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Full Stack
Development with
Node.js and NoSQL
Matthew D. Groves (@mgroves)
Nic Raboy (@nraboy)
Full Stack?
Where am I?
• All Things Open
• Raleigh, North Carolina
Who am I?
• Nic Raboy Matthew D. Groves
• Developer Advocate for Couchbase
• @mgroves on Twitter
• Podcast and blog:
• "I am not an expert, but I am an enthusiast."
–Alan Stevens
Full Stack
Development with
Node.js and NoSQL
Matthew D. Groves (@mgroves)
Nic Raboy (@nraboy)
The Role of a Full-Stack Developer
Client Frontend
The Breakdown of a Stack
Web Application Authentication Middleware
Mobile IoTDesktop
Client Frontend
Our Stack
What is
Couchbase: The Complete Database Solution
Lightweight embedded NoSQL database
with full CRUD and query functionality.
Secure web gateway with synchronization,
REST, stream, batch and event APIs for
accessing and synchronizing data over the
Highly scalable, highly available, high
performance NoSQL database server.
Built-in enterprise level security throughout the entire stack includes user authentication, user and role based data access control
(RBAC), secure transport (TLS), and 256-bit AES full database encryption.
Couchbase Lite Sync Gateway Couchbase Server
Couchbase Lite Overview
 Cross-platform support for all major
operating systems and platforms
 Built native from the ground up
 500kb for most platforms
 256-bit AES full database encryption
Couchbase Lite
Embedded Database
Sync Gateway Overview
 Synchronize data between Couchbase
Lite and Couchbase Server
 REST, Stream, Batch, and Event APIs
 Pluggable authentication
 Fine grained user and role based
access control
 Elastically scalable in real-time
Sync Gateway
Couchbase Server Overview
 Scale easily to thousands of nodes
 Consistent high performance that
supports millions of concurrent users
 Flexible JSON data model
 24x365 always-on availability
Couchbase Server
Database Server
The Power of the Flexible JSON Schema
• Ability to store data in
multiple ways
• De-normalized single
document, as opposed to
normalizing data across
multiple table
• Dynamic Schema to add
new values when needed
The Couchbase Node.js SDK
• Uses the high performance Couchbase C library
• Compatible with Node.js frameworks
• Express, Sails, Hapi, Etc.
• Minimal coding
• No database maintenance via code
• No parsing queries via application code
Building Applications with Node.js SDK
//including the Node.js dependency
var Couchbase = require("couchbase");
//connecting to a Couchbase cluster
var cluster = new Couchbase.Cluster("couchbase://localhost");
//opening a bucket in the cluster
var myBucket = cluster.openBucket("travel-sample");
//preparing N1ql
var myQuery = Couchbase.N1qlQuery();
//creating and saving a Document
var document = {
firstname: "Matt",
lastname: "Groves"
myBucket.insert("my-key", document, function (error, result) { });
function query(sql, done) {
var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql);
myBucket.query(queryToRun, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
console.log("ERROR: ", error);
done(error, null);
done(null, result);
function query(sql, done) {
var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql);
myBucket.query(queryToRun, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
console.log("ERROR: ", error);
done(error, null);
done(null, result);
function query(sql, done) {
var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql);
myBucket.query(queryToRun, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
console.log("ERROR: ", error);
done(error, null);
done(null, result);
function query(sql, done) {
var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql);
myBucket.query(queryToRun, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
console.log("ERROR: ", error);
done(error, null);
done(null, result);
function query(sql, done) {
var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql);
myBucket.query(queryToRun, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
console.log("ERROR: ", error);
done(error, null);
done(null, result);
function query(sql, done) {
var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql);
myBucket.query(queryToRun, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
console.log("ERROR: ", error);
done(error, null);
done(null, result);
Demo Time!
Node.js Application Design
Server Backend
Client Frontend
Node.js Separation of Frontend and Backend
• No Jade markup
• API driven
• Less client and server coupling
• The backend can evolve without affecting the frontend
• Frontend can be extended to web as well as mobile
Multiple Frontends & One Backend
The Node.js
Node.js Configuration
1. // app.js
2. var Express = require("express");
3. var Couchbase = require("couchbase");
4. var BodyParser = require("body-parser");
5. var Cors = require("cors");
6. var UUID = require("uuid");
7. var app = Express();
8. var N1qlQuery = Couchbase.N1qlQuery;
9. app.use(BodyParser.json());{ extended: true }));;
12.var cluster = new Couchbase.Cluster("couchbase://localhost");
13.cluster.authenticate("demo", "123456");
14.var bucket = cluster.openBucket("default");
Node.js Configuration
1. // app.js
2. app.get("/", (request, response) => {
3. response.send("Hello World!");
4. });
5. app.listen(3000, () => {
6. console.log("Listening at :3000");
7. });
Node.js INSERT Document
1. // app.js
2."/person", (request, response) => {
3. if (!request.body.firstname) {
4. return response.status(401).send({ code: 401, message: "A `firstname` is required." });
5. } else if (!request.body.lastname) {
6. return response.status(401).send({ code: 401, message: "A `lastname` is required." });
7. }
8. request.body.type = "person";
9. var statement = "INSERT INTO `" + bucket._name + "` (KEY, VALUE) VALUES ($id, $data)
10. RETURNING META().id, `" + bucket._name + "`.*";
11. var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement);
12. bucket.query(query, { "id": UUID.v4(), "data": request.body }, (error, results) => {
13. if (error) {
14. return response.status(500).send({ code: error.code, message: error.message });
15. }
16. response.send(results[0]);
17. });
Node.js SELECT All Documents
1. // app.js
2. app.get("/people", (request, response) => {
3. var statement = "SELECT META().id, `" + bucket._name + "`.*
4. FROM `" + bucket._name + "` WHERE type = 'person'";
5. var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement).consistency(N1qlQuery.Consistency.REQUEST_PLUS);
6. bucket.query(query, (error, results) => {
7. if (error) {
8. return response.status(500).send({ code: error.code, message: error.message });
9. }
10. response.send(results);
11. });
Node.js SELECT Single Document
1. // app.js
2. app.get("/person/:id", (request, response) => {
3. if (! {
4. return response.status(401).send({ code: 401, message: "An `id` is required." });
5. }
6. var statement = "SELECT META().id, `" + bucket._name + "`.*
7. FROM `" + bucket._name + "` WHERE type = 'person' AND META().id = $id";
8. var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement);
9. bucket.query(query, { "id": }, (error, results) => {
10. if (error) {
11. return response.status(500).send({ code: error.code, message: error.message });
12. }
13. response.send(results.length > 0 ? results[0] : {});
14. });
Node.js DELETE Document
1. // app.js
2. app.delete("/person/:id", (request, response) => {
3. var statement = "DELETE FROM `" + bucket._name + "`
4. WHERE META().id = $id RETURNING META().id, `" + bucket._name + "`.*";
5. var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement);
6. bucket.query(query, { "id": }, (error, results) => {
7. if (error) {
8. return response.status(500).send({ code: error.code, message: error.message });
9. }
10. response.send(results);
11. });
The Angular
Angular Component
1. import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
2. import { Http, Headers, RequestOptions } from "@angular/http";
3. import "rxjs/Rx";
4. @Component({
5. selector: 'app-people',
6. templateUrl: './people.component.html',
7. styleUrls: ['./people.component.css']
8. })
9. export class PeopleComponent implements OnInit {
10. public people: Array<any>;
11. public input: any;
12. public constructor(private http: Http) { }
13. public ngOnInit() { }
14. public save() { }
Get All Documents
1. public constructor(private http: Http) {
2. this.people = [];
3. this.input = {
4. firstname: "",
5. lastname: ""
6. }
7. }
8. public ngOnInit() {
9. this.http.get("http://localhost:3000/people")
10. .map(results => results.json())
11. .subscribe(results => {
12. this.people = results;
13. });
Create New Document
1. public save() {
2. if (this.input.firstname != "" && this.input.lastname != "") {
3. let headers = new Headers({ "Content-Type": "application/json" });
4. let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });
5."http://localhost:3000/person", JSON.stringify(this.input), options)
6. .map(results => results.json())
7. .subscribe(results => {
8. this.people.push(results);
9. this.input.firstname = "";
10. this.input.lastname = "";
11. });
12. }
More Complex
Node.js Queries
Node.js Travel Sample
1. FlightPath.findAll = function (from, to, callback) {
2. var statement = "SELECT faa AS fromAirport, geo " +
3. "FROM `" + config.couchbase.bucket + "` r" +
4. "WHERE airportname = $1 " +
5. "UNION SELECT faa AS toAirport, geo " +
6. "FROM `" + config.couchbase.bucket + "` r" +
7. "WHERE airportname = $2";
8. var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement);
9. db.query(query, [from, to], function (error, result) {
10. if (error) {
11. return callback(error, null);
12. }
13. callback(null, result);
14. });
Node.js Travel Sample
1. FlightPath.findAll = function (queryFrom, queryTo, leave, callback) {
2. var statement = "SELECT,, s.flight, s.utc, r.sourceairport, r.destinationairport, " +
3. "FROM `" + config.couchbase.bucket + "` r" +
4. "UNNEST r.schedule s " +
5. "JOIN `" + config.couchbase.bucket + "` a ON KEYS r.airlineid " +
6. "WHERE r.sourceairport = $1 AND r.destinationairport = $2 AND = $3 ”
7. "ORDER BY";
8. var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement);
9. db.query(query, [queryFrom, queryTo, leave], function (error, result) {
10. if (error) {
11. return callback(error, null);
12. }
13. callback(null, result);
14. });
Node.js Sample Applications
Couchbase N1QL Tutorial
Ottoman ODM
Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. © Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved.
Ottoman Model
1. var RecordModel = ottoman.model("Record", {
2. firstname: { type: "string" },
3. lastname: { type: "string" },
4. email: { type: "string" },
5. created_at: { type: "Date", default: }
6. });
Ottoman Saving
1. var myRecord = new RecordModel({
2. firstname: "Matt",
3. lastname: "Groves",
4. email: ""
5. });
6. (error) {
7. if (error) {
8. // Error here
9. }
10. // Success here
Ottoman Finding
1. RecordModel.find({}, function (error, result) {
2. if (error) {
3. // Error here
4. }
5. // Array of results here
6. });
Where do you find us?
• @couchbase / @couchbasedev / @mgroves
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How is Couchbase different than Mongo?
2. Is Couchbase the same thing as CouchDb?
3. How did you get to be both incredibly handsome and
tremendously intelligent?
4. What is the Couchbase licensing situation?
5. Is Couchbase a Managed Cloud Service?
CouchDB and Couchbase
< Back
MongoDB vs Couchbase
• Architecture
• Memory first architecture
• Master-master architecture
• Auto-sharding
< Back
• Features
• SQL (N1QL)
• FullText Search
• Mobile & Sync
Couchbase Server Community
• Open source (Apache 2)
• Binary release is one release behind Enterprise
• Free to use in dev/test/qa/prod
• Forum support only
Couchbase Server Enterprise
• Mostly open source (Apache 2)
• Some features not available on Community (XDCRTLS, MDS, Rack Zone, etc)
• Free to use in dev/test/qa
• Need commercial license for prod
• Paid support provided
< Back
Managed Cloud Service (DBaaS)?
Short answer: No.
< Back
Longer answer: Kinda.
Longest answer: See me after class.

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Full stack development with node and NoSQL - All Things Open - October 2017

  • 1. Full Stack Development with Node.js and NoSQL Matthew D. Groves (@mgroves) Nic Raboy (@nraboy)
  • 3. Where am I? • All Things Open • Raleigh, North Carolina •
  • 4. Who am I? • Nic Raboy Matthew D. Groves • Developer Advocate for Couchbase • @mgroves on Twitter • Podcast and blog: • "I am not an expert, but I am an enthusiast." –Alan Stevens
  • 5. Full Stack Development with Node.js and NoSQL Matthew D. Groves (@mgroves) Nic Raboy (@nraboy)
  • 6. The Role of a Full-Stack Developer
  • 7. Client Frontend Backend The Breakdown of a Stack Database Web Application Authentication Middleware Mobile IoTDesktop
  • 10. Couchbase: The Complete Database Solution Lightweight embedded NoSQL database with full CRUD and query functionality. Secure web gateway with synchronization, REST, stream, batch and event APIs for accessing and synchronizing data over the web. Highly scalable, highly available, high performance NoSQL database server. Built-in enterprise level security throughout the entire stack includes user authentication, user and role based data access control (RBAC), secure transport (TLS), and 256-bit AES full database encryption. Couchbase Lite Sync Gateway Couchbase Server EMBEDDED DATABASE SYNCHRONIZATION DATABASE SERVER SECURITY
  • 11. Couchbase Lite Overview  Cross-platform support for all major operating systems and platforms  Built native from the ground up  500kb for most platforms  256-bit AES full database encryption 11 Couchbase Lite Embedded Database
  • 12. Sync Gateway Overview  Synchronize data between Couchbase Lite and Couchbase Server  REST, Stream, Batch, and Event APIs  Pluggable authentication  Fine grained user and role based access control  Elastically scalable in real-time 12 Sync Gateway Synchronization
  • 13. Couchbase Server Overview  Scale easily to thousands of nodes  Consistent high performance that supports millions of concurrent users  Flexible JSON data model  24x365 always-on availability 13 Couchbase Server Database Server
  • 14. The Power of the Flexible JSON Schema • Ability to store data in multiple ways • De-normalized single document, as opposed to normalizing data across multiple table • Dynamic Schema to add new values when needed
  • 15. The Couchbase Node.js SDK • Uses the high performance Couchbase C library • Compatible with Node.js frameworks • Express, Sails, Hapi, Etc. • Minimal coding • No database maintenance via code • No parsing queries via application code
  • 16. Building Applications with Node.js SDK //including the Node.js dependency var Couchbase = require("couchbase"); //connecting to a Couchbase cluster var cluster = new Couchbase.Cluster("couchbase://localhost"); //opening a bucket in the cluster var myBucket = cluster.openBucket("travel-sample"); //preparing N1ql var myQuery = Couchbase.N1qlQuery(); //creating and saving a Document var document = { firstname: "Matt", lastname: "Groves" }; myBucket.insert("my-key", document, function (error, result) { });
  • 17. Node.js function query(sql, done) { var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql); myBucket.query(queryToRun, function (error, result) { if (error) { console.log("ERROR: ", error); done(error, null); return; } done(null, result); return; }); }
  • 18. Node.js function query(sql, done) { var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql); myBucket.query(queryToRun, function (error, result) { if (error) { console.log("ERROR: ", error); done(error, null); return; } done(null, result); return; }); }
  • 19. Node.js function query(sql, done) { var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql); myBucket.query(queryToRun, function (error, result) { if (error) { console.log("ERROR: ", error); done(error, null); return; } done(null, result); return; }); }
  • 20. Node.js function query(sql, done) { var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql); myBucket.query(queryToRun, function (error, result) { if (error) { console.log("ERROR: ", error); done(error, null); return; } done(null, result); return; }); }
  • 21. Node.js function query(sql, done) { var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql); myBucket.query(queryToRun, function (error, result) { if (error) { console.log("ERROR: ", error); done(error, null); return; } done(null, result); return; }); }
  • 22. Node.js function query(sql, done) { var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql); myBucket.query(queryToRun, function (error, result) { if (error) { console.log("ERROR: ", error); done(error, null); return; } done(null, result); return; }); }
  • 24. Node.js Application Design Node.js Server Backend Angular Client Frontend
  • 25. Node.js Separation of Frontend and Backend • No Jade markup • API driven • Less client and server coupling • The backend can evolve without affecting the frontend • Frontend can be extended to web as well as mobile
  • 26. Multiple Frontends & One Backend
  • 28. Node.js Configuration 1. // app.js 2. var Express = require("express"); 3. var Couchbase = require("couchbase"); 4. var BodyParser = require("body-parser"); 5. var Cors = require("cors"); 6. var UUID = require("uuid"); 7. var app = Express(); 8. var N1qlQuery = Couchbase.N1qlQuery; 9. app.use(BodyParser.json());{ extended: true }));; 12.var cluster = new Couchbase.Cluster("couchbase://localhost"); 13.cluster.authenticate("demo", "123456"); 14.var bucket = cluster.openBucket("default");
  • 29. Node.js Configuration 1. // app.js 2. app.get("/", (request, response) => { 3. response.send("Hello World!"); 4. }); 5. app.listen(3000, () => { 6. console.log("Listening at :3000"); 7. });
  • 30. Node.js INSERT Document 1. // app.js 2."/person", (request, response) => { 3. if (!request.body.firstname) { 4. return response.status(401).send({ code: 401, message: "A `firstname` is required." }); 5. } else if (!request.body.lastname) { 6. return response.status(401).send({ code: 401, message: "A `lastname` is required." }); 7. } 8. request.body.type = "person"; 9. var statement = "INSERT INTO `" + bucket._name + "` (KEY, VALUE) VALUES ($id, $data) 10. RETURNING META().id, `" + bucket._name + "`.*"; 11. var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement); 12. bucket.query(query, { "id": UUID.v4(), "data": request.body }, (error, results) => { 13. if (error) { 14. return response.status(500).send({ code: error.code, message: error.message }); 15. } 16. response.send(results[0]); 17. }); 18.});
  • 31. Node.js SELECT All Documents 1. // app.js 2. app.get("/people", (request, response) => { 3. var statement = "SELECT META().id, `" + bucket._name + "`.* 4. FROM `" + bucket._name + "` WHERE type = 'person'"; 5. var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement).consistency(N1qlQuery.Consistency.REQUEST_PLUS); 6. bucket.query(query, (error, results) => { 7. if (error) { 8. return response.status(500).send({ code: error.code, message: error.message }); 9. } 10. response.send(results); 11. }); 12.});
  • 32. Node.js SELECT Single Document 1. // app.js 2. app.get("/person/:id", (request, response) => { 3. if (! { 4. return response.status(401).send({ code: 401, message: "An `id` is required." }); 5. } 6. var statement = "SELECT META().id, `" + bucket._name + "`.* 7. FROM `" + bucket._name + "` WHERE type = 'person' AND META().id = $id"; 8. var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement); 9. bucket.query(query, { "id": }, (error, results) => { 10. if (error) { 11. return response.status(500).send({ code: error.code, message: error.message }); 12. } 13. response.send(results.length > 0 ? results[0] : {}); 14. }); 15.});
  • 33. Node.js DELETE Document 1. // app.js 2. app.delete("/person/:id", (request, response) => { 3. var statement = "DELETE FROM `" + bucket._name + "` 4. WHERE META().id = $id RETURNING META().id, `" + bucket._name + "`.*"; 5. var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement); 6. bucket.query(query, { "id": }, (error, results) => { 7. if (error) { 8. return response.status(500).send({ code: error.code, message: error.message }); 9. } 10. response.send(results); 11. }); 12.});
  • 35. Angular Component 1. import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; 2. import { Http, Headers, RequestOptions } from "@angular/http"; 3. import "rxjs/Rx"; 4. @Component({ 5. selector: 'app-people', 6. templateUrl: './people.component.html', 7. styleUrls: ['./people.component.css'] 8. }) 9. export class PeopleComponent implements OnInit { 10. public people: Array<any>; 11. public input: any; 12. public constructor(private http: Http) { } 13. public ngOnInit() { } 14. public save() { } 15.}
  • 36. Get All Documents 1. public constructor(private http: Http) { 2. this.people = []; 3. this.input = { 4. firstname: "", 5. lastname: "" 6. } 7. } 8. public ngOnInit() { 9. this.http.get("http://localhost:3000/people") 10. .map(results => results.json()) 11. .subscribe(results => { 12. this.people = results; 13. }); 14.}
  • 37. Create New Document 1. public save() { 2. if (this.input.firstname != "" && this.input.lastname != "") { 3. let headers = new Headers({ "Content-Type": "application/json" }); 4. let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers }); 5."http://localhost:3000/person", JSON.stringify(this.input), options) 6. .map(results => results.json()) 7. .subscribe(results => { 8. this.people.push(results); 9. this.input.firstname = ""; 10. this.input.lastname = ""; 11. }); 12. } 13.}
  • 39. Node.js Travel Sample 1. FlightPath.findAll = function (from, to, callback) { 2. var statement = "SELECT faa AS fromAirport, geo " + 3. "FROM `" + config.couchbase.bucket + "` r" + 4. "WHERE airportname = $1 " + 5. "UNION SELECT faa AS toAirport, geo " + 6. "FROM `" + config.couchbase.bucket + "` r" + 7. "WHERE airportname = $2"; 8. var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement); 9. db.query(query, [from, to], function (error, result) { 10. if (error) { 11. return callback(error, null); 12. } 13. callback(null, result); 14. }); 15.};
  • 40. Node.js Travel Sample 1. FlightPath.findAll = function (queryFrom, queryTo, leave, callback) { 2. var statement = "SELECT,, s.flight, s.utc, r.sourceairport, r.destinationairport, " + 3. "FROM `" + config.couchbase.bucket + "` r" + 4. "UNNEST r.schedule s " + 5. "JOIN `" + config.couchbase.bucket + "` a ON KEYS r.airlineid " + 6. "WHERE r.sourceairport = $1 AND r.destinationairport = $2 AND = $3 ” 7. "ORDER BY"; 8. var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement); 9. db.query(query, [queryFrom, queryTo, leave], function (error, result) { 10. if (error) { 11. return callback(error, null); 12. } 13. callback(null, result); 14. }); 15.};
  • 41. Node.js Sample Applications • •
  • 42. Couchbase N1QL Tutorial •
  • 43. Ottoman ODM 4 3 Confidential and Proprietary. Do not distribute without Couchbase consent. © Couchbase 2017. All rights reserved.
  • 44. Ottoman Model 1. var RecordModel = ottoman.model("Record", { 2. firstname: { type: "string" }, 3. lastname: { type: "string" }, 4. email: { type: "string" }, 5. created_at: { type: "Date", default: } 6. });
  • 45. Ottoman Saving 1. var myRecord = new RecordModel({ 2. firstname: "Matt", 3. lastname: "Groves", 4. email: "" 5. }); 6. (error) { 7. if (error) { 8. // Error here 9. } 10. // Success here 11.});
  • 46. Ottoman Finding 1. RecordModel.find({}, function (error, result) { 2. if (error) { 3. // Error here 4. } 5. // Array of results here 6. });
  • 47. Where do you find us? • • • @couchbase / @couchbasedev / @mgroves • •
  • 48. Frequently Asked Questions 1. How is Couchbase different than Mongo? 2. Is Couchbase the same thing as CouchDb? 3. How did you get to be both incredibly handsome and tremendously intelligent? 4. What is the Couchbase licensing situation? 5. Is Couchbase a Managed Cloud Service?
  • 49. CouchDB and Couchbase < Back memcached
  • 50. MongoDB vs Couchbase • Architecture • Memory first architecture • Master-master architecture • Auto-sharding < Back • Features • SQL (N1QL) • FullText Search • Mobile & Sync
  • 51. Licensing Couchbase Server Community • Open source (Apache 2) • Binary release is one release behind Enterprise • Free to use in dev/test/qa/prod • Forum support only Couchbase Server Enterprise • Mostly open source (Apache 2) • Some features not available on Community (XDCRTLS, MDS, Rack Zone, etc) • Free to use in dev/test/qa • Need commercial license for prod • Paid support provided < Back
  • 52. Managed Cloud Service (DBaaS)? Short answer: No. < Back Longer answer: Kinda. Longest answer: See me after class.

Editor's Notes

  1. What is a full stack? This is my idea of a full stack. Some people take issue with the term "full stack" because you aren't programming the literal entire stack. But what is usually meant is UI to the database. And that's what we're going to cover today.
  2. The need for engineers working in a silo is shrinking Full stack engineers do a little bit of everything
  3. A stack includes a client facing layer, backend, and database. Each layer in a stack can extend to multiple components, for example more than one client facing component or more than one database.
  4. No db migrations in code No proprietary query language, we'll be using SQL
  5. Open source apache license for community edition, enterprise edition on a faster release schedule, some advanced features, and support license. Couchbase is software you can run in the cloud on a VM or on your own data center. CosmosDb is a manage cloud service, but there is a emulator you can run locally.
  6. Couchbase is the company, Couchbase Server is the software So imagine if Mongo and Redis companies formed a new company named RedMongo, and a new database combining Redis and Mongo together called RedMongo Server
  7. Memory first: integrated cache, you don't need to put redis on top of couchbase Master-master: easier scaling, better scaling Auto-sharding: we call vBuckets, you don't have to come up with a sharding scheme, it's done by crc32 N1QL: SQL, mongo has a more limited query language and it's not SQL-like Full Text Search: Using the bleve search engine, language aware FTS capabilities built in Mobile & sync: Mongo has nothing like the offline-first and sync capabilities couchbase offers Mongo DOES have a DbaaS cloud provider
  8. Everything I've shown you today is available in Community edition The only N1QL feature I can think of not in Community is INFER The Enterprise features you probably don't need unless you are Enterprise developer.
  9. Not yet. We've been talking about it at least as long as I've been with Couchbase. It's partly a technical problem, may need additional features for multi-tenant. It's partly (mostly) a business problem. Would this be worth it? Couchbase IS in the Azure and AWS marketplaces, and there are some wizards to make config easy, but it runs on your VMs.