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What’s the Next Big 
Techonomy Detroit, September 16, 2014 
Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?
Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?
Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?

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Joining Up Content

The document discusses the Resource Discovery Taskforce's vision for building a resource discovery infrastructure from scratch using linked metadata approaches and enabling services like search, visualization, and collection management. It provides examples of experimental projects using open, reusable data and seeks feedback on ideas and next steps.

5 social media tools and trends to better serve your clients
5 social media tools and trends to better serve your clients5 social media tools and trends to better serve your clients
5 social media tools and trends to better serve your clients

Training done for the US offices of Text 100 in 2011 - topics : Find online stats about everything / from social media to storytelling / Create video without video / Decypher Facebook black box / Fight against social media infobesity

411 on Mashups
411 on Mashups411 on Mashups
411 on Mashups

Mashups are applications that combine content from more than one source to create something new. They are easy to use and manipulate, and some see them as representing the future of computing. Popular mashups include maps, calendars, and data visualizations that integrate APIs from sources like Google, Facebook, and government agencies. Libraries can use mashups to create value-added resources by combining catalog and article databases with tools like Google Maps. Creating mashups can involve using point-and-click tools, coding skills, or "cloning" existing mashups. Libraries must consider intellectual property and provenance issues when developing mashups.

Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?
Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?
“The future is already here 
̶ it is just not yet evenly 
‒ William Gibson
Sell Your Labor

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Augmented Reality
Augmented RealityAugmented Reality
Augmented Reality

This document discusses augmented reality and its potential applications in social networking, gaming, and everyday life. It also outlines some privacy and security issues that may arise from augmented reality, such as cyber crimes, spam, and unwanted content. The document provides a list of sources on augmented reality for further reading.

Emerging technology trends for libraries for 2017
Emerging technology trends for libraries for 2017Emerging technology trends for libraries for 2017
Emerging technology trends for libraries for 2017

The document discusses emerging technology trends in libraries for 2017, including the Internet of Things, conversational systems, big data, mobility, augmented and virtual reality, grassroots technologies like makerspaces, wearable computing, payment systems, drones, and cloud computing. For each trend, the document poses the question "What does this mean for libraries?" and provides examples of how libraries could potentially apply and be impacted by these new technologies.

Safe kids (2)
Safe kids (2)Safe kids (2)
Safe kids (2)

The document discusses cyberbullying and presents statistics on its prevalence among children from various surveys. It defines cyberbullying and lists ways it can occur such as through threatening emails or messages. The document interviews an expert on bullying, Dr. Justin Patchin, and provides tips for parents on addressing cyberbullying with their children such as educating them and establishing rules for technology use. It also includes links to additional resources on cyberbullying.

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Sell Your Labor Buy Stuff

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Technology Trends for Libraries - 2016
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Technology has changed the face of libraries, and is continuing to change how we work and how we deliver services to customers. This workshop introduces emerging technology trends, and how those trends are reshaping library services. Examples are provided of how to incorporate these emerging trends into libraries. Attendees learn what trends to look for, find out the difference between a technology trend and a fad, and get ideas on how their library can respond to emerging technology. This is the 3 hour pre-conference workshop version!

technology trendslibrarytechnology
Social Media Beltwide Cotton
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Social Media Beltwide Cotton

This presentation was created for Social Media 101 session for Beltwide Cotton 2010 conference.

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Digital Showcase - What's Happening?
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Digital Showcase - What's Happening?

The digital lunch & learn agenda covered topics around location based services, social media customer engagement, the impact of technology on health, data analytics, and crowdsourcing. It also included a section on new developments with Facebook and Twitter as well as a showcase of 10 minutes of cool new technologies and digital marketing campaigns.

digitaljohn stlunch and learn
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Web, Design, and UX Trends for 2005
Web, Design, and UX Trends for 2005Web, Design, and UX Trends for 2005
Web, Design, and UX Trends for 2005

The document is a presentation summary for "Where the Web is Heading and other odds and ends from SXSW Interactive 05" presented by Stephen Anderson and Jeremy Johnson from Bright Corner. The presentation will provide an overview of current trends on the web, including developments with CSS, RSS, and whether design matters on the web. It will also recap what they saw at SXSW Interactive, covering exciting new technologies like AJAX, Flickr, and using Flash for web applications. The presentation aims to bring attendees up to speed on the latest in an hour.

sxswdesignweb 2.0
Get fast and Stay Fast
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Get fast and Stay Fast

Speed really matters on the mobile web, but how fast your website feels, the perception of speed is just as important. Use the tools available to you to measure, optimize and monitor your performance to Get Fast and Stay Fast. In this talk at WordCamp Sofia 2018, I talked about web performance and how to get fast and stay fast.

web performancewordcampwordpress
Data Science e Python: entendendo e aplicando
Data Science e Python: entendendo e aplicandoData Science e Python: entendendo e aplicando
Data Science e Python: entendendo e aplicando

Data Science, Big Data e Analytics são termos que escutamos constantemente hoje em dia. Mais do que buzzwords elas estão guiando o modo como empresas de diferentes de tamanhos pensam e evoluem seus modelos de negócio. Vamos desmistificar alguns desses conceitos e mostrar como podemos começar a aplicar algumas dessas técnicas em nossos projetos. E, sendo uma das mais usadas linguagens para análise de dados, veremos como Python pode nos ajudar nessa jornada.

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Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014
Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014
Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014

The document discusses designing experiences for multiple devices. It notes that people use different devices throughout the day, switching between them, so experiences need to be consistent across platforms. It also highlights that mobile experiences now drive a large portion of online activity and commerce. Designing for the capabilities of each device, rather than just focusing on mobile, is important to provide the best user experience on all platforms. Human: Thank you, that is a concise 3 sentence summary that captures the key points of the document.

contentmobile uxmobile
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Beyond the hamburger menu - Reasons:London, 20 Feb 2015Beyond the hamburger menu - Reasons:London, 20 Feb 2015
Beyond the hamburger menu - Reasons:London, 20 Feb 2015

Slides from my talk at Reasons:London on the 20th of Feb where I talked about 10 things you need to know about mobile.

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Mobxbeyondthehamburgermenu13sep2014 140916040153-phpapp01
Mobxbeyondthehamburgermenu13sep2014 140916040153-phpapp01Mobxbeyondthehamburgermenu13sep2014 140916040153-phpapp01
Mobxbeyondthehamburgermenu13sep2014 140916040153-phpapp01

The document discusses designing experiences for multiple devices. It notes that users now own and switch between multiple devices throughout the day, from phones to tablets to wearables. As such, designers must consider how to provide equal, continuous experiences across different platforms and prioritize building modular content that can be adapted for any device or input method. Navigation and usability must work seamlessly regardless of screen size or input type.

anna dahlström
Create Share 
Enjoy Discover
What should we build?

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Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014
Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014
Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014

The document discusses designing experiences for multiple devices. It notes that users now own and switch between multiple devices throughout the day, from phones to tablets to wearables. As such, designers must consider how to provide equal, continuous experiences across different platforms and prioritize building modular content that can be adapted for any device or input method. Navigation and usability must work seamlessly regardless of device.

multiple devicesmobilewearables
Beyond The Hamburger Menu, UX Ireland, 10 Nov 2016
Beyond The Hamburger Menu, UX Ireland, 10 Nov 2016Beyond The Hamburger Menu, UX Ireland, 10 Nov 2016
Beyond The Hamburger Menu, UX Ireland, 10 Nov 2016

Slides from my talk at UX Ireland on 10 November 2016 Abstract: From myths to trends and best practice, actual usage, engagement, design patterns and interactions - in this session, I will go through the insights behinds the stats and take a look at the reality behind mobile and what really matters when designing for multiple devices.

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Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014
Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014
Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014

Slides from my Device Agnostic Design talk at UCD London ABSTRACT: There was a time when we did glossy page designs and when those designs were pretty much what we saw in our desktop browsers. With the introduction and rise of smartphones, tablets, phablets there isn’t one view of our designs anymore. Instead, what we create needs to be able to adapt in a way that is suitable for the device as well as where and how it’s being used. With responsive design we’ve learnt the basics of how to adapt content, interactions and layouts so that it works across devices. But with further developments in technology and screens, our content is going to go anywhere. As a result we need to move away from designing for specific devices to solutions that are device agnostic. For us as UX designers this means means letting content rather than devices guide layouts, and also increasingly moving away from designing and wireframing pages to focusing on the modules that those views are made up of. But there are other aspects to consider in device agnostic design. In this talk I walk through why device agnostic design matters, what it means and how we go about it.

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Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?
Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?
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UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...

The document discusses device agnostic design, which aims to create content that can be accessed and displayed well on any device. It emphasizes building with reusable modular components rather than bespoke designs for each device. The key aspects are understanding content stacking strategies across screens, using content-based rather than device-based breakpoints, and designing interactive elements that work for both touch and non-touch interfaces. The goal is to provide users with a continuous experience regardless of the device they use.

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Inbound on a shoestring - Searchlove Boston
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Inbound on a shoestring - Searchlove Boston

This document discusses low-budget marketing strategies and tactics. It provides numerous examples of companies and organizations that were able to successfully market themselves and drive results with little to no money spent. Some of the key strategies mentioned include leveraging relationships, bartering or exchanging services, creating engaging content, finding unconventional partnerships, utilizing free online tools and communities, and thinking creatively about how to gain exposure and attention through stunts or humor. The overall message is that marketing does not require a large budget if you have the right strategies, skills, assets, or willingness to invest time and effort.

Estudio34 Presents Will critchlow the future of linkbuilding in LinkLove2013
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Estudio34 Presents Will critchlow the future of linkbuilding in LinkLove2013

Will, como manda la tradición cerró la sesión anunciando que este 5 aniversario sería el último de Linklove como conferencia y que podremos disfrutar de esta innovación en la siguiente secuencia de SearchLove 2014

search engine marketinglinkbuildingsearch engine optimization
How should we 
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Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?

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Will Critchlow - The Future of Link Building

The future of link building will focus less on manipulating links and more on creating valuable content and building genuine relationships. Traditional link building tactics like unnatural links, spammy guest blogging, and exploiting directories have been disrupted and are no longer effective. Instead, link builders should aim to engage audiences, measure the influence of links based on engaged visitors rather than sheer volume, and find ways to contribute value through their expertise, networks, and content.

Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions
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Taxonomy Bootcamp 2012 Keynote - Improving Information Interactions

This document discusses designing seamless customer experiences across digital and physical channels. It tells a story of a car accident victim's frustrating experience trying to get their car repaired due to a lack of integration between their insurance company's digital and physical systems. The document argues that as the physical and digital worlds collide, organizations must design holistic, interactive experiences that satisfy customers' information needs whenever, however, and wherever they engage with a brand. It encourages attendees to open their eyes to opportunities to improve customer experiences through better organization of information.

information architectureuser experienceinteraction design
Digital Trends
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Digital Trends

Digital trends you should know about Sarah Blake The document discusses several important digital trends: 1. Social media usage is growing rapidly worldwide with billions of videos viewed on YouTube and tweets per day. 2. Mobile internet usage is also increasing, with over half of urban cell phone users taking photos with their phones. 3. Online experiences should be interactive, social, and focus on sharing rather than just displaying content like print media. Building relationships through blogs, social media, and mobile is important.

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Information Transition
Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?
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Eliminating barriers: No More Us vs. Them

Agility is an organization’s ability to respond to change and take advantage of opportunities. Organizational agility is more about being able to inspect and adapt in the large. Introducing Agile frameworks into your IT department doesn’t magically make your organization more responsive to customers’ needs or the market competition–it makes problems visible. Join us as we explore the common barriers that become visible in organizations as development teams adopt Agile practices, including areas of your organization where problems may lie and indicators to recognize them. As a group, we will be discussing tips for overcoming barriers to making your organization more Agile and bringing your development teams closer to customers.

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Designing for Disruption
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Designing for Disruption

Great design isn’t about beauty; it’s about knowing the right questions to ask, uncovering the right places to look, and agreeing on the right problems to solve. At ThoughtWorks Live Australia 2016, Stephanie Rieger (Director of Design & Strategy at Yiibu) talked about three mindsets that combine design, business strategy, and technology to drive growth and embed experience design within your organisation.

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Failure is not an option, or, why you need to ask 'Why?" more often.
Failure is not an option, or, why you need to ask 'Why?" more often.Failure is not an option, or, why you need to ask 'Why?" more often.
Failure is not an option, or, why you need to ask 'Why?" more often.

We should answer a simple question: "Why companies are built and managed in the way we know?". In this presentation I will give my answer from an historic, scientific and economic perspective, and, at the same, I will try to show why other models are possible. Different organisational models are not only possible, but needed when the current models are causing so much pain in modern companies. We need to reinvent the way company works as well as we must reinvent the definition of career in the 21st century. We have so many tools and the higher amount of technology that we can use to shape the future of our companies. Which is the reason why we are not doing anything about it? Even if the presentation is definitely focused on the Italian market it contains elements and ideas that have a broader ranged of applicability. And, as always, it's not too serious. I used this presentation for my talk at the Better Software 2013 conference in Florence.

service designuser experiencelean startup
Right to an API Key
The End 
@albertwenger We are here
Image Credits 
10. combination of #8 and #9 
14. same as #10 
18. same as #10 
23. combination of #19, #20, #21 and #22 

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Techonomy Detroit 2014: The Next Big Thing?

  • 1. What’s the Next Big Thing? Techonomy Detroit, September 16, 2014 @albertwenger
  • 7. “The future is already here ̶ it is just not yet evenly distributed.” ‒ William Gibson
  • 10. Sell Your Labor Buy Stuff
  • 14. Sell Your Labor Buy Stuff
  • 18. Sell Your Labor Buy Stuff
  • 20. Share
  • 22. Enjoy
  • 23. Create Share Enjoy Discover
  • 24. What should we build?
  • 29. How should we regulate?
  • 37. Right to an API Key
  • 38. The End @albertwenger We are here
  • 39. Image Credits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. combination of #8 and #9 11. 12. 13. 14. same as #10 15. 16. 17. 18. same as #10 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. combination of #19, #20, #21 and #22 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.