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Migrating to Galera Cluster
Seppo Jaakola
● Migrating to Galera Replication
● Dierences in MySQL Features
● Supported engines
● Tables with no primary key
● Auto Increment Handling
● DDL processing
● Events, triggers...
● Huge transactions
● LOAD DATA processing
● Multi-master Con*icts
● Locking Sessions
● Online Migration
Supported Features
Galera Cluster is close to native MySQL/InnoDB look  feel
However, there are some dierences in behavior and
limitations for what can be done in Galera Cluster
This presentation goes through these limitations and
guides for sanity checks and best practices for migration
Supported Storage Engines
First and foremost limitation is that only InnoDB storage
engine is replicated
However, Galera has also limited MyISAM support
● through 'wsrep_replicate_myisam' con1guration
● Low performance
● Non deterministic: no timestamps, no rands
● Works for simple, low load writes
Transactions on non supported storage engines are not
replicated, data modi1cations remain node local
All DDL is replicated regardless of target engine

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Introduction to Galera Cluster

- Galera is a MySQL clustering solution that provides true multi-master replication with synchronous replication and no single point of failure. - It allows high availability, data integrity, and elastic scaling of databases across multiple nodes. - Companies like Percona and MariaDB have integrated Galera to provide highly available database clusters.

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合并到 XtraDB 存储引擎集群
合并到 XtraDB 存储引擎集群合并到 XtraDB 存储引擎集群
合并到 XtraDB 存储引擎集群

合并到 XtraDB 存储引擎集群 (出处: OSSEZ)

Oss4b - pxc introduction
Oss4b   - pxc introductionOss4b   - pxc introduction
Oss4b - pxc introduction

This document provides an introduction to parallel synchronous replication using Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC). It discusses the limitations of traditional MySQL replication and how PXC implements a data-centric approach with synchronous multi-master replication between nodes. Key features of PXC highlighted include parallel replication, data consistency, and automatic provisioning of new nodes. The document also covers integration with load balancers and limitations to be aware of for write-intensive or large transaction workloads.

perconapercona mysql cluster ha pxc galerapercona mysql cluster ha pxc galera
InnoDB tables
Find out what table types are used, e.g:
Mysql select table_schema,table_name,engine
from information_schema.tables
where engine != 'InnoDB' and
table_schema not in ( 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'information_schema') ;
If you have non InnoDB tables, 1gure out if migration to
InnoDB is possible
If you must have .e.g. MyISAM table(s), 1nd out if their
use case is supported by Galera Cluster
Note that:
– even that MyISAM is not replicated by default, still SST will copy all tables
– All DDL is replicated regardless of aected table type
Tables with no Primary Key
● Galera uses ROW based replication
● ROW event applying in slave is not optimal, InnoDB may need
to fall back to full table scan to locate target rows
● But nevertheless, it is safe to use tables without primary keys,
and even in multi-master topology
● for certification, Galera generates MD5sum pseudo keys from
full row
name city title
seppo helsinki geek
Key: 6b4ca6868e422208a0190a5a1c57a246
Write Set
md5suminsert Seqno: n
Binlog events
Finding Tables with no PK
It makes sense to optimize schema design and assign
primary key for every table
Note that you save nothing by not de1ning PK, InnoDB will
create anyway internal 6 byte primary key for such tables,
you just cannot use that column for anything
information_schema.tables t
inner join information_schema .columns c
on t.table_schema=c.table_schema and
group by
sum(if(column_key in ('PRI','UNI'), 1,0)) = 0;
Auto Increments
MySQL has auto increment control for guaranteeing
interleaved sequences in every cluster node
– auto_increment_increment - how long autoinc steps per insert
– auto_increment_oset – where to start autoinc sequence
By default, Galera manages autoincrement variables
automatically: wsrep_autoincrement_control=ON. Galera
will set increment to the number of nodes in the cluster,
and cycle oset to values 0..(n-1) in each node:
Node-1: 1, 4, 7 ...
Node-2: 2, 5, 8 ...
Node-3: 3, 6, 9 ...
Note that autoinc sequence will contain holes when inserts
hit dierent nodes in random.
Only autoinc_lock_mode=2, is supported

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Zero Downtime Schema Changes - Galera Cluster - Best Practices

Database schema changes are usually not popular among DBAs or sysadmins, not when you are operating a cluster and cannot afford to switch off the service during a maintenance window. There are different ways to perform schema changes, some procedures being more complicated than others. Galera Cluster is great at making your MySQL database highly available, but are you concerned about schema changes? Is an ALTER TABLE statement something that requires a lot of advance scheduling? What is the impact on your database uptime? This is a common question, since ALTER operations in MySQL usually cause the table to be locked and rebuilt – which can potentially be disruptive to your live applications. Fortunately, Galera Cluster has mechanisms to replicate DDL across its nodes. In these slides, you will learn about the following: How to perform Zero Downtime Schema Changes 2 main methods: TOI and RSU Total Order Isolation: predictability and consistency Rolling Schema Upgrades pt-online-schema-change Schema synchronization with re-joining nodes Recommended procedures Common pitfalls/user errors The slides are courtesy of Seppo Jaakola, CEO, Codership - creators of Galera Cluster

mysqlmysql clusterdatabase administrator
Galera explained 3
Galera explained 3Galera explained 3
Galera explained 3

This presentation is aim to give an initial understanding of how MySQL/Galera works, and some advice.

Reducing Risk When Upgrading MySQL
Reducing Risk When Upgrading MySQLReducing Risk When Upgrading MySQL
Reducing Risk When Upgrading MySQL

Upgrading MySQL databases do not come without risk. There is no guarantee that no problems will happen if you move to a new major MySQL version. Should we just upgrade and rollback immediately if problems occur? But what if these problems only happen a few days after migrating to this new version? You might have a database environment that is risk-adverse, where you really have to be sure that this new MySQL version will handle the workload properly. Examples: - Both MySQL 5.6 and 5.7 have a lot of changes in the MySQL Optimizer. It is expected that this improves performance of my queries, but is it really the case? What if there is a performance regression? How will this affect my database performance? - Also, there are a lot of incompatible changes which are documented in the release notes, how do I know if I'm affected by this in my workload? It's a lot to read.. - Can I go immediately from MySQL 5.5 to 5.7 and skip MySQL 5.6 even though the MySQL documentation states that this is not supported? - Many companies have staging environments, but is there a QA team and do they really test all functionality, under a similar workload? This presentation will show you a process, using open source tools, of these types of migrations with a focus on assessing risk and fixing any problems you might run into prior to the migration. This process can then be used for various changes: - MySQL upgrades for major version upgrades - Switching storage engines - Changing hardware architecture Additionally, we will describe ways to do the actual migration and rollback with the least amount of downtime.

mysql upgrade percona mariadb percona-toolkit
DDL – Schema Changes
Galera requires special attention when running schema
Basically, alternatives are that DDL can be run in whole
cluster or rolling node by node
See more details in previous Severalnines Galera webinar
Events, Triggers, Stored Procedures
Events, triggers, Views, Prepared Statements and Stored
procedures are supported
Triggers 1re only in the master node, and only possible
trigger execution results will be replicated
Events 1re in every node
– Make sure the end result is what was planned
Foreign keys (even cascading) are supported
Huge Transactions
ROW based replication replicates every modi1ed row.
If transaction modi1es big number of rows, it may result in
huge write set for Galera to replicate.
Problems with Huge Transactions:
– Write set grows big and can cause memory issues
– Transaction is vulnerable for multi-master con*icts
– Slave side applying will take long
Galera has two limits for transaction size
– wsrep_max_ws_rows - not enforced atm
– wsrep_max_ws_size - enforced, max limit 2G
– Too big transactions rollback in master node
LOAD DATA can cause very big transactions
To support arbitarily long LOAD DATA sessions, it is
possible to split LOAD DATA sessions into a series of small
INSERT transactions (10K inserts per transaction).
Con1gure with: wsrep_load_data_splitting = ON | OFF
Note, that each batch will commit and replicate
independently. If LOAD DATA is interrupted or rolled back in
master node, all earlier committed 10K insert batches will
remain in eect.
Clean up with TRUNCATE if need be

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This document provides an overview and agenda for a webinar on managing and monitoring MySQL clusters using ClusterControl by Severalnines. The webinar host is introduced and instructions are provided for asking questions. The webinar will cover topics such as operating system configuration, backup strategies, replication, query performance, schema changes, security, reporting, and disaster recovery. Case studies and customers are also briefly mentioned.

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This set of slides gives you an overview of Galera, configuration basics and deployment best practices. The following topics are covered: - Concepts - Node provisioning - Network partitioning - Configuration example - Benchmarks - Deployment best practices - Galera monitoring and management

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Advanced Percona XtraDB Cluster in a nutshell... la suite

This document provides a hands-on tutorial for advanced Percona XtraDB Cluster users. It discusses setting up a 3 node PXC cluster environment in VirtualBox and bootstrapping the initial cluster. It then covers topics like avoiding state snapshot transfers when restarting MySQL, recovering from clean and unclean shutdowns, and reproducing and diagnosing different types of conflicts through examples.

galerapercona xtradb clusterpercona
Multi-Master Replication
Galera Replication
read  write read  write read  write
node2node1 node3
Galera Replication
write read
Multi-Master Master / Slave
Multi-Master Con*icts
You can use Galera Cluster either in Master/Slave or
Multi-Master topology
In multi-master topology, there may happen multi-master
con*icts and some transactions fail with deadlock error
Even a transaction issuing COMMIT may be aborted with
deadlock error
Make sure, your application can deal with deadlock error,
the correct action is just to retry with better luck
wsrep_retry_autocommit may help to hide deadlock errors
Multi-Master Con*ict
UPDATE t1 where id=1...
G a l e r a R e p l i c a t i o n
UPDATE t1 where id=1...
Multi-Master Con*ict
G a l e r a R e p l i c a t i o n

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Maria DB Galera Cluster for High Availability

Want to understand how to set high availability solutions for MySQL using MariaDB Galera Cluster? Join this webinar, and learn from experts. During this webinar, you will also get guidance on how to implement MariaDB Galera Cluster.

Percona XtraDB Cluster vs Galera Cluster vs MySQL Group Replication
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Percona XtraDB Cluster vs Galera Cluster vs MySQL Group Replication

This document provides an overview of different database replication technologies including Galera Cluster, Percona XtraDB Cluster, and MySQL Group Replication. It discusses similarities between the technologies such as multi-master replication topologies and consistency models. Key differences are also outlined relating to node provisioning, failure handling, and operational limitations of each solution. Known issues uncovered through quality assurance testing are also briefly mentioned.

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Percona XtraDB Cluster
Percona XtraDB ClusterPercona XtraDB Cluster
Percona XtraDB Cluster

Built-in MySQL Replication is known for its capability to enable to scale reads easily. However, there are some limitations and known issues with this solution because of the asynchronous nature of this replication. This talk will describe another way of doing MySQL replication, by using synchronous replication, available in Percona XtraDB Cluster. The open source solution will be explained and compared to traditional asynchronous MySQL replication, as well as some known use cases will be described. Percona XtraDB Cluster is an, open source, high availability and high scalability solution for MySQL clustering. Features include: Synchronous replication, Multi-master replication support, Parallel replication, Automatic node provisioning.

Multi-Master Con*icts
Learn about multi-master con*icts, by enabling logging:
– wsrep_log_con*icts
– wsrep_provider_options :: cert.log_con*icts=1
For recovering, wsrep_retry_autocommit may help to hide
deadlock errors
Latency E+ects
Galera replicates at commit time, and this will add some
delay for commit processing
The delay depends on cluster topology, networking and
SQL load pro1le
Per connection transaction throughput is lower, you may
see performance degradation if application uses just a few
database connections
But accumulating over all connections, the cluster
performance is high
Long Lasting Transactions
A multi-statement transaction, which takes long to
process, even if not modifying many rows, may be
vulnerable for multi-master con*icts, just due to long life
MySQL Replication
Galera Cluster is compatible with MySQL replication
– Galera cluster can operate as MySQL slave
– Galera cluster can operate as master for MySQL slave
MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10 GTID make it very simple to
manage MySQL master fail over in Galera Cluster
MySQL replication yields an eective migration path from
MySQL to Galera Cluster

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Tips on how to improve your MySQL Galera Cluster daily usage (Percona XtraDB Cluster, MariaDB Galera Cluster)

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Codership's galera cluster installation and quickstart webinar march 2016

In this webinar, we will describe how to get started with Galera Cluster and build a functional multi-master cluster. First, will show how to easily install the required packages using the new preferred installation method – the dedicated Galera package repository. Then we will discuss the important Galera configuration settings and how to select values for them. Finally, we will demonstrate how to bootstrap a 3-node Galera installation with the right sequence of steps. Once the nodes are up and running we will discuss how to monitor the health of the cluster and which status variables are important to watch. Galera Cluster is trusted by thousands of users. Galera Cluster powers Percona XtraDB Cluster and MariaDB Enterprise Cluster. This is a webinar presented by Codership, the developers and experts of Galera Cluster.

mysql clusteringpercona xtradb clustermysql cluster
Introduction to Galera
Introduction to GaleraIntroduction to Galera
Introduction to Galera

Introduction to Galera clustering with MySQL. Installation, configuration, startup, internal architecture, replication topologies, load balancers, benchmarks.

mysqlhigh availabilitygalera
MySQL Replication
MySQL slave
MySQL slave
MySQL master
Query Cache is supported with latest Galera releases
binlog_format must be set to ROW, STATEMENT and MIXED
are currently not supported
Locking sessions (LOCK TABLE...UNLOCK TABLES) are not
– Locking session will work locally, but in multi-master topology,
replication may break locks
Lock functions get_lock(), release_ock() are not supported
Part II
Online Migration Scenario + Demo

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Webinar Slides: Migrating to Galera Cluster

  • 1. Migrating to Galera Cluster Seppo Jaakola Codership
  • 2. 2 Agenda ● Migrating to Galera Replication ● Dierences in MySQL Features ● Supported engines ● Tables with no primary key ● Auto Increment Handling ● DDL processing ● Events, triggers... ● Huge transactions ● LOAD DATA processing ● Multi-master Con*icts ● Locking Sessions ● Online Migration
  • 3. 3 Supported Features Galera Cluster is close to native MySQL/InnoDB look feel However, there are some dierences in behavior and limitations for what can be done in Galera Cluster This presentation goes through these limitations and guides for sanity checks and best practices for migration process
  • 4. 4 Supported Storage Engines First and foremost limitation is that only InnoDB storage engine is replicated However, Galera has also limited MyISAM support ● through 'wsrep_replicate_myisam' con1guration ● Low performance ● Non deterministic: no timestamps, no rands ● Works for simple, low load writes Transactions on non supported storage engines are not replicated, data modi1cations remain node local All DDL is replicated regardless of target engine
  • 5. 5 InnoDB tables Find out what table types are used, e.g: Mysql select table_schema,table_name,engine from information_schema.tables where engine != 'InnoDB' and table_schema not in ( 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'information_schema') ; If you have non InnoDB tables, 1gure out if migration to InnoDB is possible If you must have .e.g. MyISAM table(s), 1nd out if their use case is supported by Galera Cluster Note that: – even that MyISAM is not replicated by default, still SST will copy all tables – All DDL is replicated regardless of aected table type
  • 6. 6 Tables with no Primary Key ● Galera uses ROW based replication ● ROW event applying in slave is not optimal, InnoDB may need to fall back to full table scan to locate target rows ● But nevertheless, it is safe to use tables without primary keys, and even in multi-master topology ● for certification, Galera generates MD5sum pseudo keys from full row name city title seppo helsinki geek insert Key: 6b4ca6868e422208a0190a5a1c57a246 Write Set md5suminsert Seqno: n Binlog events
  • 7. 7 Finding Tables with no PK It makes sense to optimize schema design and assign primary key for every table Note that you save nothing by not de1ning PK, InnoDB will create anyway internal 6 byte primary key for such tables, you just cannot use that column for anything select t.table_schema,t.table_name,engine from information_schema.tables t inner join information_schema .columns c on t.table_schema=c.table_schema and t.table_name=c.table_name group by t.table_schema,t.table_name having sum(if(column_key in ('PRI','UNI'), 1,0)) = 0;
  • 8. 8 Auto Increments MySQL has auto increment control for guaranteeing interleaved sequences in every cluster node – auto_increment_increment - how long autoinc steps per insert – auto_increment_oset – where to start autoinc sequence By default, Galera manages autoincrement variables automatically: wsrep_autoincrement_control=ON. Galera will set increment to the number of nodes in the cluster, and cycle oset to values 0..(n-1) in each node: Node-1: 1, 4, 7 ... Node-2: 2, 5, 8 ... Node-3: 3, 6, 9 ... Note that autoinc sequence will contain holes when inserts hit dierent nodes in random. Only autoinc_lock_mode=2, is supported
  • 9. 9 DDL – Schema Changes Galera requires special attention when running schema changes. Basically, alternatives are that DDL can be run in whole cluster or rolling node by node See more details in previous Severalnines Galera webinar
  • 10. 10 Events, Triggers, Stored Procedures Events, triggers, Views, Prepared Statements and Stored procedures are supported Triggers 1re only in the master node, and only possible trigger execution results will be replicated Events 1re in every node – Make sure the end result is what was planned Foreign keys (even cascading) are supported
  • 11. 11 Huge Transactions ROW based replication replicates every modi1ed row. If transaction modi1es big number of rows, it may result in huge write set for Galera to replicate. Problems with Huge Transactions: – Write set grows big and can cause memory issues – Transaction is vulnerable for multi-master con*icts – Slave side applying will take long Galera has two limits for transaction size – wsrep_max_ws_rows - not enforced atm – wsrep_max_ws_size - enforced, max limit 2G – Too big transactions rollback in master node
  • 12. 12 LOAD DATA LOAD DATA can cause very big transactions To support arbitarily long LOAD DATA sessions, it is possible to split LOAD DATA sessions into a series of small INSERT transactions (10K inserts per transaction). Con1gure with: wsrep_load_data_splitting = ON | OFF Note, that each batch will commit and replicate independently. If LOAD DATA is interrupted or rolled back in master node, all earlier committed 10K insert batches will remain in eect. Clean up with TRUNCATE if need be
  • 13. 13 node3 Multi-Master Replication Galera Replication read write read write read write node2node1 node3 Galera Replication write read node2node1 read Multi-Master Master / Slave
  • 14. 14 Multi-Master Con*icts You can use Galera Cluster either in Master/Slave or Multi-Master topology In multi-master topology, there may happen multi-master con*icts and some transactions fail with deadlock error code Even a transaction issuing COMMIT may be aborted with deadlock error Make sure, your application can deal with deadlock error, the correct action is just to retry with better luck wsrep_retry_autocommit may help to hide deadlock errors
  • 15. 15 Multi-Master Con*ict UPDATE t1 where id=1... t1t1 G a l e r a R e p l i c a t i o n WS UPDATE t1 where id=1... WS
  • 16. 16 Multi-Master Con*ict OK t1t1 G a l e r a R e p l i c a t i o n DEADLOCK
  • 17. 17 Multi-Master Con*icts Learn about multi-master con*icts, by enabling logging: – wsrep_log_con*icts – wsrep_provider_options :: cert.log_con*icts=1 For recovering, wsrep_retry_autocommit may help to hide deadlock errors
  • 18. 18 Latency E+ects Galera replicates at commit time, and this will add some delay for commit processing The delay depends on cluster topology, networking and SQL load pro1le Per connection transaction throughput is lower, you may see performance degradation if application uses just a few database connections But accumulating over all connections, the cluster performance is high
  • 19. 19 Long Lasting Transactions A multi-statement transaction, which takes long to process, even if not modifying many rows, may be vulnerable for multi-master con*icts, just due to long life time.
  • 20. 20 MySQL Replication Galera Cluster is compatible with MySQL replication – Galera cluster can operate as MySQL slave – Galera cluster can operate as master for MySQL slave MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10 GTID make it very simple to manage MySQL master fail over in Galera Cluster MySQL replication yields an eective migration path from MySQL to Galera Cluster
  • 21. 21 MySQL Replication Node1 MySQL slave MySQL replicationMySQL master1 Node2 MySQL slave Node3 MySQL master MySQL master2 MySQL replication MySQL slave MySQL replication Galera Replication
  • 22. 22 Miscellaneous Query Cache is supported with latest Galera releases binlog_format must be set to ROW, STATEMENT and MIXED are currently not supported Locking sessions (LOCK TABLE...UNLOCK TABLES) are not supported – Locking session will work locally, but in multi-master topology, replication may break locks Lock functions get_lock(), release_ock() are not supported
  • 23. Part II Online Migration Scenario + Demo