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Performance Tuning of MySQL Cluster
April 2013
Johan Andersson
Severalnines AB
  7.3 Feature Update
  OS Tuning
  Stability Tuning
  Application design
  Identifying bottlenecks
  Tuning tricks
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
7.3 Feature Update
  Node.js Connector
  JavaScript (V8 engine) to access data directly in the
Data nodes
  No SQL – bypasses the MySQL Server  lower latency,
high throughput for simple queries (like PK operations,
simple scans from one table)
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
7.3 Feature Update
  FOREIGN KEYs finally supported!
  Implemented at the Data Node level
  But..
ERROR 1506 (HY000): Foreign key clause is not yet
supported in conjunction with partitioning
  Hopefully fixed for the GA release
  What about the performance penalty?
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

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7.3 Foreign Key Perf
create table users_posts (
uid integer ,
fid integer ,
pid integer auto_increment,
message varchar(1024),
primary key(uid,fid, pid),
constraint fk_forum foreign key(fid) references forum(fid) on delete cascade,
constraint fk_user foreign key(uid) references users(uid) on delete cascade
) engine=ndb;
  Compare INSERT performance with and w/o FKs
  With FK, must check that forum(fid) and users(uid) exists.
  Populate with 1M records
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
7.3 Foreign Key Perf
  Bencher drivers the load:
  4 threads, 2 data nodes, 4 cores,
  App  mysqld  data nodes
  FOREIGN KEYs enabled
Average Throughput = 1274.58 tps (stdev=59.71)
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
7.3 Foreign Key Perf
  Bencher drivers the load:
  4 threads, 2 data nodes, 4 cores,
  App  mysqld  data nodes
  Not using FOREIGN KEYs
Average Throughput = 1428.57 tps (stdev=57.10)
  Foreign keys gave ~11% drop in performance.
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
7.2  7.3 Caveats
  Rolling upgrade from 7.2.10 to 7.3.1 works!
  A little gotcha:
  --engine-condition-pushdown  no longer supported in
MySQL 5.6
  Mysqld will fail to start
  Take it out from my.cnf before upgrading!
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

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MySQL is on the way and this presentation covers the new features, improved performance, and better admin that will come with 5.7. But there are some things that are changing that you need to know before you upgrade

mysql 5.7datadatabase
  A single query will never run as fast as on Innodb
(served from RAM)
  Network latency is a issue
  More data nodes does not speed up query execution
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
OS Tuning
  Disable NUMA in /etc/grub.conf
  echo ‘0’ > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
echo ‘vm.swappiness=0’ >> /etc/sysctl.conf
  Bind data node threads to CPUs/cores
  cat /proc/interrupts | grep eth
cpu0 cpu1 cpu2 cpu3

44: 31 49432584 0 0 xen-dyn-event eth0"
45: 1633715292 0 0 0 xen-dyn-event eth1"
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
In config.ini [ndbd default]:
ThreadConfig=ldm={count=1,cpubind=1,2},main={cpubind=3} ..
Stability Tuning
  Tuning the REDO log is key
  FragmentLogFileSize=256M
  NoOfFragmentLogFiles=<4-6> X DataMemory in MB / 4 x
  RedoBuffer=64M for a write busy system
  Disk based data:
  SharedGlobalMemory=4096M
  In the LOGFILE GROUP: undo_buffer_size=128M
  Or higher (max is 600M)
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
Stability Tuning
  Make sure you don’t have more “execution threads” than cores
  You want to have
  Major page faults low
  Involuntary context switches low
mysql> SELECT node_id, thr_no,thr_nm , os_ru_majflt,
os_ru_nivcsw FROM threadstat;
| node_id | thr_no | thr_nm | os_ru_majflt | os_ru_nivcsw |
| 3 | 0 | main | 1 | 541719 |
| 4 | 0 | main | 0 | 561769 |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

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Application Design
  Define the most typical Use Cases
  List all my friends, session management etc etc.
  Optimize everything for the typical use case
  Engineer schema to cater for the Use Cases
  Keep it simple
  Complex access patterns does not scale
  Simple access patterns do ( Primay key and Partitioned Index Scans )
  Note! There is no parameter in config.ini that affects
performance – only availability.
  Everything is about the Schema and the Queries.
  Tune the mysql servers (sort buffers etc) as you would for innodb.
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
Simple Access
  PRIMARY KEY lookups are HASH lookup O(1)
  INDEX searches a T-tree and takes O(log n) time.
  In 7.2 and later JOINs are ok, but in 7.1 you should try
to avoid them.
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
Identifying Bottlenecks
  A lot of CPU is used on the data nodes
  Probably a lot of large index scans and full table scans are used.
  Check Slow query log or a query monitor
  A lot of CPU is used on the mysql servers
  Probably a lot of GROUP BY/DISTINCT or aggregate functions.
  Hardly no CPU is used on either mysql or data nodes
  Probably low load
  Time is spent on network (a lot of “ping pong” to satisfy a request).
  System is running slow in general
  Disks (io util), queries, swap (must never happen), network
Need To Add Data Nodes?
  (adding mysql servers is easy)
  top –Hd1
  Is any of data nodes threads at 100%?
  Yes: add more data nodes (online)
  No: do nothing

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Detecting Query Problems
  Here is a standard method for how to attack the problem.
  Performance tuning is a never-ending loop:
–  Capture information – e.g, slow query log
•  Change long_query_time if needed
–  EXPLAIN the queries
•  What indexes are used?
•  Are tables JOINed in the correct order (small to big)
–  Re-run the optimized typical use cases using bencher/
  Never tune unless you can measure and test!
  Don't optimize unless you have a problem!
Enable Logging
  Slow query log
  set global slow_query_log=1;
  set global long_query_time=0.01;
  set global log_queries_not_using_indexes=1;
  General log (if you don’t get enough info in the Slow
Query Log)
  Activate for a very short period of time (30-60seconds) –
  Can fill up disk very fast – make sure you turn it off.
  set global general_log=1;
  Use Severalnines ClusterControl
  Includes a Cluster-wide Query Monitor.
  Query frequency, EXPLAINs, lock time etc.
  Performance Monitor and Manager.
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
subid data
1 A
3 B
2 C
4 D
Partition 0
Partition 1
  By default, all index scans hit all data nodes
  good if result set is big – you want as many CPUs as possible to
help you.
  For smaller result sets (~a couple of hundred records) Partition
Pruning is key for scalability.
  User-defined partitioning can help to improve equality index
scans on part of a primary key.
  CREATE TABLE t1 (uid,
PRIMARY KEY(uid, fid))
  All data belonging to a particular uid will be on the same
  Great locality!
  select * from user where uid=1;
  Only one data node will be scanned (no matter how many
nodes you have)

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mysql> show global status like 'ndb_pruned_scan_count’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| Ndb_pruned_scan_count | 0 |
An run query, and verify it works:
select * from user where userid=1;
mysql> show global status like 'ndb_pruned_scan_count’;
| Variable_name | Value |
| Ndb_pruned_scan_count | 1 |
mysql> show global status like 'ndb%pruned%';
| Ndb_api_table_scan_count | 264 |
| Ndb_api_range_scan_count | 18 |
| Ndb_api_pruned_scan_count | 3 |
Sharding - EXAMPLE
  create table users_posts2 (
uid integer ,
fid integer ,
pid integer auto_increment,
message varchar(1024),
primary key(uid,fid, pid)
) engine=ndb
partition by key(uid);
create table users_posts2 (
uid integer ,
fid integer ,
pid integer auto_increment,
message varchar(1024),
primary key(uid,fid, pid)
) engine=ndb;
mysql> explain partitions select * from users_posts u where u.uid=1G
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: u
partitions: p0,p1
type: ref
possible_keys: PRIMARY
key_len: 4
ref: const
rows: 2699
Extra: NULL
mysql> explain partitions select * from users_posts2 u where
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: u
partitions: p0
type: ref
possible_keys: PRIMARY
key_len: 4
ref: const
rows: 2699
Extra: NULL

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Data Types
  BLOB/TEXT columns are stored in an external hidden table.
  First 256B are stored inline in main table
  Reading a BLOB/TEXT requires two reads
  One for reading the Main table + reading from hidden
  Change to VARBINARY/VARCHAR if:
  Your BLOB/TEXTs can fit within an 14000 Bytes record
  (record size is currently 14000 Bytes)
  Reading/writing VARCHAR/VARBINARY is less expensive
Note 1: BLOB/TEXT are also more expensive in Innodb as BLOB/TEXT data is
not inlined with the table. Thus, two disk seeks are needed to read a
Note 2: Store images, movies etc outside the database on the filesystem.
Query Tuning
  MySQL Cluster 7.2 and later has pushed down joins  joins
are performed in the data nodes.
  OPTIMIZER in MySQL Cluster 7.1 and earlier is weak
  Statistics gathering is non-existing
  Optimizer thinks there are only 10 rows to examine in each
  FORCE INDEX / STRAIGHt_JOIN to get queries run the way you
Query Tuning
  if you have two similar indexes:
  index(a)
  index(a,ts)
on the following table
`a` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
KEY `idx_t1_a` (`a`),
KEY `idx_t1_a_ts` (`a`,`ts`)) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1
Query Tuning
mysql> select count(id) from t1 where a=5;
| count(id) |
| 3072000 |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)
mysql> select count(id) from t1 where a=5
and ts>'2013-04-18 14:34:08’;
| count(id) |
| 512 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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Query Tuning Pre 7.2
mysql> explain select * from t1 where a=2 and ts='2011-10-05 15:32:11';
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref |
rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | ref | idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts | idx_t1_a | 9 | const | 10 |
Using where |
  Use FORCE INDEX(..) ...
mysql> explain select * from t1 FORCE INDEX (idx_t1_a_ts) where a=2 and ts='2011-10-05
+| 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | ref | idx_t1_a_ts | idx_t1_a_ts | 13 | const,const | 10 |
Using where |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
 ensure the correct index is picked!
  The difference can be 1 record read instead of any
number of records!
Index Statistics
explain select * from t1 where a=5 and ts>'2013-04-18 14:34:08' G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: t1
type: range
possible_keys: idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts
key: idx_t1_a
key_len: 9
ref: const
Rows: 17
Extra: Using where with pushed condition
Index Statistics
mysql> analyze table t1;
| Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| test.t1 | analyze | status | OK |
1 row in set (3.40 sec)
Index Statistics
Mysql> explain select * from t1 where a=5
and ts>'2013-04-18 14:34:08' G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: t1
type: range
possible_keys: idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts
key: idx_t1_a_ts
key_len: 13
ref: NULL
rows: 253
Extra: Using where with pushed condition; Using MRR
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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  Problem:
  A Sendbuffer on the connection between mysqld and the
data nodes is protected by a Mutex.
  Connection threads in MySQL must acquire Mutex and the
put data in SendBuffer.
  Many threads gives more contention on the mutex
  Must scale out with many MySQL Servers.
  Workaround:
  Ndb_cluster_connection_pool (in my.cnf) creates more
connections from one mysqld to the data nodes
  Threads load balance on the connections gives less
contention on mutex which in turn gives increased scalabilty
  Less MySQL Servers needed to drive load!
 allows you to
specify the connection pool.
  Gives atleast 70% better performance and a MySQL Server
that can scale beyond four database connections.
  Set Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=2x<CPU cores>
  It is a good starting point
  One free [mysqld] slot is required in config.ini for each
  4 mysql servers,each with Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=8
requires 32 [mysqld] in config.ini
  Note that also memcached and node.js, cluster/j etc also has
the concept of the ndb_cluster_connection_pool.
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  MySQL Cluster Configurator
  MySQL Cluster Management + Monitoring
  MySQL Cluster Training Slides
  My Blog

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Use MongoDB at Any Scale As you scale, one of the challenges is optimizing your clusters and mitigating operational risk. Proper preparation can result in significant savings and reduced downtime. This session covers: * Deployment of dev/test/production environments across private data centers or public clouds * What to monitor in production environments * Management automation with ClusterControl from Severalnines * How ClusterControl works with TokuMX The session will give you the tools to more effectively manage your cluster, immediately. The presentation will include code samples and a live Q&A session. This webinar is being delivered jointly by Severalnines & Tokutek. Severalnines provides automation and management tools to reduce the complexity of working with highly available database clusters. Tokutek provides high-performance and scalability for MongoDB, MySQL and MariaDB.

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Deep Dive Into How To Monitor MySQL or MariaDB Galera Cluster / Percona XtraD...
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Deep Dive Into How To Monitor MySQL or MariaDB Galera Cluster / Percona XtraD...

MySQL provides hundreds of status counters, but how do you make sense of all that monitoring data? If you’re in Operations and your job is to monitor the health of MySQL/MariaDB Galera Cluster or Percona XtraDB Cluster, then this webinar is for you. Setting up a Galera Cluster is fairly straightforward, but keeping it in a good shape and knowing what to look for when it’s having production issues can be a challenge. Status counters can be tricky to read … Which of them are more important than others? How do you find your way in a labyrinth of different variables? Which of them can make a significant difference? How might a host’s health impact MySQL performance? How to identify problematic nodes in your cluster? To find out more, read these webinar slides (or watch the replay). Our colleague Krzysztof Książek provided a deep-dive session on what to monitor in Galera Cluster for MySQL & MariaDB. Krzysztof is a MySQL DBA with experience in managing complex database environments for companies like Zendesk, Chegg, Pinterest and Flipboard. Amongst other things, Krzysztof discussed why having a good monitoring system is a must, covering the following topics: Galera monitoring • cluster status • flow control Host metrics and their impact on MySQL • CPU • memory • I/O InnoDB metrics • CPU-related • I/O-related

mariadb galera clustermysqlpercona xtradb
MySQL Cluster 7.3 Performance Tuning - Severalnines Slides
MySQL Cluster 7.3 Performance Tuning - Severalnines SlidesMySQL Cluster 7.3 Performance Tuning - Severalnines Slides
MySQL Cluster 7.3 Performance Tuning - Severalnines Slides

The MySQL Cluster 7.x series introduced a number of features to allow for fine-grained control over the real-time behaviour of the NDB storage engine. New threads have been introduced, and users are able to control placement of these threads, as well as locking the memory such that no swapping occurs. In an ideal run-time environment, CPUs handling data node threads will not execute other threads apart from OS kernel threads or interrupt handling. Correct tuning of certain parameters can be specially important for certain types of workloads. This presentation covers the different tuning aspects of MySQL Cluster. - Application design guidelines - Schema Optimization - Index Selection and Tuning - Query Tuning - OS Tuning - Data Node internals - Optimizations for real-time behaviour This presentation looks closely at how to get the most out of your MySQL Cluster 7.x runtime environment.

mysql clusterperformance tuningmysql
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Thank you for your time!
Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB

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MySQL Cluster Performance Tuning - 2013 MySQL User Conference

  • 1. Performance Tuning of MySQL Cluster April 2013 Johan Andersson Severalnines AB
  • 2. Agenda   7.3 Feature Update   OS Tuning   Stability Tuning   Application design   Identifying bottlenecks   Tuning tricks 2 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 3. 7.3 Feature Update   Node.js Connector   JavaScript (V8 engine) to access data directly in the Data nodes   No SQL – bypasses the MySQL Server  lower latency, high throughput for simple queries (like PK operations, simple scans from one table) 3 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 4. 7.3 Feature Update   FOREIGN KEYs finally supported!   Implemented at the Data Node level   But.. ERROR 1506 (HY000): Foreign key clause is not yet supported in conjunction with partitioning   Hopefully fixed for the GA release   What about the performance penalty? 4 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 5. 7.3 Foreign Key Perf create table users_posts ( uid integer , fid integer , pid integer auto_increment, message varchar(1024), primary key(uid,fid, pid), constraint fk_forum foreign key(fid) references forum(fid) on delete cascade, constraint fk_user foreign key(uid) references users(uid) on delete cascade ) engine=ndb;   Compare INSERT performance with and w/o FKs   With FK, must check that forum(fid) and users(uid) exists.   Populate with 1M records 5 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 6. 7.3 Foreign Key Perf   Bencher drivers the load:    4 threads, 2 data nodes, 4 cores,   App  mysqld  data nodes   FOREIGN KEYs enabled Summary: -------------------------- Average Throughput = 1274.58 tps (stdev=59.71) 6 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 7. 7.3 Foreign Key Perf   Bencher drivers the load:    4 threads, 2 data nodes, 4 cores,   App  mysqld  data nodes   Not using FOREIGN KEYs Summary: -------------------------- Average Throughput = 1428.57 tps (stdev=57.10)   Foreign keys gave ~11% drop in performance. 7 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 8. 7.2  7.3 Caveats   Rolling upgrade from 7.2.10 to 7.3.1 works!   A little gotcha:   --engine-condition-pushdown  no longer supported in MySQL 5.6   Mysqld will fail to start   Take it out from my.cnf before upgrading! 8 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 9. Facts   A single query will never run as fast as on Innodb (served from RAM)   Network latency is a issue   More data nodes does not speed up query execution time. 9 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 10. OS Tuning   Disable NUMA in /etc/grub.conf   echo ‘0’ > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness echo ‘vm.swappiness=0’ >> /etc/sysctl.conf   Bind data node threads to CPUs/cores   cat /proc/interrupts | grep eth cpu0 cpu1 cpu2 cpu3
 44: 31 49432584 0 0 xen-dyn-event eth0" 45: 1633715292 0 0 0 xen-dyn-event eth1" 10 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB Avoid! OK! In config.ini [ndbd default]: ThreadConfig=ldm={count=1,cpubind=1,2},main={cpubind=3} ..
  • 11. Stability Tuning   Tuning the REDO log is key   FragmentLogFileSize=256M   NoOfFragmentLogFiles=<4-6> X DataMemory in MB / 4 x FragmentLogFileSize   RedoBuffer=64M for a write busy system   Disk based data:   SharedGlobalMemory=4096M   In the LOGFILE GROUP: undo_buffer_size=128M   Or higher (max is 600M) 11 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 12. Stability Tuning   Make sure you don’t have more “execution threads” than cores   You want to have   Major page faults low   Involuntary context switches low mysql> SELECT node_id, thr_no,thr_nm , os_ru_majflt, os_ru_nivcsw FROM threadstat; +---------+--------+--------+--------------+--------------+ | node_id | thr_no | thr_nm | os_ru_majflt | os_ru_nivcsw | +---------+--------+--------+--------------+--------------+ | 3 | 0 | main | 1 | 541719 | | 4 | 0 | main | 0 | 561769 | +---------+--------+--------+--------------+--------------+ 2 rows in set (0.01 sec) 12 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 13. Application Design   Define the most typical Use Cases   List all my friends, session management etc etc.   Optimize everything for the typical use case   Engineer schema to cater for the Use Cases   Keep it simple   Complex access patterns does not scale   Simple access patterns do ( Primay key and Partitioned Index Scans )   Note! There is no parameter in config.ini that affects performance – only availability.   Everything is about the Schema and the Queries.   Tune the mysql servers (sort buffers etc) as you would for innodb. 13 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 14. Simple Access   PRIMARY KEY lookups are HASH lookup O(1)   INDEX searches a T-tree and takes O(log n) time.   In 7.2 and later JOINs are ok, but in 7.1 you should try to avoid them. 14 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB
  • 15. Identifying Bottlenecks   A lot of CPU is used on the data nodes   Probably a lot of large index scans and full table scans are used.   Check Slow query log or a query monitor   A lot of CPU is used on the mysql servers   Probably a lot of GROUP BY/DISTINCT or aggregate functions.   Hardly no CPU is used on either mysql or data nodes   Probably low load   Time is spent on network (a lot of “ping pong” to satisfy a request).   System is running slow in general   Disks (io util), queries, swap (must never happen), network
  • 16. Need To Add Data Nodes?   (adding mysql servers is easy)   top –Hd1   Is any of data nodes threads at 100%?   Yes: add more data nodes (online)   No: do nothing
  • 17. Detecting Query Problems   Here is a standard method for how to attack the problem.   Performance tuning is a never-ending loop: BEGIN –  Capture information – e.g, slow query log •  Change long_query_time if needed –  EXPLAIN the queries •  What indexes are used? •  Are tables JOINed in the correct order (small to big) –  Re-run the optimized typical use cases using bencher/ mysqlslap GOTO BEGIN; END;   Never tune unless you can measure and test!   Don't optimize unless you have a problem!
  • 18. Enable Logging   Slow query log   set global slow_query_log=1;   set global long_query_time=0.01;   set global log_queries_not_using_indexes=1;   General log (if you don’t get enough info in the Slow Query Log)   Activate for a very short period of time (30-60seconds) – intrusive   Can fill up disk very fast – make sure you turn it off.   set global general_log=1;   Use Severalnines ClusterControl   Includes a Cluster-wide Query Monitor.   Query frequency, EXPLAINs, lock time etc.   Performance Monitor and Manager.
  • 19. Setup 19 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB subid data 1 A 3 B 2 C 4 D subscriber Partition 0 Partition 1 NETWORK!
  • 20. Sharding   By default, all index scans hit all data nodes   good if result set is big – you want as many CPUs as possible to help you.   For smaller result sets (~a couple of hundred records) Partition Pruning is key for scalability.   User-defined partitioning can help to improve equality index scans on part of a primary key.   CREATE TABLE t1 (uid, fid, somedata, PRIMARY KEY(uid, fid)) PARTITION BY KEY(userid);   All data belonging to a particular uid will be on the same partition.   Great locality!   select * from user where uid=1;   Only one data node will be scanned (no matter how many nodes you have)
  • 21. Sharding mysql> show global status like 'ndb_pruned_scan_count’; +-----------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------------+-------+ | Ndb_pruned_scan_count | 0 | +-----------------------+-------+ CREATE TABLE t1( … ) PARTITION BY KEY (userid); An run query, and verify it works: select * from user where userid=1; mysql> show global status like 'ndb_pruned_scan_count’; +-----------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------------+-------+ | Ndb_pruned_scan_count | 1 | +-----------------------+-------+
  • 22. Sharding mysql> show global status like 'ndb%pruned%'; | Ndb_api_table_scan_count | 264 | | Ndb_api_range_scan_count | 18 | | Ndb_api_pruned_scan_count | 3 |
  • 23. Sharding - EXAMPLE   create table users_posts2 ( uid integer , fid integer , pid integer auto_increment, message varchar(1024), primary key(uid,fid, pid) ) engine=ndb partition by key(uid); NO PARTITIONING create table users_posts2 ( uid integer , fid integer , pid integer auto_increment, message varchar(1024), primary key(uid,fid, pid) ) engine=ndb; PARTITION BY KEY
  • 24. Sharding – EXPLAIN PARTITIONS mysql> explain partitions select * from users_posts u where u.uid=1G id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: u partitions: p0,p1 type: ref possible_keys: PRIMARY key: PRIMARY key_len: 4 ref: const rows: 2699 Extra: NULL With PARTITION BY KEY (UID) mysql> explain partitions select * from users_posts2 u where u.uid=1G id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: u partitions: p0 type: ref possible_keys: PRIMARY key: PRIMARY key_len: 4 ref: const rows: 2699 Extra: NULL
  • 25. Data Types BLOBs/TEXTs vs VARBINARY/VARCHAR   BLOB/TEXT columns are stored in an external hidden table.   First 256B are stored inline in main table   Reading a BLOB/TEXT requires two reads   One for reading the Main table + reading from hidden table   Change to VARBINARY/VARCHAR if:   Your BLOB/TEXTs can fit within an 14000 Bytes record   (record size is currently 14000 Bytes)   Reading/writing VARCHAR/VARBINARY is less expensive Note 1: BLOB/TEXT are also more expensive in Innodb as BLOB/TEXT data is not inlined with the table. Thus, two disk seeks are needed to read a BLOB. Note 2: Store images, movies etc outside the database on the filesystem.
  • 26. Query Tuning   MySQL Cluster 7.2 and later has pushed down joins  joins are performed in the data nodes.   OPTIMIZER in MySQL Cluster 7.1 and earlier is weak   Statistics gathering is non-existing   Optimizer thinks there are only 10 rows to examine in each table!   FORCE INDEX / STRAIGHt_JOIN to get queries run the way you want
  • 27. Query Tuning   if you have two similar indexes:   index(a)   index(a,ts) on the following table CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `a` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL, `ts` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `idx_t1_a` (`a`), KEY `idx_t1_a_ts` (`a`,`ts`)) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1
  • 28. Query Tuning mysql> select count(id) from t1 where a=5; +-----------+ | count(id) | +-----------+ | 3072000 | +-----------+ 1 row in set (0.02 sec) mysql> select count(id) from t1 where a=5 and ts>'2013-04-18 14:34:08’; +-----------+ | count(id) | +-----------+ | 512 | +-----------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  • 29. Query Tuning Pre 7.2 mysql> explain select * from t1 where a=2 and ts='2011-10-05 15:32:11'; +----+-------------+-------+------+----------------------+----------+---------+-------+------+-------------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +----+-------------+-------+------+----------------------+----------+---------+-------+------+-------------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | ref | idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts | idx_t1_a | 9 | const | 10 | Using where | +----+-------------+-------+------+----------------------+----------+---------+-------+------+-------------+   Use FORCE INDEX(..) ... mysql> explain select * from t1 FORCE INDEX (idx_t1_a_ts) where a=2 and ts='2011-10-05 15:32:11; +| 1 | SIMPLE | t1 | ref | idx_t1_a_ts | idx_t1_a_ts | 13 | const,const | 10 | Using where | 1 row in set (0.00 sec)  ensure the correct index is picked!   The difference can be 1 record read instead of any number of records!
  • 30. Index Statistics explain select * from t1 where a=5 and ts>'2013-04-18 14:34:08' G *************************** 1. row *************************** id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: t1 type: range possible_keys: idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts key: idx_t1_a key_len: 9 ref: const Rows: 17 Extra: Using where with pushed condition
  • 31. Index Statistics mysql> analyze table t1; +---------+---------+----------+----------+ | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text | +---------+---------+----------+----------+ | test.t1 | analyze | status | OK | +---------+---------+----------+----------+ 1 row in set (3.40 sec)
  • 32. Index Statistics Mysql> explain select * from t1 where a=5 and ts>'2013-04-18 14:34:08' G *************************** 1. row *************************** id: 1 select_type: SIMPLE table: t1 type: range possible_keys: idx_t1_a,idx_t1_a_ts key: idx_t1_a_ts key_len: 13 ref: NULL rows: 253 Extra: Using where with pushed condition; Using MRR 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  • 33. Ndb_cluster_connection_pool   Problem:   A Sendbuffer on the connection between mysqld and the data nodes is protected by a Mutex.   Connection threads in MySQL must acquire Mutex and the put data in SendBuffer.   Many threads gives more contention on the mutex   Must scale out with many MySQL Servers.   Workaround:   Ndb_cluster_connection_pool (in my.cnf) creates more connections from one mysqld to the data nodes   Threads load balance on the connections gives less contention on mutex which in turn gives increased scalabilty   Less MySQL Servers needed to drive load!  allows you to specify the connection pool.
  • 34. Ndb_cluster_connection_pool   Gives atleast 70% better performance and a MySQL Server that can scale beyond four database connections.   Set Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=2x<CPU cores>   It is a good starting point   One free [mysqld] slot is required in config.ini for each Ndb_cluster_connection.   4 mysql servers,each with Ndb_cluster_connection_pool=8 requires 32 [mysqld] in config.ini   Note that also memcached and node.js, cluster/j etc also has the concept of the ndb_cluster_connection_pool.
  • 36. Resources   MySQL Cluster Configurator    MySQL Cluster Management + Monitoring    MySQL Cluster Training Slides    My Blog 
  • 37. Keep in touch…   Facebook    Twitter   @severalnines   Linked in: 
  • 38. Thank you for your time! 38 Copyright 2011 Severalnines AB