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Open Source GIS and Spatial
Data Analysis Software
2005 Crime Mapping Research Conference
Jason Dalton
Vice President, Research and Development
Spatial Data Analytics Corporation
Reasons to attend this workshop:
You need to streamline GIS
data management and
analysis functions
You need low cost solutions to
replace outdated commercial
You have a new analysis
technique you’d like to try, but
don’t know how to program
You are a software developer
looking to learn about open
source development
You don’t like paying for
Workshop roadmap
Distinction between freeware and open
Data access and manipulation
GIS Viewers
Data Analysis
Web Mapping
Spatial Databases
Our Schedule
0800: Introductions,
0815: Data Access and
R – shapefile package
0900: Viewers
0930 Break: 15 min
0945: Analysis
1030: Web Mapping
UMN Mapserver
MapServer Workbench
1045: Spatial Databases
MySQL Spatial
1100: GPS Tools

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ArcGIS JavaScript API (build a web layer-based map application with html5 and...
ArcGIS JavaScript API (build a web layer-based map application with html5 and...ArcGIS JavaScript API (build a web layer-based map application with html5 and...
ArcGIS JavaScript API (build a web layer-based map application with html5 and...

The "ArcGIS JavaScript API", sits directly on top of Dojo framework, providing developers with access to Dojo user interface widgets and all the other benefits of Dojo core. Whit this ArcGIS you can build a html5/javascript mapping applications and the api allows you to easily embed maps in your web pages. An ArcGIS application utilizes a layer-based (TiledLayer, DynamicLayer, FeatureLayer, etc...) geographic information model for characterizing and describing our world. An ArcGIS application asks what it need, through a http/rest service (the service will return images or json data - for example) hosted on the ArcGIS server. In this simple html5/javascript demo project ( you can find five examples that show the basic functionality of the mapping framework "ArcGIS API for JavaScript" (will be shown the basic functionality of the ArcGIS classes layer). You can download the demo code at this link: - There is also a video on YouTube:

MicroStation DGN: How to Integrate CAD and GIS
MicroStation DGN: How to Integrate CAD and GISMicroStation DGN: How to Integrate CAD and GIS
MicroStation DGN: How to Integrate CAD and GIS

This document discusses converting CAD data to GIS formats and some of the challenges involved. It describes problems with representing parcel/block boundaries and attributes when converting CAD data to GIS and shows the workflow and outputs. It also details issues with converting elevation points and lines from CAD formats where the elevation is stored as text not linked to the features. The document proposes solutions like representing the data as 3D points and lines in GIS and meeting specification requirements. Later sections discuss converting GIS data to CAD formats and blending MicroStation and lidar datasets to model 3D buildings.

bentley microstationgisesri arcgis
Field Activity Planner - A cloud based digital energy platform
Field Activity Planner - A cloud based digital energy platformField Activity Planner - A cloud based digital energy platform
Field Activity Planner - A cloud based digital energy platform

Field Activity Planner offers a cloud based digital platform for enabling rapid visual workflows for your offshore engineering work. The platform allows you to easily integrate with other backend systems and offshore engineering software already in use in your organization either for field design, field planning, or activity scheduling to name a few key areas. If you are looking at different offshore software solutions to improve your day to day activities we use modern browser and cloud technology to deliver a state of the art collaborative field planning software platform that excels in easy to use 2D and 3D field layout and design of your subsea and topside projects. By using a real-time database, we ensure that you can collaborate on field design and planning with your colleagues around the globe to save both time and money by avoiding multiple revisions of proposed layouts. We also support the most common data sources, and formats used for typical offshore software solutions e.g. bathymetry, reservoir, and well paths. Using our SaaS software, you can direct from your browser quickly design a field layout where you load up your bathymetry and/or survey data. Then simply add 3D reservoir and well data for a complete overview and start to finalize you subsea layout by placing generic or company specific subsea and topside assets in the correct locations. And while you design, modify, and collaborate on possible field layouts you will see that cost calculations are constantly updated when the design changes. All this data is securely uploaded and processed in our cloud service and is viewable in both 2D and 3D, and you can invite coworkers into you project, and directly create a shareable URL for view only purposes that can be sent outside your organization to prospective clients and partners.

offshoreworkflowsolar energy
Scope of this workshop
There are thousands of Open Source software
projects created each year. Which ones are
included in this workshop?
Windows capable
Vector operations
Easy install
Active user base
Active developer base
Free licensing for use
What is Open Source, and why do I care?
First off, open source software is not a basement
project by some college kids (OK, sometimes it is).
Software that is developed according to the Open
Source model is made available to anyone.
Whether or not you agree with the Open Source
model of software development, there are software
projects that are stable, powerful, and can save you
time and money at your job. Why not investigate?
That’s all we’ll say about Open Source today, the
rest of the workshop is all about the tools.
Data Access - Translators
Collection of open source tools for translation,
visualization, and reprojection
OGR for vector data translation
Translate SHP-> MAPINFO -> SDTS -> SHP
Data Access - Translators
NGA sponsored software library for providing
translation and reprojection to custom software. A
graphical user interface wrapper program is
included in the download package

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MCE GeoProcessing Services for ADM(IE): Self Validation of Spatial Data Input...MCE GeoProcessing Services for ADM(IE): Self Validation of Spatial Data Input...
MCE GeoProcessing Services for ADM(IE): Self Validation of Spatial Data Input...

The Department of National Defence (DND) is developing a central repository for land, building, and infrastructure data. This a joint project between the Assistant Deputy Minister Infrastructure and Environment (ADMIE) and the Mapping and Charting Establishment (MCE). This project involves managing DND real property and other spatial data provided by DND bases and wings across Canada through a unique, integrated and standardized Real Property Spatial Data Warehouse (RPSDW), hosted at MCE, containing a SQL Server database. Data provided by DND bases and wings must meet standards defined and documented by ADMIE, in terms of data formats accepted (GeoMedia MDB, ArcGIS FGDB, MapInfo MIF or AutoCAD SDF), geometry, schema and attribute data types, domains and accepted values for each feature class. An FME workspace and an equivalent tool contained within an ArcGIS Data Interoperability Toolbox were created to provide the geotechs from DND Bases using ArcGIS Data Interoperability or FME Desktop with a toolset, delivered together with a user’s guide, that allows them to perform a self-validation of the DND real property and other spatial data before these data is sent to MCE to be loaded into the RPSDW SQL Server database.

fme world tour 2015governmentesri arcgis
Arc gis desktop_and_geoprocessing
Arc gis desktop_and_geoprocessingArc gis desktop_and_geoprocessing
Arc gis desktop_and_geoprocessing

This document provides an overview and introduction to ArcGIS Desktop. It summarizes the key components of ArcGIS Desktop including ArcMap for visualization and analysis, ArcCatalog for data management, and a variety of extensions for specific analysis types. It also discusses working with different data formats, editing data, geoprocessing tools and workflows, and options for sharing maps, layers and other resources. The document aims to give attendees an understanding of the capabilities and components of ArcGIS Desktop.

by Esri
technical sessionsarcgisgeoprocessing
Architecting the ArcGIS Platform
Architecting the ArcGIS PlatformArchitecting the ArcGIS Platform
Architecting the ArcGIS Platform

Dominic Stubbins from Esri UK on best practices for Architecting the ArcGIS Platform. Esri UK Annual Conference 2016

Some of our tools use XML:
XML = eXtensible Markup Language
GML = Geography Markup Language
SVG = Scalable Vector Graphics
XSLT = eXtensible Style Language-Transformation
VRML = Virtual Reality Markup Language
RDF = Resource Description Framework
Benefits of XML structures for
Geography Applications
Useful for translating geo objects between platforms
Compatible across operating systems
Royalty free to use and distribute
Text based files are searchable at the attribute level
XML schemas exist for GIS functions
Data encoding
Spatial queries
Since all XML docs are text, they can easily be created and
edited by any scripting language
Geography Markup
Separates content from
the representation
Structured geo objects in
XML schema
Published by the Open
GIS Consortium
Currently at version 2.1.1
April 2002
Benefits of GML data
Multiple uses
Map production
Custom map styling through style sheets
Build custom stylesheets within your application
Give users a choice of several styles with which to display data
Editable maps
Client, server, application level editing
Sophisticated linking through XPath, XLink
Link a layer of Parcels to an XML database or tax assessment
Easier querying function for Web GIS (XQuery)
Control over content regardless of file type or layer
Allow users to download only the features necessary, filter out the rest
Gives you the ability to send geographic data to any XML enabled
device. 1 format suits all uses
Clients, servers, PDAs, phones

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Integrating CAD and GIS Data at Mineta San Jose International Airport
Integrating CAD and GIS Data at Mineta San Jose International AirportIntegrating CAD and GIS Data at Mineta San Jose International Airport
Integrating CAD and GIS Data at Mineta San Jose International Airport

The Data Integration Application is a custom application that allows for the integration of CADD and GIS data. It uses FME to import CADD files into an Oracle database while preserving airport CADD standards. It validates data using stored procedures before loading and provides reporting. It can also export validated GIS data back into CADD files grouped by structure and floor according to a crosswalk table and drawing template. The application provides an automated solution for consistently loading and exporting large amounts of CADD data to and from their GIS data while maintaining standards and data integrity.

City of Roseville Case Study
City of Roseville Case StudyCity of Roseville Case Study
City of Roseville Case Study

This document outlines the agenda and process for integrating CAD and GIS systems for an Environmental Utility Department. [1] It describes the initial disconnected workflow between their AutoCAD, ArcInfo, and Hansen systems and the challenges this caused. [2] Ideate helped integrate the systems by replicating Hansen asset tables in AutoCAD, automatically populating attributes, and exporting to SHP files for ArcSDE. [3] This streamlined the process, improved data accuracy, and reduced staff time spent on maintenance between the different software tools.

Howtomakeyourown gi sdashboard
Howtomakeyourown gi sdashboardHowtomakeyourown gi sdashboard
Howtomakeyourown gi sdashboard

1. The document describes how to create a COVID-19 dashboard using SuperMap software. It provides steps to set up SuperMap iServer, iServer Datastore, and iPortal. 2. It explains how to prepare coronavirus and base map data, then visualize the data on a map using DataViz. Components like charts, indicators can then be added to the map to create a dashboard using Map Dashboard. 3. The COVID-19 dashboard can then be published for public access on web and mobile browsers.

Scalable Vector Graphics
An XML Schema definition for 2D graphics
Free browser plug-in for viewer
Viewer has built in zoom and pan functions
Standard supported by major graphics software
Embedded JavaScript to enable GIS functions
within the file format
Cartographic features of SVG
Traditional GIS shapes such as polygons,
lines, points, text (rotated text) are all supported
Color gradients for fills
Stroke options (dash) for lines and polygon's boundaries
Advanced graphics layering using opacity options
Raster image backgrounds
Filter effects (Shadows, etc.)
High quality output and printing (Scalable)
XML - linking and embedding
Text on the map is searchable
Coordinate transformations
Objects react to user inputs
Animation (vehicle tracking, stream flows, fault line movement)
Data Access - Translators
Converts Shape and MapInfo Tab files into GML
and SVG graphics.
What’s unique is that the SVG converter provides
the user with a custom rendering interface before
the SVG is created.
Data Access - Translators
R – MapTools package
Reads and writes shape files.
Performs some GIS functions.

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Esri Scotland Conf 2016 Glasgow City Council
Esri Scotland Conf 2016   Glasgow City CouncilEsri Scotland Conf 2016   Glasgow City Council
Esri Scotland Conf 2016 Glasgow City Council

This document summarizes Glasgow City Council's process for creating simple web mapping applications in ArcGIS Online for non-GIS users. Key steps included: publishing services from ArcMap to ArcGIS for Server; adding services to AGOL and organizing in folders; using Web AppBuilder templates to create consistent applications; and configuring pop-ups, basemaps, and address lookup. This approach allowed over 20 internal applications and public-facing maps to be developed quickly without requiring developer skills.

An End User Perspective on Implementing Oracle in the Engineering Environment
An End User Perspective on Implementing Oracle in the Engineering EnvironmentAn End User Perspective on Implementing Oracle in the Engineering Environment
An End User Perspective on Implementing Oracle in the Engineering Environment

The document discusses the San Francisco Department of Public Works' process of migrating their sewer infrastructure data from file-based storage to an Oracle database integrated with CAD/GIS software. It describes a phased approach including loading data, training users, and adapting workflows. The new system provides a single source of accurate spatial and attribute data, improves productivity through standardized tools, and enables greater access and integration across applications. Lessons learned include allowing time for users to adapt and maintaining flexibility during implementation.

Analysing Web GIS apps
Analysing Web GIS appsAnalysing Web GIS apps
Analysing Web GIS apps

This document discusses integrating web GIS applications with monitoring tools for analysis and reporting. It provides an overview of GIS applications and web GIS, demonstrates a web GIS map application, and discusses monitoring the availability, performance, and usage of GIS services. The architecture of monitoring tools is explained, including data collection from GIS servers, windows performance counters, and log files. Examples of dashboard reports on summary data, uptime, usage, and performance from the monitoring tools are also shown.

Data Viewers
ESRI’s ArcExplorer
Data Viewers
uDIG Viewer
Open source viewer with very nice features.
Opens major GIS file types, and connects to
online geodatabases and web mapping services
Break Time!
Spatial Data Analysis
Filled Contour

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Developing a Weather Forecasting Web-Service using ArcGIS API for JavaScript
Developing a Weather Forecasting Web-Service using ArcGIS API for JavaScriptDeveloping a Weather Forecasting Web-Service using ArcGIS API for JavaScript
Developing a Weather Forecasting Web-Service using ArcGIS API for JavaScript

This document outlines the development of a web-based weather forecasting service using ArcGIS for Server and the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. The Applied Geomatics Research Group collected weather data from various sources like Weather Underground and Environment Canada to build a proof of concept tool for planning LiDAR surveys. The web service pulls weather forecast data and radar images to provide a visual interface for checking weather conditions. Future work may include automated data updates and additional analysis to determine optimal times for LiDAR acquisition.

javascriptjavascript arcgis
Imagery and beyond - BK 2016
Imagery and beyond - BK 2016Imagery and beyond - BK 2016
Imagery and beyond - BK 2016

This document discusses the power of imagery in GIS platforms and ArcGIS specifically. It highlights that imagery is at the heart of many GIS systems and the ArcGIS platform is highly capable for imagery. ArcGIS allows users to see imagery, find patterns within imagery remotely, and share imagery and insights with others. New products like Drone2Map for ArcGIS help turn drone imagery into enterprise tools for tasks like orthomosaicking, 3D modeling, and inspections.

What's new in Hexagon-Geospatial Power Portfolio 2016
What's new in Hexagon-Geospatial Power Portfolio 2016What's new in Hexagon-Geospatial Power Portfolio 2016
What's new in Hexagon-Geospatial Power Portfolio 2016

In questa presentazione, tutte le novità e una carrellata completa degli strumenti software del Power Portfolio 2016 di Hexagon Geospatial™. La release 2016 dei software ERDAS IMAGINE, ERDAS APOLLO, Geomedia e di tutti gli altri strumenti software del Power Portfolio di Hexagon Geospatial è stata presentata ufficialmente il 14 giugno 2016, durante l’evento Hexagon Live di Anaheim (California). Il Portfolio si compone di tre suite: Producer, Provider e Platform, costituite da prodotti software allo stato dell’arte ed utilizzati in tutto il mondo, che combinano le migliori tecnologie attualmente disponibili nel settore del telerilevamento, della fotogrammetria, del GIS ed in generale per la gestione di dati geospaziali. Guarda il video e scarica il documento in italiano sulle novità della release 2016 su:

gissatellite dataremote sensing
Spatial Data Analysis
R package for performing spatial autocovariance
analysis. Created by Paulo Ribeiro and Peter
Web Mapping
SVG Graphics
Web Mapping
UMN Mapserver (MS4W)
Spatial Databases
PostgreSQL / PostGIS
Spatial query engine built on a SQL compliant
open source database
Similar in function to ArcSDE, Oracle #g, etc.

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Geolocation: Improving our BI solutions with SharePointGeolocation: Improving our BI solutions with SharePoint
Geolocation: Improving our BI solutions with SharePoint

This document summarizes a presentation about improving business intelligence (BI) systems with geospatial visualization techniques using SharePoint. The presentation discusses visualizing geographic data through SharePoint fields, Reporting Services, Excel apps, Power View, Power BI sites, and Power Map. It provides examples of visualizing data on maps and with geographic heat maps. The document concludes with a demo of using Power Map to identify the best location for a new restaurant.

sharepointpower viewexcel apps
IMGS Geospatial User Group 2014: GeoMedia 2014
IMGS Geospatial User Group 2014: GeoMedia 2014IMGS Geospatial User Group 2014: GeoMedia 2014
IMGS Geospatial User Group 2014: GeoMedia 2014

GeoMedia is a GIS software that allows for powerful management of geospatial data through simultaneous access and dynamic updating. The 2014 version includes new product tiers for different capability levels and a customizable ribbon interface. It provides efficient analysis, processing, and sharing of vector, raster, imagery and 3D data through intuitive tools. New features in 2014 include picklists, polygonal selection, fast search tools, and support for additional platforms and databases.

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Raids Dallas Crime Mapping & Crime Alerts
Raids Dallas Crime Mapping & Crime AlertsRaids Dallas Crime Mapping & Crime Alerts
Raids Dallas Crime Mapping & Crime Alerts

This document provides information about an online crime mapping and email alert system called RAIDS Online from the Dallas Police Department. It includes details on how to use the mapping tools to view crime data by type, date range, and location; set filters; view analytics and metadata; and sign up for crime alerts on desktop or via a mobile app. Contact information is provided for the police GIS and data analyst overseeing the system.

crime mappingpolicedallas
GPS related tools
Other tools
Honorable mention, but not covered
here. They are covered elsewhere at
the conference.
Links to more resources
Open Source GIS and Spatial
Data Analysis Software
Jason Dalton
Vice President, Research and Development
Spatial Data Analytics Corporation

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Fundamentalsof Crime Mapping Geocoding
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Fundamentalsof Crime Mapping Geocoding

Geocoding is the process of matching address data from a table to locations on a geographic layer. This involves creating an address locator, adding the table to be geocoded in ArcGIS, selecting the address locator, and setting geocoding options like spelling sensitivity, minimum match scores, and offset distances. The geocoded addresses are then output to a new layer and can be mapped to understand data quality limitations.

Fundamentalsof Crime Mapping 2
Fundamentalsof Crime Mapping 2Fundamentalsof Crime Mapping 2
Fundamentalsof Crime Mapping 2

This document discusses the history and evolution of criminological theories for explaining crime. It covers early theorists like Beccaria and Bentham, the rise of social positivism and scientific criminology in the late 19th century, and the development of social disorganization theory and the Chicago school's ideas about how crime relates to urban environments and social networks. More recent research has focused on concepts like collective efficacy and broken windows theory. While no single theory explains all crime, criminologists have developed useful models and researchers must understand both theories and data limitations to effectively analyze crime.

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Fundamentalsof Crime Mapping 3Fundamentalsof Crime Mapping 3
Fundamentalsof Crime Mapping 3

This document discusses environmental criminology and crime prevention through environmental design. It describes how the physical properties of a space can encourage or discourage criminal behavior by implementing strategies like territoriality, natural surveillance, and image maintenance. These strategies aim to increase the perceived risk of committing crimes in an area and encourage informal social control among residents. The document also discusses theories of criminal behavior like rational choice theory and routine activities theory, and how victimization risk can be reduced through environmental design. Finally, it covers types of crime displacement and how interventions can create deterrence and discouragement beyond just the targeted areas.

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Open Source GIS Workshop

  • 1. Open Source GIS and Spatial Data Analysis Software 2005 Crime Mapping Research Conference Jason Dalton Vice President, Research and Development Spatial Data Analytics Corporation
  • 2. Reasons to attend this workshop: You need to streamline GIS data management and analysis functions You need low cost solutions to replace outdated commercial products You have a new analysis technique you’d like to try, but don’t know how to program software. You are a software developer looking to learn about open source development You don’t like paying for software
  • 3. Workshop roadmap Distinction between freeware and open source Data access and manipulation GIS Viewers Data Analysis Web Mapping Spatial Databases GPS
  • 4. Our Schedule 0800: Introductions, background 0815: Data Access and manipulation FWTools GDAL OGR GeoTrans R – shapefile package GeoCon 0900: Viewers ArcExplorer uDig dlgv32 0930 Break: 15 min 0945: Analysis R GeoR Geostats Spatstat Spatial 1030: Web Mapping SVG UMN Mapserver MapServer Workbench 1045: Spatial Databases PostGIS MySQL Spatial 1100: GPS Tools GPSDrive GPSBabel EasyGPS
  • 5. Scope of this workshop There are thousands of Open Source software projects created each year. Which ones are included in this workshop? Windows capable Robust Vector operations Easy install Active user base Active developer base Free licensing for use
  • 6. What is Open Source, and why do I care? First off, open source software is not a basement project by some college kids (OK, sometimes it is). Software that is developed according to the Open Source model is made available to anyone. Whether or not you agree with the Open Source model of software development, there are software projects that are stable, powerful, and can save you time and money at your job. Why not investigate? That’s all we’ll say about Open Source today, the rest of the workshop is all about the tools.
  • 7. Data Access - Translators FWTools Collection of open source tools for translation, visualization, and reprojection OGR for vector data translation Translate SHP-> MAPINFO -> SDTS -> SHP
  • 8. Data Access - Translators GeoTrans NGA sponsored software library for providing translation and reprojection to custom software. A graphical user interface wrapper program is included in the download package
  • 9. Some of our tools use XML: XML = eXtensible Markup Language GML = Geography Markup Language SVG = Scalable Vector Graphics XSLT = eXtensible Style Language-Transformation VRML = Virtual Reality Markup Language RDF = Resource Description Framework
  • 10. Benefits of XML structures for Geography Applications Useful for translating geo objects between platforms Compatible across operating systems Royalty free to use and distribute Text based files are searchable at the attribute level XML schemas exist for GIS functions Data encoding Visualization Spatial queries Since all XML docs are text, they can easily be created and edited by any scripting language
  • 11. GML Geography Markup Language Separates content from the representation Structured geo objects in XML schema Published by the Open GIS Consortium Currently at version 2.1.1 April 2002
  • 12. Benefits of GML data Multiple uses Browser Metadata Map production Custom map styling through style sheets Build custom stylesheets within your application Give users a choice of several styles with which to display data Editable maps Client, server, application level editing Sophisticated linking through XPath, XLink Link a layer of Parcels to an XML database or tax assessment Easier querying function for Web GIS (XQuery) Control over content regardless of file type or layer Allow users to download only the features necessary, filter out the rest Gives you the ability to send geographic data to any XML enabled device. 1 format suits all uses Clients, servers, PDAs, phones
  • 13. SVG Scalable Vector Graphics An XML Schema definition for 2D graphics Free browser plug-in for viewer Viewer has built in zoom and pan functions Standard supported by major graphics software companies Embedded JavaScript to enable GIS functions within the file format
  • 14. Cartographic features of SVG Traditional GIS shapes such as polygons, lines, points, text (rotated text) are all supported Color gradients for fills Stroke options (dash) for lines and polygon's boundaries Advanced graphics layering using opacity options Raster image backgrounds Filter effects (Shadows, etc.) High quality output and printing (Scalable) XML - linking and embedding Text on the map is searchable Coordinate transformations Objects react to user inputs Animation (vehicle tracking, stream flows, fault line movement)
  • 15. Data Access - Translators GeoCon Converts Shape and MapInfo Tab files into GML and SVG graphics. What’s unique is that the SVG converter provides the user with a custom rendering interface before the SVG is created.
  • 16. Data Access - Translators R – MapTools package Reads and writes shape files. Performs some GIS functions.
  • 18. Data Viewers uDIG Viewer Open source viewer with very nice features. Opens major GIS file types, and connects to online geodatabases and web mapping services
  • 21. Spatial Data Analysis GeoR R package for performing spatial autocovariance analysis. Created by Paulo Ribeiro and Peter Diggle
  • 24. Spatial Databases PostgreSQL / PostGIS Spatial query engine built on a SQL compliant open source database Similar in function to ArcSDE, Oracle #g, etc.
  • 25. GPS related tools EasyGPS GPSBabel CrimeStat GeoDa Other tools Honorable mention, but not covered here. They are covered elsewhere at the conference.
  • 27. Links to more resources
  • 28. Open Source GIS and Spatial Data Analysis Software Jason Dalton Vice President, Research and Development Spatial Data Analytics Corporation