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2010 STKI

   Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
        Research Fellow
Curated Computing
Something Curious Is Going On
     A „Developmental Spiral‟

An unexplained physical phenomenon.

                                      © 2007

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Mantacore Whitepaper Part1 Standard System En
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Mantacore Whitepaper Part1 Standard System En

In this white paper you’ll get information on what you should think about if you are in two minds whether to continue developing your own system or to switch to one of the off-the-shelf software products currently available on the market. Why should you choose a software product rather than build your own? How can you still be unique, in relation to the rest of the market? What are the advantages of an off the-shelf system?

standard system mantacore cs insurance off the-she
IDC MarketScape Worldwide Scale-Out File-Based Storage 2012 Vendor Analysis Dell
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IT-AAC Cloud Acquisition Roadmap
IT-AAC Cloud Acquisition RoadmapIT-AAC Cloud Acquisition Roadmap
IT-AAC Cloud Acquisition Roadmap

The document discusses challenges with acquiring IT through traditional acquisition processes and how the IT Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC) is working to address them. Specifically, it notes that IT-AAC brings proven methods, expertise, and innovations from its public-private partnership to empower the federal IT acquisition ecosystem. It also outlines challenges around laws/enforcement, culture, incentives, and processes that impede adoption of new technologies and presents IT-AAC as helping overcome them by establishing standards and decision tools based on commercial best practices.

acquisitioncloud computing
What do we carry in our pockets ?

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer : CES keynote speech 6/1/2010

-"The fact of the matter is, this is not
 a downturn, this is a bit of a reset”-
Enterprise computing is headed for “massive changes”

• “We will see radical changes in
  hardware technology this year (2010)
  and SAP is more than prepared to take
• He cited the following components:
  – super-large in-memory systems
  – parallel computing
  – on-demand software
  – cloud computing
  – mobile phones

Emerging Cultural Practices


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Smarter Planet & Innovation
Smarter Planet & InnovationSmarter Planet & Innovation
Smarter Planet & Innovation

Smarter Planet and Internet of Things overview from the CBS Management of Innovation and Business Development day held at IBM Copenhagen feb 23.

The Zen and Art of IT Management (VM World Keynote 2012)
The Zen and Art of IT Management (VM World Keynote 2012)The Zen and Art of IT Management (VM World Keynote 2012)
The Zen and Art of IT Management (VM World Keynote 2012)

This document discusses strategies for IT management to drive business innovation. It suggests allocating resources between maintaining current systems versus delivering new business services, with 63% of spending going towards the latter. Maintaining systems is seen as a "chore" while investing in new services enables innovation. It also discusses using tools like CA Service Assurance to improve efficiency, streamline processes, and increase capacity for innovation. Case studies show how these tools helped companies like Jack Henry & Associates and Wikimedia Foundation improve service quality and the user experience.

it managementca technologiesvmworld
Latest news phoenix
Latest news phoenixLatest news phoenix
Latest news phoenix

IBM's zEnterprise system provides a smarter computing infrastructure for a smarter planet. It enables large-scale consolidation through a private cloud with efficiency, security, and analytics capabilities. The zEnterprise can run hundreds or thousands of workloads on a single system with high utilization rates. It also delivers unmatched security and reliability for critical applications and data through its built-in redundancy and certifications. Further, with technologies like the IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator, the zEnterprise integrates operational and analytical workloads to deliver real-time insights for optimized decision making.

Liquidity: shift from fixed centers of power to
mobility and the consumerization of technology

Passage from "solid" to "liquid" modernity

•   Social forms and institutions no longer have enough time to
    solidify and cannot serve as frames of reference and
    virtually no distinctions between what we do to live and what
    we do to work.

•   Individuals have to splice together an unending series of
    short-term projects and episodes.

•   In liquid modernity the individual (under conditions of
    uncertainty) must:
     – be flexible and adaptable
     – be constantly ready and willing to change tactics at short notice
     – abandon commitments and loyalties without regret to pursue
       new opportunities

Enterprise 3.0

• Enterprise 3.0 is about the • Enterprise 2.0 is the use
  radical (liquid) changes      of emergent social
  because of convergence:       software platforms:
   – technology                  – within companies
   – business                    – between companies and
   – management trends             their partners
                                 – between companies and
                                   their customers.

Enterprise 3.0:
• Bold business is coming back
  – Smart and creative actions
  – Innovative technologies
  – Fresh innovations
• Re‐thinking: will not be
  ”business as usual”.
• A radical and agile mind is
  emerging that will surprise
  the old business guard.


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Intel Corporation - BA401
Intel Corporation - BA401Intel Corporation - BA401
Intel Corporation - BA401

This document discusses Intel's strategy and business decisions in the 1980s-1990s. It summarizes that in the 1980s Intel exited the DRAM business and saw growth with the 386 microprocessor. In the 1990s, Intel's leadership debated strategies regarding EPROM, Flash, RISC vs CISC architectures (like the i860), and growing the systems business. The document provides context on markets, technologies, and Intel's positioning in that period.

Congressional it reform-roadmap_2011
Congressional it reform-roadmap_2011Congressional it reform-roadmap_2011
Congressional it reform-roadmap_2011

The IT-AAC is a non-partisan think tank focused on sustainable IT acquisition reform for the federal government. It aims to provide decision-makers with alternative expertise and resources to guide the establishment of best-in-class IT acquisition processes and governance. The IT-AAC has analyzed failures in past DoD IT acquisitions, benchmarked industry best practices, and conducted pilots of alternative acquisition approaches. It is working to standardize an agile acquisition framework for rapid adoption across agencies.

it-aacfitarandaa sec804
Cloud on PureSystems, Botond Kiss
Cloud on PureSystems, Botond KissCloud on PureSystems, Botond Kiss
Cloud on PureSystems, Botond Kiss

Botond Kiss, BLADE & HIGH END BUSINESS LINE MANAGER Business Line Manager, IBM Pure Systems, System x Growth Markets

How different are they

≠ consumerization ≠ commoditization ≠
≠ interchangeable ≠ standardization ≠

            New technology to the
              consumer market
              ahead of business
              1970s > 1990s > 2010s

            Home based IT is more
              capable than that
              provided in their
                workplace ?

Commoditization and Interchangeable
• market based on undifferentiated products
• Commoditization usually leads to lower prices since
  undifferentiated products produce perfect competition
• Some technology products are certainly becoming
  interchangeable but what's really commoditizing?
• Not software, not hardware, not services, ONLY broadband
• False commoditization can create substantial risk when
  premier products (substantial additional value to offer) are
  more expensive .
                         don’t confuse

The key drivers
•   Faster Broadband at lower costs, and wireless!
•   „Infinite‟ Storage
•   Total Mobility
•   Social Media, Peer Production & Networked
•   Blogs and UGC
•   Globalization and Localization
•   Converged devices
•   The explosion of Niche Markets


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Evaluating thin client_security
Evaluating thin client_securityEvaluating thin client_security
Evaluating thin client_security

This document evaluates thin-client security compared to traditional PCs in light of recent cyber attacks. It finds that while thin clients offer some perceived security benefits like centralized management and data storage, these controls can also be applied to PCs without sacrificing functionality. The attacks targeted ubiquitous applications and would not have been prevented by thin clients. Most Intel employees require the flexibility of mobile PCs rather than thin clients' limitations. Thin clients may still have niche uses but mobile PCs better support Intel's diverse, mobile workforce.

It aac defense-it-cloud2013
It aac defense-it-cloud2013It aac defense-it-cloud2013
It aac defense-it-cloud2013

The document discusses establishing an IT Acquisition Advisory Council (IT-AAC) as a public-private partnership to help improve the acquisition of IT systems for national security. It notes that the IT-AAC would leverage innovations and industry standards of practice to help assure successful mission outcomes. It provides background on key leaders who would advise the IT-AAC. The IT-AAC aims to provide decision-makers with expert advice and methods drawn from real-world IT implementations to help modernize acquisition processes and better implement commercial technologies.

it-aacndaa section 804agile acquisition
Case Study: Intel Corporation 1968-2003
Case Study: Intel Corporation 1968-2003Case Study: Intel Corporation 1968-2003
Case Study: Intel Corporation 1968-2003

1. Intel established itself as the early leader and standard-setter in microprocessors through innovations like the 4004 and 8086 chips. It was able to leverage this first-mover advantage over competitors. 2. Intel aggressively defended its proprietary x86 architecture through licensing restrictions and marketing campaigns against rivals like AMD. This helped it maintain control over the industry standard. 3. Intel invested heavily in cutting-edge manufacturing capabilities to continually advance process technology in line with Moore's Law. This allowed it to integrate more transistors at a lower cost over time, keeping its microprocessors ahead of competitors.

Virtually free and unlimited:
              bandwidth and storage

• Storage and bandwidth: are
  improving performance and
  cost efficiency even faster than
  processor speed is .

• The marginal cost is falling to
  practically zero.

Growth: Digital Agenda
Broadband related growth (innovation)
will be the big differentiator in 2010-2012

Internet of things:

   SPEED                 SCALE            SENSORS SOFTWARE
Infinite bandwidth     Unprecedented      New kinds of data   Radical change in
and going for real-   processing power                          data analysis
     time data        and storage sizes r

Where do we want to be:


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Fujitsu CIO technology trends survey 2012
Fujitsu CIO technology trends survey  2012Fujitsu CIO technology trends survey  2012
Fujitsu CIO technology trends survey 2012

Survey of CIOs on cloud, consumerisation of IT/BYOD, big data and social media/collaboration

intelligent societymobilityconsumerisation of it
Open Text And Timberland
Open Text And TimberlandOpen Text And Timberland
Open Text And Timberland

Timberland implemented Open Text's digital asset management system to centralize their collection of digital assets and media. This solved problems of assets being misplaced, duplicated efforts across regions, and not knowing global usage rights. The system provides a secure central repository, user permissions, and searchable access to assets. It has improved productivity, collaboration, and eliminated costs associated with physically distributing media.

digital asset management
International IT Deployment
International IT DeploymentInternational IT Deployment
International IT Deployment

The document discusses the challenges of delivering IT services to a global enterprise from a CIO's perspective. It outlines four main approaches companies take - global, multinational, international, and transnational - when structuring their IT operations internationally. Key deployment factors and principal technical and business challenges are also examined, such as hardware and software integration issues, connectivity problems, cultural and regulatory differences between countries. The document provides recommendations for managing global IT, but ultimately acknowledges there is no single solution and implementing international technology applications can be very difficult.

ERP projects ?


• 1970s basic ERP ( median life is 15/20 years)
   – Today we are in the third generation wave of change

• 1980s core applications (median life is 30/35 years)
   – Today we are in the second generation wave of change

Did I say “core” ?
• What is core in my business/industry ?

• What parts of core software gives me competitive

• What parts of core software can I buy and what

• Are Israeli vendors prepared for CORE projects?
   – Noncompetition clauses ?

The BIG problem : complexity


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Technology trends for 2010-2012 ISRAEL
Technology trends for 2010-2012 ISRAELTechnology trends for 2010-2012 ISRAEL
Technology trends for 2010-2012 ISRAEL

The document summarizes the 2010 STKI Summit on Enterprise 3.0 and liquid modernity. Key points discussed include the convergence of speed, scale, sensors, and software enabling radical changes in data analysis. Enterprise computing is undergoing massive changes including super-large in-memory systems, parallel computing, on-demand software, cloud computing, and the increasing role of mobile phones. Individuals must be flexible and adaptable in liquid modernity. Enterprise 3.0 involves the radical changes from technology, business, and management trends converging. CIOs will evolve from technology caretakers to strategic business leaders driving new revenue and simplifying operations.

Dr Jimmy Schwarzkopf Keynote @STKI Summit 2011
Dr Jimmy Schwarzkopf  Keynote @STKI Summit 2011Dr Jimmy Schwarzkopf  Keynote @STKI Summit 2011
Dr Jimmy Schwarzkopf Keynote @STKI Summit 2011

The document discusses several technological game changers for 2011-2012: 1. The role of the CIO will change to focus more on business technology and innovation rather than just IT support. 2. Consumerization of IT will continue as mobility and cloud applications become more prevalent. Knowledge workers will be "always on" using a variety of personal and enterprise applications. 3. Strategies will shift from technology-focused to business process-focused, recognizing that technology alone does not drive business value. The document argues these changes will significantly impact how individuals and enterprises use and manage technology over the next few years.

stki summit 2011
meet2016: Reshaping Business Through IoT: Key Technology Factors to Consider
meet2016: Reshaping Business Through IoT: Key Technology Factors to Considermeet2016: Reshaping Business Through IoT: Key Technology Factors to Consider
meet2016: Reshaping Business Through IoT: Key Technology Factors to Consider

The IoT is the manifestation that the raw material of the information age is datum. Data are the new source of innovation and the lever to achieve business sustainability. By extracting data from assets and products, companies can become more efficient through a strategic rethinking of their value chains and business processes. In so doing, companies will add the required readiness to shift from products to services, and eventually enter in the outcome economy. To truly embrace the digital transformation, organizations need to collect actionable data from their assets, processes, and products and then connect the OT (Operational Technology) world where data are generated to IT (Information Technology) world where data are consumed. Beside predictive maintenance and asset usage maximization/optimization the benefits are huge: the transformation of any business into a smart business, increasing competitiveness also in mature markets; the creation of new innovative products and services; and the enablement of service prosumerization. To make this happen there are some key technology factors to consider during the implementation of an IoT architecture.

mqttoutcome economyindustrial internet
And don’t forget ……..

The solution

Meaning ?

       In praise of techno-austerity
• Technologists are waking up to the
  benefits of minimalism:
  – feature fatigue among consumers who simply
    want things to work
  – strong demand from less affluent consumers
    (divisions,SMBs and developing countries)


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Reshaping Business Through IoT: Key Technology Factors to Consider
Reshaping Business Through IoT: Key Technology Factors to ConsiderReshaping Business Through IoT: Key Technology Factors to Consider
Reshaping Business Through IoT: Key Technology Factors to Consider

The IoT is the manifestation that the raw material of the information age is datum. Data are the new source of innovation and the lever to achieve business sustainability. By extracting data from assets and products, companies can become more efficient through a strategic rethinking of their value chains and business processes. In so doing, companies will add the required readiness to shift from products to services, and eventually enter in the outcome economy. To truly embrace the digital transformation, organizations need to collect actionable data from their assets, processes, and products and then connect the OT (Operational Technology) world where data are generated to IT (Information Technology) world where data are consumed. Beside predictive maintenance and asset usage maximization/optimization the benefits are huge: the transformation of any business into a smart business, increasing competitiveness also in mature markets; the creation of new innovative products and services; and the enablement of service prosumerization. To make this happen there are some key technology factors to consider during the implementation of an IoT architecture.

iotiot gatewayindustry 4.0
Everything is changing in IT
Everything is changing in IT Everything is changing in IT
Everything is changing in IT

Consumerized and Social IT; XaaS "everything-as-a-service" ; New IT service acquisition and consumption models, Lean IT, cloud (bunker) models; charge-back; App Internet  ; context-aware mobile devices that interact with each other and our enterprises; users are shifting ; Big Data

consumerizationxaaslean it
The Logistics of Information
The Logistics of InformationThe Logistics of Information
The Logistics of Information

Logistics, Data in Motion and Paradigm Shift of the CIO: The economics and psychology of the flow of information. Advances in IT, especially cloud technologies, are causing a shift in the role of the CIO.

logisticsfuture of the cioinformation
2009: one of the worst years in history

Symptoms of IT complexity
• Software crashes due to         • Incompatibility between
  incompatibility of data, files,   vendor software packages
  software, or network protocols.   due to lack of standards.
                                  • Frequent but necessary
• Long timeframes to solve the      software upgrades resulting
  problems causing software         in errors and incompatibility
  crashes.                          problems.

• Long timeframes to test and
  install new applications because
  of integration problems.

IT complexity tax
  Moore’s sayings:                  IT complexity tax:
• Moore's Law : states that        • CIO’s pay with time, sweat and
  computing capability                 money for every innovation,
  increases 1 percent per              every business process
  week.                                improvement they implement.
• Moore's Flaw : keeping up
  with this flood tide of
  innovation quickly becomes
  too difficult (and too costly)
  for anyone to manage.

Results of a good “curation”
                            Cost of

Risk of                                 Quality of
Failure                                  Service


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IT Fundamentals
IT FundamentalsIT Fundamentals
IT Fundamentals

This presentation aims to give an overview of the “big picture” of : Current IT trends, explaining with some detail each one, to give a high level approach to the present. Where the future of IT is going, and where the major opportunities and challenges are. Professional IT Roles demanded by each of the areas / trends. Technologies, processes and tools used and applied in the day to day of each role.

Oracle Days Romania 2011 Keynote
Oracle Days Romania 2011 Keynote Oracle Days Romania 2011 Keynote
Oracle Days Romania 2011 Keynote

1) The document discusses simplifying IT by changing the game through engineered together solutions like Oracle Fusion Middleware, Exalogic, and Exadata. 2) These solutions aim to reduce complexity, increase performance and manageability, and allow 70% of IT spending to be focused on transforming the business rather than just keeping the lights on. 3) Oracle Fusion Applications were designed from the ground up over 6 years to run in the cloud or on-premise, be integrated, have built-in security, analytics and a modern user interface.

Icp 3273-the iiot understanding designing and developing the bigger picture v2
Icp 3273-the iiot understanding designing and developing the bigger picture v2Icp 3273-the iiot understanding designing and developing the bigger picture v2
Icp 3273-the iiot understanding designing and developing the bigger picture v2

The document provides an overview of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) from IBM's perspective. It discusses how the public perceives the IoT compared to its reality, and highlights unique challenges for the IIoT including complexity, security, and lack of single ownership. The presentation also introduces the Industrial Internet Consortium's framework for understanding, designing, and developing IIoT systems using a systems of systems approach. Finally, it outlines IBM's tools and services that can help model, simulate, develop, and implement IIoT architectures and applications.

continuous engineeringiotupdm
Reduce Complexity by Managing

                             * From SYMANTEC
Data Center Management 2010


                                                            User Interface

Security   Network   System   Performance                     Storage         Transaction        Mainframe
Events     Events    Events      Events                       Events            Events            Events

       In praise of techno-austerity
• Technologists are waking up to the
  benefits of minimalism:
  – feature fatigue among consumers who simply
    want things to work
  – strong demand from less affluent consumers
    (divisions,SMBs and developing countries)

Complexity can be solved by :

SIMPLIFY (commoditization, standardization, virtualization)

            Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
            Do not remove source or attibution from any graphic or portion of graphic

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The Product
The ProductThe Product
The Product

This document outlines the key points about software: it has become essential to modern technology and systems; it is composed of programs, data, and documents; and software engineering aims to develop software through a rigorous process to achieve high quality. However, the rapid evolution of software has also created challenges, as capabilities now outstrip the ability to build software without issues. The document covers various types of software applications and discusses the "software crisis" caused by these challenges.

the product
OMG: Modeling the Business
OMG: Modeling the BusinessOMG: Modeling the Business
OMG: Modeling the Business

The document discusses the role of IT in business and the challenges of managing complexity in today's digital world. It describes OMG's mission to develop modeling standards to enable interoperability, integration, and portability. OMG focuses on modeling languages, middleware, and specialized systems standards across many industries. Modeling is presented as a way to manage complexity and enable agility through standards.

modelingbusiness analysisbusiness models
Sphere 3D presentation for Credit Suisse technology conference 2014
Sphere 3D presentation for Credit Suisse technology conference 2014Sphere 3D presentation for Credit Suisse technology conference 2014
Sphere 3D presentation for Credit Suisse technology conference 2014

Peter Tassiopoulos presented this at the Credit Suisse technology conference in Arizona sharing what Sphere 3D is doing, where we are going, and some of the validations we have received to date.

another cure for complexity

        Internal storage                         Servers


Power & cooling                                          ProCurve

                           Management software
Computing Platform Lifecycle

1980 -2010 Platform Lifecycle

Industry in a Box Companies


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The Emerging Landscape Of The Software Industry Presentation (June)
The Emerging Landscape Of The Software Industry    Presentation (June)The Emerging Landscape Of The Software Industry    Presentation (June)
The Emerging Landscape Of The Software Industry Presentation (June)

The document discusses how the software industry is at a crossroads due to economic pressures forcing cuts to IT budgets. It predicts that chief information officers will increasingly demand software as a service (SaaS) models from vendors to reduce costs. For vendors to provide competitive SaaS offerings, they will need to build virtual private clouds that span legacy and new applications across on-premise and cloud infrastructures. This transition will significantly change the economics of the software industry.

2015 CIO Outlook Presentation
2015 CIO Outlook Presentation2015 CIO Outlook Presentation
2015 CIO Outlook Presentation

The document discusses trends and technologies that may impact businesses and IT organizations in 2015. Key points include: increased mobility, social collaboration becoming a normal way of working, and insights derived from large amounts of data available. The CIO outlook identifies opportunities for innovators such as embracing cloud computing, leveraging social networks, and understanding different generational work styles.

Industrial Internet Nothing or Everything
Industrial Internet Nothing or EverythingIndustrial Internet Nothing or Everything
Industrial Internet Nothing or Everything

Ilkka Lipasti, Senior Partner, Talent Vectia, discussed the impacts of Industrial Internet at Ixonos' morning event on 11 September 2014.

industrial internetinternet of things
What’s under the hood: Lego ?

                         Virtual Connect
                          LAN and SAN

 StorageWorks                                      Insight
   EVA SAN                                        Software
(Note: Matrix supports                        Capacity Planning
 any c-Class certified                          Orchestration
   FC SAN target)                             Disaster Recovery

       Services, plus                      Integrity and
      ProLiant iCAP and                      ProLiant
       pay as you grow                     blade servers

What’s under the hood 2

MEGAtrends: curated computing

A museum curator plans,
displays and catalogs
collection items.

Visitors see only what the
curator wants them to see
and the order of presentation.

Museum visits become vanilla
(same to all) under a certain


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Ben amaba. cloud mobile v3
Ben amaba. cloud mobile v3Ben amaba. cloud mobile v3
Ben amaba. cloud mobile v3

The document discusses the industrialization of information through cloud computing. It notes that many lessons from manufacturing are being applied to cloud data centers, which can be viewed as "information factories." The cloud allows organizations to drive revenue growth and efficiencies. Hybrid cloud computing should be examined as part of any technology strategy. Knowledge is cited as the biggest barrier to cloud adoption.

Bull Open Source Feedback OW2con11, Nov 24-25, Paris
Bull Open Source Feedback OW2con11, Nov 24-25, ParisBull Open Source Feedback OW2con11, Nov 24-25, Paris
Bull Open Source Feedback OW2con11, Nov 24-25, Paris

This document discusses trends in computing including the explosion of data and devices, the transition to cloud computing and software as a service, and the increasing computerization of business processes. It notes challenges around security and sovereignty. Bull positions itself as the European leader in mission critical digital systems focusing on high performance, security, customization. It discusses Bull's role across the value chain from infrastructure to applications and its goal to support the shift to cloud while ensuring trust.

by OW2
open source softwareopen sourcebull
Star storage m cloud week
Star storage m cloud weekStar storage m cloud week
Star storage m cloud week

This document discusses how governments can leverage cloud computing to achieve digital transformation. It begins by outlining the changing needs and trends in IT, including the need for affordable and efficient solutions. It then discusses how cloud computing can help meet these needs by providing on-demand, useful, and simple IT services. The document emphasizes that governments' unique security, operations, and interoperability needs must be considered. It provides a vision for government cloud computing that establishes secure, easily provisioned services. Finally, it profiles Star Storage and its private cloud offering StarVault, highlighting benefits like cost reduction, pay-as-you-go pricing, and capital preservation.

5th Generation Of Computing
  1970s      1980s     1990s   Today    2010+
Autocratic Personal:   Web:    SOA:    Curated:
Cloudy in your future

 From On-Premise to Cloud Platforms

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Transforming the world with Information technology
Transforming the world with Information technologyTransforming the world with Information technology
Transforming the world with Information technology

This document provides an overview of how information technology is driving transformation. It discusses how IT is a general purpose technology that impacts all aspects of the economy. As IT continues to get better, faster, and cheaper, it enables new business models, innovations, and drives productivity growth. The world is becoming an "information rainforest" as data and intelligence become ubiquitous, accessible from any device in real-time. While some challenges remain, IT opportunities will continue as adoption increases.

Consumption economics master deck
Consumption economics   master deckConsumption economics   master deck
Consumption economics master deck

1. The document discusses how business models in technology are shifting from product sales to consumption/pay-as-you-go models where customers pay suppliers only for the value they receive. 2. This shift profoundly changes the economics for both customers and suppliers, with suppliers taking on more risk up front but gaining the opportunity for ongoing revenue streams through microtransactions. 3. The new model also drives simplification as complexity is no longer a competitive advantage, puts pressure on prices, and changes the roles of IT departments, channels, and how user data can be monetized.

STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final v1
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final  v1STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final  v1
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final v1

2024 Market analysis of the Israeli Information Technology Market

israel information technologiesmarket analysiscio
Curated Computing
Cloud also good for CFOs

Only 5-7 years ago

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STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdfSTKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf

The document appears to be a presentation from STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on the state of Israel's economy and IT market following the outbreak of war in October 2023. It includes data and forecasts from various sources on how the war has negatively impacted Israel's GDP, business activity, and key industries. The original forecast predicted growth in Israel's IT market from 2018-2024, but the forecast has been corrected downward due to the unforeseen economic damage from the war, with the IT market now expected to decline in 2023 and 2024 compared to 2022 levels.

itmarketingisrael information technologies
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2 STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2

The document describes STKI, an IT market research and strategic analyst firm based in Israel. Over its 31 years in business, STKI has established relationships with major IT organizations and vendors through thousands of annual interviews. STKI uses an equilibrium model to analyze both what users purchase from vendors and what vendors sell, in order to determine the overall Israeli IT market size. The company provides research reports, briefings, and workshops to clients on topics like technology trends, industry surveys, and vendor positioning.

israelinformation technologyit market study
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 STKI Israeli Market Study 2023
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023

This document is a presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on their 2023 Israel IT Market Study. It provides information on STKI's methodology, which uses an equilibrium model to calculate the IT market size based on interviews with both technology users and vendors. It outlines the types of research and services STKI provides on topics like IT trends, budgets, forecasts, and vendor positioning. The presentation also includes sections on the Israeli economy, changing business environment, and factors impacting the CIO role. Slides are included on Israeli company statistics and examples of STKI's vendor positioning analysis.

israel market researchinformation technologyerp
Technology Cycles


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Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdfCollaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf

This document discusses communication and collaboration in product-led organizations. It covers topics like internal collaboration, collaboration challenges, collaboration tools, and collaboration overload. It also discusses the human factors of product-led organizations like empowering teams, keeping people interested and informed, and addressing issues like the great resignation and quiet quitting. The overall document provides insights into improving collaboration and communication in product-led companies.

OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022

The document discusses the evolution of the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) role over time. It describes how the OCIO started as an "order taker" for IT in the 1990s (OCIO v1). In the 2000s, the OCIO was established to better align IT with business needs (OCIO v2). Later, business relationship managers (BRMs) were introduced to improve customer experience but acted as bottlenecks (2017-2022). The document argues for a product-led organization where product teams are empowered and the OCIO acts as an enabler by providing resources and skills to product managers based on product success metrics.

ocioit managementinformation technology
CTO Summit 2022
CTO Summit 2022 CTO Summit 2022
CTO Summit 2022

This document discusses platform teams and platform engineering. It introduces platform products as products that can be easily used by other teams to focus on business problems while maintaining standards. Platform engineering is defined as designing and building toolchains and workflows that enable self-service capabilities for other teams. Platform products have functionality above the surface that developers see, and infrastructure components below the surface. Integration platforms, SRE, SASE, storage and backup tools, and micro frontends are discussed as examples of platform products.

platform productsplatform engineering
Disruptive Innovations

Winners and losers: who now?

                          15 billion ARM
                           based chips
                          shipped to date


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Product management Summit 2022Product management Summit 2022
Product management Summit 2022

This document discusses transitioning from a project-led organization to a product-led organization. It notes that while many companies have tried approaches like agile, digital transformation and design thinking, software projects still often fail to deliver user satisfaction. It advocates empowering product teams to own the entire product lifecycle and giving them autonomy to solve problems, rather than managing software development as a series of projects. This approach mirrors how successful startups operate and can help deliver better customer outcomes.

product managementproduct teams
Data Products and teams
Data Products and teamsData Products and teams
Data Products and teams

This document discusses transforming from data projects to data products. It outlines how companies can adopt a product mindset and focus on creating data products that solve specific customer problems. Key aspects include defining data product teams led by data product managers, adopting a product mindset of focusing on outcomes rather than outputs, and using storytelling to communicate insights from data products. The presentation argues that treating data as a product can create competitive advantages and that every company may need to become a data science company in the future.

data productsai products
Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management

This document discusses product discovery and the importance of making the process data-driven. It recommends gathering customer data from various sources, analyzing the customer experience, and using product analytics tools to obtain both quantitative and qualitative insights. This will help ensure ideas are validated with real customers before significant development work begins. The goal is to learn fast through discovery while still releasing products with confidence.

discoveryproduct teams
If looks could kill

Kindle: content consumption


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STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy

The document discusses content from STKI, an IT knowledge integration company, including information about their new website and content examples. It covers topics like digital disruption, the four industrial revolutions, predictions for 2023 in Israel, and how every company will need to become a software company. Across multiple pages, it provides definitions, predictions, recommendations, and perspectives on challenges and opportunities brought about by digital transformation and the fourth industrial revolution.

product managementinformation technology
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2 STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2

The document is a slide deck from STKI, an Israeli market research and strategic analyst firm, discussing the impact of global events on IT budgets in Israel in 2022-2024. It notes that while IT budget increases were forecasted to be large in 2022, events like the war in Ukraine, inflation, interest rate hikes, and political instability have changed the outlook. IT budgets in Israel are still expected to rise 12-13% in 2022 but forecasts beyond that are difficult given uncertainties. Digital transformation alone is no longer sufficient - companies must undergo smart business transformations to deliver personalized, data-driven experiences to customers.

israel information technologies itit market studyinfrastructures
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdfpresentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf

This document appears to be from an annual IT market study presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators. It includes an agenda for the presentation covering the 2022 IT market study results, enterprise budgets, economic forecasting signals, top vendors, and a post-COVID world. The presentation contains many slides with graphs, charts, and text analyzing the Israeli IT market and global economic conditions. It discusses challenges in forecasting 2023-2024 given various political and economic uncertainties globally and in Israel.

digitalisrael information technologies itinfrastructures
iPhone the content revolution

The dean of Yale University's School of Management has
          joined Apple as a new Vice President,
serving of the dean of a new "Apple   University."

iPad: content consumption

Google into other things?

Google Wave   Crome OS
                              Nexus 1 Android
                         68                68

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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022

The document provides information about STKI IT Knowledge Integrators, a market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel. It includes pages describing STKI's services, methodology, research focus areas, and client base. STKI conducts original research through face-to-face interviews and surveys of both technology users and vendors to establish an equilibrium model of the Israeli IT market. The document contains sample slides of the type of data and positioning analyses STKI provides to clients.

israel information technologiesisraeltechnology
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pagesSTKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages

This document provides an overview of the 2022 STKI IT Knowledge Integrators summit. It discusses how global events have impacted the previously optimistic outlook for IT budgets in 2022, noting issues like rising inflation, economic recession, war in Ukraine, and layoffs in the tech sector. However, it predicts that Israeli IT budgets will still rise 12-13% in 2022. It also covers STKI's services, research methodology, vendor positioning approach, and includes data about Israel's population, mobile/internet usage, and 5G penetration.

israelisrael information technologiescloud computing
NEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applicationsNEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applications

Recommended for CIOs and Applications Managers In this session we will discuss how next generation business applications enable the creation of much needed hyper-personalized experiences for customers and employees. Center Office is a new delivery model that is emerging in response to the need to deliver end to end hyper-personalized solutions that improve on older enterprise (legacy) applications. Center Office relies on technologies such as APIs, microservices and Hyperautomation (next level of automation that meshes AI tools with RPA,, enabling scaling for complex business processes). How do we manage employees' experiences as well as preserve talent and create collaborative workplaces for teams? which new skills are needed? what will the workforce of the future look like? Which new tools are needed for HR (employee well- being)?

software erpcrmcomposable apps
Other ecosystems: blackberry

Other ecosystems


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Journey for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organizationJourney for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organization

Recommended for CDOs and all Data & Analytics Managers The past 2 years have had a huge impact on organizations journeys to become data driven. Existing data architectures were disrupted; rigid structures and processes were questioned, and many data strategies were re-written. On the one hand, the global pandemic emphasized the need for organizations to raise the bar, implement strategies, improve data literacy and culture, increase investments in data and analytics, and explore AI opportunities. On the other, it also presented new challenges such as: the war for data talent and the wide literacy gap. Inadequate structures as well as outdated processes were exposed. Major changes in the data landscape (Data Fabric, Data Mesh, Transition to Data Clouds) will further disrupt existing data architectures and enhance the need for a new adaptive architecture and organization.

CTO presentation
CTO presentation  CTO presentation
CTO presentation

Recommended for CTOs, architects, IT Managers COVID-19 has emphasized the fact that business agility and hence technology agility are the most if not the only factors for business success. However, technology agility in most IT departments is not the “strongest muscle”. Technology adoption of Cloud, Devops, Integration, Low-Code and Zero Trust are affecting all IT departments and even the entire organization. New processes and relationships between the various branches of the IT department should emerge, forsaking old habits and technologies. New technologies and roles\responsibilities are taking their place.

it service organizationit data centers
Big iIT stagnation
Big iIT stagnationBig iIT stagnation
Big iIT stagnation

Recommended for CXOs and all IT Managers If COVID-19 has demonstrated anything it is that organizations can no longer rely on traditional long-term strategic direction-setting, in order to succeed and grow. Today, organizations need to be able to quickly identify changes and respond with speed. Adaptive enterprises have the technical and organizational agility to do this. In this session, we will present the organizational structure, technologies and concepts that make up an adaptive organization and discuss topics such as: Concierge hyper-personalization services; Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities; adaptive organizational structure; Centers of Excellence; center office; hyper-automation and data centric organizations.

it marketdigitaltransformation
Farmville Game on Facebook
• It‟s free but you can buy goods to enhance
  the experience:
  – 800.000 tractors „sold‟ every single day
• A team of 35 Developers release new virtual
  items into FarmVille twice a week
• 65 Million+ users without any advertising; 1.2
  Million users per day
• Parent company Zynga makes est. $500M /
  Year and has 600+ employees


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STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page
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STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page

The document discusses the findings of an Israeli IT market study conducted by STKI in 2021. It notes that COVID-19 accelerated changes in how IT services are delivered to satisfy new delivery scenarios. The study analyzed trends like the remote-first, data, and passion economies that emerged from the pandemic. The key finding is that the most enduring impact of COVID-19 will be as an "implementation accelerant", forcing faster implementations of technologies to deliver value immediately. The document provides background on STKI and outlines the methodology used in the 2021 market study.

20240705 QFM024 Irresponsible AI Reading List June 2024
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Quantum Communications Q&A with Gemini LLM
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Quantum Communications Q&A with Gemini LLM

Quantum Communications Q&A with Gemini LLM. These are based on Shannon's Noisy channel Theorem and offers how the classical theory applies to the quantum world.

quantum communicationsshannon's channel theoremclassical theory
3 possible mobile models:

   Easy, common in all devices,

• Mobile Internet
     Familiar, supported by most devices, UI
      is an issue

• Mobile
     Rich user experience, ability to work

                                                     Source: Mobile Marketing Association

                               Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2010 @STKI
                               Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic   77
Context Application: Zipcar


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Kief Morris rethinks the infrastructure code delivery lifecycle, advocating for a shift towards composable infrastructure systems. We should shift to designing around deployable components rather than code modules, use more useful levels of abstraction, and drive design and deployment from applications rather than bottom-up, monolithic architecture and delivery.

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Our Linux Web Hosting plans offer unbeatable performance, security, and scalability, ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently. Visit-

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If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!

In Context :Transparent Price

Mobile website also changing
Your mobile website should                      and Less like that:
     look more like that:

                 Don‟t look at mobile devices as an “extended PC”
   It is a totally different device that will offer added value that a PC doesn‟t
One for each kind?

Or one for each machine?
PCs   Mac     Tablets   Smart phones Cell phones

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Cybersecurity is a major concern in today's connected digital world. Threats to organizations are constantly evolving and have the potential to compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and lead to significant financial losses. Traditional cybersecurity techniques often fall short against modern attackers. Therefore, advanced techniques for cyber security analysis and anomaly detection are essential for protecting digital assets. This blog explores these cutting-edge methods, providing a comprehensive overview of their application and importance.

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accommodate the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of autonomous vehicles

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Design features (user wins)
development and distribution (IT wins)

How are we going to use them ?

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Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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The integration of programming into civil engineering is transforming the industry. We can design complex infrastructure projects and analyse large datasets. Imagine revolutionizing the way we build our cities and infrastructure, all by the power of coding. Programming skills are no longer just a bonus—they’re a game changer in this era. Technology is revolutionizing civil engineering by integrating advanced tools and techniques. Programming allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, enhancing the accuracy of designs, simulations, and analyses. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, engineers can now predict structural behaviors under various conditions, optimize material usage, and improve project planning.

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“one-size-fits-all” end-user computing is “out”
            2008                      2011
• Standard desktop          • Standard desktop
  configuration with          configuration
  Microsoft OS and office   • Tablets/smartphones
  productivity tools          configured for Web-based
                            • Desktop or application
                              virtualization on thin-client
                            • Tablet/ smartphone
                            • SaaS alternatives to hosted
So what happened ?

The user:                      IT:
• Mobility and always          • IT will have to :
  connected allows the            – Supply “content” to this
  “user” to shop for his own        appliances
  set of appliances.              – Receive “content” from this
                                  – Content will be structured,
• Appliances will have two          unstructured and multimedia
  flavors for content

New Desktop (1 out of 5)
Google World Facebook World Apple World            MS World
  Search          People               Apps        Content
 in the middle   in the middle     in the middle   in the middle

                           Palm World
                           in the middle

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Support en anglais diffusé lors de l'événement 100% IA organisé dans les locaux parisiens d'Iguane Solutions, le mardi 2 juillet 2024 : - Présentation de notre plateforme IA plug and play : ses fonctionnalités avancées, telles que son interface utilisateur intuitive, son copilot puissant et des outils de monitoring performants. - REX client : Cyril Janssens, CTO d’ easybourse, partage son expérience d’utilisation de notre plateforme IA plug & play.

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Not so much to say

The future is here: WEB 3.0
 Digital Marketing Is Here To Stay !!

                           “When I took office, only high
                           energy physicists had ever
                           heard of what is called the
                           World Wide`Web... Now even
                           my cat has it's own page.”
                           - Bill Clinton
Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
Do not remove source or attibution from any graphic or portion of graphic   102
Tribes: a group of people connected to one
  another, connected to a leader, and connected
  to an idea.

• What builds tribes?
• What kills tribes?
• What sustains tribes?

         Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
         Do not remove source or attibution from any graphic or portion of graphic   103
Community-oriented idea management

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Innovation : WEB 3.0

Enterprise social software is growing…

      blogs                   forums            microblogging

                     video              wikis

social bookmarking           podcasts               photos
Tying together enterprise social software

          Book                         Forums

  Wikis                                         Micro
                  New “family”                  blogs

                   of products

          Video                          Pod


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WEB 3.0

Study by Prof. Granovetter shows that weak
             links are better than strong
• Strong Links: More
  motivation to help you,
  since they know you
•Weak Links : Likely less
overlap with leads you
can easily get elsewhere

Most job referrals come
through those who we
 see rarely: old school
  friends, former co-
      workers, etc.
            Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
            Do not remove source or attibution from any graphic or portion of graphic
What do I use ????
• No longer need a                                                              • Blogs:
  memory                                                                                • IT related
  –   Google                                                                            • Economics
  –   Yahoo                                                                     • Musical taste:
  –   Wikipedia                                                                         – ITunes
  –   Twitter                                                                   • Books and others:
                                                                                        – Amazon
• Personal Information                                                          • Social Capital
  – Smartphone tells me                                                                 – LinkedIn
    about birthdays, phones,                                                                  – groups
                                                                                        – Xing
                                                                                        – Facebook
            Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
            Do not remove source or attibution from any graphic or portion of graphic                    111
What do you use ?

Josh Bernoff, co-
author of Groundswell

               Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
               Do not remove source or attibution from any graphic or portion of graphic   112

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Thank you

    Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf


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Curated Computing

  • 1. 2010 STKI CURATED COMPUTING Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf Research Fellow
  • 2. 2
  • 4. Something Curious Is Going On A „Developmental Spiral‟ An unexplained physical phenomenon. © 2007
  • 5. What do we carry in our pockets ? 5 5
  • 6. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer : CES keynote speech 6/1/2010 -"The fact of the matter is, this is not a downturn, this is a bit of a reset”- 6
  • 7. Enterprise computing is headed for “massive changes” • “We will see radical changes in hardware technology this year (2010) and SAP is more than prepared to take advantage.” • He cited the following components: – super-large in-memory systems – parallel computing – on-demand software – cloud computing – mobile phones 7
  • 9. Liquidity: shift from fixed centers of power to mobility and the consumerization of technology 9
  • 10. Passage from "solid" to "liquid" modernity • Social forms and institutions no longer have enough time to solidify and cannot serve as frames of reference and virtually no distinctions between what we do to live and what we do to work. • Individuals have to splice together an unending series of short-term projects and episodes. • In liquid modernity the individual (under conditions of uncertainty) must: – be flexible and adaptable – be constantly ready and willing to change tactics at short notice – abandon commitments and loyalties without regret to pursue new opportunities 10
  • 11. Enterprise 3.0 • Enterprise 3.0 is about the • Enterprise 2.0 is the use radical (liquid) changes of emergent social because of convergence: software platforms: – technology – within companies – business – between companies and – management trends their partners – between companies and their customers. 11
  • 12. Enterprise 3.0: BUSINESS AS UNUSUAL • Bold business is coming back – Smart and creative actions – Innovative technologies – Fresh innovations • Re‐thinking: will not be ”business as usual”. • A radical and agile mind is emerging that will surprise the old business guard. 12
  • 13. How different are they ≠ consumerization ≠ commoditization ≠ ≠ interchangeable ≠ standardization ≠ 13
  • 14. Consumerization New technology to the consumer market ahead of business markets. 1970s > 1990s > 2010s Defense>business>home Home based IT is more capable than that provided in their workplace ? 14
  • 15. Commoditization and Interchangeable • market based on undifferentiated products • Commoditization usually leads to lower prices since undifferentiated products produce perfect competition • Some technology products are certainly becoming interchangeable but what's really commoditizing? • Not software, not hardware, not services, ONLY broadband • False commoditization can create substantial risk when premier products (substantial additional value to offer) are more expensive . don’t confuse INTERCHANGABLE and COMMODITIZATION and then STANDARIZATION 15
  • 16. The key drivers • Faster Broadband at lower costs, and wireless! • „Infinite‟ Storage • Total Mobility • Social Media, Peer Production & Networked Communities • Blogs and UGC • Globalization and Localization • Converged devices • The explosion of Niche Markets 16
  • 17. Virtually free and unlimited: bandwidth and storage • Storage and bandwidth: are improving performance and cost efficiency even faster than processor speed is . • The marginal cost is falling to practically zero. 17
  • 18. Growth: Digital Agenda Broadband related growth (innovation) will be the big differentiator in 2010-2012 18
  • 19. Internet of things: SPEED SCALE SENSORS SOFTWARE Infinite bandwidth Unprecedented New kinds of data Radical change in and going for real- processing power data analysis time data and storage sizes r 19
  • 20. Where do we want to be: 20
  • 22. ISRAEL 2011 • 1970s basic ERP ( median life is 15/20 years) – Today we are in the third generation wave of change • 1980s core applications (median life is 30/35 years) – Today we are in the second generation wave of change 22
  • 23. Did I say “core” ? • What is core in my business/industry ? • What parts of core software gives me competitive advantage? • What parts of core software can I buy and what develop? • Are Israeli vendors prepared for CORE projects? – Noncompetition clauses ? 23
  • 24. The BIG problem : complexity 24
  • 25. And don’t forget …….. 25
  • 27. Meaning ? 27
  • 28. Economist: In praise of techno-austerity • Technologists are waking up to the benefits of minimalism: – feature fatigue among consumers who simply want things to work – strong demand from less affluent consumers (divisions,SMBs and developing countries) 28
  • 29. 2009: one of the worst years in history 29 29
  • 30. Symptoms of IT complexity • Software crashes due to • Incompatibility between incompatibility of data, files, vendor software packages software, or network protocols. due to lack of standards. • Frequent but necessary • Long timeframes to solve the software upgrades resulting problems causing software in errors and incompatibility crashes. problems. • Long timeframes to test and install new applications because of integration problems. 30
  • 31. IT complexity tax Moore’s sayings: IT complexity tax: • Moore's Law : states that • CIO’s pay with time, sweat and computing capability money for every innovation, increases 1 percent per every business process week. improvement they implement. • Moore's Flaw : keeping up with this flood tide of innovation quickly becomes too difficult (and too costly) for anyone to manage. 31
  • 32. Results of a good “curation” Cost of Operations + - Risk of Quality of Failure Service 32
  • 33. Reduce Complexity by Managing 33 * From SYMANTEC
  • 34. Data Center Management 2010 Integrated Components User Interface Launch-in-Context Reporting Security Deployment Health Security Network System Performance Storage Transaction Mainframe Application Events Events Events Events Events Events Events Events 34
  • 35. Economist: In praise of techno-austerity • Technologists are waking up to the benefits of minimalism: – feature fatigue among consumers who simply want things to work – strong demand from less affluent consumers (divisions,SMBs and developing countries) 35
  • 36. Complexity can be solved by : SIMPLIFY (commoditization, standardization, virtualization) Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attibution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 37. another cure for complexity Internal storage Servers New Architecture Power & cooling ProCurve Networking Management software 37
  • 39. 1980 -2010 Platform Lifecycle 39 39
  • 40. Industry in a Box Companies 40 40
  • 41. What’s under the hood: Lego ? Virtual Connect virtualized LAN and SAN connections StorageWorks Insight EVA SAN Software (Note: Matrix supports Capacity Planning any c-Class certified Orchestration FC SAN target) Disaster Recovery All-in-One Services, plus Integrity and ProLiant iCAP and ProLiant pay as you grow blade servers financing 41
  • 42. What’s under the hood 2 42
  • 44. A museum curator plans, displays and catalogs collection items. Visitors see only what the curator wants them to see and the order of presentation. Museum visits become vanilla (same to all) under a certain curator. 44
  • 45. 45
  • 46. 5th Generation Of Computing 1970s 1980s 1990s Today 2010+ Autocratic Personal: Web: SOA: Curated: Centralized Computing
  • 47. Cloudy in your future 47
  • 48.  From On-Premise to Cloud Platforms
  • 50. Cloud also good for CFOs 50
  • 51. 51
  • 53. 53
  • 55. 55
  • 56. 56
  • 58. Winners and losers: who now? 15 billion ARM based chips shipped to date 58
  • 59. 59
  • 60. 60
  • 61. If looks could kill 61
  • 62. 62 62
  • 65. iPhone the content revolution The dean of Yale University's School of Management has joined Apple as a new Vice President, serving of the dean of a new "Apple University." 65
  • 66. 66
  • 68. Google into other things? Google Wave Crome OS Nexus 1 Android 68 68
  • 71. 71
  • 72. 72
  • 73. Farmville Game on Facebook • It‟s free but you can buy goods to enhance the experience: – 800.000 tractors „sold‟ every single day • A team of 35 Developers release new virtual items into FarmVille twice a week • 65 Million+ users without any advertising; 1.2 Million users per day • Parent company Zynga makes est. $500M / Year and has 600+ employees 73
  • 74. 74
  • 75. 75
  • 76. 76
  • 77. 3 possible mobile models: • SMS  Easy, common in all devices, affordable • Mobile Internet  Familiar, supported by most devices, UI is an issue • Mobile Application  Rich user experience, ability to work offline Source: Mobile Marketing Association Einat Shimoni’s work Copyright 2010 @STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic 77
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  • 82. Mobile website also changing Your mobile website should and Less like that: look more like that: Don‟t look at mobile devices as an “extended PC” It is a totally different device that will offer added value that a PC doesn‟t
  • 83. One for each kind? 83
  • 84. Or one for each machine? PCs Mac Tablets Smart phones Cell phones
  • 85. Design features (user wins) vs development and distribution (IT wins) 85
  • 86. How are we going to use them ? 86
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  • 97. “one-size-fits-all” end-user computing is “out” 2008 2011 • Standard desktop • Standard desktop configuration with configuration Microsoft OS and office • Tablets/smartphones productivity tools configured for Web-based applications • Desktop or application virtualization on thin-client device • Tablet/ smartphone applications • SaaS alternatives to hosted applications 97
  • 98. 98
  • 99. So what happened ? The user: IT: • Mobility and always • IT will have to : connected allows the – Supply “content” to this “user” to shop for his own appliances set of appliances. – Receive “content” from this appliances – Content will be structured, • Appliances will have two unstructured and multimedia flavors for content – CREATE AND CONSUME – CONSUME 99
  • 100. New Desktop (1 out of 5) Google World Facebook World Apple World MS World Search People Apps Content in the middle in the middle in the middle in the middle Palm World ??? in the middle
  • 101. The future is here: WEB 3.0 Digital Marketing Is Here To Stay !! “When I took office, only high energy physicists had ever heard of what is called the World Wide`Web... Now even my cat has it's own page.” - Bill Clinton 101 101
  • 102. Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attibution from any graphic or portion of graphic 102
  • 103. Tribes: a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. Discussion: • What builds tribes? • What kills tribes? • What sustains tribes? Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attibution from any graphic or portion of graphic 103
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  • 106. Innovation : WEB 3.0 106
  • 107. Enterprise social software is growing… blogs forums microblogging video wikis social bookmarking podcasts photos 107
  • 108. Tying together enterprise social software Blogs Book Forums marks Wikis Micro New “family” blogs of products Video Pod casts Photos 108
  • 109. WEB 3.0 109
  • 110. Study by Prof. Granovetter shows that weak links are better than strong • Strong Links: More motivation to help you, since they know you better •Weak Links : Likely less overlap with leads you can easily get elsewhere Most job referrals come through those who we see rarely: old school friends, former co- workers, etc. Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attibution from any graphic or portion of graphic 110
  • 111. What do I use ???? • No longer need a • Blogs: memory • IT related – Google • Economics – Yahoo • Musical taste: – Wikipedia – ITunes – Twitter • Books and others: – Amazon • Personal Information • Social Capital – Smartphone tells me – LinkedIn about birthdays, phones, – groups addresses – Xing – Facebook Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attibution from any graphic or portion of graphic 111 111
  • 112. What do you use ? Social Technographics™ Josh Bernoff, co- author of Groundswell Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attibution from any graphic or portion of graphic 112
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  • 114. Thank you Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf 114