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How Baidu runs Scylla on
PB-level big data platform
Baidu Security R&D Department
Zhangmei Li & Jeff Liu
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 About me
 Introduction of Baidu Security
 How to use Scylla in a log analysis system
 What is the purpose of Scylla
 The development about Scylla in the future
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About Baidu security
Protect Baidu Protect Partner Protect People
Cloud WAFAnti-DDos
Device fingerprint
DNS Hijacking
Web Page Hijacking
Simulator Detection
Threat Intelligence Service
System Vulnerabilities
Scan Service
Big Data Platform
More fast, More intelligence
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Baidu security big data platform
FTPMinos Client DataProxy
Storm Graph
Cluster Monitor
Statistical Analysis System
Resource Management && Scheduler
Metadata Management

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Scylla Summit 2017: Migrating to Scylla From Cassandra and Others With No Dow...
Scylla Summit 2017: Migrating to Scylla From Cassandra and Others With No Dow...Scylla Summit 2017: Migrating to Scylla From Cassandra and Others With No Dow...
Scylla Summit 2017: Migrating to Scylla From Cassandra and Others With No Dow...

The session will cover the best practices to migrate existing data from Apache Cassandra to Scylla and how to do it while being online all of the time.

Scylla Summit 2017: How to Ruin Your Workload's Performance by Choosing the W...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Ruin Your Workload's Performance by Choosing the W...Scylla Summit 2017: How to Ruin Your Workload's Performance by Choosing the W...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Ruin Your Workload's Performance by Choosing the W...

In my talk, I will present the different compaction strategies that Scylla provides, and demonstrate when it is appropriate and when it is inappropriate to use each one. I will then present a new compaction strategy that we designed as a lesson from the existing compaction strategies by picking the best features of the existing strategies while avoiding their problems.

Scylla Summit 2017: SMF: The Fastest RPC in the West
Scylla Summit 2017: SMF: The Fastest RPC in the WestScylla Summit 2017: SMF: The Fastest RPC in the West
Scylla Summit 2017: SMF: The Fastest RPC in the West

On a quest to build the fastest durable log broker in the west, we had to rethink all of the components needed to deliver on this promise. First, we began by building the fastest RPC system in the west, SMF. SMF is a new RPC mechanism, IDL-compiler, and libraries that make using Seastar easy. In this talk, I will cover SMF in detail and show a live demo on how you can get started using it to build your next application so you can live in the future.

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How to analyze logs instantly
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Log analysis system
• Source
• Access Log
• Syslog .etc
• Volume
• ~500TB per day
• text/pb/gzip
• Goal
• Build Index per day
• Quick Search
• Value
• Security Analysis
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Index building architecture
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Three levels index
2nd-level-index is about 8%-10% of source log size, ~50TB
1st-level-index and 3rd-level-index is about 0.4% of source log size, ~2TB

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Scylla Summit 2017: Stateful Streaming Applications with Apache Spark
Scylla Summit 2017: Stateful Streaming Applications with Apache Spark Scylla Summit 2017: Stateful Streaming Applications with Apache Spark
Scylla Summit 2017: Stateful Streaming Applications with Apache Spark

When working with streaming data, stateful operations are a common use case. If you would like to perform data de-duplication, calculate aggregations over event-time windows, track user activity over sessions, you are performing a stateful operation. Apache Spark provides users with a high level, simple to use DataFrame/Dataset API to work with both batch and streaming data. The funny thing about batch workloads is that people tend to run these batch workloads over and over again. Structured Streaming allows users to run these same workloads, with the exact same business logic in a streaming fashion, helping users answer questions at lower latencies. In this talk, we will focus on stateful operations with Structured Streaming and we will demonstrate through live demos, how NoSQL stores can be plugged in as a fault tolerant state store to store intermediate state, as well as used as a streaming sink, where the output data can be stored indefinitely for downstream applications.

Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Samsung NVMe Z-SSDs
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Samsung NVMe Z-SSDsScylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Samsung NVMe Z-SSDs
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Samsung NVMe Z-SSDs

I will be giving a talk about performance characterization and tuning of Scylla on Samsung NVMe SSDs. We will characterize the performance of Scylla on Samsung high-performance NVMe SSDs and show how Z-SSD ─ the Samsung ultra-low-latency NVMe drive ─ can significantly shrink the performance gap between in-memory and in-storage with Scylla. We will further evaluate the throughput-vs-latency profile of Scylla with NVMe devices and present end-to-end latencies (from the client's viewpoint) as well as the latencies of the software/hardware stack. We will show that a Z-SSD-backed Scylla cluster can provide competitive performance to an in-memory deployment while sharply reducing costs.

Scylla Summit 2017: How to Optimize and Reduce Inter-DC Network Traffic and S...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Optimize and Reduce Inter-DC Network Traffic and S...Scylla Summit 2017: How to Optimize and Reduce Inter-DC Network Traffic and S...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Optimize and Reduce Inter-DC Network Traffic and S...

The document appears to be a presentation on optimizing inter-data center communication. It discusses key topics like what inter-data center communication involves, the costs associated with it, best practices for setting snitches, keyspaces, client drivers and consistency levels for queries to optimize performance between data centers. It recommends using network topology replication strategies over simple strategies for multi-region deployments, setting load balancing and consistency levels appropriately in clients, and enabling internode compression to reduce costs of communication between data centers. The presentation encourages reviewing client locations, data access patterns, who is reading/writing data, and having conversations between operations and development teams to determine the best use cases.

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Search architecture
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Log index storage
✓ KV Storage
✓ High-Speed Read
✓ High-Speed Write
✓ Available Every Time
✓ Easy Maintenance
Storage System Expectation
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Why scylla?
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Separate R/W for indexing
replicationoffline online
Index building service
Bulk Write

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Scylla Summit 2017: How to Use Gocql to Execute Queries and What the Driver D...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Use Gocql to Execute Queries and What the Driver D...Scylla Summit 2017: How to Use Gocql to Execute Queries and What the Driver D...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Use Gocql to Execute Queries and What the Driver D...

This document outlines a presentation on using the GoCQL driver to execute queries against Cassandra and Scylla databases. It discusses connecting to a Cassandra cluster, executing queries, iterating over results, and using asynchronous queries. It also mentions some additional Cassandra libraries built on top of GoCQL, including gocqlx for data binding and queries, and gocassa for queries and migrations. The presentation aims to explain how GoCQL works behind the scenes and how to get started with basic querying functionality.

Scylla Summit 2017: Streaming ETL in Kafka for Everyone with KSQL
Scylla Summit 2017: Streaming ETL in Kafka for Everyone with KSQLScylla Summit 2017: Streaming ETL in Kafka for Everyone with KSQL
Scylla Summit 2017: Streaming ETL in Kafka for Everyone with KSQL

Apache Kafka is a high-throughput distributed streaming platform that is being adopted by hundreds of companies to manage their real-time data. KSQL is an open source streaming SQL engine that implements continuous, interactive queries against Apache Kafka™. KSQL makes it easy to read, write and process streaming data in real-time, at scale, using SQL-like semantics. In my talk, I will discuss streaming ETL from Kafka into stores like Apache Cassandra using KSQL.

Millions of Regions in HBase: Size Matters
Millions of Regions in HBase: Size MattersMillions of Regions in HBase: Size Matters
Millions of Regions in HBase: Size Matters

This document discusses strategies for scaling HBase to support millions of regions. It describes Yahoo's experience managing clusters with over 100,000 regions. Large regions can cause problems with tasks distribution, I/O contention during compaction, and scan timeouts. The document recommends keeping regions small and explores enhancements made in HBase to support very large region counts like splitting the meta region across servers and using hierarchical region directories to reduce load on the namenode. Performance tests show these changes improved the time to assign millions of regions.

apache hadoopstreamsetsyahoo
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Perf of Scylla on HDD
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Expect secondary index
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The plan in the future
Try to replace Redis with Scylla which is used as a cache service, given
that Scylla could supply higher performance and was more convenient in
terms of maintenance and scalability.
PLAN-1 : Replace Redis with Scylla
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The plan in the future
Combine Scylla with OLAP data warehouse because it performs awesome query
PLAN-2 : Integrate Scylla into OLAP data warehouse
SQL Query
CQL Query

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Scylla Compaction Strategies
Scylla Compaction StrategiesScylla Compaction Strategies
Scylla Compaction Strategies

Presentation on Scylla's and Cassandra's compaction, why it is needed and how it works, and the different compaction strategies: their strengths and weaknesses, and the different types of "amplification" and how to use them to reason about the different compaction strategies. And finally, what Scylla does better than Cassandra in this area. These slides were presented at a meetup in Tel-Aviv, a joint meetup of the following two groups:

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Detailed technical material about MyRocks -- RocksDB storage engine for MySQL --

Achieving HBase Multi-Tenancy with RegionServer Groups and Favored Nodes
Achieving HBase Multi-Tenancy with RegionServer Groups and Favored NodesAchieving HBase Multi-Tenancy with RegionServer Groups and Favored Nodes
Achieving HBase Multi-Tenancy with RegionServer Groups and Favored Nodes

At Yahoo! HBase has been running as a hosted multi-tenant service since 2013. In a single HBase cluster we have around 30 tenants running various types of workloads (ie batch, near real-time, ad-hoc, etc). Typically such a deployment would cause tenant workloads to negatively affect each other because of resource contention (disk, cpu, network, cache thrashing, etc). Using RegionServer Groups we are able to designate a dedicated subset of RegionServers in a cluster to host only tables of a given tenant (HBASE-6721). Most HBase deployments use HDFS as their distributed filesystem, which in turn does not guarantee that a region’s data is locally available to the hosting regionserver. This poses a problem when providing isolation since the hdfs data blocks may have to be read remotely from a different tenant’s host thus contending for disk or network resources. Favored nodes addresses this problem by providing hints to HDFS on which datanodes data should be stored and only assigns regions to these favored regionservers (HBASE-15531). We will walk through these features explaining our motivation, how they work as well as our experiences running these multi-tenant clusters. These features will be available in Apache HBase 2.0.

hadoop summitdws17hadoop
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  • 1. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company How Baidu runs Scylla on PB-level big data platform Baidu Security R&D Department Zhangmei Li & Jeff Liu
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  • 3. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company About Baidu security 3 Protect Baidu Protect Partner Protect People Cloud WAFAnti-DDos Device fingerprint DNS Hijacking Detection Web Page Hijacking Detection Simulator Detection Threat Intelligence Service System Vulnerabilities Scan Service Others… Big Data Platform Data-Driven Security More fast, More intelligence
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  • 5. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company How to analyze logs instantly
  • 6. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Log analysis system • Source • Access Log • Syslog .etc • Volume • ~500TB per day • text/pb/gzip • Goal • Build Index per day • Quick Search • Value • APT • Security Analysis
  • 7. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Index building architecture
  • 8. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Three levels index 2nd-level-index is about 8%-10% of source log size, ~50TB 1st-level-index and 3rd-level-index is about 0.4% of source log size, ~2TB
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  • 10. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Log index storage ✓ KV Storage ✓ High-Speed Read ✓ High-Speed Write ✓ Available Every Time ✓ Easy Maintenance Storage System Expectation
  • 11. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Why scylla?
  • 12. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Separate R/W for indexing Real-time Analytics replicationoffline online Index building service Bulk Write
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  • 16. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company The plan in the future Combine Scylla with OLAP data warehouse because it performs awesome query throughput. PLAN-2 : Integrate Scylla into OLAP data warehouse OLAP Spark SparkSpark SQL Query CQL Query
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