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The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
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The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss

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Web Design for SEO
Web Design for SEOWeb Design for SEO
Web Design for SEO

This document provides tips for designing websites with SEO in mind. It discusses using personas and keyword research to understand user intent. The information architecture and content strategy should be mapped to semantic groups and keyword opportunities. Technical implementation includes ensuring images have alt text for accessibility, using responsive designs and standard meta data. Case studies demonstrate how this approach improved rankings and conversions for clients.

Digital Body Language
Digital Body Language  Digital Body Language
Digital Body Language

Mike King's MozCon presentation about implicit user signals and how to use them to determine a user's digital body language and do better marketing.

user experiencedigital body languagemarketing
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEOInbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO
Inbound 2017: Back to Our Roots with Technical SEO

Historically, SEO was a very technical discipline. Over time, that shifted as Strategists began touting the death of SEO and claiming all you need is great content. Today, SEO is going back to those technical roots. From simple data markup to more complex proprietary technologies like AMP; now more than ever SEOs & marketers have to be technical masters. Learn why it's important to embrace these technical roots, what technologies we should be learning now, and how to stay ahead of the curve.

seotechnical seoinbound
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss

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SEO: Same as it Ever Was
SEO: Same as it Ever WasSEO: Same as it Ever Was
SEO: Same as it Ever Was

Michael King gives a presentation on the state of SEO. He argues that despite technological advances by Google, the fundamentals of SEO have not changed - clients still do not implement recommendations fully and do not understand good link building. He outlines four problems with SEO: lack of a single source of truth, measuring the wrong metrics, ineffective business cases, and inability to keep up technically. He provides solutions such as measuring outcomes over opportunities and building cases through keyword research tied to consumer insights. King urges SEOs to improve pitches and technical skills like entity extraction to keep up with Google.

The Pragmatic Future of Search
The Pragmatic Future of SearchThe Pragmatic Future of Search
The Pragmatic Future of Search

The document discusses the future of search and how businesses can capitalize on emerging search opportunities. It outlines that search is becoming more predictive, personalized and conversational through technologies like Google Assistant. It recommends that businesses create targeted, utility-driven content for specific audiences and contexts, use structured data to trigger featured snippets, ensure mobile-friendliness, integrate search marketing channels, and use tools like Google Search Console to measure search performance.

seosearch engine optimizationfuture
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Emily Grossman | Mobile Jedi Mind Tricks: Master the...
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Emily Grossman | Mobile Jedi Mind Tricks: Master the...SearchLove Boston 2016 | Emily Grossman | Mobile Jedi Mind Tricks: Master the...
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Emily Grossman | Mobile Jedi Mind Tricks: Master the...

May the mobile force be with you! There have been some big changes in mobile SEO, and the tactics that helped you yesterday may be as useless as a Stormtrooper’s blaster tomorrow. Instead, tap into the secret and subversive force of mobile marketing. From app indexing to mobile-friendliness, to predictive search and AMP, this session will explain the new skills that are required to be a mobile marketing hero.

marketingdigital marketingmobile marketing
Outreach Specialist 
Pitchboxallows you the effectively turn your link building efforts into a process or an assembly line with very few people that specialize. You can effectively send thousands of first touch emails per week.
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss

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TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO
TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEOTechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO
TechSEO Boost 2018: The Statelessness of Technical SEO

Is there a state of technical SEO? Or is it simply a function of what’s happening with tech in broader disciplines like data/analytics, digital marketing, and web development? Join this session to get Mike King’s take on the state, or rather, statelessness of technical SEO. He’ll share the things you need to know to build an authentic picture of your technical SEO program and get on Google’s level.

technical seoseosearch engine optimization
Knowledge Graphs and Rich Snippets - Pubcon 2016 - Carrie Hill
Knowledge Graphs and Rich Snippets - Pubcon 2016 - Carrie HillKnowledge Graphs and Rich Snippets - Pubcon 2016 - Carrie Hill
Knowledge Graphs and Rich Snippets - Pubcon 2016 - Carrie Hill

My presentation from Pubcon 2016 - Rich Snippets and Knowledge Graphs. jSON-ld or Schema or both? How to get involved with the Schema working group & more.

schemaknowledge graphjson-ld
How Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam Gent
How Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam GentHow Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam Gent
How Agile Technical SEO Can Add Value To Your SEO Campaign, by Adam Gent

Google is constantly evolving and a webmaster’s ability to react to changes is key to any successful SEO campaign. However, what happens when you can’t get technical SEO recommendations over the line? This slideshow focuses on how you can be more Agile and implement technical SEO recommendations that add value.

digital marketingsearch engine optimizationsearch marketing
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss

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SearchLove Boston 2016 | Larry Kim | Hacking RankBrain: Four Strategies You’l...
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Larry Kim | Hacking RankBrain: Four Strategies You’l...SearchLove Boston 2016 | Larry Kim | Hacking RankBrain: Four Strategies You’l...
SearchLove Boston 2016 | Larry Kim | Hacking RankBrain: Four Strategies You’l...

RankBrain debuted last year as Google's third most weighted ranking signal and is currently leveraged for obscure long tail queries. However as RankBrain is perfected and refined, it will likely be used on more queries and weighted more heavily, and even displace links and on-page SEO factors as Google’s #1 SEO ranking factor in the distant future: SEO judgement day. This session will reverse engineer how RankBrain actually works, exposing four critical vulnerabilities and share unusual, yet completely white-hat ways to benefit from future Rankbrain updates. The biggest SEO ranking factor shift of all time is underway, moving away from links and keywords towards Rankbrain user engagement signals. Attend this session if you want your rankings to live. Join the resistance today!

SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index
SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First IndexSEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index
SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index

Google will switch to a mobile 1st index in 2018. This means a HUGE opportunity for anyone in digital. SEO, CRO, UX professionals can drive performance gains for clients by making sure this work is on the schedule NOW!

seotechnical seousability
Searchlove London 2016 - The Changing Landscape of Mobile Search - Bridget Ra...
Searchlove London 2016 - The Changing Landscape of Mobile Search - Bridget Ra...Searchlove London 2016 - The Changing Landscape of Mobile Search - Bridget Ra...
Searchlove London 2016 - The Changing Landscape of Mobile Search - Bridget Ra...

Mobile is becoming an increasingly important traffic channel, and given recent developments like app indexation and AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), as well as the addition of new types of devices like wearables and smart tech, understanding how it fits into the bigger search marketing picture is more crucial than ever. This session will take a look at the history of mobile search, how mobile search behaviour has impacted on desktop search, the growing significance of app content and developments such as AMP and app streaming within the search marketing landscape, and some thoughts on where the future of search is heading.

mobile trendssearch engine optimizationmobile search
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss

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Duplicate Content Myths Types and Ways To Make It Work For You
Duplicate Content Myths Types and Ways To Make It Work For YouDuplicate Content Myths Types and Ways To Make It Work For You
Duplicate Content Myths Types and Ways To Make It Work For You

The document discusses different types of duplicate content that can exist on websites, including perfect duplicates, near duplicates, partial duplicates, and content inclusion. It explains that search engines like Google have developed techniques to detect and handle different types of duplicate content differently. For example, perfect duplicates are filtered out before being indexed, while near duplicates or those with different URLs but similar text (DUST) may be indexed but not crawled as frequently to save resources. The document also discusses challenges around detecting different types of duplicate content and how search engines aim to return the most relevant result from a cluster of near-duplicate pages for a given query.

seosearch marketingcontent marketing
10 Smart & Easy LinkedIn Background Images
10 Smart & Easy LinkedIn Background Images10 Smart & Easy LinkedIn Background Images
10 Smart & Easy LinkedIn Background Images

Make your LinkedIn profile pop to viewers with a background image that tells your career story. This presentation gives you 10 thematic ideas for your background. They're all quick and easy to implement. Each theme is illustrated with an inexpensive photo downloaded from Canva and properly sized for LinkedIn. You can see a brief companion video on how to use Canva here: Use Canva to Make a LinkedIn Background Image (w/VIDEO) From Donna Svei, Executive Resume Writer

profilecareerjob search
Major Keys to Video Content Strategy
Major Keys to Video Content StrategyMajor Keys to Video Content Strategy
Major Keys to Video Content Strategy

This document provides a summary of key strategies for effective video content marketing. It emphasizes the importance of defining goals, understanding audiences through personas, researching appropriate channels, testing concepts, and gaining buy-in from stakeholders. Specific tips include using paid media to test videos, focusing on viewer engagement over views, aligning content with the user journey, and presenting ideas through compelling business cases backed by data and stories. The overall message is that success requires a holistic content strategy rather than isolated tactics.

The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss

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TechSEO Boost 2017: Working Smarter: SEO Automation to Increase Efficiency & ...
TechSEO Boost 2017: Working Smarter: SEO Automation to Increase Efficiency & ...TechSEO Boost 2017: Working Smarter: SEO Automation to Increase Efficiency & ...
TechSEO Boost 2017: Working Smarter: SEO Automation to Increase Efficiency & ...

In today’s always-on world our “to do” lists never seem to shrink. Fortunately, when it comes to SEO there are ways to work faster AND better. One sure-fire way to increase efficiency and effectiveness is automation. Join Catalyst’s Paul Shapiro as he discusses specific ways to use automation to deliver better results in less time. You’ll leave with an understanding of how automation technology can simplify technical SEO processes. Audiences will learn how to: • Leverage SQL databases to automatically collect data from Google search console over time • Automate keyword research with an open-source tool called KNIME • Use programming concepts, such as regex for data extraction, and work with APIs to enhance your data analysis • Implement data visualization strategies to quickly recognize critical patterns and trends

marketingtechnical seosearch engine optimization
Pubcon Vegas Session - WordPress Site Security Audits
Pubcon Vegas  Session - WordPress Site Security AuditsPubcon Vegas  Session - WordPress Site Security Audits
Pubcon Vegas Session - WordPress Site Security Audits

WordPress is used by 25-30% of websites but faces security risks. Hackers target WordPress sites to install malware, spam, or steal information. The top reasons WordPress sites get hacked are outdated software, themes, and plugins. Site owners can reduce risks by limiting access, using security plugins, regularly updating WordPress and plugins, choosing secure hosting, and strengthening login protections.

Actionable Data-Driven Personas for CRO
Actionable Data-Driven Personas for CROActionable Data-Driven Personas for CRO
Actionable Data-Driven Personas for CRO

The document discusses various methods for segmenting audiences and developing personas, including: - Using demographic and behavioral data from tools like Nielsen and Experian to identify segments - Interviewing and surveying users to understand their needs and behaviors - Analyzing site usage data and user profiles to learn how different user types engage - Developing archetypal user personas with names, profiles, and quotes to represent segments The key goal is to understand the different types of users in order to create targeted messaging and content that meets their distinct needs.

personasipullranknew york
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss

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The Technical SEO Renaissance
The Technical SEO RenaissanceThe Technical SEO Renaissance
The Technical SEO Renaissance

This document provides a summary of Michael King's presentation on the technical SEO renaissance. It discusses how SEO has evolved over time from basic tricks to a more technical focus as search engines have advanced. Key points include the growing importance of JavaScript, single page applications, HTTP headers, log file analysis, headless browsing, scraping techniques, content optimization using entities, internal linking structures, page speed optimizations, and preloading directives. The presentation argues that technical skills are now essential for SEOs to understand new developments and effectively optimize websites.

technical marketingseoadvanced seo
Storytelling By Numbers
Storytelling By NumbersStorytelling By Numbers
Storytelling By Numbers

The document contains code snippets demonstrating basic PHP syntax including variables, arrays, conditional statements, loops and functions. It also shows examples of including external files, making API requests, and writing/reading CSV files. The code retrieves tweet count data from Twitter APIs and writes it to a CSV alongside URL data from another file.

data visualizationphpmarketing
Persona Driven Keyword Research
Persona Driven Keyword ResearchPersona Driven Keyword Research
Persona Driven Keyword Research

The document discusses keyword research and strategies for understanding user intent. It provides tips for mapping keywords to user journeys and personas to gain deeper insights. Various tools for keyword research are also mentioned, including APIs that can be used to gather additional data without coding. Pivot charts and other visualizations are suggested to analyze keyword opportunities based on metrics like search volume and difficulty.

content marketingpersonaskeyword research
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
Offer Value

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Seo Structure August 2012
Seo Structure August 2012Seo Structure August 2012
Seo Structure August 2012

The document discusses the components of an SEO structure. It outlines that SEO requires a long-term strategic plan to specify how to translate search strategy into execution. It also discusses pre-implementation status checks including on-page and off-page analysis as well as technical and social media audits. Finally, it discusses using web analytics tools like Google Analytics and Insights to measure the success of SEO efforts through metrics like organic clicks, impressions, and user behavior.

seo structureseo
Scaling Quality v1.3
Scaling Quality v1.3Scaling Quality v1.3
Scaling Quality v1.3

This document provides guidance on creating high quality content at scale for marketing success. It emphasizes the importance of content strategy and understanding audiences. Various tools are recommended for content planning, research, creation and measurement to ensure content meets audience needs and drives business goals. Resources like surveys, public data sets, and freelance platforms can be leveraged to develop audience insights and create compelling content.

content strategycontent marketingscale
Digital Team Structure: The Foundation for Innovation
Digital Team Structure: The Foundation for InnovationDigital Team Structure: The Foundation for Innovation
Digital Team Structure: The Foundation for Innovation

The document summarizes research on digital teams at non-profit organizations. It finds that most digital teams are small (1-2 people), located in communications departments, and rely heavily on contractors. Top roles include social media, strategy, and content production. Teams manage many online properties and social media channels but lack necessary staffing and skills. While social media efforts are considered effective, digital programs overall are only somewhat effective and underfunded. However, most organizations plan to increase digital spending next year, indicating recognition of the importance of digital.

michael silbermanntennptech
Scale Incentives
Offer Incentives After Action

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Keeping Up With SEO in 2017 & Beyond
Keeping Up With SEO in 2017 & BeyondKeeping Up With SEO in 2017 & Beyond
Keeping Up With SEO in 2017 & Beyond

This document summarizes Rand Fishkin's presentation on how marketers can keep up with Google in 2017 and beyond. It discusses 5 key things marketers must do: 1) diversify traffic sources to reduce reliance on Google, 2) create a scalable link building strategy with decreasing friction, 3) use searcher intent and changing SERP features to break through Google's results, 4) evolve keyword targeting to match Google's sophistication, and 5) focus on searcher engagement which may be a new key ranking factor. The presentation explores how Google is increasingly using machine learning and user data in its algorithms.

web marketingmozseo
SMX London - Tools for Pulling Rank
SMX London - Tools for Pulling RankSMX London - Tools for Pulling Rank
SMX London - Tools for Pulling Rank

This document provides a summary of various SEO, analytics, and content marketing tools recommended by Michael King, Director of Inbound Marketing. It includes tools for keyword research, link building, content ideas, on-page analysis, competitive analysis, link data sources, visualizing data, and managing multiple blogs. King emphasizes that while tools are useful, creativity and imagination are also important. The document encourages following King on Twitter @iPullRank to learn more about digital marketing tools and strategies.

seo toolssmx londonsmx
The Open Commerce Conference - Premature Optimisation: The Root of All Evil
The Open Commerce Conference - Premature Optimisation: The Root of All EvilThe Open Commerce Conference - Premature Optimisation: The Root of All Evil
The Open Commerce Conference - Premature Optimisation: The Root of All Evil

This is the talk I presented in NYC at the Spree Conference. It's about how we may be making bad decisions out of blindly following misleading pitches. To avoid it, we just need to go back to the basics of CS: Don't optimize prematurely. Here's how.

computer sciencee-commercespree
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss

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Atmosphere Conference 2015: The 10 Myths of DevOps
Atmosphere Conference 2015: The 10 Myths of DevOpsAtmosphere Conference 2015: The 10 Myths of DevOps
Atmosphere Conference 2015: The 10 Myths of DevOps

Speaker: Seth Vargo Language: English Although not officially coined until 2009, DevOps ideals have been explicitly discussed since at least 2006. Recently, however, the term "DevOps" has gained increasing popularity across a variety of fields and industries. DevOps is not a development methodology or technology; DevOps is an ideology. It is a way to facilitate organizational prosperity and growth while increasing each individual employee's happiness along the way. As DevOps has gained in prominence, a gap has been created between the original definition of DevOps and this new "enterprise-ready" buzzword. For organizations beginning DevOps practices, this talk will provide a 10,000ft view of DevOps and how you can properly implement DevOps practices in your organization. For organizations that are currently practicing DevOps, this talk will cover common pitfalls, ways to sustain a happy culture, and new tips to foster organizational prosperity. Visit our website:

atmosphere conferencedevopsmyths
Cqrs api v2
Cqrs api v2Cqrs api v2
Cqrs api v2

The document discusses approaches to designing REST APIs, including CRUD and Commanding patterns. CRUD uses standard HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE on resource URLs to perform basic operations. Commanding adds verbs as endpoints to initiate actions on resources. For example, POST /barns/11/reroof to trigger roof repair. It recommends separating commands from queries using CQRS and following DDD principles to model the domain accurately in the API.

Double the Collaboration Value of Confluence - Ben Mackie
Double the Collaboration Value of Confluence - Ben MackieDouble the Collaboration Value of Confluence - Ben Mackie
Double the Collaboration Value of Confluence - Ben Mackie

Do you want to learn how to double the value of Confluence in your organization and become a collaboration superhero? Get an overview of how Confluence can be extended through add-ons, integrations and APIs, enabled by the Confluence platform and Atlassian Connect.

integrationsatlassiansummit 2014
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss

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WordPress and Google Analytics: Websites, Blogs, and Analytics Made Simple(r)...
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WordPress and Google Analytics: Websites, Blogs, and Analytics Made Simple(r)...

WordPress and Google Analytics: Websites, Blogs, and Analytics Made Simple(r) by Natasha Murphy and Adrienne Brown

WordPress and Google Analytics: Websites, Blogs, and Analytics Made Simple(r)...
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WordPress and Google Analytics: Websites, Blogs, and Analytics Made Simple(r)...

WordPress and Google Analytics: Websites, Blogs, and Analytics Made Simple(r) by Natasha Murphy and Adrienne Brown

How We Make Apps And Services
How We Make Apps And ServicesHow We Make Apps And Services
How We Make Apps And Services

The document discusses techniques for developing minimum viable products (MVPs) and continuously testing and improving apps, services, and ideas. It recommends brainstorming critical features, prototyping an MVP focused on viability, and using A/B testing both during and after development to improve conversions and user experience over time. An example is given of an augmented reality app called Chatterbucks that was successfully launched in 4 weeks using these techniques instead of 6-12 months for a more fully-featured initial version.


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Architecting DevOps Ready Application
Architecting DevOps Ready Application Architecting DevOps Ready Application
Architecting DevOps Ready Application

The document discusses architecting applications for DevOps. It begins by describing traditional monolithic architectures and their limitations in scaling. It then introduces microservices as an alternative architecture that is more modular, independent, and scalable. The key advantages of microservices like ease of deployment, reliability, and scalability are discussed. The document provides guidance on designing microservices to be independent, have separate data stores, and use containers. It argues that microservices and DevOps principles like continuous integration/delivery work well together by simplifying deployment and maintenance. The document concludes by discussing how microservice architectures can better handle sudden traffic surges using DevOps tools and cloud platforms.

automationdoppa17agile testing alliance
Oracle Fusion - Core HR - Manager Experience
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Oracle Fusion - Core HR - Manager Experience

The document outlines a demo for Oracle HCM Cloud from the perspective of a manager named Robert Jackman. The demo will show Robert reviewing his team's organization, talent, compensation, and attrition risk. It will also demonstrate how Robert prepares workforce remodeling by transferring or terminating employees. Finally, the demo will show Robert reviewing his own personal information.

oracle fusion - core hr - mana
Establishing an Open Source Program Office
Establishing an Open Source Program OfficeEstablishing an Open Source Program Office
Establishing an Open Source Program Office

The document discusses establishing an open source program office. It covers why companies create open source program offices, including increased awareness, influence, compliance, and development velocity. It discusses the prominence of open source in software innovation and outlines key benefits and strategies for an open source program office, including consumption, compliance, contribution, community engagement, and competition considerations. It also covers the role of an open source program office and challenges in establishing one.

open sourceprogram officeopen source office

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How to Drive Maximum Value from Your Intelligence Function
How to Drive Maximum Value from Your Intelligence FunctionHow to Drive Maximum Value from Your Intelligence Function
How to Drive Maximum Value from Your Intelligence Function

This document summarizes a webinar on driving maximum value from an intelligence function. The webinar will feature speakers Kurt Hahlbeck and JP Ratajczak and provide an overview of a framework using a model, capabilities, services, and platforms to implement an intelligence function. The webinar will discuss aligning services to organizational value, balancing services through iteration, and maturing the function over time to overcome potential inhibitors.

competitive intelligencebusiness intelligence
The Double Check - Leveraging Microsoft Best Practices for Information Govern...
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The Double Check - Leveraging Microsoft Best Practices for Information Govern...

“Rogue IT” decisions within your team or organization can diminish your Office 365 governance and processes. Heather takes you through research on why “Rogue IT” happens and shares resources for planning and executing an end user adoption and governance strategy that will transform how your team uses Office 365.

microsoftoffice 365governance
#HR HACKING - Recruiting officers, such hackers
#HR HACKING - Recruiting officers, such hackers#HR HACKING - Recruiting officers, such hackers
#HR HACKING - Recruiting officers, such hackers

[Growth Hacking] : Mix of techniques aims at rapidly developing your business on a limited budget. If so-called "growth hacking" methods applied to HR seem to be the preserve of startups, large corporations are also embracing them. Even if they were born within young organizations - first to recruit developers - these methods are spreading. Today, François Truong, Change Maker at FABERNOVEL INSTITUTE, shares his 6 recipes to hack the hiring process and get the best talents. To be continued...


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Christoph C. Cemper: Improve your rankings with internal link building and no...
Christoph C. Cemper: Improve your rankings with internal link building and no...Christoph C. Cemper: Improve your rankings with internal link building and no...
Christoph C. Cemper: Improve your rankings with internal link building and no...

This document discusses the importance of internal link building and provides tips for improving internal linking strategies. It notes that internal links are often underutilized and can help distribute rankings across pages more effectively. It encourages linking to "money phrases" that are relevant keywords people search for rather than generic explanatory text. Examples of websites like Linkdetox and BrightonSEO are given that could improve their internal linking. Tools like the Link Checker and Link Detox Smart are also promoted.

Content Strategy 101
Content Strategy 101Content Strategy 101
Content Strategy 101

This document summarizes a presentation on content strategy. It discusses why organizations need a content strategy and how to advocate for one within an organization. It also covers how to audit existing content, create templates and style guides, and establish basic governance processes to maintain quality content over time. The goal is to provide attendees with practical advice and tools for developing a successful content strategy.

midwestuxworkshopcontent strategy
Scaling Quality: How to Make Remarkable content at scale for marketing sucess
Scaling Quality: How to Make Remarkable content at scale for marketing sucessScaling Quality: How to Make Remarkable content at scale for marketing sucess
Scaling Quality: How to Make Remarkable content at scale for marketing sucess

This document discusses how to create quality content at scale for marketing success. It provides tips for developing a content strategy that focuses on understanding audiences, diversifying content types, tying content to key performance indicators, and planning content creation through tools. It also offers resources for finding content ideas, collecting data, outsourcing content production, and creating content in-house. An example is provided of how to quickly make an interactive scrolling element using basic coding skills. In closing, the creator promotes their company iAcquire for executing full-scale content strategies and solutions.

digital marketingid2013

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Email Marketing Statistics, Quotes and Tips Shared by Brands via #pallab_slides
Email Marketing Statistics, Quotes and Tips Shared by Brands via #pallab_slidesEmail Marketing Statistics, Quotes and Tips Shared by Brands via #pallab_slides
Email Marketing Statistics, Quotes and Tips Shared by Brands via #pallab_slides

Email Marketing statistics, quotes, analysis, and best practice tips shared by brands. Via @SlideShare presented by #Pallab Kakoti // #Pallab_Slides // @kingdevil Action! Crafted Welcome mails Mobility Responsive Designs Capture User Attention Drive User Intent Curate Mailer Content Analyze User Profiles Target Audience Interest Visuals Capture Faster Engage Mobile and Be Social Extend Warm Impression Track User Visit Data Respect User Privacy Add Videos to Emails 40X Use Email to Convert Perks Improve Click through Rates Value Content to Engage Hash Dash AGNC offers digital marketing services for brands, start-ups & companies including UI/UX designs for websites, emails & social campaigns. Hash Dash AGNC offers digital marketing services for brands, start-ups & companies including UI/UX designs for websites, emails & social campaigns. Background Image Credits: Slides By: Ⓟ⍱⌈⌉⍲Ⓑ 《Å《∅〶⑂ // #Pallab Kakoti // #Pallab_Slides Pallab Kakoti // #Pallab Hashtag #plbkkt on FB, TW, G+ for more. You can also visit,,,,,,,

mailer campaigns best practicesemail marketing statisticsmailer marketing tips & analysis
Δουλειά για το Production Pipeline TD στον Καναδά
Δουλειά για το Production Pipeline TD στον ΚαναδάΔουλειά για το Production Pipeline TD στον Καναδά
Δουλειά για το Production Pipeline TD στον Καναδά

Δουλειά για το Production Pipeline TD στον Καναδά Δουλειά για το Production Pipeline TD στον Καναδά Με πάνω από 200 εκατομμύρια συνδρομητές που απολαμβάνουν εξαιρετικό περιεχόμενο σε περισσότερες από 190 χώρες, είναι μια συναρπαστική στιγμή να εργαστείς στο Netflix.

δουλειά για
Api pain points
Api pain pointsApi pain points
Api pain points

This document discusses various API design patterns and best practices. It covers topics such as endpoint naming conventions, HTTP status codes, authentication strategies, testing, versioning, and more. The overall message is that APIs should be well-architected, consistent, flexible and fully tested to provide the best experience for developers.

How Search Marketers should think about link building moving forward. 
How You ShouldThink About This
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss

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Core Web Vitals and Your Search Rankings
Core Web Vitals and Your Search Rankings Core Web Vitals and Your Search Rankings
Core Web Vitals and Your Search Rankings

This document discusses Core Web Vitals and their importance to search engine rankings. It begins by introducing Core Web Vitals and their measurement metrics. It then explains how page speed has long been a ranking factor for Google, especially on mobile. The document dives into details on each Core Web Vital metric and how sites can optimize to improve scores. It also summarizes a study that found the vast majority of sites had poor Core Web Vitals scores prior to the Page Experience update rollout. The document stresses the importance of page speed and stability to users and search engines.

seoseo servicesadvanced seo
Using Tags & Taxonomies to super charge your eCommerce SEO
Using Tags & Taxonomies to super charge your eCommerce SEOUsing Tags & Taxonomies to super charge your eCommerce SEO
Using Tags & Taxonomies to super charge your eCommerce SEO

Using tags and taxonomies can supercharge ecommerce SEO. Properly labeling products and categorizing them allows for (1) better targeting of long-tail keywords, (2) improved internal linking to distribute PageRank, and (3) helping Google's crawlers discover content more efficiently. Key recommendations include designing three-level categorization for products and using tags to link diverse products. Automating recommendations and dynamic linking based on tags and attributes can further boost performance.

seoseo servicesadvanced seo
Building the content machine
Building the content machine Building the content machine
Building the content machine

A discussion of how to build content pipelines and workflows in support of Content Strategy that yields better Content Marketing

content strategycontent marketingseo
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
The Thin Line Between Seth Godin & Neil Strauss
Varied and Integrated Tactics 
Branded Email Address 
Visibility into analytics 

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iPullRank Webinar - Automated Testing For SEO With Hamlet Batista
iPullRank Webinar - Automated Testing For SEO With Hamlet BatistaiPullRank Webinar - Automated Testing For SEO With Hamlet Batista
iPullRank Webinar - Automated Testing For SEO With Hamlet Batista

Welcome to iPullRank's Webinar featuring Hamlet Batista to discuss the topic "Automated Testing for SEO." With so many cooks in the kitchen on any development project, it’s incredibly difficult as an SEO to know everything that is going on to troubleshoot what could go wrong. Automated Testing is a way to put some safeguards in place so that if anything new in your code is rolled out, it doesn’t break something that previously existed in the code, like some previous functionality or something to that effect. In this webinar, we will be touching on important topics such as: -- What is automated testing and why is it important -- The different types of automated testing -- Different automated testing tools -- Expert insights by Mike & Hamlet Signup for our expert newsletter here:

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iPullRank Webinar - Forecasting and Calculating ROI for SEO
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Aligning value to SEO starts with calculating the return on investment, or ROI. By taking the cost of investment into account, it’s easier to calculate the impact SEO efforts make on the bottom line. In this webinar, we will be diving into why it's important to forecast and calculate ROI for SEO, and how to do so. Because calculating ROI for SEO isn’t as simple as it is for other marketing channels, it’s normal for businesses to value alternative marketing efforts over SEO. Important topics we will be covering include: -- The Importance of ROI for SEO -- How to Forecast SEO ROI -- How to Measure SEO Performance -- How to Calculate SEO ROI

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The COVID-19 pandemic changed e-commerce and consumer behavior for good, and businesses need to adapt to these changes in order to stay competitive. In this webinar, we will be diving into the changes within the e-commerce space and how brands should prepare for Black Friday and the upcoming holiday season. Raj Nijjer, VP of Brand Marketing at one of the most successful e-commerce marketing platform, Yotpo, will be joining us to provide valuable insights on how to better approach Black Friday SEO. In this webinar, we will be touching base on topics such as: -- Predicting the Holiday Season -- How the pandemic will impact brick and mortar stores -- Will we see a big increase in online sales compared to the start of the pandemic? -- and MORE Signup for our expert newsletter here:

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Earned Media 
Making What People Want 
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We specialize in building websites and content that generate more money through Owned, Earned and Paid channels.

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This document provides a summary of marketing implications and opportunities in the age of COVID-19. It discusses how the pandemic has impacted various stakeholders like producers, consumers, and marketing channels. Key points include supply chain disruptions, rising unemployment, changes in consumer behaviors like increased time spent online and shift to video content. It also outlines how brands should change their approach by focusing on search and video, addressing consumer concerns, and creating COVID-19 response content. The document emphasizes the need to audit current strategies and pivot content to focus on providing value to customers during this time.


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