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Immutable infrastructure
with Terraform
by Sergii Marchenko
Sergii Marchenko
Head of IT at Dev-Pro
10 years in IT
Loves Terraform, and PowerShell :))
Knows a bit about DevOps
Thinks he can write some code in Go
Skype: sergihire
How configuration docs look like
Spinning up a new server

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Running High Performance and Fault Tolerant Elasticsearch Clusters on Docker
Running High Performance and Fault Tolerant Elasticsearch Clusters on DockerRunning High Performance and Fault Tolerant Elasticsearch Clusters on Docker
Running High Performance and Fault Tolerant Elasticsearch Clusters on Docker

Sematext engineer Rafal Kuc (@kucrafal) walks through the details of running high-performance, fault tolerant Elasticsearch clusters on Docker. Topics include: Containers vs. Virtual Machines, running the official Elasticsearch container, container constraints, good network practices, dealing with storage, data-only Docker volumes, scaling, time-based data, multiple tiers and tenants, indexing with and without routing, querying with and without routing, routing vs. no routing, and monitoring. Talk was delivered at DevOps Days Warsaw 2015.

Ansible not only for Dummies
Ansible not only for DummiesAnsible not only for Dummies
Ansible not only for Dummies

A presentation given for J-Labs academy, describing basic Ansible concepts and best practices, adapted to out production environment.

automationansiblebest practices
Real World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.js Applications
Real World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.js ApplicationsReal World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.js Applications
Real World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.js Applications

The document discusses several pain points experienced with Node.js applications and solutions for resolving them. It covers creating a strong foundation by upgrading to Node.js v5, locking down NPM dependencies, handling errors properly with try/catch blocks and promises, deploying applications using Docker for scaling, addressing security issues, and using tools like debug and profilers to improve performance.

IaC approaches
IaC is a must
1. Chief
2. Puppet
3. Ansible
4. Cloudformation
5. Terraform
6. Pulumi
7. Code (Java, Go, JS)
IaC tools
IaC approaches
Mutable or Immutable
1. Server Drifts (Provisioning at diff time, manual actions, random failures)
2. You don't know how to configure it once again (Snowflake Server)
3. Hard to support multiple identical servers (Dev/Stage/Prod, Blue-Green)

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Wordpress y Docker, de desarrollo a produccion
Wordpress y Docker, de desarrollo a produccionWordpress y Docker, de desarrollo a produccion
Wordpress y Docker, de desarrollo a produccion

This document summarizes a presentation about using Docker for WordPress development and deployment. It discusses using Docker to create development environments for WordPress, building Docker images, and deploying WordPress containers to production using Docker Compose or Kubernetes. It also covers customizing configurations, using Traefik for proxy and SSL termination, backup strategies, and notes that Kubernetes is more complex than Docker for simple use cases.

Lessons from running potentially malicious code inside containers
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Lessons from running potentially malicious code inside containers

Lessons from running potentially malicious code inside containers. Short talk given at Docker Oxford / doxford

Scaling Next-Generation Internet TV on AWS With Docker, Packer, and Chef
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Scaling Next-Generation Internet TV on AWS With Docker, Packer, and Chef

This document discusses how DramaFever scaled their internet TV platform on AWS using Docker, Packer, and Chef. It describes how they built Docker images for consistent development and deployment, used Packer to build AMIs for consistent server provisioning, and implemented Chef recipes to define server configurations. The tools helped them achieve faster development cycles, consistent environments, and improved ability to automatically scale their infrastructure on AWS.

IaC approaches
1. Don’t install new software
2. Don’t update servers
3. Don’t change configs
4. Don’t update code
5. Just one thing you can do with you infra - DELETE IT
Immutable principles
Software update?
Build a new image, replace the old one.
Config update?
Build a new image, replace the old one.
Deploy a new version of the code?
Build a new image, replace the old one.
Docker brings us immutable approach
IaC and Immutable Infrastructure with Terraform, Сергей Марченко

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From Dev to DevOps - Codemotion ES 2012
From Dev to DevOps - Codemotion ES 2012From Dev to DevOps - Codemotion ES 2012
From Dev to DevOps - Codemotion ES 2012

More info at Video en español: The DevOps movement aims to improve communication between developers and operations teams to solve critical issues such as fear of change and risky deployments. But the same way that Agile development would likely fail without continuous integration tools, the DevOps principles need tools to make them real, and provide the automation required to actually be implemented. Most of the so called DevOps tools focus on the operations side, and there should be more than that, the automation must cover the full process, Dev to QA to Ops and be as automated and agile as possible. Tools in each part of the workflow have evolved in their own silos, and with the support of their own target teams. But a true DevOps mentality requires a seamless process from the start of development to the end in production deployments and maintenance, and for a process to be successful there must be tools that take the burden out of humans. Apache Maven has arguably been the most successful tool for development, project standardization and automation introduced in the last years. On the operations side we have open source tools like Puppet or Chef that are becoming increasingly popular to automate infrastructure maintenance and server provisioning. In this presentation we will introduce an end-to-end development-to-production process that will take advantage of Maven and Puppet, each of them at their strong points, and open source tools to automate the handover between them, automating continuous build and deployment, continuous delivery, from source code to any number of application servers managed with Puppet, running either in physical hardware or the cloud, handling new continuous integration builds and releases automatically through several stages and environments such as development, QA, and production.

Kubernetes Boston — Custom High Availability of Kubernetes
Kubernetes Boston — Custom High Availability of KubernetesKubernetes Boston — Custom High Availability of Kubernetes
Kubernetes Boston — Custom High Availability of Kubernetes

This document discusses setting up high availability for Kubernetes clusters on AWS. It describes using etcd for configuration storage, ensuring etcd is highly available through clustering. It also covers making Kubernetes masters highly available by running them as pods controlled by a podmaster service for automated failover. The approach uses CoreOS, Terraform and cloud-init scripts to deploy the Kubernetes infrastructure on AWS.

kubernetesbostonhigh availability
An intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon ECS
An intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon ECSAn intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon ECS
An intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon ECS

This talk is a very quick intro to Docker, Terraform, and Amazon's EC2 Container Service (ECS). In just 15 minutes, you'll see how to take two apps (a Rails frontend and a Sinatra backend), package them as Docker containers, run them using Amazon ECS, and to define all of the infrastructure-as-code using Terraform.

Why Terraform?
TF is good
● A master is not required
● An agent is not required
● Declarative
● There is a state in the state file
● SImple Configuration Language (HCL)
● TF plan
● Count
● Loops (For, if)
TF is good
● TF is a kind of documentation
● Clear change management (version control)
● Reusable (dev, stg, prod)
● Not only for a small team, works for 10+ DevOps/SRE
● The best way to implement Immutable infrastructure approach
● Fast (hey, Ansible)
Why Terraform

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Real World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.JS Application
Real World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.JS ApplicationReal World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.JS Application
Real World Lessons on the Pain Points of Node.JS Application

This document provides lessons learned from real world experiences with Node.js applications. It discusses the importance of upgrading to newer Node.js versions for security and features. It also emphasizes the importance of error handling, using promises for async flow control, and scaling applications using Docker containers. Debugging and monitoring Node.js applications for performance is also covered.

Amazon EC2 Container Service in Action
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Amazon EC2 Container Service in Action

This document discusses Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) and its benefits for container management. It provides an overview of ECS components like container instances, clusters, task definitions, and services. It also demonstrates how to use the ECS CLI to register task definitions, run tasks, and manage clusters. Examples are given of companies like Coursera using ECS for its benefits of scalability, flexibility, and ease of managing containers compared to traditional virtual servers. ECS can be used along with other AWS services like Lambda, ELB, and more to build flexible container-based architectures.

Vagrant crash course
Vagrant crash courseVagrant crash course
Vagrant crash course

This document provides an overview of using Vagrant to automate the setup of a development environment. It describes how Vagrant can be used to create and configure a virtual machine (VM) that contains all the necessary tools and files for a project, allowing new team members to get set up and running quickly by running a single script. The document outlines the steps to install Vagrant and VirtualBox, add a Ubuntu box, initialize a Vagrantfile, provision the VM with common tools like Apache and PHP, and set up a sample Drupal project.

● Modules
● Yes, modules
● One more time, modules
● Many modules
Simple TF code
resource "google_compute_disk" "default" {
name = "test-disk"
type = "pd-ssd"
zone = "us-west1-b"
image = "debian-8-jessie-v20170523"
labels = {
environment = "dev"
module "database" {
source = "../database"
environment = var.environment
region = var.region
whitelist = var.whitelist
project_name = var.project_name
How to start?

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Preparation study for Docker Event Mulodo Open Study Group (MOSG) @Ho chi minh, Vietnam

About Node.js
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About Node.js

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine that allows building scalable network applications using JavaScript on the server-side. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, suitable for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. Common uses of Node.js include building web servers, file upload clients, ad servers, chat servers, and any real-time data applications. The document provides an introduction to Node.js concepts like callbacks, blocking vs non-blocking code, the event loop, streams, events, and modules.

node.jsnode js
Installaling Puppet Master and Agent
Installaling Puppet Master and AgentInstallaling Puppet Master and Agent
Installaling Puppet Master and Agent

Puppet is a configuration automation platform that simplifies system administration tasks. It uses a client/server model where agent nodes pull configuration profiles from the Puppet master. Modules on the master describe the desired system configuration. Puppet translates modules into code and configures agent servers as needed. Puppet can manage infrastructure across multiple servers.

No manual actions!
1. No manual actions
2. No, you can't create a tiny resource manually
3. Yes, it matters
4. No, there are no exceptions to the rule
5. Yes, local-exec is better than manual actions
Use a Vault for secrets
1. Hashi Vault
3. Azure Key Vault
Use modules
1. Reusable
2. Simple
3. Testable
Create before destroy
resource "google_compute_instance" "vm" {
name = "${var.environment}-${var.role}-${count.index}-${replace(var.code_version,".","-")}"
zone = element(, count.index)
deletion_protection = false
machine_type = var.machine_type
count = var.vm_count
project = var.project_name
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true

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CI and CD at Scale: Scaling Jenkins with Docker and Apache Mesos
CI and CD at Scale: Scaling Jenkins with Docker and Apache MesosCI and CD at Scale: Scaling Jenkins with Docker and Apache Mesos
CI and CD at Scale: Scaling Jenkins with Docker and Apache Mesos

In this presentation Carlos Sanchez will share his experience running Jenkins at scale, using Docker and Apache Mesos to create one of the biggest (if not the biggest) Jenkins clusters to date. By taking advantage of Apache Mesos, the Jenkins platform is dynamically scaled to run jobs across hundreds of Jenkins masters, on Docker containers distributed across the Mesos cluster. Jenkins slaves are dynamically created based on load, using the Jenkins Mesos and Docker plugins, running in containers distributed across multiple hosts, and isolating job execution. This presentation will allow a better understanding of Apache Mesos and the challenges of running Docker containerized and distributed applications, particularly JVM ones, by sharing a real world use case, including good and bad decisions and how they affected the development.

A complete guide to Node.js
A complete guide to Node.jsA complete guide to Node.js
A complete guide to Node.js

This document provides a complete guide to Node.js, covering installation methods, checking installation, modules, NPM, events, streams, and persisting data. It discusses installing Node.js from, using a version manager like NVM, or compiling from source. It also covers creating a basic web server, reading and writing files, uploading files, and using Socket.IO for real-time applications.

Meetup Performance
Meetup PerformanceMeetup Performance
Meetup Performance

Presentation on how Meetup tackles web performance. Given on: - Nov 17th, 2009 for the NY Web Performance Group ( - Jan 26th, 2010 for NYC Tech Talks Meetup Group (

Dependency, triggers
resource "null_resource" "startupscript" {
count = "${var.vm_count}"
depends_on = [google_compute_instance.vm]
triggers = {
cluster_instance_ids = google_compute_instance.vm[count.index].instance_id
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
Files structure
1. Separate persistent data
2. Separate networking
3. Global, mgmt and envs
Tests everything
1. From top to bottom (Automation QA tests, Integration, “Units”)
2. Use Terratest -
3. Write tests in Golang
Terraform tests
package test
import (
func TestVmExample(t *testing.T) {
terraformOptions := &terraform.Options{
// You should update this relative path to point at your mysql
// example directory!
TerraformDir: "../modules/vm_test",
Vars: map[string]interface{}{
"environment": "test",
"region": "europe-north1",
"project_name": "learned-acolyte-221721",
"path_to_context": "/Users/sergii.marchenko/work/keys/gcp/Iegor-072a850167f3.json",
defer terraform.Destroy(t, terraformOptions)
terraform.InitAndApply(t, terraformOptions)

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Meetup Performance
Meetup PerformanceMeetup Performance
Meetup Performance

1. Meetup discussed optimizing the performance of their event details page by externalizing scripts, moving scripts to the bottom of the page, reducing requests, lazy loading scripts, and using event delegation. 2. These changes reduced the page load time by 27% from 6.321 seconds to 4.643 seconds and reduced javascript requests by 50%. 3. Meetup also optimized static content serving by versioning, compressing, caching resources and using a CDN to improve performance further.

Puppet for Sys Admins
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Puppet for Sys Admins

This document provides an overview of a PuppetCamp presentation on using Puppet for system administrators. The presenter, Stephen Wallace, has 20 years of experience in system administration roles. He will discuss how Puppet can help achieve goals like reusability, reduced support workload, improved monitoring, and documentation for system administrators. He will also cover topics like getting started with Puppet without programming experience, using tools like Hiera and Augeas, and how Puppet can help with provisioning, documentation, and disaster recovery.

puppetpuppet campsystems management
Ansible: How to Get More Sleep and Require Less Coffee
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Ansible: How to Get More Sleep and Require Less Coffee

Why you need automation, configuration management and remote execution in your life. An intro to Ansible and how it can make your life in Ops infinitely easier.

configuration managementansibleoperations
Releases without testing
Releases with IaC and tests
Tests, demo
Don’t stop
1. Use it for Resource Groups/Accounts
2. Use it for Data Structures (Keys)

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Javascript first-class citizenery
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Javascript first-class citizenery

Javascript and first-class citizenry: require.js & node.js Javascript on web pages is ubiquitous and its problems are legendary. Javascript, seen as a second-class code citizen, is usually hacked together even by seasoned developers. New libraries (jQuery, prototype, backbone, knockout, underscore) and runtime tools (firebug, jasmine) look like they solve many problems - and they do. But they still leave poorly written code as just that. One key problem is that all javascript code lives globally and this results in poorly managed, tested and delivered code. In this session, I will illustrate that we can treat javascript as a first-class citizen using with require.js and node.js: it can be modular, encapsulated and easily unit tested and added to continuous integration cycle. The dependencies between javascript modules can also be managed and packaged just like in C# and Java. In the end, we can resolve many javascript difficulties at compile time rather than waiting until runtime.

javascript requirejs node.js
Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet
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Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Through the magic of virtualization technology (Vagrant) and Puppet, a companion Enterprise grade provisioning technology, we explore how to make the complex configuration game a walk in the park. Bring new team members up to speed in minutes, eliminate variances in configurations, and make integration issues a thing of the past. Welcome to the new age of team development!

Ruby For Startups
Ruby For StartupsRuby For Startups
Ruby For Startups

This document provides advice for programming startups. It recommends separating code that changes from code that stays the same. Program to interfaces rather than implementations. Prefer composition over inheritance and delegate functionality when possible. Only implement features that are actually needed ("You Ain't Gonna Need It" or YAGNI). Design thoughtfully before implementing and isolate design decisions.

While a yak is shaving, your business is losing
Don’t re-configure resources, create new!
Is it a silver bullet?
Immutability trade-off
1. Persistent data
2. Works in clouds, it’s hard to implement on hardware (NOT 100%)
Why NOT use Terraform
1. Immutable doesn't work in some cases
2. IaC is not cheap
3. Security is a pain in the ass
4. Terraform has weaknesses
a. Backend doesn't support interpolation
b. TF state contains secrets
c. Multiple issues

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Joomla! Day Chicago 2011 Presentation - Steven Pignataro

The document provides tips and best practices for developing Joomla sites as part of a team. It discusses using version control like SVN or Git, following coding standards for naming conventions and formatting, and leveraging tools for code review and team development. Additional suggestions are given for debugging, moving sites, testing for injections, and speeding up sites through techniques like removing Mootools and using content delivery networks. The presenter encourages sharing ideas to improve Joomla development.

joomlajoomla day chicago 2011steven pignataro
Deferred Processing in Ruby - Philly rb - August 2011
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The document discusses various options for deferred processing and queuing in Ruby, including Delayed::Job, Resque, Amazon SQS, and AMQP. It provides an overview of how each works, how to install and use them, their advantages and disadvantages, and when each may or may not be a good fit for different needs.

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Building Hermetic Systems (without Docker)
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Building Hermetic Systems (without Docker)

This document discusses building hermetic systems without Docker. It defines hermetic systems as airtight and pure, with well-defined inputs and outputs. It discusses sources of non-determinism like external libraries and services that can introduce "leaks". It proposes using Clojure components and embedding services like Elasticsearch to build deterministic, reproducible systems. Components are reusable units with well-defined dependencies and lifecycles. Embedding services isolates the system from external changes. Randomness and time can also introduce non-determinism but may be modeled as reproducible services. The goal is to evaluate systems, identify leaks, and design trade-offs to build robust, hermetic systems.

But, it still works for many cases
Book: Terraform: Up & Running, 2nd edition
Some code to play with:
My contacts:
Skype: sergihire

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IaC and Immutable Infrastructure with Terraform, Сергей Марченко

  • 2. Sergii Marchenko Head of IT at Dev-Pro 10 years in IT Loves Terraform, and PowerShell :)) Knows a bit about DevOps Thinks he can write some code in Go Email: Skype: sergihire
  • 4. Spinning up a new server
  • 6. 1. Chief 2. Puppet 3. Ansible 4. Cloudformation 5. Terraform 6. Pulumi 7. Code (Java, Go, JS) IaC tools
  • 8. Mutable 1. Server Drifts (Provisioning at diff time, manual actions, random failures) 2. You don't know how to configure it once again (Snowflake Server) 3. Hard to support multiple identical servers (Dev/Stage/Prod, Blue-Green)
  • 10. 1. Don’t install new software 2. Don’t update servers 3. Don’t change configs 4. Don’t update code 5. Just one thing you can do with you infra - DELETE IT Immutable principles
  • 11. Software update? Build a new image, replace the old one. Config update? Build a new image, replace the old one. Deploy a new version of the code? Build a new image, replace the old one. Docker brings us immutable approach
  • 14. TF is good ● A master is not required ● An agent is not required ● Declarative ● There is a state in the state file ● SImple Configuration Language (HCL) ● TF plan ● Count ● Loops (For, if)
  • 15. TF is good ● TF is a kind of documentation ● Clear change management (version control) ● Reusable (dev, stg, prod) ● Not only for a small team, works for 10+ DevOps/SRE ● The best way to implement Immutable infrastructure approach ● Fast (hey, Ansible)
  • 17. Modules ● Modules ● Yes, modules ● One more time, modules ● Many modules
  • 18. Simple TF code resource "google_compute_disk" "default" { name = "test-disk" type = "pd-ssd" zone = "us-west1-b" image = "debian-8-jessie-v20170523" labels = { environment = "dev" }
  • 19. Module module "database" { source = "../database" environment = var.environment region = var.region whitelist = var.whitelist project_name = var.project_name }
  • 21. No manual actions! 1. No manual actions 2. No, you can't create a tiny resource manually 3. Yes, it matters 4. No, there are no exceptions to the rule 5. Yes, local-exec is better than manual actions
  • 22. Use a Vault for secrets 1. Hashi Vault 2. AWS KMS 3. Azure Key Vault
  • 23. Use modules 1. Reusable 2. Simple 3. Testable
  • 24. Create before destroy resource "google_compute_instance" "vm" { name = "${var.environment}-${var.role}-${count.index}-${replace(var.code_version,".","-")}" zone = element(, count.index) deletion_protection = false machine_type = var.machine_type count = var.vm_count project = var.project_name lifecycle { create_before_destroy = true } ... }
  • 25. Dependency, triggers resource "null_resource" "startupscript" { count = "${var.vm_count}" depends_on = [google_compute_instance.vm] triggers = { cluster_instance_ids = google_compute_instance.vm[count.index].instance_id } lifecycle { create_before_destroy = true } }
  • 26. Files structure 1. Separate persistent data 2. Separate networking 3. Global, mgmt and envs
  • 27. Tests everything 1. From top to bottom (Automation QA tests, Integration, “Units”) 2. Use Terratest - 3. Write tests in Golang
  • 28. Terraform tests package test import ( "" "testing" ) func TestVmExample(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() terraformOptions := &terraform.Options{ // You should update this relative path to point at your mysql // example directory! TerraformDir: "../modules/vm_test", Vars: map[string]interface{}{ "environment": "test", "region": "europe-north1", "project_name": "learned-acolyte-221721", "path_to_context": "/Users/sergii.marchenko/work/keys/gcp/Iegor-072a850167f3.json", }, } defer terraform.Destroy(t, terraformOptions) terraform.InitAndApply(t, terraformOptions) }
  • 30. Releases with IaC and tests
  • 32. Don’t stop 1. Use it for Resource Groups/Accounts 2. Use it for Data Structures (Keys)
  • 33. While a yak is shaving, your business is losing money Don’t re-configure resources, create new!
  • 34. Is it a silver bullet?
  • 35. Immutability trade-off 1. Persistent data 2. Works in clouds, it’s hard to implement on hardware (NOT 100%)
  • 36. Why NOT use Terraform 1. Immutable doesn't work in some cases 2. IaC is not cheap 3. Security is a pain in the ass 4. Terraform has weaknesses a. Backend doesn't support interpolation b. TF state contains secrets c. Multiple issues
  • 37. But, it still works for many cases
  • 38. Resources: Book: Terraform: Up & Running, 2nd edition Course: Video: Some code to play with: marchenko/GoWeb-PostgreSQL
  • 39. My contacts: Email: Skype: sergihire