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Tackling Customer Issues
in Cloud-Native
Dr. Elinor Swery
Who Am I?
• Solution Engineer at Rookout
• Obsessed with the intersection
of people and technology
Tackling customer issues in cloud native environments
Tackling customer issues in cloud native environments

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DevOps, microservices and stress-free incidents. How toy have your cake and ...
DevOps, microservices and stress-free incidents.  How toy have your cake and ...DevOps, microservices and stress-free incidents.  How toy have your cake and ...
DevOps, microservices and stress-free incidents. How toy have your cake and ...

A discussion of the complexity trade-offs between the development and deployment phases of the application lifecycle driven by microservice architecture and how to most efficiently manage applications across the lifecycle in a DevOps model

DataOps, DevOps and the Developer: Treating Database Code Just Like App Code
DataOps, DevOps and the Developer: Treating Database Code Just Like App CodeDataOps, DevOps and the Developer: Treating Database Code Just Like App Code
DataOps, DevOps and the Developer: Treating Database Code Just Like App Code

This document discusses treating database code like application code through DataOps. It begins by explaining that businesses are innovating quickly but data has become a constraint, slowing teams down. Database changes often cause risk and delays. It then discusses how application teams avoid data groups, creating risk. The next section explores where organizations want to go - rapidly deploying changes while finding issues early through automation. Benefits include reduced lead time, improved quality, faster time to market, and reduced risk. The document concludes by asking if increased database deployment automation could accelerate overall application release cycles.

DevOps 101 - Moving Fast with Confidence
DevOps 101 - Moving Fast with ConfidenceDevOps 101 - Moving Fast with Confidence
DevOps 101 - Moving Fast with Confidence

Since the term “DevOps” was coined nearly a decade ago, organizations have strived to embrace the concept as a way to increase agility and speed. Yet, after years of experiments and pilots, DevOps has often failed to live up to grand expectations. For many organizations, the seemingly simple concepts of collaboration and transparency are challenging in practice. In this webinar, Donnie Berkholz, DevOps Research Director at 451 Research, shared what successful DevOps looks like and how new collaboration models and technologies can aid in your efforts to adopt this software development methodology. View the full webinar here:

agile software developmentapplication performance managementdevops
Developers do a lot
“75% of
developers’ time
is spent on
solving bugs”
Why is solving customer issues so important?
Success of business
Revenue Reputation
Rate of
How did we get to this point?
is fun

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devops, microservices, and platforms, oh my!
devops, microservices, and platforms, oh my!devops, microservices, and platforms, oh my!
devops, microservices, and platforms, oh my!

A story about a boy and his quest to build great software delivered at the Cloud Foundry Summit in Santa Clara May 2015. ( Walk through the history of my personal career, and the evolution of the industry highlighting themes like devops, microservices and platforms.

devopscloud foundrymicroservices
CIS14: NSTIC - Identity and Access Management Collaborative Approaches to Nov...
CIS14: NSTIC - Identity and Access Management Collaborative Approaches to Nov...CIS14: NSTIC - Identity and Access Management Collaborative Approaches to Nov...
CIS14: NSTIC - Identity and Access Management Collaborative Approaches to Nov...

The document summarizes a presentation about identity and access management approaches for novel use cases, focusing on an energy sector example. It discusses goals of authenticating individuals and systems, enforcing authorization policies, and unifying identity and access management services to protect energy generation, transmission, and distribution. It outlines challenges around separate IT and operational technology networks and proposes a high-level architecture to address the IT-OT divide. The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence seeks to collaborate with industry to build standards-based and commercially available reference designs for broadly relevant security problems.

Cloud Foundry Summit 2015: Using Service Brokers to Manage Data Lifecycle
Cloud Foundry Summit 2015: Using Service Brokers to Manage Data LifecycleCloud Foundry Summit 2015: Using Service Brokers to Manage Data Lifecycle
Cloud Foundry Summit 2015: Using Service Brokers to Manage Data Lifecycle

Speaker: Josh Kruck To learn more about Pivotal Cloud Foundry, visit

cfsummitcloud foundry summit
Cloud-Native apps adoption is exploding
Adoption of Microservices, Containers, Dynamic Orchestration, and DevOps Technologies
“By 2024 production-grade
cloud-native apps will
expand to 70% from 10% of
all apps in 2020”
IDC 2021
2020 2024
Production - grade
cloud native App
in cloud
Challenges in cloud debugging
• Giving up the control
• High complexity architecture
• Dynamic environment changes
• Access
But wait, there is more
• Lack of information
• Working remotely with the customers
• High pressure from the team
• Conflicting priorities

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Accelerating Time to Market
Accelerating Time to MarketAccelerating Time to Market
Accelerating Time to Market

Barriers to entry are collapsing as digital startups come out of nowhere to disrupt entire industries. In this session we will discuss the capabilities you need to deliver business innovation through software to market faster than your competitors. Speaker: Faiz Parkar, Director EMEA GTM, Pivotal

istanbul digital transformation forum 2016
Four Strategies to Create a DevOps Culture & System that Favors Innovation & ...
Four Strategies to Create a DevOps Culture & System that Favors Innovation & ...Four Strategies to Create a DevOps Culture & System that Favors Innovation & ...
Four Strategies to Create a DevOps Culture & System that Favors Innovation & ...

The document discusses strategies for creating a DevOps culture and system that fosters innovation and customer obsession. It recommends forming a cross-functional reliability team to gather user experience data, perform correlational analysis, and devise plans for building and maintaining resiliency. The document also advocates investing in continuous delivery, agile methodology, and intelligent analytics to achieve optimized software quality, velocity, and costs while driving business value.

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What is DevOps?
What is DevOps?What is DevOps?
What is DevOps?

WhiteHedge Technologies is a global company with over 100 employees that provides agile product development and DevOps services. It discusses how traditional IT models are not designed for today's business needs and how DevOps can help through improved communication, collaboration, and integration between development and operations. DevOps allows for more frequent releases, improved quality, and better cooperation compared to traditional models. The document provides an overview of DevOps benefits and describes how DevOps is not just about automation or increased deployments but enabling continuous improvement and efficient delivery of production-ready code.

What can we
do about it?
Processes /
Process and behavior methods
Prioritization Manage client
Building the right
team mindset
• Always know your high level goals
• What’s critical vs. nice to have
• But what’s really critical
• Balancing bugs and features
Managing client communication
• What to tell when
• Point of contact (at both sides)
• Work alongside them
• Most important: Transparency

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DOES14 - Stephen Elliot - IDC - Delivering DevOps Business Metrics that Matter
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DOES14 - Stephen Elliot - IDC - Delivering DevOps Business Metrics that Matter

Stephen Elliot, VP of IDC DevOps is the modern way to deploy new IT capabilities that drive and deliver business results. This session will dive into the key metrics that large companies are using to gauge the success and measure results utilizing the DevOps discipline. The session will answer the following questions: What are some of the key technology and business metrics that large organizations are using to measure and manage DevOps projects? What are the critical success factors required when communicating with the business on Devops delivered projects? What role do the security and compliance teams play in DevOps, and related metrics?

Cloud Foundry Summit 2015: Leaving your Comfort Zone - Garmin and Cloud Foundry
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Cloud Foundry Summit 2015: Leaving your Comfort Zone - Garmin and Cloud Foundry

This document discusses Garmin's transition from an on-premise infrastructure to a cloud-based platform hosted on Pivotal Cloud Foundry. It highlights issues with the previous environment such as workload of maintaining infrastructure, suboptimal resource utilization, and roadblocks to developer productivity. The new platform automates infrastructure deployment, provides self-healing and auto-scaling capabilities, and allows developers to focus on business needs through continuous deployment. Key aspects of the new architecture include load balancing, availability zones, centralized monitoring with tools like vRealize Operations Manager, and application monitoring with AppDynamics.

cf summitcloud foundry summitgarmin
Redis rise of Dataops
Redis rise of DataopsRedis rise of Dataops
Redis rise of Dataops

Slides from Lenses session at Redis Conf 19 The Rise of DataOps on Streaming data, Lenses as a DataOps platform with SQL on Redis and Kafka. Gain visibility and unlock your data scientists.

rediskafka web uikafka topologies
Team mindset
• Provide a sense of ownership
• Culture of trust and empowerment
• Bring the team together
• Analyse what happened
• Focus on what could have been better
• Document, share and implement learnings
Run retrospectives
Technical elements
QA Use logs Monitoring
Useful tools
Resolving bugs early is cheaper

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Running Data Platforms Like Products
Running Data Platforms Like ProductsRunning Data Platforms Like Products
Running Data Platforms Like Products

Applications need data, but the legacy approach of n-tiered application architecture doesn’t solve for today’s challenges. Developers aren’t empowered to build and iterate their code quickly without lengthy review processes from other teams. New data sources cannot be quickly adopted into application development cycles, and developers are not able to control their own requirements when it comes to data platforms. Part of the challenge here is the existing relationship between two groups: developers and DBAs. Developers are trying to go faster, automating build/test/release cycles with CI/CD, and thrive on the autonomy provided by microservices architectures. DBAs are stewards of data protection, governance, and security. Both of these groups are critically important to running data platforms, but many organizations deal with high friction between these teams. As a result, applications get to market more slowly, and it takes longer for customers to see value. What if we changed the orientation between developers and DBAs? What if developers consumed data products from data teams? In this session, Pivotal’s Dormain Drewitz and Solstice’s Mike Koleno will speak about: - Product mindset and how balanced teams can reduce internal friction - Creating data as a product to align with cloud-native application architectures, like microservices and serverless - Getting started bringing lean principles into your data organization - Balancing data usability with data protection, governance, and security Presenter : Dormain Drewitz, Pivotal & Mike Koleno, Solstice

database managementdbadevelopers
DevOps, Microservices and containers - a high level overview
DevOps, Microservices and containers - a high level overviewDevOps, Microservices and containers - a high level overview
DevOps, Microservices and containers - a high level overview

DevOps, microservices, and containers enable digital transformation by allowing organizations to develop software faster and deploy it more reliably. This is achieved through a DevOps methodology and culture that emphasizes automation, continuous integration and delivery, and monitoring. Microservices break applications into independently deployable components that can be developed and scaled independently. Containers package applications and dependencies to ensure consistency between development, testing, and production. Dell is adopting these approaches internally and offering related services and technologies like OpenShift to help customers with their digital transformations.

containersoperationsdigital transformation
Top Devops bottlenecks, constraints and best practices
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Top Devops bottlenecks, constraints and best practices

Presented at DevOps Summit with JP Morgenthal. Discusses top issues that keep companies from being achieving high performance.

• Code review
• Penetration tests
• Automated tests
• Write meaningful log messages
• Don’t overdo it!
• Use the right log level
• More than just troubleshooting
Use logs
• Errors
• Crashes
• Performance issues
• Track events
• Tracing tools
• APM tools
• Live debuggers
Useful tools

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DevOps for the DBA- Jax Style!
DevOps for the DBA-  Jax Style!DevOps for the DBA-  Jax Style!
DevOps for the DBA- Jax Style!

This document discusses the role of database administrators (DBAs) in DevOps environments. It begins with an introduction to DevOps, emphasizing collaboration between developers and IT professionals. It then explores how DBAs are impacted, noting both opportunities for DBAs to influence decisions and embrace automation, as well as risks of being seen as roadblocks. The document provides overviews of various DevOps practices and tools that DBAs can learn, such as configuration management, continuous delivery, and GitHub. It argues that DBAs should update their skills while automating some traditional tasks, and embrace techniques like data virtualization, snapshots, and DataOps to remove databases as roadblocks to DevOps goals.

Driving Service Ownership with Distributed Tracing
Driving Service Ownership with Distributed TracingDriving Service Ownership with Distributed Tracing
Driving Service Ownership with Distributed Tracing

Breaking up monoliths and adopting DevOps practices can increase developer velocity and improve reliability, but only if you provide teams with the right incentives and the right information. Service ownership enables you to hold teams accountable for metrics like the performance and reliability of their services as well as gives them the agency to improve those metrics.

devops.comdevops toolsobservability
Introduction to 5w’s of DevOps
Introduction to 5w’s of DevOpsIntroduction to 5w’s of DevOps
Introduction to 5w’s of DevOps

The idea behind DevOps is to demolish the wall between development and operations, and encourage more collaboration and accountability between both groups so that everyone feels responsible for the code no matter where it is in the software development lifecycle. For better understanding of DevOps, we have answered the 5Ws of DevOps.

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Tackling customer issues in cloud native environments

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