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Automation & Management
Jon Tobin
April 24, 2014
Vinay Joosery
Webinar Housekeeping
 This webinar is being recorded
 A link to the recording and to a copy of the slides
will be posted on
 We welcome questions: enter questions into the
chat box and we will respond at the end of the
 Think of something later?
 Email Tokutek at
 Email Severalnines at
 MongoDB & Automation
 What is operational management ?
 MongoDB Management caveats
 Automation & Management by ClusterControl
 Demo
Copyright Severalnines AB
Database TCO
Copyright Severalnines AB
Source: IDC, Maximizing the Business Value of Enterprise Database Applications

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The document summarizes a presentation given by representatives from various companies on optimizing Ceph for high-performance solid state drives. It discusses testing a real workload on a Ceph cluster with 50 SSD nodes that achieved over 280,000 read and write IOPS. Areas for further optimization were identified, such as reducing latency spikes and improving single-threaded performance. Various companies then described their contributions to Ceph performance, such as Intel providing hardware for testing and Samsung discussing SSD interface improvements.

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Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #7: ClusterControl
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #7: ClusterControlWebinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #7: ClusterControl
Webinar Slides: MySQL HA/DR/Geo-Scale - High Noon #7: ClusterControl

Severalnines’ ClusterControl vs. Continuent Tungsten Clusters for MySQL Building a Geo-Distributed, Multi-Region and Highly Available MySQL Cloud Back-End This is the seventh of our High Noon series covering MySQL clustering solutions for high availability (HA), disaster recovery (DR), and geographic distribution. ClusterControl uses Galera to handle the MySQL clustering, which means it uses synchronous replication. Learn in this webinar! You may use Tungsten Clustering with native MySQL, MariaDB or Percona Server for MySQL in GCP, AWS, Azure, and/or on-premises data centers for better technological capabilities, control, and flexibility. But learn about the pros and cons! AGENDA - Goals for the High Noon Webinar Series - High Noon Series: Tungsten Clustering vs Others - Oracle InnoDB Cluster - Key Characteristics - Certification-based Replication - InnoDB Cluster Multi-Site Requirements - Limitations Using InnoDB Cluster - How to do better MySQL HA / DR / Geo-Distribution? - InnoDB Cluster vs Tungsten Clustering - About Continuent & Its Solutions PRESENTER Matthew Lang - Customer Success Director – Americas, Continuent - has over 25 years of experience in database administration, database programming, and system architecture, including the creation of a database replication product that is still in use today. He has designed highly available, scaleable systems that have allowed startups to quickly become enterprise organizations, utilizing a variety of technologies including open source projects, virtualization and cloud.

mysqlmariadbgeographic distribution
Developer’s view of the world
Copyright Severalnines AB
DBA’s view of the world
Copyright Severalnines AB
MongoDB and Automation
 MongoDB is great for developers
 MongoDB not as great for ops folks
 Lack of operational tools
 MMS Management: mainly a monitoring tool
 MMS Automation: in alpha
 Perhaps not surprising for a 5-yr old product
 General-purpose tools can help some
 E.g., Puppet, Chef
 However…
Copyright Severalnines AB
Drawback with Puppet or Chef
 Puppet/Chef are appropriate for a group of single-node
 E.g. webservers can be clones of each other..
 Deploy 10 webservers, they all look the same..
 Distributed databases are more complex
 Different node types
 Different roles and responsibilities
 Specific order for procedures
 Using e.g. Chef for deploying a distributed database
 Yes, it is possible
 How much Chef functionality is actually leveraged vs How
much code is written by user?
Copyright Severalnines AB

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Salt Cloud vmware-orchestration
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SaltStack can be used to automate and orchestrate the provisioning of virtual machines on VMware ESXi 6.0. It implements the VMware APIs to allow defining VM profiles and templates that specify VM configurations, and then uses Salt commands to rapidly deploy new VMs from templates with customized configurations. Open-VM tools must be installed on templates to enable customizing VMs, such as setting the network configuration. Salt files define VM profiles and provider credentials, separating configuration from deployment logic for flexibility and reusability.

salt stack
Simplifying Ceph Management with Virtual Storage Manager (VSM)
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Simplifying Ceph Management with Virtual Storage Manager (VSM)

VSM (Virtual Storage Manager) is an open source tool developed by Intel to simplify Ceph storage cluster management. It includes a controller that runs on a dedicated server and manages Ceph through agents on each Ceph node. The VSM makes it easier to deploy, maintain, and monitor Ceph clusters, and also integrates with OpenStack for storage orchestration.

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High Availability with MariaDB Enterprise
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High Availability with MariaDB Enterprise by Stéphane Varoqui. Presented 26.6.2014 at the MariaDB Roadshow in Paris, France.

mariadbmysqlhigh availability
What do Ops folks do?
- Deployment
 Optimal hardware (CPU/RAM/Disk)
 What topology to start with?
 Virtualized or barebone? Cloud?
 Multi-region or multi-AZ
 Good initial configuration settings for DB
 OS tuning (high dependency)
 Monitoring the DB + underlying OS
 Logging
Copyright Severalnines AB
What do Ops folks do?
- performance monitoring
 What do you do when the application is slow?
 Is it Disk? CPU? RAM? Badly written queries?
 What are the symptoms? (Replication Lag, Page Faults,
locks, # connections, …)
 Do you need to scale?
 How do you scale?
 Capacity planning
Copyright Severalnines AB
Vertical vs Horizontal scaling
Copyright Severalnines AB
What do Ops folks do?
- Availability
 Keep the service running
 How do you detect something has failed?
 Drilling down to root cause
 Manual vs automatic failover
 How do you avoid failures?
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

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Galera Cluster for MySQL vs MySQL (NDB) Cluster: A High Level Comparison
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Galera Cluster for MySQL vs MySQL (NDB) Cluster: A High Level Comparison

Galera Cluster for MySQL, Percona XtraDB Cluster and MariaDB Cluster (the three “flavours” of Galera Cluster) make use of the Galera WSREP libraries to handle synchronous replication.MySQL Cluster is the official clustering solution from Oracle, while Galera Cluster for MySQL is slowly but surely establishing itself as the de-facto clustering solution in the wider MySQL eco-system. In this webinar, we will look at all these alternatives and present an unbiased view on their strengths/weaknesses and the use cases that fit each alternative. This webinar will cover the following: MySQL Cluster architecture: strengths and limitations Galera Architecture: strengths and limitations Deployment scenarios Data migration Read and write workloads (Optimistic/pessimistic locking) WAN/Geographical replication Schema changes Management and monitoring

mysql cluster tipsmariadb galera clustermanagement
VMworld 2014: Advanced SQL Server on vSphere Techniques and Best Practices
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This document provides an overview of advanced SQL Server techniques and best practices when running SQL Server in a virtualized environment on vSphere. It covers topics such as storage configuration including VMFS, block alignment, and I/O profiling. Networking techniques like jumbo frames and guest tuning are discussed. The document also reviews memory management and optimization, CPU sizing considerations, workload consolidation strategies, and high availability options for SQL Server on vSphere.

best practicessqladvanced
Galera Cluster DDL and Schema Upgrades 220217
Galera Cluster DDL and Schema Upgrades 220217Galera Cluster DDL and Schema Upgrades 220217
Galera Cluster DDL and Schema Upgrades 220217

We will show how Galera Cluster executes DDLs in a safe, consistent manner across all the nodes in the cluster, and the differences with stand-alone MySQL. We will discuss how to prepare for and successfully carry out a schema upgrade and the considerations that need to be taken into account during the process.

mysql high availabilityschema changesmysql scalability
What do Ops folks do?
- Management
 Backup and Restore
 Software upgrades and rolling restarts
 Configuration changes
 Adding nodes or shards
 Rebalancing of shards
 Compaction
Copyright Severalnines AB
Monitoring is not Management
Copyright Severalnines AB
Management caveats (1/2)
 1 Config server instead of 3
 Starting 2 Config servers only not good enough
 Read-only config – no changes in cluster state
 No new shards can be added, no new users with userid/pwd, …
 > 2 Routing Servers
 1 router only is a SPOF
 ReplicaSet: odd number of replicas
 At least 3 to handle voting / network partitioning
 To build a ReplicaSet, start with a first node. Use init on it. Add other nodes in
the ReplicaSet to it.
 Sharding: pre-defined order for procedures
 Start config servers (start with 1 node, then add the rest to it)
 Start mongos (routers) (start with 1 router, then add more routers)
 Build a ReplicaSet and add it as a shard
Copyright Severalnines AB
Management caveats (2/2)
 Backups
 Lock a node, flush, then take a snapshot
 For a sharded cluster, a bit more complicated
 Config server data need to be saved
 All shards backed up at same time for cluster-wide
 Rolling upgrades
 Configuration change (e.g. moving a node to a more
powerful server), version upgrade/patch, …
 E.g. 3 node replicaset, do not shut down 2 nodes. 3rd node
will become secondary/read-only.
 Defragmentation, resharding, index rebuilds, etc.
Copyright Severalnines AB

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Running Galera Cluster on Microsoft Azure
Running Galera Cluster on Microsoft AzureRunning Galera Cluster on Microsoft Azure
Running Galera Cluster on Microsoft Azure

Running Galera Cluster in Microsoft Azure involves setting up virtual machines and installing Galera Cluster software. This provides more control than Azure Database for MySQL, which uses asynchronous replication. While Azure Database for MySQL is fully managed, Galera Cluster in VMs supports the virtually synchronous replication that is its core feature. Cost estimates show running three Galera Cluster nodes in VMs costs less monthly than three hosted MySQL instances in Azure Database for MySQL.

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Maria DB Galera Cluster for High Availability
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Maria DB Galera Cluster for High Availability

Want to understand how to set high availability solutions for MySQL using MariaDB Galera Cluster? Join this webinar, and learn from experts. During this webinar, you will also get guidance on how to implement MariaDB Galera Cluster.

Accelerating Cassandra Workloads on Ceph with All-Flash PCIE SSDS
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Accelerating Cassandra Workloads on Ceph with All-Flash PCIE SSDS

This document summarizes the performance of an all-NVMe Ceph cluster using Intel P3700 NVMe SSDs. Key results include achieving over 1.35 million 4K random read IOPS and 171K 4K random write IOPS with sub-millisecond latency. Partitioning the NVMe drives into multiple OSDs improved performance and CPU utilization compared to a single OSD per drive. The cluster also demonstrated over 5GB/s of sequential bandwidth.

cephstorageblock storage
Automation & Management
 Provisioning
 Auto deploy a Sharded Cluster in minutes
 On-premise or in the cloud
 Monitoring
 1sec resolution
 Both DB and OS stats
 Realtime and historical
 Management
 Manage multiple clusters
 Multi data-center
 Automate failover, upgrades, backups,…
 One-click scaling
Copyright Severalnines AB
Confidential 18
Copyright 2013 Severalnines AB
Demo - Manage multiple clusters thru
one pane of glass
Copyright Severalnines AB
Internal DataCenter
East Coast US
Internal Data Center
West Coast US Public Cloud
Severalnines Customers
Copyright Severalnines AB

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Galera cluster for MySQL - Introduction Slides
Galera cluster for MySQL - Introduction SlidesGalera cluster for MySQL - Introduction Slides
Galera cluster for MySQL - Introduction Slides

This set of slides gives you an overview of Galera, configuration basics and deployment best practices. The following topics are covered: - Concepts - Node provisioning - Network partitioning - Configuration example - Benchmarks - Deployment best practices - Galera monitoring and management

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MySQL Replication Alternative: Pros and Cons
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MySQL Replication Alternative: Pros and Cons

This document compares various MySQL replication options including asynchronous replication, semi-synchronous replication, Schooner Active Cluster synchronous replication, Oracle GoldenGate, Tungsten Replicator, and Linux DRBD. It finds that asynchronous and semi-synchronous replication in MySQL 5.5.8 have limited sustainable performance and can result in premature sharding, while Schooner Active Cluster provides a 4-5x boost in sustainable replication performance through its tightly-integrated synchronous approach. The document also includes results from the DBT2 benchmark showing differences in throughput, response time, CPU and storage utilization, and network bandwidth across the different solutions.

high performancesemi-synchronousmysql
Running Cloud Foundry for 12 months - An experience report | anynines
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anynines ran a public PaaS located in a German datacenter based on Cloud Foundry. In more than 12 months of running a Cloud Foundry PaaS man lessons about security, high availability, open stack and many other exciting topics have been learned. See how Bosh can be used and how it shouldn't be used. Learn how to perform Cloud Foundry upgrades and read how to harden Cloud Foundry by adding more fault tolerance with pacemaker.

cloud foundryanyninespivotal
 Common User Issues
 What’s TokuMX™
 What are the advantages
 What should I monitor
 How does Severalnines help
Common Problems
 I can’t ingest sources fast enough
 My data is getting too big
 I’m spending too much money on infrastructure
 DB level locking is slowing me down
What is TokuMX?
 A open-source fork of MongoDB
 Uses proprietary Fractal Trees
 Keeps MongoDB APIs (no code change)
 Replaces storage code
 Builds off of 8+ years of MySQL development
What are the Advantages?
 Performance
 Concurrency (doc level vs DB level)
 Cache management (defined vs memory mapped)
 Efficient index maintenance (No IO req’d [Fractal Tree])
 Compression
 Large blocks (4MB)
 3 libraries (quicklz, zlib, lzma)
 Flash friendly (<reads/writes)
 Transactions
 MVCC consistent reads (consistent snapshot of data)
 Multistatement commit/rollback

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Slides: Introducing the new ClusterControl 1.2.9 - with live demo
Slides: Introducing the new ClusterControl 1.2.9 - with live demo Slides: Introducing the new ClusterControl 1.2.9 - with live demo
Slides: Introducing the new ClusterControl 1.2.9 - with live demo

Highlights of ClusterControl 1.2.9 include: Support for PostgreSQL Servers Advanced HAProxy Configurations and Built-in Stats Hybrid Replication with Galera Clusters Galera Replication Traffic Encryption Encrypted Communication between ClusterControl and MySQL-based systems Query Deadlock Detection in MySQL-based systems Bootstrap Galera Cluster Restore of Backups New UI theme RPC interface to ClusterControl Chef Recipe and Puppet Manifest for ClusterControl Zabbix Plugin for ClusterControl

mysqlmysql clustermariadb galera cluster
Whats new in Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Clustering and Storage
Whats new in Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Clustering and StorageWhats new in Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Clustering and Storage
Whats new in Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Clustering and Storage

In this webinar we will learn what the High Availability & Storage team in Microsoft has cooked up for us in Windows Server 2016, which is being launched at Microsoft Ignite at the end of September. There’s lots of new stuff in this release, including better high availability for Hyper-V, greater control over resource utilization, improved fault tolerance of transient events, newer design options for stretch or multi-site clusters, a whole new way of doing software defined storage with SATA and NVMe drives, built-in block-level storage replication, and hyper-convergence without having to break the bank.

server 2016trainingmicrowarehouse
How To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy - Slides
How To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy - SlidesHow To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy - Slides
How To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy - Slides

We continuously see great interest in MySQL load balancing and HAProxy, so we thought it was about time we organised a live webinar on the topic! Here is the replay of that webinar! As most of you will know, database clusters and load balancing go hand in hand. Once your data is distributed and replicated across multiple database nodes, a load balancing mechanism helps distribute database requests, and gives applications a single database endpoint to connect to. Instance failures or maintenance operations like node additions/removals, reconfigurations or version upgrades can be masked behind a load balancer. This provides an efficient way of isolating changes in the database layer from the rest of the infrastructure. In this webinar, we cover the concepts around the popular open-source HAProxy load balancer, and show you how to use it with your SQL-based database clusters. We also discuss HA strategies for HAProxy with Keepalived and Virtual IP. Agenda: * What is HAProxy? * SQL Load balancing for MySQL * Failure detection using MySQL health checks * High Availability with Keepalived and Virtual IP * Use cases: MySQL Cluster, Galera Cluster and MySQL Replication * Alternative methods: Database drivers with inbuilt cluster support, MySQL proxy, MaxScale, ProxySQL

virtual ipkeepalivedgalera cluster
What Should I Monitor?
 Mongo Performance
 opcounters
 Cache Use
 Effectiveness of memory
 Space
 % full
 Compression
 Disk Utilization
 What’s utilizing my disk(s)
 Opcounters let you know how your app is using the
 Establish a baseline for normal behavior
Severalnines Performance
Cache Use
 Want to know how effective your cache is
 When you need to expand cache

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Repair & Recovery for your MySQL, MariaDB & MongoDB / TokuMX Clusters - Webin...
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Repair & Recovery for your MySQL, MariaDB & MongoDB / TokuMX Clusters - Webin...

This document discusses redundancy models for MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB and TokuMX databases. It covers asynchronous replication used in MySQL replication and MongoDB/TokuMX compared to synchronous replication in Galera and NDB Cluster. The document then zooms into recovery procedures for Galera clusters and discusses how to prevent split-brain situations in multi-datacenter setups through the use of additional nodes and assigning node weights.

mysqlmysql clustermongodb
Webinar slides: Introducing Galera 3.0 - Now supporting MySQL 5.6
Webinar slides: Introducing Galera 3.0 - Now supporting MySQL 5.6Webinar slides: Introducing Galera 3.0 - Now supporting MySQL 5.6
Webinar slides: Introducing Galera 3.0 - Now supporting MySQL 5.6

You'll learn how Galera integrates with MySQL 5.6 and Global Transaction IDs to enable cross-datacenter and cloud replication over high latency networks. The benefits are clear; a globally distributed MySQL setup across regions to deliver Severalnines availability and real-time responsiveness. Galera Cluster for MySQL is a true multi-master MySQL replication plugin, and has been proven in mission-critical infrastructures of companies like Ping Identity, AVG Technologies, KPN and HP Cloud DNS. In this webcast you¹ll learn about the following Galera Cluster capabilities, including the latest innovations in the new 3.0 release: Galera Cluster features and benefits Support for MySQL 5.6 Integration with MySQL Global Transaction Identifiers Mixing Galera synchronous replication and asynchronous MySQL replication Deploying in WAN and Cloud environments Handling high-latency networks Management of Galera

database administratormysqldatabases
Webinar Slides : Migrating to MySQL, MariaDB Galera and/or Percona XtraDB Clu...
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Webinar Slides : Migrating to MySQL, MariaDB Galera and/or Percona XtraDB Clu...

This document discusses online migration from an existing MySQL master-slave setup to a Galera cluster. It outlines the steps to enable binary logging on the slave, dump the schema and data, load this into the first Galera node to initialize replication, and transition reads to the Galera cluster while writes continue on the master initially at 90% before being cut over fully to the cluster. Operational checklists, backup procedures, and disaster recovery options for the new Galera cluster configuration are also reviewed.

Severalnines Cache Use
Are they clean?
Is it Effective?
Don’t run out
of space
Compression ratio
will help predict
future needs
Disk Utilization
 Can be tricky
 No one thing causes IO
 Helps to troubleshoot if you can narrow it to reads or
 Baselines can help decrease time to resolve
Severalnines Measuring Utilization
miss = read
If fsync rises…
checkpoints COMING IN TokuMX 1.4.2!

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Webinar Slides: Migrating to Galera Cluster
Webinar Slides: Migrating to Galera ClusterWebinar Slides: Migrating to Galera Cluster
Webinar Slides: Migrating to Galera Cluster

This document discusses considerations for migrating to Galera Cluster replication from MySQL or other database systems. It covers differences in supported features between Galera and MySQL, including storage engines, tables without primary keys, auto-increment handling, and DDL processing. It also addresses multi-master conflicts, long transactions, LOAD DATA processing, and using Galera with MySQL replication. An overview of online migration is provided along with guidance on validating schemas and checking for compatibility prior to migration.

Zero Downtime Schema Changes - Galera Cluster - Best Practices
Zero Downtime Schema Changes - Galera Cluster - Best PracticesZero Downtime Schema Changes - Galera Cluster - Best Practices
Zero Downtime Schema Changes - Galera Cluster - Best Practices

Database schema changes are usually not popular among DBAs or sysadmins, not when you are operating a cluster and cannot afford to switch off the service during a maintenance window. There are different ways to perform schema changes, some procedures being more complicated than others. Galera Cluster is great at making your MySQL database highly available, but are you concerned about schema changes? Is an ALTER TABLE statement something that requires a lot of advance scheduling? What is the impact on your database uptime? This is a common question, since ALTER operations in MySQL usually cause the table to be locked and rebuilt – which can potentially be disruptive to your live applications. Fortunately, Galera Cluster has mechanisms to replicate DDL across its nodes. In these slides, you will learn about the following: How to perform Zero Downtime Schema Changes 2 main methods: TOI and RSU Total Order Isolation: predictability and consistency Rolling Schema Upgrades pt-online-schema-change Schema synchronization with re-joining nodes Recommended procedures Common pitfalls/user errors The slides are courtesy of Seppo Jaakola, CEO, Codership - creators of Galera Cluster

mysqlmysql clusterdatabase administrator
Galera Cluster - Node Recovery - Webinar slides
Galera Cluster - Node Recovery - Webinar slidesGalera Cluster - Node Recovery - Webinar slides
Galera Cluster - Node Recovery - Webinar slides

Slides for the webinar held on January 21st 2014 Repair & Recovery for your MySQL, MariaDB & MongoDB / TokuMX Clusters Galera Cluster, NDB Cluster, VIP with HAProxy and Keepalived, MongoDB Sharded Cluster, etc. all have their own availability models. We are aware of these availability models and will demonstrate in this webinar how to take corrective action in case of failures via our cluster management tool, ClusterControl. In this webinar, Severalnines CTO Johan Andersson will show you how to leverage ClusterControl to detect failures in your database cluster and automatically repair them to maximize the availability of your database services. And Codership CEO Seppo Jaakola will be joining Johan to provide a deep-dive into Galera recovery internals. Agenda: Redundancy models for Galera, NDB and MongoDB/TokuMX Failover & Recovery (Automatic vs Manual) Zooming into Galera recovery procedures Split brains in multi-datacenter setups

mongodbmysqlmysql cluster nosql
Everything Else
 TokuMX tends to trade IO utilization for CPU
 Compression and decompression
 FT maintenance
 Just monitor your CPUs like any other resource
 SeveralNines is exceptional at this…try it for yourself
 db.serverStatus() is your friend
 We’re moving interesting stats there to make it easier to monitor
Tokutek Customers
Thank You!
 TokuMX
 ClusterControl for MongoDB
 Severalnines Blog (
 Tokutek Blog (
 More Questions? Contact us at:

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Management and Automation of MongoDB Clusters - Slides

  • 1. Confidential MongoDB/TokuMX Automation & Management Jon Tobin Tokutek April 24, 2014 Vinay Joosery Severalnines
  • 2. Confidential Webinar Housekeeping  This webinar is being recorded  A link to the recording and to a copy of the slides will be posted on  We welcome questions: enter questions into the chat box and we will respond at the end of the presentation  Think of something later?  Email Tokutek at  Email Severalnines at 2
  • 3. Confidential Agenda  MongoDB & Automation  What is operational management ?  MongoDB Management caveats  Automation & Management by ClusterControl  Demo 3 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 4. Confidential Database TCO 4 Copyright Severalnines AB Source: IDC, Maximizing the Business Value of Enterprise Database Applications
  • 5. Confidential Developer’s view of the world 5 Copyright Severalnines AB App DB
  • 6. Confidential DBA’s view of the world 6 Copyright Severalnines AB DB App
  • 7. Confidential MongoDB and Automation  MongoDB is great for developers  MongoDB not as great for ops folks  Lack of operational tools  MMS Management: mainly a monitoring tool  MMS Automation: in alpha  Perhaps not surprising for a 5-yr old product  General-purpose tools can help some  E.g., Puppet, Chef  However… 7 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 8. Confidential Drawback with Puppet or Chef  Puppet/Chef are appropriate for a group of single-node components  E.g. webservers can be clones of each other..  Deploy 10 webservers, they all look the same..  Distributed databases are more complex  Different node types  Different roles and responsibilities  Specific order for procedures  Using e.g. Chef for deploying a distributed database  Yes, it is possible  How much Chef functionality is actually leveraged vs How much code is written by user? 8 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 9. Confidential What do Ops folks do? - Deployment  Optimal hardware (CPU/RAM/Disk)  What topology to start with?  Virtualized or barebone? Cloud?  Multi-region or multi-AZ  Good initial configuration settings for DB  OS tuning (high dependency)  Monitoring the DB + underlying OS  Logging 9 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 10. Confidential What do Ops folks do? - performance monitoring  What do you do when the application is slow?  Is it Disk? CPU? RAM? Badly written queries?  What are the symptoms? (Replication Lag, Page Faults, locks, # connections, …)  Do you need to scale?  How do you scale?  Capacity planning 10 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 11. Confidential Vertical vs Horizontal scaling 11 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 12. Confidential What do Ops folks do? - Availability  Keep the service running  How do you detect something has failed?  Drilling down to root cause  Manual vs automatic failover  How do you avoid failures? 12 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 13. Confidential What do Ops folks do? - Management  Backup and Restore  Software upgrades and rolling restarts  Configuration changes  Adding nodes or shards  Rebalancing of shards  Compaction 13 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 14. Confidential Monitoring is not Management 14 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 15. Confidential Management caveats (1/2)  1 Config server instead of 3  Starting 2 Config servers only not good enough  Read-only config – no changes in cluster state  No new shards can be added, no new users with userid/pwd, …  > 2 Routing Servers  1 router only is a SPOF  ReplicaSet: odd number of replicas  At least 3 to handle voting / network partitioning  To build a ReplicaSet, start with a first node. Use init on it. Add other nodes in the ReplicaSet to it.  Sharding: pre-defined order for procedures  Start config servers (start with 1 node, then add the rest to it)  Start mongos (routers) (start with 1 router, then add more routers)  Build a ReplicaSet and add it as a shard 15 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 16. Confidential Management caveats (2/2)  Backups  Lock a node, flush, then take a snapshot  For a sharded cluster, a bit more complicated  Config server data need to be saved  All shards backed up at same time for cluster-wide snapshot  Rolling upgrades  Configuration change (e.g. moving a node to a more powerful server), version upgrade/patch, …  E.g. 3 node replicaset, do not shut down 2 nodes. 3rd node will become secondary/read-only.  Defragmentation, resharding, index rebuilds, etc. 16 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 17. Confidential ClusterControl Automation & Management  Provisioning  Auto deploy a Sharded Cluster in minutes  On-premise or in the cloud  Monitoring  1sec resolution  Both DB and OS stats  Realtime and historical  Management  Manage multiple clusters  Multi data-center  Automate failover, upgrades, backups,…  One-click scaling 17 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 19. Confidential Demo - Manage multiple clusters thru one pane of glass 19 Copyright Severalnines AB Internal DataCenter East Coast US Internal Data Center West Coast US Public Cloud
  • 21. Confidential Agenda  Common User Issues  What’s TokuMX™  What are the advantages  What should I monitor  How does Severalnines help 21
  • 22. Confidential Common Problems  I can’t ingest sources fast enough  My data is getting too big  I’m spending too much money on infrastructure  DB level locking is slowing me down 22
  • 23. Confidential What is TokuMX?  A open-source fork of MongoDB  Uses proprietary Fractal Trees  Keeps MongoDB APIs (no code change)  Replaces storage code  Builds off of 8+ years of MySQL development 23
  • 24. Confidential What are the Advantages?  Performance  Concurrency (doc level vs DB level)  Cache management (defined vs memory mapped)  Efficient index maintenance (No IO req’d [Fractal Tree])  Compression  Large blocks (4MB)  3 libraries (quicklz, zlib, lzma)  Flash friendly (<reads/writes)  Transactions  MVCC consistent reads (consistent snapshot of data)  Multistatement commit/rollback 24
  • 25. Confidential What Should I Monitor?  Mongo Performance  opcounters  Cache Use  Effectiveness of memory  Space  % full  Compression  Disk Utilization  What’s utilizing my disk(s) 25
  • 26. Confidential Performance  Opcounters let you know how your app is using the database  Establish a baseline for normal behavior 26
  • 28. Confidential Cache Use  Want to know how effective your cache is  When you need to expand cache 28
  • 30. Confidential Space 30 Don’t run out of space Compression ratio will help predict future needs
  • 31. Confidential Disk Utilization  Can be tricky  No one thing causes IO  Helps to troubleshoot if you can narrow it to reads or writes  Baselines can help decrease time to resolve 31
  • 32. Confidential Severalnines Measuring Utilization 32 miss = read If fsync rises… checkpoints COMING IN TokuMX 1.4.2!
  • 33. Confidential Everything Else  TokuMX tends to trade IO utilization for CPU  Compression and decompression  FT maintenance  Just monitor your CPUs like any other resource  SeveralNines is exceptional at this…try it for yourself  db.serverStatus() is your friend  We’re moving interesting stats there to make it easier to monitor 33 ***THIS IS ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR MEANT SPECIFICALLY FOR ILLUSTRATION!!
  • 35. Confidential Thank You!  TokuMX   ClusterControl for MongoDB   Severalnines Blog (  Tokutek Blog (  More Questions? Contact us at:   35

Editor's Notes

  1. 5yr old MongoDB