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Heiko Behrens | itemis AG

App-Entwicklung – ein Vergleich
Plattformübergreifende App-Entwicklung (ein Vergleich) - MobileTechCon 2010
eBay aims for $1.5 billion in mobile sales in 2010
                                internet retailer, Q1 2010

  mobile download revenue exceeded
              $29.5 billion by 2013
                          Gartner, Q2 2010

07/Q2   07/Q4   08/Q2   08/Q4   09/Q2      09/Q4      10/Q2   10/Q4
I want an iPhone App !

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Jet presentation
Jet presentationJet presentation
Jet presentation

The document summarizes a Java Emerging Technology (JET) conference held in September 2008. It provides outlines and details on sessions covering topics like Java 7 features and timelines, the EasyB behavior-driven development framework, Scala as an object-oriented functional language, Groovy as a dynamic language, Grails as a web application framework, developments in J2ME, and the Android mobile platform. Examples of code were provided for many of the sessions to demonstrate the technologies.

java emerging technology
Going to Mars with Groovy Domain-Specific Languages
Going to Mars with Groovy Domain-Specific LanguagesGoing to Mars with Groovy Domain-Specific Languages
Going to Mars with Groovy Domain-Specific Languages

Practical example of implementing and evolving a simple DSL in Groovy, to drive a robot rover on the planet Mars.

ZFConf 2012: Capistrano для деплоймента PHP-приложений (Роман Лапин)
ZFConf 2012: Capistrano для деплоймента PHP-приложений (Роман Лапин)ZFConf 2012: Capistrano для деплоймента PHP-приложений (Роман Лапин)
ZFConf 2012: Capistrano для деплоймента PHP-приложений (Роман Лапин)

Capistrano для деплоймента PHP приложений Capistrano is a tool for deploying PHP applications. It allows deployments to be done with a single command. Capistrano handles tasks like updating files and databases, creating files/folders/symlinks, file permissions, cache clearing, and rolling back if errors occur. Common methods for deployment include FTP clients, version control hooks, Phing, shell scripts, and Rsync. Capistrano uses SSH and works with version control systems like Git, SVN, and Mercurial. It manages releases by creating dated directories and symlinking the current release. Custom tasks can be added to handle additional deployment steps.

phpzfconfzend framework
diversity of platforms
94 App Stores
two categories
How can we address
  this diversity?

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Don't screw it up: how to build durable web apis
Don't screw it up: how to build durable web apisDon't screw it up: how to build durable web apis
Don't screw it up: how to build durable web apis

Presentation given during the phpDay 2014 in Verona. It's about how to build durable web apis based on the experience gained at Namshi while we were developing our SOA architecture

ZFConf 2012: Реализация доступа к СУБД IBM DB2 посредством встраиваемого SQL ...
ZFConf 2012: Реализация доступа к СУБД IBM DB2 посредством встраиваемого SQL ...ZFConf 2012: Реализация доступа к СУБД IBM DB2 посредством встраиваемого SQL ...
ZFConf 2012: Реализация доступа к СУБД IBM DB2 посредством встраиваемого SQL ...

This document provides an overview of IBM DB2 Embedded SQL for PHP. It discusses what embedded SQL is, provides PHP code examples of how to connect to a database and execute queries using embedded SQL, and lists some key features of how embedded SQL is implemented in IBM DB2, including the use of static SQL. It also mentions that the db2_embsql PHP extension provides support for embedded SQL in PHP.

phpzfconfzend framework
Symfony2 and AngularJS
Symfony2 and AngularJSSymfony2 and AngularJS
Symfony2 and AngularJS

These are my slide from talk at PHPDay in Verona 20014. Forget about classic website where UX is not so important. We are living in time where usability is one of the important thing if you are building some business client oriented web service. In locastic we are working on CRM that is based on Symfony2 as backend and AngularJS as frontend solution. How to connect this two frameworks? What are best practices? What are disadvantageous? How to take best from both worlds? These are topics I will cover in my talk with real examples.

You can write amazing web apps
that look exactly and behave
exactly like apps on the iPhone
                  Steve Jobs, WWDC 2007
Plattformübergreifende App-Entwicklung (ein Vergleich) - MobileTechCon 2010
Plattformübergreifende App-Entwicklung (ein Vergleich) - MobileTechCon 2010

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Namshi in 2014: let's rock!
Namshi in 2014: let's rock!Namshi in 2014: let's rock!
Namshi in 2014: let's rock!

An internal presentation given to the tech team at Namshi: thoughts on our 2013 and what to expect in 2014. If you looking to team up with a bunch of passionate nerds...have a look and join the crazy boat!

Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)
Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)
Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)

AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) is JavaScript's missing module system for the browser. It's a cosmos of interoperability, efficient loading, dependency resolution, code optimization, etc. At excentos we're using it as part of the Dojo Toolkit to organize our single-page product advisor web apps. I will give a short introduction to the concept and some tools and I'm going to explain why everyone with a reasonably-sized code base should adopt it.

Jwis2011 ruo ando
Jwis2011 ruo andoJwis2011 ruo ando
Jwis2011 ruo ando

1. The document analyzes obfuscated JavaScript exploitation using the process debug manager extension of Microsoft Visual Studio. 2. This extension allows tracing of JavaScript behavior like function calls and property changes during execution, which can help analyze sophisticated attacks using techniques like binary encoding and obfuscation. 3. The debugging extension provides a higher-level view of the scripting environment compared to traditional low-level debuggers, helping bridge the "semantic gap" between the kernel/user modes and the web application layer.

java scriptaurora opeartiondebugging
what’s that
   native thing?

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TangoWithDjango - ch8
TangoWithDjango - ch8TangoWithDjango - ch8
TangoWithDjango - ch8

This document discusses user authentication in Django. It covers setting up authentication with Django's auth application, creating user and profile models, adding login and registration views and templates, and restricting access with decorators. The key points are: - Django's auth app provides user authentication functionality out of the box, including user models, permissions, and form/view tools. - Additional user profile attributes can be added by creating a profile model with a one-to-one relationship to the user model. - Registration is implemented with forms bound to the user and profile models, and a view to process registration and save to the database. - Login functionality includes a form, view to authenticate and log in a user, - Hands on Node.js - Hands on - Hands on Node.js - Hands on Node.js

Mathilde Lemée & Romain Maton La théorie, c’est bien, la pratique … aussi ! Venez nous rejoindre pour découvrir les profondeurs de Node.js ! Nous nous servirons d’un exemple pratique pour vous permettre d’avoir une premiere experience complete autour de Node.js et de vous permettre de vous forger un avis sur ce serveur Javascript qui fait parler de lui !

DEF CON 23: Stick That In Your (root)Pipe & Smoke It
DEF CON 23: Stick That In Your (root)Pipe & Smoke ItDEF CON 23: Stick That In Your (root)Pipe & Smoke It
DEF CON 23: Stick That In Your (root)Pipe & Smoke It

DEF CON 23 You may ask; "why would Apple add an XPC service that can create setuid files anywhere on the system - and then blindly allow any local user to leverage this service?" Honestly, I have no idea! The undocumented 'writeconfig' XPC service was recently uncovered by Emil Kvarnhammar, who determined its lax controls could be abused to escalate one's privileges to root. Dubbed ‘rootpipe,' this bug was patched in OS X 10.10.3. End of story, right? Nope, instead things then got quite interesting. First, Apple decided to leave older versions of OS X un-patched. Then, an astute researcher discovered that the OSX/XSLCmd malware which pre-dated the disclosure, exploited this same vulnerability as a 0day! Finally, yours truly, found a simple way to side-step Apple's patch to re-exploit the core vulnerability on a fully-patched system. So come attend (but maybe leave your MacBooks at home), as we dive into the technical details XPC and the rootpipe vulnerability, explore how malware exploited this flaw, and then fully detail the process of completely bypassing Apple's patch. The talk will conclude by examining Apple’s response, a second patch, that appears to squash ‘rootpipe’…for now.

defconappledefcon 23
Unreal Tech Demo

<div class=”light”></div>

<div id=”floor” class=”reflection”></div>
the User’s perspective
      on Apps

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Deprecated: Foundations of Zend Framework 2
Deprecated: Foundations of Zend Framework 2Deprecated: Foundations of Zend Framework 2
Deprecated: Foundations of Zend Framework 2

DEPRECATED-Please see for updated version. For this talk Adam Culp will cover a basic intro to Zend Framework 2 (ZF2) and how to use the foundational pieces. We will discover how to get a Zend Framework 2 application up and running quickly using GitHub, Composer, and the Zend Framework 2 Skeleton Application. Then we will leverage the Zend Skeleton Module to introduce adding modules to a Zend Framework 2 application. We will also cover basic usage of the ZF2 module manager, event manager, service manager, and database components. Adam will also introduce some useful resources to help attendees continue learning on their own. The goal of the talk is to give attendees enough information to be able to get a jump start into using ZF2.

Slides Aquarium Paris 2008
Slides Aquarium Paris 2008Slides Aquarium Paris 2008
Slides Aquarium Paris 2008

This document discusses IzPack, an open source installer toolkit for Java applications. It provides an outline and overview of IzPack features such as cross-platform compatibility, a declarative XML-based descriptor format, compiler to build installers from descriptors, customizable GUI panels, and conditions and variables. The document demonstrates how to build an installer for GlassFish and highlights IzPack's history and community.

[Spring Camp 2013] Java Configuration 없인 못살아!
[Spring Camp 2013] Java Configuration 없인 못살아![Spring Camp 2013] Java Configuration 없인 못살아!
[Spring Camp 2013] Java Configuration 없인 못살아!

Spring Camp 2013 / Track B Session 2 Java Configuration은 Spring 3.0과 함께 등장했습니다. 초기에는 '이게 뭐야?' 싶은 정도로 제대로된 모습을 갖춘 상태가 아니었습니다. 뒤돌아보면 스프링 1.0 시절의 XML을 보는것 같았지요. (웃음) 하지만 3.1이 발표되며 상황이 바뀌었습니다. XML 설정을 대체할 정도로 성장했을 뿐만 아니라 더 많은 것들을 할 수 있게 되었거든요. 이 시간에는 Spring을 사용하는 대표적인 예제 PetClinic(을 Java Configuration으로 재구성한 모습을 코드로 보여드립니다. 그리고 제가 보는 Java Configuration의 매력요소를 공유합니다.

spring frameworkspringcamp
pre-installed    downloaded         online

            native                 website

                           W3C widget



web apps
cache manifest, local storage, forms, geo location

animation, transitions, 3D transformation

css media queries, reference, categories, float layout

mails, telephone, sms, maps, youtube, etc.
Web Frameworks
iWebKit, iUI, jQTouch

Sencha Touch

2010 Q4: JQuery mobile framework

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Communication in Node.js
Communication in Node.jsCommunication in Node.js
Communication in Node.js

The document is a slide presentation on mastering Node.js. It introduces Node.js and its architecture, uses cases like at LinkedIn and eBay, and two-way communication using Node.js is described as a JavaScript runtime environment for building fast and scalable network applications. It is single-threaded and event-driven, handling requests asynchronously through an event loop. The presentation demonstrates how to create TCP servers and clients in Node.js, and use for real-time communication between client and server through event emitters and callbacks.

node js
JVM Dive for mere mortals
JVM Dive for mere mortalsJVM Dive for mere mortals
JVM Dive for mere mortals

The document provides an overview of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and how Java code is executed. It discusses how source code is compiled to bytecode, loaded by the classloader, and initially interpreted. It then describes how the just-in-time (JIT) compiler optimizes bytecode by compiling it to native machine code. Various JIT optimizations like inlining, unrolling, and scalar replacement are also summarized.

jvm performance java
Building a Simple Mobile-optimized Web App Using the jQuery Mobile Framework
Building a Simple Mobile-optimized Web App Using the jQuery Mobile FrameworkBuilding a Simple Mobile-optimized Web App Using the jQuery Mobile Framework
Building a Simple Mobile-optimized Web App Using the jQuery Mobile Framework

Presented June 8, 2012 (Online) at the 'Access by Touch: Delivering Library Services Through Mobile Technologies' conference sponsored by Amigos Library Services. Description: By the end of 2012, it is expected that more than 80% of the world’s population will have access to a smartphone. Your library users will assume that your library can be accessible from anywhere, at any time, and on any device. Now is the time to be ready! During this webinar, you will: - learn what a mobile framework is. - acquire best practices in mobile Web development. - understand the various technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and how they work together to build mobile Web apps. - recognize the differences between native and web apps. - have an opportunity to continue to work with Chad after the webinar to demonstrate what you learned. - gain access after the webinar to a free Web server so you can see your mobile Web app live.

frameworksjquery mobilemobile web
Sencha Touch

MIT License                    GPL Dual License
declarative + JQuery           programmatically
focus on iPhone                aims at cross platform
simple                         complex

  See also iWebKit, iUI, jQTouch, JQuery Mobile (2010 Q3)
development     easy

 effort         known technology + processes

 monetization   bad for user experience

experience      fancy UI possible, but platform specific

 hardware       very limited

 offline         generally possible
hybrid apps
Request Interception


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Busy Developer's Guide to Windows 8 HTML/JavaScript Apps
Busy Developer's Guide to Windows 8 HTML/JavaScript AppsBusy Developer's Guide to Windows 8 HTML/JavaScript Apps
Busy Developer's Guide to Windows 8 HTML/JavaScript Apps

With the upcoming release of Windows 8, Microsoft decided to bring HTML+Javascript into the world of Windows-platform application development as a first-class citizen. But make no mistake, this isn’t an attempt to somehow subvert Web developers—it’s more about enabling Web developers to leverage those skills in building “native” Windows applications running on the Windows 8 laptops, desktops, and slates. In this presentation, we’ll go over the basics of building a Windows 8 app using HTML and JavaScript, including a brief overview of what’s possible—and what’s not—for the Web developer seeking to “go native” on Windows.

javascriptwindows 8html
HTML5 Can't Do That
HTML5 Can't Do ThatHTML5 Can't Do That
HTML5 Can't Do That

Slides from a presentation I gave at these conferences: — Big Design — Front Porch — Thunder Plains — Web Afternoon I co-presented at Big Design with Matt Baxter.

Fixing the mobile web - Internet World Romania
Fixing the mobile web - Internet World RomaniaFixing the mobile web - Internet World Romania
Fixing the mobile web - Internet World Romania

The document summarizes key aspects of building Firefox OS to address issues with the mobile web. Firefox OS is Mozilla's attempt to make the web a first-class citizen on phones and tablets by starting with the web stack rather than trying to add the web to an existing OS. It has launched in several countries and aims to be an affordable alternative to feature phones and closed platforms. The architecture is based on Linux, Gecko, and web technologies. It provides predictable HTML5 support and addresses performance, fragmentation, security and hardware access through its design and web APIs.

MIT License

         See also QuickConnect, Big5 (discontinued)
development     as with web

 effort         known technology + processes

 monetization   app stores

experience      as with web

 hardware       mostly accessible

 offline         as with web
interpreted apps
– HTML & CSS =

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Vineet Kumar proposes developing a cross-platform emulator for Phonegap applications. The emulator would allow testing Phonegap apps directly in a web browser by simulating mobile hardware using JavaScript, jQuery, Flash and other technologies. It would modify Phonegap's APIs to pass values from the simulated components to the app for testing, rather than accessing true native mobile APIs. This would simplify the development and testing process for cross-platform mobile apps without requiring heavy native mobile SDKs.

openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010
openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010
openMIC barcamp 11.02.2010

This document compares native applications, web applications, and widgets for mobile devices. Native applications have direct access to device features but must be developed for each platform. Web applications can be written once and deployed anywhere but run inside the browser without direct device access. Widgets combine the cross-platform capabilities of web applications with the ability to access device features and run standalone like native applications.

html5 css3 widget widgets mobile
Making your site mobile-friendly - DevCSI Reading 21.07.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - DevCSI Reading 21.07.2010Making your site mobile-friendly - DevCSI Reading 21.07.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - DevCSI Reading 21.07.2010

Extended version of my "Making your site mobile-friendly" talk, including a short look at native applications vs web apps, for the UKOLN DevCSI event "Developing for Mobile Applications in Education" in Reading

web appweb standardshtml5
Apache 2 License
 JS programmatically
    native controls
iPhone, iPad, Android
  BlackBerry (soon)
MonoTouch                Rhodes
starts at 399 USD         MIT License
   .net runtime      ruby C/S on the device

    iOS only        iPhone, Windows Mobile 6,
                      BlackBerry, Symbian and
Screen Flow Interpreters
  The aim of XXX is to screen the programmer
  completely out from the mobile platform itself,
  and transfer the entire application logic to
  central application server level.

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Front-end. Global domination
Front-end. Global dominationFront-end. Global domination
Front-end. Global domination

Андрій Вандакуров Team Lead та Senior Developer у ELEKS Наскільки круто бути фронтенд розробником і які задачі вже можна вирішувати знаючи тільки JavaScript, HTML и CSS. Тулзи, підходи і технічки; можливості сучасного фронтенда (клієнський та серверний код, роботи та візуалізація данних).

Frontend. Global domination.
Frontend. Global domination.Frontend. Global domination.
Frontend. Global domination.

The document provides an overview of various web technologies including: - Fundamental technologies that formed the foundation of the early web such as HTML, URIs, and HTTP. - Real-time communication technologies like WebSockets and WebRTC that enable features like video chatting. - Client-side storage options including LocalStorage, IndexedDB, and PouchDB. - APIs that enable richer user experiences such as the Full Screen API, Page Visibility API, and Vibration API. - Styling techniques like CSS shapes, blend modes, and 3D transforms. - Web component specifications like Custom Elements and Shadow DOM. - Options for building different types of applications including desktop apps, TV apps,

browser apijavascriptapi
Web Apps and more
Web Apps and moreWeb Apps and more
Web Apps and more

This document discusses various topics related to developing web apps, including HTML5, responsive design, touch events, offline capabilities, and debugging tools. It provides links to resources on HTML5 features like media queries, SVG, web workers, and the page visibility API. It also covers techniques for adapting content like responsive web design, progressive enhancement, and server-side adaptation. Mobile browser stats and popular devices on Douban are mentioned. Frameworks like Bootstrap and tools like Weinre for debugging mobile apps are referenced.

readermobile application developmentweb applications
development     heavy API, but only once

 effort         barely any tooling

 monetization   app stores

experience      native

 hardware       mostly accessible

 offline         native
generated apps
XMLVM — A CrossCompiler
Java (input)

public class HelloWorld
  static public void main(String[] args)
    System.out.println("Hello World");

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Web app and more
Web app and moreWeb app and more
Web app and more

This document discusses various techniques for making web applications work offline and with unreliable network connections, including: - The application cache manifest which allows specifying cached resources to work offline - Issues with the current manifest specification and potential enhancements - The window.applicationCache API for caching resources and monitoring cache status - Detecting online/offline status using the navigator.onLine property In 3 sentences or less, it summarizes approaches for offline web applications using the application cache manifest, applicationCache API, and navigator.onLine property.

web application
HTML5: The Apps, the Frameworks, the Controversy
HTML5: The Apps, the Frameworks, the Controversy HTML5: The Apps, the Frameworks, the Controversy
HTML5: The Apps, the Frameworks, the Controversy

This document discusses HTML5, mobile web, native, and hybrid mobile app development platforms. It provides an overview of each approach and compares them. Key frameworks for HTML5 development are also reviewed, including jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, and Considerations for choosing a platform like supporting multiple devices and iteration speed are examined. The document aims to help make sense of the different mobile development options.

appscomponent frameworkshtml5
webOS App by Example: Sorting Thoughts
webOS App by Example: Sorting ThoughtswebOS App by Example: Sorting Thoughts
webOS App by Example: Sorting Thoughts

The document summarizes the webOS mobile operating system and app development environment. It discusses what webOS is, the Mojo framework, the SDK, and walks through the structure and features of the Sorting Thoughts app as an example. It also covers the app submission process and distribution through the app catalog.

XML (model)
<vm:xmlvm xmlns:vm=""
  <vm:class name="HelloWorld" extends="java.lang.Object">
    <vm:method name="main" isPublic="true" isStatic="true"
      stack="2" locals="1">
        <vm:return type="void" />
        <vm:parameter type="java.lang.String[]" />
        <jvm:var name="args" id="0" type="java.lang.String[]" />
        <jvm:getstatic class-type="java.lang.System"
          type="" field="out" />
        <jvm:ldc type="java.lang.String" value="Hello World" />
        <jvm:invokevirtual class-type=""
            <vm:return type="void" />
            <vm:parameter type="java.lang.String" />
        <jvm:return />
XSLT (generator)
 <xsl:template match="jvm:irem">
     _op2.i = _stack[--_sp].i; // Pop operand 1
     _op1.i = _stack[--_sp].i; // Pop operand 2
     _stack[_sp++].i = _op1.i % _op2.i; // Push remainder

 typedef union {
   id o;
   int i;
   float f;
   double d;
 } XMLVMElem;
+ (void) main___java_lang_String_ARRAYTYPE :(NSMutableArray*)n1
    XMLVMElem _stack[2];
    XMLVMElem _locals[1];
    int _sp = 0;
    XMLVMElem _op1, _op2, _op3;
    int _i;
    for (_i = 0; _i <1; _i++) _locals[_i].o = nil;
    NSAutoreleasePool* _pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    _locals[0].o = n1;
    _op1.o = [java_lang_System _GET_STATIC_java_lang_System_out];
    _stack[_sp++].o = _op1.o;
    _stack[_sp++].o = @"Hello World";
    _sp -= 2;
    [((java_io_PrintStream*) _stack[_sp].o)
        println___java_lang_String:_stack[_sp + 1].o];
    [_pool release];
custom solution


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Fake it 'til you make it
Fake it 'til you make itFake it 'til you make it
Fake it 'til you make it

This document discusses how to create mobile apps that feel native using only web technologies. It covers supporting features in Mobile Safari like local storage, CSS3 features, and geolocation. It recommends using web technologies over native due to quicker iteration times. Specific techniques covered include detecting browser type, adding home screen icons, startup images, going full screen, and viewport settings. The document also discusses frameworks like jQuery Mobile but notes native DOM APIs may be sufficient. It covers input features, touch vs click, animations, locking orientation, and performance tips. It acknowledges limitations of Android and webOS and recommends testing on actual devices. Finally, it discusses hybrid mobile frameworks like PhoneGap and Titanium that allow developing for multiple platforms using one code

Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps
Building Cross-Platform Mobile AppsBuilding Cross-Platform Mobile Apps
Building Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

PhoneGap (aka Cordova) is a cross-platform framework for developing mobile apps using standard web development tools like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Join Troy Miles to learn how to create mobile apps with PhoneGap by building a simple but full-featured app during this hands-on class. Troy explores PhoneGap’s important capabilities, including GPS, camera, and audio recordings. Because JavaScript has a reputation as a somewhat difficult language, Troy teaches techniques for keeping your code robust and clean. To give your app the appropriate look and feel for the device on which it is running, the class will use the open source Chocolate Chip UI framework for testing. Troy shares ways to debug the code by running it as a web app, using browser development tools, or as a phone app, using the Chrome browser’s remote debugging features. Leave with the basics you need to start building your own cross-platform mobile apps.

Web app
Web appWeb app
Web app

This document discusses web apps versus native apps for iPhone and other mobile platforms. It covers key differences like programming languages used, app distribution methods, and costs. It also explores using HTML5 to build web apps that work across different mobile platforms without needing separate native apps. Finally, it provides tips for optimizing web apps for iPhone, including viewport settings, touch icons, and using libraries like jQTouch to create an iPhone-like user interface.

own generator
for Mobile Apps
Plattformübergreifende App-Entwicklung (ein Vergleich) - MobileTechCon 2010
development     huge one-time invest

 effort         easy for aimed cases, easy to extend

 monetization   app stores

experience      native

 hardware       native

 offline         native

Recommended for you

HTML5 vs Native Android: Smart Enterprises for the Future
HTML5 vs Native Android: Smart Enterprises for the FutureHTML5 vs Native Android: Smart Enterprises for the Future
HTML5 vs Native Android: Smart Enterprises for the Future

This document summarizes the differences between developing native Android apps and developing apps using HTML5. It discusses that native Android apps have the best user experience and performance but are more expensive to develop, while HTML5 apps can be lower cost but have lower performance. It also covers technologies like geolocation, web sockets, and responsive design that help make HTML5 more full-featured for mobile. Overall it analyzes the tradeoffs between platforms for different types of apps and use cases.

html5androidmobile application development
HTML5 WebWorks
HTML5 WebWorksHTML5 WebWorks
HTML5 WebWorks

This document discusses building HTML5 apps with native capabilities for BlackBerry devices. It outlines various HTML5 APIs that can access native device features like geolocation, accelerometer, notifications and more. It also describes how to create custom WebWorks APIs that extend HTML5 functionality by connecting to native device APIs for BlackBerry OS, Tablet OS, and BlackBerry 10. Resources provided include documentation, code samples, and details on the WebWorks SDK and roadmap.

Html5 on Mobile(For Developer)
Html5 on Mobile(For Developer)Html5 on Mobile(For Developer)
Html5 on Mobile(For Developer)

The document discusses building mobile web applications using HTML5. It covers topics like HTML5 features that are well supported on mobile browsers like forms, communication, canvas, geolocation, audio and video. It provides examples of using CSS3 for styling, animation and media queries for responsive design. It also discusses utilizing HTML5 APIs for advanced interactions, graphics, offline support, performance and accessing device capabilities.

cross platform ?
web   hybrid   interpreted generated






 own language
  own culture
own ecosystem

  field skills
                promotion: watch avatar - the movie!

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Handys und Tablets - Webentwicklung jenseits des Desktops - WebTech Mainz 12....
Handys und Tablets - Webentwicklung jenseits des Desktops - WebTech Mainz 12....Handys und Tablets - Webentwicklung jenseits des Desktops - WebTech Mainz 12....
Handys und Tablets - Webentwicklung jenseits des Desktops - WebTech Mainz 12....

This document discusses approaches to web development for mobile devices. It begins by noting the increasing importance of the mobile web. It then examines three approaches: 1) Doing nothing and hoping modern mobile browsers can handle desktop sites, 2) Creating a separate mobile site, and 3) Having a single adaptive site that refactors content for different screens using fluid layouts, progressive enhancement and media queries. The document dives into techniques for adaptive design like viewport meta tags, touch events, and responsive images. It also notes remaining challenges like viewport interpretation and high-DPI screens lying about resolution.

beyond tellerrand: Mobile Apps with JavaScript – There's More Than Web
beyond tellerrand: Mobile Apps with JavaScript – There's More Than Webbeyond tellerrand: Mobile Apps with JavaScript – There's More Than Web
beyond tellerrand: Mobile Apps with JavaScript – There's More Than Web

abstract from Modern web technologies and responsive design aim at a platform independent code base while promising first-class experience on any mobile device. Even though purely web-based approaches can achieve stunning results, they (still) cannot compete with their native counterpart regarding platform features and integration. In this talk, I will show you how we can use JavaScript to produce mobile apps that include features such as native UI, push notifications, sensors, and paid distribution. You can expect lots of live demos when I will compare the strengths and weaknesses of various frameworks.

EclipseCon2011 Cross-Platform Mobile Development with Eclipse
EclipseCon2011 Cross-Platform Mobile Development with EclipseEclipseCon2011 Cross-Platform Mobile Development with Eclipse
EclipseCon2011 Cross-Platform Mobile Development with Eclipse

This document discusses cross-platform mobile development using Eclipse. It highlights that mobile devices now have more computing power than NASA did in 1969. It also covers developing for the diversity of mobile platforms like Java, C#, and Objective-C. The document discusses object-oriented principles like statelessness and the app anatomy of views, cells, navigation, and entities/content providers. It also introduces a DSL for defining mobile apps and demos cross-platform mobile development.

                                      economic objectives

                                      “natives are endangered”

promotion: watch avatar - the movie
twitter @HBehrens


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Plattformübergreifende App-Entwicklung (ein Vergleich) - MobileTechCon 2010

  • 1. Heiko Behrens | itemis AG Plattformübergreifende App-Entwicklung – ein Vergleich
  • 3. eBay aims for $1.5 billion in mobile sales in 2010 internet retailer, Q1 2010 mobile download revenue exceeded $29.5 billion by 2013 Gartner, Q2 2010 07/Q2 07/Q4 08/Q2 08/Q4 09/Q2 09/Q4 10/Q2 10/Q4
  • 4. I want an iPhone App !
  • 8. How can we address this diversity?
  • 9. You can write amazing web apps that look exactly and behave exactly like apps on the iPhone Steve Jobs, WWDC 2007
  • 13. demo
  • 15. what’s that native thing?
  • 16. demo
  • 18. <div class=”light”></div> <div id=”floor” class=”reflection”></div>
  • 21. pre-installed downloaded online native website W3C widget hybrid interpreted generated
  • 23. HTML5 cache manifest, local storage, forms, geo location CSS3 animation, transitions, 3D transformation Resolution css media queries, reference, categories, float layout URLs mails, telephone, sms, maps, youtube, etc.
  • 24. Web Frameworks iWebKit, iUI, jQTouch Sencha Touch 2010 Q4: JQuery mobile framework
  • 25. Sencha Touch MIT License GPL Dual License declarative + JQuery programmatically focus on iPhone aims at cross platform simple complex See also iWebKit, iUI, jQTouch, JQuery Mobile (2010 Q3)
  • 26. development easy effort known technology + processes monetization bad for user experience experience fancy UI possible, but platform specific hardware very limited offline generally possible
  • 29. MIT License See also QuickConnect, Big5 (discontinued)
  • 30. development as with web effort known technology + processes monetization app stores experience as with web hardware mostly accessible offline as with web
  • 32. – HTML & CSS =
  • 33. Apache 2 License JS programmatically native controls iPhone, iPad, Android BlackBerry (soon)
  • 34. demo
  • 35. MonoTouch Rhodes starts at 399 USD MIT License .net runtime ruby C/S on the device iOS only iPhone, Windows Mobile 6, BlackBerry, Symbian and Android
  • 36. Screen Flow Interpreters The aim of XXX is to screen the programmer completely out from the mobile platform itself, and transfer the entire application logic to central application server level.
  • 37. development heavy API, but only once effort barely any tooling monetization app stores experience native hardware mostly accessible offline native
  • 39. XMLVM — A CrossCompiler
  • 40. Java (input) public class HelloWorld { static public void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } }
  • 41. XML (model) <vm:xmlvm xmlns:vm="" xmlns:jvm=""> <vm:class name="HelloWorld" extends="java.lang.Object"> <vm:method name="main" isPublic="true" isStatic="true" stack="2" locals="1"> <vm:signature> <vm:return type="void" /> <vm:parameter type="java.lang.String[]" /> </vm:signature> <vm:code> <jvm:var name="args" id="0" type="java.lang.String[]" /> <jvm:getstatic class-type="java.lang.System" type="" field="out" /> <jvm:ldc type="java.lang.String" value="Hello World" /> <jvm:invokevirtual class-type="" method="println"> <vm:signature> <vm:return type="void" /> <vm:parameter type="java.lang.String" /> </vm:signature> </jvm:invokevirtual> <jvm:return /> </vm:code> </vm:method> </vm:class> </vm:xmlvm>
  • 42. XSLT (generator) <xsl:template match="jvm:irem"> <xsl:text> _op2.i = _stack[--_sp].i; // Pop operand 1 _op1.i = _stack[--_sp].i; // Pop operand 2 _stack[_sp++].i = _op1.i % _op2.i; // Push remainder </xsl:text> </xsl:template> typedef union { id o; int i; float f; double d; } XMLVMElem;
  • 43. Output + (void) main___java_lang_String_ARRAYTYPE :(NSMutableArray*)n1 { XMLVMElem _stack[2]; XMLVMElem _locals[1]; int _sp = 0; XMLVMElem _op1, _op2, _op3; int _i; for (_i = 0; _i <1; _i++) _locals[_i].o = nil; NSAutoreleasePool* _pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; _locals[0].o = n1; _op1.o = [java_lang_System _GET_STATIC_java_lang_System_out]; _stack[_sp++].o = _op1.o; _stack[_sp++].o = @"Hello World"; _sp -= 2; [((java_io_PrintStream*) _stack[_sp].o) println___java_lang_String:_stack[_sp + 1].o]; [_pool release]; return; }
  • 44. custom solution «Xpand»
  • 47. demo
  • 48. development huge one-time invest effort easy for aimed cases, easy to extend monetization app stores experience native hardware native offline native
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  • 52. native own language own culture own ecosystem field skills promotion: watch avatar - the movie!
  • 53. not-so-native economic objectives establishment “natives are endangered” promotion: watch avatar - the movie
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