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Scylla on Samsung Z-SSD
Senior Performance Architect, Samsung Semiconductor Inc.
Arash Rezaei
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Arash Rezaei
Arash is a senior performance architect at Samsung
Semiconductor Inc. His work has been primarily on
performance evaluation and tuning of data center
applications with a focus on storage.
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▪ Z-SSD – Samsung’s ultra-low latency SSD
▪ Z-SSD use-cases
▪ Scylla on Z-SSD
▪ Summary
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Introduction: Latency Matters
▪ Threshold of patience is decreasing
o Retrieving data from caches, databases, data stores
o Business analytics
Cache Layer

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Scylla Summit 2017: Saving Thousands by Running Scylla on EC2 Spot InstancesScylla Summit 2017: Saving Thousands by Running Scylla on EC2 Spot Instances
Scylla Summit 2017: Saving Thousands by Running Scylla on EC2 Spot Instances

Scylla and Spotinst together provide a strong combination of extreme performance and cost reduction. In this talk, we will present how a Scylla cluster can be used on AWS’s EC2 Spot without losing consistency with the help of Spotinst prediction technology and advanced stateful features. We will show a live demo on how to run Scylla on the Spotinst platform.

Scylla Summit 2017: How to Use Gocql to Execute Queries and What the Driver D...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Use Gocql to Execute Queries and What the Driver D...Scylla Summit 2017: How to Use Gocql to Execute Queries and What the Driver D...
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Use Gocql to Execute Queries and What the Driver D...

This document outlines a presentation on using the GoCQL driver to execute queries against Cassandra and Scylla databases. It discusses connecting to a Cassandra cluster, executing queries, iterating over results, and using asynchronous queries. It also mentions some additional Cassandra libraries built on top of GoCQL, including gocqlx for data binding and queries, and gocassa for queries and migrations. The presentation aims to explain how GoCQL works behind the scenes and how to get started with basic querying functionality.

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Scylla Summit 2017: Repair, Backup, Restore: Last Thing Before You Go to Prod...Scylla Summit 2017: Repair, Backup, Restore: Last Thing Before You Go to Prod...
Scylla Summit 2017: Repair, Backup, Restore: Last Thing Before You Go to Prod...

Benchmarks are fun to do but when going to production, all sorts of things can happen: anything from hardware outages to human error bringing your database down. Even in a healthy database, a lot of maintenance operations have to periodically run. Do you have the tools necessary to make sure you are good to go?

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Samsung Z-SSD
▪ Ultra-low latency flash storage device
▪ Provides 5.5x lower latency comparing to today’s leading NVMe SSD
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Latency [usec]
4K Random
Read Latency
5.5x Lower Latency
fio --rw=randread --bs=4k --direct=1 --iodepth=1 –numjobs=1 --
ioengine=libaio --norandommap
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Samsung Z-SSD
New Controller
Past LP4
New CTRLPast
x 1/10 ▼
▪ Samsung’s Z-SSD is vertically optimized from DRAM to storage
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SZ985: Samsung Z-SSD
▪ Sequential traffic
o 3.2 GB/sec Read
o 3.2 GB/sec Write
▪ Random traffic
o 750K IOPs Reads
o 170K IOPs Writes
▪ Capacity
o 800GB
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Z-SSD Minimizes Latency
▪ High performance @ consistent low latency
Throughput Latency
Z-SSD 3.2/3.2 GB/s
Read-only workload (FIO) Mixed (80%/20% R/W) FIO

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Scylla Summit 2017: Planning Your Queries for Maximum Performance
Scylla Summit 2017: Planning Your Queries for Maximum PerformanceScylla Summit 2017: Planning Your Queries for Maximum Performance
Scylla Summit 2017: Planning Your Queries for Maximum Performance

What happens to a request that reaches Scylla, and why should one care? Understanding how Scylla executes your queries can help you make better architectural decisions and also better understand the performance of your application. Are my rows too big? Should I make that other column a part of my partition key instead? This talk will cover the interaction between nodes, shards and the role of Scylla's internal components like memtables, cache and sstables. I will explain how different types of queries are executed and how to plan your queries for maximum performance.

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Scylla Summit 2017: A Toolbox for Understanding Scylla in the FieldScylla Summit 2017: A Toolbox for Understanding Scylla in the Field
Scylla Summit 2017: A Toolbox for Understanding Scylla in the Field

In this talk, we will share useful tools and techniques that we are using in the field to understand Scylla clusters. Users will learn how to use those same tools to better understand their deployment. Some of the questions that will be answered are: - how to find out which queries are the slowest and why - how we go about understanding the impact of the data model in a node's performance - how to check which resources are the bottlenecks in the cluster

If You Care About Performance, Use User Defined Types
If You Care About Performance, Use User Defined TypesIf You Care About Performance, Use User Defined Types
If You Care About Performance, Use User Defined Types

Shlomi Livne, VP of R&D at ScyllaDB, presented on the performance benefits of using user-defined types (UDTs) in ScyllaDB. He explained that with traditional columns, each column has overhead and flexibility comes at a price. However, with frozen UDTs, the columns are treated as a single unit, sharing metadata and improving performance. Livne showed results of a test where UDTs with many fields outperformed traditional columns with the same number of fields. However, he noted that Scylla's row cache and Java driver performance need improvement for UDTs.

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Z-SSD Use Cases
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Z-SSD Benefits Latency-Sensitive Apps (1/2)
▪ Z-SSD as swap space
▪ Memcached: distributed
object caching system
▪ 3x speedup @ 1
3 the
average latency under
heavy swap load
PM1725a Z-SSD
PM1725a Z-SSD
memcached with 60GB dataset (45 million records, value size=1000B)
DRAM capacity=32GB (less than half of the used memory space)
Driven with YCSB, 90% read/ 10% update
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Z-SSD Benefits Latency-Sensitive Apps (2/2)
▪ Z-SSD as storage layer
▪ RocksDB is used as storage
engine for DBs
▪ 2x throughput @ ½ the
average latency
PM1725a Z-SSD
Average Latency
PM1725a Z-SSD
db_bench read-while-writing workload
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Scylla on Z-SSD

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Scylla Summit 2017: Stateful Streaming Applications with Apache Spark Scylla Summit 2017: Stateful Streaming Applications with Apache Spark
Scylla Summit 2017: Stateful Streaming Applications with Apache Spark

When working with streaming data, stateful operations are a common use case. If you would like to perform data de-duplication, calculate aggregations over event-time windows, track user activity over sessions, you are performing a stateful operation. Apache Spark provides users with a high level, simple to use DataFrame/Dataset API to work with both batch and streaming data. The funny thing about batch workloads is that people tend to run these batch workloads over and over again. Structured Streaming allows users to run these same workloads, with the exact same business logic in a streaming fashion, helping users answer questions at lower latencies. In this talk, we will focus on stateful operations with Structured Streaming and we will demonstrate through live demos, how NoSQL stores can be plugged in as a fault tolerant state store to store intermediate state, as well as used as a streaming sink, where the output data can be stored indefinitely for downstream applications.

Scylla Summit 2017: How to Run Cassandra/Scylla from a MySQL DBA's Point of View
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Run Cassandra/Scylla from a MySQL DBA's Point of ViewScylla Summit 2017: How to Run Cassandra/Scylla from a MySQL DBA's Point of View
Scylla Summit 2017: How to Run Cassandra/Scylla from a MySQL DBA's Point of View

Are you a MySQL DBA or DevOps individual being asked to run Cassandra or Scylla? Feeling overwhelmed? In this talk, I will present Cassandra/Scylla operations in terms that directly relate to MySQL. I will show you comparisons between the Information Schema and the Cassandra/Scylla System keyspace(s). I will also talk about metrics available in MySQL versus Cassandra/Scylla and how to retrieve them. Finally, I will talk about how MySQL replication compares with Cassandra replication. Hopefully, when I am done you will be able to relate to Cassandra operations in a practical and useful way.

Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla for Mass Simultaneous Sensor Data Processing of ME...
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla for Mass Simultaneous Sensor Data Processing of ME...Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla for Mass Simultaneous Sensor Data Processing of ME...
Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla for Mass Simultaneous Sensor Data Processing of ME...

We will share Scylla adoption practices in equipment sensor data management of MES, Data Modeling Tips, Data Architecture using Scylla, configurations, and tunings.

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▪ Goal:
o Compare Scylla in-memory vs. Scylla on Z-SSD
▪ Metric:
o Max throughput under given tail-latency constraints
▪ Workload:
o Cassandra-stress with:
• Varying Read/Write ratio (100%/0% – 75/25% )
• Varying % of request served from memory (25% to 75%)
o Database populated with 300GB data (payload 1KB)
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System Configuration
Item Description
CPU 2 x Intel Xeon Gold 6154 @
3.00GHz (total 36 cores per node)
SSD 2 x SZ985 800GB
OS Ubuntu 16.04.2, Kernel 4.12.0
Scylla version 2.0
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Throughput while Meeting Latency SLA (1/2)
▪ 100% read workload
Sub millisecond 95 percentile latency Sub 2 millisecond 99 percentile latency
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Throughput while Meeting Latency SLA (1/2)
▪ 100% read workload
Sub millisecond 95 percentile latency Sub 2 millisecond 99 percentile latency

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ScyllaDB CTO Avi Kivity gave a keynote on how Scylla has evolved. He discussed new features in Scylla 2.0—including Materialized Views and Heat-Weighted Load Balancing, changes in monitoring—and shared our product roadmap. He also talked about our recent acquisition of and how it will enable us to deliver a database-as-a-service offering.

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AdGear runs an ad tech gateway at more than one million queries per second to Scylla and recently transitioned from Apache Cassandra. In this talk, we will highlight the tools and languages that we use (Erlang), how we do bulk imports, and how performance compares between the two database engines.

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Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a declarative system for automatically deploying, managing, and scaling applications and their dependencies. In this short talk, I'll demonstrate a small Scylla cluster running in Google Compute Engine via Kubernetes and our publicly-published Docker images.

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Throughput while Meeting Latency SLA (2/2)
▪ 75% read/25% write workload
Sub millisecond 95 percentile latency Sub 2 millisecond 99 percentile latency
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Throughput while Meeting Latency SLA (2/2)
▪ 75% read/25% write workload
Sub millisecond 95 percentile latency Sub 2 millisecond 99 percentile latency
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▪ Server viewpoint
▪ Latency under a fixed throughput
▪ 100% read workload
(95 percentile latency)
Software Overheads
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▪ Server viewpoint
▪ Latency under a fixed throughput
▪ 100% read workload
(95 percentile latency)
Software Overheads
Device tail latency from FIO experiments

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Scylla Summit 2017: The Upcoming HPC Evolution
Scylla Summit 2017: The Upcoming HPC EvolutionScylla Summit 2017: The Upcoming HPC Evolution
Scylla Summit 2017: The Upcoming HPC Evolution

In this talk, I will explain how HPC is beginning to evolve and how we use supercomputers to monitor supercomputers. First we will look at how HPC is different from cloud computing in terms of infrastructure and application architecture. Then I will discuss how those things are changing and why. Finally, I will dive into a use case of monitoring supercomputers as an application area for Scylla.

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Scylla Summit 2017: How to Optimize and Reduce Inter-DC Network Traffic and S...

The document appears to be a presentation on optimizing inter-data center communication. It discusses key topics like what inter-data center communication involves, the costs associated with it, best practices for setting snitches, keyspaces, client drivers and consistency levels for queries to optimize performance between data centers. It recommends using network topology replication strategies over simple strategies for multi-region deployments, setting load balancing and consistency levels appropriately in clients, and enabling internode compression to reduce costs of communication between data centers. The presentation encourages reviewing client locations, data access patterns, who is reading/writing data, and having conversations between operations and development teams to determine the best use cases.

Scylla Summit 2017: Performance Evaluation of Scylla as a Database Backend fo...
Scylla Summit 2017: Performance Evaluation of Scylla as a Database Backend fo...Scylla Summit 2017: Performance Evaluation of Scylla as a Database Backend fo...
Scylla Summit 2017: Performance Evaluation of Scylla as a Database Backend fo...

JanusGraph, a highly scalable graph database solution, supports historically Cassandra and HBase as database backends. We decided to put Scylla in the mix, certainly searching for the best performing backend. We ran test scenarios that cover high volume reads and writes. In this talk, we will show you the performance results of Scylla vs others and also share our lessons learned during the performance evaluation.

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Scylla: DRAM, Z-SSD, or NVMe SSD?
▪ For a given use-case requirement (throughput and DB size), what is
the most cost-efficient cluster configuration?
▪ Optimize performance/$ for different use-cases
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▪ Samsung Z-SSD: ultra-low latency SSD device
o 5.5x lower latency compared to NVMe SSD
▪ Z-SSD benefits latency-sensitive applications
o RocksDB: 2x throughput @ ½ the average latency
o Memcached (as swap): 3x speedup @ 1
3 the average latency
▪ Z-SSD for Scylla:
o Helps reduce the performance gap between memory and storage
• Delivers 44% – 23% of DRAM performance at significant lower cost
– 50% – 75% of requests served from memory
o Software improvements could further shrink the memory/storage gap
o Opens new options for architecting a large cluster
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Please stay in touch
Any questions?

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Scylla Summit 2017: Scylla on Samsung NVMe Z-SSDs

  • 1. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Scylla on Samsung Z-SSD Senior Performance Architect, Samsung Semiconductor Inc. Arash Rezaei
  • 2. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Arash Rezaei 2 Arash is a senior performance architect at Samsung Semiconductor Inc. His work has been primarily on performance evaluation and tuning of data center applications with a focus on storage.
  • 3. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Agenda 3 ▪ Z-SSD – Samsung’s ultra-low latency SSD ▪ Z-SSD use-cases ▪ Scylla on Z-SSD ▪ Summary
  • 4. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Introduction: Latency Matters 4 ▪ Threshold of patience is decreasing o Retrieving data from caches, databases, data stores o Business analytics MySQL/ NoSQL Databases Streaming Data Storage Layer Cache Layer Web Layer Analytics Latency
  • 5. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Samsung Z-SSD 5 ▪ Ultra-low latency flash storage device ▪ Provides 5.5x lower latency comparing to today’s leading NVMe SSD 14.7 80.3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Z-SSD PM1725a Latency [usec] 4K Random Read Latency 5.5x Lower Latency fio --rw=randread --bs=4k --direct=1 --iodepth=1 –numjobs=1 -- ioengine=libaio --norandommap
  • 6. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Samsung Z-SSD 6 DRAM Z-NAND New Controller 50%▼ Past LP4 70%▼ New CTRLPast x 1/10 ▼ Z-NANDPast ▪ Samsung’s Z-SSD is vertically optimized from DRAM to storage
  • 7. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company SZ985: Samsung Z-SSD 7 ▪ Sequential traffic o 3.2 GB/sec Read o 3.2 GB/sec Write ▪ Random traffic o 750K IOPs Reads o 170K IOPs Writes ▪ Capacity o 800GB
  • 8. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Z-SSD Minimizes Latency 8 ▪ High performance @ consistent low latency SSD Throughput Latency Sequential R/W Random R/W Random Read PM1725a 3.3/2.95 GB/s 800/160 KIOPS 90µs Z-SSD 3.2/3.2 GB/s 750/170 KIOPs 15µs Read-only workload (FIO) Mixed (80%/20% R/W) FIO
  • 9. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Z-SSD Use Cases
  • 10. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Z-SSD Benefits Latency-Sensitive Apps (1/2) 10 ▪ Z-SSD as swap space ▪ Memcached: distributed object caching system ▪ 3x speedup @ 1 3 the average latency under heavy swap load 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 memcached Throughput[op/sec] Memcached Throughput PM1725a Z-SSD 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 memcached ReadLatency[usec] Memcached Latency PM1725a Z-SSD 3x 𝟏 𝟑 memcached with 60GB dataset (45 million records, value size=1000B) DRAM capacity=32GB (less than half of the used memory space) Driven with YCSB, 90% read/ 10% update
  • 11. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Z-SSD Benefits Latency-Sensitive Apps (2/2) 11 ▪ Z-SSD as storage layer ▪ RocksDB is used as storage engine for DBs ▪ 2x throughput @ ½ the average latency 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 RocksDB Throughput[op/sec] RocksDB Throughput PM1725a Z-SSD 2x 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 RocksDB AverateLatency[usec] RocksDB Average Latency PM1725a Z-SSD ½ db_bench read-while-writing workload
  • 12. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Scylla on Z-SSD
  • 13. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Methodology 13 ▪ Goal: o Compare Scylla in-memory vs. Scylla on Z-SSD ▪ Metric: o Max throughput under given tail-latency constraints ▪ Workload: o Cassandra-stress with: • Varying Read/Write ratio (100%/0% – 75/25% ) • Varying % of request served from memory (25% to 75%) o Database populated with 300GB data (payload 1KB)
  • 14. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company System Configuration 14 Item Description CPU 2 x Intel Xeon Gold 6154 @ 3.00GHz (total 36 cores per node) RAM 128GB SSD 2 x SZ985 800GB OS Ubuntu 16.04.2, Kernel 4.12.0 Scylla version 2.0
  • 15. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Throughput while Meeting Latency SLA (1/2) ▪ 100% read workload 15 Sub millisecond 95 percentile latency Sub 2 millisecond 99 percentile latency
  • 16. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Throughput while Meeting Latency SLA (1/2) ▪ 100% read workload 16 Sub millisecond 95 percentile latency Sub 2 millisecond 99 percentile latency
  • 17. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Throughput while Meeting Latency SLA (2/2) ▪ 75% read/25% write workload 17 Sub millisecond 95 percentile latency Sub 2 millisecond 99 percentile latency
  • 18. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Throughput while Meeting Latency SLA (2/2) ▪ 75% read/25% write workload 18 Sub millisecond 95 percentile latency Sub 2 millisecond 99 percentile latency
  • 19. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company 19 ▪ Server viewpoint ▪ Latency under a fixed throughput ▪ 100% read workload (95 percentile latency) Software Overheads
  • 20. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company 20 ▪ Server viewpoint ▪ Latency under a fixed throughput ▪ 100% read workload (95 percentile latency) Software Overheads Device tail latency from FIO experiments
  • 21. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Scylla: DRAM, Z-SSD, or NVMe SSD? 21 ▪ For a given use-case requirement (throughput and DB size), what is the most cost-efficient cluster configuration? ▪ Optimize performance/$ for different use-cases
  • 22. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company Summary ▪ Samsung Z-SSD: ultra-low latency SSD device o 5.5x lower latency compared to NVMe SSD ▪ Z-SSD benefits latency-sensitive applications o RocksDB: 2x throughput @ ½ the average latency o Memcached (as swap): 3x speedup @ 1 3 the average latency ▪ Z-SSD for Scylla: o Helps reduce the performance gap between memory and storage • Delivers 44% – 23% of DRAM performance at significant lower cost – 50% – 75% of requests served from memory o Software improvements could further shrink the memory/storage gap o Opens new options for architecting a large cluster 22
  • 23. PRESENTATION TITLE ON ONE LINE AND ON TWO LINES First and last name Position, company THANK YOU Please stay in touch Any questions?