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Graham (2006)
Presented by
Riski Indra Hilman
Information System
Faculty of Science and Technology
State Islamic University Sultan Syarif
Kasim Riau
Testing and Implementation
1. Introduction
Before we can actually execute a test, we need to know what we are trying to test, the
inputs, the results that should be produced by those inputs, and how we actually get
ready for and run the tests.
In this section we are looking at three things: test conditions, test cases and test
procedures (or scripts) – they are described in the sections below. Each is specified in
its own document, according to the Test Documentation Standard [IEEE829].
Test conditions are documented in a Test Design Specification. We will look at how to
choose test conditions and prioritize them.
2. Formality of test documentation
Testing may be performed with varying degrees of formality. Very formal testing would
have extensive documentation which is well controlled, and would expect the documented
detail of the tests to include the exact and specific input and expected outcome of the test.
Very informal testing may have no documentation at all, or only notes kept by individual
testers, but we'd still expect the testers to have in their minds and notes some idea of what
they intended to test and what they expected the outcome to be. Most people are probably
somewhere in between! The right level of formality for you depends on your context: a
commercial safety-critical application has very different needs than a one-off application to
be used by only a few people for a short time.
3. Test analysis: identifying test conditions
Test analysis is the process of looking at something that can be used to derive test
information. This basis for the tests is called the 'test basis'. It could be a system
requirement, a technical specification, the code itself (for structural testing), or a business
process. Sometimes tests can be based on an experienced user's knowledge of the system,
which may not be documented. The test basis includes whatever the tests are based on.
This was also discussed in Chapter 1. From a testing perspective, we look at the test basis
in order to see what could be tested – these are the test conditions. A test condition is
simply something that we could test. If we are looking to measure coverage of code
decisions (branches), then the test basis would be the code itself, and the list of test
conditions would be the decision outcomes (True and False). If we have a requirements
specification, the table of contents can be our initial list of test conditions.

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Berikut adalah penjelasan apa itu black box testing untuk software. oleh : Ade Tiara Putri Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau please visit

Software testing
Software testingSoftware testing
Software testing

Software testing is performed to verify that a software package functions as expected according to requirements specifications. There are two types of testing: validation and verification. Validation uses methods like black box, gray box, and white box testing to check if the software meets customer expectations. Verification uses inspections, reviews, and desk-checking to check if the software conforms to specifications. Testing can find errors but not guarantee their absence, and cannot establish that a product works properly under all conditions.

lokesh gupta
5 black box and grey box testing
5   black box and grey box testing5   black box and grey box testing
5 black box and grey box testing

Block-box testing (or functional testing, or behavior testing) focuses on the functional requirements of the software. Gray box testing is a combination of white and black box testing

software testingblack box testinggrey box testing
4. Test design: specifying test cases
Test conditions can be rather vague, covering quite a large range of possibilities as we
saw with our mobile phone company example (e.g. a teenager in the mid-west), or a
test condition may be more specific (e.g. a particular male customer on pay-as-you-go
with less than $10 credit). However when we come to make a test case, we are
required to be very specific; in fact we now need exact and detailed specific inputs, not
general descriptions (e.g. Jim Green, age 17, living in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with
credit of $8.64, expected result: add to Q4 marketing campaign). Note that one test
case covers a number of conditions (teenager, male, mid-west area, pay-as-you-go, and
credit of less than $10).
5. Test implementation: specifying test procedures or scripts
The next step is to group the test cases in a sensible way for executing them and to
specify the sequential steps that need to be done to run the test. For example, a set of
simple tests that cover the breadth of the system may form a regression suite, or all of
the tests that explore the working of a given functionality or feature in depth may be
grouped to be run together.
1. Introduction
There are many different types of software
testing technique, each with its own strengths
and weaknesses. Each testing technique falls
into one of a number of different categories.
Broadly speaking there are two main categories,
static and dynamic. Static techniques were
discussed in Chapter 3. Dynamic techniques are
subdivided into three more categories:
specification-based (black-box, also known as
2. Static testing techniques
As we saw in Chapter 3, static testing techniques do not execute the code being
examined and are generally used before any tests are executed on the software. They
could be called non-execution techniques. Most static testing techniques can be used to
'test' any form of document including source code, design documents and models,
functional specifications and requirement specifications. However, 'static analysis' is a
tool-supported type of static testing that concentrates on testing formal languages and
so is most often used to statically test source code.

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Black box, white box, and gray box testing techniques differ based on the level of internal knowledge of the system being tested. Black box testing assesses functionality without viewing internal structures. White box testing uses programming knowledge and examines internal logic and structures. Gray box testing combines aspects of black and white box testing by having some but not full internal knowledge. The techniques vary in their advantages like scalability, code coverage, and disadvantages such as redundancy.

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Dynamic black-box testing involves testing software without knowledge of its internal code by entering various inputs and checking the outputs. Key aspects include reducing test cases using equivalence partitioning to group similar inputs and outputs, identifying boundary conditions, using different data values and software states to find bugs, and using exploratory testing without specifications by systematically exploring features. The document contrasts testing-to-pass with simpler cases versus testing-to-fail with more complex cases aimed at breaking the software. Equivalence partitioning is described as a way to methodically reduce the huge number of potential test cases into a smaller yet still effective set by grouping inputs and outputs that will reveal the same bugs.

black box testingsoftware engineering

A PRACTITIONER'S GUIDE TO SOFTWARE TEST DESIGN -- by Lee Copeland. This document lists the summary of each chapter , written in my own words .

chapter 12 – scripted testingchapter 4 –boundary value testingchapter 13 – exploratory testing
3. Specification-based (black-box) testing techniques
The first of the dynamic testing techniques we will look at are the specification-based
testing techniques. These are also known as 'black-box' or input/output-driven testing
techniques because they view the software as a black-box with inputs and outputs, but
they have no knowledge of how the system or component is structured inside the box.
In essence, the tester is concentrating on what the software does, not how it does it.
4. Structure-based (white-box) testing techniques
Structure-based testing techniques (which are also dynamic rather than static) use
the internal structure of the software to derive test cases. They are commonly called
'white-box' or 'glass-box' techniques (implying you can see into the system) since they
require knowledge of how the software is implemented, that is, how it works. For
example, a structural technique may be concerned with exercising loops in the
software. Different test cases may be derived to exercise the loop once, twice, and
many times. This may be done regardless of the functionality of the software.
5. Experience-based testing techniques
In experience-based techniques, people's knowledge, skills and background are a
prime contributor to the test conditions and test cases. The experience of both
technical and business people is important, as they bring different perspectives to the
test analysis and design process. Due to previous experience with similar systems,
they may have insights into what could go wrong, which is very useful for testing.
6. Where to apply the different categories of techniques
Specification-based techniques are appropriate at all levels of testing (component
testing through to acceptance testing) where a specification exists. When performing
system or acceptance testing, the requirements specification or functional specification
may form the basis of the tests. When performing component or integration testing, a
design document or low-level specification forms the basis of the tests.

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In this session you will learn: Test Case Design and Techniques Black-box: Three major approaches Steps for drawing cause-Effect Diagram: Behavior Testing Random Testing White Box Techniques Path Testing Statement Coverage Data Flow Testing For more information:

qa trainingquality assurance trainingonline qa training
Testcase definition
Testcase definitionTestcase definition
Testcase definition

This document discusses software quality assurance test cases. It defines a test case as a set of conditions or variables to determine if an application works correctly. It outlines the typical structure of a test case, including sections for information, activity, results, and provides an example test case template. The document encourages deriving test cases from a specification using the template to design them.

test case design

White box & black box are software testing methods. Software testing is a process that should be done during the development process. In other words software testing is a verification and validation process. Verification : is the process to make sure the product satisfies the conditions imposed at the start of the development phase. In other words, to make sure the product behaves the way we want it to.


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Test design techniques

  • 1. TEST DESIGN TECHNIQUES Graham (2006) Presented by Riski Indra Hilman 11453101775 Information System Faculty of Science and Technology State Islamic University Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau 2017 Testing and Implementation
  • 2. IDENTIFYING TEST CONDITIONS AND DESIGNING TEST CASES 1. Introduction Before we can actually execute a test, we need to know what we are trying to test, the inputs, the results that should be produced by those inputs, and how we actually get ready for and run the tests. In this section we are looking at three things: test conditions, test cases and test procedures (or scripts) – they are described in the sections below. Each is specified in its own document, according to the Test Documentation Standard [IEEE829]. Test conditions are documented in a Test Design Specification. We will look at how to choose test conditions and prioritize them.
  • 3. CONT… 2. Formality of test documentation Testing may be performed with varying degrees of formality. Very formal testing would have extensive documentation which is well controlled, and would expect the documented detail of the tests to include the exact and specific input and expected outcome of the test. Very informal testing may have no documentation at all, or only notes kept by individual testers, but we'd still expect the testers to have in their minds and notes some idea of what they intended to test and what they expected the outcome to be. Most people are probably somewhere in between! The right level of formality for you depends on your context: a commercial safety-critical application has very different needs than a one-off application to be used by only a few people for a short time.
  • 4. CONT… 3. Test analysis: identifying test conditions Test analysis is the process of looking at something that can be used to derive test information. This basis for the tests is called the 'test basis'. It could be a system requirement, a technical specification, the code itself (for structural testing), or a business process. Sometimes tests can be based on an experienced user's knowledge of the system, which may not be documented. The test basis includes whatever the tests are based on. This was also discussed in Chapter 1. From a testing perspective, we look at the test basis in order to see what could be tested – these are the test conditions. A test condition is simply something that we could test. If we are looking to measure coverage of code decisions (branches), then the test basis would be the code itself, and the list of test conditions would be the decision outcomes (True and False). If we have a requirements specification, the table of contents can be our initial list of test conditions.
  • 5. CONT… 4. Test design: specifying test cases Test conditions can be rather vague, covering quite a large range of possibilities as we saw with our mobile phone company example (e.g. a teenager in the mid-west), or a test condition may be more specific (e.g. a particular male customer on pay-as-you-go with less than $10 credit). However when we come to make a test case, we are required to be very specific; in fact we now need exact and detailed specific inputs, not general descriptions (e.g. Jim Green, age 17, living in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with credit of $8.64, expected result: add to Q4 marketing campaign). Note that one test case covers a number of conditions (teenager, male, mid-west area, pay-as-you-go, and credit of less than $10).
  • 6. CONT… 5. Test implementation: specifying test procedures or scripts The next step is to group the test cases in a sensible way for executing them and to specify the sequential steps that need to be done to run the test. For example, a set of simple tests that cover the breadth of the system may form a regression suite, or all of the tests that explore the working of a given functionality or feature in depth may be grouped to be run together.
  • 7. CATEGORIES OF TEST DESIGN TECHNIQUES 1. Introduction There are many different types of software testing technique, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Each testing technique falls into one of a number of different categories. Broadly speaking there are two main categories, static and dynamic. Static techniques were discussed in Chapter 3. Dynamic techniques are subdivided into three more categories: specification-based (black-box, also known as behavioral
  • 8. CONT… 2. Static testing techniques As we saw in Chapter 3, static testing techniques do not execute the code being examined and are generally used before any tests are executed on the software. They could be called non-execution techniques. Most static testing techniques can be used to 'test' any form of document including source code, design documents and models, functional specifications and requirement specifications. However, 'static analysis' is a tool-supported type of static testing that concentrates on testing formal languages and so is most often used to statically test source code.
  • 9. CONT… 3. Specification-based (black-box) testing techniques The first of the dynamic testing techniques we will look at are the specification-based testing techniques. These are also known as 'black-box' or input/output-driven testing techniques because they view the software as a black-box with inputs and outputs, but they have no knowledge of how the system or component is structured inside the box. In essence, the tester is concentrating on what the software does, not how it does it.
  • 10. CONT… 4. Structure-based (white-box) testing techniques Structure-based testing techniques (which are also dynamic rather than static) use the internal structure of the software to derive test cases. They are commonly called 'white-box' or 'glass-box' techniques (implying you can see into the system) since they require knowledge of how the software is implemented, that is, how it works. For example, a structural technique may be concerned with exercising loops in the software. Different test cases may be derived to exercise the loop once, twice, and many times. This may be done regardless of the functionality of the software.
  • 11. CONT… 5. Experience-based testing techniques In experience-based techniques, people's knowledge, skills and background are a prime contributor to the test conditions and test cases. The experience of both technical and business people is important, as they bring different perspectives to the test analysis and design process. Due to previous experience with similar systems, they may have insights into what could go wrong, which is very useful for testing.
  • 12. CONT… 6. Where to apply the different categories of techniques Specification-based techniques are appropriate at all levels of testing (component testing through to acceptance testing) where a specification exists. When performing system or acceptance testing, the requirements specification or functional specification may form the basis of the tests. When performing component or integration testing, a design document or low-level specification forms the basis of the tests.
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