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2010 STKI

   Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
        Research Fellow
Is this innovation ????

“innovation ”


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Charlie Fink (XR Consultant, Forbes): Convergence
Charlie Fink (XR Consultant, Forbes): ConvergenceCharlie Fink (XR Consultant, Forbes): Convergence
Charlie Fink (XR Consultant, Forbes): Convergence

A talk from the Main Stage at AWE USA 2019 - the World's #1 XR Conference & Expo in Santa Clara, California May 29-31, 2019. Charlie Fink (XR Consultant, Forbes): Convergence This is a historic moment. We are on the cusp of a new generation of mobile computing. Latency-free 5G broadband networks, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies will converge in the next five years to change the world as we know it. Our devices will change dramatically and change us in ways no one can fully predict. Convergence tells the story of Augmented Reality, a new technology that’s seeping into every smartphone and every workplace. But the smartphone is just the beginning. We will soon wonder how we put up with its miserable form for so long. In this presentation of key ideas from his new book, author and Forbes columnist Charlie Fink will discuss how the convergence will lead to head-worn, interoperable AR/VR glasses and, ultimately, to wearable, invisible, computing. The book uses a kind of AR called "marker AR," to allow readers to use their smartphone to bring pages to life in surprising and entertaining ways to illustrate how the world, and everyone it, will be painted with data. More than a book about technology, this is about an evolutionary change in humankind.

augmented realityvirtual realityawe2019
Entertainment Architectures 2011
Entertainment Architectures 2011Entertainment Architectures 2011
Entertainment Architectures 2011

This is the presentation I gave at the International Informix Users (IIUG) group in 2011. The presentation gives an introduction and overview of the architectures used in interactive entertainment (Online Games, social, MMO). I regret having to remove discussions covering video production, and video delivery, as well as CDN. Time did not allow, and those topics were not of as much interest to the audience.

AWE USA 2019: AR Cloud: Promises and pitfalls
AWE USA 2019: AR Cloud: Promises and pitfallsAWE USA 2019: AR Cloud: Promises and pitfalls
AWE USA 2019: AR Cloud: Promises and pitfalls

A talk from the Developer Track at AWE USA 2019 - the World's #1 XR Conference & Expo in Santa Clara, California May 29-31, 2019. AWE USA 2019: AR Cloud: Promises and pitfalls Jason Fox | Microsoft Jan-Erik Vinje | Open AR Cloud In this talk Jan-Erik will present his vision of how AR Cloud tecnology can enable a digital upgrade of our shared physical reality and how that holds the promise of enhansing every aspect of our digital lives you can imagine and beyond. The AR industry needs this technology to be able to realize what futurist and sci-fi authors have been envisioning for the last few decades and what the speaker himself has been dreaming of since his teenage years. On the flip side of the great potential that AR Cloud holds for good, there is also the real risk of falling into "Black Mirror" scenarios. If we are careless about this technology things might descend towards a digital prison rather than a digital upgrade. Already we see how Shenzhen, China is using exponential technology to monitor and track every person everywhere - the invasiveness of this practice will become much worse if or when the authorities deploy AR-Cloud technology. Towards the end of his talk, Jan-Erik will also say a few words about how Open AR Cloud is bringing together people from all over the world to build an open and interoperable spatial computing ecosystem for the benefit of all. By bringing together the best minds we have a fighting chance to avoid the pitfalls and usher in a great new era!

augmented realityvirtual realityawe2019
Sometimes the “crash” is …..

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer : CES keynote speech 6/1/2010

-"The fact of the matter is, this is not
 a downturn, this is a bit of a reset”-
What do we carry in our pockets ?

Virtually free and unlimited:
              bandwidth and storage

• Storage and bandwidth: are
  improving performance and
  cost efficiency even faster than
  processor speed is .

• The marginal cost is falling to          wired

  practically zero.


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6 Disruptive Trends in Lighting for the Next Decade
6 Disruptive Trends in Lighting for the Next Decade6 Disruptive Trends in Lighting for the Next Decade
6 Disruptive Trends in Lighting for the Next Decade

6 Disruptive Trends in Lighting for the Next Decade. Brad Koerner from Cima joins the Memoori Smart Building Series to discuss the disruptive waves of innovation that will impact Lighting during the next decade.

led lightinghuman-centric lightingcima

1) Japan has rapidly adopted new mobile technologies like mobile wallets, with over 35 million users, driven by promotions, coupons and games. 2) Virtual 3D communities and QR code integration show how mobile is enhancing commerce and communication. 3) Both Japan and Finland modernized from non-technological countries pre-WW2 to become dominant in mobile adoption in the last decade, with lessons to be learned from Nokia's fall.

Future of Retail
Future of RetailFuture of Retail
Future of Retail

Presentation on the future of retail which I gave at InRetail. Talking about: The third industrial revolution: World of DIY/P2P World of the Makers World of Personal Technology

retail innovationp2pwearables
Cheap fast storage/bandwidth
Growth: Digital Agenda
Broadband related growth (innovation)
will be the big differentiator in 2010-2012

Wired : 9/2010

Consumer Cloud Applications

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L17 Algorithms and AI
L17 Algorithms and AIL17 Algorithms and AI
L17 Algorithms and AI

After the computing industry got started, a new problem quickly emerged. How do you operate this machines and how to you program them. The development of operating systems was relatively slow compared to the advances in hardware. First system were primitive but slowly got better as demand for computing power increased. The ideas of the Graphical User Interfaces or GUI (Gooey) go back to Doug Engelbarts Demo of the Century. However, this did not have much impact on the computer industry. One company though, Xerox, a photocopy company explored these ideas with Palo Alto Park. Steve Jobs of Apple and Bill Gates of Microsoft took notice and Apple introduced first Apple Lisa and the Macintosh. In this lecture on we look so lessons for the development of software, and see how our business theories apply. In this lecture on we look so lessons for the development of algorithms or software, and see how our business theories apply. In the second part we look at where software is going, namely Artificial Intelligence. Resent developments in AI are causing an AI boom and new AI application are coming all the time. We look at machine learning and deep learning to get an understanding of the current trends.

new technologyreykjavik university
Yuri Van Geest - Exponential Organizations
Yuri Van Geest - Exponential OrganizationsYuri Van Geest - Exponential Organizations
Yuri Van Geest - Exponential Organizations

Yuri van Geest is the author of Exponential Organizations and initiator and founding CEO of Singularity University NL. The document discusses exponential technologies like AI, robotics, biotech, computing and their ability to accelerate capabilities while reducing costs. It defines exponential organizations as those whose impact is disproportionately large, at least 10x, compared to peers through use of new organizational techniques leveraging exponential technologies. Examples provided include GitHub, Xiaomi, and Haier, organized around principles like autonomy, community engagement, and experimentation. Strategies are discussed for how corporations can create their own exponential organizations.

Sapura sherman
Sapura shermanSapura sherman
Sapura sherman

The document discusses the growing popularity of mobile tablets and smartphones, and how they are replacing desktop computers. It provides examples of companies that have created successful marketing content and apps for tablets. Key points mentioned include that over 20% of businesses plan to purchase tablets for employees in Q2 2012, and that tablets offer advantages like low printing costs and intuitive touch interfaces for marketing.

mobile phonesocial media
Cheap fast storage/bandwidth

Companies 2011: Engaging and influencing

         CRM 1.0                           CRM 2.0
Managing individual customers   Managing influencers and ‘tribes’
When will we have “Industrial Information” Machines ?
       It takes time not only for people to adopt
      technologies into their daily routines but also
       for technologists to figure out how to make

                                     33 years

                                                        The Austin 7 was produced
                                                        from 1922 through to 1939
The Karl Benz Patent Motorwagen 1885,.                   by the Austin Motor Company.


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L15 Augmented and Virtual Reality
L15 Augmented and Virtual RealityL15 Augmented and Virtual Reality
L15 Augmented and Virtual Reality

The normal interaction with computers is with keyboard and a mouse. For display a rectangular somewhat small screen is used with 2D windowing systems. The mouse was invented more the 40 years ago and has been for 20 years dominant input. Now we are seeing new types of input devices. Multi-touch adds new dimensions and new applications. Natural user interfaces or gesture interfaces where people point to drag objects. Computers are also beginning to recognise facial expressions of people, so it knows if you are smiling. Voice and natural language understanding is getting to a usable stage. All this calls all types of new applications. Displays are getting bigger. What if any surface was a screen? If you could spray the wall with screen? Or have you phone project images to the wall. This lectures explores some of these new types of interactions with computers and software. It makes the old mouse look old.

new technologyreykjavik university
Internet of things
Internet of thingsInternet of things
Internet of things

"We’re no longer telling objects what to do and why – now, they sense, respond without our direction. Right now we are in the perfect storm for the Internet of Things with accessible robotics, affordable sensors, wireless communications, object tagging, and easy broadband access."

Exponential design
Exponential designExponential design
Exponential design

A little bit autobiographic deck, that tells how the Design -pushed by technology acceleration- in evolving faster we might expect, becoming more human-centric than ever. “Design isn't just about shapes or pixels anymore. Design is the process that shapes product behaviors, communiRes, companies and builds new worlds.” "We are the consequence of the technologies we use." Infuse HUMANITY into everything (or everything will evolve without it)

ai is the future of ittechnologies are shaping uscultural acceptability
Internet of things:

   SPEED                 SCALE            SENSORS SOFTWARE
Infinite bandwidth     Unprecedented      New kinds of data   Cloud applications
and going for real-   processing power
     time data        and storage sizes r

                                           Always connected
                                              Easy to use

What happenned
• Consumerization of
  technology (user demand)      • Hardware
• Social Networks                  – Cool chips
• Cloud Applications               – Memory/storage
  – Standard                       – Batteries
  – Easy to use                 • Broadband
  – Business Model                 – Cellular Networks
     • No license                  – Wi-Fi
     • Pay per use

The BIG problem : complexity


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Digital Transformation in the Post-smartphone Age
Digital Transformation in the Post-smartphone AgeDigital Transformation in the Post-smartphone Age
Digital Transformation in the Post-smartphone Age

The smartphone has completely changed how people communicate, collaborate, discover, shop and do all sorts of things. This always-on device is in order of magnitude more powerful than the biggest computers in the 60s and now we carry it with us wherever we go. Smartphones combined with cloud technologies and real-time algorithms, are moving us to a transformation phase as software algorithms will transform traditional businesses be it in retail, banking, construction, education and so on. We are entering times of great disruption. Presentation at Nýherji's AI conference 18.10.2016

digital transformationai
Products And Platforms In The Age Of Communities
Products And Platforms In The Age Of CommunitiesProducts And Platforms In The Age Of Communities
Products And Platforms In The Age Of Communities

A very straighforward presentation about how all stages of product lifecyle are being platformized for greater community interaction. Presentated at Hub Day conference in Paris on June 2014.

Becoming an exponential organization in an Age of Disruption
Becoming an exponential organization in an Age of DisruptionBecoming an exponential organization in an Age of Disruption
Becoming an exponential organization in an Age of Disruption

Any company designed for success in the 20th century is doomed to failure in the 21st. It used to take 20 years to make a billion-dollar company – Slack took 8 months. An Exponential Organization (ExO) is one whose impact is at least 10X larger compared to its peers because of the use of new organizational techniques that leverage emerging technologies. Let's take a look at the key attributes of a 10X company and the steps to retrofit your organization for exponential growth.

technologyfuturebusiness model
The solution

1. Simplifies technology and
   “cost” model (ie: salesforce)
2. Will decide what technologies
   will enter his roadmap and
3. Will design a specific man
   machine interface
4. Whole ecosystem will grow
   around him (ie: apple)
Examples: Oracle, Microsoft,
IBM, SAP and Android/google

Decision on “curator”as marriage

Or religion


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Digital Disruptions Presentation
Digital Disruptions PresentationDigital Disruptions Presentation
Digital Disruptions Presentation

The document discusses various ways in which digital technologies are disrupting businesses and society. It describes how the internet and computer revolutions have led to a networked information economy. Key aspects of digital disruption include information and goods becoming digitized and manipulatable, the rise of non-proprietary and participatory production/sharing, and an increasing role for experiences over tangible products. The document also examines new realities blending physical and virtual worlds, the growing power of social media, and different industries being transformed through new digital platforms.

CIO Summit | MILAN 2013 Infographic
CIO Summit | MILAN 2013 InfographicCIO Summit | MILAN 2013 Infographic
CIO Summit | MILAN 2013 Infographic

This infographic highlights topics that 25 CIOs from 12 countries discussed around Cloud, Big Data, and Trusted IT at the EMC CIO Summit | MILAN 2013.

by EMC
cio summitem
Startup Ecosystem in Shanghai
Startup Ecosystem in ShanghaiStartup Ecosystem in Shanghai
Startup Ecosystem in Shanghai

This document discusses what entrepreneurs need to succeed, including vision, partners and team, and funding. It provides resources for finding partners online and offline, shared office spaces, accelerators, and crowdfunding options. The overall message is that entrepreneurs need a clear vision, strong team, and access to funding and workspaces, and lists local resources available in Shanghai to help entrepreneurs build their businesses.

– 24 X 7 connectivity
– Application based appliance (peer to peer)
   •   Application market is self service
   •   Applications are standard and easy to install
   •   Applications have the same MMI
   •   Part/all of the application is in the cloud
– Appliance is ultra-portable, Wi-Fi and 3G-4G
– Security / tokens

NO .. NO

5th Generation Of Computing
  1970s      1980s     1990s   Today    2010+
Autocratic Personal:   Web:    SOA:    Curated:
5th Generation Of Computing
  1970s      1980s     1990s   Today    2010+
Autocratic Personal:   Web:    SOA:    Curated:

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Process Excellence Week Europe
Process Excellence Week EuropeProcess Excellence Week Europe
Process Excellence Week Europe

One Week, One community: Shaping the future for Business Process Excellence & Performance! Introducing one week and one combined approach to Business Process Excellence and Performance enhancement. Unlike 10 years ago, Lean, Six Sigma, BPM, along with all the historical quality and operational improvement approaches can no longer sit in silos. After the last few years of turmoil, businesses are once again looking to results – to performance, change and generating meaningful business opportunities and growth. Gone are the days where the tools were the be all and end all of Business Process Excellence. Now a new landscape is emerging placing Business Process Excellence as one of the key enablers to complete business transformation and revenue generation. For more information about the Week, please visit, email or call +44 (0)207 368 9300

project managementprocess excellencesix sigma
Identifying researchers
Identifying researchersIdentifying researchers
Identifying researchers

This document discusses how People Australia, a database of identities, can be used to identify researchers. It describes how external systems like the Australian Women's Archives Project and the NicNames toolkit can harvest and submit identity records to People Australia using OAI-PMH and search it using SRU. This allows the enrichment of records in other systems with identity information from People Australia.

Ecommerce in Southeast Asia (November 2015) by Ardent Capital CEO Adrian Vanzyl
Ecommerce in Southeast Asia (November 2015) by Ardent Capital CEO Adrian VanzylEcommerce in Southeast Asia (November 2015) by Ardent Capital CEO Adrian Vanzyl
Ecommerce in Southeast Asia (November 2015) by Ardent Capital CEO Adrian Vanzyl

Dr. Adrian Vanzyl, CEO of one Southeast Asia's top VC firms, Ardent Capital, explains why Southeast Asia is the hottest market in the world for ecommerce. Complete with statistics and key insights, this presentation is the most recent (June 2015) analysis of the Southeast Asian market and was pitched to leading financial executives at the UBS Conference in November 2015 in Singapore. Topics: - Data and Macro Trends - Recent Movements in the Markets - Growth and Opportunities

venture capitalvcecommerce
MEGAtrends: curated computing

Disruptive Innovations

Winners and losers: who now?

                          15 billion ARM
                           based chips
                          shipped to date


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Iran Mobile Transactions (USSD) Statistics
Iran Mobile Transactions (USSD) Statistics Iran Mobile Transactions (USSD) Statistics
Iran Mobile Transactions (USSD) Statistics

This report from the Central Bank of Iran provides statistics on mobile transactions in Iran for the years 1393 and 1394 (March 2015 to March 2017) in the Iranian calendar. Some key findings include: - The total amount of mobile transactions in 1394 was 9.7 million dollars, an increase of 98% from 1393. - The number of mobile transactions in 1394 was 4.2 million, an increase of 18% from 1393. - There were on average 1,650 mobile payment gateways with transactions per month in 1394, an 83% increase from 1393.

market sizemarket researchmarket report
Ppt efsi
Ppt efsiPpt efsi
Ppt efsi

reliabilita uji homogrnitas normalitas
IoT Startup State of The Union 2016--Wing Venture Capital
IoT Startup State of The Union 2016--Wing Venture CapitalIoT Startup State of The Union 2016--Wing Venture Capital
IoT Startup State of The Union 2016--Wing Venture Capital

At Wing, we have spent the past few months researching the state of the Internet of Things startup ecosystem. This presentation summarizes some of our initial high-level findings. An accompanying commentary can be found at

Like an old phone   changed form        adopted its own form



        Unsocial is a new application
      that connects users with business
        people in their proximity that
             they need to meet.
        It doesn’t care about any
             of your friends.
            It’s focused on all the
           people you don’t know
             but probably should


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Lexcomply - Compliance Management Solutions
Lexcomply - Compliance Management SolutionsLexcomply - Compliance Management Solutions
Lexcomply - Compliance Management Solutions

We are leading GRC technology solutions provider offering Compliance Management, Internal Financial Control & Litigation management solutions. In current regulatory framework an SME has to report ~ 3000+ compliance under ~90+ Central & State Acts applicable on them; complexities increase with size. “” enables organizations to plan, report, monitor and execute its compliances with updates on any changes in acts governing them.

The next 10 years in Fintech
The next 10 years in Fintech The next 10 years in Fintech
The next 10 years in Fintech

Philippe Gelis, CEO & Co-Founder of Kantox, talking about the next 10 years in Fintech; A new co-petitive eco-system starts emerging within the financial sector

philippe geliskantoxfintech
Adieu la console, bonjour le smartphone !
Adieu la console, bonjour le smartphone ! Adieu la console, bonjour le smartphone !
Adieu la console, bonjour le smartphone !

Enquête ethnographique pour comprendre la migration des jeux console sur smartphone et l'expansion de ce nouveau marché. Par Guillaume Duarte-Lopez & Théo Lootvoet

Context Application: Zipcar

In Context :Transparent Price

Farmville Game on Facebook
• It‟s free but you can buy goods to enhance
  the experience:
  – 800.000 tractors „sold‟ every single day
• A team of 35 Developers release new virtual
  items into FarmVille twice a week
• 65 Million+ users without any advertising; 1.2
  Million users per day
• Parent company Zynga makes est. $500M /
  Year and has 600+ employees


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Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus Top Ten New Laws for 2017
Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus Top Ten New Laws for 2017Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus Top Ten New Laws for 2017
Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus Top Ten New Laws for 2017

Each year we publish a list of the most interesting new laws set to take effect on January 1. Here is this year's list.

Changing the landscape of Load Testing with Open Source Projects of JMeter an...
Changing the landscape of Load Testing with Open Source Projects of JMeter an...Changing the landscape of Load Testing with Open Source Projects of JMeter an...
Changing the landscape of Load Testing with Open Source Projects of JMeter an...

This document summarizes a presentation about how open source tools have disrupted the load testing landscape. It discusses how JMeter, an open source load testing tool, has enabled enterprises to migrate from proprietary tools like LoadRunner to more cost efficient open source alternatives. It describes how features of JMeter, independent contributions to JMeter plugins, and extensions have improved JMeter's capabilities and driven more corporations to adopt open source load testing. The presenter provides examples of how they extended JMeter to create new testing features and integrations, demonstrating how open source tools can evolve through community contributions.

ca world 16 continuous deliveryca world 16continuous delivery
Karl marx y agusto comte mapa conceptual
Karl marx y agusto comte mapa conceptualKarl marx y agusto comte mapa conceptual
Karl marx y agusto comte mapa conceptual

Este documento presenta información sobre Karl Marx y Augusto Comte, dos de los principales artífices de la sociología actual. Resume las contribuciones de cada uno, incluyendo que Comte quería establecer la sociología como una ciencia positiva y que Marx aplicó un enfoque dialéctico para estudiar las relaciones sociales en el mundo material. También explica que Marx ofreció una teoría de la alineación arraigada en la estructura social capitalista y que su objetivo era la emancipación de la humanidad de dicha sociedad.

If looks could kill

New client ? 1 or more ?


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Tarea diaa informatico
Tarea diaa informaticoTarea diaa informatico
Tarea diaa informatico

La informática metadocumental y metadecisional estudia el manejo óptimo de la información jurídica en formato escrito o electrónico, implicando la recolección, procesamiento, análisis, archivo, resguardo y recuperación de información contenida en legislación, jurisprudencias y doctrinas. La informática metadecisional estudia el manejo de información jurídica inteligente contenida en sistemas jurídicos expertos o de inteligencia artificial capaces de emitir o inducir decisiones jurídicas.

Delitos contra la propiedad
Delitos contra la propiedadDelitos contra la propiedad
Delitos contra la propiedad

El documento resume los delitos contra la propiedad de la estafa, la apropiación indebida y sus diferentes tipos. La estafa se define como obtener un provecho injusto mediante engaño e inducir a error. Requiere intención de lucro y causa perjuicio patrimonial. La apropiación indebida implica apropiarse de bienes ajenos que estaban bajo su custodia. Incluye tipos como la apropiación calificada para profesionales o por depósito necesario.

delito contra la propiedad
[메조미디어] 2017년 미디어트렌드리포트
[메조미디어] 2017년 미디어트렌드리포트[메조미디어] 2017년 미디어트렌드리포트
[메조미디어] 2017년 미디어트렌드리포트

2016 Media Keyword - 2016년 "Mobile Only"의 시대를 경험하다. 2017 Core Trend Keyword - 2017년 디지털 광고업계 종사자들이 뽑은 트렌드 키워드 2017 Mobile All - 2017년 "모든 미디어 중심에는 모바일이 있다" 1. 모바일 영상으로 변모하는 미디어 콘텐츠 - TV 프로그램의 모바일화 : TV 방송사들이 모바일 콘텐츠 전용 제작 채널 보유, 서비스 오픈 - 모바일 최적화 광고 : 기존 TV, 온라인 광고가 모바일 환경에 최적화 된 광고 상품으로 진화함 - V커머스 : TV 홈쇼핑과 온라인 커머스가 모바일 영상화 된 ‘V 커머스’ 탄생 2. 모바일 결제와 O2O 서비스 시너지 창출 - 모바일 결제 현황 : 다양한 간편결제 서비스가 출시되고, 업체 간 경쟁적인 마케팅을 진행하면서 간편결제 이용경험의 비중이 높게 나타남 - 오프라인 시너지 창출 : O2O 사업의 지속적인 오프라인 진출 및 확장으로 인해 모바일 결제의 비중이 점차 증대되는 추세. 앞으로의 시너지가 기대됨 3. 데이터 기반 광고 플랫폼 도입 확산 - 애드테크의 본격화 : 모바일 광고의 성장, 매체의 다변화 등 디지털 환경변화에 따른 애드테크의 본격화 - 페이스북, 구글 광고 약진 : 글로벌 플랫폼 사업자인 페이스북, 구글 등이 모바일 기반의 프로그래매틱 광고 시장을 선도함 - 국내 도입 확산 : 모바일 시장의 지속적인 성장과 글로벌 사업자들의 약진으로 데이터에 기반한 광고 플랫폼 시장이 본격 확산될 것으로 전망 4. Live 영상 플랫폼 활용 증가 - 라이브 영상 현황 : 'Live’ 기능을 강화한 영상 플랫폼이 확산되고, 메신저 및 VR 등의 기능들까지 접목되어 더 적극적인 활용이 예상됨 - 다양한 라이브 영상 : 미디어 및 엔터 분야의 셀럽들이 라이브 영상을 활용한 콘텐츠 제작해 소통을 강화함 - 에이전시 및 마케터 대부분이 실시간 스트리밍 동영상 광고에 투자한다는 글로벌 조사 5. 생활플랫폼으로 확대되는 모바일 메신저 - 이미 메신저는 모바일 시대를 대표하는 주요한 의사소통 수단으로 정착함 - 다양한 영역의 서비스로 확장되며 생활 플랫폼으로 진화 중 6. 콘텐츠 중신 마케팅 확산 - Multi Use Multi Platform : 특정 플랫폼에 종속되지 않는 경쟁력 있는 콘텐츠의 제작 - 콘텐츠 마케팅 믹스 : 콘텐츠의 힘을 활용한 마케팅과 타겟팅이 더욱 활성화 될 것으로 전망 7. TV와 경계가 희미해지는 동영상 소비 - 동영상으로 소비되는 TV : 모바일을 통한 TV 콘텐츠의 시청 및 증가 - TV로 보는 모바일 영상 : IPTV 내 콘텐츠 채널 편성, 앱/OTT 활용한 온라인 콘텐츠의 TV 수신 확대 등...

모바일트렌드모바일 분석자료동영상 광고
What is Amazon ?

“Man is the creator of change in this world.
  As such he should be above systems and
  structures, and not subordinate to them.”

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Dr Jimmy Schwarzkopf Keynote @STKI Summit 2011
Dr Jimmy Schwarzkopf  Keynote @STKI Summit 2011Dr Jimmy Schwarzkopf  Keynote @STKI Summit 2011
Dr Jimmy Schwarzkopf Keynote @STKI Summit 2011

The document discusses several technological game changers for 2011-2012: 1. The role of the CIO will change to focus more on business technology and innovation rather than just IT support. 2. Consumerization of IT will continue as mobility and cloud applications become more prevalent. Knowledge workers will be "always on" using a variety of personal and enterprise applications. 3. Strategies will shift from technology-focused to business process-focused, recognizing that technology alone does not drive business value. The document argues these changes will significantly impact how individuals and enterprises use and manage technology over the next few years.

stki summit 2011
Everything is changing in IT
Everything is changing in IT Everything is changing in IT
Everything is changing in IT

Consumerized and Social IT; XaaS "everything-as-a-service" ; New IT service acquisition and consumption models, Lean IT, cloud (bunker) models; charge-back; App Internet  ; context-aware mobile devices that interact with each other and our enterprises; users are shifting ; Big Data

consumerizationxaaslean it
Curated Computing
Curated Computing Curated Computing
Curated Computing

Curated Computing -- a mode of computing in which choice is constrained to deliver more relevant, less complex experiences COMPLEXITY

iPad: content consumption

Citrix   FREE


Oracle BI FREE


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CIS13: Dealing with Our App-Centric Future
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CIS13: Dealing with Our App-Centric Future

Dan Levin, Chief Operating Officer, Box Computing in the enterprise is moving rapidly into a device-independent, app-centric world. This will drive tremendous change in future enterprise IT architectures. If the average knowledge worker uses four different devices, likely running several different OS’s, all of our historical models of enterprise computing must shift. One of those major changes will be the development of something akin to a meta-operating system—a device and app-independent mechanism for dealing with identity, permissions and content.

Javanowandfuture Chihuahua
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Javanowandfuture Chihuahua

Here are some suggestions for how to get an IT job after graduation without experience: - Apply for entry-level positions like help desk, desktop support, or junior programmer roles. Be willing to start at the bottom to gain experience. - Complete internships while in school to gain experience. Many companies hire interns as full-time employees after graduation. - Pursue certifications to demonstrate skills, even if you lack work experience. Popular entry-level certs include A+, Network+, Security+, etc. - Build personal projects to showcase skills on your resume and GitHub profile. Contribute to open source projects to network. - Leverage your school's career services office and alumni network for job leads and

Mobile August 2011
Mobile   August 2011Mobile   August 2011
Mobile August 2011

The document discusses 8 technological trends that will reshape the future: 1. Consumerization of IT and rise of the "knowledge individual" who is always connected. 2. Dramatic reductions in storage and bandwidth prices enabling new applications. 3. Emergence of a new operating system for the internet beyond the traditional web. 4. Post-PC era dominated by specialized mobile applications and appliances. 5. Rapid growth of mobile apps and need to design for different types of devices. 6. Evolution of social media and social networks like Facebook integrating into applications. 7. Gamification using game mechanics to encourage engagement with applications. 8. Emergence of sensors in mobile devices enabling location-based and health

mobilitygame changersapplications


iPhone the content revolution

The dean of Yale University's School of Management has
          joined Apple as a new Vice President,
serving of the dean of a new "Apple   University."

                                                         Over 300K
                                                         In Israel


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How can you overcome barriers such as old legacy systems and darwinian technology platforms in creating a sustainable business/IT alignment Roadmap? Enterprise 2.0 helps you to quickly deploy lightweight applications and leverage Core IT Systems through a conversational and business layer

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My thoughts on the building blocks for the digital network era. I used this as the basis for discussions with executives at Ericsson.

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FaceTime: Skype killer

Google into other things?

                    58      58
Other ecosystems


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An overview presentation focused on the evolution of the web and the opportunities and challenges posed to companies and management.

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My slides from JCON 2017. What is innovation and how innovation can be "created". What happens if organizations fail to be innovative?

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Containerization provides a repeatable and reliable strategy for application delivery across environments by utilizing lightweight, isolated containers. Containers package applications and their dependencies in self-contained units that can be easily deployed. This allows applications deployed in containers to behave consistently regardless of the infrastructure they are deployed on or environment they are running in. Containerization solves issues of unpredictability that often occur when transitioning applications between development and production environments.

docker container cloud architecture virtualization
Other ecosystems: blackberry

One for each kind?

Or one for each machine?
PCs   Mac     Tablets   Smart phones Cell phones
Design features (user wins)
development and distribution (IT wins)


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The Internet of Things is here and you're starting your first project. Great! But what does that mean, what do you really need to do and what are other people doing? Check out this presentation originally from ThingsExpo in NYC.

internet of thingssalesforce.comiot
Thrive in a New Economy
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Thrive in a New Economy

This slide was presented for the fulfillment of the course Bachelor in Information Management, Affiliated to TU, Kathmandu Nepal at Thames International College, Old-Baneshwor, KTM, Nepal.

indicatorsdigital economyinternet economy
BAT40 NVIDIA Stampfli Künstliche Intelligenz, Roboter und autonome Fahrzeuge ...
BAT40 NVIDIA Stampfli Künstliche Intelligenz, Roboter und autonome Fahrzeuge ...BAT40 NVIDIA Stampfli Künstliche Intelligenz, Roboter und autonome Fahrzeuge ...
BAT40 NVIDIA Stampfli Künstliche Intelligenz, Roboter und autonome Fahrzeuge ...

Moderne künstliche Intelligenz mit Deep Learning ist bereits heute schon im Einsatz in verschiedenen Anwendungen. Sprachsteuerung von Apple mit Siri, Amazon mit Alexa, autonome Fahrzeuge von Waymo, Tesla, Gesichtserkennung von Facebook sind nur einige bekannte Beispiele aus dem Silicon Valley welche Deep Learning einsetzen. Der Vortrag zeigt auf was wir von der Technologie erwarten können und wie Sie unsere Leben beeinflussen wird.

How are we going to use them ?

Mobile website also changing
Your mobile website should                      and Less like that:
     look more like that:

                 Don’t look at mobile devices as an “extended PC”
   It is a totally different device that will offer added value that a PC doesn’t
Thank you

    Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf


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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdfpresentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
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Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pagesSTKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
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Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
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Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
CTO presentation
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CTO presentation
Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
Big iIT stagnation
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Big iIT stagnation
Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
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Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
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presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
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