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Sadayuki Furuhashi
Founder & Software Architect
Treasure Data, inc.
EmbulkAn open-source plugin-based parallel bulk data loader
that makes painful data integration work relaxed.
Sharing our knowledge on RubyGems to manage arbitrary files.
A little about me...
> Sadayuki Furuhashi
> github/twitter: @frsyuki
> Treasure Data, Inc.
> Founder & Software Architect
> Open-source hacker
> MessagePack - Efficient object serializer
> Fluentd - An unified data collection tool
> Prestogres - PostgreSQL protocol gateway for Presto
> Embulk - A plugin-based parallel bulk data loader
> ServerEngine - A Ruby framework to build multiprocess servers
> LS4 - A distributed object storage with cross-region replication
> kumofs - A distributed strong-consistent key-value data store
Today’s talk
> What’s Embulk?
> How Embulk works?
> The architecture
> Writing Embulk plugins
> Roadmap & Development
> Q&A + Discussion
What’s Embulk?
> An open-source parallel bulk data loader
> using plugins
> to make data integration relaxed.

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[NDC18] 야생의 땅 듀랑고의 데이터 엔지니어링 이야기: 로그 시스템 구축 경험 공유
[NDC18] 야생의 땅 듀랑고의 데이터 엔지니어링 이야기: 로그 시스템 구축 경험 공유[NDC18] 야생의 땅 듀랑고의 데이터 엔지니어링 이야기: 로그 시스템 구축 경험 공유
[NDC18] 야생의 땅 듀랑고의 데이터 엔지니어링 이야기: 로그 시스템 구축 경험 공유

NDC18에서 발표하였습니다. 현재 보고 계신 슬라이드는 1부 입니다.(총 2부) - 1부 링크: - 2부 링크: (SlideShare에 슬라이드 300장 제한으로 2부로 나누어 올렸습니다. 불편하시더라도 양해 부탁드립니다.)

Apache doris (incubating) introduction
Apache doris (incubating) introductionApache doris (incubating) introduction
Apache doris (incubating) introduction

Apache Doris (incubating) is an MPP-based interactive SQL data warehousing for reporting and analysis. It is open-sourced by Baidu. Doris mainly integrates the technology of Google Mesa and Apache Impala. Unlike other popular SQL-on-Hadoop systems, Doris is designed to be a simple and single tightly coupled system, not depending on other systems. Doris not only provides high concurrent low latency point query performance, but also provides high throughput queries of ad-hoc analysis. Doris not only provides batch data loading, but also provides near real-time mini-batch data loading. Doris also provides high availability, reliability, fault tolerance, and scalability. The simplicity (of developing, deploying and using) and meeting many data serving requirements in single system are the main features of Doris.

What’s Embulk?
> An open-source parallel bulk data loader
> loads records from “A” to “B”
> using plugins
> for various kinds of “A” and “B”
> to make data integration relaxed.
> which was very painful…
Storage, RDBMS,
NoSQL, Cloud Service,
broken records,

transactions (idempotency),

performance, …
The pains of bulk data loading
Example: load a 10GB CSV file to PostgreSQL
> 1. First attempt → fails
> 2. Write a script to make the records cleaned
• Convert ”20150127T190500Z” → “2015-01-27 19:05:00 UTC”
• Convert “N" → “”
• many cleanings…
> 3. Second attempt → another error
• Convert “Inf” → “Infinity”
> 4. Fix the script, retry, retry, retry…
> 5. Oh, some data got loaded twice!?
The pains of bulk data loading
Example: load a 10GB CSV file to PostgreSQL
> 6. Ok, the script worked.
> 7. Register it to cron to sync data every day.
> 8. One day… it fails with another error
• Convert invalid UTF-8 byte sequence to U+FFFD
The pains of bulk data loading
Example: load 10GB CSV × 720 files
> Most of scripts are slow.
• People have little time to optimize bulk load scripts
> One file takes 1 hour → 720 files takes 1 month (!?)
A lot of integration efforts for each storages:
> XML, JSON, Apache log format (+some custom), …
> SAM, BED, BAI2, HDF5, TDE, SequenceFile, RCFile…
> MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Redshift, Salesforce, …

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InfluxDB IOx Tech Talks: Replication, Durability and Subscriptions in InfluxD...
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This document discusses the components and architecture of InfluxDB IOx for replication, durability, and subscriptions. It describes the write buffer, how writes are routed and distributed across shards, replication between buffers to ensure durability, and how subscriptions are handled for querying data.

influxdbinfluxdatatime series database
Apache Hadoopの新機能Ozoneの現状
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Apache Hadoopの新機能Ozoneの現状

2017年11月29日に開催されたHadoopソースコードリーディング 第24回の講演資料です。

The problems:
> Data cleaning (normalization)
> How to normalize broken records?
> Error handling
> How to remove broken records?
> Idempotent retrying
> How to retry without duplicated loading?
> Performance optimization
> How to optimize the code or parallelize?
The problems at Treasure Data
Treasure Data Service?
> “Fast, powerful SQL access to big data from connected
applications and products, with no new infrastructure or
special skills required.”
> Customers want to try Treasure Data, but
> SEs write scripts to bulk load their data. Hard work :(
> Customers want to migrate their big data, but
> Hard work :(
> Fluentd solved streaming data collection, but
> bulk data loading is another problem.
A solution:
> Package the efforts as a plugin.
> data cleaning, error handling, retrying
> Share & reuse the plugin.
> don’t repeat the pains!
> Keep improving the plugin code.
> rather than throwing away the efforts every time
> using OSS-style pull-reqs & frequent releases.
Embulk is an open-source, plugin-based
parallel bulk data loader

that makes data integration works relaxed.

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The document describes Apache Pinot, an open source distributed real-time analytics platform used at LinkedIn. It discusses the challenges of building user-facing real-time analytics systems at scale. It initially describes LinkedIn's use of Apache Kafka for ingestion and Apache Pinot for queries, but notes challenges with Pinot's initial Kafka consumer group-based approach for real-time ingestion, such as incorrect results, limited scalability, and high storage overhead. It then presents Pinot's new partition-level consumption approach which addresses these issues by taking control of partition assignment and checkpointing, allowing for independent and flexible scaling of individual partitions across servers.

Amazon S3 Best Practice and Tuning for Hadoop/Spark in the Cloud
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Amazon S3 Best Practice and Tuning for Hadoop/Spark in the Cloud

This document provides an overview and summary of Amazon S3 best practices and tuning for Hadoop/Spark in the cloud. It discusses the relationship between Hadoop/Spark and S3, the differences between HDFS and S3 and their use cases, details on how S3 behaves from the perspective of Hadoop/Spark, well-known pitfalls and tunings related to S3 consistency and multipart uploads, and recent community activities related to S3. The presentation aims to help users optimize their use of S3 storage with Hadoop/Spark frameworks.

Spark + S3 + R3를 이용한 데이터 분석 시스템 만들기
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AWSKRUG Winter Meetup 김명보 / VCNC

Amazon S3
CSV Files
Amazon S3
CSV Files
✓ Parallel execution
✓ Data validation
✓ Error recovery
✓ Deterministic behavior
✓ Idempotet retrying
bulk load
Amazon S3
CSV Files
✓ Parallel execution
✓ Data validation
✓ Error recovery
✓ Deterministic behavior
✓ Idempotet retrying
Plugins Plugins
bulk load
How Embulk works?

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Apache Kafak의 성능이 특정환경(데이터 유실일 발생하지 않고, 데이터 전송순서를 반드시 보장)에서 어느정도 제공하는지 확인하기 위한 테스트 결과 공유 데이터 전송순서를 보장하기 위해서는 Apache Kafka cluster로 partition을 분산할 수 없게되므로, 성능향상을 위한 장점을 사용하지 못하게 된다. 이번 테스트에서는 Apache Kafka의 단위 성능, 즉 partition 1개에 대한 성능만을 측정하게 된다. 향후, partition을 증가할 경우 본 테스트의 1개 partition 단위 성능을 기준으로 예측이 가능할 것 같다.

apache kafkabenchmarkthroughput
# install
$ wget
embulk/maven/embulk-0.2.0.jar -o embulk.jar
$ chmod 755 embulk.jar
Installing embulk

Embulk is released on Bintray
wget embulk.jar
# install
$ wget
embulk/maven/embulk-0.2.0.jar -o embulk.jar
$ chmod 755 embulk.jar

# guess
$ vi partial-config.yml
$ ./embulk guess partial-config.yml

-o config.yml
Guess format & schema in:
type: file
paths: [data/examples/]

type: example
type: file
paths: [data/examples/]
- {type: gzip}
charset: UTF-8
newline: CRLF
type: csv
delimiter: ','
quote: '"'
header_line: true
- name: time

type: timestamp

format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
- name: account

type: long
- name: purchase

type: timestamp

format: '%Y%m%d'
- name: comment

type: string

type: example
by guess plugins
# install
$ wget
embulk/maven/embulk-0.2.0.jar -o embulk.jar
$ chmod 755 embulk.jar

# guess
$ vi partial-config.yml
$ ./embulk guess partial-config.yml

-o config.yml

# preview
$ ./embulk preview config.yml
$ vi config.yml # if necessary
| time:timestamp | uid:long | word:string |
| 2015-01-27 19:23:49 UTC | 32,864 | embulk |
| 2015-01-27 19:01:23 UTC | 14,824 | jruby |
| 2015-01-28 02:20:02 UTC | 27,559 | plugin |
| 2015-01-29 11:54:36 UTC | 11,270 | fluentd |
Preview & fix config
# install
$ wget
embulk/maven/embulk-0.2.0.jar -o embulk.jar
$ chmod 755 embulk.jar

# guess
$ vi partial-config.yml
$ ./embulk guess partial-config.yml

-o config.yml

# preview
$ ./embulk preview config.yml
$ vi config.yml # if necessary
# run
$ ./embulk run config.yml -o config.yml
type: file
paths: [data/examples/]
- {type: gzip}
charset: UTF-8
newline: CRLF
type: csv
delimiter: ','
quote: '"'
header_line: true
- name: time

type: timestamp

format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
- name: account

type: long
- name: purchase

type: timestamp

format: '%Y%m%d'
- name: comment

type: string
last_paths: [data/examples/sample_001.csv.gz]

type: example
Deterministic run

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Cassandra Introduction & Features
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Cassandra Introduction & Features

This presentation shortly describes key features of Apache Cassandra. It was held at the Apache Cassandra Meetup in Vienna in January 2014. You can access the meetup here:

PostgreSQL のイケてるテクニック7選
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type: file
paths: [data/examples/]
- {type: gzip}
charset: UTF-8
newline: CRLF
type: csv
delimiter: ','
quote: '"'
header_line: true
- name: time

type: timestamp

format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
- name: account

type: long
- name: purchase

type: timestamp

format: '%Y%m%d'
- name: comment

type: string
last_paths: [data/examples/sample_002.csv.gz]

type: example
# install
$ wget
embulk/maven/embulk-0.2.0.jar -o embulk.jar
$ chmod 755 embulk.jar

# guess
$ vi partial-config.yml
$ ./embulk guess partial-config.yml

-o config.yml

# preview
$ ./embulk preview config.yml
$ vi config.yml # if necessary
# run
$ ./embulk run config.yml -o config.yml
# repeat
$ ./embulk run config.yml -o config.yml
$ ./embulk run config.yml -o config.yml
The architecture
InputPlugin OutputPlugin
executor plugin
read records write records
InputPlugin OutputPlugin
executor plugin
MySQL, Cassandra,
HBase, Elasticsearch,

Treasure Data, …

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みなさんはApache Arrowを知っていますか? 普段データを処理している人でも今はまだ知らない人の方が多いかもしれません。しかし、数年後には「データ処理をしている人ならほとんどの人が知っている」となるプロダクトです。(そうなるはずです。) Apache Arrowはメモリー上でデータ処理するときに必要なもの一式を提供します。たとえば、効率的なデータ交換のためのデータフォーマット、CPU/GPUの機能を活用した高速なデータ操作機能などです。 一部のデータ処理ツールではすでにApache Arrowを使い始めています。たとえば、Apache SparkはApache Arrowを活用することでPySpark(PythonからApache Sparkを使うためのモジュール)とのやりとりを高速化しています。データ量によっては10倍以上も高速になります。(リンク先の例では20秒→0.7秒と約30倍高速になっています。) この講演ではApache Arrowの概要だけでなく最新情報も紹介します。この講演を聞くことでApache Arrowのことを網羅的に把握できます。 Apache Arrowはデータ処理ツールが共通で必要なもの一式を提供するので、より多くのツールがApache Arrowを活用し、より多くの人がApache Arrowの開発に参加すると、より多くの人が豊かになります。Apache ArrowはOSSなのでだれでも自由に活用したり開発に参加したりできます。Apache Arrowのことを知ってOSSならではの「共有するほど豊かになる」アプローチに参加しましょう!

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【Unite 2017 Tokyo】「黒騎士と白の魔王」にみるC#で統一したサーバー/クライアント開発と現実的なUniRx使いこなし術
【Unite 2017 Tokyo】「黒騎士と白の魔王」にみるC#で統一したサーバー/クライアント開発と現実的なUniRx使いこなし術【Unite 2017 Tokyo】「黒騎士と白の魔王」にみるC#で統一したサーバー/クライアント開発と現実的なUniRx使いこなし術
【Unite 2017 Tokyo】「黒騎士と白の魔王」にみるC#で統一したサーバー/クライアント開発と現実的なUniRx使いこなし術

講演者:河合 宜文(株式会社グラニ) こんな人におすすめ ・C#大統一理論について興味のある方 ・UniRxを使ったことがある/使ってみたい方 受講者が得られる知見 ・C#で統一したプロジェクトの作り方 ・UniRxの活用法、メリットとデメリット 講演動画:

unite 2017 tokyounityサーバー開発
executor plugin
read files
parse files
into records
write files
format records
into files
executor plugin

Riak CS, …
gzip, bzip2,

3des, …

RCFile, …
Writing Embulk plugins
module Embulk
class InputExample < InputPlugin
Plugin.register_input('example', self)
def self.transaction(config, &control)
# read config
task = {
'message' =>
config.param('message', :string, default: nil)
threads = config.param('threads', :int, default:
columns = [, 'col0', :long),, 'col1', :double),, 'col2', :string),
# BEGIN here
commit_reports = yield(task, columns, threads)
# COMMIT here
puts "Example input finished"
return {}
def run(task, schema, index, page_builder)
puts "Example input thread #{@index}…"
10.times do |i|
@page_builder.add([i, 10.0, "example"])
commit_report = { }
return commit_report

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NextGen Server/Client Architecture - gRPC + Unity + C#

Grani x KAYAC

module Embulk
class OutputExample < OutputPlugin
Plugin.register_output('example', self)
def self.transaction(
config, schema,
processor_count, &control)
# read config
task = {
'message' =>
config.param('message', :string, default: "record")
puts "Example output started."
commit_reports = yield(task)
puts "Example output finished. Commit
reports = #{commit_reports.to_json}"
return {}
def initialize(task, schema, index)
puts "Example output thread #{index}..."
@message = task.prop('message', :string)
@records = 0
def add(page)
page.each do |record|
hash = Hash[]
puts "#{@message}: #{hash.to_json}"
@records += 1
def finish
def abort
def commit
commit_report = {
"records" => @records
return commit_report
# guess_gzip.rb
module Embulk
class GzipGuess < GuessPlugin
Plugin.register_guess('gzip', self)
def guess(config, sample_buffer)
if sample_buffer[0,2] == GZIP_HEADER
return {"decoders" => [{"type" => "gzip"}]}
return {}
# guess_
module Embulk
class GuessNewline < TextGuessPlugin
Plugin.register_guess('newline', self)
def guess_text(config, sample_text)
cr_count = sample_text.count("r")
lf_count = sample_text.count("n")
crlf_count = sample_text.scan(/rn/).length
if crlf_count > cr_count / 2 && crlf_count >
lf_count / 2
return {"parser" => {"newline" => "CRLF"}}
elsif cr_count > lf_count / 2
return {"parser" => {"newline" => "CR"}}
return {"parser" => {"newline" => "LF"}}
Releasing to RubyGems
> embulk-plugin-postgres-json.gem
> embulk-plugin-redis.gem
> embulk-plugin-input-sfdc-event-log-files.gem
Roadmap & Development

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「黒騎士と白の魔王」gRPCによるHTTP/2 - API, Streamingの実践
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AWS Summit Tokyo 2017

Fluentd - road to v1 -
Fluentd - road to v1 -Fluentd - road to v1 -
Fluentd - road to v1 -

This document summarizes Masahiro Nakagawa's presentation on Fluentd at the Data Transfer Middleware Meetup #1. It discusses Fluentd's history and architecture, including the core plugins in v0.10 and new features in v0.12 like filtering and labeling. The roadmap is outlined, with v0.14 adding new plugin APIs and v1 focusing on stability. Other projects like Treasure Agent and fluentd-forwarder that comprise the Fluentd ecosystem are also briefly mentioned.

H2O - making HTTP better
H2O - making HTTP betterH2O - making HTTP better
H2O - making HTTP better

presentation slides at データ転送ミドルウェア勉強会

web http cloud
> Add missing JRuby Plugin APIs
> ParserPlugin, FormatterPlugin
> DecoderPlugin, EncoderPlugin
> Add Executor plugin SPI
> Add ssh distributed executor
> embulk run —command ssh %host embulk run %task
> Add MapReduce executor
> Add support for nested records (?)
Contributing to the Embulk project
> Pull-requests & issues on Github
> Posting blogs
> “I tried Embulk. Here is how it worked”
> “I read Embulk code. Here is how it’s written”
> “Embulk is good because…but bad because…”
> Talking on Twitter with a word “embulk"
> Writing & releasing plugins
> Windows support
> Integration to other software
> ETL tools, Fluentd, Hadoop, Presto, …
Q&A + Discussion?
Hiroshi Nakamura
Muga Nishizawa
Sadayuki Furuhashi
Embulk committers:
Cloud service for the entire data pipeline.
We’re hiring!

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c# programming
Fluentd and Embulk Game Server 4
Fluentd and Embulk Game Server 4Fluentd and Embulk Game Server 4
Fluentd and Embulk Game Server 4

This document summarizes Masahiro Nakagawa's presentation on Fluentd and Embulk. Fluentd is a data collector for unified logging that allows for streaming data transfer based on JSON. It is written in Ruby and uses plugins to collect, process, and output data. Embulk is a bulk loading tool that allows high performance parallel processing of data to load it into various databases and storage systems. Both tools use a pluggable architecture to provide flexibility in handling different data sources and targets.

fluentd embulk

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Embulk, an open-source plugin-based parallel bulk data loader

  • 1. Sadayuki Furuhashi Founder & Software Architect Treasure Data, inc. EmbulkAn open-source plugin-based parallel bulk data loader that makes painful data integration work relaxed. Sharing our knowledge on RubyGems to manage arbitrary files.
  • 2. A little about me... > Sadayuki Furuhashi > github/twitter: @frsyuki > Treasure Data, Inc. > Founder & Software Architect > Open-source hacker > MessagePack - Efficient object serializer > Fluentd - An unified data collection tool > Prestogres - PostgreSQL protocol gateway for Presto > Embulk - A plugin-based parallel bulk data loader > ServerEngine - A Ruby framework to build multiprocess servers > LS4 - A distributed object storage with cross-region replication > kumofs - A distributed strong-consistent key-value data store
  • 3. Today’s talk > What’s Embulk? > How Embulk works? > The architecture > Writing Embulk plugins > Roadmap & Development > Q&A + Discussion
  • 4. What’s Embulk? > An open-source parallel bulk data loader > using plugins > to make data integration relaxed.
  • 5. What’s Embulk? > An open-source parallel bulk data loader > loads records from “A” to “B” > using plugins > for various kinds of “A” and “B” > to make data integration relaxed. > which was very painful… Storage, RDBMS, NoSQL, Cloud Service, etc. broken records,
 transactions (idempotency),
 performance, …
  • 6. The pains of bulk data loading Example: load a 10GB CSV file to PostgreSQL > 1. First attempt → fails > 2. Write a script to make the records cleaned • Convert ”20150127T190500Z” → “2015-01-27 19:05:00 UTC” • Convert “N" → “” • many cleanings… > 3. Second attempt → another error • Convert “Inf” → “Infinity” > 4. Fix the script, retry, retry, retry… > 5. Oh, some data got loaded twice!?
  • 7. The pains of bulk data loading Example: load a 10GB CSV file to PostgreSQL > 6. Ok, the script worked. > 7. Register it to cron to sync data every day. > 8. One day… it fails with another error • Convert invalid UTF-8 byte sequence to U+FFFD
  • 8. The pains of bulk data loading Example: load 10GB CSV × 720 files > Most of scripts are slow. • People have little time to optimize bulk load scripts > One file takes 1 hour → 720 files takes 1 month (!?) A lot of integration efforts for each storages: > XML, JSON, Apache log format (+some custom), … > SAM, BED, BAI2, HDF5, TDE, SequenceFile, RCFile… > MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Redshift, Salesforce, …
  • 9. The problems: > Data cleaning (normalization) > How to normalize broken records? > Error handling > How to remove broken records? > Idempotent retrying > How to retry without duplicated loading? > Performance optimization > How to optimize the code or parallelize?
  • 10. The problems at Treasure Data Treasure Data Service? > “Fast, powerful SQL access to big data from connected applications and products, with no new infrastructure or special skills required.” > Customers want to try Treasure Data, but > SEs write scripts to bulk load their data. Hard work :( > Customers want to migrate their big data, but > Hard work :( > Fluentd solved streaming data collection, but > bulk data loading is another problem.
  • 11. A solution: > Package the efforts as a plugin. > data cleaning, error handling, retrying > Share & reuse the plugin. > don’t repeat the pains! > Keep improving the plugin code. > rather than throwing away the efforts every time > using OSS-style pull-reqs & frequent releases.
  • 12. Embulk Embulk is an open-source, plugin-based parallel bulk data loader
 that makes data integration works relaxed.
  • 14. HDFS MySQL Amazon S3 Embulk CSV Files SequenceFile Elasticsearch Cassandra Hive Redis ✓ Parallel execution ✓ Data validation ✓ Error recovery ✓ Deterministic behavior ✓ Idempotet retrying bulk load
  • 15. HDFS MySQL Amazon S3 Embulk CSV Files SequenceFile Elasticsearch Cassandra Hive Redis ✓ Parallel execution ✓ Data validation ✓ Error recovery ✓ Deterministic behavior ✓ Idempotet retrying Plugins Plugins bulk load
  • 17. # install $ wget embulk/maven/embulk-0.2.0.jar -o embulk.jar $ chmod 755 embulk.jar Installing embulk Bintray
 releases Embulk is released on Bintray wget embulk.jar
  • 18. # install $ wget embulk/maven/embulk-0.2.0.jar -o embulk.jar $ chmod 755 embulk.jar
 # guess $ vi partial-config.yml $ ./embulk guess partial-config.yml
 -o config.yml Guess format & schema in: type: file paths: [data/examples/] out:
 type: example in: type: file paths: [data/examples/] decoders: - {type: gzip} parser: charset: UTF-8 newline: CRLF type: csv delimiter: ',' quote: '"' header_line: true columns: - name: time
 type: timestamp
 format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' - name: account
 type: long - name: purchase
 type: timestamp
 format: '%Y%m%d' - name: comment
 type: string out:
 type: example guess by guess plugins
  • 19. # install $ wget embulk/maven/embulk-0.2.0.jar -o embulk.jar $ chmod 755 embulk.jar
 # guess $ vi partial-config.yml $ ./embulk guess partial-config.yml
 -o config.yml
 # preview $ ./embulk preview config.yml $ vi config.yml # if necessary +--------------------------------------+---------------+--------------------+ | time:timestamp | uid:long | word:string | +--------------------------------------+---------------+--------------------+ | 2015-01-27 19:23:49 UTC | 32,864 | embulk | | 2015-01-27 19:01:23 UTC | 14,824 | jruby | | 2015-01-28 02:20:02 UTC | 27,559 | plugin | | 2015-01-29 11:54:36 UTC | 11,270 | fluentd | +--------------------------------------+---------------+--------------------+ Preview & fix config
  • 20. # install $ wget embulk/maven/embulk-0.2.0.jar -o embulk.jar $ chmod 755 embulk.jar
 # guess $ vi partial-config.yml $ ./embulk guess partial-config.yml
 -o config.yml
 # preview $ ./embulk preview config.yml $ vi config.yml # if necessary # run $ ./embulk run config.yml -o config.yml in: type: file paths: [data/examples/] decoders: - {type: gzip} parser: charset: UTF-8 newline: CRLF type: csv delimiter: ',' quote: '"' header_line: true columns: - name: time
 type: timestamp
 format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' - name: account
 type: long - name: purchase
 type: timestamp
 format: '%Y%m%d' - name: comment
 type: string last_paths: [data/examples/sample_001.csv.gz] out:
 type: example Deterministic run
  • 21. in: type: file paths: [data/examples/] decoders: - {type: gzip} parser: charset: UTF-8 newline: CRLF type: csv delimiter: ',' quote: '"' header_line: true columns: - name: time
 type: timestamp
 format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' - name: account
 type: long - name: purchase
 type: timestamp
 format: '%Y%m%d' - name: comment
 type: string last_paths: [data/examples/sample_002.csv.gz] out:
 type: example Repeat # install $ wget embulk/maven/embulk-0.2.0.jar -o embulk.jar $ chmod 755 embulk.jar
 # guess $ vi partial-config.yml $ ./embulk guess partial-config.yml
 -o config.yml
 # preview $ ./embulk preview config.yml $ vi config.yml # if necessary # run $ ./embulk run config.yml -o config.yml # repeat $ ./embulk run config.yml -o config.yml $ ./embulk run config.yml -o config.yml
  • 24. InputPlugin OutputPlugin Embulk executor plugin MySQL, Cassandra, HBase, Elasticsearch,
 Treasure Data, … record record
  • 26. InputPlugin FileInputPlugin OutputPlugin FileOutputPlugin EncoderPlugin FormatterPlugin DecoderPlugin ParserPlugin Embulk executor plugin HDFS, S3,
 Riak CS, … gzip, bzip2,
 3des, … CSV, JSON,
 RCFile, … buffer buffer record record buffer buffer
  • 28. InputPlugin module Embulk class InputExample < InputPlugin Plugin.register_input('example', self) def self.transaction(config, &control) # read config task = { 'message' => config.param('message', :string, default: nil) } threads = config.param('threads', :int, default: 2) columns = [, 'col0', :long),, 'col1', :double),, 'col2', :string), ] # BEGIN here commit_reports = yield(task, columns, threads) # COMMIT here puts "Example input finished" return {} end def run(task, schema, index, page_builder) puts "Example input thread #{@index}…" 10.times do |i| @page_builder.add([i, 10.0, "example"]) end @page_builder.finish commit_report = { } return commit_report end end end
  • 29. OutputPlugin module Embulk class OutputExample < OutputPlugin Plugin.register_output('example', self) def self.transaction( config, schema, processor_count, &control) # read config task = { 'message' => config.param('message', :string, default: "record") } puts "Example output started." commit_reports = yield(task) puts "Example output finished. Commit reports = #{commit_reports.to_json}" return {} end def initialize(task, schema, index) puts "Example output thread #{index}..." super @message = task.prop('message', :string) @records = 0 end def add(page) page.each do |record| hash = Hash[] puts "#{@message}: #{hash.to_json}" @records += 1 end end def finish end def abort end def commit commit_report = { "records" => @records } return commit_report end end end
  • 30. GuessPlugin # guess_gzip.rb module Embulk class GzipGuess < GuessPlugin Plugin.register_guess('gzip', self) GZIP_HEADER = "x1f x8b".force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT').freeze def guess(config, sample_buffer) if sample_buffer[0,2] == GZIP_HEADER return {"decoders" => [{"type" => "gzip"}]} end return {} end end end # guess_ module Embulk class GuessNewline < TextGuessPlugin Plugin.register_guess('newline', self) def guess_text(config, sample_text) cr_count = sample_text.count("r") lf_count = sample_text.count("n") crlf_count = sample_text.scan(/rn/).length if crlf_count > cr_count / 2 && crlf_count > lf_count / 2 return {"parser" => {"newline" => "CRLF"}} elsif cr_count > lf_count / 2 return {"parser" => {"newline" => "CR"}} else return {"parser" => {"newline" => "LF"}} end end end end
  • 31. Releasing to RubyGems Examples > embulk-plugin-postgres-json.gem > > embulk-plugin-redis.gem > > embulk-plugin-input-sfdc-event-log-files.gem > log-files
  • 33. Roadmap > Add missing JRuby Plugin APIs > ParserPlugin, FormatterPlugin > DecoderPlugin, EncoderPlugin > Add Executor plugin SPI > Add ssh distributed executor > embulk run —command ssh %host embulk run %task > Add MapReduce executor > Add support for nested records (?)
  • 34. Contributing to the Embulk project > Pull-requests & issues on Github > Posting blogs > “I tried Embulk. Here is how it worked” > “I read Embulk code. Here is how it’s written” > “Embulk is good because…but bad because…” > Talking on Twitter with a word “embulk" > Writing & releasing plugins > Windows support > Integration to other software > ETL tools, Fluentd, Hadoop, Presto, …
  • 35. Q&A + Discussion? Hiroshi Nakamura @nahi Muga Nishizawa @muga_nishizawa Sadayuki Furuhashi @frsyuki Embulk committers:
  • 36. Cloud service for the entire data pipeline. We’re hiring!