)
if stream:
data = r['Body']
data = r['Body'].read()
return data
except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "NoSuchKey":
raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(key)
raise e
def put_object(self, bucket_name, key, data):
Put an object in COS. Override the object if the key already exists.
:param key: key of the object.
:param data: data of the object
:type data: str/bytes
:return: None
res = self.cos_client.put_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, Body=data)
status = 'OK' if res['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200 else 'Error'
log_msg='PUT Object {} size {} {}'.format(key, len(data), status)
log_msg='PUT Object {} {}'.format(key, status)
except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "NoSuchKey":
raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(key)
raise e
temp_dir = '/home/dsxuser/.tmp'
storage_client = StorageHandler(cos_client)
for page in page_iterator:
if 'Contents' in page:
for item in page['Contents']:
key = item['Key']
r = cos_client.get_object(Bucket='gilvdata', Key=key)
data = r['Body']
preprocess_image('gilvdata', key, data, storage_client)
t1 = time.time()
print("Execution completed in {} seconds".format(t1-t0))
Business Logic Boiler plate
• Loop over all images
• Close to 100 lines of “boiler
plate” code to find the
images, read and write the
objects, etc.
• Data scientist needs to be
familiar with S3 API
• Execution time
approximately 36 minutes for
1000 images!

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Face alignment in images with Lithops
• import logging
• import os
• import sys
• import time
• import shutil
• import cv2
• from openface.align_dlib import AlignDlib
• logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
• temp_dir = '/tmp'
• def preprocess_image(bucket, key, data_stream, storage_handler):
• """
• Detect face, align and crop :param input_path. Write output to :param output_path
• :param bucket: COS bucket
• :param key: COS key (object name ) - may contain delimiters
• :param storage_handler: can be used to read / write data from / into COS
• """
• crop_dim = 180
• #print("Process bucket {} key {}".format(bucket, key))
• sys.stdout.write(".")
• # key of the form /subdir1/../subdirN/file_name
• key_components = key.split('/')
• file_name = key_components[len(key_components)-1]
• input_path = temp_dir + '/' + file_name
• if not os.path.exists(temp_dir + '/' + 'output'):
• os.makedirs(temp_dir + '/' +'output')
• output_path = temp_dir + '/' +'output/' + file_name
• with open(input_path, 'wb') as localfile:
• shutil.copyfileobj(data_stream, localfile)
• exists = os.path.isfile(temp_dir + '/' +'shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks')
• if exists:
• pass;
• else:
• res = storage_handler.get_object(bucket, 'lfw/model/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat', stream = True)
• with open(temp_dir + '/' +'shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks', 'wb') as localfile:
• shutil.copyfileobj(res, localfile)
• align_dlib = AlignDlib(temp_dir + '/' +'shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks')
• image = _process_image(input_path, crop_dim, align_dlib)
• if image is not None:
• #print('Writing processed file: {}'.format(output_path))
• cv2.imwrite(output_path, image)
• f = open(output_path, "rb")
• processed_image_path = os.path.join('output',key)
• storage_handler.put_object(bucket, processed_image_path, f)
• os.remove(output_path)
• else:
• pass;
• #print("Skipping filename: {}".format(input_path))
• os.remove(input_path)
• def _process_image(filename, crop_dim, align_dlib):
• image = None
• aligned_image = None
• image = _buffer_image(filename)
• if image is not None:
• aligned_image = _align_image(image, crop_dim, align_dlib)
• else:
• raise IOError('Error buffering image: {}'.format(filename))
• return aligned_image
• def _buffer_image(filename):
• logger.debug('Reading image: {}'.format(filename))
• image = cv2.imread(filename, )
• image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
• return image
• def _align_image(image, crop_dim, align_dlib):
• bb = align_dlib.getLargestFaceBoundingBox(image)
• aligned = align_dlib.align(crop_dim, image, bb, landmarkIndices=AlignDlib.INNER_EYES_AND_BOTTOM_LIP)
• if aligned is not None:
• aligned = cv2.cvtColor(aligned, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
• return aligned
lt = lithops.FunctionExecutor()
bucket_name = 'gilvdata/lfw/test/images'
results = lt.map_reduce(preprocess_image, bucket_name, None, None).get_result()
• Under 3 lines of “boiler plate”!
• Data scientist does not need to
use s3 API!
• Execution time is 35s
• 35 seconds as compared to 36
Business Logic Boiler plate
Demo – Color Identification of Images
• Our demo is based on the blog ”Color Identification in Images”, by Karan Bhanot
• We show how existing code from the blog can be executed at massive scale by Lithops
againt any compute backened without modifications to the original code
• Images of flowers stored in the object storage
• User wants to retrieve all images that contains “specific” color
• We demonstrate Lithops with with the backend based on K8s API
Behind the scenes
• Lithops inspects the input dataset in the object storage
• Generates DAG of the execution, mapping a single task to process a single image
• Lithops serialize user provided code, execution DAG and other internal metadata and upload all to object
• Lithops generates ConfigMap and Job Definition in Code Engine, based on the provided Docker image (or
ses default if none provided)
• Lithops submit an array job that is mapped to the generated execution DAG
• Each task contains Lithops runtime and will pull relevant entry from the execution DAG
• Once task completed, status and results are persisted in object storage
• When array job is completed, Lithops reads the results from the object storage

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The user experience
Job description
User application
Today’s state
User responsible for deployment
Configuration and management
Lithops framework
input_data = array, COS, storage, DBs, etc.
def my_func(params):
    //user software stack
results = f.get_result()
import lithops as lt
f=lt.FunctionExecutor(backend=“code_engine”), input_data, (params))
User only focus on biz/science logic
Deployment completed abstracted
Spatial metabolomics use case
This Photo by Unknown Author is
licensed under CC BY-SA
Spatial metabolomics and the Big Data challenge
• Spatial metabolomics, or detection of metabolites in cells,
tissue, and organs, is the current frontier in the field of
understanding our health and disease in particular in cancer
and immunity.
• The process generates a lot of data since every pixel in a
medical image can be considered as a sample containing
thousands of molecules and the number of pixels can reach as
high as a million thus putting as-high-as-ever requirements to
the algorithms for the data analysis.
EMBL develops novel computational biology tools to reveal
the spatial organization of metabolic processes
Scientist uploads
Provides metadata,
selects parameters,
chooses molecular
Data preparation for
parallel analytics
Screening for
analysis, sharing
METASCPASE workflow with Lithops
Completely serverless
de-centralized architecture
Optimal scale automatically
defined at run time
Backend selection optimized
for cost/performance
In the demo Lithop uses Apache OpenWhisk API

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Lithops and Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo and Lithops
• Very popular in financial sector
• Risk and uncertainty analysis
• Molecular biology
• Sport, gaming, gambling
• Weather models and many more…
Lithops is natural fit to scale Monte Carlo computations across FaaS platform
User need to write business logic and Lithops does the rest
Protein folding use

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- Treasure Data is a database as a cloud service company that collects and stores customer data beyond the cloud [1]. - It uses open source software like Fluentd and MessagePack to easily integrate and collect data from customers [2]. It also uses open source distributed systems software like Hadoop and Presto to store, process and query large amounts of customer data [3]. - As a database service, it needs to share computer resources securely for many customers. It contributes to open source to build and maintain the distributed systems software that powers its cloud database service [4].

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Protein Folding
• Proteins are biological polymers that carry out most of
the cell’s day-to-day functions.
• Protein structure leads to protein function
• Proteins are made from a linear chain of amino acids
and folded into variety of 3-D shapes
• Protein folding is a complex process
that is not yet completely understood
Replica exchange
• Monte Carlo simulations are popular methods to predict protein folding
• ProtoMol is special designed framework for molecular dynamics
• A highly parallel replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) method used to
exchange Monte Carlo process for efficient sampling
• A series of tasks (replicas) are run in parallel at various temperatures
• From time to time the configurations of neighboring tasks are exchanged
• Various HPC frameworks allows to run Protein Folding
• Depends on MPI
• VMs or dedicated HPC machines
Protein folding with Lithops
Lithops submit a job of
X invocations
each running ProtoMol
Lithops collect
results of all
REMD algorithms uses output
of invocations as an input to
the next job
Each invocation runs
ProtoMol (or GROMACS)
library to run Monte Carlo
Our experiment – 99 jobs
• Each job executes many invocations
• Each invocation runs 100 Monte Carlo steps
• Each step running 10000 Molecular Dynamic steps
• REMD exchange the results of the completed job
which used as an input to the following job
• Our approach doesn’t use MPI
“Bringing scaling transparency to Proteomics applications with serverless computing"
WoSC'20: Proceedings of the 2020 Sixth International Workshop on Serverless Computing
December 2020 Pages 55–60,
• Serverless computing provides unlimited resources and is very attractive compute platform
• The move to serveless may be challenging for certain scenarios
• Lithops is an open source framework, designed for “Push to the Cloud” experience
• We saw demos and use cases
• All material and code presented in this talk are an open source
• For more details visit
Thank you
Gil Vernik

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Mihai Nuta has over 14 years of experience developing computer systems and applications. He has extensive experience with technologies like Visual Basic, SQL, Oracle, and .NET. Currently he works as a senior programmer analyst at Xerox Corporation developing applications for General Motors, including a legal document application and tools for processing images and documents. He has strong skills in databases, web and client/server development, and software like Microsoft Office, SQL Server, and Visual Studio.

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This document provides an introduction to embedded C programming using the Keil development environment. It defines embedded systems and describes how C became the dominant programming language for embedded applications. The document outlines the basics of embedded C, including common data types, compilers versus cross compilers, and how to set up a basic project in Keil uVision. It also includes examples of simple embedded C programs to blink an LED and output the maximum value from an array to a port.

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  • 2. About myself • Gil Vernik • IBM Research from 2010 • Architect, 25+ years of development experience • Active in open source • Hybrid cloud. Big Data Engines. Serverless Twitter: @vernikgil 2
  • 3. All material and code presented in this talk are open source. Comments, suggestions or code contributions are welcome This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825184. Photos used in this presentaton by Unknown Author are licensed under CC BY-SA-NC 3
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  • 8. Serverless paradigm It doesn't mean that there are no servers it means that we don't need to worry about servers In the Serverless world, we simply “deliver” our code, software stack or workload The “serverless backend engine” will take of provisioning the server(s) and execute the code 8
  • 9. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND This way, we don’t think anywhere about servers and so the name Serverless 9
  • 10. 10
  • 11. User code with Software stack and dependencies Serverless user experience IBM Cloud Functions The more we focus on the business logic and less how to deploy and execute – so better our ‘serverless’ experience 11
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  • 14. The gap between the business logic and the boileplate code User wants to run ML algorithms on the colors extracted from images. He wrote a function that extracts colors from a single image and tested it works He now wants to run this function on millions of images, located in different storage places (cloud object storage, local CEPH, etc.) , extract all the colors and inject them into ML framework for further processing Example
  • 15. Bring the code to data or move data to code • How to run the code as close as possible to the data? Local? Cloud? Hybrid? How to collect results? • Move as less data as possible • The boiler plate code to access storage User wants to run ML algorithms on the colors extracted from images. He wrote a function that extracts color from a single image and tested it works He now wants to run this function on millions of images, located in different storage places (cloud object storage, local CEPH, etc.) , extract all the colors and inject them into ML framework for further processing 15
  • 16. The gap between the business logic and the boileplate code • How to partition input data? • How to list millions of images? • How much memory needed to process a single image assuming images of different size • How to deploy the code with dependencies • and so on… User wants to run ML algorithms on the colors extracted from images. He wrote a function that extracts color from a single image and tested it works He now wants to run this function on millions of images, located in different storage places (cloud object storage, local CEPH, etc.) , extract all the colors and inject them into ML framework for further processing 16
  • 17. Know APIs and the semantics Developers need to know vendor documentation and APIs, use CLI tools, learn how to deploy code and dependencies, how to retrieve results, etc. Each cloud vendor has it’s own API and semantics 17
  • 18. User software stack User software stack Containeriazed model is not only to run and deploy the code User software stack • How to “containerize” code or scale software components from an existing application without major disruption and without rewriting all from scratch? • How to scale the code decide the right parallelism on terabytes of data without become a systems expert in scaling the code and learn storage semantics? • How to partition input data, generate output, leverage cache if needed COS, Ceph, databases, in memory cache, etc. Software stack 18
  • 20. Push to the serverless with Lithops framework • Lithops is a novel Python framework designed to scale code or applications at massive scale, exploiting almost any execution backend platform, hybrid clouds, public clouds, etc. • A single Lithops API against any backend engine • Open source , Apache License 2.0 • Leaded by IBM Research Haifa and URV university • Can benefit to variety of use cases Serverless for more use cases The easy move to serverless 20
  • 21. Lithops to scale Python code and applications input data = array, COS, etc. def my_func(x): //business logic Lithops print (lt.get_result()) IBM Cloud Functions import lithops lt = lithops.FunctionExecutor(), input_data)) Lithops Lithops 21
  • 22. Going beyond Python Lithops print (lt.get_result()) IBM Cloud Functions import lithops lt = lithops.FunctionExecutor(), input_data)) Lithops input data = array, COS, etc. def cmd_exec(x, bucket, ibm_cos,cmd): res=, shell = True) Gromacs, Protomol, Dlib, Gdal, ffmpeg, etc. Lithops 22
  • 24. Example of Lithops to run Monte Carlo simulations 24
  • 26. More on Lithops • Truly serverless, lightweight framework, without need to deploy additional cluster on top of serverless engine. • Scales from 0 to many • Can deploy code to any compute backend and simplify hybrid use cases with a single Lithops API • Data driven with advanced data partitioner to support processing of large input datasets • Lithops can execute any native code, not limited to Python code • Hides complexity of sharing data between compute stages and supports shuffle • Fits well into workflow orchestrator frameworks 26
  • 27. User code or application Data driven flows with Lithops 27 User code or application Lithops leverage user business logic to simply the containerization process • Decides the right scale, coordinate parallel inovocations, etc. • Lithops runtime handle all accesses to the datasets, data partitionning, use cache if needed, monitor progress • Lithops runtime allows to or exchange data between serverless invocations, implements shuffle COS, Ceph, databases, in memory cache, etc. User software stack User software stack User software stack Lithops runtime Software stack Lithops client automatically deploys user’s software stack as a serverless actions Lithops runtime Lithops runtime
  • 28. What Lithops good for • Data pre-processing for ML / DL / AI Frameworks • Batch processing, UDF, ETL, HPC and Monte Carlo simulations • Embarrassingly parallel workload or problems - often the case where there is little or no dependency or need for communication between parallel tasks • Subset of map-reduce flows Input Data Results ……… Tasks 1 2 3 n 28
  • 29. Demo and use cases 29
  • 31. Serverless data pre-processing •Majority of ML / DL / AI flows requires raw data to be pre-processed before being consumed by the execution frameworks •Examples • Images persisted in the object storage. User wants to extract colors and run DL algorithms on the extracted colors • Face alignment in images is usually required as a first step before further analysis 31 MBs KBs
  • 32. Face alignment in images without Lithops • import logging • import os • import sys • import time • import shutil • import cv2 • from openface.align_dlib import AlignDlib • logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) • temp_dir = '/tmp' • def preprocess_image(bucket, key, data_stream, storage_handler): • """ • Detect face, align and crop :param input_path. Write output to :param output_path • :param bucket: COS bucket • :param key: COS key (object name ) - may contain delimiters • :param storage_handler: can be used to read / write data from / into COS • """ • crop_dim = 180 • #print("Process bucket {} key {}".format(bucket, key)) • sys.stdout.write(".") • # key of the form /subdir1/../subdirN/file_name • key_components = key.split('/') • file_name = key_components[len(key_components)-1] • input_path = temp_dir + '/' + file_name • if not os.path.exists(temp_dir + '/' + 'output'): • os.makedirs(temp_dir + '/' +'output') • output_path = temp_dir + '/' +'output/' + file_name • with open(input_path, 'wb') as localfile: • shutil.copyfileobj(data_stream, localfile) • exists = os.path.isfile(temp_dir + '/' +'shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks') • if exists: • pass; • else: • res = storage_handler.get_object(bucket, 'lfw/model/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat', stream = True) • with open(temp_dir + '/' +'shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks', 'wb') as localfile: • shutil.copyfileobj(res, localfile) • align_dlib = AlignDlib(temp_dir + '/' +'shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks') • image = _process_image(input_path, crop_dim, align_dlib) • if image is not None: • #print('Writing processed file: {}'.format(output_path)) • cv2.imwrite(output_path, image) • f = open(output_path, "rb") • processed_image_path = os.path.join('output',key) • storage_handler.put_object(bucket, processed_image_path, f) • os.remove(output_path) • else: • pass; • #print("Skipping filename: {}".format(input_path)) • os.remove(input_path) • def _process_image(filename, crop_dim, align_dlib): • image = None • aligned_image = None • image = _buffer_image(filename) • if image is not None: • aligned_image = _align_image(image, crop_dim, align_dlib) • else: • raise IOError('Error buffering image: {}'.format(filename)) • return aligned_image • def _buffer_image(filename): • logger.debug('Reading image: {}'.format(filename)) • image = cv2.imread(filename, ) • image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) • return image • def _align_image(image, crop_dim, align_dlib): • bb = align_dlib.getLargestFaceBoundingBox(image) • aligned = align_dlib.align(crop_dim, image, bb, landmarkIndices=AlignDlib.INNER_EYES_AND_BOTTOM_LIP) • if aligned is not None: • aligned = cv2.cvtColor(aligned, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) • return aligned import ibm_boto3 import ibm_botocore from ibm_botocore.client import Config from ibm_botocore.credentials import DefaultTokenManager t0 = time.time() client_config = ibm_botocore.client.Config(signature_version='oauth', max_pool_connections=200) api_key = config['ibm_cos']['api_key'] token_manager = DefaultTokenManager(api_key_id=api_key) cos_client = ibm_boto3.client('s3', token_manager=token_manager, config=client_config, endpoint_url=config['ibm_cos']['endpoint']) try: paginator = cos_client.get_paginator('list_objects_v2') page_iterator = paginator.paginate(Bucket="gilvdata", Prefix = 'lfw/test/images') print (page_iterator) except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: print(e) class StorageHandler: def __init__(self, cos_client): self.cos_client = cos_client def get_object(self, bucket_name, key, stream=False, extra_get_args={}): """ Get object from COS with a key. Throws StorageNoSuchKeyError if the given key does not exist. :param key: key of the object :return: Data of the object :rtype: str/bytes """ try: r = self.cos_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, **extra_get_args) if stream: data = r['Body'] else: data = r['Body'].read() return data except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "NoSuchKey": raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(key) else: raise e def put_object(self, bucket_name, key, data): """ Put an object in COS. Override the object if the key already exists. :param key: key of the object. :param data: data of the object :type data: str/bytes :return: None """ try: res = self.cos_client.put_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key, Body=data) status = 'OK' if res['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] == 200 else 'Error' try: log_msg='PUT Object {} size {} {}'.format(key, len(data), status) logger.debug(log_msg) except: log_msg='PUT Object {} {}'.format(key, status) logger.debug(log_msg) except ibm_botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "NoSuchKey": raise StorageNoSuchKeyError(key) else: raise e temp_dir = '/home/dsxuser/.tmp' storage_client = StorageHandler(cos_client) for page in page_iterator: if 'Contents' in page: for item in page['Contents']: key = item['Key'] r = cos_client.get_object(Bucket='gilvdata', Key=key) data = r['Body'] preprocess_image('gilvdata', key, data, storage_client) t1 = time.time() print("Execution completed in {} seconds".format(t1-t0)) Business Logic Boiler plate • Loop over all images • Close to 100 lines of “boiler plate” code to find the images, read and write the objects, etc. • Data scientist needs to be familiar with S3 API • Execution time approximately 36 minutes for 1000 images! 32
  • 33. Face alignment in images with Lithops • import logging • import os • import sys • import time • import shutil • import cv2 • from openface.align_dlib import AlignDlib • logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) • temp_dir = '/tmp' • def preprocess_image(bucket, key, data_stream, storage_handler): • """ • Detect face, align and crop :param input_path. Write output to :param output_path • :param bucket: COS bucket • :param key: COS key (object name ) - may contain delimiters • :param storage_handler: can be used to read / write data from / into COS • """ • crop_dim = 180 • #print("Process bucket {} key {}".format(bucket, key)) • sys.stdout.write(".") • # key of the form /subdir1/../subdirN/file_name • key_components = key.split('/') • file_name = key_components[len(key_components)-1] • input_path = temp_dir + '/' + file_name • if not os.path.exists(temp_dir + '/' + 'output'): • os.makedirs(temp_dir + '/' +'output') • output_path = temp_dir + '/' +'output/' + file_name • with open(input_path, 'wb') as localfile: • shutil.copyfileobj(data_stream, localfile) • exists = os.path.isfile(temp_dir + '/' +'shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks') • if exists: • pass; • else: • res = storage_handler.get_object(bucket, 'lfw/model/shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat', stream = True) • with open(temp_dir + '/' +'shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks', 'wb') as localfile: • shutil.copyfileobj(res, localfile) • align_dlib = AlignDlib(temp_dir + '/' +'shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks') • image = _process_image(input_path, crop_dim, align_dlib) • if image is not None: • #print('Writing processed file: {}'.format(output_path)) • cv2.imwrite(output_path, image) • f = open(output_path, "rb") • processed_image_path = os.path.join('output',key) • storage_handler.put_object(bucket, processed_image_path, f) • os.remove(output_path) • else: • pass; • #print("Skipping filename: {}".format(input_path)) • os.remove(input_path) • def _process_image(filename, crop_dim, align_dlib): • image = None • aligned_image = None • image = _buffer_image(filename) • if image is not None: • aligned_image = _align_image(image, crop_dim, align_dlib) • else: • raise IOError('Error buffering image: {}'.format(filename)) • return aligned_image • def _buffer_image(filename): • logger.debug('Reading image: {}'.format(filename)) • image = cv2.imread(filename, ) • image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) • return image • def _align_image(image, crop_dim, align_dlib): • bb = align_dlib.getLargestFaceBoundingBox(image) • aligned = align_dlib.align(crop_dim, image, bb, landmarkIndices=AlignDlib.INNER_EYES_AND_BOTTOM_LIP) • if aligned is not None: • aligned = cv2.cvtColor(aligned, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) • return aligned lt = lithops.FunctionExecutor() bucket_name = 'gilvdata/lfw/test/images' results = lt.map_reduce(preprocess_image, bucket_name, None, None).get_result() • Under 3 lines of “boiler plate”! • Data scientist does not need to use s3 API! • Execution time is 35s • 35 seconds as compared to 36 minutes! 33 Business Logic Boiler plate
  • 34. Demo – Color Identification of Images • Our demo is based on the blog ”Color Identification in Images”, by Karan Bhanot • We show how existing code from the blog can be executed at massive scale by Lithops againt any compute backened without modifications to the original code • Images of flowers stored in the object storage • User wants to retrieve all images that contains “specific” color • We demonstrate Lithops with with the backend based on K8s API 34
  • 35. 35
  • 36. Behind the scenes • Lithops inspects the input dataset in the object storage • Generates DAG of the execution, mapping a single task to process a single image • Lithops serialize user provided code, execution DAG and other internal metadata and upload all to object storage • Lithops generates ConfigMap and Job Definition in Code Engine, based on the provided Docker image (or ses default if none provided) • Lithops submit an array job that is mapped to the generated execution DAG • Each task contains Lithops runtime and will pull relevant entry from the execution DAG • Once task completed, status and results are persisted in object storage • When array job is completed, Lithops reads the results from the object storage 36
  • 37. The user experience Kubernetes deployment definitions Job description Coordination User application Today’s state User responsible for deployment Configuration and management Lithops framework input_data = array, COS, storage, DBs, etc. def my_func(params):     //user software stack results = f.get_result() import lithops as lt f=lt.FunctionExecutor(backend=“code_engine”), input_data, (params)) User only focus on biz/science logic Deployment completed abstracted 37
  • 38. Spatial metabolomics use case This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA 38
  • 39. Spatial metabolomics and the Big Data challenge • Spatial metabolomics, or detection of metabolites in cells, tissue, and organs, is the current frontier in the field of understanding our health and disease in particular in cancer and immunity. • The process generates a lot of data since every pixel in a medical image can be considered as a sample containing thousands of molecules and the number of pixels can reach as high as a million thus putting as-high-as-ever requirements to the algorithms for the data analysis. EMBL develops novel computational biology tools to reveal the spatial organization of metabolic processes 39
  • 40. 40 Scientist uploads dataset (1GB-1TB) Provides metadata, selects parameters, chooses molecular DB Data preparation for parallel analytics Screening for molecules Molecular visualization, analysis, sharing METASCPASE workflow with Lithops Completely serverless de-centralized architecture Optimal scale automatically defined at run time Backend selection optimized for cost/performance In the demo Lithop uses Apache OpenWhisk API
  • 41. Lithops and Monte Carlo simulations 41
  • 42. Monte Carlo and Lithops • Very popular in financial sector • Risk and uncertainty analysis • Molecular biology • Sport, gaming, gambling • Weather models and many more… Lithops is natural fit to scale Monte Carlo computations across FaaS platform User need to write business logic and Lithops does the rest 42
  • 43. 43
  • 45. Protein Folding 45 • Proteins are biological polymers that carry out most of the cell’s day-to-day functions. • Protein structure leads to protein function • Proteins are made from a linear chain of amino acids and folded into variety of 3-D shapes • Protein folding is a complex process that is not yet completely understood
  • 46. Replica exchange • Monte Carlo simulations are popular methods to predict protein folding • ProtoMol is special designed framework for molecular dynamics • • A highly parallel replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD) method used to exchange Monte Carlo process for efficient sampling • A series of tasks (replicas) are run in parallel at various temperatures • From time to time the configurations of neighboring tasks are exchanged • Various HPC frameworks allows to run Protein Folding • Depends on MPI • VMs or dedicated HPC machines 46
  • 47. Protein folding with Lithops 47 Lithops submit a job of X invocations each running ProtoMol Lithops collect results of all invocations REMD algorithms uses output of invocations as an input to the next job Each invocation runs ProtoMol (or GROMACS) library to run Monte Carlo simulations * Our experiment – 99 jobs • Each job executes many invocations • Each invocation runs 100 Monte Carlo steps • Each step running 10000 Molecular Dynamic steps • REMD exchange the results of the completed job which used as an input to the following job • Our approach doesn’t use MPI “Bringing scaling transparency to Proteomics applications with serverless computing" WoSC'20: Proceedings of the 2020 Sixth International Workshop on Serverless Computing December 2020 Pages 55–60,
  • 48. Summary • Serverless computing provides unlimited resources and is very attractive compute platform • The move to serveless may be challenging for certain scenarios • Lithops is an open source framework, designed for “Push to the Cloud” experience • We saw demos and use cases • All material and code presented in this talk are an open source • For more details visit Thank you Gil Vernik 48