SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Social-SEO Content
Ideas for a Data Driven Approach
Why Does Social Media
Matter in SEO?
There is a correlation with social
shares and rank
• Moz 2013 Study:
– Page Authority has the highest correlation with rank
followed by Google +1s, # of LRDs, and then # of
Facebook shares.
• Searchmetrics 2013 Study:
– Google +1s have the highest correlation with
rank, followed by Facebook Shares, then # of
Searchmetrics Correlation Study
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
Length of URL
% Backlinks with Stopword
Θ SEO-Visibility of backlinking URL
% of rel=nofollow backlinks
Facebook Likes
Facebook Comments
Facebook "Total"
Number of Backlinks
Facebook Shares
Google +1
Mean Spearman Correlation
Source: Searchmetrics, SEO Ranking Factors – Rank Correlation 2013

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Google algorithms
Google algorithmsGoogle algorithms
Google algorithms

Google uses complex algorithms to rank websites in search results. The main algorithms include PageRank, Penguin, Panda, and Hummingbird. PageRank is the original algorithm that analyzes backlinks to determine importance. Penguin penalizes spam sites and paid links. Panda targets low-quality "content farms." Hummingbird incorporates previous algorithms and aims to better understand search queries through techniques like semantic search, location data, and knowledge graphs to provide more relevant, personalized results. It seeks to answer questions more conversationally rather than just returning keywords.

technologygooglesearch engine optimization
Google+ Insights, how Brands can use Google +, facebook vs google+
Google+ Insights, how Brands can use Google +, facebook vs google+Google+ Insights, how Brands can use Google +, facebook vs google+
Google+ Insights, how Brands can use Google +, facebook vs google+

As Google debuts Google+ for brands, we look at how brands can use Google+ and also provide some key insights on Facebook vs Google+

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Humming bird update ppt
Humming bird update pptHumming bird update ppt
Humming bird update ppt

I was looking for Google Hummingbird update but till now no one has written it, so i decided to make a PPT on Google Humming bird update by collecting knowledge from different resource.

ppt on humminbird updatehummingbird ppthummingbird
Google Doesn’t Use Social Signals as
Part of Its Ranking Algorithm
Correlation ≠ Causation
“If you make compelling content, people will link to it, like it, share it
on Facebook, +1 it, etc. But that doesn't mean that Google is using
those signals in our ranking.”
–Matt Cutts
In other words…Content that performs well on social media is the
same kind of content that performs well in search.
– SHARABLE content does well: This is content that gets shared
on social media and accumulates backlinks.
– Social sharing AMPLIFIES content: social shares improves
content visibility, getting in front of more eyes.
How Social Shares Affect
Correlation 2
Social Shares to Linking Root Domains
Keyword Usage & Rank: Low Correlations
Moz 2013
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Keyword Usage
in H1
Keyword Usage
in Body Text
Body Text
Similarity to
Keyword Usage
in Title Tag
Searchmetrics 2013
0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Keyword in
Domain Name
Keywords in
Keywords in
External Links
Position of KW
in Title

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Google+ pages. Google+ for businesses
Google+ pages. Google+ for businessesGoogle+ pages. Google+ for businesses
Google+ pages. Google+ for businesses

Google+ allows businesses to create pages to interact with customers. It offers features like circles to organize contacts, video chatting, and sparks to share relevant content. While it currently has a smaller user base than Facebook, Google+ may provide businesses opportunities to create more direct relationships with customers through its focus on sharing professional and industry-specific information. Integration with other Google services also provides benefits for brands.

Nyxpo 2010
Nyxpo 2010Nyxpo 2010
Nyxpo 2010

This document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) and provides an overview of key SEO strategies and tactics. It defines SEO as improving organic search engine results by optimizing websites and webpages. Some important on-page optimization tactics mentioned include keyword research, optimizing page titles and meta descriptions, using heading tags properly, and creating SEO-friendly content. Off-page optimization discussed link building strategies like article marketing and press releases to build high-quality backlinks. The document also touches on social media, content creation, and outsourcing SEO services.

new york expo 2010
Google+ for business
Google+ for businessGoogle+ for business
Google+ for business

Google+ Pages allow businesses to connect with consumers through social profiles, circles that segment audiences, and features like hangouts and page badges. The value of Google+ for businesses includes improving content discovery through recommendations and targeting audiences. Google+ aims to integrate a brand's presence across Google properties and offer analytics of social and other marketing metrics.

businesssocial media for healthbrands
Create Sharable Content!
• Keywords have been devalued
– Create content that is optimized for search and
social, but mostly social.
• Shareable content is more important
– Content spreads more easily with the advent of
social networks and shareable content (with the
help of social media) will get you more links
Why People Share?
Upworthy has a Pretty Awesome Process
Source: Slideshare & Upworthy
Page Authority: 66
46 LRDs from Authoritative
• Content = Embedded
YouTube Video
• A few words of on-page
text and a headline
• Ranks Page 1 for “monkey
experiment” and “fairness
• Text not found on
page or in anchor text
Things We Can Do Similarly
• Test headlines on social
– Upworthy creates 25 headlines and does a lot of testing
– Treat SEO as an iterative process
• Test headlines on AdWords to see how search
• A/B test sharing button and other page aspects
• Differ title, h1, open graph titles, twitter
cards, schema
• Do research and optimize content for our audience

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Google Plus: Tools for Solo Pro Success
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Google Plus: Tools for Solo Pro Success

Google+ tools add power steering to solo-based businesses. Here is an introduction to the tools, some strategy and training on how to use them.

Lee Smallwood: SEO at Google+ for businesses and brands
Lee Smallwood: SEO at Google+ for businesses and brandsLee Smallwood: SEO at Google+ for businesses and brands
Lee Smallwood: SEO at Google+ for businesses and brands

Social signals are becoming increasingly important for search engine optimization (SEO) as Google moves away from relying solely on anonymous backlinks. With social platforms, Google can see who authored content and their reputation, allowing for greater accountability online. To leverage social search, marketers should put keywords in their Google+ profile and pages, claim content by adding rel="author" tags, and increase social shares, likes and comments back to their content to boost AuthorRank and visibility in search results. [/SUMMARY]

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4 key methods to help make your project more visible--a talk for the new Community Information Challenge grantees of The Knight Foundation #infoneeds

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Influencer Marketing for SEO
• Distribute your content, better. Get it shared
Image via David Armano
Create content that influencers like
• Use a platform like Appinions to cater content
creation to industry influencers to make it more
Get Shared By Being First
• Blab: Predict content trends and needs
72-hours in advance
Google Hummingbird

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Google Updates: Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird, Oh My!

According to Compete PRO, 34.52% of the incoming traffic to sites in July 2014 came from That’s 1,403,774 out of the 4,065,881 visits to these sites from the U.S. that month. This presentation will explain how search works and give an overview of the more than 200 unique signals or “clues” that Google’s algorithms use today. It will also cover three major updates to Google’s algorithms, named Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird. And it will take a look at the algorithms of the second largest search engine, YouTube.

E-commerce Content Marketing for Search
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E-commerce Content Marketing for Search

Presentation from Searchfest 2013. Strategies include how to better market content for e-commerce websites, people to follow, and more. Follow me on Twitter:

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Humming bird doc (1)
Humming bird doc (1)Humming bird doc (1)
Humming bird doc (1)

Google introduced a new search algorithm called Hummingbird that processes search queries differently than previous algorithms. Hummingbird considers the meaning and context of the entire search query, including relationships between words, rather than just matching individual keywords. This allows Google to better understand users' intents and provide more relevant and conversational search results. The Hummingbird algorithm leverages technologies like semantic search, voice search, and Google's Knowledge Graph database to help answer complex queries directly or assist with follow-up searches.

What is Hummingbird?
“With more complex queries, the algorithm can better
understand concepts vs. words as well as relationships
between concepts.”
-Amit Singhal
• An infrastructure change to the Google search
engine, allowing for different inputs and new
algorithms to be developed.
• Part of the infrastructure is a better
understanding of speech through NLP, utilizing
the co-occurence of synonyms and semantic
Why Hummingbird Matters
• Hummingbird opens Google to new
algorithms, utilizing new inputs
– Social Media Inputs
• Hummingbird and mobile phone usage will
change how people search
– Moving to a more speech-like query
– As peoples’ search behavior changes, we will have
less of an idea about how they search with
keywords because of not provided
Searches Are Always New Anyway
• We Should Produce More Content to
Accommodate New-to-Google Searches
– 15 percent of all queries are entirely new in terms of
either syntax, typographic variation, or emerging
topic, and they had never been entered into a
Google search before
(2013, Think With Google)
How to come up with
content ideas from social
media (not provided) while
capitalizing on its natural
language (hummingbird)

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Google hummingbird algorithm pptGoogle hummingbird algorithm ppt
Google hummingbird algorithm ppt

Google introduced the Hummingbird algorithm in 2013 to improve search results. Hummingbird analyzes longer, more complex questions to provide more direct answers compared to previous algorithms like Panda and Penguin. It uses information like user location and interests to personalize results. The algorithm also leverages Google's Knowledge Graph to understand context and relationships to better answer follow-up questions. Hummingbird aims to have a more human-like conversation with users through its semantic search capabilities.


The document discusses Google's Hummingbird algorithm which was announced in 2013. It aims to deliver faster and more precise search results by understanding the full context and meaning of search queries, rather than just individual words. This allows Google to return more relevant and comparative results, especially for voice searches or follow-up questions on a topic. The algorithm enhances Google's use of the Knowledge Graph and page ranking system to better identify and rank pages that answer the user's intended query.

How to Master SEO in 2017
How to Master SEO in 2017How to Master SEO in 2017
How to Master SEO in 2017

Explore effective SEO 2017 Essentials. Gain insights from webinar on 'How to Master SEO In 2017' led by Navneet Kaushal, CEO – PageTraffic.

seonavneet kaushalpage traffic
Introducing Tellagence: a tool that
extracts keyword data from Twitter
Some Keywords Tellagence
Came-Up With:
Keyword Occurrences
miss 1148
fat 569
cold 297
captain 297
talking 286
phone 265
winter 452
service 153
Fast and easy
content & keyword
insights beyond
what is accessible
with standard
keyword research
• “miss” – People missing friends they made on their cruise
– Content: How to stay in touch with cruise friends so you don’t
miss them as much.
• “fat” – people concerned with weight gain on cruises
– Content: How to not gain weight and enjoy yourself on a cruise.
• “captain” – people discussing who the captain is on their
cruise ship.
– Content: Do you have bio pages for your cruise captains? You
• “talking” – people actively discussing (“talking”) with loves
ones and friends about potentially taking a cruise.
– Content: Create content to help aid this part of the sales cycle.
• “phone” & “service” – people saying they will be out of
touch, away from phone because they won’t have service
– Content: Is it true that you won’t have service? Convince people
to use phone on board.
• “cold” & “winter” – people want to go on Caribbean
cruises when it becomes cold in the winter locally
– Content: Winter or cold weather cruises and cruise deals.
Winter Cruises
cruises to escapes cold weather

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This document contains the schedule and speaker details for the Reading SEO event. The first talk will be given by Sean Butcher on "Managing filters and facets on your e-commerce website". It will cover best practices for using filters and facets to improve usability, conversions and organic traffic while avoiding issues like duplicate content, thin content and overwhelming the crawl budget. The talk recommends a data-driven approach to determine which filters to keep, add, merge, re-optimize or block based on keyword research and clustering.

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"Control What You Can Control in WordPress. On Page SEO FTW!" is a WordPress SEO talk presented by Mike Zielonka at WordCamp Milwaukee.

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SlideShare is a company that helps users share knowledge and connect with others by building an online community for sharing presentations. It was acquired by LinkedIn in 2012 and works like a startup within the larger company. Employees are passionate about learning and sharing knowledge and enjoy the startup culture, opportunities to learn and grow, and ability to see their work impact millions of users quickly.

san franciscodelhislideshare
Mining Quora
• Subscribe with RSS feeds (or use Gdoc):
Social Language = Natural Language
• The keywords and language extracted by
social tools is very natural and very
– Remember our friend Mr. Hummingbird? Social
language should theoretically help us optimize for
him, because it is written conversationally.
• Create sharable content; It gets more backlinks
and is more important than keyword
• Amplify sharing with influencer marketing
• We can use social media to mine natural
language information to optimize content for
Thank You!
Paul Shapiro

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Lee Odden of TopRank Online Marketing presents on developing an integrated online marketing strategy focused on SEO, Social Media and Content Marketing at Fusion Marketing Experience in Antwerp Belgium.

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This document provides an overview of data-driven SEO and outlines a three step process: 1) Investigation - Gather data on target demographics, buyer personas, keywords, competitors through tools like analytics and link profiles. 2) Interpretation - Analyze the data, identify areas for improvement, and create reports to develop strategies. 3) Implementation - Execute the strategies, measure results, and adapt strategies based on new data to continually improve performance. The process emphasizes thorough research, testing, and adapting to new information to develop long-term, science-based SEO strategies.

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Boardroom Topic of the Month (SMI) – 4th February 2014 Search Marketing Integration by Megan Del Borrello – Managing Director, Vorian Agency

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Social-SEO Content Strategy: Ideas for a Data Driven Approach

  • 1. Social-SEO Content Strategy: Ideas for a Data Driven Approach
  • 2. Why Does Social Media Matter in SEO? COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 2
  • 3. There is a correlation with social shares and rank • Moz 2013 Study: – Page Authority has the highest correlation with rank followed by Google +1s, # of LRDs, and then # of Facebook shares. • Searchmetrics 2013 Study: – Google +1s have the highest correlation with rank, followed by Facebook Shares, then # of backlinks. COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 3
  • 4. Searchmetrics Correlation Study 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.25 0.28 0.29 0.31 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.4 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 Length of URL % Backlinks with Stopword Θ SEO-Visibility of backlinking URL % of rel=nofollow backlinks Tweets Pinterest Facebook Likes Facebook Comments Facebook "Total" Number of Backlinks Facebook Shares Google +1 Mean Spearman Correlation COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 4 Source: Searchmetrics, SEO Ranking Factors – Rank Correlation 2013
  • 5. Google Doesn’t Use Social Signals as Part of Its Ranking Algorithm Correlation ≠ Causation “If you make compelling content, people will link to it, like it, share it on Facebook, +1 it, etc. But that doesn't mean that Google is using those signals in our ranking.” –Matt Cutts In other words…Content that performs well on social media is the same kind of content that performs well in search. – SHARABLE content does well: This is content that gets shared on social media and accumulates backlinks. – Social sharing AMPLIFIES content: social shares improves content visibility, getting in front of more eyes. COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 5
  • 6. How Social Shares Affect Links COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 6
  • 7. Correlation 2 COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 7 Social Shares to Linking Root Domains Anonymous Client Data Nice Correlation Correlation: 0.900850699
  • 8. Keyword Usage & Rank: Low Correlations Moz 2013 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.13 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Keyword Usage in H1 Keyword Usage in Body Text Body Text Similarity to Keyword Keyword Usage in Title Tag Searchmetrics 2013 0.03 0.11 0.11 0.12 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Keyword in Domain Name Keywords in Body Keywords in External Links Position of KW in Title COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 8
  • 9. Create Sharable Content! • Keywords have been devalued – Create content that is optimized for search and social, but mostly social. • Shareable content is more important – Content spreads more easily with the advent of social networks and shareable content (with the help of social media) will get you more links COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 9
  • 10. Why People Share? COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 10
  • 11. Upworthy has a Pretty Awesome Process COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 11 Source: Slideshare & Upworthy Page Authority: 66 46 LRDs from Authoritative Websites • Content = Embedded YouTube Video • A few words of on-page text and a headline • Ranks Page 1 for “monkey experiment” and “fairness experiment” • Text not found on page or in anchor text
  • 12. Things We Can Do Similarly • Test headlines on social – Upworthy creates 25 headlines and does a lot of testing – Treat SEO as an iterative process • Test headlines on AdWords to see how search differs • A/B test sharing button and other page aspects • Differ title, h1, open graph titles, twitter cards, schema • Do research and optimize content for our audience COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 12
  • 13. Influencer Marketing for SEO • Distribute your content, better. Get it shared more. COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 13 Image via David Armano
  • 14. Create content that influencers like • Use a platform like Appinions to cater content creation to industry influencers to make it more sharable COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 14
  • 15. Get Shared By Being First • Blab: Predict content trends and needs 72-hours in advance COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 15
  • 16. Introducing… Google Hummingbird COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 16
  • 17. What is Hummingbird? “With more complex queries, the algorithm can better understand concepts vs. words as well as relationships between concepts.” -Amit Singhal • An infrastructure change to the Google search engine, allowing for different inputs and new algorithms to be developed. • Part of the infrastructure is a better understanding of speech through NLP, utilizing the co-occurence of synonyms and semantic relationships. COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 17
  • 18. Why Hummingbird Matters • Hummingbird opens Google to new algorithms, utilizing new inputs – Social Media Inputs • Hummingbird and mobile phone usage will change how people search – Moving to a more speech-like query – As peoples’ search behavior changes, we will have less of an idea about how they search with keywords because of not provided COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 18
  • 19. Searches Are Always New Anyway • We Should Produce More Content to Accommodate New-to-Google Searches – 15 percent of all queries are entirely new in terms of either syntax, typographic variation, or emerging topic, and they had never been entered into a Google search before (2013, Think With Google) COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 19
  • 20. How to come up with content ideas from social media (not provided) while capitalizing on its natural language (hummingbird) COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 20
  • 21. Introducing Tellagence: a tool that extracts keyword data from Twitter COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 21
  • 22. Some Keywords Tellagence Came-Up With: Keyword Occurrences miss 1148 fat 569 cold 297 captain 297 talking 286 phone 265 winter 452 service 153 COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 22 Fast and easy content & keyword insights beyond what is accessible with standard keyword research tools
  • 23. • “miss” – People missing friends they made on their cruise – Content: How to stay in touch with cruise friends so you don’t miss them as much. • “fat” – people concerned with weight gain on cruises – Content: How to not gain weight and enjoy yourself on a cruise. • “captain” – people discussing who the captain is on their cruise ship. – Content: Do you have bio pages for your cruise captains? You should. • “talking” – people actively discussing (“talking”) with loves ones and friends about potentially taking a cruise. – Content: Create content to help aid this part of the sales cycle. • “phone” & “service” – people saying they will be out of touch, away from phone because they won’t have service – Content: Is it true that you won’t have service? Convince people to use phone on board. • “cold” & “winter” – people want to go on Caribbean cruises when it becomes cold in the winter locally – Content: Winter or cold weather cruises and cruise deals. COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 23
  • 24. COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 24 Winter Cruises cruises to escapes cold weather
  • 25. Mining Quora • Subscribe with RSS feeds (or use Gdoc): COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 25
  • 26. Social Language = Natural Language • The keywords and language extracted by social tools is very natural and very conversational. – Remember our friend Mr. Hummingbird? Social language should theoretically help us optimize for him, because it is written conversationally. COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 26
  • 27. Summary • Create sharable content; It gets more backlinks and is more important than keyword optimization • Amplify sharing with influencer marketing • We can use social media to mine natural language information to optimize content for Hummingbird COPYRIGHT 2013 CATALYST. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. APRIL 29, 2014 | PAGE 27

Editor's Notes

  1. Yellow indicates social factor
  2. Sharable Content: People want to share it and also want to link to it, driving search engine rankings.Amplifies Content: Gives content greater opportunity to be seen by those that may link to it.
  3. Content marketing—producing content is more important