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Scaling the World’s Largest Django App

Jason Yan                 David Cramer
@jasonyan                    @zeeg
What is DISQUS?
What is DISQUS?

            dis·cuss • dĭ-skŭs'

We are a comment system with an emphasis on
           connecting communities

What is Scale?

                     Number of Visitors

Our traffic at a glance
17,000 requests/second peak
450,000 websites
15 million profiles
75 million comments
250 million visitors (August 2010)

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Web App for Containers + MySQLでコンテナ対応したRailsアプリを作ろう!
Web App for Containers + MySQLでコンテナ対応したRailsアプリを作ろう!Web App for Containers + MySQLでコンテナ対応したRailsアプリを作ろう!
Web App for Containers + MySQLでコンテナ対応したRailsアプリを作ろう!

Web App for Containers は、アプリスタックのホストに Docker コンテナーを使用するため皆さんが今Linux上で利用しているOSSベースのアプリもアプリスタックごとDockerコンテナ化することでそのまま Web App for Containersで利用することができます。本ウェビナーでは簡単なMySQL + Ruby on Rails アプリ を題材に、アプリをコンテナ化し Web App for Containersにデプロイするまでの一連の流れを解説し、CIツールを使った継続的なデプロイ方法についてご紹介します。今回、AzureのフルマネージドMySQLサービスであるAzure DB for MySQLを利用して完全マネージドな環境でのアプリ実行を実現します。

app servicesazurecircleci
Getting started with influx Db and Grafana Installation Guide
Getting started with influx Db and Grafana Installation GuideGetting started with influx Db and Grafana Installation Guide
Getting started with influx Db and Grafana Installation Guide

This document discusses InfluxDB, an open source time series database, and Grafana, an open source analytics and visualization suite commonly used with InfluxDB. It provides instructions for installing InfluxDB and Grafana on Mac OS using Brew, and installing the Python plugin for InfluxDB.

MongodB Internals
MongodB InternalsMongodB Internals
MongodB Internals

Slidedeck presented at around MongoDB internals. We review the usage patterns of MongoDB, the different storage engines and persistency models as well has the definition of documents and general data structures.

Our Challenges

• We can’t predict when things will happen
  • Random celebrity gossip
  • Natural disasters
• Discussions never expire
  • We can’t keep those millions of articles from
    2008 in the cache
  • You don’t know in advance (generally) where the
    traffic will be
  • Especially with dynamic paging, realtime, sorting,
    personal prefs, etc.
Our Challenges (cont’d)

• High availability
  • Not a destination site
  • Difficult to schedule maintenance
Server Architecture
Server Architecture - Load Balancing
• Load Balancing                          • High Availability
  • Software, HAProxy                       • heartbeat
     • High performance, intelligent
       server availability checking
     • Bonus: Nice statistics reporting

                                                     Image Source:

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Data Presentations Cassandra Sigmod
Data  Presentations  Cassandra SigmodData  Presentations  Cassandra Sigmod
Data Presentations Cassandra Sigmod

Cassandra is a structured storage system designed for large amounts of data across commodity servers. It provides high availability with eventual consistency and scales incrementally without centralized administration. Data is partitioned across nodes and replicated for fault tolerance. Writes are applied locally and propagated asynchronously, prioritizing availability over consistency. It uses a gossip protocol for membership and failure detection.

Parquet Hadoop Summit 2013
Parquet Hadoop Summit 2013Parquet Hadoop Summit 2013
Parquet Hadoop Summit 2013

Parquet is a columnar storage format for Hadoop data. It was developed by Twitter and Cloudera to optimize storage and querying of large datasets. Parquet provides more efficient compression and I/O compared to traditional row-based formats by storing data by column. Early results show a 28% reduction in storage size and up to a 114% improvement in query performance versus the original Thrift format. Parquet supports complex nested schemas and can be used with Hadoop tools like Hive, Pig, and Impala.

Server Architecture

• ~100 Servers
 • 30% Web Servers (Apache + mod_wsgi)
 • 10% Databases (PostgreSQL)
 • 25% Cache Servers (memcached)
 • 20% Load Balancing / High Availability
   (HAProxy + heartbeat)
 • 15% Utility Servers (Python scripts)
Server Architecture - Web Servers

• Apache 2.2
• mod_wsgi
  • Using `maximum-requests` to
    plug memory leaks.

• Performance Monitoring
  • Custom middleware
  • Ships performance statistics
    (DB queries, external calls,
    template rendering, etc) through
  • Collected and graphed through
Server Architecture - Database

• PostgreSQL
• Slony-I for Replication
  • Trigger-based
  • Read slaves for extra read capacity
  • Failover master database for high
Server Architecture - Database

• Make sure indexes fit in memory and
  measure I/O
 • High I/O generally means slow queries
   due to missing indexes or indexes not in
   buffer cache
• Log Slow Queries
 • syslog-ng + pgFouine + cron to automate
   slow query logging

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Scalability, Availability & Stability Patterns
Scalability, Availability & Stability PatternsScalability, Availability & Stability Patterns
Scalability, Availability & Stability Patterns

This document provides an overview of patterns for scalability, availability, and stability in distributed systems. It discusses general recommendations like immutability and referential transparency. It covers scalability trade-offs around performance vs scalability, latency vs throughput, and availability vs consistency. It then describes various patterns for scalability including managing state through partitioning, caching, sharding databases, and using distributed caching. It also covers patterns for managing behavior through event-driven architecture, compute grids, load balancing, and parallel computing. Availability patterns like fail-over, replication, and fault tolerance are discussed. The document provides examples of popular technologies that implement many of these patterns.

Amazon EMR Deep Dive & Best Practices
Amazon EMR Deep Dive & Best PracticesAmazon EMR Deep Dive & Best Practices
Amazon EMR Deep Dive & Best Practices

Introduction to Amazon EMR design patterns such as using Amazon S3 instead of HDFS, taking advantage of Spot EC2 instances to reduce costs, and other Amazon EMR architectural best practices.

Looking ahead at PostgreSQL 15
Looking ahead at PostgreSQL 15Looking ahead at PostgreSQL 15
Looking ahead at PostgreSQL 15

This talk explores PostgreSQL 15 enhancements (along with some history) and looks at how they improve developer experience (MERGE and SQL/JSON), optimize support for backups and compression, logical replication improvements, enhanced security and performance, and more.

Server Architecture - Database

• Use connection pooling
 • Django doesn’t do this for you
 • We use pgbouncer
 • Limits the maximum number of
   connections your database needs to
 • Save on costly opening and tearing down
   of new database connections
Our Data Model

• Fairly easy to implement, quick wins
• Done at the application level
  • Data is replayed by Slony
• Two methods of data separation
Vertical Partitioning
Vertical partitioning involves creating tables with fewer columns
  and using additional tables to store the remaining columns.

     Forums         Posts             Users         Sentry

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Introduction to Apache ZooKeeper
Introduction to Apache ZooKeeperIntroduction to Apache ZooKeeper
Introduction to Apache ZooKeeper

An introductory talk on Apache ZooKeeper at gnuNify - 2013 on 16th Feb '13, organized by Symbiosis Institute of Computer Science & Research, Pune IN

apache zookeepergnunify
Introduction to memcached
Introduction to memcachedIntroduction to memcached
Introduction to memcached

Introduction to memcached, a caching service designed for optimizing performance and scaling in the web stack, seen from perspective of MySQL/PHP users. Given for 2nd year students of professional bachelor in ICT at Kaho St. Lieven, Gent.

Amazon Aurora Deep Dive (db tech showcase 2016)
Amazon Aurora Deep Dive (db tech showcase 2016)Amazon Aurora Deep Dive (db tech showcase 2016)
Amazon Aurora Deep Dive (db tech showcase 2016)

2016/07/15のdb tech showcase 2016講演資料です

Pythonic Joins

            Allows us to separate datasets

posts = Post.objects.all()[0:25]

# store users in a dictionary based on primary key
users = dict(
    (, u) for u in 
    User.objects.filter(pk__in=set(p.user_id for p in posts))

# map users to their posts
for p in posts:
  p._user_cache = users.get(p.user_id)
Pythonic Joins (cont’d)

• Slower than at database level
    • But not enough that you should care
    • Trading performance for scale
• Allows us to separate data
    • Easy vertical partitioning
• More efficient caching
    • get_many, object-per-row cache
Designating Masters

• Alleviates some of the write load on your
  primary application master
• Masters exist under specific conditions:
  • application use case
  • partitioned data
• Database routers make this (fairly) easy
Routing by Application

class ApplicationRouter(object):
    def db_for_read(self, model, **hints):
        instance = hints.get('instance')
        if not instance:
            return None

        app_label = instance._meta.app_label

        return get_application_alias(app_label)

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Cassandra Introduction & Features
Cassandra Introduction & FeaturesCassandra Introduction & Features
Cassandra Introduction & Features

This presentation shortly describes key features of Apache Cassandra. It was held at the Apache Cassandra Meetup in Vienna in January 2014. You can access the meetup here:

Introduction to MongoDB
Introduction to MongoDBIntroduction to MongoDB
Introduction to MongoDB

MongoDB is an open-source, document-oriented database that provides high performance and horizontal scalability. It uses a document-model where data is organized in flexible, JSON-like documents rather than rigidly defined rows and tables. Documents can contain multiple types of nested objects and arrays. MongoDB is best suited for applications that need to store large amounts of unstructured or semi-structured data and benefit from horizontal scalability and high performance.

Naver속도의, 속도에 의한, 속도를 위한 몽고DB (네이버 컨텐츠검색과 몽고DB) [Naver]
Naver속도의, 속도에 의한, 속도를 위한 몽고DB (네이버 컨텐츠검색과 몽고DB) [Naver]Naver속도의, 속도에 의한, 속도를 위한 몽고DB (네이버 컨텐츠검색과 몽고DB) [Naver]
Naver속도의, 속도에 의한, 속도를 위한 몽고DB (네이버 컨텐츠검색과 몽고DB) [Naver]

네이버 검색에서 몽고DB 사용에 대한 사용자 경험 공유 - 컨텐츠검색 설명 - 몽고DB인덱스의 이해 - 몽고DB 속도 올리기

mongodb .local seoul 2019:
Horizontal Partitioning
Horizontal partitioning (also known as sharding) involves splitting
               one set of data into different tables.

      Disqus      Your Blog            CNN        Telegraph

Horizontal Partitions

• Some forums have very large datasets
• Partners need high availability
• Helps scale the write load on the master
• We rely more on vertical partitions
Routing by Partition

class ForumPartitionRouter(object):
    def db_for_read(self, model, **hints):
        instance = hints.get('instance')
        if not instance:
            return None

        forum_id = getattr(instance, 'forum_id', None)
        if not forum_id:
              return None

        return get_forum_alias(forum_id)

# What we used to do

# Now, making sure hints are available
Optimizing QuerySets

• We really dislike raw SQL
  • It creates more work when dealing with
• Built-in cache allows sub-slicing
  • But isn’t always needed
  • We removed this cache

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DynamoDBによるソーシャルゲーム実装 How To
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JAWS DAYS 2013 [DEV-02]

GKE に飛んでくるトラフィックを 自由自在に操る力 | 第 10 回 Google Cloud INSIDE Games & Apps Online
GKE に飛んでくるトラフィックを 自由自在に操る力 | 第 10 回 Google Cloud INSIDE Games & Apps OnlineGKE に飛んでくるトラフィックを 自由自在に操る力 | 第 10 回 Google Cloud INSIDE Games & Apps Online
GKE に飛んでくるトラフィックを 自由自在に操る力 | 第 10 回 Google Cloud INSIDE Games & Apps Online

2020 年 4 月 27 日(月) 第 10 回 Google Cloud INSIDE Games & Apps Online Google Cloud 篠原 一徳によるセッション スライドです。

gc_insidegoogle cloud platform
Physical Security Presentation
Physical Security PresentationPhysical Security Presentation
Physical Security Presentation

This document discusses physical security for protecting enterprise resources including people, data, and facilities. It covers assessing threats and vulnerabilities, choosing a secure site location, designing security for the building structure and environment, implementing physical and administrative controls, and ensuring life safety measures like fire detection and suppression. Key considerations include perimeter security, access control, environmental factors, emergency procedures, and compliance with standards to help ensure security.

Removing the Cache

• Django internally caches the results of your QuerySet
  • This adds additional memory overhead

     # 1 query
     qs = Model.objects.all()[0:100]

     # 0 queries (we don’t need this behavior)
     qs = qs[0:10]

     # 1 query
     qs = qs.filter(foo=bar)

• Many times you only need to view a result set once
• So we built SkinnyQuerySet
Removing the Cache (cont’d)

Optimizing memory usage by removing the cache
 class SkinnyQuerySet(QuerySet):
     def __iter__(self):
         if self._result_cache is not None:
             # __len__ must have been run
             return iter(self._result_cache)

        has_run = getattr(self, 'has_run', False)
        if has_run:
            raise QuerySetDoubleIteration("...")
        self.has_run = True
        # We wanted .iterator() as the default
        return self.iterator()

Atomic Updates

• Keeps your data consistent
• save() isnt thread-safe
  • use update() instead
• Great for things like counters
  • But should be considered for all write
Atomic Updates (cont’d)

  Thread safety is impossible with .save()
Request 1

post = Post(pk=1)
# a moderator approves
post.approved = True

Request 2

post = Post(pk=1)
# the author adjusts their message
post.message = ‘Hello!’

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Mri brain anatomy Dr Muhammad Bin Zulfiqar
Mri brain anatomy Dr Muhammad Bin ZulfiqarMri brain anatomy Dr Muhammad Bin Zulfiqar
Mri brain anatomy Dr Muhammad Bin Zulfiqar

Anatomy of Brain by MRI In this presentation we will discuss the cross sectional anatomy of brain. Then we will discuss the Most common diseases to be evaluated by brain imaging. In my opinion this presentation is a road map for beginars.

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Thai tech startup ecosystem report 2017
Thai tech startup ecosystem report 2017Thai tech startup ecosystem report 2017
Thai tech startup ecosystem report 2017

The document is a report by Techsauce, Thailand's leading tech publication, summarizing Thailand's startup ecosystem and investment trends from 2012-2017. Some key findings include: - Total funding raised by Thai startups grew from $3.1 million in 2011-2012 to over $86 million in 2016. - Popular categories of startups receiving investment included e-commerce/marketplaces, fintech, logistics, and payments. - Major acquisitions of Thai startups have totaled over $108 million, with companies being acquired by firms from Southeast Asia, China, and other regions.

thai startupthailand startupthailand startup ecosystem
Engineering Geology
Engineering GeologyEngineering Geology
Engineering Geology

This document discusses various geological processes and landforms resulting from physical geology. It covers the geological work of rivers including erosion, transportation, deposition and various fluvial landforms. It also discusses the geological work of other agents like wind, groundwater and oceans. Rivers can erode, transport and deposit sediment, forming features like drainage patterns, valleys, waterfalls and terraces over long periods of time. Wind erosion can form dunes and loess deposits, while groundwater can dissolve rock to form sinkholes, caves and valleys. Oceans also erode, transport and deposit material along coastlines.

Atomic Updates (cont’d)

            So we need atomic updates
Request 1

post = Post(pk=1)
# a moderator approves

Request 2

post = Post(pk=1)
# the author adjusts their message
Atomic Updates (cont’d)

           A better way to approach updates
def update(obj, using=None, **kwargs):
    Updates specified attributes on the current instance.
    assert obj, "Instance has not yet been created."
    for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
        if isinstance(v, ExpressionNode):
            # NotImplemented
        setattr(obj, k, v)
Delayed Signals

• Queueing low priority tasks
 • even if they’re fast
• Asynchronous (Delayed) signals
 • very friendly to the developer
 • ..but not as friendly as real signals
Delayed Signals (cont’d)

  We send a specific serialized version
   of the model for delayed signals

from disqus.common.signals import delayed_save

def my_func(data, sender, created, **kwargs):
    print data[‘id’]

delayed_save.connect(my_func, sender=Post)

 This is all handled through our Queue

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Process sequence of weaving
Process sequence of weavingProcess sequence of weaving
Process sequence of weaving

The document provides an overview of the process sequence for weaving. It begins with yarn from the spinning department which then undergoes processes like cone winding, warping, sizing, tying-in, drafting, and denting to prepare the warp threads. The warp is then mounted on the loom and undergoes weaving to produce grey fabric. Key steps in weaving include shedding, picking, and beating-up. The woven fabric then undergoes inspection, folding, and baling before delivery. The document outlines the various motions and essential parts of a loom needed to carry out this weaving process.

The evolution of mobile phones
The evolution of mobile phonesThe evolution of mobile phones
The evolution of mobile phones

MobilePundits is one of the fastest growing companies in central Asia. It has been awarded with Deloitte award for it performance.

Cardiac cycle ppt (2)
Cardiac cycle ppt (2)Cardiac cycle ppt (2)
Cardiac cycle ppt (2)

The cardiac cycle consists of systole and diastole. During systole, the heart contracts and pumps blood out of the ventricles. During diastole, the heart relaxes and fills with blood. The cycle involves coordinated events in the atria and ventricles. It can be analyzed using a Wiggers diagram which plots various cardiac parameters over time, revealing phases like isovolumic contraction, ejection, isovolumic relaxation, and filling. Precisely measuring time intervals within the cycle using Doppler echocardiography provides clinical insights into cardiac function and timing.


• Memcached
• Use pylibmc (newer libMemcached-based)
 • Ticket #11675 (add pylibmc support)
 • Third party applications:
   • django-newcache, django-pylibmc
Caching (cont’d)

• libMemcached / pylibmc is configurable with
• Memcached “single point of failure”
  • Distributed system, but we must take
  • Connection timeout to memcached can stall
    • Use `_auto_eject_hosts` and
      `_retry_timeout` behaviors to prevent
      reconnecting to dead caches.
Caching (cont’d)

   • Default (naive) hashing behavior
     • Modulo hashed cache key cache for index
       to server list.
     • Removal of a server causes majority of
       cache keys to be remapped to new

CACHE_SERVERS = [‘’, ‘’]
key = ‘my_cache_key’
cache_server = CACHE_SERVERS[hash(key) % len(CACHE_SERVERS)]
Caching (cont’d)

• Better approach: consistent hashing
  • libMemcached (pylibmc) uses libketama

  • Addition / removal of a cache server
    remaps (K/n) cache keys
    (where K=number of keys and n=number of servers)

                 Image Source:

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BCG Matrix of Engro foods
BCG Matrix of Engro foodsBCG Matrix of Engro foods
BCG Matrix of Engro foods

This document provides a summary of a marketing analysis project presented by four students at Superior University Lahore on Engro Foods. It includes an introduction, table of contents, acknowledgements, history and background of Engro Foods, their vision, mission and core values. It also summarizes Engro's diversified business portfolio, their brands, business segments targeted, sales setup, departments, production process, and concludes with interviews conducted and references. The document analyzes Engro Foods' market performance and strategies.

4. heredity and evolution
4. heredity and evolution4. heredity and evolution
4. heredity and evolution

Here is an analysis of variations in a red beetle population across three situations: Situation 1 (Original population): The population consists of mostly red beetles, with a small percentage of black beetles. The red coloration provides better camouflage in their current environment. Situation 2 (Environment change): The environment darkens due to increased vegetation/debris. Now black beetles have better camouflage than red beetles. Over time, the percentage of black beetles in the population will increase relative to red beetles, as black beetles survive and reproduce at a higher rate. Situation 3 (New environment): The environment changes again, this time becoming lighter in color (e.g

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My books- Hacking Digital Learning Strategies & Learning to Go Resources-

eltbusiness englishesl
Caching (cont’d)

• Thundering herd (stampede) problem
  • Invalidating a heavily accessed cache key causes many
    clients to refill cache.
  • But everyone refetching to fill the cache from the data
    store or reprocessing data can cause things to get even
  • Most times, it’s ideal to return the previously invalidated
    cache value and let a single client refill the cache.
  • django-newcache or MintCache (http:// will do this for you.
  • Prefer filling cache on invalidation instead of deleting
    from cache also helps to prevent the thundering herd

• TransactionMiddleware got us started, but
  down the road became a burden
• For postgresql_psycopg2, there’s a database
  option, OPTIONS[‘autocommit’]
  • Each query is in its own transaction. This
    means each request won’t start in a
    • But sometimes we want transactions
      (e.g., saving multiple objects and rolling
      back on error)
Transactions (cont’d)

• Tips:
  • Use autocommit for read slave databases.
  • Isolate slow functions (e.g., external calls,
    template rendering) from transactions.
  • Selective autocommit
    • Most read-only views don’t need to be
      in transactions.
    • Start in autocommit and switch to a
      transaction on write.
Scaling the Team

• Small team of engineers
• Monthly users / developers = 40m
• Which means writing tests..
• ..and having a dead simple workflow

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Tmj anatomy
Tmj anatomyTmj anatomy
Tmj anatomy

This document provides an overview of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). It begins by defining the TMJ as the joint connecting the mandible to the skull and regulating mandibular movement. It then describes the different types of joints in the body before focusing on the specifics of the TMJ. Key points include that the TMJ is a complex synovial joint that allows for both hinging and gliding movements. An articular disc separates the condyle of the mandible and fossa of the temporal bone. The document outlines the development, structures, innervation, vascularization and biomechanics of the TMJ.

Basics of c++ Programming Language
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The aim of this list of programming languages is to include all notable programming languages in existence, both those in current use and ... Note: This page does not list esoteric programming languages. .... Computer programming portal ...

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How Obama Won Using Digital and Social Media
How Obama Won Using Digital and Social MediaHow Obama Won Using Digital and Social Media
How Obama Won Using Digital and Social Media

The document discusses 12 business lessons learned from the Obama presidential campaign's effective use of digital and social media. It summarizes key tactics the campaign used, such as maintaining a centralized customer database, using social networks to leverage large audiences, engaging supporters through YouTube videos, targeting small online donations, self-managed social networks, mobile applications, Twitter, blogging, and capturing consumer information. The outcomes included hundreds of thousands of organized events and donors, millions of calls and donations made, and over $500 million raised online and $639 million total.

Keeping it Simple

• A developer can be up and running in a few
 • assuming postgres and other server
   applications are already installed
 • pip, virtualenv
Setting Up Local

1. createdb -E UTF-8 disqus
2. git clone git://repo
3. mkvirtualenv disqus
4. pip install -U -r requirements.txt
5. ./ syncdb && ./ migrate
Sane Defaults
from disqus.conf.settings.default import *

    from local_settings import *
except ImportError:
    import sys, traceback
    sys.stderr.write("Can't find '’n”)
    sys.stderr.write("nThe exception was:nn")
from import *
Continuous Integration

• Daily deploys with Fabric
  • several times an hour on some days
• Hudson keeps our builds going
  • combined with Selenium
• Post-commit hooks for quick testing
  • like Pyflakes
• Reverting to a previous version is a matter of

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Micro Expressions
Micro ExpressionsMicro Expressions
Micro Expressions

Micro Expressions are brief, involuntary facial expressions shown on the face of humans according to emotions experienced. They occur when a person is consciously trying to conceal all signs of how he or she is feeling, or when a person does not consciously know how he or she is feeling. In this deck, a brief history of micro expressions is introduced, along with a detailed analysis of the 7 universal facial expressions that could be found in almost anyone walking on this Earth.

micro expressions

The document provides a business quiz with 16 multiple choice questions covering topics such as companies that coined economic terms, automobile companies, airlines, technology companies, banks, and consumer brands. It tests knowledge of companies like Goldman Sachs, Tata, Bombay Stock Exchange, HP, Rolls Royce, KFC, and banks like SBI and HDFC. The questions cover industries, products, founding details and other notable business facts.

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The document outlines plans and strategies for sales management and general trade. It includes: 1. Developing more distribution areas and converting them to business units. 2. Providing assistance programs to support business unit development, build competitive marketing and sales edges, and enhance sales management systems and skills. 3. Setting targets to develop 35 business units by year's end and strengthen market expansion through key account management and multi-line product approaches.

Continuous Integration (cont’d)

 Hudson makes integration easy

• It’s not fun breaking things when you’re the new
• Our testing process is fairly heavy
• 70k (Python) LOC, 73% coverage, 20 min suite
• Custom Test Runner (unittest)
  • We needed XML, Selenium, Query Counts
  • Database proxies (for read-slave testing)
  • Integration with our Queue
Testing (cont’d)

Query Counts
# failures yield a dump of queries
def test_read_slave(self):
    self.assertQueryCount(1, ‘read_slave’)

def test_button(self):'//a[@class=”dsq-button”]')

Queue Integration
class WorkerTest(DisqusTest):
    workers = [‘fire_signal’]

    def test_delayed_signal(self):
Bug Tracking

• Switched from Trac to Redmine
  • We wanted Subtasks
• Emailing exceptions is a bad idea
  • Even if its localhost
• Previously using django-db-log to aggregate
  errors to a single point
• We’ve overhauled db log and are releasing

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The Clean 9 Program can help you to jumpstart your journey to a slimmer, healthier you in 9 days. This effective, easy-to-follow cleansing program will give you the tools you need to start transforming your body today!

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Tweak Your Resume
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Tweak Your Resume

In today's connected age, we need something more than a paper resume and cover letter to stand out. Tweak your resume and get visual.

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Coca Cola
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Coca Cola

The document discusses how shopper behavior is changing due to time constraints and lifestyle changes. It analyzes different shopper need states and how retailers can adapt merchandising and store layout to satisfy these evolving needs. Key insights include that cleanliness, selection, and convenience are very important to shoppers. The beverage category can be organized into different consumer need states that retailers should clearly message to drive shopper conversion.


Groups messages intelligently
django-sentry (cont’d)

Similar feel to Django’s debugger
Feature Switches

• We needed a safety in case a feature wasn’t
  performing well at peak
  • it had to respond without delay, globally,
    and without writing to disk
• Allows us to work out of trunk (mostly)
• Easy to release new features to a portion of
  your audience
• Also nice for “Labs” type projects
Feature Switches (cont’d)

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This paragraph describes the events of the Great Chicago Fire in chronological order, beginning with Daniel Sullivan noticing the flames and ending with the total number of buildings burned after the fire was out. Time clue words like "at around 8:30 pm", "By 9:30 pm", "In another 3 hours", and "It would be another day" indicate a chronological structure.

Play Framework and Activator
Play Framework and ActivatorPlay Framework and Activator
Play Framework and Activator

The document provides an introduction to Typesafe Activator and the Play Framework. It discusses how Activator is a tool that helps developers get started with the Typesafe Reactive Platform and Play applications. It also covers some core features of Play like routing, templates, assets, data access with Slick and JSON, and concurrency with Futures, Actors, and WebSockets.

play activator typesafe
introduction to node.js
introduction to node.jsintroduction to node.js
introduction to node.js

This document provides an introduction to Node.js, a framework for building scalable server-side applications with asynchronous JavaScript. It discusses what Node.js is, how it uses non-blocking I/O and events to avoid wasting CPU cycles, and how external Node modules help create a full JavaScript stack. Examples are given of using Node modules like Express for building RESTful APIs and Socket.IO for implementing real-time features like chat. Best practices, limitations, debugging techniques and references are also covered.
Final Thoughts

• The language (usually) isn’t your problem
• We like Django
  • But we maintain local patches
• Some tickets don’t have enough of a following
  • Patches, like #17, completely change
  • ..arguably in a good way
• Others don’t have champions
      Ticket #17 describes making the ORM an identify mapper

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attach_foreignkey (Pythonic Joins)

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Django at Scale

The potential problem with caching in update_homepage is that deleting the cache key after updating the page could lead to a race condition or stampede. Since the homepage is being hit 1000/sec, between the time the cache key is deleted and a new value is set, many requests could hit the database simultaneously to refetch the page, overwhelming it. It would be better to set a new value for the cache key instead of deleting it, to avoid this potential issue.

Bye bye $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']
Bye bye $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']Bye bye $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']
Bye bye $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']

This document discusses replacing the use of $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'] with Doctrine DBAL for database queries in TYPO3 extensions. Doctrine DBAL provides a database abstraction layer that supports multiple database vendors, whereas $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'] only supports MySQL. Migrating to Doctrine DBAL offers benefits like a more reliable industry standard and easier API. The document provides examples of common queries like select, insert, update using the Doctrine query builder and highlights best practices for security and restrictions. $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'] will be removed in TYPO3 8 LTS, so extensions need to migrate to Doctrine DB

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Nodejs - Should Ruby Developers Care?

Node.js is a platform for building scalable network applications. It uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine and a non-blocking I/O model. Some key points: - Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, especially for real-time applications. - It has a large ecosystem of open source modules. Popular frameworks include Express and Fab. - While Node.js is very fast for I/O operations, memory usage can grow quickly and scaling to multiple cores requires multiple processes. - The author argues Node.js is suitable for single-page apps, real-time applications, and crawlers, but

nodejs atlanta javascript v8

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DjangoCon 2010 Scaling Disqus

  • 1. Scaling the World’s Largest Django App Jason Yan David Cramer @jasonyan @zeeg
  • 3. What is DISQUS? dis·cuss • dĭ-skŭs' We are a comment system with an emphasis on connecting communities
  • 4. What is Scale? Number of Visitors 300M 250M 200M 150M 100M 50M Our traffic at a glance 17,000 requests/second peak 450,000 websites 15 million profiles 75 million comments 250 million visitors (August 2010)
  • 5. Our Challenges • We can’t predict when things will happen • Random celebrity gossip • Natural disasters • Discussions never expire • We can’t keep those millions of articles from 2008 in the cache • You don’t know in advance (generally) where the traffic will be • Especially with dynamic paging, realtime, sorting, personal prefs, etc.
  • 6. Our Challenges (cont’d) • High availability • Not a destination site • Difficult to schedule maintenance
  • 8. Server Architecture - Load Balancing • Load Balancing • High Availability • Software, HAProxy • heartbeat • High performance, intelligent server availability checking • Bonus: Nice statistics reporting Image Source:
  • 9. Server Architecture • ~100 Servers • 30% Web Servers (Apache + mod_wsgi) • 10% Databases (PostgreSQL) • 25% Cache Servers (memcached) • 20% Load Balancing / High Availability (HAProxy + heartbeat) • 15% Utility Servers (Python scripts)
  • 10. Server Architecture - Web Servers • Apache 2.2 • mod_wsgi • Using `maximum-requests` to plug memory leaks. • Performance Monitoring • Custom middleware (PerformanceLogMiddleware) • Ships performance statistics (DB queries, external calls, template rendering, etc) through syslog • Collected and graphed through Ganglia
  • 11. Server Architecture - Database • PostgreSQL • Slony-I for Replication • Trigger-based • Read slaves for extra read capacity • Failover master database for high availability
  • 12. Server Architecture - Database • Make sure indexes fit in memory and measure I/O • High I/O generally means slow queries due to missing indexes or indexes not in buffer cache • Log Slow Queries • syslog-ng + pgFouine + cron to automate slow query logging
  • 13. Server Architecture - Database • Use connection pooling • Django doesn’t do this for you • We use pgbouncer • Limits the maximum number of connections your database needs to handle • Save on costly opening and tearing down of new database connections
  • 15. Partitioning • Fairly easy to implement, quick wins • Done at the application level • Data is replayed by Slony • Two methods of data separation
  • 16. Vertical Partitioning Vertical partitioning involves creating tables with fewer columns and using additional tables to store the remaining columns. Forums Posts Users Sentry
  • 17. Pythonic Joins Allows us to separate datasets posts = Post.objects.all()[0:25] # store users in a dictionary based on primary key users = dict( (, u) for u in User.objects.filter(pk__in=set(p.user_id for p in posts)) ) # map users to their posts for p in posts: p._user_cache = users.get(p.user_id)
  • 18. Pythonic Joins (cont’d) • Slower than at database level • But not enough that you should care • Trading performance for scale • Allows us to separate data • Easy vertical partitioning • More efficient caching • get_many, object-per-row cache
  • 19. Designating Masters • Alleviates some of the write load on your primary application master • Masters exist under specific conditions: • application use case • partitioned data • Database routers make this (fairly) easy
  • 20. Routing by Application class ApplicationRouter(object): def db_for_read(self, model, **hints): instance = hints.get('instance') if not instance: return None app_label = instance._meta.app_label return get_application_alias(app_label)
  • 21. Horizontal Partitioning Horizontal partitioning (also known as sharding) involves splitting one set of data into different tables. Disqus Your Blog CNN Telegraph
  • 22. Horizontal Partitions • Some forums have very large datasets • Partners need high availability • Helps scale the write load on the master • We rely more on vertical partitions
  • 23. Routing by Partition class ForumPartitionRouter(object): def db_for_read(self, model, **hints): instance = hints.get('instance') if not instance: return None forum_id = getattr(instance, 'forum_id', None) if not forum_id: return None return get_forum_alias(forum_id) # What we used to do Post.objects.filter(forum=forum) # Now, making sure hints are available forum.post_set.all()
  • 24. Optimizing QuerySets • We really dislike raw SQL • It creates more work when dealing with partitions • Built-in cache allows sub-slicing • But isn’t always needed • We removed this cache
  • 25. Removing the Cache • Django internally caches the results of your QuerySet • This adds additional memory overhead # 1 query qs = Model.objects.all()[0:100] # 0 queries (we don’t need this behavior) qs = qs[0:10] # 1 query qs = qs.filter(foo=bar) • Many times you only need to view a result set once • So we built SkinnyQuerySet
  • 26. Removing the Cache (cont’d) Optimizing memory usage by removing the cache class SkinnyQuerySet(QuerySet): def __iter__(self): if self._result_cache is not None: # __len__ must have been run return iter(self._result_cache) has_run = getattr(self, 'has_run', False) if has_run: raise QuerySetDoubleIteration("...") self.has_run = True # We wanted .iterator() as the default return self.iterator()
  • 27. Atomic Updates • Keeps your data consistent • save() isnt thread-safe • use update() instead • Great for things like counters • But should be considered for all write operations
  • 28. Atomic Updates (cont’d) Thread safety is impossible with .save() Request 1 post = Post(pk=1) # a moderator approves post.approved = True Request 2 post = Post(pk=1) # the author adjusts their message post.message = ‘Hello!’
  • 29. Atomic Updates (cont’d) So we need atomic updates Request 1 post = Post(pk=1) # a moderator approves Post.objects.filter( .update(approved=True) Request 2 post = Post(pk=1) # the author adjusts their message Post.objects.filter( .update(message=‘Hello!’)
  • 30. Atomic Updates (cont’d) A better way to approach updates def update(obj, using=None, **kwargs): """ Updates specified attributes on the current instance. """ assert obj, "Instance has not yet been created." obj.__class__._base_manager.using(using) .filter(pk=obj) .update(**kwargs) for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): if isinstance(v, ExpressionNode): # NotImplemented continue setattr(obj, k, v)
  • 31. Delayed Signals • Queueing low priority tasks • even if they’re fast • Asynchronous (Delayed) signals • very friendly to the developer • ..but not as friendly as real signals
  • 32. Delayed Signals (cont’d) We send a specific serialized version of the model for delayed signals from disqus.common.signals import delayed_save def my_func(data, sender, created, **kwargs): print data[‘id’] delayed_save.connect(my_func, sender=Post) This is all handled through our Queue
  • 33. Caching • Memcached • Use pylibmc (newer libMemcached-based) • Ticket #11675 (add pylibmc support) • Third party applications: • django-newcache, django-pylibmc
  • 34. Caching (cont’d) • libMemcached / pylibmc is configurable with “behaviors”. • Memcached “single point of failure” • Distributed system, but we must take precautions. • Connection timeout to memcached can stall requests. • Use `_auto_eject_hosts` and `_retry_timeout` behaviors to prevent reconnecting to dead caches.
  • 35. Caching (cont’d) • Default (naive) hashing behavior • Modulo hashed cache key cache for index to server list. • Removal of a server causes majority of cache keys to be remapped to new servers. CACHE_SERVERS = [‘’, ‘’] key = ‘my_cache_key’ cache_server = CACHE_SERVERS[hash(key) % len(CACHE_SERVERS)]
  • 36. Caching (cont’d) • Better approach: consistent hashing • libMemcached (pylibmc) uses libketama ( • Addition / removal of a cache server remaps (K/n) cache keys (where K=number of keys and n=number of servers) Image Source:
  • 37. Caching (cont’d) • Thundering herd (stampede) problem • Invalidating a heavily accessed cache key causes many clients to refill cache. • But everyone refetching to fill the cache from the data store or reprocessing data can cause things to get even slower. • Most times, it’s ideal to return the previously invalidated cache value and let a single client refill the cache. • django-newcache or MintCache (http:// will do this for you. • Prefer filling cache on invalidation instead of deleting from cache also helps to prevent the thundering herd problem.
  • 38. Transactions • TransactionMiddleware got us started, but down the road became a burden • For postgresql_psycopg2, there’s a database option, OPTIONS[‘autocommit’] • Each query is in its own transaction. This means each request won’t start in a transaction. • But sometimes we want transactions (e.g., saving multiple objects and rolling back on error)
  • 39. Transactions (cont’d) • Tips: • Use autocommit for read slave databases. • Isolate slow functions (e.g., external calls, template rendering) from transactions. • Selective autocommit • Most read-only views don’t need to be in transactions. • Start in autocommit and switch to a transaction on write.
  • 40. Scaling the Team • Small team of engineers • Monthly users / developers = 40m • Which means writing tests.. • ..and having a dead simple workflow
  • 41. Keeping it Simple • A developer can be up and running in a few minutes • assuming postgres and other server applications are already installed • pip, virtualenv •
  • 42. Setting Up Local 1. createdb -E UTF-8 disqus 2. git clone git://repo 3. mkvirtualenv disqus 4. pip install -U -r requirements.txt 5. ./ syncdb && ./ migrate
  • 43. Sane Defaults from disqus.conf.settings.default import * try: from local_settings import * except ImportError: import sys, traceback sys.stderr.write("Can't find '’n”) sys.stderr.write("nThe exception was:nn") traceback.print_exc() from import *
  • 44. Continuous Integration • Daily deploys with Fabric • several times an hour on some days • Hudson keeps our builds going • combined with Selenium • Post-commit hooks for quick testing • like Pyflakes • Reverting to a previous version is a matter of seconds
  • 45. Continuous Integration (cont’d) Hudson makes integration easy
  • 46. Testing • It’s not fun breaking things when you’re the new guy • Our testing process is fairly heavy • 70k (Python) LOC, 73% coverage, 20 min suite • Custom Test Runner (unittest) • We needed XML, Selenium, Query Counts • Database proxies (for read-slave testing) • Integration with our Queue
  • 47. Testing (cont’d) Query Counts # failures yield a dump of queries def test_read_slave(self): Model.objects.using(‘read_slave’).count() self.assertQueryCount(1, ‘read_slave’) Selenium def test_button(self):'//a[@class=”dsq-button”]') Queue Integration class WorkerTest(DisqusTest): workers = [‘fire_signal’] def test_delayed_signal(self): ...
  • 48. Bug Tracking • Switched from Trac to Redmine • We wanted Subtasks • Emailing exceptions is a bad idea • Even if its localhost • Previously using django-db-log to aggregate errors to a single point • We’ve overhauled db log and are releasing Sentry
  • 49. django-sentry Groups messages intelligently
  • 50. django-sentry (cont’d) Similar feel to Django’s debugger
  • 51. Feature Switches • We needed a safety in case a feature wasn’t performing well at peak • it had to respond without delay, globally, and without writing to disk • Allows us to work out of trunk (mostly) • Easy to release new features to a portion of your audience • Also nice for “Labs” type projects
  • 53. Final Thoughts • The language (usually) isn’t your problem • We like Django • But we maintain local patches • Some tickets don’t have enough of a following • Patches, like #17, completely change Django.. • ..arguably in a good way • Others don’t have champions Ticket #17 describes making the ORM an identify mapper
  • 54. Housekeeping Birds of a Feather Want to learn from others about performance and scaling problems? Or play some StarCraft 2? We’re Hiring! DISQUS is looking for amazing engineers
  • 56. References django-sentry Our Feature Switches Andy McCurdy’s update() Our PyFlakes Fork SkinnyQuerySet django-newcache attach_foreignkey (Pythonic Joins)

Editor's Notes

  1. Hi. I'm Jason (and I'm David), and we're from Disqus.
  2. Show of hands, How many of you know what DISQUS is?
  3. For those of you who are not familiar with us, DISQUS is a comment system that focuses on connecting communities. We power discussions on such sites as CNN, IGN, and more recently Engadget and TechCrunch. Our company was founded back in 2007 by my co-founder, Daniel Ha, and I back where we started working out of our dorm room. Our decision to use Django came down primarily to our dislike for PHP which we were previously using. Since then, we've grown Disqus to over 250+ million visitors a month.
  4. We've peaked at over 17,000 requests per second, to Django, and we currently power comments on nearly half a million websites which accounts for more than 15 million profiles who have left over 75 million comments.
  5. As you can imagine we have some big challenges when it comes to scaling a large Django application. For one, it’s hard to predict when events happen like last year with Michael Jackson’s death, and more recently, the Gulf Oil Spill. Another challenge we have is the fact that discussions never expire. When you visit that blog post from 2008 we have to be ready to serve those comments immediately. Not only does THAT make caching difficult, but we also have to deal with things such as dynamic paging, realtime commenting, and other personal preferences. This makes it even more important to be able to serve those quickly without relying on the cache.
  6. So we also have some interesting infrastructure problems when it comes to scaling Disqus. We're not a destination website, so if we go down, it affects other sites as well as ours. Because of this, it's difficult for us to schedule maintenance, so we face some interesting scaling and availbility challenges.
  7. As you can see, we have tried to keep the stack pretty thin. This is because, as we've learned, the more services we try to add, the more difficult it is to support. And especially because we have a small team, this becomes difficult to manage. So we use DNS load balancing to spread the requests to multiple HAProxy servers which are our software load balancers. These proxy requests to our backend app servers which run mod_wsgi. We use memcache for caching, and we have a custom wrapper using syslog for our queue. For our data store, we use PostgreSQL, and for replication, we use Slony for failover and read slaves.
  8. As I said, we use HAProxy for HTTP load balancing. It's a high performance software load balancer with intelligent failure detection. It also provides you with nice statistics of your requests. We use heartbeat for high availability and we have it take over the IP address of the down machine.
  9. We have about 100GB of cache. Because of our high availability requirements, 20% are allocated to high availability and load balancing.
  10. Our web servers are pretty standard. We use mod_wsgi mostly because it just works. Performance wise, you're really going to be bottlenecked on the application. The cool thing we do is that we actually hasve a custom middleware that does performance monitoring. What this does is ship data from our application about external calls like database, cache calls, and we collect it and graph it with Ganglia.
  11. The more interesting aspect of our server architecture is how we have our database setup. As I mentioned, we use Postgres as our database. Honestly, we used it because Django recommended it, and my recommendation is that if you’re not already an expert in a database, you're better off going with Postgres. We use slony for replication Slony is trigger-based which means that every write is captured and strored in a log table and those events are replayed to slave databases. This is nice over otehr methods such as log shipping because it allows us to have flexible schemas across read lsaves. For example, some of our read slaves have different indexes. We also use slony for failover for high availbility.
  12. There are a few things we do to keep our database healthy. We keep our indexes in memory, and when we can't, we partition our data. We also have application-specific indexes on our readslaves. Another important thing we've done is measure I/O. Any time we've seen high I/O is usually because we're missing indexes or indexes aren't fitting in memory. Lastly, we monitor slow queries. We send logs to pgfouine via syslog which genererates a nice report showing you which queries are the slowest.
  13. The last thing we've found to be really helpful is switching to database connection pool. Remember, Django doesn't do this for you. We use pgbouncer for this, and there are a few easy wins for using it. One is that it limits the maximum connections to the database so it doesn't have to handle as many concurrent connections. Secpondly, you save the cost of opening and tearing down new connections per request.
  14. Moving on to our application, we’ve found that most of the struggle is with the database layer. We’ve got a pretty standard layout if you’re familiar with forums. Forum has many threads, which has many posts. Posts use an adjacency list model, and also reference Users. With this kind of data model, one of our quickest wins has been the ability to partition data.
  15. It’s almost entirely done at the application level, which makes it fairly easy to implement. The only thing not handled by the app is replication, and Slony does that for us. We handle partitioning in a couple of ways.
  16. The first of which are vertical partitions. This is probably the simplest thing you can implement in your application. Kill off your joins and spread out your applications on multiple databases. Some database engines might make this easier than others, but Slony allows us to easily replicate very specific data.
  17. Using this method you’ll need to handle joins in your Python application. We do this by performing two separate queries and mapping the foreign keys to the parent objects. For us the easiest way has been to throw them into a dictionary, iterate through the other queryset, and set the foreignkey cache’s value to the instance.
  18. A few things to keep in mind when doing pythonic joins. They’re not going to be as fast in the database. You can’t avoid this, but it’s not something you should worry about. With this however, you get plain and simple vertical partitions. You also can cache things a lot easier, and more efficiently fetch them using things like get_many and a singular object cache. Overall your’e trading performance for scale.
  19. Another benefit that comes from vertical partitioning is the ability to designate masters. We do this to alleviate some of the load on our primary application master. So for example, server FOO might be the source for writes on the Users table, while server BAR handles all of our other forum data. Since we’re using Django 1.2 we also get routing for free through the new routers.
  20. Here’s an example of a simple application router. It let’s us specify a read-slave based on our app label. So if its users, we go to FOO, if its forums, we go to BAR. You can handle this logic any way you want, pretty simple and powerful.
  21. While we use vertical partitioning for most cases, eventually you hit an issue where your data just doesn’t scale on a single database. You’re probably familiar with the word sharding, well that’s what we do with our forum data. We’ve set it up so that we can send certain large sites to dedicated machines. This also uses designated masters as we mentioned with the other partitions.
  22. We needed this when write and read load combined became so big that it was just hard to keep up on a single set of machines. It also gives the nice added benefit of high availability in many situations. Mostly though, it all goes back to scaling our master databases.
  23. So again we’re using the router here to handle partitioning of the forums. We can specify that CNN goes to this database alias, which could be any number of machines, and everything else goes to our default cluster. The one caveat we found with this, is sometimes hints aren’t present in the router. I believe within the current version of Django they are only available when using a relational lookup, such as a foreign key. All in all it’s pretty powerful, and you just need to be aware of it while writing your queries.