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Created by Gunnar Hillert / @ghillert
AngularJS Overview 
Build and Deployment 
Integration with Spring 
UI Considerations
(Java) Web developer since 2005 
Struts 1+2, Spring MVC, GWT, Flex 
Spring Integration + XD committer 
AngularJS since Jan 2014
AngularJS? 50% 
Backbone? 20% 
JQuery? 90% 
Are you using any other SPA Framework? ExtJS 
Spring MVC? 60% 
Spring Boot? 10%

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Spring boot
Spring bootSpring boot
Spring boot

Spring boot is a great and relatively a new project from The presentation discusses about basics of spring boot to advance topics. Sample demo apps are available here :

spring bootgradlegorm
introduction to Vue.js 3
introduction to Vue.js 3 introduction to Vue.js 3
introduction to Vue.js 3

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that focuses on building user interfaces and is used for single-page applications. It was created by Evan You and released in 2014. Vue.js uses declarative templates and reactive data binding to render the view layer for an application. Templates in Vue use HTML-based syntax with directives prefixed with v- to dynamically bind expression results. Common directives include v-bind, v-if, and v-for. Vue.js applications can be built with its core library or integrated with other libraries and frameworks.

Web sockets in Angular
Web sockets in AngularWeb sockets in Angular
Web sockets in Angular

This document discusses WebSockets and their use in Angular applications. It contains the following information: 1. An introduction to WebSockets, including what they are, where server push is needed, and how to use them in plain JavaScript. 2. Two ways to use WebSockets in Angular - manually creating WebSocket objects or using RxJS WebSocketSubject. 3. A code example of a WebSocket service in Angular that wraps a WebSocket object and exposes it as an Observable stream.

A single-page application (SPA), also known as 
single-page interface (SPI), is a web application 
or web site that fits on a single web page with the 
goal of providing a more fluid user experience 
akin to a desktop application. 
parseInt('crap'); // NaN 
parseInt('crap', 16); // 12 
(2 + "3"); // 23 
(2 + +"3"); // 5 
(+""); // 0 

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Managing JavaScript Dependencies With RequireJS
Managing JavaScript Dependencies With RequireJSManaging JavaScript Dependencies With RequireJS
Managing JavaScript Dependencies With RequireJS

This document discusses how to manage JavaScript dependencies using RequireJS. It begins by showing the many different types of JavaScript dependencies that exist, such as libraries, frameworks, plugins, and custom code. It then outlines some of the problems that arise from having many script tags, including increased complexity. The document proceeds to explain how RequireJS uses an Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) approach to define modules and their dependencies. It provides a code example of validating a mailing list signup form, breaking it into modules for jQuery, a validation plugin, and the main application script. Finally, it discusses how RequireJS can improve page load performance by loading scripts asynchronously on demand.

Zend Framework 1.8 Features Webinar
Zend Framework 1.8 Features WebinarZend Framework 1.8 Features Webinar
Zend Framework 1.8 Features Webinar

The document discusses new features in Zend Framework 1.8, including Zend_Tool for RAD development, Zend_Application for standardized bootstrapping, Zend_Navigation for building navigation structures, and Zend_Service components for Amazon EC2 and S3 cloud services.

Spring MVC framework
Spring MVC frameworkSpring MVC framework
Spring MVC framework

A consolidated presentation covering following topics:-Framework,OOPS Concepts,Spring,JSP & Servlets,Loggers,ANT Tool,Web Services

Modular Test-driven SPAs with Spring and AngularJS
Too many moving parts, choices 
Boilerplate Code 
Marionette, Backbone.ModelBinder, Backbone.Relational
View (Templates) 
See also: AngularJS Concepts

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Java REST API Framework Comparison - UberConf 2021
Java REST API Framework Comparison - UberConf 2021Java REST API Framework Comparison - UberConf 2021
Java REST API Framework Comparison - UberConf 2021

Use Spring Boot! No, use Micronaut!! Nooooo, Quarkus is the best!!! There's a lot of developers praising the hottest, and fastest, Java REST frameworks: Micronaut, Quarkus, and Spring Boot. In this session, you'll learn how to do the following with each framework: ✅ Build a REST API ✅ Secure your API with OAuth 2.0 ✅ Optimize for production with Docker and GraalVM I'll also share some performance numbers and pretty graphs to compare community metrics. Related blog post:

Vue, vue router, vuex
Vue, vue router, vuexVue, vue router, vuex
Vue, vue router, vuex

Vue is a progressive JavaScript framework that can be used to build user interfaces. It is designed to be incrementally adoptable, with a small core library focused on the view layer. Components are custom elements that extend HTML and attach Vue behavior. Single file components allow cleaner code through preprocessing. VueRouter provides routing functionality for single page applications. Vuex is a state management pattern and library that serves as a centralized store for component data and enforces predictable state mutations.

vuexvue routersingle page application
Spring boot jpa
Spring boot jpaSpring boot jpa
Spring boot jpa

The document discusses Spring Boot, a framework for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring based applications. It describes how Spring Boot allows creating projects quickly with features like embedded servers and auto-configuration. It then covers how to develop a basic Spring Boot web application including creating the project structure with Maven, adding controllers and properties files, and connecting to databases using Spring Data. Overall, the document provides an overview of Spring Boot and guidance on starting a Spring Boot web application project.

spring bootjpaspring jdbc
<div ng-app ng-init="firstName='Angular';lastName='rocks'"> 
First Name: <input type="text" ng-model="firstName"> 
Last Name: <input type="text" ng-model="lastName"> 
<b>Complete Name:</b> {{firstName + ' ' + lastName | uppercase}} 
MODEL 1/2 
Angular is very flexible about your model 
Ultimately expressed via the $scope 
$scope = Glue between Controller and View 
$scope mimics DOM (Hierarchical, one $rootScope) 
$watch, $apply
MODEL 2/2 
Killer Feature: Data-Binding 
Model === single-source-of-truth 
View reflects model changes automatically
HTML is your templating Engine 
Minimize logic as much as possible 
Consider Custom Directives

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AngularJS 101 - Everything you need to know to get started
AngularJS 101 - Everything you need to know to get startedAngularJS 101 - Everything you need to know to get started
AngularJS 101 - Everything you need to know to get started

In this presentation, you will find everything need to get started with AngularJS. For more details, have a look at my blog ( or follow me on twitter (@sbegaudeau)

Spring Mvc Rest
Spring Mvc RestSpring Mvc Rest
Spring Mvc Rest

The document discusses building RESTful applications with Spring MVC. It covers the pillars of REST including resources, URIs, HTTP methods, and representations. It provides examples of modeling resources as controllers and mapping HTTP methods to controller actions. It also discusses content negotiation, supporting different data representations like JSON, XML and RSS using Spring views.

Java EE vs Spring Framework
Java  EE vs Spring Framework Java  EE vs Spring Framework
Java EE vs Spring Framework

This session compares the Spring and Java EE stacks in terms of Web frameworks. It re-examines the motivations behind the Spring framework and explores the emergence of the Java EE programming model to meet the challenges posed. The presentation provides insight into when Spring and/or Java EE is appropriate for a building Web applications and if they can coexist.

spring java ee
Used to "setup" your $scope 
Add behavior to your $scope 
Don't do UI work using controllers!! 
Use directives and filters instead
¡HOLA! V2.0 - VIEW 
<div ng-app="hola" ng-controller="NameController"> 
First Name: <input type="text" ng-model="firstName"> 
Last Name: <input type="text" ng-model="lastName"> 
<b>Complete Name:</b> {{firstName + ' ' + lastName | uppercase}} 
var app = angular.module('hola', []); 
app.controller('NameController', function($scope){ 
Consider using array notation 
app.controller('NameCtrl', function($scope){ ... }); 
app.controller('NameCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope){ ... }]); 
Or use ngmin 
grunt-ngmin, gulp-ngmin

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Angular js vs. Facebook react
Angular js vs. Facebook reactAngular js vs. Facebook react
Angular js vs. Facebook react

The document compares the JavaScript frameworks AngularJS and Facebook React. It provides an overview of key differences between the frameworks, including how they handle data binding, routing, and component architecture. It also includes code examples for basic "Hello World" components in each framework and a TODO list application. The document concludes with recommendations for tutorials and documentation resources for learning more about AngularJS and React.

facebook reactangular js.frontend
AngularJS - TechTalk 3/2/2014
AngularJS - TechTalk 3/2/2014AngularJS - TechTalk 3/2/2014
AngularJS - TechTalk 3/2/2014

AngularJS seems initially complex with many new concepts and terms. It is designed for single page applications and has a learning curve. AngularJS uses modules, dependency injection, MVC principles, scopes, directives, filters and services/factories/providers to build applications. Testing and reusable components are important. While challenging, AngularJS is a powerful tool for building dynamic web applications.

Spring MVC 3.0 Framework
Spring MVC 3.0 FrameworkSpring MVC 3.0 Framework
Spring MVC 3.0 Framework

Spring MVC 3.0 Framework Objective: 1. Introduce Spring MVC Module 2. Learn about Spring MVC Components (Dispatcher, Handler mapping, Controller, View Resolver, View) Slides: 1. What Is Spring? 2. Why use Spring? 3. By the way, just what is MVC? 4. MVC Architecture 5. Spring MVC Architecture 7. Spring MVC Components 8. DispatcherServlet 9. DispatcherServlet Architecture......... .........................................................

spring frameworkspring mvc
{{ expression }} 
No Control Flow Statements 
Can use filters inside expressions: 
{{ 'abcd' | uppercase }}
Are markers on a DOM element 
Attach behavior/transform DOM elements 
ng-controller, ng-app ...
Attribute (default) 
Bear with me ...

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webcomponents (Jfokus 2015)
webcomponents (Jfokus 2015)webcomponents (Jfokus 2015)
webcomponents (Jfokus 2015)

This document provides an overview and introduction to web components. It discusses the key aspects of web components including custom elements, HTML imports, shadow DOM, and templates. It also shows how web components allow building reusable custom elements that encapsulate their styles and functionality independently of the page they are used in. The document demonstrates how to define and register a custom element for displaying activity cards and use templates and shadow DOM to encapsulate its implementation.

How to Build SPA with Vue Router 2.0
How to Build SPA with Vue Router 2.0How to Build SPA with Vue Router 2.0
How to Build SPA with Vue Router 2.0

The presentation slide for Vue.js meetup That contains mainly about SSR (Server side rendering) + SPA with isomorphic fetch and client hydration

WebGUI Developers Workshop
WebGUI Developers WorkshopWebGUI Developers Workshop
WebGUI Developers Workshop

The document provides instructions for installing and testing a WebGUI developer workshop that demonstrates how to create macros, content handlers, and utilize other WebGUI plugins like URL handlers and assets, allowing developers to extend WebGUI's functionality and build custom applications. It outlines steps for installing the workshop files, accessing the virtual machine, and includes examples of simple "Hello World" macros and content handlers to get started with WebGUI development.

Spring 4.1 (SPR-10310, SPR-10933) 
Blog Post 
Node (Npm) 
Grunt (Gulp) 
Yeoman (angular-seed)
Plugins exist for Gradle and Maven 
Spring XD uses Gradle integration 
botanic-ng uses Maven integration 
Spring Boot plus Maven Frontend Plugin

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Andy Bosch - JavaServer Faces in the cloud
Andy Bosch -  JavaServer Faces in the cloudAndy Bosch -  JavaServer Faces in the cloud
Andy Bosch - JavaServer Faces in the cloud

The document discusses using JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.x web applications on Google App Engine (GAE). It begins with an introduction to GAE and provides steps for a "HelloWorld" application. It then covers key aspects of JSF 2.0 and considerations for using it with GAE, such as workarounds for known issues. The document demonstrates some JSF 2.0 features like composite components and Ajax. It also discusses component libraries that can be used with GAE and JSF, such as PrimeFaces. In conclusion, it provides resources for further information.

jsf cloud gae google app engine
Google Web Toolkit
Google Web ToolkitGoogle Web Toolkit
Google Web Toolkit

Google Web Toolkit Presentation by Assoc.Prof. Dr.Thanachart Numnonda &amp; Asst.Prof. Thanisa Kruawaisayawan, Mini Master of Java Technology KMITL, July 2012

Java Web Programming on Google Cloud Platform [3/3] : Google Web Toolkit
Java Web Programming on Google Cloud Platform [3/3] : Google Web ToolkitJava Web Programming on Google Cloud Platform [3/3] : Google Web Toolkit
Java Web Programming on Google Cloud Platform [3/3] : Google Web Toolkit

Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open source Java framework that allows web developers to create Ajax applications in Java and deploy them as optimized JavaScript. GWT provides tools for building AJAX applications in Java that are compiled into JavaScript for cross-browser compatibility. It handles browser inconsistencies and integrates with existing Java development tools, allowing developers to build and debug Rich Internet Applications using Java instead of JavaScript.

java web programminggoogle app enginecloud computing
class ThisWillActuallyRun { 
String home() { 
"Hello World!" 
Spring Scripts ( Samples 
Starter POMs 
Über-Jars support (can create WARs also) 
Maven + Gradle Plugins 
AutoConfiguration support
@EnableAutoConfiguration @ComponentScan @EnableScheduling 
public class MainApp extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration { 
protected void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration( 
RepositoryRestConfiguration config) { 
config.exposeIdsFor(Image. class, Garden.class, Plant.class); 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
final ConfigurableApplicationContext context = class, args); 
MultipartConfigElement multipartConfigElement() { ... } ... 

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09 - express nodes on the right angle - vitaliy basyuk - it event 2013 (5)
09 - express nodes on the right angle - vitaliy basyuk - it event 2013 (5)09 - express nodes on the right angle - vitaliy basyuk - it event 2013 (5)
09 - express nodes on the right angle - vitaliy basyuk - it event 2013 (5)

09 - Express Nodes on the right Angle - Vitaliy Basyuk - IT Event 2013 (5) 60 вузлів під правильним кутом - миттєва розробка програмних додатків використовуючи Node.js + Express + MongoDB + AngularJS. Коли ми беремось за новий продукт, передусім ми думаємо про пристрасть, яка необхідна йому, щоб зробити користувача задоволеним і відданим нашому баченню. А що допомагає нам здобути прихильність користувачів? Очевидно, що окрім самої ідеї, також важлими будуть: зручний користувацький інтерфейс, взаємодія в реальному часі та прозора робота з даними. Ці три властивості ми можемо здобути використовучи ті чи інші засоби, проте, коли все лиш починається, набагато зручніше, якщо інструменти допомагають втілити бажане, а не відволікають від головної мети. Ми розглянемо процес розробки, використовуючи Node.js, Express, MongoDB та AngularJS як найбільш корисного поєднання для отримання вагомої переваги вже на старті вашого продукту. Віталій Басюк

AEM Sightly Deep Dive
AEM Sightly Deep DiveAEM Sightly Deep Dive
AEM Sightly Deep Dive

Learn the best practices and advanced techniques. * Passing data to client libs, use the data attribute * Expression contexts, choose wisely * Use statement best practices, what fits best your needs * Template & Call statements advanced usage * Parameters for sub-resources, featuring resource attributes and synthetic resources

aem 6.2adobe experience managersightly
Zend Framework 1.9 Setup & Using Zend_Tool
Zend Framework 1.9 Setup & Using Zend_ToolZend Framework 1.9 Setup & Using Zend_Tool
Zend Framework 1.9 Setup & Using Zend_Tool

Presentation for azPHP on setting up a new project using Zend_Tool. Also goes over creating basic modules, controllers, actions, models and layouts. All code in the presentation has not necessarily been tested. Will update presentation when done.

Also supports WebJars

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Exploring Symfony's Code
Exploring Symfony's CodeExploring Symfony's Code
Exploring Symfony's Code

The document provides an overview of the MVC pattern and how it is implemented in Symfony. It discusses how Symfony separates code into models, views, and controllers and layers these components. It also describes common Symfony structures like modules, actions, and templates as well as tools like parameter holders, constants, and autoloading that are frequently used.

Working with AngularJS
Working with AngularJSWorking with AngularJS
Working with AngularJS

Introductory session about AngularJS, delivered on May 20th 2014 at Microsoft Web Camp, in Lisbon, Portugal.

javascriptweb developmentangularjs
Deploying applications to Cloud with Google App Engine
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Deploying applications to Cloud with Google App Engine

This document discusses deploying applications to Google App Engine. It provides an overview of Google App Engine, reasons to use it including scalability and integration with Google services. It then outlines the development process including project structure, local development server, and deployment. It also covers data storage options, limitations of the platform, and features not supported.

javagoogle app enginecloud
AngularJS Modules 
Compartmentalize sections of your application 
Does not deal with script loading 
angular.module('myModule', []). 
config(function(injectables) { // provider-injector 
// This is an example of config block. 
run(function(injectables) { // instance-injector 
// Like a Main method 
JavaScript file and module loader 
RequireJS Optimizer
ECMAScript 6 modules 
is being AngularJS 2 written in ES6 
Web Components

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WebNet Conference 2012 - Designing complex applications using html5 and knock...

This document provides an overview of designing complex applications using HTML5 and KnockoutJS. It discusses HTML5 and why it is useful, introduces JavaScript and frameworks like KnockoutJS and SammyJS that help manage complexity. It also summarizes several JavaScript libraries and patterns including the module pattern, revealing module pattern, and MV* patterns. Specific libraries and frameworks discussed include RequireJS, AmplifyJS, UnderscoreJS, and LINQ.js. The document concludes with a brief mention of server-side tools like ScriptSharp.

Spring Boot
Spring BootSpring Boot
Spring Boot

Spring Boot is a framework for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring based applications that can be "just run". It aims to provide a radically faster and widely accessible starting experience for developing Spring applications. Spring Boot applications can be started using java -jar or traditional WAR deployments and require very little Spring configuration. The document then discusses system requirements, development environment, creating a simple Hello World application, using Spring Boot Admin to monitor applications, configuring databases, Spring Data JPA, REST controllers, caching with EhCache, building web applications with Thymeleaf, and project structure.

spring bootspring
Resthub lyonjug
Resthub lyonjugResthub lyonjug
Resthub lyonjug

This document discusses RESThub, a full stack Java and JavaScript framework. It provides a plugin-based architecture using Spring and Maven. The Java stack includes generic DAO, service, and test classes along with JPA and validation. The JavaScript stack supports routing, classes, controllers, templates, widgets, and repositories to enable building rich client applications with a REST backend. Examples and roadmaps are also mentioned.

<tr ng-repeat= 
"item in jobDefinitions | filter:filterQuery | orderBy:'name'"> 
angular-file-upload (nervgh) 
angular-file-upload (danialfarid) 
File Reader 
Traditional Post
ngRoute (built-in) 
Routing on steroids using ui-router

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The Google App Engine Oil Framework
The Google App Engine Oil FrameworkThe Google App Engine Oil Framework
The Google App Engine Oil Framework

The document discusses the Google App Engine Oil (GAEO) framework, which aims to provide a structured and parameterized approach to developing applications on Google App Engine. GAEO version 0.1 was released in September 2008 and introduced features like URL routing, action controllers, session support, and model enhancements. Version 0.2 added additional features like plugins and AJAX/form helpers. The document outlines GAEO's software architecture and code layout, and describes its current features and future roadmap. It provides links to documentation and forums for further information.

EVOLVE'14 | Enhance | Gabriel Walt | Sightly Component Development
EVOLVE'14 | Enhance | Gabriel Walt | Sightly Component DevelopmentEVOLVE'14 | Enhance | Gabriel Walt | Sightly Component Development
EVOLVE'14 | Enhance | Gabriel Walt | Sightly Component Development

Presented at 3|SHARE's EVOLVE'14 - The Adobe Experience Manager Community Summit on Tuesday November 18th, 2014 at the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego, CA.

Google app engine by example
Google app engine by exampleGoogle app engine by example
Google app engine by example

A guide to create a simple Java application and upload it to the Google Cloud Platform with Google App Engine. This presentation covers usage of persistence API with both Google Cloud SQL and Google Cloud Datastore.

jpagoogle app enginejava
state machine 
nested views 
Spring XD's routes.js
E2E testing with Protractor 
Unit Testing using Karma and Jasmine
Keep your CSS maintainable with Less and Sass

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Rediscovering Spring with Spring Boot(1)
Rediscovering Spring with Spring Boot(1)Rediscovering Spring with Spring Boot(1)
Rediscovering Spring with Spring Boot(1)

This document provides an overview of Spring Boot, a framework for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring based applications. It discusses how Spring Boot aims to make it easy to create Spring applications with default configurations and minimal code. The key topics covered include: using Maven and Gradle build tools with Spring Boot, common features and conventions like auto-configuration and main application classes, Spring Data and JPA for database access, Spring MVC features for web applications, and testing Spring applications.

Java 6 [Mustang] - Features and Enchantments
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Java 6 [Mustang] - Features and Enchantments

The document discusses the new features of Java SE 6 including enhancements to web services, scripting, databases, desktop integration, monitoring and management, compiler access, pluggable annotations, desktop deployment, security, and performance. It provides code examples and explanations for many of the new features.

java mustang features example tutorial
Os Haase
Os HaaseOs Haase
Os Haase

This document provides an overview of the Swing Application Framework and Beans Binding frameworks being developed as part of JSR 296 and JSR 295. It discusses the motivations for creating standard frameworks to simplify Swing development, outlines the key goals and components of the Swing Application Framework, and briefly introduces Beans Binding for keeping object properties in sync. The frameworks are aimed at addressing common issues for typical Swing applications and are intended for the Java SE 7 platform.

Modular Test-driven SPAs with Spring and AngularJS
Modular Test-driven SPAs with Spring and AngularJS
Source Code + Preso:

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Modular Test-driven SPAs with Spring and AngularJS

  • 2. GOALS AngularJS Overview Build and Deployment Integration with Spring Testing Modularization UI Considerations
  • 3. ME (Java) Web developer since 2005 Struts 1+2, Spring MVC, GWT, Flex Spring Integration + XD committer AngularJS since Jan 2014
  • 4. AUDIENCE - WHAT DO YOU USE? AngularJS? 50% Backbone? 20% JQuery? 90% Are you using any other SPA Framework? ExtJS Spring MVC? 60% Spring Boot? 10%
  • 5. WHAT ARE SPAS? A single-page application (SPA), also known as single-page interface (SPI), is a web application or web site that fits on a single web page with the goal of providing a more fluid user experience akin to a desktop application. Wikipedia
  • 7. JAVASCRIPT WTF 1/2 parseInt('crap'); // NaN parseInt('crap', 16); // 12 NaN 12
  • 8. JAVASCRIPT WTF 2/2 (2 + "3"); // 23 (2 + +"3"); // 5 (+""); // 0 23 5 0
  • 10. FROM BACKBONE TO ANGULAR Too many moving parts, choices Boilerplate Code Marionette, Backbone.ModelBinder, Backbone.Relational
  • 12. ANGULAR JS BASICS Model View (Templates) Controller Expressions Directives Modules See also: AngularJS Concepts
  • 13. ¡HOLA! <div ng-app ng-init="firstName='Angular';lastName='rocks'"> <div> First Name: <input type="text" ng-model="firstName"> </div> <div> Last Name: <input type="text" ng-model="lastName"> </div> <div> <b>Complete Name:</b> {{firstName + ' ' + lastName | uppercase}} </div> </div> Demo
  • 14. MODEL 1/2 Angular is very flexible about your model Ultimately expressed via the $scope $scope = Glue between Controller and View $scope mimics DOM (Hierarchical, one $rootScope) $watch, $apply
  • 15. MODEL 2/2 Killer Feature: Data-Binding Model === single-source-of-truth View reflects model changes automatically
  • 16. VIEW HTML is your templating Engine Minimize logic as much as possible Consider Custom Directives
  • 17. CONTROLLER Used to "setup" your $scope Add behavior to your $scope Don't do UI work using controllers!! Use directives and filters instead
  • 18. ¡HOLA! V2.0 - VIEW <div ng-app="hola" ng-controller="NameController"> <div> First Name: <input type="text" ng-model="firstName"> </div> <div> Last Name: <input type="text" ng-model="lastName"> </div> <div> <b>Complete Name:</b> {{firstName + ' ' + lastName | uppercase}} </div> </div> Demo
  • 19. ¡HOLA! V2.0 - CONTROLLER <script> (function(){ var app = angular.module('hola', []); app.controller('NameController', function($scope){ $scope.firstName='Angular'; $scope.lastName='rocks'; }); })(); </script> Demo
  • 20. DEPENDENCY INJECTION Consider using array notation app.controller('NameCtrl', function($scope){ ... }); app.controller('NameCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope){ ... }]); Or use ngmin grunt-ngmin, gulp-ngmin
  • 21. EXPRESSIONS {{ expression }} No Control Flow Statements Can use filters inside expressions: {{ 'abcd' | uppercase }}
  • 22. DIRECTIVES Are markers on a DOM element Attach behavior/transform DOM elements ng-controller, ng-app ...
  • 23. TYPES OF DIRECTIVES Attribute (default) Element Class See:
  • 26. STRATEGIES - JAVA TOOLING Wro4j Jawr Spring 4.1 (SPR-10310, SPR-10933) See Blog Post WebJars
  • 27. STRATEGIES - JAVASCRIPT TOOLING Node (Npm) Grunt (Gulp) Bower Yeoman (angular-seed)
  • 28. MAKE MAVEN AND GRADLE GRUNT Plugins exist for Gradle and Maven Spring XD uses Gradle integration botanic-ng uses Maven integration Spring Boot plus Maven Frontend Plugin
  • 30. HELLO WORLD FITS INTO TWEET @Controller class ThisWillActuallyRun { @RequestMapping("/") @ResponseBody String home() { "Hello World!" } }
  • 31. RAPID PROTOTYPING Spring Scripts ( Samples ) Starter POMs Über-Jars support (can create WARs also) Maven + Gradle Plugins AutoConfiguration support
  • 32. MAIN IS BACK @EnableAutoConfiguration @ComponentScan @EnableScheduling public class MainApp extends RepositoryRestMvcConfiguration { @Override protected void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration( RepositoryRestConfiguration config) { config.exposeIdsFor(Image. class, Garden.class, Plant.class); config.setBaseUri(URI.create("/api")); } public static void main(String[] args) { final ConfigurableApplicationContext context = class, args); ... } @Bean MultipartConfigElement multipartConfigElement() { ... } ... }
  • 33. SERVING STATIC CONTENT /META-INF/resources/ /resources/ /static/ /public/ Also supports WebJars
  • 37. MODULARIZATION NOW AngularJS Modules RequireJS
  • 38. ANGULARJS MODULES Compartmentalize sections of your application Does not deal with script loading angular.module('myModule', []). config(function(injectables) { // provider-injector // This is an example of config block. }). run(function(injectables) { // instance-injector // Like a Main method });
  • 39. REQUIREJS RequireJS JavaScript file and module loader RequireJS Optimizer
  • 40. MODULARIZATION FUTURE ECMAScript 6 modules is being AngularJS 2 written in ES6 Web Components
  • 42. FILTERS ... <tr ng-repeat= "item in jobDefinitions | filter:filterQuery | orderBy:'name'"> ...
  • 43. FILE UPLOAD angular-file-upload (nervgh) angular-file-upload (danialfarid) File Reader Traditional Post
  • 44. ROUTING ngRoute (built-in) Routing on steroids using ui-router
  • 45. ROUTING USING UI-ROUTER state machine nested views Spring XD's routes.js
  • 46. TESTING E2E testing with Protractor Unit Testing using Karma and Jasmine
  • 47. UI CONSIDERATIONS Bootstrap Keep your CSS maintainable with Less and Sass
  • 51. THANK YOU!! Source Code + Preso: