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Technical SEO
What is technical SEO
why is it important?
What is techncial SEO?
Technical SEO collectively denotes different
website and server optimization efforts that
help search engine spiders crawl and index your
website more effectively.
Why is technical SEO
Technical SEO is a necessity,
not an option.

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Website Analysis Report : SEO, CRO Website Audit.
Website Analysis Report : SEO, CRO Website Audit.Website Analysis Report : SEO, CRO Website Audit.
Website Analysis Report : SEO, CRO Website Audit.

This is one of my SEO, CRO Website audit. Note: This audit missed the report of google analytics, cause I have had no access for the GA account.

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SEO Off page
SEO Off pageSEO Off page
SEO Off page

Off-page SEO refers to promotion techniques beyond website design to improve a website's search engine ranking. It includes link building through activities like directory submissions, social bookmarking, blogging, forum posting, article submissions, press releases, search engine submissions, and classifieds listings. The purpose is to increase backlinks and traffic from external sources to the target website.

seo off pageseooff page
How Does Organic SEO Work?
How Does Organic SEO Work?How Does Organic SEO Work?
How Does Organic SEO Work?

What is organic SEO? And how does organic SEO work? Organic SEO (search engine optimization) is the phrase used to describe processes to obtain a natural placement on organic search engine results pages (SERPs).

marketingseo proposalsearch engine optimization
The numerous factors
contributing to technical SEO
create a better experience for
your visitors.
Technical SEO
Crawlability and speed for
technical SEO
Crawlability refers to the accessibility of your
web pages to be crawled and indexed. Thus, it
is the most essential and basic thing focused
for technical SEO.
Robots.txt File
Robots.txt is a file that tells search engines
which pages to crawl and which pages not to
It is placed in the root directory of your website
and you can view your robots.txt file by
navigating to

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Sample SEO Proposal
Sample SEO ProposalSample SEO Proposal
Sample SEO Proposal

This document proposes an SEO campaign for "XYZ" to improve its search engine rankings. It identifies current onsite issues, recommends fixing errors and optimizing pages/content. The proposal outlines keyword research, a content and linking strategy, and estimates traffic increases within six months by targeting specific keywords. Metrics like page speed and site errors are provided to improve the site's technical SEO.

SEO proposal
SEO proposal SEO proposal
SEO proposal

This document provides an SEO proposal and services from a Delhi-based IT company. It outlines their expertise in SEO, web development, and advertising. The proposal describes performing on-page and off-page optimization activities like keyword research, link building, social media promotion, and audits. Prices for silver, gold, and platinum packages ranging from Rs. 7,500 to Rs. 20,000 are listed along with the included tasks and number of keywords targeted for each level. Website designing services are also proposed which include structure, optimization, and page creation.

seo servicesdigital marketingseo proposal
Technical Seo
Technical SeoTechnical Seo
Technical Seo

1) Technical SEO consists of various checks and settings to help search engines crawl and index a website properly. 2) These include optimizing page speed, URLs, XML sitemaps, mobile friendliness, and more. 3) Getting technical SEO right requires some technical knowledge but ensures the website can reach its full search potential.

technical seodigital marketingseo
Robots.txt file helps you
Prevent crawling of duplicate content
Robots.txt file helps you
Prevent crawling of duplicate content
Prevent indexing of unnecessary files on
your website like images, videos, etc.
Robots.txt file helps you
Prevent crawling of duplicate content
Prevent indexing of unnecessary files on
your website like images, videos, etc.
Prevent sensitive information from getting
Page speed is not important for just search
engines. They play a greater role for your
Webpages that load slowly are incredibly
annoying. Studies have shown that if your
webpage takes more than three seconds to
open, it is highly likely that more than 53% of
your visitors will leave.

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SEO Audit Report Format
SEO Audit Report Format SEO Audit Report Format
SEO Audit Report Format

This document is a search engine optimization audit report for the website The audit analyzed various aspects of the site such as page speed, title tags, images, headings, on-page content, links, social sharing, mobile friendliness, and more. The page received an overall grade of 58 out of 100. The summary encourages the site owner to make improvements based on the recommendations in the audit to help optimize the site and pages for search engines.

Website Audit Presentation
Website Audit PresentationWebsite Audit Presentation
Website Audit Presentation

The document discusses various aspects of website auditing including SEO auditing, content optimization, internal linking, URL structure, use of robots.txt and sitemaps, source code optimization, design and usability, and navigation. It provides tips on making a website more search engine friendly and improving its online presence through conversion rate optimization.

website auditsite audit
What is Technical SEO ?
What is Technical SEO ? What is Technical SEO ?
What is Technical SEO ?

Technical SEO refers to optimizing a website for search engines by improving the structure, markup, and coding of web pages. This includes optimizing page speed, implementing a responsive design, creating an XML sitemap, fixing broken links, and using proper meta tags, headers, and canonical tags to avoid duplicate content issues. The goal of technical SEO is to make the website easy for search engines to crawl, index, and understand so content can be found and ranked highly.

seotechnical seosearch engine optimization
Some of the ways you
can improve your site
speed are:
Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name
System) provider
Some of the ways you
can improve your site
speed are:
Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name
System) provider
Keeping the use of scripts and plugins to a
Some of the ways you
can improve your site
speed are:
Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name
System) provider
Keeping the use of scripts and plugins to a
Using web caching 
Some of the ways you
can improve your site
speed are:
Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name
System) provider
Keeping the use of scripts and plugins to a
Using web caching 
Compressing your web pages

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Off-Page SEO Tactics
Off-Page SEO TacticsOff-Page SEO Tactics
Off-Page SEO Tactics

Off-page SEO is important for ranking websites and involves factors outside a website like links, social media activity, and brand mentions. It helps search engines understand a website's quality, authority and trustworthiness. The document discusses various off-page factors like links, social profiles, reviews and directories. It provides best practices for link building through quality content while avoiding black hat techniques. Social media is also important for SEO and the document outlines common mistakes like ignoring off-page work or only sharing other's content without routing back to one's own website.

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Best SEO Plan, Affordable SEO Plan - Aks Interactive
Best SEO Plan, Affordable SEO Plan - Aks InteractiveBest SEO Plan, Affordable SEO Plan - Aks Interactive
Best SEO Plan, Affordable SEO Plan - Aks Interactive

Aks Interactive - We are providing best SEO plan for your website. If you need more information visit:

affordable seo planbest seo plan
Off page seo
Off page seoOff page seo
Off page seo

his Slide of seo will guide you about off page seo techniques with the purpose to get higher ranking in Google Search Engine.Off-page optimization refers, predominantly, to backlinks (links pointing to the site which is being optimized, from other relevant websites). Unlike On- page SEO, Off-page SEO refers to activities you can perform outside the boundaries of your website. The most important are: · Link Building · Social Media Marketing · Social bookmarking

off page seooff page seo tipsoff page seo tricks
Some of the ways you
can improve your site
speed are:
Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name
System) provider
Keeping the use of scripts and plugins to a
Using web caching 
Compressing your web pages
Compressing your images but not till they
get pixelated 
Some of the ways you
can improve your site
speed are:
Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name
System) provider
Keeping the use of scripts and plugins to a
Using web caching 
Compressing your web pages
Compressing your images but not till they
get pixelated 
Minifying HTML, CSS, and Javascript files by
removing unnecessary spaces and
Some of the ways you
can improve your site
speed are:
Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name
System) provider
Keeping the use of scripts and plugins to a
Using web caching 
Compressing your web pages
Compressing your images but not till they
get pixelated 
Minifying HTML, CSS, and Javascript files by
removing unnecessary spaces and
Using a CDN (Content Distribution Network)
Technical SEO
Other factors impacting
technical SEO

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Introduction to Google Search Console
Introduction to Google Search ConsoleIntroduction to Google Search Console
Introduction to Google Search Console

This document provides an introduction to Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools. Search Console is a free Google platform that informs website owners about the health of their site and how it appears in Google search results. It allows users to set a preferred domain, submit sitemaps, check crawl errors and links, and be notified of any Google penalties. Search Console ensures a site is accessible to Google bots and provides analytics, recommendations, and notifications to improve search performance.

webmaster toolssearch engine optimizationsearch console
SEO Compnaies India work strategy for 6 months SEO Services
SEO Compnaies India work strategy for 6 months SEO ServicesSEO Compnaies India work strategy for 6 months SEO Services
SEO Compnaies India work strategy for 6 months SEO Services

This document outlines an SEO strategy including on-page optimization, off-page link building, social media marketing, and monthly reporting. The strategy involves analyzing site performance, updating XML sitemaps, optimizing content and images, link building through article writing, social bookmarking, press releases and directory submissions, and social media engagement on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Progress will be monitored through traffic and ranking reports.

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SEO, Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP) Report
SEO, Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP) ReportSEO, Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP) Report
SEO, Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP) Report

This document provides an SEO report and proposal for ServiceMaster Corporation. It analyzes the client's current website rankings, keywords, backlinks, and opportunities for improvement. The report finds the client's SEO grade is currently poor. It then proposes SEO services to implement like link building, on-page optimization, and keyword research to improve the client's organic search visibility and rankings over time. The proposal includes a breakdown of tasks and monthly costs to perform the recommended SEO work.

search engine ranking position report - kj proweb
Dead Links/404 Pages
Ending up on an ugly 404 error page is the most
annoying experience for a website visitor.
Dead Links/404 Pages
Ending up on an ugly 404 error page is the most
annoying experience for a website visitor.
You should do your best to minimize 404 errors
on your website.
Dead Links/404 Pages
Ending up on an ugly 404 error page is the most
annoying experience for a website visitor.
You should do your best to minimize 404 errors
on your website.
However, that is easier said than done.
Dead Links/404 Pages
Ending up on an ugly 404 error page is the most
annoying experience for a website visitor.
You should do your best to minimize 404 errors
on your website.
However, that is easier said than done.
It is also better to pay attention to optimizing
the 404 pages.

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What is SEO? - Basic SEO Guide for Beginners.pptx
What is SEO? - Basic SEO Guide for Beginners.pptxWhat is SEO? - Basic SEO Guide for Beginners.pptx
What is SEO? - Basic SEO Guide for Beginners.pptx

SEO is the practice of optimizing a website to increase organic search engine rankings and traffic. Key aspects of SEO include on-page optimization through keyword research, content writing and structural elements, as well as off-page optimization such as link building. When done effectively over time, SEO provides free traffic and exposure that can convert visitors into customers and sales.

seo for beginnerseo powerpointseo tip
On page seo PDF
On page seo PDFOn page seo PDF
On page seo PDF

On page SEO refers to optimization of individual web pages to improve rankings in search engines. Key on page factors include title tags, meta descriptions, keyword density in content, image alt text, internal linking, and XML sitemaps. Providing unique, high-quality content with the target keyword included 5-20% is important, as is using H1-H2 tags and descriptive URLs. On page optimization is complex but critical for search engine optimization.

on page seoseo services
Website Audit [On Page and Off Page] by Carl Benedic Pantaleon
Website Audit [On Page and Off Page] by Carl Benedic PantaleonWebsite Audit [On Page and Off Page] by Carl Benedic Pantaleon
Website Audit [On Page and Off Page] by Carl Benedic Pantaleon

Carl presentation during the "Learn SEO from the Pro Training" organized by Cebu Digital Link and Cebu Wordpress Meetup which was hosted at The Company Cebu.

cebu digital linkcebu seo trainingwebsite audit
Dead Links/404 Pages
Ending up on an ugly 404 error page is the most
annoying experience for a website visitor.
You should do your best to minimize 404 errors
on your website.
However, that is easier said than done.
It is also better to pay attention to optimizing
the 404 pages.
Add a friendly note; give them frequently
navigated pages, the homepage, and other
important pages.
Site Security/HTTPS/SSL
Search engines prefer secure sites over non-
secure ones.
Site Security/HTTPS/SSL
Search engines prefer secure sites over non-
secure ones.
While many things can be done to elevate your
site's security, start by implementing HTTPS.
Site Security/HTTPS/SSL
Search engines prefer secure sites over non-
secure ones.
While many things can be done to elevate your
site's security, start by implementing HTTPS.
You need an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
certificate to implement HTTPS on your site.

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Your website in the fast lane speedy seo (part 1)
Your website in the fast lane speedy seo (part 1)Your website in the fast lane speedy seo (part 1)
Your website in the fast lane speedy seo (part 1)

This document discusses how website speed affects search engine optimization. Slow website speed negatively impacts the user experience and can hurt SEO rankings. Factors that influence website speed include hosting, shared hosting environments, hosting hardware specifications, website code, themes, and plugins. The document provides tips to evaluate website speed such as using tools to test speed and get feedback from users. Optimizing for speed involves modifying code, compressing images, using a content delivery network, or changing themes.

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Website Optimization How to Increase Page Performance and More
Website Optimization How to Increase Page Performance and More Website Optimization How to Increase Page Performance and More
Website Optimization How to Increase Page Performance and More

Join us for our sixth Greenville HUG meeting of 2023 and learn how to fix common website issues including improving website performance, enhancing SEO for a website, optimizing a website for mobile, implementing website security best practices, and website personalization.

SEO report for
SEO report for phone-sex-chat.comSEO report for
SEO report for

The document is an SEO report for the website It provides an overall SEO score of 89/100 and summaries various on-site SEO factors like meta titles and descriptions, keyword usage, headings, links and redirects. It also checks off-site factors like HTTPS usage, social media integration, page speed, caching and server security settings. The report provides recommendations to fix any issues found.

Mobile Friendly
Mobile devices (excluding tablets) account for
more than half of online traffic.
Mobile Friendly
Mobile devices (excluding tablets) account for
more than half of online traffic.
A mobile-friendly website is absolutely
Mobile Friendly
Mobile devices (excluding tablets) account for
more than half of online traffic.
A mobile-friendly website is absolutely
Using mobile-optimized UI/UX, avoiding pop-
up ads, improving page speed, etc. improve the
mobile-friendliness of your website.
XML Sitemap
A sitemap is a roadmap to your site's structure
for the search engines.

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Technical SEO Audit – 15 Point Checklist
Technical SEO Audit – 15 Point ChecklistTechnical SEO Audit – 15 Point Checklist
Technical SEO Audit – 15 Point Checklist

The technical aspects of your website can sometimes pull it down from giving its best performance. A technical SEO audit can help you find and fix website health issues to give a better user experience and improve its crawlability.

technical seo auditseo technical auditseo services
Technial SEO
Technial SEOTechnial SEO
Technial SEO

How to make your product/service found by Google. Technical SEO aims the crawling and indexing phase of your website. A list of top 10 technical seo topics for 2020 with a checklist you can go through, before publishing a website.

technical seoseowebsite development
5 Best Practices For Technical SEO Services In India That You Should Know 
5 Best Practices For Technical SEO Services In India That You Should Know 5 Best Practices For Technical SEO Services In India That You Should Know 
5 Best Practices For Technical SEO Services In India That You Should Know 

For the website to be optimized for success, technical SEO is essential. The top SEO experts all recommend the following five technical SEO best practices.

seo services
XML Sitemap
A sitemap is a roadmap to your site's structure
for the search engines.
Sitemaps are a huge help if your site is brand
new and lacks external backlinks.
XML Sitemap
A sitemap is a roadmap to your site's structure
for the search engines.
Sitemaps are a huge help if your site is brand
new and lacks external backlinks.
For any website, sitemaps are a must.
XML Sitemap
A sitemap is a roadmap to your site's structure
for the search engines.
Sitemaps are a huge help if your site is brand
new and lacks external backlinks.
For any website, sitemaps are a must.
Add sitemaps to your sites and submit them to
Google and Bing via Google Search Console
and Bing Webmasters Tool.
XML Sitemap
A sitemap is a roadmap to your site's structure
for the search engines.
Sitemaps are a huge help if your site is brand
new and lacks external backlinks.
For any website, sitemaps are a must.
Add sitemaps to your sites and submit them to
Google and Bing via Google Search Console
and Bing Webmasters Tool.

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Dream Office Technical Service.pptx
Dream Office Technical Service.pptxDream Office Technical Service.pptx
Dream Office Technical Service.pptx

The document provides an SEO audit report for a website with 15 pages. It summarizes key findings such as the number of pages with/without titles, duplicate titles, titles over/under the recommended character counts. It also analyzes elements like H1/H2 tags, images missing alt text, image file sizes, crawling status, lack of a sitemap, meta keywords and 404 errors. The report provides explanations for why each element is important for search engine optimization and user experience.

seo audit report
Why Your Business Needs a Website in 2023
Why Your Business Needs a Website in 2023Why Your Business Needs a Website in 2023
Why Your Business Needs a Website in 2023

In this blog, we'll explore why your business needs a website in 2023 and how it can help you thrive in the digital age.

web design and developmentmobile application developmentgraphic design

The document provides an SEO audit report for a website with 15 pages. Key findings include: - 8 pages have page titles over 60 characters long. - 2 pages have duplicate page titles. - 36 images are missing alt text descriptions. - 31 images are over 100KB in size. - The site has not been crawled by search engines. - There is no XML sitemap to help search engines index pages. - 5 pages have duplicate meta keywords. - The site has 404 errors on broken links. - Only 15 pages include H1 and H2 tags for headings and subheadings.

seo audit report
Google Search
Webmasters Tools
Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster
Tools are free tools from Google and Microsoft,
respectively, that allow you to track, monitor,
and improve your website's performance on
Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Google Search
Webmasters Tools
Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster
Tools are free tools from Google and Microsoft,
respectively, that allow you to track, monitor,
and improve your website's performance on
Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Submit your website's XML sitemap to both
Google Search
Webmasters Tools
Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster
Tools are free tools from Google and Microsoft,
respectively, that allow you to track, monitor,
and improve your website's performance on
Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Submit your website's XML sitemap to both
These tools also show you a number of visitors,
notify you of penalties on your site, show
external backlinks, give you an insight on
search terms that people use to find you, track
technical errors that crawlers detect,etc.
For an SEO beginner,
these technical concepts
might be overwhelming.

Recommended for you

10 Important On-Site Technical SEO Factors.pdf
10 Important On-Site Technical SEO Factors.pdf10 Important On-Site Technical SEO Factors.pdf
10 Important On-Site Technical SEO Factors.pdf

Technical SEO refers to the optimization of a website's technical components to improve its search engine visibility and ranking. This involves a variety of techniques to ensure that search engines can crawl, index, and understand the content of a website, as well as identify and fix any technical issues that may be hindering its performance in search results.

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10 Important On-Site Technical SEO Factors.pdf
10 Important On-Site Technical SEO Factors.pdf10 Important On-Site Technical SEO Factors.pdf
10 Important On-Site Technical SEO Factors.pdf

Technical SEO refers to the optimization of a website's technical components to improve its search engine visibility and ranking. This involves a variety of techniques to ensure that search engines can crawl, index, and understand the content of a website, as well as identify and fix any technical issues that may be hindering its performance in search results.

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Foxtail Website Audit
Foxtail Website AuditFoxtail Website Audit
Foxtail Website Audit

This document provides recommendations from a website audit to help optimize the website for search engines and visitors. The recommendations focus on improving accessibility, indexability, on-page and off-page ranking factors, and information architecture. The implementation of these recommendations is important to make the website easier for search engines to understand and for users to use. Areas that need optimization include meta titles and descriptions, images, internal linking structure, backlink profile, and social sharing integration.

Knowing about these factors can
help you work better with your
development team or webmaster
to improve your site's technical
The learnings of this lecture can
act as a foundation base for the
more complicated concepts you'll
encounter in the future.
Thank you!

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Technical SEO.pdf

  • 1. Technical SEO What is technical SEO and why is it important?
  • 2. What is techncial SEO? Technical SEO collectively denotes different website and server optimization efforts that help search engine spiders crawl and index your website more effectively.
  • 3. Why is technical SEO important?
  • 4. Technical SEO is a necessity, not an option.
  • 5. The numerous factors contributing to technical SEO create a better experience for your visitors.
  • 6. Technical SEO Crawlability and speed for technical SEO
  • 7. Crawlability Crawlability refers to the accessibility of your web pages to be crawled and indexed. Thus, it is the most essential and basic thing focused for technical SEO.
  • 8. Robots.txt File Robots.txt is a file that tells search engines which pages to crawl and which pages not to crawl. It is placed in the root directory of your website and you can view your robots.txt file by navigating to
  • 9. Robots.txt file helps you Prevent crawling of duplicate content
  • 10. Robots.txt file helps you Prevent crawling of duplicate content Prevent indexing of unnecessary files on your website like images, videos, etc.
  • 11. Robots.txt file helps you Prevent crawling of duplicate content Prevent indexing of unnecessary files on your website like images, videos, etc. Prevent sensitive information from getting exposed
  • 12. Speed Page speed is not important for just search engines. They play a greater role for your visitors. Webpages that load slowly are incredibly annoying. Studies have shown that if your webpage takes more than three seconds to open, it is highly likely that more than 53% of your visitors will leave.
  • 13. Some of the ways you can improve your site speed are: Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name System) provider
  • 14. Some of the ways you can improve your site speed are: Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name System) provider Keeping the use of scripts and plugins to a minimum
  • 15. Some of the ways you can improve your site speed are: Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name System) provider Keeping the use of scripts and plugins to a minimum Using web caching 
  • 16. Some of the ways you can improve your site speed are: Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name System) provider Keeping the use of scripts and plugins to a minimum Using web caching  Compressing your web pages
  • 17. Some of the ways you can improve your site speed are: Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name System) provider Keeping the use of scripts and plugins to a minimum Using web caching  Compressing your web pages Compressing your images but not till they get pixelated 
  • 18. Some of the ways you can improve your site speed are: Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name System) provider Keeping the use of scripts and plugins to a minimum Using web caching  Compressing your web pages Compressing your images but not till they get pixelated  Minifying HTML, CSS, and Javascript files by removing unnecessary spaces and comments
  • 19. Some of the ways you can improve your site speed are: Switching to a faster DNS (Domain Name System) provider Keeping the use of scripts and plugins to a minimum Using web caching  Compressing your web pages Compressing your images but not till they get pixelated  Minifying HTML, CSS, and Javascript files by removing unnecessary spaces and comments Using a CDN (Content Distribution Network)
  • 20. Technical SEO Other factors impacting technical SEO
  • 21. Dead Links/404 Pages Ending up on an ugly 404 error page is the most annoying experience for a website visitor.
  • 22. Dead Links/404 Pages Ending up on an ugly 404 error page is the most annoying experience for a website visitor. You should do your best to minimize 404 errors on your website.
  • 23. Dead Links/404 Pages Ending up on an ugly 404 error page is the most annoying experience for a website visitor. You should do your best to minimize 404 errors on your website. However, that is easier said than done.
  • 24. Dead Links/404 Pages Ending up on an ugly 404 error page is the most annoying experience for a website visitor. You should do your best to minimize 404 errors on your website. However, that is easier said than done. It is also better to pay attention to optimizing the 404 pages.
  • 25. Dead Links/404 Pages Ending up on an ugly 404 error page is the most annoying experience for a website visitor. You should do your best to minimize 404 errors on your website. However, that is easier said than done. It is also better to pay attention to optimizing the 404 pages. Add a friendly note; give them frequently navigated pages, the homepage, and other important pages.
  • 26. Site Security/HTTPS/SSL Certificate Search engines prefer secure sites over non- secure ones.
  • 27. Site Security/HTTPS/SSL Certificate Search engines prefer secure sites over non- secure ones. While many things can be done to elevate your site's security, start by implementing HTTPS.
  • 28. Site Security/HTTPS/SSL Certificate Search engines prefer secure sites over non- secure ones. While many things can be done to elevate your site's security, start by implementing HTTPS. You need an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate to implement HTTPS on your site.
  • 29. Mobile Friendly Mobile devices (excluding tablets) account for more than half of online traffic.
  • 30. Mobile Friendly Mobile devices (excluding tablets) account for more than half of online traffic. A mobile-friendly website is absolutely essential.
  • 31. Mobile Friendly Mobile devices (excluding tablets) account for more than half of online traffic. A mobile-friendly website is absolutely essential. Using mobile-optimized UI/UX, avoiding pop- up ads, improving page speed, etc. improve the mobile-friendliness of your website.
  • 32. XML Sitemap A sitemap is a roadmap to your site's structure for the search engines.
  • 33. XML Sitemap A sitemap is a roadmap to your site's structure for the search engines. Sitemaps are a huge help if your site is brand new and lacks external backlinks.
  • 34. XML Sitemap A sitemap is a roadmap to your site's structure for the search engines. Sitemaps are a huge help if your site is brand new and lacks external backlinks. For any website, sitemaps are a must.
  • 35. XML Sitemap A sitemap is a roadmap to your site's structure for the search engines. Sitemaps are a huge help if your site is brand new and lacks external backlinks. For any website, sitemaps are a must. Add sitemaps to your sites and submit them to Google and Bing via Google Search Console and Bing Webmasters Tool.
  • 36. XML Sitemap A sitemap is a roadmap to your site's structure for the search engines. Sitemaps are a huge help if your site is brand new and lacks external backlinks. For any website, sitemaps are a must. Add sitemaps to your sites and submit them to Google and Bing via Google Search Console and Bing Webmasters Tool.
  • 37. Google Search Console/Bing Webmasters Tools Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools are free tools from Google and Microsoft, respectively, that allow you to track, monitor, and improve your website's performance on Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
  • 38. Google Search Console/Bing Webmasters Tools Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools are free tools from Google and Microsoft, respectively, that allow you to track, monitor, and improve your website's performance on Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Submit your website's XML sitemap to both tools.
  • 39. Google Search Console/Bing Webmasters Tools Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools are free tools from Google and Microsoft, respectively, that allow you to track, monitor, and improve your website's performance on Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Submit your website's XML sitemap to both tools. These tools also show you a number of visitors, notify you of penalties on your site, show external backlinks, give you an insight on search terms that people use to find you, track technical errors that crawlers detect,etc.
  • 40. For an SEO beginner, these technical concepts might be overwhelming.
  • 41. Knowing about these factors can help you work better with your development team or webmaster to improve your site's technical SEO.
  • 42. The learnings of this lecture can act as a foundation base for the more complicated concepts you'll encounter in the future.