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Test design techniques
By : Arif Rakhmatullah.m
Program Studi (S1) Sistem Informasi
Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri sultan Syarif kasim Riau
• Formality of test documentation
Testing may be performed with varying degrees of formality. Very formal
testing would have extensive documentation which is well controlled, and would
expect the documented detail of the tests to include the exact and specific input
and expected outcome of the test. Very informal testing may have no
documentation at all, or only notes kept by individual testers, but we'd still expect
the testers to have in their minds and notes some idea of what they intended to
test and what they expected the outcome to be.
Most people are probably somewhere in between! The right
level of formality for you depends on your context: a
commercial safety-critical application has very different needs
than a one-off application to be used by only a few people for a
short time.
Test analysis: identifying test conditions
Test analysis is the process of looking at something that can be used to
derive test information. This basis for the tests is called the 'test basis'. It
could be a system requirement, a technical specification, the code itself
(for structural testing), or a business process. Sometimes tests can be
based on an experienced user's knowledge of the system, which may not
be documented. The test basis includes whatever the tests are based on.

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Test Cases Maintaining & Documenting

The document discusses test case design and components. It defines a test case as a set of test inputs, execution conditions and expected results to exercise a program path or verify a requirement. Test cases have three main components - inputs, outputs and execution order. The document also discusses advantages of effective test cases such as higher probability of detecting defects and delivering higher quality software. It describes black box and white box testing approaches and provides tips for writing good test cases and prioritizing test cases.

Testcase definition
Testcase definitionTestcase definition
Testcase definition

This document discusses test cases, which define conditions and variables to determine if a system works correctly. A test case includes pre-conditions, input values, expected results, execution steps, and expected post-conditions. It provides an example structure for a test case, including general information, testing activity, input/output data, and expected versus actual results. The document also includes exercises to create test cases for solving quadratic equations and for a specification reviewed in a previous seminar.

Rekno widyawati
Rekno widyawatiRekno widyawati
Rekno widyawati

This document discusses key concepts in software testing including test conditions, test cases, and test procedures. It defines important terms like test case, test data, and test script. The document also discusses testing with varying degrees of formality, from highly documented testing to more informal testing. Finally, it discusses test analysis to identify test conditions, specifying test procedures or scripts, static versus dynamic testing techniques, and functional versus non-functional testing.

From a testing perspective, we look at the test basis in order to see what could be
tested – these are the test conditions. A test condition is simply something that we
could test. If we are looking to measure coverage of code decisions (branches), then
the test basis would be the code itself, and the list of test conditions would be the
decision outcomes (True and False). If we have a requirements specification, the
table of contents can be our initial list of test conditions.
Test design: specifying test cases
Test conditions can be rather vague, covering quite a large range of possibilities as
we saw with our mobile phone company example (e.g. a teenager in the mid-west),
or a test condition may be more specific (e.g. a particular male customer on pay-as-
you-go with less than $10 credit). However when we come to make a test case, we
are required to be very specific; in fact we now need exact and detailed specific
inputs, not general descriptions (e.g. Jim Green, age 17, living in Grand Rapids,
Michigan, with credit of $8.64, expected result: add to Q4 marketing campaign). Note
that one test case covers a number of conditions (teenager, male, mid-west area,
pay-as-you-go, and credit of less than $10).
For a test condition of 'an existing customer', the test case input needs
to be 'Jim Green' where Jim Green already exists on the customer database,
or part of this test would be to set up a database record for Jim Green.
A test case needs to have input values, of course, but just having some
values to input to the system is not a test! If you don't know what the
system is supposed to do with the inputs, you can't tell whether your test
has passed or failed.
Test implementation: specifying test
procedures or scripts
The next step is to group the test cases in a sensible way for executing them and to
specify the sequential steps that need to be done to run the test. For example, a set
of simple tests that cover the breadth of the system may form a regression suite, or
all of the tests that explore the working of a given functionality or feature in depth
may be grouped to be run together.

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Test cases
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The document discusses test case structure and specifications. It defines a test case as a set of inputs, expected results, and execution conditions used to test a specific program path or requirement. A test case specification is a document that specifies test cases by outlining objectives, inputs, test actions, expected results, and preconditions. It also provides guidelines for writing effective test cases, such as keeping them short, using simple language, and providing test data and notes when possible. The overall goal is to write test cases early based on design to allow for early bug detection and efficient testing once code is completed.

Requirement Cheat Sheet
Requirement Cheat SheetRequirement Cheat Sheet
Requirement Cheat Sheet

The document discusses characteristics of good requirements and terms used in requirements documentation. It provides descriptions of understandability, unambiguity, testability, atomicity, correctness, necessity, consistency, non-redundancy and prioritization. It also outlines common requirement terms like "shall", "should", "will", and "may" and verification methods like inspection, demonstration, testing and analysis. Non-functional requirements are discussed as user stories and a requirements cheat sheet outlines a FURPS+ classification system.

Test Case, Use Case and Test Scenario
Test Case, Use Case and Test ScenarioTest Case, Use Case and Test Scenario
Test Case, Use Case and Test Scenario

It will help to know about test cases, test scenario and defference between them. It will also help you to find in what format test cases are written.

test casertmtest case format
Some test cases may need to be run in a particular sequence. For example, a test
may create a new customer record, amend that newly created record and then
delete it. These tests need to be run in the correct order, or they won't test what they
are meant to test.
The document that describes the steps to be taken in running a set of tests (and
specifies the executable order of the tests) is called a test procedure in IEEE 829, and
is often also referred to as a test script.
It could be called a manual test script for tests that are intended to be run manually
rather than using a test execution tool. Test script is also used to describe the
instructions to a test execution tool. An automation script is written in a
programming language that the tool can interpret. (This is an automated test
The test procedures, or test scripts, are then formed into a test execution schedule
that specifies which procedures are to be run first – a kind of super-script. The test
schedule would say when a given script should be run and by whom.
The schedule could vary depending on newly perceived risks affecting the priority
of a script that addresses that risk, for example. The logical and technical
dependencies between the scripts would also be taken into account when
scheduling the scripts. For example, a regression script may always be the first to be
run when a new release of the software arrives, as a smoke test or sanity check.
Graham, d., et al. 2006. Foundation of
Software Testing: ISTQB certification London,
UK: International Thomson Business Press

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This document discusses software quality assurance test cases. It defines a test case as a set of conditions or variables to determine if an application works correctly. It outlines the typical structure of a test case, including sections for information, activity, results, and provides an example test case template. The document encourages deriving test cases from a specification using the template to design them.

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Program Studi S1 Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau Backlink ke website resmi kampus: Referensi ke Graham (2006)

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Best Practices for Test Case Writing

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Test design techniques

  • 1. Test design techniques By : Arif Rakhmatullah.m Program Studi (S1) Sistem Informasi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri sultan Syarif kasim Riau
  • 2. IDENTIFYING TEST CONDITIONS AND DESIGNING TEST CASES • Formality of test documentation Testing may be performed with varying degrees of formality. Very formal testing would have extensive documentation which is well controlled, and would expect the documented detail of the tests to include the exact and specific input and expected outcome of the test. Very informal testing may have no documentation at all, or only notes kept by individual testers, but we'd still expect the testers to have in their minds and notes some idea of what they intended to test and what they expected the outcome to be.
  • 3. Cont.. Most people are probably somewhere in between! The right level of formality for you depends on your context: a commercial safety-critical application has very different needs than a one-off application to be used by only a few people for a short time.
  • 4. Test analysis: identifying test conditions Test analysis is the process of looking at something that can be used to derive test information. This basis for the tests is called the 'test basis'. It could be a system requirement, a technical specification, the code itself (for structural testing), or a business process. Sometimes tests can be based on an experienced user's knowledge of the system, which may not be documented. The test basis includes whatever the tests are based on.
  • 5. Cont… From a testing perspective, we look at the test basis in order to see what could be tested – these are the test conditions. A test condition is simply something that we could test. If we are looking to measure coverage of code decisions (branches), then the test basis would be the code itself, and the list of test conditions would be the decision outcomes (True and False). If we have a requirements specification, the table of contents can be our initial list of test conditions.
  • 6. Test design: specifying test cases Test conditions can be rather vague, covering quite a large range of possibilities as we saw with our mobile phone company example (e.g. a teenager in the mid-west), or a test condition may be more specific (e.g. a particular male customer on pay-as- you-go with less than $10 credit). However when we come to make a test case, we are required to be very specific; in fact we now need exact and detailed specific inputs, not general descriptions (e.g. Jim Green, age 17, living in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with credit of $8.64, expected result: add to Q4 marketing campaign). Note that one test case covers a number of conditions (teenager, male, mid-west area, pay-as-you-go, and credit of less than $10).
  • 7. Cont.. For a test condition of 'an existing customer', the test case input needs to be 'Jim Green' where Jim Green already exists on the customer database, or part of this test would be to set up a database record for Jim Green. A test case needs to have input values, of course, but just having some values to input to the system is not a test! If you don't know what the system is supposed to do with the inputs, you can't tell whether your test has passed or failed.
  • 8. Test implementation: specifying test procedures or scripts The next step is to group the test cases in a sensible way for executing them and to specify the sequential steps that need to be done to run the test. For example, a set of simple tests that cover the breadth of the system may form a regression suite, or all of the tests that explore the working of a given functionality or feature in depth may be grouped to be run together.
  • 9. Cont… Some test cases may need to be run in a particular sequence. For example, a test may create a new customer record, amend that newly created record and then delete it. These tests need to be run in the correct order, or they won't test what they are meant to test. The document that describes the steps to be taken in running a set of tests (and specifies the executable order of the tests) is called a test procedure in IEEE 829, and is often also referred to as a test script.
  • 10. Cont… It could be called a manual test script for tests that are intended to be run manually rather than using a test execution tool. Test script is also used to describe the instructions to a test execution tool. An automation script is written in a programming language that the tool can interpret. (This is an automated test procedure.) The test procedures, or test scripts, are then formed into a test execution schedule that specifies which procedures are to be run first – a kind of super-script. The test schedule would say when a given script should be run and by whom.
  • 11. Cont… The schedule could vary depending on newly perceived risks affecting the priority of a script that addresses that risk, for example. The logical and technical dependencies between the scripts would also be taken into account when scheduling the scripts. For example, a regression script may always be the first to be run when a new release of the software arrives, as a smoke test or sanity check.
  • 12. Reference Graham, d., et al. 2006. Foundation of Software Testing: ISTQB certification London, UK: International Thomson Business Press