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How to Optimize
Inter-DC communication
Solution Architect, ScyllaDB
Eyal Gutkind
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Eyal Gutkind
Head of Solution Architects team at ScyllaDB. Previously, held Product
Management roles at Mirantis and DataStax. Prior to DataStax I spent 12 years
with Mellanox Technologies in various engineering management and Product
Marketing roles. I have a BSc. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering
from Ben Gurion University and an MBA from Fuqua School of Business at Duke
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What’s Inter-Datacenter Communication?
USA Data Center Asia Data Center
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Scylla Summit 2017: How Baidu Runs Scylla on a Petabyte-Level Big Data Platform
Scylla Summit 2017: How Baidu Runs Scylla on a Petabyte-Level Big Data PlatformScylla Summit 2017: How Baidu Runs Scylla on a Petabyte-Level Big Data Platform
Scylla Summit 2017: How Baidu Runs Scylla on a Petabyte-Level Big Data Platform

In this presentation, I'll speak of the benefits of running Scylla on our Big Data environment which stores over 500TB of data as well as using Scylla as the indexing engine to replace MongoDB and Cassandra for our log data analysis platform.

Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Samsung NVMe Z-SSDs
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Samsung NVMe Z-SSDsScylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Samsung NVMe Z-SSDs
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Samsung NVMe Z-SSDs

I will be giving a talk about performance characterization and tuning of Scylla on Samsung NVMe SSDs. We will characterize the performance of Scylla on Samsung high-performance NVMe SSDs and show how Z-SSD ─ the Samsung ultra-low-latency NVMe drive ─ can significantly shrink the performance gap between in-memory and in-storage with Scylla. We will further evaluate the throughput-vs-latency profile of Scylla with NVMe devices and present end-to-end latencies (from the client's viewpoint) as well as the latencies of the software/hardware stack. We will show that a Z-SSD-backed Scylla cluster can provide competitive performance to an in-memory deployment while sharply reducing costs.

Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla's Open Source Monitoring Solution
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla's Open Source Monitoring SolutionScylla Summit 2017: Scylla's Open Source Monitoring Solution
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla's Open Source Monitoring Solution

Scylla's monitoring capability has come a long way in the last year. We now have native support for Prometheus. Through scylla-grafana-monitoring, we have started providing default dashboards summarizing the most important aspects of Scylla for users. In this talk, I will cover what is currently available in our metrics, other non-standard metrics that are interesting but not available in our main dashboard, as well as our future plans for enhancement.

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Snitch, Keyspace and Client Drivers Settings
- Simple vs NetworkTopology Strategies
EC2MultiRegionSnitch - for AWS based deployments,
GossipingPropertyFileSnitch - for all other deployments
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Snitch, Keyspace and Client Drivers Settings
- Simple vs NetworkTopology Strategies
CREATE KEYSPACE myks WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '7'}
USA Data Center Asia Data Center
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Snitch, Keyspace and Client Drivers Settings
- Simple vs NetworkTopology Strategies
CREATE KEYSPACE myks WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkToplogyStrategy', 'usa’: '3', ‘asia’: ‘3’}
USA Data Center Asia Data Center

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Scylla Summit 2017: A Deep Dive on Heat Weighted Load Balancing
Scylla Summit 2017: A Deep Dive on Heat Weighted Load BalancingScylla Summit 2017: A Deep Dive on Heat Weighted Load Balancing
Scylla Summit 2017: A Deep Dive on Heat Weighted Load Balancing

This presentation discusses the "cold node problem" that occurs when a node restarts in a Cassandra cluster. When a node restarts, it loses its cached data and becomes a bottleneck. The presentation proposes a "heat weighted load balancing" solution where the cluster tracks each node's cache hit ratio and redistributes requests based on this ratio after a restart. Testing shows this solution significantly improves throughput after a node restart by distributing requests more evenly across nodes based on their "heat" or cache contents.

Scylla Summit 2017: How to Ruin Your Workload's Performance by Choosing the W...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Ruin Your Workload's Performance by Choosing the W...Scylla Summit 2017: How to Ruin Your Workload's Performance by Choosing the W...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Ruin Your Workload's Performance by Choosing the W...

In my talk, I will present the different compaction strategies that Scylla provides, and demonstrate when it is appropriate and when it is inappropriate to use each one. I will then present a new compaction strategy that we designed as a lesson from the existing compaction strategies by picking the best features of the existing strategies while avoiding their problems.

Scylla Summit 2017: From Elasticsearch to Scylla at Zenly
Scylla Summit 2017: From Elasticsearch to Scylla at ZenlyScylla Summit 2017: From Elasticsearch to Scylla at Zenly
Scylla Summit 2017: From Elasticsearch to Scylla at Zenly

Zenly (recently acquired by Snap) makes a social map app. Their team has been running Scylla in production for the past eight months. Get an overview of the reasons they chose Scylla, its deployment on Google Cloud, the performances they achieved, plus learn as they share some of the few hiccups they hit along the way.

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Snitch, Keyspace and Client Drivers Settings
- Simple vs NetworkTopology Strategies
- Be Local!
- Set Load balancing correctly in your clients
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Snitch, Keyspace and Client Drivers Settings
- Simple vs NetworkTopology Strategies
- Be Local!
- Set Load balancing correctly in your clients
- Set Consistency levels in your queries!
insert_query = SimpleStatement( "INSERT INTO myks.mytable (user_id,
name, address, zip_code) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
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Snitch, Keyspace and Client Drivers Settings
- Simple vs NetworkTopology Strategies
- Be Local!
- Set Load balancing correctly in your clients
- Set Consistency levels in your queries!
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Inter-Node Compression!
Default : None
Use: DC
In your Scylla.yaml file uncomment and set
internode_compression: dc

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Scylla Summit 2017: A Toolbox for Understanding Scylla in the Field
Scylla Summit 2017: A Toolbox for Understanding Scylla in the FieldScylla Summit 2017: A Toolbox for Understanding Scylla in the Field
Scylla Summit 2017: A Toolbox for Understanding Scylla in the Field

In this talk, we will share useful tools and techniques that we are using in the field to understand Scylla clusters. Users will learn how to use those same tools to better understand their deployment. Some of the questions that will be answered are: - how to find out which queries are the slowest and why - how we go about understanding the impact of the data model in a node's performance - how to check which resources are the bottlenecks in the cluster

If You Care About Performance, Use User Defined Types
If You Care About Performance, Use User Defined TypesIf You Care About Performance, Use User Defined Types
If You Care About Performance, Use User Defined Types

Shlomi Livne, VP of R&D at ScyllaDB, presented on the performance benefits of using user-defined types (UDTs) in ScyllaDB. He explained that with traditional columns, each column has overhead and flexibility comes at a price. However, with frozen UDTs, the columns are treated as a single unit, sharing metadata and improving performance. Livne showed results of a test where UDTs with many fields outperformed traditional columns with the same number of fields. However, he noted that Scylla's row cache and Java driver performance need improvement for UDTs.

Scylla Summit 2017: How to Run Cassandra/Scylla from a MySQL DBA's Point of View
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Run Cassandra/Scylla from a MySQL DBA's Point of ViewScylla Summit 2017: How to Run Cassandra/Scylla from a MySQL DBA's Point of View
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Run Cassandra/Scylla from a MySQL DBA's Point of View

Are you a MySQL DBA or DevOps individual being asked to run Cassandra or Scylla? Feeling overwhelmed? In this talk, I will present Cassandra/Scylla operations in terms that directly relate to MySQL. I will show you comparisons between the Information Schema and the Cassandra/Scylla System keyspace(s). I will also talk about metrics available in MySQL versus Cassandra/Scylla and how to retrieve them. Finally, I will talk about how MySQL replication compares with Cassandra replication. Hopefully, when I am done you will be able to relate to Cassandra operations in a practical and useful way.

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- As expected, you always pay :)
- Create keyspaces and tables in the regions you need them
- Enable conversations between ops and dev for best use cases
- Review client geo locations and data access patterns
- Who is writing? (Cheap)
- Who is reading? (Expensive)
- Enable compression!
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Please stay in touch
Any questions?

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Scylla Summit 2017: How to Optimize and Reduce Inter-DC Network Traffic and Stop Paying too Much!

  • 1. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company How to Optimize Inter-DC communication Solution Architect, ScyllaDB Eyal Gutkind
  • 2. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Eyal Gutkind 2 Head of Solution Architects team at ScyllaDB. Previously, held Product Management roles at Mirantis and DataStax. Prior to DataStax I spent 12 years with Mellanox Technologies in various engineering management and Product Marketing roles. I have a BSc. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Ben Gurion University and an MBA from Fuqua School of Business at Duke University
  • 3. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company What’s Inter-Datacenter Communication? 3 USA Data Center Asia Data Center
  • 4. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company What Do You Pay for? 4
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  • 6. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Snitch, Keyspace and Client Drivers Settings 6 - Simple vs NetworkTopology Strategies EC2MultiRegionSnitch - for AWS based deployments, GossipingPropertyFileSnitch - for all other deployments
  • 7. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Snitch, Keyspace and Client Drivers Settings - Simple vs NetworkTopology Strategies CREATE KEYSPACE myks WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '7'} 7 USA Data Center Asia Data Center
  • 8. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Snitch, Keyspace and Client Drivers Settings - Simple vs NetworkTopology Strategies CREATE KEYSPACE myks WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkToplogyStrategy', 'usa’: '3', ‘asia’: ‘3’} 8 USA Data Center Asia Data Center
  • 9. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Snitch, Keyspace and Client Drivers Settings - Simple vs NetworkTopology Strategies - Be Local! - Set Load balancing correctly in your clients 9 load_balancing_policy= TokenAwarePolicy(DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy(local_dc='asia'))
  • 10. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Snitch, Keyspace and Client Drivers Settings - Simple vs NetworkTopology Strategies - Be Local! - Set Load balancing correctly in your clients - Set Consistency levels in your queries! 10 insert_query = SimpleStatement( "INSERT INTO myks.mytable (user_id, name, address, zip_code) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", consistency_level=ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_QUORUM) …)
  • 11. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Snitch, Keyspace and Client Drivers Settings - Simple vs NetworkTopology Strategies - Be Local! - Set Load balancing correctly in your clients - Set Consistency levels in your queries! 11
  • 12. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Inter-Node Compression! Default : None Use: DC In your Scylla.yaml file uncomment and set internode_compression: dc 12
  • 13. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Summary - As expected, you always pay :) - Create keyspaces and tables in the regions you need them - Enable conversations between ops and dev for best use cases - Review client geo locations and data access patterns - Who is writing? (Cheap) - Who is reading? (Expensive) - Enable compression! 13
  • 14. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company THANK YOU @gutkinde Please stay in touch Any questions?