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using Play and Akka HTTP
Rafal Gancarz
About me
• Lead Consultant at
• Helping companies transform
their IT platforms and the ways
their do business
• Technologist, architect,
• Agile practitioner & evangelist
• Scala <- Java <- PHP
• SOA reloaded
• Lightweight, open standards
• Loosely coupled, self-contained
• Independent and scalable
• Bounded context (part of business domain)
Securing the monolith
• single entry point
• limited attack surface
• centralised authentication &
• totally exposed when

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Anatomy of a Modern Node.js Application Architecture

This document provides an overview of the typical components and architecture of a modern Node.js application, including web and application servers, a queue, worker servers, databases, caches, and how to monitor transactions as they flow through the distributed system. It also describes how to configure AppDynamics to monitor errors, transactions, hardware resources, calls to external services and databases, and end user experience for Node.js applications.

node.jsapplication monitoringnode.js architecture
NoSQL - No Security?
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This document discusses NoSQL database security issues. It begins by introducing NoSQL and big data concepts. It then covers common NoSQL databases and explains why they are popular. However, it notes that NoSQL solutions are often not designed with security in mind by default. Some key security issues with NoSQL databases include weak authentication, insecure password storage, lack of authorization controls, and vulnerabilities to injection attacks. The document provides examples of these issues and recommends ways to secure NoSQL installations, such as validating inputs, defining a trusted environment, and continuing to sanitize for traditional and NoSQL-specific attacks.

Developing distributed applications with Akka and Akka Cluster
Developing distributed applications with Akka and Akka ClusterDeveloping distributed applications with Akka and Akka Cluster
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This document outlines a presentation on developing distributed applications with Akka and Akka Cluster. It introduces Akka as a toolkit for building highly concurrent, distributed, and fault tolerant applications. It discusses concurrency paradigms like actors, dataflow, and software transactional memory. Live demos are presented showing actors, Akka remoting and clustering, and consistent replicated data types. The presentation emphasizes building distributed systems with Akka's actor model and using features like routers, deployment, and CRDTs to manage distributed state.

Securing the monolith -
• Combined presentation and business logic tier
• End user login
• Session based authentication
• Single sign-on (usually with SAML)
Securing microservices
(first take)
• siloed data
• large attack surface
• multiple auth enforcement
• shared auth data storeDB DB
• Who is the consumer (the end user vs the third-party system)?
• Is user context relevant?
• access control granularity
• act on behalf
• What are the security related requirements?
• highly sensitive data
• integration over public internet
• social login
• single sign-on (SSO)
Securing microservices - considerations
• What are commercial requirements for your project?
• time to market
• availability of skills / expertise
• buy vs build
• What about the legacy?
• existing security implementation
• interoperability with the legacy platform
Securing microservices - considerations

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Slides from ConFoo ( 2017 presentation on Amazon Lambda. Covers AWS Lambda, AWS Cognito, and AWS API-Gateway.

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Come sta la nostra applicazione? Un viaggio alla scoperta degli Health Check ...
Come sta la nostra applicazione? Un viaggio alla scoperta degli Health Check ...Come sta la nostra applicazione? Un viaggio alla scoperta degli Health Check ...
Come sta la nostra applicazione? Un viaggio alla scoperta degli Health Check ...

In questa sessione scopriremo come utilizzare al meglio di Health Check, funzionalità che è stata introdotta in ASP.NET ancora dalla versione 2.2, ma che poche applicazioni sfruttano. Uno strumento davvero utile anche per un primo debug, o per una semplice verifica dello stato delle nostre applicazioni...e non solo per chi utilizza container e orchestratori. Cosa ci permettono di sapere gli Health Check? Come possiamo essere notificati se qualcosa non va nel verso giusto? A queste e ad altre domande daremo risposta nel corso della sessione corehealthchecks
Microservices with SenecaJS (part 2)
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Microservices with SenecaJS (part 2)

The document discusses microservices architecture using SenecaJS, RabbitMQ, Docker, and other tools. It covers setting up RabbitMQ with Docker, using SenecaJS's pattern matching and transport capabilities including AMQP transport with RabbitMQ, running services in Docker containers or with PM2, using Consul for service discovery and configuration, and implementing authentication with JWT. The presentation includes demos and discusses testing and other topics related to building microservices.

API gateway
API gateway
• single point of entry
• limited surface attack
• configurable authentication
protocols and backends
• faster time to market
• gateway availability/scalability
• additional cost
• services unsecured internally
• HTTP level access control
• limited auth context
HTTP basic auth + client id&secret
• easy
• good for third-party integration
• stateless
• requires TLS
• doesn’t expire
• difficult to enforce at scale
(unless used with API gateway)
Play Framework
• Basic HTTP auth with HTTP filter
• Basic HTTP auth with Action builder
• Play2.x Authentication and Authorization module
• Pac4j module (
• Secure Social module (
• Silhouette module (
• authenticateBasicX directives
def myUserPassAuthenticator(credentials: Credentials): Future[Option[String]] =
credentials match {
case p @ Credentials.Provided(id) =>
Future {
// potentially
if (p.verify("s3cr3t")) Some(id)
else None
case _ => Future.successful(None)
val route =
Route.seal {
path("secured") {
authenticateBasicAsync(realm = "secure site", myUserPassAuthenticator)
{ userName =>
complete(s"The user is '$userName'")

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4 JVM Web Frameworks
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4 JVM Web Frameworks

The document discusses various JVM web frameworks including Play, Ratpack, Spring Boot, and Rails. It provides code examples for templating, databases, servers, and other aspects of each framework. It compares the strengths and weaknesses of frameworks like Play, Ratpack, and Spring Boot. It emphasizes that modern JVM web development uses languages like Scala, Groovy, JRuby and Clojure rather than traditional Java web apps with WAR files. The document encourages the audience to pick a framework like Play, Ratpack or Rails and provides the basic commands to create a new project in each.

TDD a REST API With Node.js and MongoDB
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This document discusses developing and testing a MongoDB and Node.js REST API. It introduces MongoDB and Node.js, and then covers building an API with the following parts: using Mongoose to define schemas for products, categories, and users; building routes with Express; and testing with Mocha and Superagent. Key topics include schema design principles, building RESTful routes, and testing the API end-to-end. The goal is to learn how to structure APIs on MongoDB with Node.js and ensure quality with testing.

Blazor, lo sapevi che...
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Blazor, lo sapevi che...

Stanco delle solite sessioni introduttive o generiche su blazor? Bene, questa è la serata che fa per te. In questa sessione ho raccolto una serie di argomenti, problematiche e tips derivanti da due anni di utilizzo di Blazor (praticamente dal suo lancio). Casi reali affrontanti e risolti. E come nel (ormai) classico format online di XE, ci sarà ampio spazio per le domande ed il confronto.
OAuth2+OpenID Connect
Auth Server
• standard based
• popular for social login & delegated
• caters for browser, mobile and
server-to-server use cases
• token expiry
• requires TLS
• requires Authorisation Server
• developed initially as authorisation
• numerous flavours used
• non-trivial to get right
• authentication impl out of scope
Play Framework
• Pac4j module (
- supports OAuth2, OAuth2 and OpenID
• Secure Social module ( -
supports OAuth1 and OAuth2
• Silhouette module ( -
supports OAuth1, OAuth2 and OpenID
• authenticateOAuth2X directives
def authenticateOAuth2[T](realm: String,
authenticator: Authenticator[T]):
Usage the same as HTTP basic but requires validating access
token retrieved from the header (not supported natively).
OpenID Connect
• Nimbus (
• Apache Oltu ( 16

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This document provides an overview of Red Hat's middleware stack and how Spring Boot applications can be deployed on it. It discusses Red Hat middleware products like WildFly and KeyCloak, as well as OpenShift for Kubernetes-based application deployment. It also covers tools like Fabric8 for building and deploying Docker images to OpenShift and CE & Obsidian for integrating various products and generating quickstarts. Finally, it announces some demos of KeyCloak and Artemis integration with Spring Boot applications.

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Web application development using Play Framework (with Java)
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Web application development using Play Framework (with Java)

This document provides an overview of the Play Framework for web application development using Java. It discusses the history and architecture of Play, how to set up a Play project, the MVC structure, routing, controllers, views, sessions, assets, hot code reloading, databases, testing, deployment, and scaling. Play uses Netty as its web server, is stateless, supports hot code reloading, and allows building asynchronous and reactive applications. It also has integrations for Akka, WebSockets, caching, internationalization, and more.

java play framework
ASP.NET: Present and future
ASP.NET: Present and futureASP.NET: Present and future
ASP.NET: Present and future

what's happening in ASP.NET, and where things are going. Or course, at time of writing (September 2013) framework
JSON Web Token
Auth Server
• auth claims can be signed
• compact (suitable for URLs,
headers, query params)
• self-contained, stateless
• excellent SAML alternative for
• requires TLS or encryption
• authentication impl out of scope
JSON Web Token
• No built-in support in Play or Akka HTTP
• authentikat-jwt (
authentikat-jwt) - Scala
• iain-logan/jwt ( - Scala
• jose4j ( -
• jjwt ( - Java
Mutually authenticated TLS
• strong point to point security
• requires PKI
• key management and
distribution challenging
• difficult to implement and
• no user context
Play Framework - server-side
class CustomSSLEngineProvider(appProvider: ApplicationProvider) extends SSLEngineProvider {
def createSSLContext(applicationProvider: ApplicationProvider): SSLContext = {

val keyManagers = readKeyManagers()

val trustManagers = readTrustManagers()

val sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS")

sslContext.init(keyManagers, trustManagers, null)


override def createSSLEngine(): SSLEngine = {
val sslContext = createSSLContext(appProvider)
val sslParameters = sslContext.getDefaultSSLParameters
val engine = sslContext.createSSLEngine


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Flask jwt authentication tutorial
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Here’s a step-by-step guide to implement Flask JWT Authentication with an example. Clone the flask-jwt authentication github repo and play around with the code

flask jwt authenticationtechnologyremote working
Akka HTTP - server-side
def createSSLContext(): SSLContext = {

val keyManagers = readKeyManagers()

val trustManagers = readTrustManagers()

val sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS")

sslContext.init(keyManagers, trustManagers, null)



def run() = {

implicit val system = ActorSystem("server")

implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()

val sslContext = createSSLContext()

val serverSource = Http().bind(interface = "localhost", port = 8200, ServerSettings(system),
Some(HttpsContext(sslContext, Some(immutable.Seq("TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384")),
Some(immutable.Seq("TLSv1.2")), Some(Need), Some(sslContext.getDefaultSSLParameters))))


• At the perimeter or within the business logic?
• Where user roles/permissions are coming from
(each bounded context might have different
access control considerations)?
• How is the user context passed into the service?
Play Framework
• Authorisation with HTTP filter
• Authorisation with Action builder
• Deadbolt ( - works with
Silhouette and SecureSocial for authentication
• authorize directive
case class User(name: String)
val admins = Set("Peter")
def hasAdminPermissions(user: User): Boolean =
val route =
Route.seal {
authenticateBasic(realm = "secure site", myUserPassAuthenticator) { user
path("peters-lair") {
authorize(hasAdminPermissions(user)) {
complete(s"'${}' visited Peter's lair")

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Node js for enterprise
Node js for enterpriseNode js for enterprise
Node js for enterprise

The document discusses Node.js, including what it is, its benefits, use cases, and readiness for enterprise use. Node.js is an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that is well-suited for building scalable web applications with real-time features but not CPU-intensive batch processes. It promotes fast development with smaller codebases and is widely adopted by enterprises. The document also covers Node.js application architecture, database support, development tools, deployment practices, and strategies for adoption.

node jsnode for enterprisenode js architecture
Server Sent Events, Async Servlet, Web Sockets and JSON; born to work together!
Server Sent Events, Async Servlet, Web Sockets and JSON; born to work together!Server Sent Events, Async Servlet, Web Sockets and JSON; born to work together!
Server Sent Events, Async Servlet, Web Sockets and JSON; born to work together!

This session focuses on how Java EE 7 provides extensive set of new and enhanced features to support standards like HTML5, WebSockets, and Server Sent Events among others.In this session we will show how these new features are designed and matched to work together for developing lightweight solutions matching end users high expectation from a web application’s responsiveness. The session will cover best practices and design patterns governing application development using JAX-RS 2.0, Async Servlet, and JSON-P (among others) as well as iterating over the pitfalls that should be avoided. During the session we will show code snippets and block diagrams that clarify use of APIs coming from the demo application we will show at the end.

server sent eventsasync servletwebsockets
Security Architecture Consulting - Hiren Shah
Security Architecture Consulting - Hiren ShahSecurity Architecture Consulting - Hiren Shah
Security Architecture Consulting - Hiren Shah

In modern age it has become crucial to perform secure architecture review along with regular pentest practice. Application architecture review can be defined as reviewing the current security controls in the application architecture. This helps a user to identify potential security flaws at an early stage and mitigate them before starting the development stage.

Key takeaways
• Securing microservice based architectures is
• The technology landscape changes all the time
• One size (solution) doesn’t fit all
• Consider your requirements before committing to a
technical solution
• Email:
• Twitter: @RafalGancarz
• See me tomorrow at lunchtime for a Q&A session on
Securing Microservices using Play and Akka HTTP
• Visit OpenCredo’s booth tomorrow and enter a draw to
win Apple Watch!
• See you at the Scala Exchange party later :)
• Thank you!

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Securing Microservices using Play and Akka HTTP

  • 1. Securing Microservices using Play and Akka HTTP Rafal Gancarz @RafalGancarz 1
  • 2. About me • Lead Consultant at OpenCredo • Helping companies transform their IT platforms and the ways their do business • Technologist, architect, developer • Agile practitioner & evangelist • Scala <- Java <- PHP 2
  • 3. (Micro)services • SOA reloaded • Lightweight, open standards • Loosely coupled, self-contained • Independent and scalable • Bounded context (part of business domain) 3
  • 4. Securing the monolith DB authentication Pros • single entry point • limited attack surface • centralised authentication & authorisation Cons • totally exposed when compromised 4
  • 5. Securing the monolith - considerations • Combined presentation and business logic tier • End user login • Session based authentication • Single sign-on (usually with SAML) 5
  • 6. Securing microservices (first take) DB Pros • siloed data Cons • large attack surface • multiple auth enforcement points • shared auth data storeDB DB 6
  • 7. • Who is the consumer (the end user vs the third-party system)? • Is user context relevant? • access control granularity • act on behalf • What are the security related requirements? • highly sensitive data • integration over public internet • social login • single sign-on (SSO) Securing microservices - considerations 7
  • 8. • What are commercial requirements for your project? • time to market • availability of skills / expertise • buy vs build • What about the legacy? • existing security implementation • interoperability with the legacy platform Securing microservices - considerations 8
  • 9. API gateway DB DB DB API gateway Pros • single point of entry • limited surface attack • configurable authentication protocols and backends • faster time to market • gateway availability/scalability Cons • additional cost • services unsecured internally • HTTP level access control • limited auth context 9
  • 10. HTTP basic auth + client id&secret DB DB DB Pros • easy • good for third-party integration • stateless Cons • requires TLS • doesn’t expire • difficult to enforce at scale (unless used with API gateway) client_id client_secret 10
  • 11. Play Framework • Basic HTTP auth with HTTP filter • Basic HTTP auth with Action builder • Play2.x Authentication and Authorization module ( • Pac4j module ( • Secure Social module ( • Silhouette module ( 11
  • 12. Akka HTTP • authenticateBasicX directives • security-directives/authenticateBasic.html#authenticatebasic def myUserPassAuthenticator(credentials: Credentials): Future[Option[String]] = credentials match { case p @ Credentials.Provided(id) => Future { // potentially if (p.verify("s3cr3t")) Some(id) else None } case _ => Future.successful(None) } val route = Route.seal { path("secured") { authenticateBasicAsync(realm = "secure site", myUserPassAuthenticator) { userName => complete(s"The user is '$userName'") } } } 12
  • 13. OAuth2+OpenID Connect DB DB DB Auth Server Pros • standard based • popular for social login & delegated authorisation • caters for browser, mobile and server-to-server use cases • token expiry Cons • requires TLS • requires Authorisation Server • developed initially as authorisation framework • numerous flavours used • non-trivial to get right • authentication impl out of scope 13
  • 14. Play Framework • Pac4j module ( - supports OAuth2, OAuth2 and OpenID • Secure Social module ( - supports OAuth1 and OAuth2 • Silhouette module ( - supports OAuth1, OAuth2 and OpenID 14
  • 15. Akka HTTP • authenticateOAuth2X directives • routing-dsl/directives/security-directives/ authenticateOAuth2.html#authenticateoauth2 def authenticateOAuth2[T](realm: String, authenticator: Authenticator[T]): AuthenticationDirective[T] Usage the same as HTTP basic but requires validating access token retrieved from the header (not supported natively). 15
  • 16. OpenID Connect • Nimbus ( oauth-2.0-sdk-with-openid-connect-extensions) • Apache Oltu ( 16
  • 17. JSON Web Token DB DB DB Auth Server Pros • auth claims can be signed (HMAC or RSA) • compact (suitable for URLs, headers, query params) • self-contained, stateless • excellent SAML alternative for SSO Cons • requires TLS or encryption • authentication impl out of scope 17
  • 18. JSON Web Token • No built-in support in Play or Akka HTTP • authentikat-jwt ( authentikat-jwt) - Scala • iain-logan/jwt ( - Scala • jose4j ( - Java • jjwt ( - Java 18
  • 19. Mutually authenticated TLS DB DB DB Pros • strong point to point security Cons • requires PKI • key management and distribution challenging • difficult to implement and troubleshoot • no user context mTLS 19
  • 20. Play Framework - server-side • class CustomSSLEngineProvider(appProvider: ApplicationProvider) extends SSLEngineProvider { def createSSLContext(applicationProvider: ApplicationProvider): SSLContext = {
 val keyManagers = readKeyManagers()
 val trustManagers = readTrustManagers()
 val sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS")
 sslContext.init(keyManagers, trustManagers, null)
 } override def createSSLEngine(): SSLEngine = { val sslContext = createSSLContext(appProvider) val sslParameters = sslContext.getDefaultSSLParameters sslParameters.setUseCipherSuitesOrder(true) sslParameters.setNeedClientAuth(true) val engine = sslContext.createSSLEngine
 engine.setSSLParameters(sslParameters) engine } } 20
  • 21. Akka HTTP - server-side • M2/scala/http/low-level-server-side-api.html#serversidehttps def createSSLContext(): SSLContext = {
 val keyManagers = readKeyManagers()
 val trustManagers = readTrustManagers()
 val sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS")
 sslContext.init(keyManagers, trustManagers, null)
 def run() = {
 implicit val system = ActorSystem("server")
 implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
 val sslContext = createSSLContext()
 val serverSource = Http().bind(interface = "localhost", port = 8200, ServerSettings(system), Some(HttpsContext(sslContext, Some(immutable.Seq("TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384")), Some(immutable.Seq("TLSv1.2")), Some(Need), Some(sslContext.getDefaultSSLParameters))))
 } 21
  • 22. Authorisation • At the perimeter or within the business logic? • Where user roles/permissions are coming from (each bounded context might have different access control considerations)? • How is the user context passed into the service? 22
  • 23. Play Framework • Authorisation with HTTP filter • Authorisation with Action builder • Deadbolt ( - works with Silhouette and SecureSocial for authentication 23
  • 24. Akka HTTP • authorize directive • directives/security-directives/authorize.html#authorize case class User(name: String) val admins = Set("Peter") def hasAdminPermissions(user: User): Boolean = admins.contains( val route = Route.seal { authenticateBasic(realm = "secure site", myUserPassAuthenticator) { user => path("peters-lair") { authorize(hasAdminPermissions(user)) { complete(s"'${}' visited Peter's lair") } } } } 24
  • 25. Key takeaways • Securing microservice based architectures is challenging • The technology landscape changes all the time • One size (solution) doesn’t fit all • Consider your requirements before committing to a technical solution 25
  • 26. Questions? • Email: • Twitter: @RafalGancarz • See me tomorrow at lunchtime for a Q&A session on Securing Microservices using Play and Akka HTTP • Visit OpenCredo’s booth tomorrow and enter a draw to win Apple Watch! • See you at the Scala Exchange party later :) • Thank you! 26