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Ajax Security
              Keeping your application safe
                      Joe Walker

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89 out of 10 Websites
             have serious vulnerabilities

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Goal: Keep the bad guys
                      out of your website

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The Attackers

       Who is the attacker?
        • Troublemakers / Thieves
       Who is the victim?
        • Your data / Your users / Your partners

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                                                    CSRF, Login CSRF
                                                    JavaScript Hijacking
                                                    History Stealing
                                                    Combination Attacks
                                                    Session Fixation + ADP +

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(Cross Site Request Forgery)

You can still abuse someone else’s cookies
and headers even if you can’t read them
Recap: Cross-Domain Rules


       c = document.cookie;                         c = document.cookie;
       alert(c);                                    alert(c);
       /*                                           /*
       Shows cookies from                           Shows cookies from                       
       */                                           */

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Abusing a Cookie without reading it


              Welcome to
                                                            Welcome to
        We offer the best rates anywhere in
                                                    We’ve got lots of warez to give away
        the world, guaranteed. Give us your
                                                     for freee. Download our stuffs and
          money and we will look after it in
                                                       then come back and get more
          the same way we look after little
                                                    stuffs. Videoz, Warez, Codez, Mp3s
                    baby kittens.

                     <iframe width=0 height=0

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       JavaScript is not always required to exploit a CSRF hole

       Often all you need is:
              • <iframe src=quot;dangerous_urlquot;>
              • or <img src=quot;dangerous_urlquot;/>
              • or <script src=quot;dangerous_urlquot;>

       You can’t use XHR because cross-domain rules prevent
       the request from being sent

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       CSRF attacks are write-only (with one exception)

       Both GET and POST can be forged

       Referrer checking is not a complete fix

       It’s not just cookies that get stolen:
          • HTTP-Auth headers
          • Active Directory Kerberos tokens

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CSRF - Protection

                                                    Not 100%
       Force users to log off

       Check referrer headers (https only)

       Include authentication tokens
                                                       The only
       in the body of EVERY request

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CSRF - Protection

       Security tokens in GET requests are not a great idea
          (bookmarks, caches, GET is idempotent etc)

       POST means forms with hidden fields
        • OWASP servlet filter

       Double-submit cookie pattern (Ajax requests only)
        • Read the cookie with Javascript and submit in the

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Login CSRF
(Tricking someone into thinking they are you)

CSRF turned inside out
Login CSRF

       If I can make your browser do things behind your back,
       how about logging you out of some service and back in
       as me.

       What are the possibilities when you think that you are
       you, but you’re not; you’re me?

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Login CSRF - Attacks

       What can I do?
        • See what you search for
        • See what books you want to buy
        • Read emails that you send
        • Steal credit card details through PayPal
        • etc

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Login CSRF - Defense

       If submitting over https: use Referrer checking
          • Do not assume no referrer is safe

       Use authentication tokens in your login form
       Watch out for session fixation attacks
        • Invalidate the server session on login and re-create it

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  (or how your GMail
 contacts were at risk)

Sucking data out of Objects before
they’re created
JavaScript Hijacking

       “CSRF is write-only with one known exception”

       Using <script> automatically evaluates the returned

       So if you can just find a way to intercept scripts as they
       are evaluated ...

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<script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;>
            function Object() {
              alert(quot;Hello, Worldquot;);
            var x = {};

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<script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;>
            function Object() {
              this.__defineSetter__('wibble', function(x) {

            var x = {};
            x.wibble = quot;Hello, Worldquot;;

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<script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;>
            var obj;
            function Object() {
              obj = this;
              this.__defineSetter__('killme', function(x) {
                for (key in obj) {
                  if (key != 'killme') {
                     alert('Stolen: ' + key + '=' + obj[key]);
              setTimeout(quot;obj['killme']='ignored';quot;, 0);
            <script src=quot;;>

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JavaScript Hijacking

                             When you serve JavaScript from a website it
                             could be evaluated in a hostile environment

                           Protect secrets in JavaScript in the same way
                              that you would protect them elsewhere

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JavaScript Hijacking

       Sometimes people wish to have a double layer of
       security to prevent evaluation:
         /*<JSON_HERE>*/ (Don’t do this)
         while(true); <JSON_HERE> (Google)
              throw new Error(quot;quot;); <JSON_HERE> (DWR)
              {}&& <JSON_HERE>

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XSS (Cross Site Scripting)

Abusing someone’s trust in your typing
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       2 types:
         • Reflected: Script embedded in the request is
           ‘reflected’ in the response
         • Stored: Attacker’s input is stored and played back in
           later page views

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       Scenario: You let the user enter their name

       Someone is going to enter their name like this:
                    Joe<script src=quot;;>

       Then, whoever looks at Joe’s name will execute Joe’s
       script and become a slave of Joe

       Generally HTML is not a valid input, but sometimes it is:
        • Blogs, MySpace, Wikis, RSS readers, etc

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XSS - Making User Input Safe

       So, you filter out ‘<script.*>’ and then you’re safe.

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XSS - Places that scripts get eval()ed
       1. <table
                       background=quot;javascript:danger()quot;>      14.<body
       2. <input type='image'
                       src='javascript:danger()'/>            15.<div onscroll='danger()'>
       3. <object type=quot;text/x-scriptletquot;                     16.<div onmouseenter='danger()'>
                       data=quot;;>             17.<style>
       4. <img src='javascript:danger()'/>                           @import</style>
       5. <frameset>                                          18.<style>BODY{-moz-binding:url(
                       <frame src=quot;javascript:danger()quot;>             quot;;
       6. <link rel=quot;stylesheetquot;
                       href=quot;javascript:danger()quot;/>           19.<xss
       7. <base href=quot;javascript:danger()quot;>
                                                              20.<div style=quot;background-image:
       8. <meta http-equiv=quot;refreshquot;                                 url(javascript:danger())quot;>
                                                              21.<div style=quot;width:
       9. <p style='background-image:                                expression(danger());quot;>
                                                              22.<xss style=quot;xss:expression(danger())quot;>
       10.<a href='javascript:danger()'>
                                                              Many more
       12.<body onload='danger()'>                  
       13.<div onmouseover='danger()'>

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XSS - Making User Input Safe

       It’s made 1000 times worse by browsers being able to
       make sense of virtually anything.
       <a href=quot;a.htmlquot; link</a>

       makes perfect sense to a browser.

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XSS - Making User Input Safe

       It’s made 1000 times worse by browsers being able to
       make sense of virtually anything.
       <a href=quot;a.htmlquot;>link

       makes perfect sense to a browser.

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XSS - Making User Input Safe

       It’s made 1000 times worse by browsers being able to
       make sense of virtually anything.
       <a href=quot;a.html >link</a>

       makes perfect sense to a browser.

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XSS - Making User Input Safe

       It’s made 1000 times worse by browsers being able to
       make sense of virtually anything.
       This: (depending on some encoding tricks)
       ¼a href=quot;a.htmlquot;¾link¼/a¾

       makes perfect sense to a browser.

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XSS - Making User Input Safe

       And we haven’t got into:
         • Flash (ActionScript ~= JavaScript)
         • SVG (can embed JavaScript)
         • XML Data Islands (IE only)
         • HTML+TIME
       You can use both <object> and <embed> for many of

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XSS - The Heart of the Problem

                                “Be conservative in what you do; be
                                liberal in what you accept from others”
                                                             Postel’s Law

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XSS - The Heart of the Problem

                            In                      +       A   Out


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The web developers get lazy ...
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The browser fixes the problems ...

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The users like
    the new
   browser ...

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The web
get even
lazier ...

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The browser fixes the problems ...

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The users like the
                                                    new browser even
                                                        more ...

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XSS - The Heart of the Problem



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XSS - Protection (HTML is Illegal)

       1. Filter inputs by white-listing input characters
         • Remember to filter header names and values

       2. Filter outputs for the destination environment
           For HTML:
                            < &lt;                   > &gt;   ' &apos;     quot; &quot; & &amp;
                     For JavaScript Strings (but see later):
                            ' '                    quot; quot;   LF n   CR r   * uXXXX

                     Other environments have other special chars

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XSS - Protection (well-formed HTML is legal)

                  1. Filter inputs as before
                  2. Validate as HTML and throw away if it fails
                  3. Swap characters for entities (as before)
                  4. Swap back whitelist of allowed tags. e.g.:
                         • &lt;strong&gt;           <strong>

                  5. Take extra care over attributes:
                         • &lta href=&quot;([^&]*)&quot;/&gt;
                              <a href=quot;$1quot;/>

                  6. Take great care over regular expressions

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XSS - Protection (malformed HTML is legal)

                  1. Find another way to do it / Swap jobs / Find
                  some other solution to the problem
                  2. Create a tag soup parser to create a DOM tree
                  from a badly formed HTML document
                    • Remember to recursively check encodings
                  3. Create a tree walker that removes all non
                  approved elements and attributes

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There is NO WAY to protect
            against some injection points

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XSS - Injection Points

       Places you can protect:
         • Plain content
         • Some attribute values
           <input name=x value=quot;$quot;> (but take care)
         • Javascript string values:
           <script>str = quot;$quot;;</script> (but take care)

       Anything else is likely to be unsafe

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XSS - Injection Points

       Places you can’t easily protect:
          • <script>$</script>
          • <div $>
          • <div style=quot;$quot;>...
          • <div background=quot;$quot;>
          • <img src=quot;$quot;>
          • etc
       If users can affect CSS values, hrefs, srcs or plain
       JavaScript then you are likely to have an XSS hole

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XSS Tricks:
                                    Comment Power-up

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XSS - Comment Power-up

       Commonly reflected attacks have length restrictions

       How to create space for an injection attack
        • Use ‘<script>/*’ in an restricted unprotected field
          and ‘*/’ in a later unrestricted protected field

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XSS - Summary

       For data input:
              • Restrict allowed characters for destination type

       For data output:
              • Escaped for the destination environment
              • Ensure encoding is specified (e.g. UTF-8)

       Allow inject only into known safe points

       Never assume that a hole is too small to jump through

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History Stealing

I know where you’ve been, parts 1, 2, 3
History Stealing - Part 1

       Mr. Evil wants to know if you visit

       He creates a page with a link and
       uses a script to read the CSS link
         • purple: customer
         • blue: not a customer

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History Stealing - Part 2

       2 methods of detecting link color:
         • Easy - use JavaScript to read CSS properties
         • When JS is turned off - use CSS to ping the server

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History Stealing - Part 2

       Point a script tag at a protected HTML resource, detect
       differing replies by differing error messages
       <script src=quot;;>

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History Stealing - Part 3

       A page can quickly check thousands of sites and find
       where you bank and store your email

       A page can follow your clicks around the net:
         • Check for common set of URLs
         • Page reports hits to server
         • Server reads hit pages, greps out links sends links
         • Page checks and follows a click-stream

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Combination Attacks
Small holes don’t add up, they
multiply up
Web Worms

       If your site that isn’t 100% safe against XSS and CSRF, users
       can attack their ‘friends’ with scripts

       XHR/Flash/Quicktime can be used as a vector
       Web worms grow much faster than email worms
       So far, infections have been mostly benign, like how email
       worms were in the early 90’s ...

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Intranet Hacking

       History stealing to enumerate hosts inside the firewall
       Anti-DNS pinning to read HTML from inside
       Many routers / firewalls / etc have default passwords,
       which an attacker can exploit
       Use CSRF to alter router / firewall settings

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When the page you are looking at is not
the page you think you are looking at
Clickjacking - Protection

                  if ( != window) {
           = quot;nonequot;;

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ADP = Anti DNS Pinning

Moving intranet servers into your
Anti-DNS Pinning

                                                    DNS for



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Anti-DNS Pinning

                                                                  DNS for


                                                    Let’s visit

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Anti-DNS Pinning

                                                    DNS for

              What’s the IP address


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Anti-DNS Pinning

                                                    DNS for
                              You need
                              (timeout = 1 sec)


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Anti-DNS Pinning

                                                                       DNS for


                                                       Can I have

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Anti-DNS Pinning
                                    HTML +
                                                    DNS for
                                JavaScript that
                               creates an iframe
                                2 seconds after
                                 the page has


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Anti-DNS Pinning

                                                                  DNS for


                                                    Time passes
                                                    (2 seconds)    

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Anti-DNS Pinning

                                                    DNS for

              What’s the IP address


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Anti-DNS Pinning

                                                    DNS for

                         You need


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Anti-DNS Pinning

                                                                    DNS for


                                                          Can I have 

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Anti-DNS Pinning

                                                                       DNS for


                                                    This web server is really

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Anti-DNS Pinning

                  Outer frame reads                 DNS for
                    text from inner
                  iframe and sends
                  it back to                 


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Anti-DNS Pinning

       About ‘Pinning’:
       Browsers ‘pin’ addresses to stop short timeouts
       DNS round-robin forces re-query of DNS if
       website appears to be down
       So websites can get around pins by firewalling
       themselves thus appearing to be down

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Anti-DNS Pinning

       It’s not great for the Internet:

       The browser thinks the domain is, so cookies
       for are not sent:
          Cookie protected resources are safe (for now)

       But it’s great for Intranet hacking
         No cookies needed to read from or

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                                        Joe Walker

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Web 2.0 Hacking

Everything has a down side
Web 2.0 Hacking

       Building blocks:
        • Google Alerts: Search to EMail
        • Mailinator: EMail to RSS
        • Ponyfish: Web to RSS via scraping
        • Storage: DabbleDB, Zoho
        • Yahoo Pipes: RSS remixing
        • L8R: Cron for EMail
        • Google Mashup Editor: RSS to REST API
        • Dapper, OpenKappow

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More Information

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Dropping SSL after login is dangerous

       Being able to snoop on someone else’s cookie is
       virtually the same as being able to snoop on their
       Some services (e.g. Google) default to http after login
       (bad), but allow you to use https for the whole session:
          • etc.

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Useful Tools

          • NoScript - Accept scripts only from sites you trust
          • AltCookies - Accept cookies only from sites you trust
          • EditCooikes - Alter cookies for testing
          • Firebug - Dig deeply into HTTP/JavaSript/CSS and HTTP
          • Paros - Filtering Proxy (can be configured to be
          • Burp - Like Paros
          • Fiddler - Like Paros with integration into IE

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Ajax Security

  • 1. Ajax Security Keeping your application safe Joe Walker Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 2. 89 out of 10 Websites have serious vulnerabilities Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 3. Goal: Keep the bad guys out of your website Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 4. The Attackers Who is the attacker? • Troublemakers / Thieves Who is the victim? • Your data / Your users / Your partners Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 5. Agenda CSRF, Login CSRF JavaScript Hijacking XSS History Stealing Combination Attacks Session Fixation + ADP + Clickjacking Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 6. CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) You can still abuse someone else’s cookies and headers even if you can’t read them
  • 7. Recap: Cross-Domain Rules c = document.cookie; c = document.cookie; alert(c); alert(c); /* /* Shows cookies from Shows cookies from */ */ Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 8. Abusing a Cookie without reading it Welcome to Welcome to We offer the best rates anywhere in We’ve got lots of warez to give away the world, guaranteed. Give us your for freee. Download our stuffs and money and we will look after it in then come back and get more the same way we look after little stuffs. Videoz, Warez, Codez, Mp3s baby kittens. . <iframe width=0 height=0 src=quot;;/> Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 9. CSRF JavaScript is not always required to exploit a CSRF hole Often all you need is: • <iframe src=quot;dangerous_urlquot;> • or <img src=quot;dangerous_urlquot;/> • or <script src=quot;dangerous_urlquot;> You can’t use XHR because cross-domain rules prevent the request from being sent Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 10. CSRF CSRF attacks are write-only (with one exception) Both GET and POST can be forged Referrer checking is not a complete fix It’s not just cookies that get stolen: • HTTP-Auth headers • Active Directory Kerberos tokens Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 11. CSRF - Protection Not 100% solution Force users to log off Check referrer headers (https only) Include authentication tokens The only complete in the body of EVERY request solution Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 12. CSRF - Protection Security tokens in GET requests are not a great idea (bookmarks, caches, GET is idempotent etc) POST means forms with hidden fields • OWASP servlet filter Double-submit cookie pattern (Ajax requests only) • Read the cookie with Javascript and submit in the body Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 13. Login CSRF (Tricking someone into thinking they are you) CSRF turned inside out
  • 14. Login CSRF If I can make your browser do things behind your back, how about logging you out of some service and back in as me. What are the possibilities when you think that you are you, but you’re not; you’re me? Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 15. Login CSRF - Attacks What can I do? • See what you search for • See what books you want to buy • Read emails that you send • Steal credit card details through PayPal • etc Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 16. Login CSRF - Defense If submitting over https: use Referrer checking • Do not assume no referrer is safe Use authentication tokens in your login form Watch out for session fixation attacks • Invalidate the server session on login and re-create it Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 17. JavaScript Hijacking (or how your GMail contacts were at risk) Sucking data out of Objects before they’re created
  • 18. JavaScript Hijacking “CSRF is write-only with one known exception” Using <script> automatically evaluates the returned script So if you can just find a way to intercept scripts as they are evaluated ... Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 19. <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;> function Object() { alert(quot;Hello, Worldquot;); } var x = {}; </script> Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 20. <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;> function Object() { this.__defineSetter__('wibble', function(x) { alert(x); }); } var x = {}; x.wibble = quot;Hello, Worldquot;; </script> Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 21. <script type=quot;text/javascriptquot;> var obj; function Object() { obj = this; this.__defineSetter__('killme', function(x) { for (key in obj) { if (key != 'killme') { alert('Stolen: ' + key + '=' + obj[key]); } } }); setTimeout(quot;obj['killme']='ignored';quot;, 0); } </script> <script src=quot;;> Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 22. JavaScript Hijacking When you serve JavaScript from a website it could be evaluated in a hostile environment Protect secrets in JavaScript in the same way that you would protect them elsewhere Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 23. JavaScript Hijacking Sometimes people wish to have a double layer of security to prevent evaluation: /*<JSON_HERE>*/ (Don’t do this) while(true); <JSON_HERE> (Google) throw new Error(quot;quot;); <JSON_HERE> (DWR) {}&& <JSON_HERE> Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 24. XSS (Cross Site Scripting) Abusing someone’s trust in your typing
  • 25. Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 26. XSS 2 types: • Reflected: Script embedded in the request is ‘reflected’ in the response • Stored: Attacker’s input is stored and played back in later page views Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 27. XSS Scenario: You let the user enter their name Someone is going to enter their name like this: Joe<script src=quot;;> Then, whoever looks at Joe’s name will execute Joe’s script and become a slave of Joe Generally HTML is not a valid input, but sometimes it is: • Blogs, MySpace, Wikis, RSS readers, etc Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 28. XSS - Making User Input Safe So, you filter out ‘<script.*>’ and then you’re safe. Right? Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 29. XSS - Places that scripts get eval()ed 1. <table background=quot;javascript:danger()quot;> 14.<body background=quot;javascript:danger()quot;> 2. <input type='image' src='javascript:danger()'/> 15.<div onscroll='danger()'> 3. <object type=quot;text/x-scriptletquot; 16.<div onmouseenter='danger()'> data=quot;;> 17.<style> 4. <img src='javascript:danger()'/> @import</style> 5. <frameset> 18.<style>BODY{-moz-binding:url( <frame src=quot;javascript:danger()quot;> quot;; )}</style> 6. <link rel=quot;stylesheetquot; href=quot;javascript:danger()quot;/> 19.<xss style=quot;behavior:url(;quot;> 7. <base href=quot;javascript:danger()quot;> 20.<div style=quot;background-image: 8. <meta http-equiv=quot;refreshquot; url(javascript:danger())quot;> content=quot;0;url=javascript:danger()quot;> 21.<div style=quot;width: 9. <p style='background-image: expression(danger());quot;> url(quot;javascript:danger()quot;)'); 22.<xss style=quot;xss:expression(danger())quot;> 10.<a href='javascript:danger()'> 11.<tr background=quot;javascript:danger()quot;> Many more 12.<body onload='danger()'> 13.<div onmouseover='danger()'> Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 30. XSS - Making User Input Safe It’s made 1000 times worse by browsers being able to make sense of virtually anything. This: <a href=quot;a.htmlquot; link</a> makes perfect sense to a browser. Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 31. XSS - Making User Input Safe It’s made 1000 times worse by browsers being able to make sense of virtually anything. This: <a href=quot;a.htmlquot;>link makes perfect sense to a browser. Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 32. XSS - Making User Input Safe It’s made 1000 times worse by browsers being able to make sense of virtually anything. This: <a href=quot;a.html >link</a> makes perfect sense to a browser. Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 33. XSS - Making User Input Safe It’s made 1000 times worse by browsers being able to make sense of virtually anything. This: (depending on some encoding tricks) ¼a href=quot;a.htmlquot;¾link¼/a¾ makes perfect sense to a browser. Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 34. XSS - Making User Input Safe And we haven’t got into: • Flash (ActionScript ~= JavaScript) • SVG (can embed JavaScript) • XML Data Islands (IE only) • HTML+TIME You can use both <object> and <embed> for many of these Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 35. XSS - The Heart of the Problem “Be conservative in what you do; be liberal in what you accept from others” Postel’s Law Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 36. XSS - The Heart of the Problem In + A Out B Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 37. The web developers get lazy ... Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 38. The browser fixes the problems ... Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 39. The users like the new browser ... Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 40. The web developers get even lazier ... Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 41. The browser fixes the problems ... Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 42. The users like the new browser even more ... Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 43. XSS - The Heart of the Problem ¼STYLE¾@import'javas cri pt:danger()';¼/STYLE¾ Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 44. XSS - Protection (HTML is Illegal) 1. Filter inputs by white-listing input characters • Remember to filter header names and values 2. Filter outputs for the destination environment For HTML: < &lt; > &gt; ' &apos; quot; &quot; & &amp; For JavaScript Strings (but see later): ' ' quot; quot; LF n CR r * uXXXX Other environments have other special chars Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 45. XSS - Protection (well-formed HTML is legal) 1. Filter inputs as before 2. Validate as HTML and throw away if it fails 3. Swap characters for entities (as before) 4. Swap back whitelist of allowed tags. e.g.: • &lt;strong&gt; <strong> 5. Take extra care over attributes: • &lta href=&quot;([^&]*)&quot;/&gt; <a href=quot;$1quot;/> 6. Take great care over regular expressions Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 46. XSS - Protection (malformed HTML is legal) 1. Find another way to do it / Swap jobs / Find some other solution to the problem 2. Create a tag soup parser to create a DOM tree from a badly formed HTML document • Remember to recursively check encodings 3. Create a tree walker that removes all non approved elements and attributes Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 47. There is NO WAY to protect against some injection points Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 48. XSS - Injection Points Places you can protect: • Plain content <div>$</div> • Some attribute values <input name=x value=quot;$quot;> (but take care) • Javascript string values: <script>str = quot;$quot;;</script> (but take care) Anything else is likely to be unsafe Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 49. XSS - Injection Points Places you can’t easily protect: • <script>$</script> • <div $> • <div style=quot;$quot;>... • <div background=quot;$quot;> • <img src=quot;$quot;> • etc If users can affect CSS values, hrefs, srcs or plain JavaScript then you are likely to have an XSS hole Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 50. XSS Tricks: Comment Power-up Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 51. XSS - Comment Power-up Commonly reflected attacks have length restrictions How to create space for an injection attack • Use ‘<script>/*’ in an restricted unprotected field and ‘*/’ in a later unrestricted protected field Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 52. XSS - Summary For data input: • Restrict allowed characters for destination type For data output: • Escaped for the destination environment • Ensure encoding is specified (e.g. UTF-8) Allow inject only into known safe points Never assume that a hole is too small to jump through Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 53. History Stealing I know where you’ve been, parts 1, 2, 3
  • 54. History Stealing - Part 1 Mr. Evil wants to know if you visit He creates a page with a link and uses a script to read the CSS link color: • purple: customer • blue: not a customer Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 55. History Stealing - Part 2 2 methods of detecting link color: • Easy - use JavaScript to read CSS properties • When JS is turned off - use CSS to ping the server Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 56. History Stealing - Part 2 Point a script tag at a protected HTML resource, detect differing replies by differing error messages <script src=quot;;> Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 57. History Stealing - Part 3 A page can quickly check thousands of sites and find where you bank and store your email A page can follow your clicks around the net: • Check for common set of URLs • Page reports hits to server • Server reads hit pages, greps out links sends links back • Page checks and follows a click-stream Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 58. Combination Attacks Small holes don’t add up, they multiply up
  • 59. Web Worms If your site that isn’t 100% safe against XSS and CSRF, users can attack their ‘friends’ with scripts XHR/Flash/Quicktime can be used as a vector Web worms grow much faster than email worms So far, infections have been mostly benign, like how email worms were in the early 90’s ... Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 60. Intranet Hacking History stealing to enumerate hosts inside the firewall Anti-DNS pinning to read HTML from inside Many routers / firewalls / etc have default passwords, which an attacker can exploit Use CSRF to alter router / firewall settings Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 61. Clickjacking When the page you are looking at is not the page you think you are looking at
  • 62. Clickjacking - Protection if ( != window) { = quot;nonequot;; } Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 63. ADP = Anti DNS Pinning Moving intranet servers into your domain
  • 64. Anti-DNS Pinning DNS for Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 65. Anti-DNS Pinning DNS for Let’s visit Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 66. Anti-DNS Pinning DNS for What’s the IP address for Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 67. Anti-DNS Pinning DNS for You need (timeout = 1 sec) Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 68. Anti-DNS Pinning DNS for Can I have Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 69. Anti-DNS Pinning HTML + DNS for JavaScript that creates an iframe 2 seconds after the page has loaded Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 70. Anti-DNS Pinning DNS for Time passes (2 seconds) Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 71. Anti-DNS Pinning DNS for What’s the IP address for Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 72. Anti-DNS Pinning DNS for You need Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 73. Anti-DNS Pinning DNS for Can I have Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 74. Anti-DNS Pinning DNS for This web server is really Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 75. Anti-DNS Pinning Outer frame reads DNS for text from inner iframe and sends it back to Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 76. Anti-DNS Pinning About ‘Pinning’: Browsers ‘pin’ addresses to stop short timeouts DNS round-robin forces re-query of DNS if website appears to be down So websites can get around pins by firewalling themselves thus appearing to be down Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 77. Anti-DNS Pinning It’s not great for the Internet: The browser thinks the domain is, so cookies for are not sent: Cookie protected resources are safe (for now) But it’s great for Intranet hacking No cookies needed to read from or Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 78. Questions? Joe Walker Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 79. Web 2.0 Hacking Everything has a down side
  • 80. Web 2.0 Hacking Building blocks: • Google Alerts: Search to EMail • Mailinator: EMail to RSS • Ponyfish: Web to RSS via scraping • Storage: DabbleDB, Zoho • Yahoo Pipes: RSS remixing • L8R: Cron for EMail • Google Mashup Editor: RSS to REST API • Dapper, OpenKappow Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 81. More Information Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 82. Dropping SSL after login is dangerous Being able to snoop on someone else’s cookie is virtually the same as being able to snoop on their password Some services (e.g. Google) default to http after login (bad), but allow you to use https for the whole session: • • • etc. Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 83. Useful Tools Firefox: • NoScript - Accept scripts only from sites you trust • AltCookies - Accept cookies only from sites you trust • EditCooikes - Alter cookies for testing • Firebug - Dig deeply into HTTP/JavaSript/CSS and HTTP General: • Paros - Filtering Proxy (can be configured to be transparent) • Burp - Like Paros • Fiddler - Like Paros with integration into IE Copyright SitePen, Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved