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Quality Assurance
& Software Testing
What is Quality Assurance?
 Quality Control
 Planned Systematic Activities
 Monitoring of Processes
 ISO 9000 Standards
 CMM Level Standards
 Six Sigma Standards
 Measurement and Comparison with Standards
What is Software Testing?

 Requirement Gathering
 Requirement Analysis
 Sign Off Requirement
 Test Plan/ Strategy
 Preparing Test Cases
 Review and Freeze Test Cases
 Execution of Test Cases
What is Software Testing? (Contd.)
  Report the Bugs
  Fixing the Bugs
  Retest and Close the Bugs
  Prepare the Defect Summary Report
  Signoff QA

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Agile QA and Testing process
Agile QA and Testing processAgile QA and Testing process
Agile QA and Testing process

This document discusses adapting testing roles and processes to an agile development methodology. It notes that in agile, testers are full team members who participate in planning and requirements analysis from the start of each sprint. Testing activities occur throughout development rather than just at the end. Challenges in transitioning include changing traditional testing roles and resistance to change, while benefits include more transparent communication and continuous feedback between testers and developers. The document provides examples of agile testing practices and recommendations for improving testing efficiency such as increased test automation and planning.

Test Strategy
Test StrategyTest Strategy
Test Strategy

Presented on Poznań University of Technology where I had a lecture for students how to choose test approach.

test appraochtest processtest plan
Testing concepts [3] - Software Testing Techniques (CIS640)
Testing concepts [3] - Software Testing Techniques (CIS640)Testing concepts [3] - Software Testing Techniques (CIS640)
Testing concepts [3] - Software Testing Techniques (CIS640)

Slides from Software Testing Techniques course offered at Kansas State University in Spring'16 and Spring'17. Entire course material can be found at

software testingcoursesoftware development
 Verification: Have we built the software right?
 (i.e., does it match the specification).

 Validation: Have we built the right software?
 (i.e., is this what the customer wants).
IT Project Team Structure
 Project Manager
 Development Manager
 Dev. Lead/ Module Lead/ Sr. Developers
 Developers
 Business Analyst
 Production Support Team
 Web/ Application Server Support Team
 Database Administrators
 Test Manager/ Lead
 Sr. QA Tester/ Sr. QA Analyst/ Sr. QA Engineer
 QA Tester/ QA Analyst/ QA Engineer
What is SDLC?
 SDLC: Software Development Life Cycle

Types of SDLC –

 Waterfall Model
 V Model
 Spiral Model etc.
Waterfall Model

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Software Testing Life Cycle – A Beginner’s GuideSoftware Testing Life Cycle – A Beginner’s Guide
Software Testing Life Cycle – A Beginner’s Guide

Software Testing Life Cycle refers to 6 phases of the software testing process. Learn about each phase of STLC in-depth in our article. (Source:

software testing life cyclesoftware testing
Test Life Cycle
Test Life CycleTest Life Cycle
Test Life Cycle

The document discusses the testing life cycle process. It involves testing activities from the beginning of a project through requirements, design, development, integration testing, system testing, and release. Key phases include test planning, case design, execution, and using various testing types and tools. An effective testing team has defined roles and responsibilities throughout the project life cycle.

Testing fundamentals
Testing fundamentalsTesting fundamentals
Testing fundamentals

Testing is the process of validating and verifying software to ensure it meets specifications and functions as intended. There are different levels of testing including unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing. An important part of testing is having a test plan that outlines the test strategy, cases, and process to be followed. Testing helps find defects so the product can be improved.

software engineeringtestingblack box
V Model
Spiral Model
Software System Architecture

    Development Environment
    QA Environment
    UAT Environment
    Staging Environment
    Production Environment
Software System Architecture (Contd.)

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Unit testing
Unit testingUnit testing
Unit testing

Unit testing involves testing individual units or components of code to ensure they work as intended. It focuses on testing functional correctness, error handling, and input/output values. The main benefits are faster debugging, easier integration testing, and living documentation. Guidelines for effective unit testing include writing automated, independent, focused tests that cover boundaries and are easy to run and maintain.


Software testing involves verifying that software meets requirements and works as intended. There are various testing types including unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing. Testing methodologies include black box testing without viewing code and white box testing using internal knowledge. The goal is to find bugs early and ensure software reliability.

QA Best Practices in Agile World_new
QA Best Practices in Agile World_newQA Best Practices in Agile World_new
QA Best Practices in Agile World_new

The document discusses QA best practices in an Agile development environment. It describes key aspects of Agile like iterative delivery, self-organizing teams, and rapid feedback. It addresses challenges of fitting QA into short iterations and questions around testing approaches. The document advocates for testing to be collaborative, automated, and continuous throughout development. It provides recommendations for QA roles in activities like planning, stand-ups, retrospectives and acceptance testing. Overall it promotes testing practices in Agile that focus on early feedback, automation, and involvement of QA throughout the development process.

Methods of Testing
Unit Testing: The primary goal of unit testing is to take the smallest piece of
testable software in the application, isolate it from the remainder of the
code, and determine whether it behaves exactly as you expect

Integration Testing: Integration testing is a logical extension of unit testing.
In its simplest form, two units that have already been tested are combined
into a component and the interface between them is tested.
Methods of Testing (Contd.)
Methods of Testing (Contd.)
Regression Testing: Regression testing is the process of testing changes to
computer programs to make sure that the older programming still works
with the new changes.

Functional Testing: Functional testing is a type of black box testing that
bases its test cases on the specifications of the software component under
test. Functions are tested by feeding them input and examining the
output, and internal program structure is not considered.

System Testing: System testing of software or hardware is testing
conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's
compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the
scope of black box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of
the inner design of the code or logic.
Methods of Testing (Contd.)
System Integration Testing: System Integration Testing (SIT) is a testing
process that exercises a software system's coexistence with others. With
multiple integrated systems, assuming that each have already passed
system testing, SIT proceeds to test their required interactions

User Acceptance Testing: User Acceptance Testing is often the final step
before rolling out the application. Usually the end users who will be using
the applications test the application before ‘accepting’ the application.

Black- box Testing: Black-box testing is a method of software testing that
tests the functionality of an application as opposed to its internal
structures or workings. Specific knowledge of the application's code/
internal structure and programming knowledge in general is not required.

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Introducing QA Into an Agile Environment
Introducing QA Into an Agile EnvironmentIntroducing QA Into an Agile Environment
Introducing QA Into an Agile Environment

This document discusses introducing quality assurance (QA) processes into an agile development environment. It describes some common challenges that can arise when development and testing are not well integrated, such as business stakeholders finding bugs late in the process. The author advocates for making QA practices and results visible and incorporating QA personnel into agile ceremonies like planning and demos. With collaboration, commitment to quality, and clear communication, the QA team was able to gain trust and find bugs earlier. Their approach evolved to take on more types of testing, and they worked with business to define different testing levels and work testing around releases.

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Manual testing concepts course 1
Manual testing concepts course 1Manual testing concepts course 1
Manual testing concepts course 1

Testing software is conducted to ensure the system meets user needs and requirements. The primary objectives of testing are to verify that the right system was built according to specifications and that it was built correctly. Testing helps instill user confidence, ensures functionality and performance, and identifies any issues where the system does not meet specifications. Different types of testing include unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing, which are done at various stages of the software development life cycle.

Software quality assurance
Software quality assuranceSoftware quality assurance
Software quality assurance

The document discusses various topics related to software quality assurance including: 1) It defines key terms like correctness, reliability, testing, failure, error, fault, debugging, verification, and validation. 2) It describes the differences between quality assurance (focusing on processes) and quality control (focusing on products), and lists some common quality assurance/control activities like testing, inspections, and reviews. 3) It provides an overview of a software development lifecycle including requirements, planning, design, coding, testing phases.

Methods of Testing (Contd.)
White- box Testing: White-box testing (also known as Clear box
Testing, Glass box Testing, Transparent box Testing and Structural Testing)
is a method of testing software that tests internal structures or workings of
an application, as opposed to its functionality (i.e. black-box testing). In
white-box testing an internal perspective of the system, as well as
programming skills, are used to design test cases. The tester chooses
inputs to exercise paths through the code and determine the appropriate

Sanity Testing: Sanity testing is a quick test of the software build which
ensures the build is ready for a major testing effort.

Smoke Testing: Smoke testing is to test all major functionalities in the
Methods of Testing (Contd.)
Methods of Testing (Contd.)
Business Process Testing: The Business Process Testing model is role-
based, allowing non-technical Subject Matter Experts (working in
Quality Center) to collaborate effectively with Automation Engineers
(working in Quick Test Professional). Subject Matter Experts define and
document business processes, business components, and business
process tests, while Automation Engineers define the required
resources and settings, such as shared object repositories, function
libraries, and recovery scenarios. Together, they can build, data-drive,
document, and run business process tests, without requiring
programming knowledge on the part of the Subject Matter Expert.
Methods of Testing (Contd.)
Backend/ Database Testing: Executing SQL statements to check if the
data submitted by a GUI program is updated in the database or not?
Backend testing is the testing the integration between the application
and the database. It is also checking the changes made in the database
is getting reflected in the application.
Example: A new column is added in the table. Here we test by giving
values in the application and value has to be stored in the table.

Exploratory Testing: Exploratory testing is a form of quality checking
that does not rely on test scripts. A tester is let loose on the system,
often with very little introduction, and they are encouraged to report
any and all issues they find.

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Testing Best Practices

The document discusses testing best practices for rich client applications. It outlines the challenges of testing user interfaces and interactions. It then describes different levels of testing from ad hoc to crowdsourcing. Unit testing, continuous integration, and automated functional testing are explained. The current state of testing tools for Titanium is presented along with a demo. Future directions including more automation and crowdsourced testing are envisioned.

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Software Verification & Validation
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Software Verification & Validation

The document discusses verification and validation (V&V) in software engineering. It defines verification as ensuring a product is built correctly, and validation as ensuring the right product is built. V&V aims to discover defects and assess if a system is usable. Static and dynamic verification methods are covered, including inspections, testing, and automated analysis. The document outlines V&V goals, the debugging process, V-model development, test planning, and inspection techniques.

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Software Testing Process

Based on V-Model (Extention of Waterfall model). It describes Test Process. Including Test process,strategy,R&R,Testing model and techniques.

S/W Configuration Management/
       Version Control
S/W Configuration Management/
      Version Control (Contd.)
Agile Methodology
QA Documentation

 BRD/ SRS/ SRD/ Requirements Document
 FDD/ FRS/ Functional Document
 TDD/ Technical Document
 Data Model/ Database Model
 Flow Charts/ Flow Diagrams
 Use Cases
 User Guides

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This document outlines the testing strategy and process for a software project. It includes details about sprint timelines, testing artifacts, test methods, test types, definitions of done, and bug prioritization. The testing process involves smoke testing, unit/selenium tests, main testing, regression testing, and testing reports. Test methods include manual functional testing and automated functional testing. Test types cover new features, risk, interfaces, compatibility, permissions, and notifications. Bugs are prioritized as blocker, critical, major, or minor.

Fundamentals of Software Testing
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Fundamentals of Software Testing

This document provides an overview of fundamentals of software testing. It discusses why testing is necessary, defines key terms like errors, defects and failures. It describes the context in which software is used and how defects can impact systems. The seven principles of testing and fundamental test process involving planning, analysis, implementation and reporting are explained. Psychological aspects of testing and principles of ethical code are also covered at a high level.

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Agile QA Process
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Agile QA Process

After doing testing on multiple Agile projects, I have come to realize certain aspects about the process and techniques that are common across projects. Some things I have learned along the way, some, by reflection on the mistakes / sub-optimal things that I did. I have written and published my thoughts around the "Agile QA Process", more particularly what techniques can be used to test effectively in the Iterations.

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Medical device manufacturers operate in a competitive marketplace with increasing end-user demands for features and usability and in a highly regulated environment. Regulatory bodies look for evidence that medical devices are developed under a structured, quality-oriented development process. By following software validation and verification best practices, one can not only increase the likelihood that they will meet their compliance goals, they can also enhance developer productivity.

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Use Case Example
QA Artifacts
 Test Plan
 Test Scenarios
 Test Cases
 Test Steps
 Test Data
 Test Estimation
 Test Schedule
 Security/ Access/ Entitlement requirements
Entry/ Exit Criteria in a Test Plan
 Examples of Entry Criteria:
  Testing Environment Established
  Approved Business Requirements
  Adequate Test data is available
  Test plans are completed
  Documented Test Cases and Results from prior test phase
  Completed and reviewed Test cases / Test scripts
  Access rights for the Testers were established

 Examples of Exit Criteria:
  All items in scope was tested
  All test cases (100%) are executed: failed cases have a satisfactory resolution
  Defects were documented and reported
  All severity 1 (critical) and 2 (Major) defects are resolved and implemented
  Applicable sign-off on testing was obtained
Test Case/ Test Steps Concepts
 Pre-Conditions
 Business Rules
 Field Level Validations
 User Interface Validations
 Taking Screenshots
 System Error/ Exception Messages
 System / Confirmation Messages
 Boundary Value Analysis
 Equivalence Class Partisans

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This presentation introduces the principles of high-quality programming code construction during the software development process. The quality of the code is discussed in its most important characteristics – correctness, readability and maintainability. The principles of construction of high-quality class hierarchies, classes and methods are explained. Two fundamental concepts – “loose coupling” and “strong cohesion” are defined and their effect on the construction of classes and subroutines is discussed. Some advices for correctly dealing with the variables and data are given, as well as directions for correct naming of the variables and the rest elements of the program. Best practices for organization of the logical programming constructs are explained. Attention is given also to the “refactoring” as a technique for improving the quality of the existing code. The principles of good formatting of the code are defined and explained. The concept of “self-documenting code” as a programming style is introduced.

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BVA/ ECP Example
Test Scenario/ Test Case/ Test Steps
             Example 1
   Scenario          Cases                       Test Steps
   Camera Features
                     Take a picture              3.
                     Modify a picture            3.
                     Save as - 2 options         3.
                     Send as attachment in Email 3.
                     Embed picture in Email      3.
                     Delete picture              3.
Test Scenario/ Test Case/ Test Steps
             Example 2
  Scenario       Cases             Test Steps
  Email in Yahoo
                 Compose Email     3.
                 Reply to Sender   3.
                 Forward Email     3.
Traceability Matrix

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Testing throughout the software life cycle

1. The document discusses software testing throughout the software development life cycle. It describes various software development models like the V-model and iterative life cycles. 2. It emphasizes that testing should begin early in the development process and there should be corresponding testing activities for every development activity. Each test level should have specific objectives. 3. The document covers different test levels like component, integration, system and acceptance testing. It also discusses test types like functional, non-functional, structural, and regression testing.


PPT For Software Testing

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types of testing with descriptions and examples

Object Oriented Testing and Test-Driven Development discusses testing at various stages of the software development life cycle. It covers strategies for testing analysis and design models, as well as object-oriented code through class tests, integration tests, validation tests, and system tests. Test-driven development advocates writing tests before code to help constrain design and increase reliability. Overall, the document emphasizes that testing should begin early and continue through all phases of development.

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Quality Assurance and Software Testing

  • 2. What is Quality Assurance?  Quality Control  Planned Systematic Activities  Monitoring of Processes  ISO 9000 Standards  CMM Level Standards  Six Sigma Standards  Measurement and Comparison with Standards
  • 3. What is Software Testing?  Requirement Gathering  Requirement Analysis  Sign Off Requirement  Test Plan/ Strategy  Preparing Test Cases  Review and Freeze Test Cases  Execution of Test Cases
  • 4. What is Software Testing? (Contd.)  Report the Bugs  Fixing the Bugs  Retest and Close the Bugs  Prepare the Defect Summary Report  Signoff QA
  • 5. V&V  Verification: Have we built the software right? (i.e., does it match the specification).  Validation: Have we built the right software? (i.e., is this what the customer wants).
  • 6. IT Project Team Structure  Project Manager  Development Manager  Dev. Lead/ Module Lead/ Sr. Developers  Developers  Business Analyst  Production Support Team  Web/ Application Server Support Team  Database Administrators  Test Manager/ Lead  Sr. QA Tester/ Sr. QA Analyst/ Sr. QA Engineer  QA Tester/ QA Analyst/ QA Engineer
  • 7. What is SDLC?  SDLC: Software Development Life Cycle Types of SDLC –  Waterfall Model  V Model  Spiral Model etc.
  • 11. Software System Architecture  Development Environment  QA Environment  UAT Environment  Staging Environment  Production Environment
  • 13. Methods of Testing Unit Testing: The primary goal of unit testing is to take the smallest piece of testable software in the application, isolate it from the remainder of the code, and determine whether it behaves exactly as you expect Integration Testing: Integration testing is a logical extension of unit testing. In its simplest form, two units that have already been tested are combined into a component and the interface between them is tested.
  • 14. Methods of Testing (Contd.)
  • 15. Methods of Testing (Contd.) Regression Testing: Regression testing is the process of testing changes to computer programs to make sure that the older programming still works with the new changes. Functional Testing: Functional testing is a type of black box testing that bases its test cases on the specifications of the software component under test. Functions are tested by feeding them input and examining the output, and internal program structure is not considered. System Testing: System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the scope of black box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code or logic.
  • 16. Methods of Testing (Contd.) System Integration Testing: System Integration Testing (SIT) is a testing process that exercises a software system's coexistence with others. With multiple integrated systems, assuming that each have already passed system testing, SIT proceeds to test their required interactions User Acceptance Testing: User Acceptance Testing is often the final step before rolling out the application. Usually the end users who will be using the applications test the application before ‘accepting’ the application. Black- box Testing: Black-box testing is a method of software testing that tests the functionality of an application as opposed to its internal structures or workings. Specific knowledge of the application's code/ internal structure and programming knowledge in general is not required.
  • 17. Methods of Testing (Contd.) White- box Testing: White-box testing (also known as Clear box Testing, Glass box Testing, Transparent box Testing and Structural Testing) is a method of testing software that tests internal structures or workings of an application, as opposed to its functionality (i.e. black-box testing). In white-box testing an internal perspective of the system, as well as programming skills, are used to design test cases. The tester chooses inputs to exercise paths through the code and determine the appropriate outputs. Sanity Testing: Sanity testing is a quick test of the software build which ensures the build is ready for a major testing effort. Smoke Testing: Smoke testing is to test all major functionalities in the application.
  • 18. Methods of Testing (Contd.)
  • 19. Methods of Testing (Contd.) Business Process Testing: The Business Process Testing model is role- based, allowing non-technical Subject Matter Experts (working in Quality Center) to collaborate effectively with Automation Engineers (working in Quick Test Professional). Subject Matter Experts define and document business processes, business components, and business process tests, while Automation Engineers define the required resources and settings, such as shared object repositories, function libraries, and recovery scenarios. Together, they can build, data-drive, document, and run business process tests, without requiring programming knowledge on the part of the Subject Matter Expert.
  • 20. Methods of Testing (Contd.) Backend/ Database Testing: Executing SQL statements to check if the data submitted by a GUI program is updated in the database or not? Backend testing is the testing the integration between the application and the database. It is also checking the changes made in the database is getting reflected in the application. Example: A new column is added in the table. Here we test by giving values in the application and value has to be stored in the table. Exploratory Testing: Exploratory testing is a form of quality checking that does not rely on test scripts. A tester is let loose on the system, often with very little introduction, and they are encouraged to report any and all issues they find.
  • 21. S/W Configuration Management/ Version Control
  • 22. S/W Configuration Management/ Version Control (Contd.)
  • 24. QA Documentation  BRD/ SRS/ SRD/ Requirements Document  FDD/ FRS/ Functional Document  TDD/ Technical Document  Data Model/ Database Model  Flow Charts/ Flow Diagrams  Use Cases  User Guides
  • 30. QA Artifacts  Test Plan  Test Scenarios  Test Cases  Test Steps  Test Data  Test Estimation  Test Schedule  Security/ Access/ Entitlement requirements
  • 31. Entry/ Exit Criteria in a Test Plan Examples of Entry Criteria:  Testing Environment Established  Approved Business Requirements  Adequate Test data is available  Test plans are completed  Documented Test Cases and Results from prior test phase  Completed and reviewed Test cases / Test scripts  Access rights for the Testers were established Examples of Exit Criteria:  All items in scope was tested  All test cases (100%) are executed: failed cases have a satisfactory resolution  Defects were documented and reported  All severity 1 (critical) and 2 (Major) defects are resolved and implemented  Applicable sign-off on testing was obtained
  • 32. Test Case/ Test Steps Concepts  Pre-Conditions  Business Rules  Field Level Validations  User Interface Validations  Taking Screenshots  System Error/ Exception Messages  System / Confirmation Messages  Boundary Value Analysis  Equivalence Class Partisans
  • 34. Test Scenario/ Test Case/ Test Steps Example 1 Scenario Cases Test Steps Camera Features 1. 2. Take a picture 3. 1. 2. Modify a picture 3. 1. 2. Save as - 2 options 3. 1. 2. Send as attachment in Email 3. 1. 2. Embed picture in Email 3. 1. 2. Delete picture 3.
  • 35. Test Scenario/ Test Case/ Test Steps Example 2 Scenario Cases Test Steps Email in Yahoo 1. 2. Compose Email 3. 1. 2. Reply to Sender 3. 1. 2. Forward Email 3.