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Node Recovery
Seppo Jaakola


Node Recovery Scenarios


Incremental State Transfer


State Snapshot Transfer


Full Cluster recovery
Node Recovery Scenarios
Node drops from cluster gracefully and joins back
Replication state is stored in grastate.dat le
Joining happens by Incremental State Transfer (IST)


Joining after node crash

Node has either known or unknown state
Joining can happen by IST or full State Snapshot Transfer (SST)
is required

Full Cluster recovery

e.g. data center power down
All nodes with known or unknown states
The node with latest known state must be identi ed
New cluster needs to be bootstrapped
Joining One Node to Cluster

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MySQL Parallel Replication (LOGICAL_CLOCK): all the 5.7 (and some of the 8.0)...

Since 5.7.2, MySQL implements parallel replication in the same schema, also known as LOGICAL_CLOCK (DATABASE based parallel replication is also implemented in 5.6 but this is not covered in this talk). In early 5.7 versions, parallel replication was based on group commit (like MariaDB) and 5.7.6 changed that to intervals. Intervals are more complicated but they are also more powerful. In this talk, I will explain in detail how they work and why intervals are better than group commit. I will also cover how to optimize parallel replication in MySQL 5.7 and what improvements are coming in MySQL 8.0. I will also explain why Group Replication is replicating faster than standard asynchronous replication. Come to this talk to get all the details about MySQL 5.7 Parallel Replication.

write setparallel replicationmysql 5.7
[2018] MySQL 이중화 진화기
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24시간 365일 서비스를 위한 MySQL DB 이중화. MySQL 이중화 방안들에 대해 알아보고 운영하면서 겪은 고민들을 이야기해 봅니다. 목차 1. DB 이중화 필요성 2. 이중화 방안 - HW 이중화 - MySQL Replication 이중화 3. 이중화 운영 장애 4. DNS와 VIP 5. MySQL 이중화 솔루션 비교 대상 - MySQL을 서비스하고 있는 인프라 담당자 - MySQL 이중화에 관심 있는 개발자

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Of course there is no such thing as perfect service discovery, and we will see why in the talk. However, the way ProxySQL is deployed in this case minimizes the risk for split-brains, and this is why I qualify it as almost perfect. But let’s step back a little... MySQL alone is not a high availability solution. To provide resilience to primary failure, other components need to be integrated with MySQL. At MessageBird, these additional components are ProxySQL and Orchestrator. In this talk, we describe how ProxySQL is architectured to provide close to perfect Service Discovery and how this, combined with Orchestrator, allows for automatic failover. The talk presents the details of the integration of MySQL, ProxySQL and Orchestrator in Google Cloud (and it would be easy to re-implement a similar architecture at other cloud vendors or on-premises). We will also cover lessons learned for the 2 years this architecture has been in production. Come to this talk to learn more about MySQL high availability, ProxySQL and Orchestrator.

failoverhigh availabilitymaintenance
Automatic Node Joining

Cluster handshake




Galera Replication
Automatic Node Joining

Cluster selects donor to help
the joiner to join
Send state




Galera Replication
Automatic Node Joining

Catch up



Galera Replication


Slave queue
Automatic Node Joining




Galera Replication

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This presentation was made by Mr. Santhinesh Kumar Nagendran at Mydbops Database Meetup -2 held at Bangalore on 26-01-2019.

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Incremental State Transfer
Incremental State Transfer



Every node in Galera Cluster has a log of replicated write
sets: gcache
Gcache is mmap le, available disk space is upper limit
for size allocation
If joining node has past history in the cluster and donor
has long enough gcache containing joiner's seqno
position => then IST can be used for synchronization
Incremental State Transfer

Request to join


GTID: seqno-n






Group ID:seqno

Incremental State Transfer





Send IST events



Group ID:seqno


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At the end of 2016, Oracle released a new Plugin called MySQL Group Replication, which is a new MySQL replication method that aims to provide better High Availability, and built-in failover with consistency guarantees. I evaluated the initial GA versions back in early 2017. I presented my initial findings with several best practices and concerns with the current implementation which made me state that Group Replication was not quite ready yet. ( (Un)lucky as I was, a large part of the attendees were Oracle developers and the months after this, many of these bugs and missing features were implemented in both MySQL 8.0 as well as backported to MySQL 5.7. (Thank you!) This is a followup presentation on my previous analysis, where I will look into the changes since and re-evaluate the readiness of Group Replication for production usage and provide my insights and opinion on the state of GR.

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Incremental State Transfer



Node synchronization by IST is very e/ective and least
intrusive method for the donor
gcache.size parameter de nes how big cache will be
Use database size and write rate to optimize gcache:



gcache < database size
Write rate de nes how long tail is available in cache

If joiner node had crashed and IST was used to
synchronize it back, then it is essential that InnoDB
recovery works (innodb_doublewrite)
If IST is not possible, donor will switch automatically to
SST method
State Snapshot Transfer
SST Request



SST Request

Galera Replication


SST Method






Galera Replication

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State Snapshot Transfer



To send full database state
wsrep_sst_method to choose the method:
➢ mysqldump
➢ rsync
➢ Xtrabackup
Open API for creating new SST methods
All SST methods cause at least some service break in
donor node
If node has crashed, InnoDB recovery will happen
during startup. But with SST, this InnoDB recovery is
more or less useless
Full Cluster Recovery
Full Cluster Recovery
All nodes dropped from cluster:
1. Find the node which has latest changes
2. Bootstrap new cluster from the latest node
Node With Latest Changes
Check grastate.dat les:
1. File has valid seqno

# GALERA saved state
version: 2.1


Graceful shutdown


Find node which has biggest seqno

2. No seqno, but group ID is there

# GALERA saved state
version: 2.1


Crash during transaction processing


Use –wsrep-recover to dig out the last seqno

3. No seqno, no group ID

# GALERA saved state
version: 2.1

Crash during DDL

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In the first part of Galera Cluster best practices series, we will discuss the following topics: * ongoing monitoring of the cluster and detection of bottlenecks; * fine-tuning the configuration based on the actual database workload; * selecting the optimal State Snapshot Transfer (SST) method; * backup strategies (video:

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MySQL Clustering over InnoDB engines has grown a lot over the last decade. Galera began working with InnoDB early and then Group Replication came to the environment later, where the features are now rich and robust. This presentation offers a technical comparison of both of them.

MySQL stores last committed GTID in InnoDB data
header, transactionally


This GTID can be read by starting mysqld with
–wsrep-recover option


<path to bin>/mysqld

–wsrep-recover –defaults- le=<path to my.cnf>


Mysqld will read InnoDB header les and shutdown immediately


Last wsrep position is printed in mysql error le
130514 18:39:13 [Note] WSREP: Recovered position: 5ee99582-bb8d-11e2-b8e3-23de375c1d30:8204503945771
Bootstrapping New Cluster
When the latest node has been identi ed, start this
node as rst node in cluster



service mysql start –wsrep_new_cluster
service mysql start –wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://

Start all other nodes. my.cnf should have
wsrep_cluster_address pointing to all other nodes



service mysql start
Don't re all nodes at once, rather start them one by one

Thank you for listening!
Happy Clustering :-)

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Galera Cluster - Node Recovery - Webinar slides

  • 2. Agenda ● Node Recovery Scenarios ● Incremental State Transfer ● State Snapshot Transfer ● Full Cluster recovery 2
  • 3. Node Recovery Scenarios Node drops from cluster gracefully and joins back Replication state is stored in grastate.dat le Joining happens by Incremental State Transfer (IST) ● ● Joining after node crash ● ● Node has either known or unknown state Joining can happen by IST or full State Snapshot Transfer (SST) is required Full Cluster recovery ● ● ● ● e.g. data center power down All nodes with known or unknown states The node with latest known state must be identi ed New cluster needs to be bootstrapped 3
  • 4. Joining One Node to Cluster
  • 5. Automatic Node Joining Cluster handshake MySQL joiner MySQL Galera Replication 5
  • 6. Automatic Node Joining Cluster selects donor to help the joiner to join Send state MySQL joiner Donor IST or SST Galera Replication 6
  • 7. Automatic Node Joining Catch up MySQL MySQL Galera Replication joiner Slave queue 7
  • 8. Automatic Node Joining MySQL MySQL MySQL Galera Replication 8
  • 10. Incremental State Transfer ● ● ● Every node in Galera Cluster has a log of replicated write sets: gcache Gcache is mmap le, available disk space is upper limit for size allocation If joining node has past history in the cluster and donor has long enough gcache containing joiner's seqno position => then IST can be used for synchronization 10
  • 11. Incremental State Transfer Request to join Node-1 GTID: seqno-n Node-n Joiner Donor seqno-n+m grastate.dat seqno-n gcache Group ID:seqno gcache 11
  • 12. Incremental State Transfer Node-1 Node-n Joiner Donor apply seqno-n+m Send IST events grastate.dat gcache seqno-n Group ID:seqno gcache 12
  • 13. Incremental State Transfer ● ● ● Node synchronization by IST is very e/ective and least intrusive method for the donor gcache.size parameter de nes how big cache will be maintained Use database size and write rate to optimize gcache: ➢ ➢ ● ● gcache < database size Write rate de nes how long tail is available in cache If joiner node had crashed and IST was used to synchronize it back, then it is essential that InnoDB recovery works (innodb_doublewrite) If IST is not possible, donor will switch automatically to SST method 13
  • 15. SST Request MySQL joiner MySQL SST Request Galera Replication ● wsrep_sst_method 15
  • 17. State Snapshot Transfer ● ● ● ● ● To send full database state wsrep_sst_method to choose the method: ➢ mysqldump ➢ rsync ➢ Xtrabackup Open API for creating new SST methods All SST methods cause at least some service break in donor node If node has crashed, InnoDB recovery will happen during startup. But with SST, this InnoDB recovery is more or less useless 17
  • 19. Full Cluster Recovery All nodes dropped from cluster: 1. Find the node which has latest changes 2. Bootstrap new cluster from the latest node 19
  • 20. Node With Latest Changes Check grastate.dat les: 1. File has valid seqno # GALERA saved state version: 2.1 uuid: 5ee99582-bb8d-11e2-b8e3-23de375c1d30 seqno: 8204503945773 ● Graceful shutdown ● Find node which has biggest seqno 2. No seqno, but group ID is there # GALERA saved state version: 2.1 uuid: 5ee99582-bb8d-11e2-b8e3-23de375c1d30 seqno: -1 ● Crash during transaction processing ● Use –wsrep-recover to dig out the last seqno 3. No seqno, no group ID ● # GALERA saved state version: 2.1 uuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 seqno: -1 Crash during DDL 20
  • 21. --wsrep-recover MySQL stores last committed GTID in InnoDB data header, transactionally ● This GTID can be read by starting mysqld with –wsrep-recover option ● <path to bin>/mysqld –wsrep-recover –defaults- le=<path to my.cnf> ● Mysqld will read InnoDB header les and shutdown immediately ● Last wsrep position is printed in mysql error le 130514 18:39:13 [Note] WSREP: Recovered position: 5ee99582-bb8d-11e2-b8e3-23de375c1d30:8204503945771 21
  • 22. Bootstrapping New Cluster When the latest node has been identi ed, start this node as rst node in cluster ● ● ● service mysql start –wsrep_new_cluster service mysql start –wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm:// Start all other nodes. my.cnf should have wsrep_cluster_address pointing to all other nodes ● ● ● service mysql start Don't re all nodes at once, rather start them one by one 22
  • 23. Questions? Thank you for listening! Happy Clustering :-)