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  Stateful Aggregations
  – Databricks
-­‐ “We	
  -­‐ Bogazici University,	
Started  Spark  project  (now  Apache  Spark)  at  UC  Berkeley  in  2009
Unified  Analytics  Platform
Making  Big  Data  Simple
oStateful Processing	

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Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Samsung NVMe Z-SSDs
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Samsung NVMe Z-SSDsScylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Samsung NVMe Z-SSDs
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Samsung NVMe Z-SSDs

I will be giving a talk about performance characterization and tuning of Scylla on Samsung NVMe SSDs. We will characterize the performance of Scylla on Samsung high-performance NVMe SSDs and show how Z-SSD ─ the Samsung ultra-low-latency NVMe drive ─ can significantly shrink the performance gap between in-memory and in-storage with Scylla. We will further evaluate the throughput-vs-latency profile of Scylla with NVMe devices and present end-to-end latencies (from the client's viewpoint) as well as the latencies of the software/hardware stack. We will show that a Z-SSD-backed Scylla cluster can provide competitive performance to an in-memory deployment while sharply reducing costs.

Scylla Summit 2017 Keynote: NextGen NoSQL with CEO Dor Laor
Scylla Summit 2017 Keynote: NextGen NoSQL with CEO Dor LaorScylla Summit 2017 Keynote: NextGen NoSQL with CEO Dor Laor
Scylla Summit 2017 Keynote: NextGen NoSQL with CEO Dor Laor

ScyllaDB CEO and co-founder Dor Laor shares his vision for Scylla and announces Scylla 2.0, a big step towards the first autonomous NoSQL database—one that dynamically tunes itself to varying conditions while always maintaining a high level of performance.

Scylla Summit 2017: Running a Soft Real-time Service at One Million QPS
Scylla Summit 2017: Running a Soft Real-time Service at One Million QPSScylla Summit 2017: Running a Soft Real-time Service at One Million QPS
Scylla Summit 2017: Running a Soft Real-time Service at One Million QPS

AdGear runs an ad tech gateway at more than one million queries per second to Scylla and recently transitioned from Apache Cassandra. In this talk, we will highlight the tools and languages that we use (Erlang), how we do bulk imports, and how performance compares between the two database engines.

The simplest way to perform streaming analytics
is not having to reason about streaming at all
append-­‐only table
Trigger: every 1 sec
1 2 3
data up
to 1
Input data up
to 2
data up
to 3
Trigger: every 1 sec
1 2 3
for data
up to 1
data up
to 1
Input data up
to 2
for data
up to 2
data up
to 3
for data
up to 3
[complete mode]
output all the rows in the result table

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Scylla Summit 2017: Distributed Materialized Views
Scylla Summit 2017: Distributed Materialized ViewsScylla Summit 2017: Distributed Materialized Views
Scylla Summit 2017: Distributed Materialized Views

Duarte Nunes presented on distributed materialized views in ScyllaDB. He discussed the challenges of implementing materialized views in a distributed system without a single master, including propagating updates from base tables to views, handling consistency when tables can diverge, and managing concurrent updates safely. His proposed solution uses asynchronous replica-based propagation paired with repair mechanisms and locking or optimistic concurrency to address these issues. Materialized views provide powerful indexing capabilities but also introduce performance overhead that is difficult to avoid given Scylla's data model.

Scylla Summit 2017: How to Optimize and Reduce Inter-DC Network Traffic and S...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Optimize and Reduce Inter-DC Network Traffic and S...Scylla Summit 2017: How to Optimize and Reduce Inter-DC Network Traffic and S...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Optimize and Reduce Inter-DC Network Traffic and S...

The document appears to be a presentation on optimizing inter-data center communication. It discusses key topics like what inter-data center communication involves, the costs associated with it, best practices for setting snitches, keyspaces, client drivers and consistency levels for queries to optimize performance between data centers. It recommends using network topology replication strategies over simple strategies for multi-region deployments, setting load balancing and consistency levels appropriately in clients, and enabling internode compression to reduce costs of communication between data centers. The presentation encourages reviewing client locations, data access patterns, who is reading/writing data, and having conversations between operations and development teams to determine the best use cases.

Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla's Open Source Monitoring Solution
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla's Open Source Monitoring SolutionScylla Summit 2017: Scylla's Open Source Monitoring Solution
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla's Open Source Monitoring Solution

Scylla's monitoring capability has come a long way in the last year. We now have native support for Prometheus. Through scylla-grafana-monitoring, we have started providing default dashboards summarizing the most important aspects of Scylla for users. In this talk, I will cover what is currently available in our metrics, other non-standard metrics that are interesting but not available in our main dashboard, as well as our future plans for enhancement.

Trigger: every 1 sec
1 2 3
for data
up to 1
data up
to 1
Input data up
to 2
for data
up to 2
data up
to 3
for data
up to 3
[append mode]
output only new rows since
last trigger
Result: final operated table updated
every trigger interval
Output: what part of result to write
to data sink after every trigger
Complete output: Write full result table
every time
Append output: Write only new rows that got
added to result table since previous batch
*Not all output modes are feasible with all queries
New Model
▪ Append	
  (default) -­‐ New	
▪ Complete	
  mode -­‐ The	

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Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Kubernetes
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on KubernetesScylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Kubernetes
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a declarative system for automatically deploying, managing, and scaling applications and their dependencies. In this short talk, I'll demonstrate a small Scylla cluster running in Google Compute Engine via Kubernetes and our publicly-published Docker images.

Scylla Summit 2017: Snapfish's Journey Towards Scylla
Scylla Summit 2017: Snapfish's Journey Towards ScyllaScylla Summit 2017: Snapfish's Journey Towards Scylla
Scylla Summit 2017: Snapfish's Journey Towards Scylla

Snapfish, a web-based photo and printing service, will walk through their evaluation process for a new database, discuss use cases, and how they plan to use Scylla in their production systems.

Scylla Summit 2017: How to Ruin Your Workload's Performance by Choosing the W...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Ruin Your Workload's Performance by Choosing the W...Scylla Summit 2017: How to Ruin Your Workload's Performance by Choosing the W...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Ruin Your Workload's Performance by Choosing the W...

In my talk, I will present the different compaction strategies that Scylla provides, and demonstrate when it is appropriate and when it is inappropriate to use each one. I will then present a new compaction strategy that we designed as a lesson from the existing compaction strategies by picking the best features of the existing strategies while avoiding their problems.

▪ Update	
  mode -­‐ (Available	
oStateful Processing	
DStream APIs	
.groupBy(window("timestamp","1  hour"))
window("timestamp","10  mins"))
avg signal strength of each
device every 10 mins
Use built-in functions to extract event-time
No need for separate extractors

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Scylla Summit 2017: A Toolbox for Understanding Scylla in the Field
Scylla Summit 2017: A Toolbox for Understanding Scylla in the FieldScylla Summit 2017: A Toolbox for Understanding Scylla in the Field
Scylla Summit 2017: A Toolbox for Understanding Scylla in the Field

In this talk, we will share useful tools and techniques that we are using in the field to understand Scylla clusters. Users will learn how to use those same tools to better understand their deployment. Some of the questions that will be answered are: - how to find out which queries are the slowest and why - how we go about understanding the impact of the data model in a node's performance - how to check which resources are the bottlenecks in the cluster

If You Care About Performance, Use User Defined Types
If You Care About Performance, Use User Defined TypesIf You Care About Performance, Use User Defined Types
If You Care About Performance, Use User Defined Types

Shlomi Livne, VP of R&D at ScyllaDB, presented on the performance benefits of using user-defined types (UDTs) in ScyllaDB. He explained that with traditional columns, each column has overhead and flexibility comes at a price. However, with frozen UDTs, the columns are treated as a single unit, sharing metadata and improving performance. Livne showed results of a test where UDTs with many fields outperformed traditional columns with the same number of fields. However, he noted that Scylla's row cache and Java driver performance need improvement for UDTs.

Scylla Summit 2017: Saving Thousands by Running Scylla on EC2 Spot Instances
Scylla Summit 2017: Saving Thousands by Running Scylla on EC2 Spot InstancesScylla Summit 2017: Saving Thousands by Running Scylla on EC2 Spot Instances
Scylla Summit 2017: Saving Thousands by Running Scylla on EC2 Spot Instances

Scylla and Spotinst together provide a strong combination of extreme performance and cost reduction. In this talk, we will present how a Scylla cluster can be used on AWS’s EC2 Spot without losing consistency with the help of Spotinst prediction technology and advanced stateful features. We will show a live demo on how to run Scylla on the Spotinst platform.

  aggs using	
.groupBy(window("timestamp","1  hour"))
.agg(avg("signal"),  stddev("signal"),  max("signal"))
variance,  stddev,  kurtosis,  stddev_samp,  collect_list,  
collect_set,  corr,  approx_count_distinct,  ...  
//  Compute  histogram  of  age  by  name.
val hist =  ds.groupBy(_.type).mapGroups {
case (type,  data:  Iter[DeviceData])  =>
val buckets =  new Array[Int](10)    {  a  => buckets(a/10)+=1 }        
(type,  buckets)
Stateful Processing	
aggregations 12:00 - 13:00 1 12:00 - 13:00 3
13:00 - 14:00 1
12:00 - 13:00 3
13:00 - 14:00 2
14:00 - 15:00 5
12:00 - 13:00 5
13:00 - 14:00 2
14:00 - 15:00 5
15:00 - 16:00 4
12:00 - 13:00 3
13:00 - 14:00 2
14:00 - 15:00 6
15:00 - 16:00 4
16:00 - 17:00 3
13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00
Keeping state allows late data to
update counts of old windows
But size of the state increases
indefinitely if old windows not dropped
red = state updated
with late data
Watermark [Spark	
  -­‐ a	
event time
max event time
watermark data older
not expected
12:30 PM
12:20 PM
trailing gap
of 10 mins

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Scylla Summit 2017: How Baidu Runs Scylla on a Petabyte-Level Big Data Platform
Scylla Summit 2017: How Baidu Runs Scylla on a Petabyte-Level Big Data PlatformScylla Summit 2017: How Baidu Runs Scylla on a Petabyte-Level Big Data Platform
Scylla Summit 2017: How Baidu Runs Scylla on a Petabyte-Level Big Data Platform

In this presentation, I'll speak of the benefits of running Scylla on our Big Data environment which stores over 500TB of data as well as using Scylla as the indexing engine to replace MongoDB and Cassandra for our log data analysis platform.

Scylla Summit 2017: Welcome and Keynote - Nextgen NoSQL
Scylla Summit 2017: Welcome and Keynote - Nextgen NoSQLScylla Summit 2017: Welcome and Keynote - Nextgen NoSQL
Scylla Summit 2017: Welcome and Keynote - Nextgen NoSQL

Our CEO and co-founder Dor Laor and our chairman Benny Schnaider sharing their vision for Scylla. This was also our opportunity to announce Scylla 2.0. Our latest release is a big step toward the first autonomous NoSQL database—one that dynamically tunes itself to varying conditions while always maintaining a high level of performance.

Scylla Summit 2017: Repair, Backup, Restore: Last Thing Before You Go to Prod...
Scylla Summit 2017: Repair, Backup, Restore: Last Thing Before You Go to Prod...Scylla Summit 2017: Repair, Backup, Restore: Last Thing Before You Go to Prod...
Scylla Summit 2017: Repair, Backup, Restore: Last Thing Before You Go to Prod...

Benchmarks are fun to do but when going to production, all sorts of things can happen: anything from hardware outages to human error bringing your database down. Even in a healthy database, a lot of maintenance operations have to periodically run. Do you have the tools necessary to make sure you are good to go?

max event time
event time
late data
allowed to
data too
  à keep	
  à handle	
max event time
event time
of 10 mins
.withWatermark("timestamp",  "10  minutes")
.groupBy(window("timestamp","5  minutes"))
late data
allowed to
data too
data too late,
ignored in counts,
state dropped
Processing Time12:00
12:10 12:15 12:20
watermark updated to
12:14 - 10m = 12:04
for next trigger,
state < 12:04 deleted
data is late, but
considered in counts
.withWatermark("timestamp",  "10  minutes")
.groupBy(window("timestamp","5  minutes"))
system tracks max
observed event time
wm = 12:04
More details in blog post!

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Scylla Summit 2017 Keynote: NextGen NoSQL with Chairman Benny Schnaider
Scylla Summit 2017 Keynote: NextGen NoSQL with Chairman Benny SchnaiderScylla Summit 2017 Keynote: NextGen NoSQL with Chairman Benny Schnaider
Scylla Summit 2017 Keynote: NextGen NoSQL with Chairman Benny Schnaider

The document summarizes Benny Schnaider's presentation as the Chairman of NEXTGEN NOSQL. It discusses the evolution of NoSQL databases, with early generations having inefficiencies and issues that required workarounds. The presentation introduces Scylla, a next-generation NoSQL database that was built from the ground up by storage and operating systems experts to massively scale modern applications. Scylla leverages 20 years of database evolution and is implemented in C++ to provide better performance, stability and the ability to scale out across infrastructure.

Scylla Summit 2017: Stretching Scylla Silly: The Datastore of a Graph Databas...
Scylla Summit 2017: Stretching Scylla Silly: The Datastore of a Graph Databas...Scylla Summit 2017: Stretching Scylla Silly: The Datastore of a Graph Databas...
Scylla Summit 2017: Stretching Scylla Silly: The Datastore of a Graph Databas...

In this talk, we will cover the lay of the land of graph databases. We will talk about what it takes to run a highly available hosted solution in the cloud while giving users a seamless vertical and horizontal scaling solution, and share our experiences migrating from an Apache Cassandra backed graphDB as-a-service solution.

Scylla Summit 2017: Cry in the Dojo, Laugh in the Battlefield: How We Constan...
Scylla Summit 2017: Cry in the Dojo, Laugh in the Battlefield: How We Constan...Scylla Summit 2017: Cry in the Dojo, Laugh in the Battlefield: How We Constan...
Scylla Summit 2017: Cry in the Dojo, Laugh in the Battlefield: How We Constan...

Testing a complex system like Scylla is a challenge on its own. There are many environments, workloads, and problems. Simple problems become increasingly worse at scale. In this talk, we will explore the testing method that we employ in our QA lab and our plans to make it even better in years to come.

df.withWatermark("timestampColumn",  "5  hours")
.groupBy(window("timestampColumn",  "1  minute"))
.trigger("10  seconds")
Separate processing details (output rate, late data tolerance)
from query semantics.
df.withWatermark("timestampColumn",  "5  hours")
.groupBy(window("timestampColumn",  "1  minute"))
.trigger("10  seconds")
How to group
data by time
Same in streaming & batch
df.withWatermark("timestampColumn",  "5  hours")
.groupBy(window("timestampColumn",  "1  minute"))
.trigger("10  seconds")
How late
data can be
df.withWatermark("timestampColumn",  "5  hours")
.groupBy(window("timestampColumn",  "1  minute"))
.trigger("10  seconds")
How often
to emit updates

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Scylla Summit 2017: Managing 10,000 Node Storage Clusters at Twitter
Scylla Summit 2017: Managing 10,000 Node Storage Clusters at TwitterScylla Summit 2017: Managing 10,000 Node Storage Clusters at Twitter
Scylla Summit 2017: Managing 10,000 Node Storage Clusters at Twitter

If you’ve ever run a distributed database, you know that managing stateful systems is time-consuming and hard. I’ll talk about why that is, the path we took to make Twitter’s Manhattan database easy to run with thousands of nodes and multiple feature sets, and how you should think about operations.

Scylla Summit 2017: Streaming ETL in Kafka for Everyone with KSQL
Scylla Summit 2017: Streaming ETL in Kafka for Everyone with KSQLScylla Summit 2017: Streaming ETL in Kafka for Everyone with KSQL
Scylla Summit 2017: Streaming ETL in Kafka for Everyone with KSQL

Apache Kafka is a high-throughput distributed streaming platform that is being adopted by hundreds of companies to manage their real-time data. KSQL is an open source streaming SQL engine that implements continuous, interactive queries against Apache Kafka™. KSQL makes it easy to read, write and process streaming data in real-time, at scale, using SQL-like semantics. In my talk, I will discuss streaming ETL from Kafka into stores like Apache Cassandra using KSQL.

CassieQ: The Distributed Message Queue Built on Cassandra (Anton Kropp, Cural...
CassieQ: The Distributed Message Queue Built on Cassandra (Anton Kropp, Cural...CassieQ: The Distributed Message Queue Built on Cassandra (Anton Kropp, Cural...
CassieQ: The Distributed Message Queue Built on Cassandra (Anton Kropp, Cural...

Building queues on distributed data stores is hard, and long been considered an antipattern. However, with careful consideration and tactics, it is possible to do. CassieQ is an implementation of a distributed queue on Cassandra which supports easy installation, massive data ingest, authentication, a simple to use HTTP based API, and no dependencies other than your already existing Cassandra environment. About the Speakers Anton Kropp Senior Software Engineer, Curalate Anton Kropp is a senior engineer with over 8 years experience building distributed and fault tolerant systems. He has worked at companies big and small (Godaddy, PracticeFusion), and enjoys building frameworks and tooling to make life easier with a penchant for dockerized containers and simple API's. When he's not messing around on his computer he's drinking local Seattle beers, zipping around the city on his electric bike, and hanging out with his wife and dog.

cassandra summitis harddistributed queue
  Stateful Operations	
stateful ops	
def mappingWithStateFunc(
key: K,  
values: Iterator[V],  
state: GroupState[S]): U =  {  
//  update  or  remove  state
//  set  timeouts
//  return  mapped  value
▪ Applies	
  per-­‐group state
▪ Invoked	
▪ Invoked	
▪ Requires	
▪ mapGroupsWithState is	
▪ Supports	
oStateful Processing	
  Cases and	

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Scylla Summit 2017: Keynote, Looking back, looking ahead
Scylla Summit 2017: Keynote, Looking back, looking aheadScylla Summit 2017: Keynote, Looking back, looking ahead
Scylla Summit 2017: Keynote, Looking back, looking ahead

ScyllaDB CTO Avi Kivity gave a keynote on how Scylla has evolved. He discussed new features in Scylla 2.0—including Materialized Views and Heat-Weighted Load Balancing, changes in monitoring—and shared our product roadmap. He also talked about our recent acquisition of and how it will enable us to deliver a database-as-a-service offering.

How to Monitor and Size Workloads on AWS i3 instances
How to Monitor and Size Workloads on AWS i3 instancesHow to Monitor and Size Workloads on AWS i3 instances
How to Monitor and Size Workloads on AWS i3 instances

There is a new class of machines in town! Amazon recently unveiled i3, a new class of machines targeted at I/O-intensive workloads. Scylla will officially support i3, and previews are already available. Join our webinar to learn how to build a state-of-the-art database solution. Presenters Glauber Costa and Eyal Gutkind will cover how to: - Determine which workloads can benefit from i3 instances - Ensure Scylla fully leverages the great resources in the i3 family - Effectively navigate the Scylla monitoring system and identify bottlenecks You'll also see a live demonstration with a dashboard featuring an i3 cluster with different data models and workloads.

Apache Spark 2.0: A Deep Dive Into Structured Streaming - by Tathagata Das
Apache Spark 2.0: A Deep Dive Into Structured Streaming - by Tathagata Das Apache Spark 2.0: A Deep Dive Into Structured Streaming - by Tathagata Das
Apache Spark 2.0: A Deep Dive Into Structured Streaming - by Tathagata Das

“In Spark 2.0, we have extended DataFrames and Datasets to handle real time streaming data. This not only provides a single programming abstraction for batch and streaming data, it also brings support for event-time based processing, out-or-order/delayed data, sessionization and tight integration with non-streaming data sources and sinks. In this talk, I will take a deep dive into the concepts and the API and show how this simplifies building complex “Continuous Applications”.” - T.D. Databricks Blog: "Structured Streaming In Apache Spark 2.0: A new high-level API for streaming" // About the Presenter // Tathagata Das is an Apache Spark Committer and a member of the PMC. He’s the lead developer behind Spark Streaming, and is currently employed at Databricks. Before Databricks, you could find him at the AMPLab of UC Berkeley, researching datacenter frameworks and networks with professors Scott Shenker and Ion Stoica. Follow T.D. on - Twitter: LinkedIn:

databricksspark streamingspark summit
val monitoring  =  stream
.flatMapGroupsWithState(Append,  GST.ProcessingTimeTimeout)  {
(id:  Int,  events:  Iterator[Event],  state:  GroupState[…])  =>
.foreach(new  PagerdutySink(credentials))
Monitor a stream using custom stateful logic with timeouts.
▪ Save	
▪ Have	
val monitoring  =  stream
.mapGroupsWithState(GroupStateTimeout.EventTimeTimeout)  {
(id:  Int,  events:  Iterator[Event],  state:  GroupState[…])  =>
Analyze sessions of user/system behavior
▪ Update	
▪ Save	

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Spark streaming
Spark streamingSpark streaming
Spark streaming

This document provides an overview of Spark Streaming and Structured Streaming. It discusses what Spark Streaming is, its framework, and drawbacks. It then introduces Structured Streaming, which models streams as infinite datasets. It describes output modes, advantages like handling late data and event times. It covers window operations, watermarking for late data, and different types of stream-stream joins like inner and outer joins. Watermarks and time constraints are needed for joins to handle state and provide correct results.

spark streamingspark structured streamingwatermark
A Deep Dive into Structured Streaming: Apache Spark Meetup at Bloomberg 2016
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A Deep Dive into Structured Streaming: Apache Spark Meetup at Bloomberg 2016

Tathagata 'TD' Das presented at Bay Area Apache Spark Meetup. This talk covers the merits and motivations of Structured Streaming, and how you can start writing end-to-end continuous applications using Structured Streaming APIs.

structured streamingapache spark 2.0
40043 claborn
40043 claborn40043 claborn
40043 claborn

This document discusses the new Data Pump utilities in Oracle Database 10g for high-performance data movement. Data Pump allows loading and unloading of data and metadata in a server-based, parallel manner using direct path APIs. It provides automatic parallelism, checkpoint/restart capabilities, fine-grained object selection, monitoring, and improved performance over traditional Export/Import - achieving speeds up to 40x faster for data loading. The new expdp/impdp clients offer enhanced functionality while Data Pump serves as the foundation for other Oracle technologies requiring fast data movement. Customers have reported significant performance gains during beta testing of Data Pump.

Try Spark 2.2 on Community Edition today!
Apache Spark’s Structured Streaming at Scale Series
Twitter: @databricks
We are hiring!

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Data Processing with Apache Spark Meetup Talk
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This presentation aims to be useful by covering the following topics: - Modern Data Processing System Architectures and Models, - Batch and Stream Processing Pipelines' details, - Apache Spark Architecture and Internals, - Real life use cases used with Apache Spark.

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“Does anyone have any questions for my answers?”
- Henry Kissinger

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Scylla Summit 2017: Stateful Streaming Applications with Apache Spark

  • 1. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Arbitrary  Stateful Aggregations using  Structured  Streaming in  Apache  Spark™ Software  Engineer,  Databricks Burak  Yavuz
  • 2. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Burak  Yavuz 2 ●Software  Engineer  – Databricks -­‐ “We  make  your  streams  come  true” ●Apache  Spark  Committer  as  of  Feb  2017 ●MS  in  Management  Science  &  Engineering  -­‐ Stanford  University ●BS  in  Mechanical  Engineering  -­‐ Bogazici University,   Istanbul
  • 3. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company TEAM About Started  Spark  project  (now  Apache  Spark)  at  UC  Berkeley  in  2009 PRODUCT Unified  Analytics  Platform MISSION Making  Big  Data  Simple
  • 4. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Outline oStructured  Streaming  Concepts oStateful Processing  in  Structured  Streaming oUse  Cases  and  How  NoSQL  Stores  Fit  In oDemos
  • 5. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company The simplest way to perform streaming analytics is not having to reason about streaming at all
  • 6. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company
  • 7. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company New  Model Input:  data  from  source  as  an   append-­‐only table Trigger:  how  frequently  to  check input  for  new  data Query:  operations  on  input usual  map/filter/reduce   new  window,  session  ops Trigger: every 1 sec 1 2 3 Time data up to 1 Input data up to 2 data up to 3 Query
  • 8. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Trigger: every 1 sec 1 2 3 result for data up to 1 Result Query Time data up to 1 Input data up to 2 result for data up to 2 data up to 3 result for data up to 3 Output [complete mode] output all the rows in the result table New  Model Result:  final  operated  table   updated  every  trigger  interval Output:  what  part  of  result  to   write  to  data  sink  after  every         trigger Complete  output:   Write  full  result  table   every  time
  • 9. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Trigger: every 1 sec 1 2 3 result for data up to 1 Result Query Time data up to 1 Input data up to 2 result for data up to 2 data up to 3 result for data up to 3 Output [append mode] output only new rows since last trigger Result: final operated table updated every trigger interval Output: what part of result to write to data sink after every trigger Complete output: Write full result table every time Append output: Write only new rows that got added to result table since previous batch *Not all output modes are feasible with all queries New Model
  • 10. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company
  • 11. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Output  Modes ▪ Append  mode  (default) -­‐ New  rows  added  to  the  Result  Table   since  the  last  trigger  will  be  outputted  to  the  sink.  Rows  will  be   output  only  once,  and  cannot  be  rescinded. Example  use  cases:  ETL
  • 12. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Output  Modes ▪ Complete  mode -­‐ The  whole  Result  Table  will  be  outputted  to  the   sink  after  every  trigger.  This  is  supported  for  aggregation  queries. Example  use  cases:  Monitoring
  • 13. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Output  Modes ▪ Update  mode -­‐ (Available  since  Spark  2.1.1)  Only  the  rows  in  the   Result  Table  that  were  updated  since  the  last  trigger  will  be   outputted  to  the  sink. Example  use  cases:  Alerting,  Sessionization
  • 14. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Outline oStructured  Streaming  Concepts oStateful Processing  in  Structured  Streaming oUse  Cases  and  How  NoSQL  Stores  Fit  In oDemos
  • 15. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Event  time  Aggregations Many  use  cases  require  aggregate  statistics  by  event  time E.g.  what's  the  #errors  in  each  system  in  1  hour  windows? Many  challenges Extracting  event  time  from  data,  handling  late,  out-­‐of-­‐order  data DStream APIs  were  insufficient  for  event  time  operations
  • 16. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Event  time  Aggregations Windowing  is  just  another  type  of  grouping  in  Struct.  Streaming number  of  records  every  hour parsedData .groupBy(window("timestamp","1  hour")) .count() parsedData .groupBy( "device",   window("timestamp","10  mins")) .avg("signal") avg signal strength of each device every 10 mins Use built-in functions to extract event-time No need for separate extractors
  • 17. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Advanced  Aggregations Powerful  built-­‐in   aggregations Multiple  simultaneous   aggregations Custom  aggs using   reduceGroups,  UDAFs parsedData .groupBy(window("timestamp","1  hour")) .agg(avg("signal"),  stddev("signal"),  max("signal")) variance,  stddev,  kurtosis,  stddev_samp,  collect_list,   collect_set,  corr,  approx_count_distinct,  ...   //  Compute  histogram  of  age  by  name. val hist =  ds.groupBy(_.type).mapGroups { case (type,  data:  Iter[DeviceData])  => val buckets =  new Array[Int](10)    {  a  => buckets(a/10)+=1 }         (type,  buckets) }
  • 18. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Stateful Processing  for  Aggregations In-­‐memory,  streaming   state  maintained  for   aggregations 12:00 - 13:00 1 12:00 - 13:00 3 13:00 - 14:00 1 12:00 - 13:00 3 13:00 - 14:00 2 14:00 - 15:00 5 12:00 - 13:00 5 13:00 - 14:00 2 14:00 - 15:00 5 15:00 - 16:00 4 12:00 - 13:00 3 13:00 - 14:00 2 14:00 - 15:00 6 15:00 - 16:00 4 16:00 - 17:00 3 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 Keeping state allows late data to update counts of old windows But size of the state increases indefinitely if old windows not dropped red = state updated with late data
  • 19. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company
  • 20. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Watermarking  and  Late  Data   Watermark [Spark  2.1]  -­‐ a  moving   threshold  that  trails  behind  the  max   seen  event  time Trailing  gap  defines  how  late  data  is   expected  to  be event time max event time watermark data older than watermark not expected 12:30 PM 12:20 PM trailing gap of 10 mins
  • 21. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Watermarking  and  Late  Data Data  newer  than  watermark  may   be  late,  but  allowed  to  aggregate Data  older  than  watermark  is  "too   late"  and  dropped State  older  than  watermark   automatically  deleted  to  limit  the   amount  of  intermediate  state max event time event time watermark late data allowed to aggregate data too late, dropped
  • 22. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Watermarking  and  Late  Data Control  the  tradeoff  between  state   size  and  lateness  requirements Handle  more  late  à keep  more  state Reduce  state  à handle  less  lateness max event time event time watermark allowed lateness of 10 mins parsedData .withWatermark("timestamp",  "10  minutes") .groupBy(window("timestamp","5  minutes")) .count() late data allowed to aggregate data too late, dropped
  • 23. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Watermarking  to  Limit  State  [Spark  2.1] data too late, ignored in counts, state dropped Processing Time12:00 12:05 12:10 12:15 12:10 12:15 12:20 12:07 12:13 12:08 EventTime 12:15 12:18 12:04 watermark updated to 12:14 - 10m = 12:04 for next trigger, state < 12:04 deleted data is late, but considered in counts parsedData .withWatermark("timestamp",  "10  minutes") .groupBy(window("timestamp","5  minutes")) .count() system tracks max observed event time 12:08 wm = 12:04 10min 12:14 More details in blog post!
  • 24. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company
  • 25. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Working  With  Time df.withWatermark("timestampColumn",  "5  hours") .groupBy(window("timestampColumn",  "1  minute")) .count() .writeStream .trigger("10  seconds") Separate processing details (output rate, late data tolerance) from query semantics.
  • 26. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Working  With  Time df.withWatermark("timestampColumn",  "5  hours") .groupBy(window("timestampColumn",  "1  minute")) .count() .writeStream .trigger("10  seconds") How to group data by time Same in streaming & batch
  • 27. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Working  With  Time df.withWatermark("timestampColumn",  "5  hours") .groupBy(window("timestampColumn",  "1  minute")) .count() .writeStream .trigger("10  seconds") How late data can be
  • 28. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Working  With  Time df.withWatermark("timestampColumn",  "5  hours") .groupBy(window("timestampColumn",  "1  minute")) .count() .writeStream .trigger("10  seconds") How often to emit updates
  • 29. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Arbitrary  Stateful Operations  [Spark  2.2] mapGroupsWithState allows  any  user-­‐defined stateful ops  to  a   user-­‐defined  state Direct  support  for  per-­‐key   timeouts  in  event-­‐time  or   processing-­‐time supports  Scala  and  Java ds.groupByKey(groupingFunc) .mapGroupsWithState (timeoutConf) (mappingWithStateFunc) def mappingWithStateFunc( key: K,   values: Iterator[V],   state: GroupState[S]): U =  {   //  update  or  remove  state //  set  timeouts //  return  mapped  value }
  • 30. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company flatMapGroupsWithState ▪ Applies  the  given  function  to  each  group  of  data,  while  maintaining   a  user-­‐defined  per-­‐group state ▪ Invoked  once  per  group  in  batch ▪ Invoked  each  trigger  (with  the  existence  of  data)  per  group  in   streaming ▪ Requires  user  to  provide  an  output  mode  for  the  function
  • 31. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company flatMapGroupsWithState ▪ mapGroupsWithState is  a  special  case  with oOutput  mode:  Update oOutput  size:  1  row  per  group ▪ Supports  both  Processing  Time  and  Event  Time  timeouts
  • 32. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Outline oStructured  Streaming  Concepts oStateful Processing  in  Structured  Streaming oUse  Cases and  How  NoSQL  Stores  Fit  In oDemos
  • 33. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Alerting val monitoring  =  stream .as[Event] .groupBy( .flatMapGroupsWithState(Append,  GST.ProcessingTimeTimeout)  { (id:  Int,  events:  Iterator[Event],  state:  GroupState[…])  => ... } .writeStream .queryName("alerts") .foreach(new  PagerdutySink(credentials)) Monitor a stream using custom stateful logic with timeouts.
  • 34. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Alerting ▪ Save  your  state  to  Scylla  to  power  dashboards ▪ Have  the  stream  trigger  alerts  ASAP
  • 35. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Sessionization val monitoring  =  stream .as[Event] .groupBy(_.session_id) .mapGroupsWithState(GroupStateTimeout.EventTimeTimeout)  { (id:  Int,  events:  Iterator[Event],  state:  GroupState[…])  => ... } .writeStream .scylla("trips") Analyze sessions of user/system behavior
  • 36. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Sessionization ▪ Update  sessions  in  your  stream ▪ Save  it  to  a  NoSQL  store  like  Scylla!
  • 37. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Demo
  • 38. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Try Spark 2.2 on Community Edition today!
  • 39. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company Apache Spark’s Structured Streaming at Scale Series Twitter: @databricks
  • 40. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company We are hiring!
  • 41. PRESENTATION  TITLE  ON  ONE  LINE   AND  ON  TWO  LINES First  and  last  name Position,  company THANK  YOU “Does anyone have any questions for my answers?” - Henry Kissinger