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2010 STKI Summit
      ENTERPRISE 3.0:

 Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf
      Research Fellow
- “ Tell me a fact and I will learn it
tell me a truth and I will believe it
but tell me a story and it will live
in my heart forever” -
                         Indian Proverb

We are at one of those moments …

   SPEED                 SCALE            SENSORS SOFTWARE
Infinite bandwidth     Unprecedented      New kinds of data   Radical change in
and going for real-   processing power                          data analysis
     time data        and storage sizes r

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer : CES keynote speech 6/1/2010

-"The fact of the matter is, this is not
 a downturn, this is a bit of a reset”-
Enterprise computing is headed for “massive changes”

• “We will see radical changes in
  hardware technology this year (2010)
  and SAP is more than prepared to take
• He cited the following components:
  – super-large in-memory systems
  – parallel computing
  – on-demand software
  – cloud computing
  – mobile phones

Virtually free and unlimited:
              bandwidth and storage

• Storage and bandwidth: are
  improving performance and
  cost efficiency even faster than
  processor speed is .

• The marginal cost is falling to
  practically zero.

What do we carry in our pockets ?

Liquidity: shift from fixed centers of power to
mobility and the consumerization of technology

Passage from "solid" to "liquid" modernity

•   Social forms and institutions no longer have enough time to
    solidify and cannot serve as frames of reference and
    virtually no distinctions between what we do to live and what
    we do to work.

•   Individuals have to splice together an unending series of
    short-term projects and episodes.

•   In liquid modernity the individual (under conditions of
    uncertainty) must:
     – be flexible and adaptable
     – be constantly ready and willing to change tactics at short notice
     – abandon commitments and loyalties without regret to pursue
       new opportunities

Passage from "solid" to "liquid" modernity

•   Social forms and institutions no longer have enough time to
    solidify and cannot serve as frames of reference and
    virtually no distinctions between what we do to live and what
    we do to work.

•   Individuals have to splice together an unending series of
    short-term projects and episodes.

•   In liquid modernity the individual (under conditions of
    uncertainty) must:
     – be flexible and adaptable
     – be constantly ready and willing to change tactics at short notice
     – abandon commitments and loyalties without regret to pursue
       new opportunities

Enterprise 3.0

• Enterprise 3.0 is about the • Enterprise 2.0 is the use
  radical (liquid) changes      of emergent social
  because of convergence:       software platforms:
   – technology                  – within companies
   – business                    – between companies and
   – management trends             their partners
                                 – between companies and
                                   their customers.

Enterprise 3.0:
• Bold business is coming back
  – Smart and creative actions
  – Innovative technologies
  – Fresh innovations
• Re‐thinking: will not be
  ”business as usual”.
• A radical and agile mind is
  emerging that will surprise
  the old business guard.

The ability of businesses to analyse and act on data is a
                       competitive skill.

 IT is not strategic: so CIOs will be        2010- ?             IT matters: CIOs will be called
reduced to technology caretakers                                upon to both innovate and
and vendor managers                     CIOs of the             automate.
                                        future shall be
                                        business leaders
                                        and technology
CIOs evolution into Enterprise 3.0:
• IT 1.0: Focused on running the IT organization,
  achieving IT operational excellence and providing
  reliable, effective services

• IT 2.0: Focused on creating change through process
  transformation and a close partnerships with business
  operations (plus IT 1.0)

• IT 3.0: Focused on driving strategy for competitive
  advantage through activities that face across the
  enterprise and externally (plus IT 2.0)

For CIOs, 2010 is a year in which their very
 profession will be redefined permanently

• from one of internally           • The roles of CIO and
  oriented focus on:                 COO will overlap when
   – processes
                                     IT assumes more
   – systems
                                     responsibility for:
                                     – executing business
• to one of emphasis on :              strategy
   – driving new revenue
   – engaging more intimately
                                     – managing operations
     with customers                  – exploiting opportunities
   – simplifying every aspect of
     the company’s operations.

2010: CIO business goals
                     • Reducing costs
                     • Optimizing/consolidating processes
Improvement of       • Optimizing productivity
“daily” processes    • New analytics usage
                     • Risk management and governance

                     •Delivering a better service experience
    Improving        •Strengthening customer trust
customer relations   •Increase repeat customer business

                     • IT services at 99.99% reliability
Enterprise Service   • Allowing technology consumerization
                       • Customers
    Resilience         • Employees

                     •New products
   Innovation        •New markets
                     •Manage change needs ( training and quality )

Customer Responsiveness
  – emphasizing the
    importance of customer
    responsiveness as a
    measure of success
    relative to a traditional
    focus on service

How different are they

≠ consumerization ≠ commoditization ≠
≠ interchangeable ≠ standardization ≠

            New technology to the
              consumer market
              ahead of business
              1970s > 1990s > 2010s

            Home based IT is more
              capable than that
              provided in their
                workplace ?

Commoditization and Interchangeable
• market based on undifferentiated products
• Commoditization usually leads to lower prices since
  undifferentiated products produce perfect competition
• Some technology products are certainly becoming
  interchangeable but what's really commoditizing?
• Not software, not hardware, not services, ONLY broadband
• False commoditization can create substantial risk when
  premier products (substantial additional value to offer) are
  more expensive .
                         don’t confuse

MEGAtrend: Cloud computing

What is happening today?

CompTIA’s December 2009 survey (CIOs multinational)

Technology adoption life cycle

Early                                                                   Late
                      Adoption                                          Adopters

                   Adapted from Geoffrey Moore’s “Crossing the Chasm”

Technology Adoption Life Cycle
                         •   Analytics (BI), event and data mining processing
                         •   BPM (Business Processes)
                         •   Risk Management
                         •   Compliance and governance
                         •   Integration of applications (SOA and mashups)
Technologies             •   Unstructured data management and storage
•   Virtualization       •   Context/content
•   Convergence          •   WEB 3.0
•                        •   Core application evolution
    Industry in a box                                                           IT Management
•   Mobile                                                                      • Complexity
•   End user computing                  IT Management                           • Data Center
•   Security                            Innovation                              • Cloud Computing
                                                                                • Talent replacement and
                                Technologies                                      augmentation
                                Innovation                                      • ITIL V3

Growth: Digital Agenda
Broadband related growth (innovation)
will be the big differentiator in 2010-2012

2009: one of the worst years in history

Symptoms of IT complexity
• Software crashes due to         • Incompatibility between
  incompatibility of data, files,   vendor software packages
  software, or network protocols.   due to lack of standards.
                                  • Frequent but necessary
• Long timeframes to solve the      software upgrades resulting
  problems causing software         in errors and incompatibility
  crashes.                          problems.

• Long timeframes to test and
  install new applications because
  of integration problems.

IT complexity tax
  Moore’s sayings:                  IT complexity tax:
• Moore's Law : states that        • CIO’s pay with time, sweat and
  computing capability                 money for every innovation,
  increases 1 percent per              every business process
  week.                                improvement they implement.
• Moore's Flaw : keeping up
  with this flood tide of
  innovation quickly becomes
  too difficult (and too costly)
  for anyone to manage.

improve service, reduce cost, manage risk
                         Cost of

 Risk of                             Quality of
 Failure                              Service

Reduce Complexity with an Architecture

Elimination of complexity        IT architecture
• Requires companies to              • Provides the big picture
  redraw their IT architecture         for what applications
• Simplify technologies                support which
                                       processes, how
• Manage service                       applications interact,
                                       and how they share data

                                 a great wine is a complex wine…
                                 But, is complex IT a great IT ?

But now we need new IT Architecture
                                                                                                   Enterprise Strategy
      Business                    Bus Strategy                                                                               IT Strategy                Technology
     Opportunity                                                                                                                                        Availability

                                  Enterprise Architecture

                   Bus Arch’ture                                                                                          IT Architecture

                                                                                                     Fire and


                    Yarn Buying

                    Order Entry






                                  Tagging &



                                               Raleigh          Seneca
                                                Plant            Plant

                                     Business                                                        Locations


                   Business Operating Environment
                        and IT Infrastructure
                                                                                                      Program Architecture

                   Soln Outline                                                                    Macro Design Micro Design      Devt, etc.
                                                                                                              Program Architecture

                                                                     Soln Outline                          Macro Design   Micro Design     Devt, etc.

                                                                                                   Change Programs

Reduce Complexity by Managing

                             * From SYMANTEC

Data Center Management 2010


                                                            User Interface

Security   Network   System   Performance                     Storage         Transaction        Mainframe
Events     Events    Events      Events                       Events            Events            Events

Data Center Management 2010


                                                            User Interface

Security   Network   System   Performance                     Storage         Transaction        Mainframe
Events     Events    Events      Events                       Events            Events            Events

ITIL v3 : 27 main processes

Computing Platform Lifecycle

another cure for complexity

        Internal storage                         Servers


Power & cooling                                          ProCurve

                           Management software
1980 -2010 Platform Lifecycle

Industry in a Box Companies

What’s under the hood: Lego ?

                         Virtual Connect
                          LAN and SAN

 StorageWorks                                      Insight
   EVA SAN                                        Software
(Note: Matrix supports                        Capacity Planning
 any c-Class certified                          Orchestration
   FC SAN target)                             Disaster Recovery

       Services, plus                      Integrity and
      ProLiant iCAP and                      ProLiant
       pay as you grow                     blade servers

What’s under the hood 2

Evolution to Cloud Computing : build off virtualization
              and internal Private Clouds

Cloudy in your future

Cloud Service Layers

                                                            Service Users
                     Cloud End-User Services

                     Cloud Platform Services (PaaS)
   Cloud Providers

                     Cloud Infrastructure Services (IaaS)


Technology Cycles

Disruptive Innovations

Winners and losers: who now?

                          15 billion ARM
                           based chips
                          shipped to date

If looks could kill

If looks could kill

Technology trends for 2010-2012 ISRAEL
“one-size-fits-all” end-user computing is “out”

          2008                         2011
• Standard desktop          • Standard desktop
  configuration with          configuration
  Microsoft OS and office   • *book configured for Web-
  productivity tools          based applications
                            • Desktop or application
                              virtualization on thin-client
                            • SaaS alternatives to hosted

So what happened ?

The user:                      IT:
• Mobility and always          • IT will have to :
  connected allows the            – Supply “content” to this
  “user” to shop for his own        appliances
  set of appliances.              – Receive “content” from this
                                  – Content will be structured,
• Appliances will have two          unstructured and multimedia
  flavors for content

E-Book ecosystems
 (also documents)

Kindle: content consumption

iPhone the content revolution

iPhone the content revolution

 The dean of Yale University's School of Management has
           joined Apple as a new Vice President,
 serving of the dean of a new "Apple     University."

iPad: content consumption

Google into other things?

Google Wave   Crome OS
                              Nexus 1 Android
                         66                66
Other ecosystems: blackberry

Other ecosystems

The future is here: WEB 3.0
 Digital Marketing Is Here To Stay !!

                           “When I took office, only high
                           energy physicists had ever
                           heard of what is called the
                           World Wide`Web... Now even
                           my cat has it's own page.”
                           - Bill Clinton
Much much easier

Evolution of Networked Applications

Innovation : WEB 3.0

WEB 3.0

Enterprise social software is growing…

      blogs                   forums            microblogging

                     video              wikis

social bookmarking           podcasts               photos
…but we’re creating a new set of silos.

Book-                            Micro
                Blogs                            Photos
marks                            blogs

        Wikis                            Video             Pod
                        Forums                            casts

Tying together enterprise social software

          Book                        Forums

  Wikis                                        Micro
                  New “family”                 blogs

                   of products

          Video                         Pod


Thank you

    Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf


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Technology trends for 2010-2012 ISRAEL

  • 1. 2010 STKI Summit ENTERPRISE 3.0: LIQUID MODERNITY Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf Research Fellow
  • 2. - “ Tell me a fact and I will learn it tell me a truth and I will believe it but tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever” - Indian Proverb 2
  • 3. We are at one of those moments … SPEED SCALE SENSORS SOFTWARE Infinite bandwidth Unprecedented New kinds of data Radical change in and going for real- processing power data analysis time data and storage sizes r 3
  • 4. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer : CES keynote speech 6/1/2010 -"The fact of the matter is, this is not a downturn, this is a bit of a reset”- 4
  • 5. Enterprise computing is headed for “massive changes” • “We will see radical changes in hardware technology this year (2010) and SAP is more than prepared to take advantage.” • He cited the following components: – super-large in-memory systems – parallel computing – on-demand software – cloud computing – mobile phones 5
  • 6. Virtually free and unlimited: bandwidth and storage • Storage and bandwidth: are improving performance and cost efficiency even faster than processor speed is . • The marginal cost is falling to practically zero. 6
  • 7. What do we carry in our pockets ? 7 7
  • 8. Liquidity: shift from fixed centers of power to mobility and the consumerization of technology 8
  • 9. Passage from "solid" to "liquid" modernity • Social forms and institutions no longer have enough time to solidify and cannot serve as frames of reference and virtually no distinctions between what we do to live and what we do to work. • Individuals have to splice together an unending series of short-term projects and episodes. • In liquid modernity the individual (under conditions of uncertainty) must: – be flexible and adaptable – be constantly ready and willing to change tactics at short notice – abandon commitments and loyalties without regret to pursue new opportunities 9
  • 10. Passage from "solid" to "liquid" modernity • Social forms and institutions no longer have enough time to solidify and cannot serve as frames of reference and virtually no distinctions between what we do to live and what we do to work. • Individuals have to splice together an unending series of short-term projects and episodes. • In liquid modernity the individual (under conditions of uncertainty) must: – be flexible and adaptable – be constantly ready and willing to change tactics at short notice – abandon commitments and loyalties without regret to pursue new opportunities 10
  • 11. Enterprise 3.0 • Enterprise 3.0 is about the • Enterprise 2.0 is the use radical (liquid) changes of emergent social because of convergence: software platforms: – technology – within companies – business – between companies and – management trends their partners – between companies and their customers. 11
  • 12. Enterprise 3.0: BUSINESS AS UNUSUAL • Bold business is coming back – Smart and creative actions – Innovative technologies – Fresh innovations • Re‐thinking: will not be ”business as usual”. • A radical and agile mind is emerging that will surprise the old business guard. 12
  • 13. 13
  • 14. The ability of businesses to analyse and act on data is a competitive skill. IT is not strategic: so CIOs will be 2010- ? IT matters: CIOs will be called reduced to technology caretakers upon to both innovate and and vendor managers CIOs of the automate. future shall be strategic business leaders and technology experts. 14
  • 15. CIOs evolution into Enterprise 3.0: • IT 1.0: Focused on running the IT organization, achieving IT operational excellence and providing reliable, effective services • IT 2.0: Focused on creating change through process transformation and a close partnerships with business operations (plus IT 1.0) • IT 3.0: Focused on driving strategy for competitive advantage through activities that face across the enterprise and externally (plus IT 2.0) 15
  • 16. For CIOs, 2010 is a year in which their very profession will be redefined permanently • from one of internally • The roles of CIO and oriented focus on: COO will overlap when – processes IT assumes more – systems responsibility for: – executing business • to one of emphasis on : strategy – driving new revenue – engaging more intimately – managing operations with customers – exploiting opportunities – simplifying every aspect of the company’s operations. 16
  • 17. 2010: CIO business goals • Reducing costs • Optimizing/consolidating processes Improvement of • Optimizing productivity “daily” processes • New analytics usage • Risk management and governance •Delivering a better service experience Improving •Strengthening customer trust customer relations •Increase repeat customer business • IT services at 99.99% reliability Enterprise Service • Allowing technology consumerization • Customers Resilience • Employees •New products Innovation •New markets •Manage change needs ( training and quality ) 17
  • 18. Customer Responsiveness • RESPONSIVENESS—THE NEW GOLD STANDARD – emphasizing the importance of customer responsiveness as a measure of success relative to a traditional focus on service availability 18
  • 19. How different are they ≠ consumerization ≠ commoditization ≠ ≠ interchangeable ≠ standardization ≠ 19
  • 20. Consumerization New technology to the consumer market ahead of business markets. 1970s > 1990s > 2010s Defense>business>home Home based IT is more capable than that provided in their workplace ? 20
  • 21. Commoditization and Interchangeable • market based on undifferentiated products • Commoditization usually leads to lower prices since undifferentiated products produce perfect competition • Some technology products are certainly becoming interchangeable but what's really commoditizing? • Not software, not hardware, not services, ONLY broadband • False commoditization can create substantial risk when premier products (substantial additional value to offer) are more expensive . don’t confuse INTERCHANGABLE and COMMODITIZATION and then STANDARIZATION 21
  • 22. MEGAtrend: Cloud computing What is happening today? 22
  • 23. CompTIA’s December 2009 survey (CIOs multinational) 23
  • 24. Technology adoption life cycle Mass Market Early Late Adoption Adopters Adopters The Chasm Adapted from Geoffrey Moore’s “Crossing the Chasm” 24
  • 25. Technology Adoption Life Cycle Applications • Analytics (BI), event and data mining processing • BPM (Business Processes) • Risk Management • Compliance and governance • Integration of applications (SOA and mashups) Technologies • Unstructured data management and storage • Virtualization • Context/content • Convergence • WEB 3.0 • • Core application evolution Industry in a box IT Management • Mobile • Complexity • End user computing IT Management • Data Center • Security Innovation • Cloud Computing • Talent replacement and Technologies augmentation Innovation • ITIL V3 Application Innovation Chasm Chasm
  • 26. Growth: Digital Agenda Broadband related growth (innovation) will be the big differentiator in 2010-2012 26
  • 27. 2009: one of the worst years in history 27 27
  • 28. Symptoms of IT complexity • Software crashes due to • Incompatibility between incompatibility of data, files, vendor software packages software, or network protocols. due to lack of standards. • Frequent but necessary • Long timeframes to solve the software upgrades resulting problems causing software in errors and incompatibility crashes. problems. • Long timeframes to test and install new applications because of integration problems. 28
  • 29. IT complexity tax Moore’s sayings: IT complexity tax: • Moore's Law : states that • CIO’s pay with time, sweat and computing capability money for every innovation, increases 1 percent per every business process week. improvement they implement. • Moore's Flaw : keeping up with this flood tide of innovation quickly becomes too difficult (and too costly) for anyone to manage. 29
  • 30. improve service, reduce cost, manage risk Cost of Operations + - Risk of Quality of Failure Service 30
  • 31. Reduce Complexity with an Architecture Elimination of complexity IT architecture • Requires companies to • Provides the big picture redraw their IT architecture for what applications • Simplify technologies support which processes, how • Manage service applications interact, and how they share data a great wine is a complex wine… But, is complex IT a great IT ? 31
  • 32. But now we need new IT Architecture Enterprise Strategy Business Bus Strategy IT Strategy Technology Opportunity Availability Enterprise Architecture Transition Planning Bus Arch’ture IT Architecture Fire and Component Scheduling Shipping Yarn Buying Order Entry Cash Management Accounting Component Inventory Assortment Planning Component Knitting Tagging & Packing Knits Division Yankee Group AEI Corporate Yarn Division Saturn Group hope! Design Yarn Dyeing Raleigh Seneca Plant Plant Business Business Locations Structure Architecture Governance Business Operating Environment and IT Infrastructure Program Architecture Soln Outline Macro Design Micro Design Devt, etc. Program Architecture Soln Outline Macro Design Micro Design Devt, etc. Change Programs 32
  • 33. Reduce Complexity by Managing 33 * From SYMANTEC
  • 35. Data Center Management 2010 Integrated Components User Interface Launch-in-Context Reporting Security Deployment Health Security Network System Performance Storage Transaction Mainframe Application Events Events Events Events Events Events Events Events 35
  • 36. Data Center Management 2010 Integrated Components User Interface Launch-in-Context Reporting Security Deployment Health Security Network System Performance Storage Transaction Mainframe Application Events Events Events Events Events Events Events Events 36
  • 37. ITIL v3 : 27 main processes 37
  • 39. another cure for complexity Internal storage Servers New Architecture Power & cooling ProCurve Networking Management software 39
  • 40. 1980 -2010 Platform Lifecycle 40 40
  • 41. Industry in a Box Companies 41 41
  • 42. What’s under the hood: Lego ? Virtual Connect virtualized LAN and SAN connections StorageWorks Insight EVA SAN Software (Note: Matrix supports Capacity Planning any c-Class certified Orchestration FC SAN target) Disaster Recovery All-in-One Services, plus Integrity and ProLiant iCAP and ProLiant pay as you grow blade servers financing 42
  • 43. What’s under the hood 2 43
  • 44. Evolution to Cloud Computing : build off virtualization and internal Private Clouds 44
  • 45. Cloudy in your future 45
  • 46. Cloud Service Layers Providers Service Service Users Cloud End-User Services (SaaS) Cloud Platform Services (PaaS) Cloud Providers Cloud Infrastructure Services (IaaS) Physical Infrastructure 46
  • 47. 47
  • 48. 48
  • 49. 49
  • 50. 50
  • 52. 52
  • 54. Winners and losers: who now? 15 billion ARM based chips shipped to date 54
  • 55. If looks could kill 55
  • 56. If looks could kill 56
  • 58. “one-size-fits-all” end-user computing is “out” 2008 2011 • Standard desktop • Standard desktop configuration with configuration Microsoft OS and office • *book configured for Web- productivity tools based applications • Desktop or application virtualization on thin-client device • SaaS alternatives to hosted applications 58
  • 59. So what happened ? The user: IT: • Mobility and always • IT will have to : connected allows the – Supply “content” to this “user” to shop for his own appliances set of appliances. – Receive “content” from this appliances – Content will be structured, • Appliances will have two unstructured and multimedia flavors for content – CREATE AND CONSUME – CONSUME 59
  • 60. E-Book ecosystems (also documents) 60
  • 61. 61 61
  • 63. iPhone the content revolution 63
  • 64. iPhone the content revolution The dean of Yale University's School of Management has joined Apple as a new Vice President, serving of the dean of a new "Apple University." 64
  • 66. Google into other things? Google Wave Crome OS Nexus 1 Android 66 66
  • 69. The future is here: WEB 3.0 Digital Marketing Is Here To Stay !! “When I took office, only high energy physicists had ever heard of what is called the World Wide`Web... Now even my cat has it's own page.” - Bill Clinton 69 69
  • 71. 71
  • 72. Evolution of Networked Applications 72
  • 74. WEB 3.0 74
  • 75. 75 75
  • 76. 76
  • 77. Enterprise social software is growing… blogs forums microblogging video wikis social bookmarking podcasts photos 77
  • 78. …but we’re creating a new set of silos. Book- Micro Blogs Photos marks blogs Wikis Video Pod Forums casts 78
  • 79. Tying together enterprise social software Blogs Book Forums marks Wikis Micro New “family” blogs of products Video Pod casts Photos 79
  • 80. 010 Thank you Dr. Jimmy Schwarzkopf 80