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Play with GAE
Productivity stack: Play Framework
on Google App Engine
Polish Java User Group
Marcin Stępień
Developer, Consultant
❖ App Engine intro, scaling & limitations
❖ Play Framework stuff
❖ GAE abstraction
❖ How do this two things work together
❖ Play 2 on GAE?
❖ Trade-offs
Play Framework + GAE
Google App

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A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Devoxx Belgium 2019
A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Devoxx Belgium 2019A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Devoxx Belgium 2019
A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Devoxx Belgium 2019

The document discusses using Angular Schematics to simplify development tasks. It covers creating a basic schematic, adding templates, testing schematics, publishing to NPM, and integrating with Angular CLI. Schematics can generate code and files and are useful for tasks like authentication, routing, and application shell generation. The document provides examples of building schematics that generate components and applications.


This document discusses a framework for automated web testing using Ruby, Watir, Cucumber, and Selenium Grid. It provides an agenda, overview of the tools and technologies used, why Watir was chosen, details of the framework architecture and features, and the framework workflow. It also includes a comparison analysis and discusses next steps for Phase II. The goal is to build a maintainable, parallelized, and reportable automated testing solution using behavior-driven development.

A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Angular SF 2019
A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Angular SF 2019A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Angular SF 2019
A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Angular SF 2019

You might’ve heard of Angular Schematics, but do you know what they do? Learn how you can use this powerful tool to develop workflows and simplify configurations for your Angular projects. Blog post: Source code: Screencast:

Google App
Google Cloud
Compute EngineApp Engine
PaaS IaaS
Building blocks
App Engine PaaS
Build tools
Scaling is simplified
One tier of servers
- capacity
- max / min #
- manual / autoscale
- warm up /
- traffic splitting

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Test Automation using Ruby, Watir, Rspec and AutoIT for GAMESCALE products te...
Test Automation using Ruby, Watir, Rspec and AutoIT for GAMESCALE products te...Test Automation using Ruby, Watir, Rspec and AutoIT for GAMESCALE products te...
Test Automation using Ruby, Watir, Rspec and AutoIT for GAMESCALE products te...

Test Automation using Ruby, Watir, Rspec and AutoIT for GAMESCALE products testing. Presented by Sveatoslav Circel, Senior QA @Gametech LLC.

test preparationsoftware testingrspec
WordPress 2017 with VueJS and GraphQL
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WordPress 2017 with VueJS and GraphQL

Christmas holiday experiment: creating a VueJS front that gets data through GraphQL from a decoupled WordPress install on another server. Read more on this blogpost:

Web Performance Part 4 "Client-side performance"
Web Performance Part 4  "Client-side performance"Web Performance Part 4  "Client-side performance"
Web Performance Part 4 "Client-side performance"

The presentation is devoted to client side performance of a web app. All 4 presentations will help you reduce latency, enrich optimization of javascript code, discover tricky parts when working with API browser, see best practices of networking and learn lots of other important and interesting things. Enjoy! =)

web performanceoptimizationnetwork
Just a drawing
load balancer frontend servers backed servers data store
You will not deal with that
GAE Limitations
Security sandbox
● Java class whitelist
● Java 7
● Servlet API 2.5
○ no real async WS calls
● No raw socket connections
○ no SMTP etc.
○ Url Fetch service instead
● Frontend calls are limited to
● Scheduled Jobs limited to
● Url Fetch limited to max 60s
● Do not share object in session
● NoSQL datastore *
● 200 indexes
GAE Environments
Play 1, Play 2, Ninja, Spark … Spring Boot, JHipster
Java micro frameworks

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Playframework + Twitter Bootstrap
Playframework + Twitter BootstrapPlayframework + Twitter Bootstrap
Playframework + Twitter Bootstrap

This document discusses Playframework, a Java web framework. It provides an overview of Playframework's features including being a full Java stack, RESTful and SEO friendly design, stateless architecture, and easy scalability. It also covers Playframework's project structure including the model, controller, and view layers. The document mentions Playframework works with common application servers and cloud hosting platforms. It also discusses using Twitter Bootstrap, a popular front-end framework for responsive design and UI components.

playframeworkjavaweb framework
Ci of js and apex using jasmine, phantom js and drone io df14
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Ci of js and apex using jasmine, phantom js and drone io df14

This document discusses using continuous integration and continuous delivery for Salesforce development. It introduces the concepts of CI and CD and describes using Grunt,, Jasmine, Istanbul and Ant together in an opinionated stack. Grunt is used to define tasks. Jasmine is used for JavaScript testing. Ant is used for Apex tests and deploying to orgs. automates running builds and deploying code changes to development and QA orgs after code is committed.

"13 ways to run web applications on the Internet" Andrii Shumada
"13 ways to run web applications on the Internet" Andrii Shumada"13 ways to run web applications on the Internet" Andrii Shumada
"13 ways to run web applications on the Internet" Andrii Shumada

1. There are 13 ways to launch an app to the internet including using a local machine with port forwarding, a local machine in an office with ngrok or localtunnel, a dedicated server with SFTP or SSH, cloud storage services, git-based static hosting, serverless technologies like AWS Lambda, and container/cluster-based options like Docker swarm, AWS EBS, and Kubernetes. 2. Each option has varying degrees of ease of setup, ease of deployment, scalability, and suitability for frontend versus backend apps. Local development options are easiest to setup but not production ready, while container/cluster options are more complex but very scalable and production ready. 3. The document provides a

Play 1 Play 2
2008 released 2013
Java first service Scala first, Java
Groovy templates Scala
1 GAE module -
by community
maintenance mode*
by authors
and community
by 3rd part. commerce support
by authors
and 3rd part.
Play Framework versions
There is no HttpServletRequest, HttpSession etc.
Not a JEE Framework
GAE module wraps Play app into .war file
There is no server side session
Share Nothing
#pass value to next request in flash scope
flash.put(“key”, object);
#store in encrypted user cookie, Strings only, 4kb
session.put(“key”, “value”);
#store object in cache“key”, object, “1h”);
Share Nothing

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How to Build a Better JIRA Add-on
How to Build a Better JIRA Add-onHow to Build a Better JIRA Add-on
How to Build a Better JIRA Add-on

Add-ons and integrations for JIRA Cloud have come a long way, but there are still huge opportunities for improvement. JIRA Cloud product manager Dave Meyer will walk through some "Do"s and "Don't"s for making your add-ons simpler, faster, and more beautiful today, plus an insider look at new APIs and integration points that will enable you to take your add-on to the next level in the future. Dave Meyer, Senior Product Manager, Atlassian

atlascamp 2017atlassian summit europe 2017atlassian
Володимир Дубенко "Node.js for desktop development (based on Electron library)"
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Володимир Дубенко "Node.js for desktop development (based on Electron library)"

This document discusses using Node.js and the Electron library for desktop application development. It covers topics like using Electron to build cross-platform desktop apps with a single codebase, initializing Electron projects using Electron Forge, the main and renderer processes in Electron, UI development with frameworks like Aurelia, debugging, testing, and packaging desktop apps.

electron libraryjsjavascript
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016
Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap - DOSUG February 2016

YouTube of this presentation's JHipster Demo: Building a modern web (or mobile) application requires a lot of tools, frameworks and techniques. This session shows how JHipster unites popular frameworks like AngularJS, Spring Boot and Bootstrap. Using Yeoman, a scaffolding tool for modern webapps, JHipster will generate a project for you and allow you to use Java 8, SQL or NoSQL databases, Spring profiles, Maven or Gradle, Grunt or Gulp.js, WebSockets and Browsersync. It also supports a number of different authentication mechanisms: classic session-based auth, OAuth 2.0, or JWT authentication. For cloud deployments, JHipster includes out-of-the-box support for Cloud Foundry and Heroku.

hot swapping on dev, just hit F5
auto scaling on prod
Share Nothing
GAE gives 2 types. Transparent use for Play developer.
Distributed Cache
But not on GAE with Servlet 2.5 spec
Play is asynchronous
#not on GAE servlet API 2.5
Promise<HttpResponse> res1, res2;
res1 = WS.url("http://example1").getAsync();
res2 = WS.url("http://example2").getAsync();
#synchronous call works fine
#Json parser
WS calls are wrapped in URL fetch

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Game of Streams: How to Tame and Get the Most from Your Messaging Platforms
Game of Streams: How to Tame and Get the Most from Your Messaging PlatformsGame of Streams: How to Tame and Get the Most from Your Messaging Platforms
Game of Streams: How to Tame and Get the Most from Your Messaging Platforms

The document discusses using messaging platforms in distributed architectures and provides an overview of Spring Cloud Stream. It describes how Spring Cloud Stream can be used with different messaging platforms like Kafka and RabbitMQ. The document also provides code samples for a source service that generates aircraft position data and sends it to a processor service, which transforms the data and filters out records before sending it to a sink service.

springone 2020event drivenmodernization/refactoring
Choosing a Java Web Framework
Choosing a Java Web FrameworkChoosing a Java Web Framework
Choosing a Java Web Framework

Tips and criteria for selecting a web presentation framework. The focus is on Java-based frameworks, but the criteria are valid for any platform. From a panel discussion at the Seattle Java User Group (SeaJUG)

Choosing a Javascript Framework
Choosing a Javascript FrameworkChoosing a Javascript Framework
Choosing a Javascript Framework

Pam Selle Co-author of Choosing a JavaScript Framework, Tuesday, Oct 20th 4:20 pm - Design/UX/UI

ato2015open sourceall things open
Siena module instead of GAE JPA
Data store: Active Record pattern
public class Employee extends Model {
@Id public Long id;
public String fullName;
public Department dep;
public class Department extends Model {
@Id public Long id;
@Url public String website;
public Date launched;
Data store abstraction
Employee adam = new Employee(“Adam”);
Adam.dep = department;;
Active Record
public class Employee extends Model {
@Id public Long id;
public String fullName;
#no Joins, dep stores only id field
public Department dep;
#retrieves and maps into object
public String getDepWebsite() { is null until you call .get()
return dep.get().website;
Fetching data, no joins

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High Performance Snippets
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High Performance Snippets

1. Synchronous scripts block page rendering, so scripts should be loaded asynchronously. 2. Front-end dependencies like social media widgets can cause slowdowns if they fail to load. Blackholing domains in tests can show these slowdowns. 3. "Bootstrap scripts" from content delivery networks often have short cache times, increasing chances of failures. But they can be made self-updating while keeping long cache times.

snippetsfrontend spofasynchronous
Max Voloshin - "Organization of frontend development for products with micros...
Max Voloshin - "Organization of frontend development for products with micros...Max Voloshin - "Organization of frontend development for products with micros...
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While our product was growing our team came to need to implement microservices. Later it became obvious that our approaches on organization of frontend development should be rethought and significantly improved. The report contains our team's solutions for simple and comfortable frontend product development with microservices. Also, this talk is about how we along with the way updated frontend framework, separated frontend and backend, solved internalization problem and started using Docker for front end tasks.

Powerful Google developer tools for immediate impact! (2023-24 C)
Powerful Google developer tools for immediate impact! (2023-24 C)Powerful Google developer tools for immediate impact! (2023-24 C)
Powerful Google developer tools for immediate impact! (2023-24 C)

This presentations targets students or working professionals. You may know Google for search, YouTube, Android, Chrome, and Gmail, but did you know Google has many developer tools, platforms & APIs? This comprehensive yet still high-level overview outlines the most impactful tools for where to run your code, store & analyze your data. It will also inspire you as to what's possible. This talk is 50 minutes in length.

public class Employee extends Model {...
public static List<Employee> getAll(Long depId) {
return all().filter(“dep”, new Department(depId))
public static Query<Employee> all() {
return all(Employee.class);
Controller is tied to HTTP protocol
#http method, app url (regex), controller method
GET /employee/{id} Employees.user
POST /employee/ Employees.create
PUT /employee/{id} Employees.update
DELETE /employee/{id} Employees.delete
GET /employee/show-{id}
GET /employee/list Employees.list
#controller methods are static for Play v. < 1.4
public class Employees extends App {
public static void create(Employee em) {;
show(; #HTTP 302 redirect
#template is chosen by convention
public static void show(Long id) {
#object passed into Employees/show.html
public static void list() {

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From Idea to App (or “How we roll at Small Town Heroes”)

Guestlecture I gave to the students ICT at Odisee, explaining the app development process, how we do certain things at Small Town Heroes, and how we implement QA throughout our process.

Open Source Web Technologies
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Open Source Web Technologies

Zend Framework is an open source PHP framework that follows the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern to promote best practices. It has many features like simplicity, extensibility, and full documentation. Google Gears is a browser plugin that allows web applications to work offline and store data locally. It includes a database, caching, and background processing to improve performance and responsiveness even without internet access. Google Gears aims to bridge the gap between desktop and web applications and its components are simple to use.

Introducción al SharePoint Framework SPFx
Introducción al SharePoint Framework SPFxIntroducción al SharePoint Framework SPFx
Introducción al SharePoint Framework SPFx

Presentación de Gustavo Velez sobre Introducción al SharePoint Framework en el Workshop de desarrollo para Office 365 del SharePoint Saturday Madrid 2017.

sharepoint frameworksharepoint
Data store, Logging, Cache, Gmail, WS calls etc.
GAE Abstraction
Is implemented in Play. GAE SDK is hidden.
GAE tooling
BigQuery, Security scans, Performance scans, alerts
2. Environment (Java 8, Servlet 3.0 +)
Play 2 on GAE ?
1. Deployable .war file
Play 2 on GAE: war

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Google Gears
Google GearsGoogle Gears
Google Gears

Summary seminar of the possible functions and present state of google gears. For more useful information on similar topics visit

offline modejavascriptgoogle gears
Front End Development for Back End Java Developers - Jfokus 2020
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Front End Development for Back End Java Developers - Jfokus 2020

The document is a presentation about front end development for back end Java developers. It discusses topics like JavaScript, TypeScript, build tools, CSS frameworks, front end performance, and progressive web apps. It also provides introductions and comparisons of popular JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue. The presentation encourages attendees to learn new front end skills and try building something with a front end framework.

frontendweb developmentangular
Powerful Google Cloud tools for your hack
Powerful Google Cloud tools for your hackPowerful Google Cloud tools for your hack
Powerful Google Cloud tools for your hack

This 1-hour presentation is meant to give univeresity hackathoners a deeper yes still high-level overview of Google Cloud and its developer APIs with the purpose of inspiring students to consider these products for their hacks. It follows and dives deeper into the products introduced at the opening ceremony lightning talk. Of particular focus are the serverless and machine learning platforms & APIs... tools that have an immediate impact on projects, alleviating the need to manage VMs, operating systems, etc., as well as dispensing with the need to have expertise with machine learning.

Play 2 on GAE: run
Services only via public APIs...Jetty 9 + docker configuration
Flexible runtime Custom runtime
● Faster deployment
● Scaling
● Google Infrastructure
● maintenance + analytic tools
○ BigQuery etc.
● Abstraction
○ You are not tied with
● Sandbox limitations
● Not truly asynchronous on
basic GAE
● Servlet container lowers
application performance
● Watch out for test coverage
Thank you

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