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Igor Skochinsky
2(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ME 	
!   ME 	
3(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   15 	
!   IDA 	
!   2008 Hex-­‐Rays 	
!   IDA (
!   ( Kindle
!   PC (BIOS,	
4(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ( )
( CPU ) 	

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パケットキャプチャの勘どころ Ssmjp 201501
パケットキャプチャの勘どころ Ssmjp 201501パケットキャプチャの勘どころ Ssmjp 201501
パケットキャプチャの勘どころ Ssmjp 201501

How can you implement a better packet capture? You should consider about "packet drops" and "use Wireshark/tcpdump more safety".

packet capturesecuritywireshark

Container Runtime Meetup #3 発表資料 (2021/1/28)



5(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
Credit: Intel 2009
6(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   HECI	
!   SOAP ;	
7(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   (AMT):	
!   :	
!   IDE (IDE-­‐R) LAN	
!   :	
!   :	
8(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
” ” PC
!   3G SMS
!   HDD

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10GbE、40GbEなどの極めて高速な通信をサポートするNICが、PCサーバの領域でも使われるようになってきている。 このような速度の通信をソフトウェア(OS)で処理し高い性能を得るには様々な障害があり、ハードウェア・ソフトウェア両面の実装を見直す必要がある。 本セッションでは、ハードウェア・ソフトウェア両面にどのような改良が行われてきており、性能を引き出すにはどのようにこれらを使��したらよいのかについて紹介する。


DroidKaigi 2019講演資料


Docker / Kubernetesのネットワークアーキテクチャの解説と、代表的なCNIプラグインとしてFlannel、Calico、Canal、NSX-T Container Plugin (NCP) を取り上げ、それぞれの実装の比較しています。Japan Container Days v18.12 での講演資料です。

9(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
10(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ( )	
!   HECI	
!   AMT	
!   Linux	
!   BIOS 	
!   ME
!   ME
11(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ME 	
12(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   2013
!   Intel 	

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virtio勉強会 #1 「virtioの基本的なところ(DRAFT版)」
virtio勉強会 #1 「virtioの基本的なところ(DRAFT版)」virtio勉強会 #1 「virtioの基本的なところ(DRAFT版)」
virtio勉強会 #1 「virtioの基本的なところ(DRAFT版)」

virtio勉強会 #1でしゃべった内容。 未完成版。pdfで上げたのが見えないので上げ直し。

virtio virtualmachine
CentOS Linux 8 の EOL と対応策の検討
CentOS Linux 8 の EOL と対応策の検討CentOS Linux 8 の EOL と対応策の検討
CentOS Linux 8 の EOL と対応策の検討

オープンソースカンファレンス2022 Spring 発表資料です。



13(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   BIOS( OS) ME
!   Descriptor
!   Descriptor
14(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ME 	
15(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   “ " 	
16(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   Gen	
  Series( Ibex	
Gen 1 Gen 2
ME versions 1.x-5.x 6.x-9.x
Core ARCTangent-A4 ARC 600(?)
Instruction set ARC (32-bit) ARCompact (32/16)
Manifest tag $MAN $MN2
Module header tag $MOD $MME
Code compression None, LZMA None, LZMA, Huffman

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UniStudy#1 LT資料。

Docker入門: コンテナ型仮想化技術の仕組みと使い方
Docker入門: コンテナ型仮想化技術の仕組みと使い方Docker入門: コンテナ型仮想化技術の仕組みと使い方
Docker入門: コンテナ型仮想化技術の仕組みと使い方

Docker の特徴と使い方、簡単なネットワークの仕組みとコンテナ間の連携方法、及び3階層モデルの構築例などを記載しています。



17(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
Module name Description
BUP Bringup (hardware initialization/configuration)
KERNEL Scheduler, low-level APIs for other modules
POLICY Secondary init tasks, some high-level APIs
HOSTCOMM Handles high-level protocols over HECI/MEI
CLS Capability Licensing Service – enable/disable
features depending on SKU, SKU upgrades
TDT Theft Deterrence Technology (Intel Anti-Theft)
Pavp Protected Audio-Video Path
JOM Dynamic Application Loader (DAL) – used to
implement Identity Protection Technology (IPT)
18(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ME
19(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ROM
20(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ME
!   ROMB 	

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2022/2/21 SORACOM IoT Meetup

securityiotsecure element

イベント名:オープンソースカンファレンス(OSC) 2013 Kansai@Kyoto 講師:日本仮想化技術 宮原 日時:2012/8/2 アジェンダ: • OpenStack概要 • OpenStack導入手順 – Ubuntu Server 11.10 インストールと設定 – 各種コンポーネント インストールと設定 – イメージ作成 – インスタンス起動 概要: OpenStackはOSSで開発が行われているクラウド環境構築のためのソフトウェアです。本セッションでは、OpenStackの基本的な導入方法について分かりやすく解説します。 セッションを聴講するにあたり、仮想化環境構築の基本的な知識を身につけていることが前提となります。

21(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ROM :	
!   C (memcpy,	
  strcpy )	
!   ThreadX	
!   API	
!   ROM 	
22(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
23(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ME
!   : ME RSA
“During the design phase, a Firmware Signing Key (FWSK) public/private pair is
generated at a secure Intel Location, using the Intel Code Signing System. The
Private FWSK is stored securely and confidentially by Intel. Intel AMT ROM
includes a SHA-1 Hash of the public key, based on RSA, 2048 bit modulus
fixed. Each approved production firmware image is digitally signed by Intel with
the private FWSK. The public FWSK and the digital signature are appended to
the firmware image manifest.
At runtime, a secure boot sequence is accomplished by means of the boot ROM
verifying that the public FWSK on Flash is valid, based on the hash value in
ROM. The ROM validates the firmware image that corresponds to the manifest’s
digital signature through the use of the public FWSK, and if successful, the
system continues to boot from Flash code.”
“Architecture Guide: Intel® Active Management Technology”, 2009
24(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
ME: (UMA) 	
!   ME
  (UMA) (MCU
!   2009 Invisible	
!   ...	

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OpenStackで始めるクラウド環境構築入門(Horizon 基礎編)
OpenStackで始めるクラウド環境構築入門(Horizon 基礎編)OpenStackで始めるクラウド環境構築入門(Horizon 基礎編)
OpenStackで始めるクラウド環境構築入門(Horizon 基礎編)

アジェンダ: ーOpenStackの概要 ーHorizonへのアクセス ーインスタンスにディスクを追加 ー仮想マシンイメージの登録 ーイメージの登録手順 ーSSH認証鍵の作成と登録 ーインスタンスの起動 ーファイアウォールの設定 ーインスタンスにアクセス ーFloating IP

Blue Hat IL 2019 - Hardening Secure Boot on Embedded Devices for Hostile Envi...
Blue Hat IL 2019 - Hardening Secure Boot on Embedded Devices for Hostile Envi...Blue Hat IL 2019 - Hardening Secure Boot on Embedded Devices for Hostile Envi...
Blue Hat IL 2019 - Hardening Secure Boot on Embedded Devices for Hostile Envi...

This talk has been presented at Microsoft BlueHat IL 2019 security conference, by Niek Timmers, Albert Spruyt and Cristofaro Mune. Secure boot is the fundamental building block of the security implemented in a large variety of devices. From mobile phones, to Internet of Things (IoT) or Electronic Control Units (ECUs) found in modern cars. In this talk we focus on software and hardware attacks that may be carried on against Secure Boot implementations. We leverage our decade long experience in reviewing and attacking secure boot on embedded devices from different industries After a brief introduction, an overview of common attack patterns is provided, by discussing real vulnerabilities, exploits and attacks as case studies. We then discuss two new attacks, not discussed or demonstrated before, with the purpose of bringing new insights. The first one, takes place before CPU is even started, showing that a larger attack surface than usually explored is available. This also shows that FI can affect pure HW implementations, with no SW involved. The second one is an Encrypted Secure Boot bypass, yielding direct code execution. It is performed by using Fault Injection only and with a single glitch. Contrary to common beliefs, we show that FI-only attacks are possible against an Encrypted Secure Boot implementation, without requiring any encryption key. This shows that the need of reconsidering FI attacks impact and that encrypting boot stages alone is not a sufficient FI countermeasure. We also discuss countermeasures and possible mitigations throughout the whole presentation. With this talk, we hope to bring innovative and fresh material to a topic, which is a cornerstone of modern Product Security. The presentation at BlueHat IL 2019 featured the live demo of an Encrypted Secure Boot bypass attack.

25(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   #1:	
!   [
!   UEFI 	
!   :	
!   :	
26(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   #2:	
!   ...	
27(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   – 	
!   – 	
!   DDR3
“The memory controller incorporates a DDR3 Data
Scrambling feature to minimize the impact of excessive di/dt
on the platform DDR3 VRs due to successive 1s and 0s on
the data bus. [...] As a result the memory controller uses a
data scrambling feature to create pseudo-random patterns on
the DDR3 data bus to reduce the impact of any excessive di/
(from Intel Corporation Desktop 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor
Family, Desktop Intel® Pentium® Processor Family, and Desktop Intel®
Celeron® Processor Family Datasheet)
28(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   #3:	
!   UMA FPT 1 	
!   FPT
!   :	
ME 16MB 	

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Secret of Intel Management Engine by Igor Skochinsky
Secret of Intel Management Engine  by Igor SkochinskySecret of Intel Management Engine  by Igor Skochinsky
Secret of Intel Management Engine by Igor Skochinsky

Intel Management Engine ("ME") is a dedicated microcontroller embedded in all recent Intel motherboard chipsets. It works independently from the main CPU, can be active even when the rest of the system is powered off, and has a dedicated connection to the network interface for out-of-band networking which bypasses the main CPU and the installed OS. It not only performs the management tasks for which it was originally designed, but also implements features such as Intel Identity Protection Technology (IPT), Protected Audio-Video Path, Intel Anti-Theft, Intel TPM, NFC communication and more. There is not much info available about how exactly it works, and this talk aims to fill the gap and describe the low-level details. Igor Skochinsky Igor Skochinsky is currently one of the main developers of the world-famous Interactive Disassembler and Hex-Rays Decompiler. Even before joining Hex-Rays in 2008 he had been interested in reverse engineering for a long time and had brief periods of Internet fame after releasing a dumper for DRM-ed iTunes files (QTFairUse6) and hacking the original Amazon Kindle. He spoke previously at Recon, Breakpoint and Hack.LU.

intel management enginesecuritycodeblue
Unity3D Programming
Unity3D ProgrammingUnity3D Programming
Unity3D Programming

The document provides an overview of a presentation on Unity game engine programming. It introduces the presenter and their background and experience. It then outlines the topics to be covered, including Unity engine API model, scripting languages like C# and JavaScript, Unity game object structure, and examples. It lists some advanced programming topics that may not have enough time to cover. It encourages attendees to learn programming on their own and notes the presentation is subject to time limitations. It provides a disclaimer and says to stay tuned for future Unity workshop announcements.

Booting UEFI-aware OS on coreboot enabled platform - "In God's Name, Why?"
Booting UEFI-aware OS on coreboot enabled platform - "In God's Name, Why?"Booting UEFI-aware OS on coreboot enabled platform - "In God's Name, Why?"
Booting UEFI-aware OS on coreboot enabled platform - "In God's Name, Why?"

This talk was presented durign European coreboot Conference 2017 in Bochum. In this talk we described our experience during enabling Tianocore payload for PC Engines apu2 (AMD G-series) platform. Video is available here:

29(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   #4:	
!   BIOS
!   UEFI
"Setup" ( Breakpoint	
2012 ) 	
30(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   #5:	
!   ...	
31(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ME 	
!   (SPS) 	
!   #1:	
  BUP !	
!   KERNEL " " ...	
!   #2:	
( ) 	
!   2
32(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   JOM ME 7.1
!   (DAL)
!   ME ( )
( IPT)
!   ME
!   ...

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From printed circuit boards to exploits
From printed circuit boards to exploitsFrom printed circuit boards to exploits
From printed circuit boards to exploits

Hardware hacking hit the news quite often in 2017, and a lot of pentesters tried to jump into the band wagon and discover the joy of hacking things rather than servers or applications. But most of them are only looking for rootz shellz and p0wning embedded Linux operating systems rather than doing what we really call "hardware hacking". In this talk, we are going to hack a Bluetooth Low Energy smartlock, from its printed circuit board to a fully working exploit, as well as its (wait for it) associated mobile application you need to install to operate this thing. This talk is not only an introduction into the field of hardware hacking, but also a good way to dive into electronics and its specific protocols, and of course into microcontrollers and System-on-chip reverse engineering. We will cover some electronics basic knowledge as well as tools and classic methodologies when it comes at analyzing an IoT device and will provide tips and tricks based on our experience but our failures too.

Exploit development 101 - Part 1 - Null Singapore
Exploit development 101 - Part 1 - Null SingaporeExploit development 101 - Part 1 - Null Singapore
Exploit development 101 - Part 1 - Null Singapore

This is the part 1 of the series on exploit research and development given as part of the null humla at Singapore. More details at

null singaporehumlaexploit development
CODE BLUE 2014 : BadXNU、イケてないリンゴ! by ペドロ・ベラサ PEDRO VILAÇA
CODE BLUE 2014 : BadXNU、イケてないリンゴ! by ペドロ・ベラサ PEDRO VILAÇACODE BLUE 2014 : BadXNU、イケてないリンゴ! by ペドロ・ベラサ PEDRO VILAÇA
CODE BLUE 2014 : BadXNU、イケてないリンゴ! by ペドロ・ベラサ PEDRO VILAÇA

This document summarizes techniques for exploiting kernel vulnerabilities on OS X systems. It outlines 10 steps to achieve direct kernel object manipulation (DKOM) by leveraging features like TrustedBSD and abusing interfaces like AppleHWAccess. Key steps involve bypassing kernel memory protections, installing a malicious MAC policy, and modifying unused system calls to achieve code execution. The document concludes that OS X security relies heavily on unwritten assumptions and is quite vulnerable due to a lack of mandatory access controls and read-write kernel memory.

33(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   :
!   Java
34(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   Java VM
!   ME Base64 BLOB "oath.dalp"
!   "Medal App"
!   JOM "JEFF"
!   JEFF Java
!   Java
35(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ...
!   Java
36(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   JEFF
!   J 2001
!   ISO (ISO/IEC 20970)

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44CON 2014 - Stupid PCIe Tricks, Joe Fitzpatrick
44CON 2014 - Stupid PCIe Tricks, Joe Fitzpatrick44CON 2014 - Stupid PCIe Tricks, Joe Fitzpatrick
44CON 2014 - Stupid PCIe Tricks, Joe Fitzpatrick

Joe FitzPatrick gave a presentation on exploiting PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express) buses for hardware attacks. He discussed using DMA (direct memory access) over PCIe to read and write system memory, modify firmware, and potentially bypass mitigations like IOMMU (input-output memory management unit). FitzPatrick demonstrated proof-of-concept attacks on Macs and Windows PCs using custom PCIe devices and software. However, he noted that fully bypassing protections like VT-d on Macbooks had not yet been achieved and more work is needed to build attacks without imitating a genuine device.

44con 2014pcie
Reverse Engineering the TomTom Runner pt. 1
Reverse Engineering the TomTom Runner pt. 1 Reverse Engineering the TomTom Runner pt. 1
Reverse Engineering the TomTom Runner pt. 1

A hacker likes computers for the same reason that a child likes legos: both allow the creation of something new. However the growing trend has been to 'close up' general purpose computing into devices that serve a narrow purpose. It's been happening with games consoles, routers, smartphones, smart TV's and more recently, smartwatches. A hacker will face this trend as an additional challenge and will be even more motivated to gain control over the device. This talk is a journey to the world of 'reverse engineering' of a device of the "Internet of Things", in this case a Tomtom Runner sports watch. The author has little previous experience in reverse engineering of embedded systems, so the talk aims to serve as an introduction to this topic, what motivations and what kind of approaches may be tried. Presented in September 2015 at "Confraria de Segurança da Informação" in Lisbon

internet of thingsreverse engineeringhacking
Hacker's and painters Hardware Hacking 101 - 10th Oct 2014
Hacker's and painters Hardware Hacking 101 - 10th Oct 2014Hacker's and painters Hardware Hacking 101 - 10th Oct 2014
Hacker's and painters Hardware Hacking 101 - 10th Oct 2014

So, you want to build a hardware product? Every so often, a device comes along that changes the way we live our daily lives and things are never the same again. With today's digital technology, such devices may come more frequently than in the past - personal gadgets you cannot live without. What’s inside? What makes it tick? How do you find out? In this sharing session, Mark will provide an introduction to hardware hacking and why it matters, going through some quick tips on getting cosy with hardware to find out what makes it tick. Mark (MK FX) is a founder of Bazinga! Pte Ltd, a technology development and prototyping company that builds gadgets from ideas. An engineer since birth, because if you can dream it, think it - you can build it.

hardware engineering technology maker tinkerer hac
37(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   Python
!   oath.dalp JEFF
!   Java
!   :
!   UI ( )
38(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ( )
39(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   OATH :
40(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ME
!   ...

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2014 09 12 Dia Programador Session Materials
2014 09 12 Dia Programador Session Materials2014 09 12 Dia Programador Session Materials
2014 09 12 Dia Programador Session Materials

Materiales utilizados durante el evento virtual del día del programador en córdoba. Trata temas como USB Hacking, desarrollo de apps con Leap Motion, trabajo con Arduinos, Kinect V2, reconocimiento facial, y desarrollo de apps para Lego Mindstorms EV3

arduinousb missile launchervisual studio 2013
CODE BLUE 2014 : A security assessment study and trial of Tricore-powered aut...
CODE BLUE 2014 : A security assessment study and trial of Tricore-powered aut...CODE BLUE 2014 : A security assessment study and trial of Tricore-powered aut...
CODE BLUE 2014 : A security assessment study and trial of Tricore-powered aut...

ECU software is responsible for various functionality in the vehicle, e.g., engine control and driver assistance systems. Therefore, bugs or vulnerabilities in such systems may have disastrous impacts affecting human life. We consider possible vulnerabilities in ECU software categorized into memory corruption vulnerabilities and non-memory corruption vulnerabilities, and examine attack techniques for such vulnerabilities. Since we did not acquire and reverse-engineer actual ECU software, we first consider in theory how and if attacks are possible under the assumption that there would exist memory corruption vulnerabilities in ECU software. For our investigation, we consider the ECU microcontroller architecture TriCore1797 (TriCore Architecture 1.3.1) from Infineon which exists in a number of ECUs. In contrast to x86 architecture, the return address is not stored on the stack; therefore, we assumed that performing code execution by stack overflow would not be easy. We investigated if it would be possible to perform arbitrary code execution based on approaches from the PC environment and also if other attack approaches could be considered. We considered the following attack approaches: 1) Overwriting a function pointer stored on the stack by performing a buffer overflow to execute code; 2) Overwriting the memory area handling context switching used by TriCore itself to execute code; 3) Overwriting the vector tables used by interrupt and trap functions. Moreover, using a TriCore evaluation board and software created to perform the experiments, we tested the various attack approaches. We confirmed that several attack approaches are not possible due to security mechanisms provided by the microcontroller or differences in the microcontroller architecture compared to traditional CPUs. However, under certain specific conditions, as a result of performing a buffer overflow attack to overwrite a function pointer, we manage to make the TriCore jump to an address of our choosing and execute the code already stored on that location.

ACPI and FreeBSD (Part 1)
ACPI and FreeBSD (Part 1)ACPI and FreeBSD (Part 1)
ACPI and FreeBSD (Part 1)

An introduction to ACPI for developers. Includes an example tracing a power management event from the hardware up through the OS and back down. Intended to get other kernel developers interested in helping me maintain FreeBSD's ACPI layer. Given at the Bay Area FreeBSD User's Group, May 3, 2006.

41(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   C/C++, Java, .NET
!   ME JOM
!   JOM
!   out-of-
42(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   JOM Trusted Logic Mobility (
Trustonic) "Trusted Foundations"
Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)
Trusted Foundations
43(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   Trusted Foundations
!   ARM TrustZone
!   GPL Trusted Foundations
!   TrustZone ME/JOM
44(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   GlobalPlatform (Trusted Logic Mobililty/
Trustonic ) TEE
!   API (TEE
!   ME

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DEF CON 27 - HUBER AND ROSKOSCH - im on your phone listening attacking voip c...
DEF CON 27 - HUBER AND ROSKOSCH - im on your phone listening attacking voip c...DEF CON 27 - HUBER AND ROSKOSCH - im on your phone listening attacking voip c...
DEF CON 27 - HUBER AND ROSKOSCH - im on your phone listening attacking voip c...

The document discusses findings from analyzing the web interfaces and firmware of various VoIP phone models. Several vulnerabilities were found, including: - Cross-site scripting (XSS) in AudioCodes 405HD phone web interface allowing injection of scripts - Information leakage in Gigaset Maxwell Basic phone web interface revealing if an admin is logged in - Authentication bypass in Gigaset Maxwell Basic phone by manipulating the session token The methodology involved analyzing phone web traffic, extracting and emulating firmware, and investigating code like PHP files. Many phones were found to have weaknesses in their cryptography implementation or use of plaintext credentials.

Track c-High speed transaction-based hw-sw coverification -eve
Track c-High speed transaction-based hw-sw coverification -eveTrack c-High speed transaction-based hw-sw coverification -eve
Track c-High speed transaction-based hw-sw coverification -eve

The document discusses transaction-based hardware-software co-verification using emulation. It describes how traditional cycle-based co-verification is slow due to communication overhead between the testbench and emulator. Transaction-based co-verification improves speed by only synchronizing when required and allowing parallel execution. Transactors are used to convert high-level commands from the testbench to a bit-level protocol for the emulator. This allows emulation speeds of tens of MHz, orders of magnitude faster than cycle-based. An example transactor for a virtual memory is presented.

Gameboy emulator in rust and web assembly
Gameboy emulator in rust and web assemblyGameboy emulator in rust and web assembly
Gameboy emulator in rust and web assembly

In this slide, I introduced how Gameboy works and how to build a Gameboy emulator using Rust programming language. Also, I introduce how to migrate the Rust emulator to Webassembly, so that we can run the emulator using browser. Video of presentation of this slide:

45(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   ME
!   ME
!   API
!   ARC IDA 6.4 IDA 6.5
46(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   JEFF .class JEFF
!   Linux	
!   EFFS 	
!   ME 	
!   EFFS 	
47(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   UMA 	
!   ME	
!   ;	
48(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky
!   BIOS	
!   ME
!   BIOS 	
!   Nikolaj	
  Schlej UEFITool UEFI
!   Coreboot ME 	
!   Open	
ARC700(ARCompact ) 	

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Finding 0days at Arab Security Conference
Finding 0days at Arab Security ConferenceFinding 0days at Arab Security Conference
Finding 0days at Arab Security Conference

The document discusses fuzzing techniques to find bugs and vulnerabilities in software. It begins by describing different types of targets that can be fuzzed like protocols, applications, and file formats. It then discusses different types of attacks that fuzzers try like sending invalid input involving numbers, characters, metadata, and binary sequences. The document provides an example of a buffer overflow vulnerability and sample exploit code. It demonstrates how to fuzz a vulnerable file format converter application to achieve remote code execution by analyzing the application's memory, finding exploitable modules, generating a payload, and listening for a reverse shell connection. The document shows the full process of discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities through fuzzing.

Bootkits: past, present & future
Bootkits: past, present & futureBootkits: past, present & future
Bootkits: past, present & future

This document discusses the history and evolution of bootkits from legacy BIOS to UEFI environments. It describes various bootkit techniques used in BIOS and UEFI, including MBR/VBR modification, hidden file systems, and replacing bootloaders. It also covers attacks against secure boot and forensic tools for analyzing firmware like HiddenFsReader and CHIPSEC.

Making OpenBSD Useful on the Octeon Network Gear by Paul Irofti
Making OpenBSD Useful on the Octeon Network Gear by Paul IroftiMaking OpenBSD Useful on the Octeon Network Gear by Paul Irofti
Making OpenBSD Useful on the Octeon Network Gear by Paul Irofti

Abstract My work on the Octeon port made possible for OpenBSD to run on the D-Link DSR line of mid-range routers and also improved all supported models through the drivers I wrote. I'm continuing my work on improving the OpenBSD experience on the Octeon products by enhancing network support (including advanced switch support among other things) and adding disk support via USB and CFI. This presentation summarizes the developments I brought and the obstacles I faced. Speaker bio Paul is an OpenBSD developer since 2008, involved in ACPI, suspend and resume, power management, mips64, porting and currently with a keen interest in the Loongson and Octeon platforms. Currently he's a freelancer and also studying for his PhD in Parallel Algorithms for Signal Processing. In the past he worked for a telephony company developing VoIP, Voicemail and related software and after that as an antivirus engine developer and reverse engineer. In his spare time he enjoys a good game of Go, running or hiking.

49(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky[1-10].pdf;a=blob;f=src/southbridge/intel/bd82x6x/me.c
50(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky

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What's hot (20)

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iostat await svctm の 見かた、考え方
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  • 2. 2(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky   !   ME   !     !   ME   !     !     !    
  • 3. 3(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky   !   15   !   IDA   !   2008 Hex-­‐Rays   !   IDA ( )   !   ( Kindle Sony  Reader)   !   PC (BIOS,  UEFI,  ME)   !    
  • 4. 4(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:     !   ( )   !   (GMCH,  PCH,  MCH)   !   BIOS CPU   !   ( CPU )   !   CPU  
  • 5. 5(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:     Credit: Intel 2009
  • 6. 6(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:     OS !   HECI  (MEI):  Host  Embedded  Controller  Interface;     PCI   !   SOAP ;   HTTP HTTPS  
  • 7. 7(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:     ME   !   (AMT):   KVM   !   :   /   !   IDE (IDE-­‐R) LAN  (SOL):   OS CD/ HDD PC   !   :  2 (OTP)   !   :   PIN  
  • 8. 8(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:       !   PC ” ” PC   !   3G SMS   !   HDD   !    
  • 9. 9(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:
  • 10. 10(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:       !   ( )   !     !   HECI     !   AMT  SDK   !   Linux   ;  coreboot   !   BIOS   !   ME BIOS   !   ME  
  • 11. 11(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME       !   ME             !   FTP   !                                                                                                                                   !                                                                                                                                                                             !                                                                                                                                                                   :)  
  • 12. 12(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky FSP   !   2013   !     !   Intel   !                                                                                                    HM76/QM77   !                                                                                            ME overview "confidential“ :)
  • 13. 13(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky SPI   !   SPI BIOS ME GbE   !   BIOS( OS) ME   !   Descriptor ME   !   Descriptor  
  • 14. 14(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME   !   ME   !    
  • 15. 15(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME   !   “ "   !   RSA  
  • 16. 16(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME   !   2   !   Gen  2:  Intel  5  Series( Ibex  Peak)   Gen 1 Gen 2 ME versions 1.x-5.x 6.x-9.x Core ARCTangent-A4 ARC 600(?) Instruction set ARC (32-bit) ARCompact (32/16) Manifest tag $MAN $MN2 Module header tag $MOD $MME Code compression None, LZMA None, LZMA, Huffman
  • 17. 17(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME   Module name Description BUP Bringup (hardware initialization/configuration) KERNEL Scheduler, low-level APIs for other modules POLICY Secondary init tasks, some high-level APIs HOSTCOMM Handles high-level protocols over HECI/MEI CLS Capability Licensing Service – enable/disable features depending on SKU, SKU upgrades TDT Theft Deterrence Technology (Intel Anti-Theft) Pavp Protected Audio-Video Path JOM Dynamic Application Loader (DAL) – used to implement Identity Protection Technology (IPT)  
  • 18. 18(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:  ROM   !   ROM   !     !     !   ME "ROMB"  
  • 19. 19(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:  ROM   !   ROM   !    
  • 20. 20(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:  ROM   !   ME   !   ROMB  
  • 21. 21(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:  ROM   !   ROMB ROM   !   ROM :   !   C (memcpy,  memset,  strcpy )   !   ThreadX  RTOS     !   API   !   ROM   !   FTPR BUP   !   BUP KERNEL :(  
  • 22. 22(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:
  • 23. 23(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:     !   ME !   : ME RSA ROM “During the design phase, a Firmware Signing Key (FWSK) public/private pair is generated at a secure Intel Location, using the Intel Code Signing System. The Private FWSK is stored securely and confidentially by Intel. Intel AMT ROM includes a SHA-1 Hash of the public key, based on RSA, 2048 bit modulus fixed. Each approved production firmware image is digitally signed by Intel with the private FWSK. The public FWSK and the digital signature are appended to the firmware image manifest. At runtime, a secure boot sequence is accomplished by means of the boot ROM verifying that the public FWSK on Flash is valid, based on the hash value in ROM. The ROM validates the firmware image that corresponds to the manifest’s digital signature through the use of the public FWSK, and if successful, the system continues to boot from Flash code.” “Architecture Guide: Intel® Active Management Technology”, 2009
  • 24. 24(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME: (UMA)   !   ME RAM  (UMA) (MCU )   !   ME BIOS CPU   !   2009 Invisible  Things  Lab   !   ...  
  • 25. 25(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:  UMA   !   UMA   !   #1:  BIOS MESEG   !   [ ...]   !     !   UEFI   !     !   :     !   :   ...  
  • 26. 26(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:  UMA   !   #2:     !   DRAM UMA   !   ...   : ME UMA : UMA
  • 27. 27(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:  UMA   !   –   !   –   !   DDR3   “The memory controller incorporates a DDR3 Data Scrambling feature to minimize the impact of excessive di/dt on the platform DDR3 VRs due to successive 1s and 0s on the data bus. [...] As a result the memory controller uses a data scrambling feature to create pseudo-random patterns on the DDR3 data bus to reduce the impact of any excessive di/ dt.” (from Intel Corporation Desktop 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Family, Desktop Intel® Pentium® Processor Family, and Desktop Intel® Celeron® Processor Family Datasheet)
  • 28. 28(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:  UMA   !   #3:   UMA   !   UMA FPT 1   !   FPT   !   :   1)  32MB FPT BIOS 32MB ME 16MB   2)  16MB FPT BIOS 16MB 16MB   !    
  • 29. 29(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:  UMA   !   #4:     !   BIOS   !   UEFI "Setup" ( Breakpoint   2012 )   !    –  
  • 30. 30(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky ME:  UMA   !   #5:     !     !     !   ...  
  • 31. 31(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky   !   ME   !     !   (SPS)   !   BUP KERNEL   !   #1:  BUP !   !   KERNEL " " ...   !   #2:   ( )   !   2   !    
  • 32. 32(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky JOM   DAL   !   JOM ME 7.1 !   (DAL) !   ME ( ) !   ( IPT) !   ME !   ...
  • 33. 33(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky JOM   DAL   !   : !   Java Could  not  allocate  an  instance  of   java.lang.OutOfMemoryError   linkerInternalCheckFile:  JEFF  format  version  not   supported   com.trustedlogic.isdi   Starting  VM  Server...  
  • 34. 34(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky JOM   DAL   !   Java VM !   ME Base64 BLOB "oath.dalp" !   !   "Medal App" !   JOM "JEFF" !   JEFF Java !   Java !  
  • 35. 35(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky JOM   DAL   !   ... !   Java ... .ascii  "Invalid  constant  offset  in  the  SLDC  instruction"  
  • 36. 36(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky JEFF   !   JEFF !   J 2001 !   ISO (ISO/IEC 20970) !   !   !   !   !   !  
  • 37. 37(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky JEFF   !   Python !   oath.dalp JEFF !   !   Java !   : !   !   UI ( ) !   !  
  • 38. 38(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky JEFF     !   ( ) Class   private:      /*  0x0C  */  boolean  m_invokeCommandInProcess;      /*  0x00  */  OutputBufferView  m_outputBuffer;      /*  0x0D  */  boolean  m_outputBufferTooSmall;      /*  0x04  */  OutputValueView  m_outputValue;      /*  0x08  */  byte[]  m_sessionId;   public:      void  <init>();      final  int  getResponseBufferSize();      final  int  getSessionId(byte[],  int);      final  int  getSessionIdLength();      final  String  getUUID();      final  abstract  int  invokeCommand(int,  byte[]);      int  onClose();      final  void  onCloseSession();      final  int  onCommand(int,  CommandParameters);      int  onInit(byte[]);      final  int  onOpenSession(CommandParameters);      final  void  sendAsynchMessage(byte[],  int,  int);      final  void  setResponse(byte[],  int,  int);      final  void  setResponseCode(int);  
  • 39. 39(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky IPT     !   !   OATH : package;   public  class  AppletImpl  extends   {      final  int  invokeCommand(int,  byte[])      {          ...      }      int  onClose()      {          ...      }      int  onInit(byte[])      {          ...      }   }  
  • 40. 40(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky IPT     !   ME !   !   !   ...
  • 41. 41(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky IPT     !   C/C++, Java, .NET API DLL !   DLL JHI COM TCP/IP !   ME HECI/MEI !   ME JOM !   JOM !   !   out-of- bound
  • 42. 42(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky Trusted  Execu;on  Environment   !   JOM Trusted Logic Mobility ( Trustonic) "Trusted Foundations" Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) : Trusted Foundations
  • 43. 43(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky Trusted  Execu;on  Environment   !   Trusted Foundations !   ARM TrustZone !   GPL Trusted Foundations !   !   TrustZone ME/JOM HECI/MEI !  
  • 44. 44(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky Trusted  Execu;on  Environment   !   GlobalPlatform (Trusted Logic Mobililty/ Trustonic ) TEE !   API (TEE ) API !   ME
  • 45. 45(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky   !   ME !   ME !   ROM BUP KERNEL !   API !   JEFF DAL/IPT !   ARC IDA 6.4 IDA 6.5
  • 46. 46(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky   !     !   JEFF .class JEFF   !     !   Linux  IPT   !   EFFS   !   ME   !   EFFS   !     !    
  • 47. 47(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky   !     !     !     !   UMA   !     !   ME  ↔   !     !   ;     !   ...     !    
  • 48. 48(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky   !   BIOS  RE   !   ME   !   ME BIOS   !   BIOS   !   Nikolaj  Schlej UEFITool UEFI   hkps://   !   Coreboot ME   !     !   Open  Virtual  Plalorm  (   ARC600 ARC700(ARCompact )   !     !    
  • 49. 49(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky[1-10].pdf;a=blob;f=src/southbridge/intel/bd82x6x/me.c
  • 50. 50(c) 2014 Igor Skochinsky     igor@hex-­‐