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Core Web
Make Visitors and Search Engine Happy
• What
• Steps
• Examples
Talking Points:
A set of metrics created by Google
to ensure every visitor gets a
positive user experience.
Core Web Vitals
measures the initial loading
performance of the page
measures how long it takes for
visitors to interact with the page
measures the amount of page
layout shifts

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SEO Audit Report | Analyze Website Free 2023
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SEO Audit Report | Analyze Website Free 2023

An SEO Audit report helps your website project and ranking factor that also define how many issue is going on in your site. It is the first step to implementation that will measurable results. The purpose of the audit report is to identify the affecting organic search performances as possible. For more information visit our page. Link:

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SEO - a brief introduction
SEO - a brief introductionSEO - a brief introduction
SEO - a brief introduction

A short introduction to SEO we use at Geronimo What it means, what can you do to help your website. What's SEM and how does it work (the basics!) Thanks go to Eaon Prichard

On-Page Optimization SEO Report Sample by SEO Traffic
On-Page Optimization SEO Report Sample by SEO TrafficOn-Page Optimization SEO Report Sample by SEO Traffic
On-Page Optimization SEO Report Sample by SEO Traffic

This is a REAL sample report I ran for 1 of our on-site service pages. This on-page SEO report allows you you to optimize content of every page of your site for important targeted keywords you're looking to rank for. Some features on our onpage optimization report: We provide optimization advice for specific Search Engines We Determine ideal keyword density for your target keywords Analyzes keyword optimization of each HTML element We give you a general analysis of keyword use We outline problem areas on your pages We compare your page with your 10 top-ranking competitors We evaluate competitors' on-page optimization strategy We outline HTML-code element that you optimize right now In a nutshell, this report is the what we use to Optimize the content of every page of your website to ensure a well optimized page for SEO. This is one of the SEO reports you get when we perform a website SEO order for your business website. You can also read more about our SEO Audit Packages at To your SEO Sucess SEO Traffic

seo audit reportingsample seo audit reportsample seo report
What Matters Most ➟
the Fold
Basic Principles ➟
request, size, structure
1. Inline Critical CSS
<style id="inlined-critical-css-example">
html, body {
max-width: 100vw;
overflow-x: hidden;
background-color: #171717;
font-weight: 400;
font-size: max(16.5px,min(17px,(100vw - 100vmin)))
html {
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
box-sizing: border-box;
:root, html, body, button, input, select, textarea {
font-family: thinkweb,Tahoma,Geneva,sans-serif;
Can be created
• Using online tools:
• Manually

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Search Engine Optimization
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Search Engine Optimization

This document provides an overview of search engine optimization (SEO) including: - Defining SEO as the process of improving website visibility in organic search results. - Describing how search engines work by crawling, indexing, processing queries, and retrieving results. - Explaining the difference between on-page SEO which involves optimizing individual pages, and off-page SEO which focuses on links and relationships between sites. - Noting the importance of both technical elements like keywords and meta tags as well as content and links to effectively optimize a site.

Web Performance: 3 Stages to Success
Web Performance: 3 Stages to SuccessWeb Performance: 3 Stages to Success
Web Performance: 3 Stages to Success

A performance optimization presentation for WordCamp Sacramento 2016. Presented by Austin Gil. This presentation addresses issues in design, development, and project management, where performance is most greatly affected. We look at various opportunities and techniques within each stage that may offer more speed. The subjects range from beginner to advanced with tips and advice that just about anyone can walk away with, and we end with a collection of recommended tools. This presentation was designed so the slides would be useful even out of context of the presentation. Please enjoy.

SEO Overview
SEO OverviewSEO Overview
SEO Overview

Complete overview of SEO strategies for 2020. Includes on-page SEO steps, Off-page SEO strategies and important tools for marketers.

marketingseocontent marketing
2. Check the Loaded Assets
• Gtmetrix’s Waterfal Tab
• Chrome Dev Tools
3. Identify Unused Assets
• Chrome Dev Tools > Show
4. Handling Unused CSS
• Remove:
1. Manually
2. Plugins
• Purify:
• Remove
• Purify
5. Handling Unused JavaScript
• Remove:
1. Manually
2. Plugins
• Delay:
1. Flying Script (free) *WordPress
2. WP-Rocket (paid) *WordPress
• Remove
• Delay

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Web vitals are vitals - Aymen Loukil
Web vitals are vitals  - Aymen LoukilWeb vitals are vitals  - Aymen Loukil
Web vitals are vitals - Aymen Loukil

The document discusses Google's Core Web Vitals metrics for measuring website performance. It covers the three metrics - Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift. For each metric, it explains what the metric measures, how to measure it using lab and field tools, and provides optimizations to improve the metric such as reducing page size, prioritizing critical resources, and specifying element sizes. It also addresses frequently asked questions about the metrics and their impact on SEO and user experience. The overall message is that optimizing the Core Web Vitals will improve users' experience of a website which is important for both users and SEO.

web vitalswebperformanceux
Website Audit Report Sample
Website Audit Report SampleWebsite Audit Report Sample
Website Audit Report Sample

This is a sample of the website audit reports that my company, S3 Optimization provides. Because of all the recent changes within Google, we're offering these for free (a $500 value) to business owners who are serious about their rankings and being compliant with Google.

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Website Audit Proposal Template PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Website Audit Proposal Template PowerPoint Presentation SlidesWebsite Audit Proposal Template PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Website Audit Proposal Template PowerPoint Presentation Slides

This proposal provides a comprehensive website audit and strategy for improving a client's website. The audit will analyze the site's performance, architecture, SEO, and user experience to identify issues. A detailed report will be compiled with the site's traffic patterns, sources, conversion rates, and recommended improvements. The proposal outlines the audit process and timeline, deliverables, costs, and next steps to move forward with the project.

business proposalproposal templateswebsite audit proposal
How to remove assets in WordPress
/* to remove assets on every page */
function tw_unload_files() {
wp_dequeue_style ( 'optim-style' ); // *_style is for css
wp_dequeue_script ( 'jquery-core' ); // *_script is for JavaScript
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tw_unload_files', 100 );
/* to remove assets on certain page or post-type */
function tw_unload_files() {
if ( is_front_page() || is_page([page-id]) || is_single() || is_product() ) {
wp_dequeue_style ( 'optim-style' );
wp_dequeue_script ( 'jquery-core' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tw_unload_files', 100 );
6. Handling Images
• Compress:
1. Online Tools
2. Offline Tools
• Delay:
1. Native Lazy Loading
2. JavaScript based
• Image Dedicated CDN:
Imagekit, Statically, AnyoneCDN, etc
• Compress, Reduce, and Resize
• Preload Critical Image
• Delay Below the Fold Images
• Use Image Dedicated CDN
7. Handling Fonts
Basic Principles:
• Limit the number of text fonts
• Don’t use icon fonts
Best Practices:
• Self-host the font files
• Purified and Inline the CSS
• Preload critical font files
8. Handling Above the Fold Area
1. Make it simple
a. Avoid using JavaScript driven content
b. Simplify the HTML structure
c. Limit the number of images
2. Make it fast & light
a. Establish early connections of critical 3rd party resource
b. Don’t combine CSS & JavaScript files
c. Preload any critical assets
d. Delay any non critical assets
e. Use full HTML page cache

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Foxtail Website Audit
Foxtail Website AuditFoxtail Website Audit
Foxtail Website Audit

This document provides recommendations from a website audit to help optimize the website for search engines and visitors. The recommendations focus on improving accessibility, indexability, on-page and off-page ranking factors, and information architecture. The implementation of these recommendations is important to make the website easier for search engines to understand and for users to use. Areas that need optimization include meta titles and descriptions, images, internal linking structure, backlink profile, and social sharing integration.

Seo proposal
Seo proposalSeo proposal
Seo proposal

The document provides an SEO proposal with 8 steps: 1) analysis of client needs, website, and competitors; 2) keyword research and analysis; 3) on-page optimization; 4) content optimization; 5) link building; 6) social media optimization; 7) reporting; and 8) feedback. It then outlines SEO packages with differing deliverables and costs, including on-page and off-page optimization tasks, and content creation. Payment is required upfront via PayPal.

seo servicesrequest for proposal
Website Audit Presentation
Website Audit PresentationWebsite Audit Presentation
Website Audit Presentation

The document discusses various aspects of website auditing including SEO auditing, content optimization, internal linking, URL structure, use of robots.txt and sitemaps, source code optimization, design and usability, and navigation. It provides tips on making a website more search engine friendly and improving its online presence through conversion rate optimization.

website auditsite audit
q How to Establish Early 3rd Party Connection
/* to pre-connect to the google fonts server */
<link rel="preconnect" href="//">
/* to prefetch the dns of google fonts */
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//">
<link rel="preconnect" href="the-asset-source-domain-name">
<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="the-asset-source-domain-name">
q How to Preload Files
/* to preload image */
<link rel="preload" as="image" href="/wp-content/uploads/optimize-core-web-vitals-s.jpg">
/* to preload font */
<link rel="preload" as="font"
href="" crossorigin>
/* to preload JavaScript */
<link rel="preload" as="script" href="/wp-content/themes/generatepress/assets/js/main.min.js">
/* to preload CSS */
<link rel="preload" as="style" href="/wp-content/themes/generatepress/assets/css/main.min.css">
<link rel="preload" as="the-asset-type" href="the-asset-url-path">
Example / Case Study
Thank You !

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Link building ppt
Link building pptLink building ppt
Link building ppt

Link building involves creating inbound links to a website from external sites to improve search engine rankings and increase targeted traffic. It is important to build quality links from relevant sites through methods like email outreach, guest blogging, and directory submissions. An effective link building strategy focuses on creating valuable content that other sites will want to link to organically over time in order to achieve business objectives through increased visibility and rankings.

Website Analysis Report : SEO, CRO Website Audit.
Website Analysis Report : SEO, CRO Website Audit.Website Analysis Report : SEO, CRO Website Audit.
Website Analysis Report : SEO, CRO Website Audit.

This is one of my SEO, CRO Website audit. Note: This audit missed the report of google analytics, cause I have had no access for the GA account.

digital marketingcroseo
Google Search Console
Google Search ConsoleGoogle Search Console
Google Search Console

The document provides an overview of Google Search Console, which allows website owners to monitor how their site appears in Google search results and identify potential issues. It discusses how to register a site with Search Console and describes several tools available in Search Console, including tools for structured data, data highlighting, sitelinks, traffic analysis, the site index, crawling, and bounce rates. Reducing bounce rates is important as a high rate can indicate users are not engaged by the content or navigation.


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Core Web Vitals Optimization for any website, especially WordPress

  • 2. • What • Steps • Examples Talking Points:
  • 3. What A set of metrics created by Google to ensure every visitor gets a positive user experience.
  • 4. Core Web Vitals measures the initial loading performance of the page measures how long it takes for visitors to interact with the page measures the amount of page layout shifts
  • 5. What Matters Most ➟ Above the Fold Area
  • 8. 1. Inline Critical CSS <style id="inlined-critical-css-example"> html, body { max-width: 100vw; overflow-x: hidden; background-color: #171717; font-weight: 400; font-size: max(16.5px,min(17px,(100vw - 100vmin))) } html { -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; box-sizing: border-box; } :root, html, body, button, input, select, textarea { font-family: thinkweb,Tahoma,Geneva,sans-serif; } ... </style> Can be created • Using online tools: 1. path-css-generator 2. css-generator/ • Manually Example:
  • 9. 2. Check the Loaded Assets Tools • Gtmetrix’s Waterfal Tab • Chrome Dev Tools Example:
  • 10. 3. Identify Unused Assets Tools • Chrome Dev Tools > Show Coverage Example:
  • 11. 4. Handling Unused CSS Tools • Remove: 1. Manually 2. Plugins • Purify: 1. 2. • Remove • Purify
  • 12. 5. Handling Unused JavaScript Tools • Remove: 1. Manually 2. Plugins • Delay: 1. Flying Script (free) *WordPress 2. WP-Rocket (paid) *WordPress • Remove • Delay
  • 13. How to remove assets in WordPress /* to remove assets on every page */ function tw_unload_files() { wp_dequeue_style ( 'optim-style' ); // *_style is for css wp_dequeue_script ( 'jquery-core' ); // *_script is for JavaScript } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tw_unload_files', 100 ); /* to remove assets on certain page or post-type */ function tw_unload_files() { if ( is_front_page() || is_page([page-id]) || is_single() || is_product() ) { wp_dequeue_style ( 'optim-style' ); wp_dequeue_script ( 'jquery-core' ); } } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'tw_unload_files', 100 );
  • 14. 6. Handling Images Tools • Compress: 1. Online Tools 2. Offline Tools • Delay: 1. Native Lazy Loading 2. JavaScript based • Image Dedicated CDN: Imagekit, Statically, AnyoneCDN, etc • Compress, Reduce, and Resize • Preload Critical Image • Delay Below the Fold Images • Use Image Dedicated CDN
  • 15. 7. Handling Fonts Basic Principles: • Limit the number of text fonts • Don’t use icon fonts Best Practices: • Self-host the font files • Purified and Inline the CSS • Preload critical font files
  • 16. 8. Handling Above the Fold Area 1. Make it simple a. Avoid using JavaScript driven content b. Simplify the HTML structure c. Limit the number of images 2. Make it fast & light a. Establish early connections of critical 3rd party resource b. Don’t combine CSS & JavaScript files c. Preload any critical assets d. Delay any non critical assets e. Use full HTML page cache
  • 17. q How to Establish Early 3rd Party Connection /* to pre-connect to the google fonts server */ <link rel="preconnect" href="//"> /* to prefetch the dns of google fonts */ <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//"> Example: <link rel="preconnect" href="the-asset-source-domain-name"> <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="the-asset-source-domain-name">
  • 18. q How to Preload Files /* to preload image */ <link rel="preload" as="image" href="/wp-content/uploads/optimize-core-web-vitals-s.jpg"> /* to preload font */ <link rel="preload" as="font" href="" crossorigin> /* to preload JavaScript */ <link rel="preload" as="script" href="/wp-content/themes/generatepress/assets/js/main.min.js"> /* to preload CSS */ <link rel="preload" as="style" href="/wp-content/themes/generatepress/assets/css/main.min.css"> Example: <link rel="preload" as="the-asset-type" href="the-asset-url-path">
  • 19. Example / Case Study