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Prepared by:
Mona M. Abd El-Rahman.
QC Engineer at Ibtikar Technologies Co.
Part 1
Test cases for effective testing - part 1
A test case has components that
describes an input, action or event and an
expected response, to determine if a feature of
an application is working correctly.
Test cases for effective testing - part 1

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defect tracking and management
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defect tracking and management

The document discusses defect tracking and management. It provides details on defect identification, reporting, tracking, resolution and using defect information to improve processes. A recommended structure is given for defect reports, including title, description, steps to reproduce, actual and expected results. Examples of a defect report and tracking sheet in Excel are also shown. The defect management process involves executing tests, logging discrepancies, reviewing with developers, assigning defects, retesting after fixes, and closing defects when resolved.

So you think you can write a test case
So you think you can write a test caseSo you think you can write a test case
So you think you can write a test case

This document provides guidance on writing effective test cases. It discusses that test cases are documentation that guide testing and serve as a record. Key components of a test case are test steps that provide clear instructions to testers, and expected results that describe how to verify the outcome. The document also outlines best practices like starting test case design after exploring the application, using clear and specific language, and providing supplemental materials like test data sheets to support testing. Maintaining test cases is important as applications evolve, requiring test cases to be revised as needed to continue supporting products.

test managementpnsqctest case
 Which features have been tested/ will be tested
 How many user scenarios/ use cases have been
 How many features are stable?
 Which features need more work?
 Are sufficient input combinations exercised?
 Does the app give out correct error messages if
the user does not use it the way it was intended
to be used?
 Does the app respond to the various browser
specific functions as it should?
 Does the UI conform to the specifications?
 Are the features traceable to the requirement
spec? Have all of them been covered?
 Are the user scenarios traceable to the use case
document? Have all of them been covered?
 Can these tests be used as an input to
 Are the tests good enough? Are they finding
 Is software ready to ship? Is testing enough?
 What is the quality of the application?
Approaches of writing test cases:
 Function: Test each function/ feature in isolation.
 Domain : Test by partitioning different sets of values.
 Specification based: Test against published specifications.
 Risk based: Imagine a way in which a program could fail and
then design tests to check whether the program will actually

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Test plan
Test planTest plan
Test plan

This document presents a test plan for version 1.0 of the IIT official website. It outlines the test items, features to be tested, approach, environment, responsibilities, and schedule. The test items include the website and its modules like achievements, gallery, news, programs, batches, courses, faculty, exams, results, groups, profile, documents, attendance, projects, calendar, and alumni. Features to be tested include adding, modifying, and viewing albums in the gallery module. The test plan follows IEEE 829 standards and will test the website on different client platforms.

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Test Cases Maintaining & Documenting
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Test Cases Maintaining & Documenting

The document discusses test case design and components. It defines a test case as a set of test inputs, execution conditions and expected results to exercise a program path or verify a requirement. Test cases have three main components - inputs, outputs and execution order. The document also discusses advantages of effective test cases such as higher probability of detecting defects and delivering higher quality software. It describes black box and white box testing approaches and provides tips for writing good test cases and prioritizing test cases.

Testing methodology
Testing methodologyTesting methodology
Testing methodology

This document provides an overview of software testing and the testing process. It discusses: - The purpose of testing is to find errors and ensure software meets requirements. - The testing process includes test planning, analysis and design, execution, evaluation and reporting. - Key methodologies like unit, integration, system and acceptance testing are explained. - Regression testing is described as important for ensuring changes don't break existing functionality. - The roles of different teams in the testing process and the goals at each testing level are outlined.

 Scenario/ use case based: Based on actors/ users and a set of
actions they are likely to perform in real life.
 Exploratory: the tester actively controls the design of tests as
those tests are performed and uses information gained while
testing to design new and better test.
 User: Tests done by users.
Approaches (Cont’d)
Test cases for effective testing - part 1
 Understand the requirements well.
( while writing test cases do not assume any
requirements by your own. Raise the question which
is not clear in requirement or requirements are
misleading or incomplete. )
 Prior to design the test cases figure out all
features of application.
 Ensure that test case should cover all functionality
mention in requirement document.
- Checklists.
- Traceability Metrix.
 Generic test cases should be collected & combine
together in test suite.

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Test case techniques
Test case techniquesTest case techniques
Test case techniques

This is the presentation describing different techniques used to write test cases for software testing. You can have overview with detailed example for test case techniques. After reading this, You'll able to assume which technique can be more useful to you software testing.

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Test Case Naming 02
Test Case Naming 02Test Case Naming 02
Test Case Naming 02

This document discusses test case naming conventions and strategies. It argues that test cases should be named after the product they test rather than the requirements or project, since those may change over time. The naming should follow a hierarchy that indicates the element being tested, such as the menu, group, icon, and option. This provides context and helps identify what is being tested. Well-named test cases can guide understanding of the system without needing additional documentation. The document provides examples of test case names for Microsoft PowerPoint and Google applications that follow this recommended hierarchical convention.

Manual Testing.
Manual Testing.Manual Testing.
Manual Testing.

The document contains responses to questions about software testing terms and concepts. Key points discussed include: - Cyclomatic complexity is a white box testing type that analyzes the complexity of code. - Monkey testing tests software without test cases by randomly interacting with screens and inputs to find bugs. - Severity refers to a bug's seriousness while priority refers to which bug should be fixed first. - A login screen bug example is provided where severity is low but priority is high due to usability issues. - System testing is a type of black box testing that tests the full application and includes functionality, regression, and performance testing.

 Testing Priority should be assign to each test
(Select the Test case priority depending upon how important
the test case is for that Feature, component or the product).
 Test cases should be simple and easy to
 Input data for test cases is very important part
in testing, your test cases should validate
range of input data.
 You should concentrate on real life scenarios
first which end user going to use day to day
life activity and accordingly test cases should
be prepare.
 Every test case may or may not have defect
linked but each defect should have test case
 Test case id.
 Test case title.
 Summary.
 Pre-conditions and test data.
 Test case steps.
 Test case expected results.
Test case format:
 Test case title should start with Upper Case.
 Each step should start with Upper Case.
 Use parameter’s names as it is instead of using
generic names.
 Start with module name then write the title.
Ex. Login – Error message must be displayed
when user inserts a wrong password.
 Use must/ would instead of should/ may.
Test case naming convention:

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The document discusses test cases, defects (bugs), and bug reports. It provides definitions and examples of test cases, their purpose and components. Examples of test management tools and test-driven development are also presented. Defects and what constitutes a good bug report are defined. The importance of collaboration between testers and developers is emphasized.

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A presentation on software testing importance , types, and levels,... This presentation contains videos, it may be unplayable on slideshare and need to download

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Test cases for effective testing - part 1
Image Upload Functionality
Activity 1:
Sending Emails
Activity 2:
Search/ Filter
Activity 3:

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Bug reporting and tracking
Bug reporting and trackingBug reporting and tracking
Bug reporting and tracking

The document discusses defect reporting and tracking. It defines a software bug and explains that once a tester identifies a defect, they generate a formal defect report. The report includes information like a unique ID, project name, summary, steps to reproduce, actual and expected results. A bug goes through different statuses in its lifecycle from new to closed. Developers analyze and fix bugs, while testers verify fixes and may reopen bugs. Bug tracking systems help teams manage large numbers of defects by keeping track of key details for each bug report.

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A brief that includes the following: - Software Testing - Quality Assurance - Quality Control - Types of Testing - Levels of Software Testing - Types of Performance Testing - API - Verification & Validation - Test Plan & Testing Strategy - Agile & Waterfall - Software Development Life Cycle - Career Path

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Test case writing
Test case writingTest case writing
Test case writing

Test cases are documents that contain test data, preconditions, test steps, expected results, and postconditions to verify a specific requirement. They provide a starting point for test execution and leave the system in a defined state. Good test cases are accurate, economical, traceable, repeatable, reusable, simple, objective, relevant, avoid duplication and dependency. Test cases should be written based on requirements documents and cover both positive and negative scenarios using clear language. An ideal test case includes an ID, use case ID, test objective, preconditions, test data, test steps, expected results, actual results, cycle, date, tester, status, severity, and resolution status.

quality assurancesqatest case
Activity 4:
Export PDF
Activity 5:
Different time zones
Activity 6:
For any questions, feel free to contact me

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The document provides guidance on writing effective bug reports to help ensure bugs get fixed. Key points include: 1) Bug reports should be reproducible, specific, and assign a unique identifier. 2) Clearly specify steps to reproduce the bug, expected results, and actual results. 3) Use a standardized template to maintain consistency and provide necessary details about the bug.

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software testing is necessary to make sure the product or application is defect free, as per customer specifications. Software testing identifies fault whose removal increases the software Quality and Increases the software reliability.Testing effort is directly proportional to the complexity of the program.

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Test cases for effective testing - part 1

  • 1. Prepared by: Mona M. Abd El-Rahman. QC Engineer at Ibtikar Technologies Co. Part 1
  • 3. A test case has components that describes an input, action or event and an expected response, to determine if a feature of an application is working correctly.
  • 5.  Which features have been tested/ will be tested eventually?  How many user scenarios/ use cases have been executed?  How many features are stable?  Which features need more work?  Are sufficient input combinations exercised?
  • 6.  Does the app give out correct error messages if the user does not use it the way it was intended to be used?  Does the app respond to the various browser specific functions as it should?  Does the UI conform to the specifications?  Are the features traceable to the requirement spec? Have all of them been covered?
  • 7.  Are the user scenarios traceable to the use case document? Have all of them been covered?  Can these tests be used as an input to automation?  Are the tests good enough? Are they finding defects?  Is software ready to ship? Is testing enough?  What is the quality of the application?
  • 8. Approaches of writing test cases:  Function: Test each function/ feature in isolation.  Domain : Test by partitioning different sets of values.  Specification based: Test against published specifications.  Risk based: Imagine a way in which a program could fail and then design tests to check whether the program will actually fail.
  • 9.  Scenario/ use case based: Based on actors/ users and a set of actions they are likely to perform in real life.  Exploratory: the tester actively controls the design of tests as those tests are performed and uses information gained while testing to design new and better test.  User: Tests done by users. Approaches (Cont’d)
  • 11.  Understand the requirements well. ( while writing test cases do not assume any requirements by your own. Raise the question which is not clear in requirement or requirements are misleading or incomplete. )  Prior to design the test cases figure out all features of application.
  • 12.  Ensure that test case should cover all functionality mention in requirement document. - Checklists. - Traceability Metrix.  Generic test cases should be collected & combine together in test suite.
  • 13.  Testing Priority should be assign to each test case. (Select the Test case priority depending upon how important the test case is for that Feature, component or the product).  Test cases should be simple and easy to understand.  Input data for test cases is very important part in testing, your test cases should validate range of input data.
  • 14.  You should concentrate on real life scenarios first which end user going to use day to day life activity and accordingly test cases should be prepare.  Every test case may or may not have defect linked but each defect should have test case linked.
  • 15.  Test case id.  Test case title.  Summary.  Pre-conditions and test data.  Test case steps.  Test case expected results. Test case format:
  • 16.  Test case title should start with Upper Case.  Each step should start with Upper Case.  Use parameter’s names as it is instead of using generic names.  Start with module name then write the title. Ex. Login – Error message must be displayed when user inserts a wrong password.  Use must/ would instead of should/ may. Test case naming convention:
  • 24. For any questions, feel free to contact me