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Authentication, Validation & Basic Testing
Summer, 2016
Authentication, Validation, & Testing PART 1
1.) Authentication (~ 60 minutes)
2.) Validation (~ 30 minutes)
3.) Pairing (~30 minutes)
Matthew Gerrior
Devpost, Head of Engineering
● Grew up outside Boston
● Went to school upstate
● Worked in consulting for ~ 3.5 years
● Got tired of building other people’s products
● Moved to NYC to join Devpost (known as
ChallengePost at the time)

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Web 2.0 security woes
Web 2.0 security woesWeb 2.0 security woes
Web 2.0 security woes

This document is an agenda for a talk about Web 2.0 security woes. The talk will discuss how Web 2.0 applications have changed some threats and vulnerabilities compared to previous generations of web applications. While some threats have changed form, many of the same types of vulnerabilities still exist. The talk will provide examples of cross-site scripting and hidden functionality vulnerabilities. It will also discuss steps that development teams and customers can take to help improve security, such as training, secure coding practices, and involvement of security personnel throughout the development life cycle.

Top Ten Tips For Tenacious Defense In Asp.Net
Top Ten Tips For Tenacious Defense In Asp.NetTop Ten Tips For Tenacious Defense In Asp.Net
Top Ten Tips For Tenacious Defense In Asp.Net

The document provides 10 tips for securing ASP.NET applications. It discusses common web attacks like cross-site request forgery and session fixation, and defenses against them such as using secret tokens and regenerating session IDs. It also covers proper use of cryptography, input validation, authorization, cookies, password security, and restricting application trust levels.

Authentication: Cookies vs JWTs and why you’re doing it wrong
Authentication: Cookies vs JWTs and why you’re doing it wrongAuthentication: Cookies vs JWTs and why you’re doing it wrong
Authentication: Cookies vs JWTs and why you’re doing it wrong

JWTs provide a more secure and scalable alternative to cookie-based authentication. JWTs contain encrypted user information that is verified on the client-side and transmitted with each request, avoiding the need for database lookups on the server-side. In contrast, cookies require server-side sessions and database lookups to validate the user on each request. JWTs also enable cross-domain requests and work across mobile and web platforms, while cookies have limitations in these areas. Developers are advised to use a third-party service to handle JWT generation and verification rather than implementing it themselves.

Get an inside look at Dev teams who are hiring
● Online Hackathons (Uber, Oculus, AT&T)
● In-Person Hackathons (PennApps, HackNY)
● Developer Portfolios to showcase skills,
technologies, projects
● Team Pages give an inside look at hot
startups in NYC (Blue Apron, Buzzfeed,
Coding Skills for under-resourced schools
ScriptEd equips students in under-resourced schools with the fundamental
coding skills and professional experiences that together create access to
careers in technology.
● GitHub accounts from Day 1
● Two hackathons every year
● Field trips to Tech Companies
● Summer internship opportunities

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SSO IN/With Drupal and Identitiy Management
SSO IN/With Drupal and Identitiy ManagementSSO IN/With Drupal and Identitiy Management
SSO IN/With Drupal and Identitiy Management

This presentation is a result of research and evaluation for SSO and IDM majorly focused to Drupal CMS. Enterprises, corporations and companies with multiple web properties are struggling to provide a better user experience and offer a single "corporate ID" and "Password" as the key for all. This single ID should be used across all the properties and corporations should still be able to manage the access level and permission of the respective user based on the grants assigned to this ID in each web property.

ssoidmdrupal cms
Token Authentication for Java Applications
Token Authentication for Java ApplicationsToken Authentication for Java Applications
Token Authentication for Java Applications

Everyone building a web application that supports user login is concerned with security. How do you securely authenticate users and keep their identity secure? With the huge growth in Single Page Applications (SPAs), JavaScript and mobile applications, how do you keep users safe even though these are 'unsafe' client environments? This presentation will demystify HTTP Authentication and explain how the Next Big Thing - Token Authentication - can be used to secure web applications on the JVM, REST APIs, and 'unsafe' clients while supporting security best practices and even improving your application's performance and scale.

Responsive Web Design for Universal Access 2016
Responsive Web Design for Universal Access 2016Responsive Web Design for Universal Access 2016
Responsive Web Design for Universal Access 2016

You can improve how well your website works and looks across different devices using responsive web design techniques. But did you know you can also improve access for all users, including those with disabilities, by applying responsive techniques? Learn how.

responsive webweb designmobile
- Key-value data pairs
- Stored in the user’s browser
- Stored until they reach their specified expiration
Good for:
- Storing temporary data
- Storing data that isn’t sensitive
Bad for:
- Storing permanent/persistent data
- Storing sensitive data like passwords or
shopping carts

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Html5 Fit: Get Rid of Love Handles
Html5 Fit:  Get Rid of Love HandlesHtml5 Fit:  Get Rid of Love Handles
Html5 Fit: Get Rid of Love Handles

According to the average web page is now larger than the original DOOM installation application. Today's obese web is leading to decreased user satisfaction, customer engagement and increased cost of ownership. Research repeatedly tells us customers want faster user experiences. Search engines reward faster sites with better rankings. Small, fast sites are cheaper to develop, maintain and operate. - Why has the web become obese? - What actions can developers and stakeholders do to combat their morbid obesity? - Are these actions expensive or hard to implement? This session reviews what customers want and how to identify your web site's love handles. More importantly you will learn simple techniques to eliminate the fat and create a healthy, maintainable, affordable web development lifestyle that produces the user experiences your customers want to engage with over and over.

Our application got popular and now it breaks
Our application got popular and now it breaksOur application got popular and now it breaks
Our application got popular and now it breaks

Our application got popular and now breaks under load. The document discusses common issues that cause applications to break as user load increases, such as overuse of shared scopes, inefficient database queries, and slow client-side performance. It provides examples of better approaches and techniques to optimize performance, such as using distributed caching, improving query efficiency through joins, compressing assets, and prioritizing critical CSS and JavaScript.

application performance
Microsoft Azure Identity and O365
Microsoft Azure Identity and O365Microsoft Azure Identity and O365
Microsoft Azure Identity and O365

Identity and Access (AD), Azure and Office 365: Building a Single Page Application (SPA) with ASP.NET Web API and Angular.js using Azure Active Directory to Log in Users

Why is it bad to store sensitive data or persistent
data in a cookie?
- Very easy for users to delete cookies
- Doesn’t persist across browser sessions/devices
- Easy to steal/manipulate cookies
Cookie Jars
Rails also provides access to two
cookie jars:
- “Signed” cookies prevent
tampering by the end user by
signing the cookies with your
applications “Secret Base Key”
- “Encrypted” cookies are secured
even further by first encrypting
the values, and then signing them
with the “Secret Base Key”
Cookie Jar

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Difference between authentication and authorization in
Difference between authentication and authorization in asp.netDifference between authentication and authorization in
Difference between authentication and authorization in

Authentication verifies a user's identity by having them log in, while authorization determines which resources and pages the authenticated user has access to. For example, after authenticating normal and admin users on a website, authorization would prevent normal users from accessing admin pages. Authentication occurs before authorization and verifies the user, even if anonymously, while authorization checks the user's access rights after identity is confirmed.

authentication and authorization in
Advanced Error Handling Strategies for ColdFusion
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Advanced Error Handling Strategies for ColdFusion

A number of years ago I presented a talk at cfObjective on building an advanced, custom CF error handler. This talk will go above and beyond that, covering not just CF but JS/Ajax and SQL Server error logging and strategies for debugging errors on live sites. Developers should come away from this talk with lots of ideas for both custom code they can add to their sites as well a variety of open source and 3rd party solutions for error logging and use site analytics to track and fix issues on their live sites. Blog articles expanding on the information presented in this talk will also be published concurrent with the presentation at

error handlingcoldfusionbug tracking
SEC303 Top 10 AWS Identity and Access Management Best Practices - AWS re:Inve...
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SEC303 Top 10 AWS Identity and Access Management Best Practices - AWS re:Inve...

The document provides an overview of 10 best practices for AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). It discusses creating individual users and managing permissions with groups. It also covers granting least privilege, configuring strong password policies, enabling multi-factor authentication for privileged users, using IAM roles for EC2 instances and sharing access. Additional best practices include rotating security credentials regularly, restricting access with conditions, and reducing reliance on root users. The document is copyrighted material from Amazon.

How can we tell which user is making a request to
our site if HTTP requests are stateless?
Rails stores a cookie on the user’s browser
containing their session hash.
- Secure
- Tamper-Proof
- Expires when the browser is closed

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Secure Your REST API (The Right Way)
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Secure Your REST API (The Right Way)

We already showed you how to build a Beautiful REST+JSON API(, but how do you secure your API? At Stormpath we spent 18 months researching best practices, implementing them in the Stormpath API, and figuring out what works. Here’s our playbook on how to secure a REST API.

rest designrest securityapi security
User Authentication and Cloud Authorization in the Galaxy project: https://do...
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An overview of user authentication and authorization in the Galaxy project, and they can use it to authorize Galaxy to access their private resources on cloud, and how Galaxy implements the flow leveraging OpenID Connect protocol and Role-Based Access Control model to obtain temporary credentials.

Build A Killer Client For Your REST+JSON API
Build A Killer Client For Your REST+JSON APIBuild A Killer Client For Your REST+JSON API
Build A Killer Client For Your REST+JSON API

REST+JSON APIs are great - but you still need to communicate with them from your code. Wouldn't you prefer to interact with clean and intuitive Java objects instead of messing with HTTP requests, HTTP status codes and JSON parsing? Wouldn't you prefer to work with type-safe objects specific to your API? In this presentation, Les Hazlewood - Stormpath CTO and Apache Shiro PMC Chair - will share all of the golden nuggets learned while designing, implementing and supporting multiple clients purpose-built for a real-world REST+JSON API. Further reading: Stormpath is a user management and authentication service for developers. By offloading user management and authentication to Stormpath, developers can bring applications to market faster, reduce development costs, and protect their users. Easy and secure, the flexible cloud service can manage millions of users with a scalable pricing model.

rest clientrest designrest
That looks like the cookies you just taught us about,
why do we need both?
The session is an entire hash that gets stored in a
secure cookie that expires when the browser is
closed. Each value in the cookies hash is stored as an
individual cookie, since they are key-value data pairs.
- Not really a hash, that’s just how Rails presents it
to you to make it easier to work with. Cookies
are not hashes either.
- Size of an individual cookie is limited to roughly
4kb, which is sufficient for normal usage, but
prevents them from acting as a database of any
Which Session Store should I choose?
- Cookie store is the default, and recommended
store. It’s lightweight and requires zero setup in
a new application to use.

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Web Development for UX Designers
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Web Development for UX Designers

An overview of web development essentials that will help you as a user experience designer to not only understand how to integrate designs with development components, but also to learn some tips on interacting effectively with developers.

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Post password era - Bernard Toplak, OWASP Croatia Meetup 2016
Post password era - Bernard Toplak, OWASP Croatia Meetup 2016Post password era - Bernard Toplak, OWASP Croatia Meetup 2016
Post password era - Bernard Toplak, OWASP Croatia Meetup 2016

A presentation from my speech about various technologies replacing password: multi-factor authentication, OATH, OTP, PKI, FIDO, U2F etc.

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Image based password authentication for illiterates with touch screen
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Image based password authentication for illiterates with touch screen

This document proposes a picture password authentication system using a touchscreen for illiterate users. The system would allow users to create passwords by touching images on the touchscreen in a predefined combination. If the user touches the images in the correct sequence, the microcontroller will authenticate them and grant access to appliances connected to relays. This technique aims to make passwords easier for illiterate users to remember compared to text passwords. A block diagram shows the main components would include a microcontroller, touchscreen module, LCD display, power supply, and relays connected to devices.

Why would I use a different store then?
- You need more than 4kb of session data
- You probably don’t, but sometimes you do
- Cookies are sent along with every request you
- Bigger Cookies means bigger (and slower)
- If you accidentally expose your
“secret_base_key”, users can change their
session data
- Since the key is used to sign/encrypt the
cookie, exposing the key exposes the
- Storing the wrong kind of data is insecure
- Vulnerable to attacks like the replay attack if
sensitive data stored in cookie
What is it useful for besides knowing which user is
currently logged in?

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Graphical password
Graphical passwordGraphical password
Graphical password

Graphical passwords are the alternative to textual password. It is more secure than textual password. Thanks.

graphical password graphical password authenticati
Mobile Phone Cloning
 Mobile Phone Cloning Mobile Phone Cloning
Mobile Phone Cloning

This document summarizes a seminar presentation on mobile phone cloning. It begins with an introduction that defines cloning as creating an exact genetic copy and explains that mobile phone cloning copies the identity of one phone to another, usually for fraudulent calls. It then covers topics like GSM and CDMA networks, how phones are cloned by capturing identifiers, methods to detect cloned phones, the impacts of cloning, and ways to prevent it. Statistics are provided on the costs of cloning to carriers and its use in criminal activities. The conclusion emphasizes the need for legislation against cloning fraud and for carriers and users to take security seriously.

Employability, The Labor Force and the Economy
Employability, The Labor Force and the EconomyEmployability, The Labor Force and the Economy
Employability, The Labor Force and the Economy

Employability refers to an individual's ability to obtain and maintain employment. It depends on characteristics like skills, education, experience, and adaptability. High employability benefits both individuals and the overall economy. For individuals, it provides career opportunities and financial stability. For the economy, it leads to lower unemployment and higher productivity and economic growth. Maintaining employability requires continuous skills development, as labor market needs change rapidly. Workers need both technical skills specific to their occupation as well as soft skills like communication, problem solving, and cultural competence that facilitate employment across different roles and industries. Educational institutions, employers, workers, and policies all play a role in developing and sustaining employability.

Special “hash” that persists only from one request to
the next. A self-destructing session hash.
Commonly used for sending messages from the
controllers to the view, because they persist across a
redirect from a “New Object” form to the details
page for that object.

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First grade teachers
First grade teachersFirst grade teachers
First grade teachers

This document discusses learning styles and how teachers can incorporate technology to engage students with different styles. It identifies several common learning styles such as auditory, visual, tactile, and kinesthetic. The document advocates that teachers understand students' individual styles and use technology like videos and blended learning to teach all students. By adapting to different learning styles with technology, teachers can motivate and prepare students to be successful leaders.

First grade teachers
First grade teachersFirst grade teachers
First grade teachers

This document discusses learning styles and how teachers can incorporate technology to engage students with different styles. It identifies several common learning styles such as auditory, visual, tactile, and kinesthetic. The document advocates that teachers understand students' individual styles and use technology like videos and blended learning to teach all students. By adapting to different learning styles with technology, teachers can motivate and prepare students to be successful leaders.



Why can’t I just use instance variables?
Instance variables only exist for the current request,
and are lost when a new request takes place such as
when the user is redirected.
What if I’m not redirecting the user and I’m just
rendering a page?
Make flash messages available to the current
request using just like you would with a
regular flash.

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martxoak 3gasteiz
Program USPI
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Program USPI

Program USPI menyalurkan nilai sosial produktif untuk membantu masalah masyarakat melalui belanja produktif dengan hadiah tunai dan kredit tanpa bunga untuk promosi penjualan yang dijamin mampu dikembalikan dari hasil penjualan.

by uspi
uspi program
Flexible authentication solution for Rails with
Authenticating users is easy. I’ll just build a
SessionsController with some CRUD actions and
store the user id in the cookie. Problem solved.
No. Authenticating users is not easy. What about:
- Securely storing user passwords
- Confirming email addresses?
- Log in With Twitter/GitHub/Facebook?
- Forgot Password email?
- Remember me checkbox?

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05122015 114613
05122015 11461305122015 114613
05122015 114613

The document discusses parts of a grape cluster. It lists the main parts as the stem, roots, grapes and stalks.

You’re not getting paid to build an authentication
system (unless you are), you’re getting paid to build
a new and exciting product that no one has ever
built before.
Hashes and stores a password in the database to
validate the authenticity of a user while signing in.
Database Authenticatable
Adds OmniAuth (sign in with
Twitter/Facebook/GitHub/whatever) support.
Sends emails with confirmation instructions and
verifies whether an account is already confirmed
during sign in.

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Eğiticinin Eğitimi - Part 1
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Eğiticinin Eğitimi - Part 1

M.E.B Onaylı 45 Saatlik Eğiticinin Eğitimi Sertifika ve Kariyer Programı

eğiticinin eğitimibilişimkariyer
First grade teachers
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First grade teachers

This document discusses learning styles and how teachers can incorporate technology to engage students with different styles. It identifies several common learning styles such as auditory, visual, tactile, and kinesthetic. The document advocates that teachers understand students' individual styles and use technology like videos and blended learning to teach all students. By adapting to different learning styles with technology, teachers can motivate and prepare students to be successful leaders.

slide awal 1945p
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slide awal 1945p
by uspi
uspi 1945pindonesiamarketing
Resets the user password and sends reset
Handles signing up users through a registration
process, also allowing them to edit and destroy their
Manages generating and clearing a token for
remembering the user from a saved cookie.
Tracks sign in count, timestamps and IP address.

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The Mechanics of Social Media
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The Mechanics of Social Media

A presentation on integration social media into an existing site and using social media to market to end-users.

facebooktwittersocial media
First grade teachers: Powerpoint
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First grade teachers: Powerpoint

This document discusses learning styles and how teachers can incorporate technology to engage students with different styles. It identifies several common learning styles such as auditory, visual, tactile, and kinesthetic. The document advocates that teachers understand students' individual styles and use technology like videos and blended learning to teach all students. By adapting to different learning styles with technology, teachers can motivate and prepare students to be successful leaders.

Expires sessions that have not been active in a
specified period of time.
Provides validations of email and password. It's
optional and can be customized, so you're able to
define your own validations.
Locks an account after a specified number of failed
attempts. Can unlock via email or after a
specified time period.
Should I always use Devise?
No, not always. There are other alternatives such as
Sorcery that provide authentication.
More importantly, it is a very enlightening exercise to
try to build your own authentication system from
scratch (just not for a production application).

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CIS14: Authentication: Who are You? You are What You Eat
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CIS14: Authentication: Who are You? You are What You Eat

Dale Olds, VMware A pinch of authentication theory and methods, a taste of the sweet and the bitter of the much maligned password, and then larger portions of federated authentication protocols from SAML to OpenID Connect, clearing up along the way some confusion between federated authentication and tokens used for delegated authorization.

AD113 Speed Up Your Applications w/ Nginx and PageSpeed
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AD113 Speed Up Your Applications w/ Nginx and PageSpeed

My slide deck from my session, AD113: Speed Up Your Applications with Nginx + PageSpeed, at MWLUG 2015 in Atlanta, GA at the Ritz-Carlton. For more, see: - -

reverse proxynginxpagespeed
Session and cookies,get and post methods
Session and cookies,get and post methodsSession and cookies,get and post methods
Session and cookies,get and post methods

- Cookies and sessions are used to maintain state in HTTP, a stateless protocol. Cookies are stored on the client side while sessions are stored on the server side. - Cookies can store string data and may persist even after closing the browser. Sessions can store any object but end when the browser closes. - GET requests can transmit data via URL parameters while POST transmits data within the HTTP request body and is more secure as data is not logged.

session and cookiesget and post methodssessions and cookies
Where can I learn more about rolling my own
authentication system?
● Michael Hartl's online book: https://www.railstutorial.
● Ryan Bates' Railscast:
● Codecademy's Ruby on Rails: Authentication and Authorization: http:
- Make testing/maintenance more difficult
- Beneficial when multiple applications access
- Can handle some constraints more efficiently
than application-level code
Database-level Validation
- Convenient way to provide immediate feedback
without submitting form/performing request
- Unreliable if used alone and implemented in
JavaScript, as they can easily be bypassed.
Client-side Validation

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1,2,3 … Testing : Is this thing on(line)? with Mike Martin
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Is your environment acting the way you intended it to be, as in do your users see what you wanted them to see?

Brown aug11 bsdmag
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Jim Brown's article on BSD certification for August issue of BSD Magazine. Last article in a 3 part series.

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Job portal at jiit 2013-14
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Job portal at jiit 2013-14

This document summarizes a job portal website that allows job seekers and employers to search, apply, and post jobs. The portal uses ASP.NET, C#, HTML, JavaScript, and SQL Server for development. It includes modules for users, searching, employee/job seeker login, forums, and chat. The system aims to be flexible, efficient, user-friendly, and focused on data security as it will operate online. Hardware and software requirements are also specified.

- Unwieldy to use and difficult to test/maintain
- Goes against the Skinny Controller/Fat Model
design paradigm of Rails
Controller-level Validation
- Best way to ensure that only valid data is stored
in the database
- Database agnostic
- Cannot be bypassed by end users
- Convenient to test and maintain
Model-level validations
- Important to ensure consistency in your
- Easier to render things like user profiles if you
know things like name are guaranteed to be
- Ensure proper functioning of application by
enforcing things like uniqueness of screen
names, or valid formats of email addresses.

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Developer Night - Opticon18

Lightning talks on best practices for product and engineering teams to experiment everywhere in their applications. First presented at Optimizely's user conference, Opticon18 on September 12th, 2018.

experimentationproduct experimentationfull stack
Code your Own: Authentication Provider for Blackboard Learn
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Code your Own: Authentication Provider for Blackboard Learn

The document discusses authentication in Blackboard Learn and provides an example of extending authentication capabilities by creating a custom filter. It begins by explaining the different types of authentication providers in Blackboard Learn, including remote, delegated credential, and fully delegated providers. It then discusses changes in Service Pack 8, supported providers, and how the framework is built for extension. The document concludes by walking through a sample implementation of a custom filter that limits login attempts to prevent password guessing.

authenticationsample codeblackboard
SEO benefits | ssl certificate | Learn SEO
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SEO benefits | ssl certificate | Learn SEO

In the digital age, cybersecurity is a paramount concern, and Google is committed to ensuring user safety and privacy. As part of their efforts, they've made SSL certificates a significant factor in search engine optimization (SEO). SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates, indicated by the "https" in website URLs and the padlock symbol in browsers, are not only essential for security but also offer several SEO benefits. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the advantages of having an SSL certificate for SEO.

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Learn how to choose which #Azure​ services to use so that you can start "Jumping Clouds" with confidence :) Watch the recording at and for more forward-looking #Software #Developerment topics, join User Group LINKS FROM THE MEETUP & CHAT


A presentation about Authentication I did at the local geekmeet meetup. Some examples of outsourced authenticaton using CAMS/Shibboleth/OpenID

Eliminating Secret Sprawl in the Cloud with HashiCorp Vault - 07.11.2018
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Eliminating Secret Sprawl in the Cloud with HashiCorp Vault - 07.11.2018

Vault is a tool for centrally managing secrets like passwords, API keys, and certificates. It addresses the problem of "secrets sprawl" where credentials are stored insecurely in multiple places like source code, emails, and configuration files. Vault centralizes secrets management, provides access control and auditing, and generates unique short-lived credentials to reduce risk if a secret is compromised. It also supports encrypting sensitive data for additional protection. Implementing Vault involves deciding where it will run, who will manage encryption keys, which secrets it will store, where audit logs will go, and who will operate and configure the system on an ongoing basis.


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Job portal
Job portalJob portal
Job portal

Easy Jobs is Job Searching website, can be used by thousands of Students/Employee/Companies. We can advertise company new recruitment like Fresher recruits, Experienced recruits by adding your add on our site.

session and cookies.ppt
session and cookies.pptsession and cookies.ppt
session and cookies.ppt

The document discusses session tracking techniques in servlets. It describes four main techniques: cookies, hidden form fields, URL rewriting, and HTTP sessions. Cookies are the simplest technique and involve assigning a unique session ID to each client as a cookie. Hidden form fields maintain state by storing information in hidden form fields and transmitting it across requests. URL rewriting appends a session ID to the URL. HTTP sessions involve saving client-specific information on the server side in an HTTP session object.

Proxy Caches and Web Application Security
Proxy Caches and Web Application SecurityProxy Caches and Web Application Security
Proxy Caches and Web Application Security

The document summarizes a presentation about proxy caches posing a threat to web application security. It begins with a review of the OWASP top 10 security risk of broken authentication and session management. It then describes how a vulnerability in Google Docs allowed access to other users' accounts due to issues with proxy caches and session management. The presentation warns that developers must assume proxy caches exist and can potentially expose session information to unintended users if session management is not implemented securely. It emphasizes the need for developers to test their applications under aggressive proxy cache scenarios.


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With a centralized data store, the entire spectrum of analytics is at your fingertips. Using Looker & Segment, you can collect, store and analyze everything from click-stream and event data to transactional and behavioral data in your data warehouse. Some of the topics this webinar will include: -The advantages of a centralized data warehouse with Segment Warehouses -Creating a data model to get your company on the same page with Looker Blocks -Putting it all together: Best practices for making your data accessible to your end users

data analyticsdata
The Testing Planet Issue 2
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The Testing Planet Issue 2

This document discusses the importance of good design principles for test automation code. It provides examples of applying basic design concepts like avoiding duplication and separating concerns when automating tests using the Robot Framework and Selenium. The examples start simply by extracting duplicated steps in a single test into keywords and variables. They progress to splitting functionality across multiple files as "resources" and parameterizing tests to run with different data values. The goal is to demonstrate how non-programmers can design maintainable automated tests by applying basic coding best practices.

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Cookies authentication
Cookies authenticationCookies authentication
Cookies authentication

This project was done for my fourth semester ( Computer Science) for the subject Cryptography and Network Security. For this project coding was done in PHP


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Authentication in Svelte using cookies.pptx

Svelte streamlines authentication with cookies, offering a secure and seamless user experience. Effortlessly manage sessions by storing tokens in cookies, ensuring persistent logins. With Svelte's simplicity, implement robust authentication mechanisms, enhancing user security and interaction.

Website Security
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Website Security

The document provides an overview of basic web security issues and recommendations to address them. It discusses making regular backups and testing restores, using strong and unique passwords that are changed frequently, password protecting directories with .htaccess, keeping software updated, restricting access to sensitive files and data, preventing cross-site scripting attacks, filtering user-submitted data, and using prepared statements to prevent SQL injection. The goal is to increase awareness of common vulnerabilities and how to avoid or lessen exposure to exploits.

Understanding Insider Security Threats: Types, Examples, Effects, and Mitigat...
Understanding Insider Security Threats: Types, Examples, Effects, and Mitigat...Understanding Insider Security Threats: Types, Examples, Effects, and Mitigat...
Understanding Insider Security Threats: Types, Examples, Effects, and Mitigat...

Today’s digitally connected world presents a wide range of security challenges for enterprises. Insider security threats are particularly noteworthy because they have the potential to cause significant harm. Unlike external threats, insider risks originate from within the company, making them more subtle and challenging to identify. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of insider security threats, including their types, examples, effects, and mitigation techniques.

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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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