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Building for, perceiving and measuring performance for mobile web
Robin Glen
Principal Developer
Building for, perceiving and
measuring performance
for mobile web
“Multiple-page applications work in a ‘traditional’ way.
Every change e.g. display the data or submit data back to
server requests rendering a new page from the server in
the browser.” - Paweł Skólsk

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How Ninefold Tests for User Happiness
How Ninefold Tests for User HappinessHow Ninefold Tests for User Happiness
How Ninefold Tests for User Happiness

We care a lot about performance at Ninefold and spend a lot of time thinking about ways to measure and improve Rails app performance. Here's one of the ways we go about doing that using, jmeter, the ruby-jmeter gem, and Apdex.

performance rails ninefold apps apdex
How Shutl Delivers Even Faster Using Neo4J
How Shutl Delivers Even Faster Using Neo4JHow Shutl Delivers Even Faster Using Neo4J
How Shutl Delivers Even Faster Using Neo4J

Video and slides synchronized, mp3 and slide download available at URL Volker Pacher, Sam Phillips present key differences between relational databases and graph databases, and how they use the later to model a complex domain and to gain insights into their data. Filmed at Sam Phillips is Head of Engineering for eBay's Local Delivery team, bringing super fast delivery to customers in the UK and US. Volker Pacher is a Senior Developer at eBay Local Delivery. Before its acquisition by eBay, he was a member of the core team at Shutl helping to transition from a monolithic application to SOA and introducing new technologies, among them Neo4j.

infoqqcon londonqcon
Fast parallel data loading with the bulk API
Fast parallel data loading with the bulk APIFast parallel data loading with the bulk API
Fast parallel data loading with the bulk API

This presentation discusses optimizing data loading into Salesforce using the Bulk API. It begins with an overview of serial vs parallel loading and how parallelism can increase throughput. However, locks from triggers and relationships can significantly reduce parallelism and throughput. The presentation demonstrates improving a parallel load by eliminating locks through modifying the data schema and ordering the load files. It also discusses controlling parallelism and throughput for complex loads. The key lessons are realizing how locks impact performance, investigating the causes, and planning to manage locks to optimize parallel data loading.

“A single-page application is an app that works inside a
browser and does not require page reloading during
use.”- Paweł Skólsk
Why websites
moved towards SPAs
Why websites moved towards SPAs
Native like experience
Why companies moving towards SPAsWhy websites moved towards SPAs
Less data

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State management with GraphQL [Angular Minsk, Online, 13.06.20]
State management with GraphQL [Angular Minsk, Online, 13.06.20]State management with GraphQL [Angular Minsk, Online, 13.06.20]
State management with GraphQL [Angular Minsk, Online, 13.06.20]

- Client subscribes to information of interest from the server - Server sends updates to the client based on its subscriptions - If no changes, the server does not send updates - Client can have multiple subscriptions and receive updates from the server in real-time

Autoscaling, Chef and New Relic
Autoscaling, Chef and New RelicAutoscaling, Chef and New Relic
Autoscaling, Chef and New Relic

Scaling up and down using rackspace cloud. How to use Heat Templates, and do blue green deployments with autoscaling and jenkins.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Angular Universal
Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Angular UniversalServer-Side Rendering (SSR) with Angular Universal
Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with Angular Universal

Here’s a tutorial on how to implement Server-Side Rendering (SSR ) with Angular Universal. Let’s learn about SSR, its benefits, and Angular Universal.

ssrserver side renderingssr with angular
Why websites moved towards SPAs
Less battery usage
Why companies moving towards SPAsWhy websites moved towards SPAs
More performant*
MPA pagination with simulated
3G network
Why companies moving towards SPAsWhy websites moved towards SPAs
More performant*
SPA pagination with simulated
3G network
However, these gains are
dependant on a performant API

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What Makes a Great Open API?
What Makes a Great Open API?What Makes a Great Open API?
What Makes a Great Open API?

What is it that turns an ordinary API into a great API? This talk from OSCON 2012 outlines the 5 "keys" to having a great API. Lots of examples from successful real-world APIs are used to highlight what matters. Also, this talk reveals 7 lesser known but very important "API secrets".

Phoenix for Rubyists - Rubyconf Brazil 2016
Phoenix for Rubyists - Rubyconf Brazil 2016Phoenix for Rubyists - Rubyconf Brazil 2016
Phoenix for Rubyists - Rubyconf Brazil 2016

Phoenix, an opinionated web framework built with Elixir, is taking the web dev world by storm. Like Rails, it's focused on productivity, but because it is built on the foundation of Erlang and the BEAM (Erlang Virtual Machine), it can be strong in the areas where Rails tends to struggle a bit. First, I'll provide a quick intro to Elixir & Phoenix, oriented toward developers who are used to Ruby & Rails conventions. We'll cover routing, the handling of incoming requests (this is done quite differently in Phoenix compared to Rails) and the model layer -- comparing ActiveRecord to Ecto. Next, we’ll set up a couple of simple CRUD resources in Phoenix, and try two approaches of running it side-by-side with Rails. Knowing how to do this is important if you aim to incrementally migrate from one framework to the other, over some period of time. Finally, I'll provide a few patterns as to how you could start migrating key pieces of your app over to elixir gradually, using Rails as thin REST API layer, and relying on Elixir & Phoenix as a powerful background job processor. Attendees will be left with a general understanding of how Elixir & Phoenix work, and how to leverage the awesome concurrency, without rewriting their whole Rails app.

On the importance of done
On the importance of doneOn the importance of done
On the importance of done

The document discusses how teams at The Economist online work incrementally and iteratively on the same codebase to improve the site, with releases every Tuesday. It focuses on the importance of having a definition of "Done" and explains that for their teams, a story is Done when it has been implemented, verified through manual testing, validated by the product owner, and ready to be released to production. Defining and achieving Done increases productivity and allows for early delivery of business value and feedback. The teams use tools like Bazaar, Launchpad, Hudson and EC2 to manage their workflow, do peer reviews, and set up test instances for user stories.

SPAs vs MPAs
With extremely large datasets
How you can help ensure
performant SPAs
How you can help ensure performant SPAs
API basics
How you can help ensure performant SPAs
API basics
- Compression

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Craft effective API with GraphQL and Absinthe - Ihor Katkov
Craft effective API with GraphQL and Absinthe - Ihor KatkovCraft effective API with GraphQL and Absinthe - Ihor Katkov
Craft effective API with GraphQL and Absinthe - Ihor Katkov

The document discusses building effective APIs with GraphQL and Absinthe. It covers topics such as preventing overfetching with GraphQL queries, implementing efficient pagination with Relay Cursor Connections, inserting and mutating data with mutations, real-time capabilities with subscriptions, handling errors, versioning schema with deprecations, limiting query complexity, and tools for building GraphQL APIs like GraphiQL and GraphQL Playground. The document provides learning resources and links for documentation, books, and example projects using Absinthe for GraphQL APIs in Elixir.

Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese?
Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese?Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese?
Is Serverless The New Swiss Cheese?

The document discusses some challenges, or "gaps", in the serverless development lifecycle including access and permission management, collaboration mechanisms, testing, and monitoring/instrumentation. It presents these gaps as problems that serverless applications currently face and offers some solutions. For access and permission management, it suggests using a framework that automatically generates necessary permissions at deployment time. For collaboration, it proposes automatically namespacing resource names. For testing, it advises implementing integration tests locally using service fakes when possible. And for monitoring, it recommends letting frameworks automatically instrument functions according to defined rules. The overall message is that while serverless applications present new challenges, frameworks can help address these gaps to streamline the development process.

Develop:BBC 2013 - Turbocharge your mobile web apps by using offline
Develop:BBC 2013 - Turbocharge your mobile web apps by using offlineDevelop:BBC 2013 - Turbocharge your mobile web apps by using offline
Develop:BBC 2013 - Turbocharge your mobile web apps by using offline

Offline is awesome. Overview of packaged apps, appcache, service workers, caching AJAX requests, etc.

How you can help ensure performant SPAs
API basics
- Compression
- CDN (get closer to customers)
- Compression
- CDN (get closer to customers)
- Cut down on bloat
API basics
How you can help ensure performant SPAs
API advanced
How you can help ensure performant SPAs
- Selectable properties (partial response)
API advanced
How you can help ensure performant SPAs

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Donald Ferguson - Old Programmers Can Learn New Tricks
Donald Ferguson - Old Programmers Can Learn New TricksDonald Ferguson - Old Programmers Can Learn New Tricks
Donald Ferguson - Old Programmers Can Learn New Tricks

Presented at ServerlessConf NYC 2016. This presentation will discuss the experiences of a skilled, enterprise, J2EE team moving to Amazon Web Services to build a new “serverless” solution. This will include motivation for choosing and experience using specific technology (Java, Lambda, S3, RDS, API Gateway, VPC, …) The talk will qualitatively explain the productivity improvement achieved by going “serverless” relative to a more traditional application server design. We will also identify the top three helpful technologies, the three biggest hurdles and our wish list for three new capabilities.

Set up a Development Environment in 5 Minutes
Set up a Development Environment in 5 MinutesSet up a Development Environment in 5 Minutes
Set up a Development Environment in 5 Minutes

The document provides an overview of setting up an Akamai development environment in 5 minutes using Docker. It includes an agenda for the document which covers Akamai development environment best practices, demos of common development tasks, an interactive quiz, and Q&A. The document then demonstrates how to set up the environment, optimize Docker image size, and implement continuous deployment workflows. It also includes demos of tasks like content purging, asset protection, and implementing security configurations. Finally, it discusses implementing infrastructure as code practices with Akamai and provides additional useful links.

Optimizing for Change (Henrik Joreteg)
Optimizing for Change (Henrik Joreteg)Optimizing for Change (Henrik Joreteg)
Optimizing for Change (Henrik Joreteg)

1. Web development used to be simple but has become increasingly complex over time as new technologies and frameworks have emerged. 2. The document argues that there is a distinction between native web apps that run entirely in the browser using JavaScript and server-side web apps, and that both have valid uses. 3. It advocates for building single-page apps as native web apps using modern browser capabilities and deploying them as static sites for performance and simplicity while relying on external services for backend functionality.

- Selectable properties (partial response)
- Client hints
API advanced
How you can help ensure performant SPAs
- Selectable properties (partial response)
- Client hints
- Streams
API advanced
How you can help ensure performant SPAs
- Selectable properties (partial response)
- Client hints
- Streams
API advanced
How you can help ensure performant SPAs
How you can help ensure performant SPAs

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Streams on top of scala - #lambdaCon
Streams on top of scala - #lambdaConStreams on top of scala - #lambdaCon
Streams on top of scala - #lambdaCon

Everybody has something about streams on the Scala platform: iteratee, scalaz.streams, reactive streams,, and so on. But are they useful for the day to day developer job? Are they only for database drivers? What are the differences between all this technologies? You will understand what are streams, why you need them and how to use them in real world scenarios

Creating a server side web app
Creating a server side web appCreating a server side web app
Creating a server side web app

This document discusses building a robust server-side web application using Flask. It explains that Flask is a web framework that provides tools and libraries to build dynamic websites. It also describes how Flask works by having a URL route to a function, running the function, passing variables to an HTML template file, and rendering the data on the page. Finally, it briefly mentions using an ORM like SQLAlchemy to work with a database rather than writing raw SQL statements.

M-commerce [OpsWay]
M-commerce [OpsWay]M-commerce [OpsWay]
M-commerce [OpsWay]

OpsWay is an eCommerce development company that specializes in mobile commerce solutions. They have a team of over 60 software engineers who have completed over 100 eCommerce projects for 15 clients in different countries. OpsWay offers services like developing responsive eCommerce websites and apps, mobile-first design, integration with platforms like AWS, and building progressive web apps. They can help clients launch a mobile-friendly version of their eCommerce store within 2-3 weeks using technologies like React Native. Testimonials from existing clients praise OpsWay for their high quality work and customer support.

ecommercemobilemobile application development
- Ship less code
How you can help ensure performant SPAs
- Ship less code
- HTTP/2
How you can help ensure performant SPAs
- Ship less code
- HTTP/2
- Offline first
How you can help ensure performant SPAs
- Ship less code
- HTTP/2
- Offline first
- Trick your customers
How you can help ensure performant SPAs

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This document discusses optimizing designer pages on a fashion e-commerce site. It notes that designer names are among the top search terms and that designer pages are the highest value page type to engage new visitors. It recommends focusing on improving designer pages to enhance the user experience on mobile by reducing load times, which can negatively impact conversions and engagement. It then provides details on how site furniture and listing pages were implemented using various technologies like Webpack loaders and APIs.

Transformation structurelle et émergence au Sénégal - Madaniou DIEME
Transformation structurelle et émergence au Sénégal - Madaniou DIEMETransformation structurelle et émergence au Sénégal - Madaniou DIEME
Transformation structurelle et émergence au Sénégal - Madaniou DIEME

Dans un contexte marqué par la vision d’un Sénégal émergent (émergence économique) et la lutte contre la pauvreté (émergence sociale), l’étude sur la transformation structurelle pour l’émergence du Sénégal, trouve toute sa justification empirique et toute son actualité.

eCommerce Trends for 2015
eCommerce Trends for 2015eCommerce Trends for 2015
eCommerce Trends for 2015

An explanation of eCommerce Trends for 2015. Discussion of eCommerce on Mobile, Responsive Design, UPS and FedEx Dimensional Weight Changes, and advice for eCommerce Startups. Presented at #TechCampMemphis 2014 on November 1st, 2014.

ecommerce trendsecommerce seoecommerce
Perceived performance
Famous example
Load image of app’s last state
Applying perceived performance
to the web
Perceived performance
White screen
Synchronous loading of content
over slow 3G connection

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Hally Darnell's ADV 420 Final Project
Hally Darnell's ADV 420 Final ProjectHally Darnell's ADV 420 Final Project
Hally Darnell's ADV 420 Final Project

Net-A-Porter's target audience can be divided into frequent shoppers and window shoppers who crave luxury. The document provides an analysis of Net-A-Porter's digital strategy and recommendations to improve their social media, website, online advertising, inbound marketing, mobile app, and overall marketing approach. It recommends positioning Net-A-Porter as the sole source for luxury fashion and focusing on gaining new customers rather than relying solely on word-of-mouth from existing customers. Key metrics and a timeline are outlined to implement content creation, SEO, and monitor engagement and sales over six months with a total annual budget of $300,000.

digitalmarketingdigital marketing
eCommerce Platforms - an introduction
eCommerce Platforms - an introductioneCommerce Platforms - an introduction
eCommerce Platforms - an introduction

An introduction to eCommerce Platforms for non-technical people. Ben explains some of the key trends in the eCommerce platform and online retail space.


PRADA aims to be a leading global fashion label known for high-end, artistic products and exceptional customer service. It positions itself as elegant, chic, and luxurious for consumers seeking quality, class, prestige and social status. PRADA produces ready-to-wear clothing, accessories, fragrances and home goods targeted at mature consumers through 250 stores worldwide and select retailers. It reinforces its brand through fashion shows, magazine ads, and a traveling art gallery.

Perceived performance
Asynchronous loading of content
over slow 3G connection
Perceived performance
Skeleton CSS
Asynchronous loading of content
over slow 3G connection
Spinner vs Skeleton
Measuring performance

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PRADA Marketing strategy
PRADA Marketing strategyPRADA Marketing strategy
PRADA Marketing strategy

The document provides an analysis of Prada's brand strategy. It begins with a brief history of the brand from its founding in 1913 to its expansion globally in the 1990s under Miuccia Prada. It then performs a SWOT analysis, identifying strengths such as a loyal audience and global store presence, weaknesses like high reliance on leather goods, opportunities like growth in Asian markets, and threats from competitors. Finally, it proposes three strategic recommendations: expanding further into high-growth markets, enhancing its digital and online presence, and pursuing co-branding or product alliances with other fashion brands.

marketing analysismarketing and advertisingmarketing strategy
E commerce ppt
E commerce pptE commerce ppt
E commerce ppt

Commerce involves the exchange of goods and services between entities. E-commerce refers specifically to commerce conducted electronically over computer networks like the Internet. It allows buyers and sellers to connect directly, reducing costs. While traditional commerce involves manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers before reaching customers, e-commerce can connect businesses and consumers directly. The main types of e-commerce are business-to-business, business-to-consumer, business-to-employee, and consumer-to-consumer.

The PRPL Pattern
The PRPL PatternThe PRPL Pattern
The PRPL Pattern

An introduction to Google's PRPL pattern that can be used to implement Progressive Web Applications. Delivered at MWLUG 2017 in Alexandria, VA by Keith Strickland.

javascriptprogrammingprogressive web apps
We build mobile first, but
measuring performance
should be mobile only
Measuring performance
Performance budgets
Measuring performance
RAIL Instant feedback
Input latency < 100ms
Performance budgets
Measuring performance
RAIL Instant feedback
Input latency < 100ms
Run at 60fps
Each frame’s work < 16ms
Performance budgets

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Modern Web Applications
Modern Web ApplicationsModern Web Applications
Modern Web Applications

Todays web front-end applications architecture. All resources shared at the end of presentation. Full sources on:

Amp your site: An intro to accelerated mobile pages
Amp your site: An intro to accelerated mobile pagesAmp your site: An intro to accelerated mobile pages
Amp your site: An intro to accelerated mobile pages

This document introduces Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). It discusses how AMP addresses the problems of slow mobile page speeds and inconsistent user experiences by making pages load near-instantly. AMP uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript to simplify pages and optimize resources. The AMP cache hosted by Google further improves speeds by serving validated AMP pages from a global proxy. In summary, AMP aims to make mobile pages fast, easy to implement and embrace open web standards.

performanceamp mobilemobile
Amp your site an intro to accelerated mobile pages
Amp your site  an intro to accelerated mobile pagesAmp your site  an intro to accelerated mobile pages
Amp your site an intro to accelerated mobile pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a framework for building web pages that are optimized for mobile devices. It addresses issues like slow load times and poor user experiences on mobile by simplifying pages and parallelizing resource loading. AMP pages use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to load quickly. They are cached globally through Google's AMP Cache for fast delivery. Publishers can easily implement AMP pages and monetize them while embracing an open web.

amp mobile
Measuring performance
RAIL Instant feedback
Input latency < 100ms
Run at 60fps
Each frame’s work < 16ms
Schedule work
Main thread work chunked < 50ms
Performance budgets
Measuring performance
RAIL Instant feedback
Input latency < 100ms
Run at 60fps
Each frame’s work < 16ms
Schedule work
Main thread work chunked < 50ms
Render critical path
< 1000ms
Performance budgets
Measuring performance
RAIL Instant feedback
Input latency < 100ms
Run at 60fps
Each frame’s work < 16ms
Schedule work
Main thread work chunked < 50ms
Render critical path
< 1000ms
Performance budgets
We have tools to help

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SearchLeeds 2019 - Nichola stott - The state of PWAs
SearchLeeds 2019 - Nichola stott - The state of PWAsSearchLeeds 2019 - Nichola stott - The state of PWAs
SearchLeeds 2019 - Nichola stott - The state of PWAs

Progressive web apps have been around for some years now, but adoption rate appears to be slow. In this talk Nichola will review the baseline and enhanced PWA criteria to explore why this might be. In addition we’ll also cover what’s new, benefits experienced by early adopters, tracking tips, how to get into the Play Store; as well as some of the current downsides and security considerations.

Introduction core web vitals
Introduction core web vitalsIntroduction core web vitals
Introduction core web vitals

This document discusses Core Web Vitals, which are user-centric web performance metrics defined by Google. It introduces the three Core Web Vitals: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). Thresholds for what is considered good, adequate, or needs improvement are provided for each metric. The document also outlines tools that can be used to measure Core Web Vitals and explains how real user monitoring is important for field testing Core Web Vitals performance.

Introduction core web vitals
Introduction  core web vitalsIntroduction  core web vitals
Introduction core web vitals

To ensure you're hitting this target for most of your users, a good threshold to measure is the 75th percentile of page loads,segmented across mobile and desktop devices

mobile app development company in indiamobile app development servicesandroid app development services
Measuring performance
Chrome dev
Performance tab,
throttle network and CPU
Measuring performance
Mobile API performance tool
“If you can’t measure it,
you can’t improve it”
“If you can’t measure it,
you can’t improve it”
Robin Glen

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Deploy Faster Without Failing Faster - Metrics-Driven - Dynatrace User Groups...
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Deploy Faster Without Failing Faster - Metrics-Driven - Dynatrace User Groups...

Do it like the "DevOps Unicorns" Etsy, Facebook and Co: Deploy more frequently. But how and why? Challenges? Deploying Software Faster without Failing Faster is possible through Metrics driven Engineering. Identify problems early on using a "Shift-Left in Quality". This requires a Level-Up of Dev, Test, Ops, Biz See some of the metrics that I think you need to look at and how to upgrade your engineering team to produce better quality right from the start

application performance managementcontinuous integrationuser experience
JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstack
JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstackJS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstack
JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstack

Вы уже слышали о JAMstack, который пришел на смену SSR и SPA? Подход, который оптимизирует веб приложения так, что они ограничены только скоростью вашего интернет соединения. Никаких просадок при рендере на клиенте, никаких падений серверов от нагрузки, только SEO-friendly приложения без проблем с масштабируемостью.

Web Application Performance from User Perspective
Web Application Performance from User PerspectiveWeb Application Performance from User Perspective
Web Application Performance from User Perspective

This document discusses web application performance from a user perspective. It describes how performance testing is typically done with load generators, which can simulate many users but do not behave exactly like browsers. Factors like page size, complexity, and browser hardware impact user experience. Guidelines are provided for high performance sites, and tools like YSlow and PageSpeed are recommended for checking adherence. Both synthetic and real user measurements are important, with each having advantages and disadvantages.

“If you can’t measure it,
you can’t improve it”
Robin Glen
Peter Drucker
Monitoring performance
DOM complete is
a blunt instrument
Monitoring performance
Chrome performance

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Performance Measurement and Monitoring for Salesforce Web & Mobile Apps
Performance Measurement and Monitoring for Salesforce Web & Mobile AppsPerformance Measurement and Monitoring for Salesforce Web & Mobile Apps
Performance Measurement and Monitoring for Salesforce Web & Mobile Apps

This document discusses performance measurement and monitoring for Salesforce web and mobile apps. It introduces key concepts in understanding web and mobile performance such as waterfall charts and metrics. Tools for measuring performance are presented, including Lighthouse, a proprietary Salesforce tool. Recommendations are provided for optimizing web and mobile performance through techniques like reducing network requests, caching, and minimizing payload sizes.

Big Data And HTML5 (DevCon TLV 2012)
Big Data And HTML5 (DevCon TLV 2012)Big Data And HTML5 (DevCon TLV 2012)
Big Data And HTML5 (DevCon TLV 2012)

In this talk from DevCon TLV we covered: ● The power of HTML5 APIs and how you can use them in your next modern Web Apps. ● On the server side how you can use: Google Cloud Endpoints to scale your API and gain more productivity. ● We did some live Demos and talked about Big Query interfaces.

webbig databig query
Client-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance TestingClient-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance Testing

Slides from my 4-hour workshop on Client-Side Performance Testing conducted at Phoenix, AZ in STPCon 2017 (March). Workshop Takeaways: Understand difference between is Performance Testing and Performance Engineering. Hand’s on experience of some open-source tools to monitor, measure and automate Client-side Performance Testing. Examples / code walk-through of some ways to automate Client-side Performance Testing. See blog for more details -

Monitoring performance
RAIL Interaction response timings
Performance mark / measure (Chome 43+)
Chrome performance
Monitoring performance
RAIL Interaction response timings
Performance mark / measure (Chome 43+)
Long tasks / dropped frames
PerformanceLongTaskTiming (Chrome 58+)
Chrome performance
Monitoring performance
RAIL Interaction response timings
Performance mark / measure (Chome 43+)
Long tasks / dropped frames
PerformanceLongTaskTiming (Chrome 58+)
First paint / First contentful paint
PerformanceObserver (Chrome 60+)
Chrome performance
Monitoring performance
RAIL Interaction response timings
Performance mark / measure (Chome 43+)
Long tasks / dropped frames
PerformanceLongTaskTiming (Chrome 58+)
First paint / First contentful paint
PerformanceObserver (Chrome 60+)
Chrome performance
Hero elements
Currently being worked on

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AMP in WordPress, the WordPress Way
AMP in WordPress, the WordPress WayAMP in WordPress, the WordPress Way
AMP in WordPress, the WordPress Way

What is AMP? Why should I learn what it offers? And how can I take advantage of it in WordPress? This deck was used to guide a discussion about these topics at the awesome PDX WP Meetup on August 5th, 2019.

How NOT to get lost in the current JavaScript landscape
How NOT to get lost in the current JavaScript landscapeHow NOT to get lost in the current JavaScript landscape
How NOT to get lost in the current JavaScript landscape

This document discusses how to avoid getting lost in the current JavaScript landscape. It begins by looking at modern web development trends like HTML5, CSS3, ES6, and expectations of fast page loads. It then examines traditional page lifecycles versus single page applications and various JavaScript frameworks. The document advocates for progressive enhancement and outlines strategies like "Hijax" and using the HTML5 History API to improve traditional approaches. It also discusses issues like code duplication, the benefits of isomorphic JavaScript, and tools for frontend development including Grunt, Gulp, asset bundlers, and test runners. It concludes by providing recommendations on technologies to adopt, consider, or stop using to develop with a progressive enhancement approach.

How to be Successful with Responsive Sites (Koombea & NGINX) - English
How to be Successful with Responsive Sites (Koombea & NGINX) - EnglishHow to be Successful with Responsive Sites (Koombea & NGINX) - English
How to be Successful with Responsive Sites (Koombea & NGINX) - English

Can't decide if your organization should build a mobile app or responsive website? Do you interact with consumer-facing products or large scale developments? This guide gives you an idea of what Responsive is, why you should use it, and then DIGS deep into the technical aspect and how to optimize for performance. By: David Bohorquez & Rick Nelson

Monitoring performance
RAIL Interaction response timings
Performance mark / measure (Chome 43+)
Long tasks / dropped frames
PerformanceLongTaskTiming (Chrome 58+)
First paint / First contentful paint
PerformanceObserver (Chrome 60+)
Chrome performance
Hero elements
Currently being worked on
Time to interactive
Monitoring performance
RAIL Interaction response timings
Performance mark / measure (Chome 43+)
Long tasks / dropped frames
PerformanceLongTaskTiming (Chrome 58+)
First paint / First contentful paint
PerformanceObserver (Chrome 60+)
Chrome performance
Hero elements
Currently being worked on
Time to interactive
Performance metrics are
not a number, they
are a histogram
Time (ms)
Load metrics

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improving the performance of Rails web Applications
improving the performance of Rails web Applicationsimproving the performance of Rails web Applications
improving the performance of Rails web Applications

This presentation is the first in a series on Improving Rails application performance. This session covers the basic motivations and goals for improving performance, the best way to approach a performance assessment, and a review of the tools and techniques that will yield the best results. Tools covered include: Firebug, yslow, page speed, speed tracer, dom monster, request log analyzer, oink, rack bug, new relic rpm, rails metrics,, msfast, and The upcoming sessions will focus on: Improving sql queries, and active record use Improving general rails/ruby code Improving the front-end And a final presentation will cover how to be a more efficient and effective developer! This series will be compressed into a best of session for the 2010 conference

cachingvrtaactive record
GDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale
GDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and ScaleGDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale
GDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale

Google Developer Days Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale Original slides from Arne Roomann-Kurrik & Chris Chabot with a few Zen quotes and references added by me:-)

Faster web pages
Faster web pagesFaster web pages
Faster web pages

Have fast, performant, and successful web pages is a great Challenge. There are many layers involved and all of them have to work together. In this talk I presented at FIBAlumni with collaboration of COEINF and the video recording is at (in Catalan). It shows how all parts are involved in the success of web pages from the server up to the human brain and perception. It introduces metrics and ways to effectively calculate and measure objectively the impact of the actions taken in the optimisation and also some ways to detect ways to optimise websites.

One surefire way to ruin your
website performance
Unregulated marketing tags!
Performance killers
Name and shame with
third party attributions

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GraphQL Munich Meetup #1 - How We Use GraphQL At CommercetoolsGraphQL Munich Meetup #1 - How We Use GraphQL At Commercetools
GraphQL Munich Meetup #1 - How We Use GraphQL At Commercetools

The document describes commercetools' experience with adopting GraphQL for their merchant center application. They were initially fetching category data with multiple REST requests, but were able to fetch it in one GraphQL query along with additional fields like number of subcategories and products. This solved a performance issue and allowed them to easily extend their API. They also migrated other parts of their client to use GraphQL, reducing network requests and complexity. Overall, GraphQL allowed them to optimize queries and extend their API with minimal effort.

Development of Chatbot Using AI/ML Technologies
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Development of Chatbot Using AI/ML Technologies

The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and natural language processing have significantly transformed human-computer interactions. This thesis presents the design, development, and evaluation of an intelligent chatbot capable of engaging in natural and meaningful conversations with users. The chatbot leverages state-of-the-art deep learning techniques, including transformer-based architectures, to understand and generate human-like responses. Key contributions of this research include the implementation of a context- aware conversational model that can maintain coherent dialogue over extended interactions. The chatbot's performance is evaluated through both automated metrics and user studies, demonstrating its effectiveness in various applications such as customer service, mental health support, and educational assistance. Additionally, ethical considerations and potential biases in chatbot responses are examined to ensure the responsible deployment of this technology. The findings of this thesis highlight the potential of intelligent chatbots to enhance user experience and provide valuable insights for future developments in conversational AI.

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rujan timsina
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