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ClusterControl 1.2.9
March 2015
Johan Andersson
CTO, Severalnines
About us
¤  Founded 2011
¤  Ex-MySQL/Sun/Oracle staff
¤  HQ in Stockholm, Sweden
¤  Focus: Cluster automation and management
¤  MySQL, Percona, MariaDB, MongoDB, TokuMX,
¤  Over 7000 deployed clusters
¤  Over 100 enterprise customers
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Copyright Severalnines AB
begin; select * from sbtest1 where id=4 for
What Problems do
we Address?
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Manage Scale

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In MySQL 8.0.19, we introduced DNS-SRV support in the Connectors, which improves the integration with various service discovery services.

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Basic concept of nginx , Apache Vs Nginx , Nginx as Loadbalancer , Nginx as Reverse proxy , Configuration of nginx as load balancer and reverse proxy .

- Beyond Puppet or Chef
¤  Puppet/Chef are appropriate for a group of single-node
¤  E.g. web servers can be clones of each other..
¤  Distributed databases are complex
¤  Different node types & roles
¤  Orchestration of procedures in a specific order
¤  Using e.g. Chef for deploying a distributed database
¤  Yes, it is possible
¤  Not much Chef functionality is leveraged
¤  Prepare to write code
Copyright Severalnines AB
- Beyond Nagios
¤  What do you do when the application is slow?
¤  Is it Disk? CPU? RAM? Badly written queries?
¤  What are the symptoms? (Replication queues, Page
Faults, locks, # connections, deadlocks …)
¤  How do you avoid problems?
¤  How do you plan for capacity?
Copyright Severalnines AB
- Beyond Monitoring
Copyright Severalnines AB
- Beyond Manual Operations
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

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The document discusses various load balancing options for MySQL databases, including application connectors, reverse proxies, and SQL-aware proxies. It provides an overview of popular load balancers like HAProxy, MaxScale, ProxySQL, MySQL Router, and Nginx. These load balancers aim to improve high availability, performance, and scalability. They handle tasks like health checking, failover, read/write splitting, and query routing. The document analyzes the key features and limitations of each type of load balancer.

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ClusterControl -
In a nutshell
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Manage Scale
¤  MongoDB / TokuMX Sharded Cluster
¤  MongoDB / TokuMX Replica Set
¤  MySQL Galera Cluster (Codership)
¤  Percona XtraDB Cluster
¤  MariaDB Cluster
¤  MySQL Cluster (NDB)
¤  MySQL Replication 5.6
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Deploy From
¤  MongoDB ReplicaSet
¤  Percona XtraDB Cluster / MariaDB Cluster
¤  Standalone nodes (MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB)
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Add Existing Clusters To
¤  Galera Cluster (Codership/Percona/MariaDb)
¤  Single MySQL Server nodes
¤  MongoDB ReplicaSet
¤  Single PostgreSQL nodes
SSH access (pubkey auth) is required
Controller -> Nodes
Controller -> Controller (itself)
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

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Automation & Management
¤  Management
¤  Multi cluster/data-center
¤  Automate repair/recovery
¤  Database upgrades
¤  Backups
¤  Configuration management
¤  Cloning
¤  One-click scaling
Copyright Severalnines AB
Confidential 14
Copyright 2013 Severalnines AB
Confidential 15
Copyright Severalnines AB
Party Time!
Getting Started
¤  Dedicated VM for the controller
¤  Specs
¤  2 CPU cores
¤  2-4GB RAM
¤  20GB diskspace
¤  No agents
¤  Host stats gathered via SSH
¤  Installation
¤  Setup SSH access to DB nodes
Copyright Severalnines AB

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SQL Server is a high performance relational engine and provides a highly scalable database platform but due to its complexity, bad programming practices, poor indexing and configuration can be prone to serious concurrency problems, unexpected behaviors, lost updates and much more! In SQL Server 2005, two optimistic concurrency mechanisms were introduced and touted as the solution to all our problems. Now in SQL Server 2012 and SQL 2014 even more have followed including latch free data-structures, but many challenges and problems still remain. Let’s take a long look into the world of SQL Server concurrency and investigate Pessimistic and Optimistic isolation understanding how they work, when you should use them, and more importantly when they can go very wrong. Don't be staring down the wrong end of SQL Server's two Smoking Barrels and join me for this revealing and thought provoking presentation.

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Galera cluster for MySQL - Introduction Slides
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This set of slides gives you an overview of Galera, configuration basics and deployment best practices. The following topics are covered: - Concepts - Node provisioning - Network partitioning - Configuration example - Benchmarks - Deployment best practices - Galera monitoring and management

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What’s new in 1.2.9?
¤  PostgreSQL Support
¤  Improved HAProxy support
¤  Hybrid Replication with Galera Clusters
¤  Galera Replication Traffic Encryption
¤  Encrypted communication between ClusterControl and MySQL-
based systems
¤  Improved Backup and Restore Database
¤  Galera: Bootstrap Cluster , Recover Non-Primary node.
¤  MySQL: Deadlock detection / Long Query
¤  MongoDb: Improved pagefault and locking inspection
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
¤  Support for single PostgreSQL systems
¤  Version 9.x supported
¤  Add existing PostgreSQL servers to ClusterControl
¤  Process management / auto recovery of failed instance
¤  Backup
¤  Query Monitor
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Improved HAProxy
¤  Richer UI with built-in HAProxy stats
¤  View Stats
¤  Disable / Enable nodes part of the load balancer
¤  Powerful deployment capabilities
¤  Specify what DB servers to include on the backend
¤  Specify ACTIVE/BACKUP backend (DB) servers
¤  Tune timeouts
¤  Templated configuration:
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Hybrid Replication
For Galera Clusters
¤  Allows user to add a
Replication Slave to a Galera
¤  GTID and non-GTID replication
is support
¤  MariaDB GTID is not
currently supported
¤  Single click failover slave from
one master to another
¤  Requires to Masters
¤  Restage a slave with data from
¤  Using xtrabackup
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

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This document provides an overview and comparison of MySQL InnoDB Cluster and MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet. It discusses the components, goals, and features of each solution. MySQL InnoDB Cluster uses Group Replication to provide high availability, automatic failover, and data consistency. MySQL InnoDB ReplicaSet uses asynchronous replication and provides availability and read scaling through manual primary/secondary configuration and failover. Both solutions integrate MySQL Shell, Router, and automatic member provisioning for easy management.

Hybrid Replication
For Galera Clusters
¤  Allows user to add a Replication Slave to a Galera Cluster
¤  One Galera Server must be a Master:
¤  log-bin = binlog
¤  server-id = 100
¤  log-slave-updates=ON
For GTID replication (MariaDB GTID implementation is not yet supported).
¤  gtid_mode=ON
¤  enforce-gtid-consistency=ON
¤  UI - > Manage -> Configuration, change the my.cnf file on the
master node to be.
¤  Restart the MySQL server.
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Hybrid Replication
For Galera Clusters
¤  Create a tempate for the slave MySQL server
¤  UI -> Manage -> Configuration -> Create New Template
¤  The slave must have:
¤  server-id = 900
For GTID replication (MariaDB GTID implementation is not yet
¤  gtid_mode=ON
¤  log-slave-updates=ON
¤  enforce-gtid-consistency=ON
¤  log-bin = binlog
.. and NO wsrep variables!
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Hybrid Replication
For Galera Clusters
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Galera Replication
Traffic Encryption
¤  Setup secure communication between the Galera nodes
¤  Creates SSL certs
¤  1024, 2048 or 4096 bits encryption.
¤  s9s_galera --encrypt-replication –i <clusterid> -o enable|
¤  SSL certs are stored in /etc/ssl/galera/
cluster_<clusterid> on the controller
¤  Cluster is stopped
¤  socket.ssl_cert= … and socket.ssl_key=… is set on in
¤  Cluster is started
¤  SSL certs are transferred automatically when adding nodes.
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

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This document provides information about Baruch Osoveskiy and the services offered by Baruch is a senior consultant and DBA with over 15 years of experience working with Linux, Oracle, MySQL, and unstructured data. Dbaces provides remote DBA services, consulting, training, and support for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. They host weekly webinars on database topics and offer replication monitoring and configuration services for MySQL databases.

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ClusterControl reduces complexity of managing your database infrastructure while adding support for new technologies; enabling you to truly automate multiple environments for next-level applications. This latest release further builds out the functionality of ClusterControl to allow you to manage and secure your 24/7, mission critical infrastructures. In this webinar, Johan demonstrated how ClusterControl increases your efficiency by giving you a single interface to deploy and operate your databases, instead of searching for and cobbling together a combination of open source tools, utilities and scripts that need constant updates and maintenance. Watch as ClusterControl demystifies the complexity associated with database high availability, load balancing, recovery and your other everyday struggles. To put it simply: learn how to be a database hero with ClusterControl! AGENDA - ClusterControl (1.4) Overview - ‘Always on Databases’ with enhanced MySQL Replication functions - ‘Safer NoSQL’ with MongoDB and larger sharded cluster deployments - ‘Enabling the DBA’ with ProxySQL, HAProxy and MaxScale - Backing up your open source databases - Live Demo - Q&A SPEAKER Johan Andersson, CTO, Severalnines - Johan's technical background and interest are in high performance computing as demonstrated by the work he did on main-memory clustered databases at Ericsson as well as his research on parallel Java Virtual Machines at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. Prior to co-founding Severalnines, Johan was Principal Consultant and lead of the MySQL Clustering & High Availability consulting group at MySQL / Sun Microsystems / Oracle, where he designed and implemented large-scale MySQL systems for key customers. Johan is a regular speaker at MySQL User Conferences as well as other high profile community gatherings with popular talks and tutorials around architecting and tuning MySQL Clusters.

Encrypted communication between
ClusterControl and MySQL-based
¤  No tool to create the SSL certs (yet):
¤  Store the master set of SSL certs on the controller, in:
¤  /etc/ssl/mysql/cluster_<clusterid>
¤  Copy SSL certs to MySQL Server nodes:
¤  mkdir /etc/mysql/certs
¤  Update my.cnf [mysqld]
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Encrypted communication between
ClusterControl and MySQL-based
¤  In /etc/cmon.cnf set:
¤  GRANT the cmon user on the MySQL nodes:
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO ‘cmon’@’<cc server>’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘<cmon
password> REQUIRE SSL;
¤  You can also encrypt the communication between cmon and the
cmon db (mysql server), by setting:
¤  cmondb_ssl_key, cmondb_ssl_cert, cmondb_ssl_ca
¤  SSL certs are transferred automatically when adding nodes.
¤  cluster_certs_store must be set in cmon.cnf
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Restore Backup
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Galera: Bootstrap Cluster
¤  ClusterControl cannot always automatically recover a
cluster if it cannot determine the most advanced node
¤  E.g, X nodes maybe unreachable (by SSH)
¤  Filesystem may be corrupted on one or more nodes
¤  Administrator must make the decision which node to
bootstrap from
¤  Bootstrap Cluster creates a new Cluster based on one of
the nodes
¤  The other nodes will then recover from the Bootstrapped node.
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB

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Galera: Bootstrap Cluster
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
Puppet Module and Chef Recipe
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¤  ClusterControl handles the management and automation
Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
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Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
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For many years, MySQL replication used to be based on binary log events. It was considered that all a slave knew was the exact event and the exact position it just read from the master. Any single transaction from a master could have ended in different binary logs, and also, in different positions in these logs. GTID was introduced along with MySQL 5.6. It has brought, along, some major changes in the way MySQL operates. Every transaction has a unique identifier which identifies it in a same way on every server. It’s not important, anymore, in which binary log position a transaction was recorded, all you need to know is the GTID. Database replication is used to handle multiple copies of data, automatically, from the master database server to slave database servers. If we have changed data or schema in the master database, it will, automatically, update the slave database. The main advantage of replication is that it prevents the data loss. If the master database server is crashed, the exact copy of data will be there in the slave server. In MySQL, you can use MySQL Utility for implementing database replication between master and slave. MySQL Utility is a package that is used for maintenance and administration of MySQL servers. You can install MySQL utility, along with MySQL Workbench, or install it as a stand-alone package. MySQL Replication. This article explains how it is implemented, with an example. In this example, two servers have been used – one master and one slave. Both servers are configured in the same manner with MySQL server and MySQL Utility.

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Slides: Introducing the new ClusterControl 1.2.9 - with live demo

  • 1. Confidential ClusterControl 1.2.9 March 2015 Johan Andersson CTO, Severalnines
  • 2. Confidential About us ¤  Founded 2011 ¤  Ex-MySQL/Sun/Oracle staff ¤  HQ in Stockholm, Sweden ¤  Focus: Cluster automation and management ¤  MySQL, Percona, MariaDB, MongoDB, TokuMX, PostgreSQL ¤  Over 7000 deployed clusters ¤  Over 100 enterprise customers 2 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 3. Confidential Customers 3 Copyright Severalnines AB begin; select * from sbtest1 where id=4 for update;
  • 4. Confidential What Problems do we Address? 4 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Manage Scale MonitorDeploy
  • 5. Confidential Deployment - Beyond Puppet or Chef ¤  Puppet/Chef are appropriate for a group of single-node components ¤  E.g. web servers can be clones of each other.. ¤  Distributed databases are complex ¤  Different node types & roles ¤  Orchestration of procedures in a specific order ¤  Using e.g. Chef for deploying a distributed database ¤  Yes, it is possible ¤  Not much Chef functionality is leveraged ¤  Prepare to write code 5 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 6. Confidential Monitoring - Beyond Nagios ¤  What do you do when the application is slow? ¤  Is it Disk? CPU? RAM? Badly written queries? ¤  What are the symptoms? (Replication queues, Page Faults, locks, # connections, deadlocks …) ¤  How do you avoid problems? ¤  How do you plan for capacity? 6 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 8. Confidential Scaling - Beyond Manual Operations 8 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 9. Confidential ClusterControl - In a nutshell 9 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB Manage Scale MonitorDeploy
  • 10. Confidential Configurators ¤  MongoDB / TokuMX Sharded Cluster ¤  MongoDB / TokuMX Replica Set ¤  MySQL Galera Cluster (Codership) ¤  Percona XtraDB Cluster ¤  MariaDB Cluster ¤  MySQL Cluster (NDB) ¤  MySQL Replication 5.6 10 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 11. Confidential Deploy From ClusterControl ¤  MongoDB ReplicaSet ¤  Percona XtraDB Cluster / MariaDB Cluster ¤  Standalone nodes (MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB) 11 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 12. Confidential Add Existing Clusters To ClusterControl ¤  Galera Cluster (Codership/Percona/MariaDb) ¤  Single MySQL Server nodes ¤  MongoDB ReplicaSet ¤  Single PostgreSQL nodes SSH access (pubkey auth) is required from: Controller -> Nodes Controller -> Controller (itself) 12 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 13. Confidential ClusterControl Automation & Management ¤  Management ¤  Multi cluster/data-center ¤  Automate repair/recovery ¤  Database upgrades ¤  Backups ¤  Configuration management ¤  Cloning ¤  One-click scaling 13 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 16. Confidential Getting Started ¤  Dedicated VM for the controller ¤  Specs ¤  2 CPU cores ¤  2-4GB RAM ¤  20GB diskspace ¤  No agents ¤  Host stats gathered via SSH ¤  Installation ¤  YUM/APT ¤  Setup SSH access to DB nodes ¤ 16 Copyright Severalnines AB
  • 17. Confidential What’s new in 1.2.9? ¤  PostgreSQL Support ¤  Improved HAProxy support ¤  Hybrid Replication with Galera Clusters ¤  Galera Replication Traffic Encryption ¤  Encrypted communication between ClusterControl and MySQL- based systems ¤  Improved Backup and Restore Database ¤  Galera: Bootstrap Cluster , Recover Non-Primary node. ¤  MySQL: Deadlock detection / Long Query ¤  MongoDb: Improved pagefault and locking inspection 17 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 18. Confidential PostgreSQL ¤  Support for single PostgreSQL systems ¤  Version 9.x supported ¤  Add existing PostgreSQL servers to ClusterControl ¤  Process management / auto recovery of failed instance ¤  Backup ¤  Query Monitor 18 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 19. Confidential Improved HAProxy ¤  Richer UI with built-in HAProxy stats ¤  View Stats ¤  Disable / Enable nodes part of the load balancer ¤  Powerful deployment capabilities ¤  Specify what DB servers to include on the backend ¤  Specify ACTIVE/BACKUP backend (DB) servers ¤  Tune timeouts ¤  Templated configuration: /usr/share/cmon/templates/haproxy.cfg /usr/share/cmon/templates/mysqlchk.* /usr/share/cmon/templates/mysqlchk_xinetd 19 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 20. Confidential Hybrid Replication For Galera Clusters ¤  Allows user to add a Replication Slave to a Galera Cluster ¤  GTID and non-GTID replication is support ¤  MariaDB GTID is not currently supported ¤  Single click failover slave from one master to another ¤  Requires to Masters ¤  Restage a slave with data from master. ¤  Using xtrabackup Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB 20 MySQL [Slave]
  • 21. Confidential Hybrid Replication For Galera Clusters ¤  Allows user to add a Replication Slave to a Galera Cluster ¤  One Galera Server must be a Master: ¤  log-bin = binlog ¤  server-id = 100 ¤  log-slave-updates=ON For GTID replication (MariaDB GTID implementation is not yet supported). ¤  gtid_mode=ON ¤  enforce-gtid-consistency=ON ¤  UI - > Manage -> Configuration, change the my.cnf file on the master node to be. ¤  Restart the MySQL server. Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB 21
  • 22. Confidential Hybrid Replication For Galera Clusters ¤  Create a tempate for the slave MySQL server ¤  UI -> Manage -> Configuration -> Create New Template ¤  The slave must have: ¤  server-id = 900 For GTID replication (MariaDB GTID implementation is not yet supported). ¤  gtid_mode=ON ¤  log-slave-updates=ON ¤  enforce-gtid-consistency=ON ¤  log-bin = binlog .. and NO wsrep variables! 22 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 23. Confidential Hybrid Replication For Galera Clusters 23 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 24. Confidential Galera Replication Traffic Encryption ¤  Setup secure communication between the Galera nodes ¤  Creates SSL certs ¤  1024, 2048 or 4096 bits encryption. ¤  s9s_galera --encrypt-replication –i <clusterid> -o enable| disable|status ¤  SSL certs are stored in /etc/ssl/galera/ cluster_<clusterid> on the controller ¤  Cluster is stopped ¤  socket.ssl_cert= … and socket.ssl_key=… is set on in wsrep_provider_options ¤  Cluster is started ¤  SSL certs are transferred automatically when adding nodes. 24 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 25. Confidential Encrypted communication between ClusterControl and MySQL-based systems ¤  No tool to create the SSL certs (yet): ¤ certs.html ¤  Store the master set of SSL certs on the controller, in: ¤  /etc/ssl/mysql/cluster_<clusterid> ¤  Copy SSL certs to MySQL Server nodes: ¤  mkdir /etc/mysql/certs ¤  Update my.cnf [mysqld] ssl-ca=/etc/mysql/certs/ca.pem ssl-cert=/etc/mysql/certs/server-cert.pem ssl-key=/etc/mysql/certs/server-key.pem 25 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 26. Confidential Encrypted communication between ClusterControl and MySQL-based systems ¤  In /etc/cmon.cnf set: cluster_certs_store=/etc/ssl/mysql/cluster_1 cluster_ssl_key=/etc/ssl/mysql/cluster_1/client-key.pem cluster_ssl_cert=/etc/ssl/mysql/cluster_1/client-cert.pem cluster_ssl_ca=/etc/ssl/mysql/cluster_1/ca.pem ¤  GRANT the cmon user on the MySQL nodes: GRANT ALL ON *.* TO ‘cmon’@’<cc server>’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘<cmon password> REQUIRE SSL; ¤  You can also encrypt the communication between cmon and the cmon db (mysql server), by setting: ¤  cmondb_ssl_key, cmondb_ssl_cert, cmondb_ssl_ca ¤  SSL certs are transferred automatically when adding nodes. ¤  cluster_certs_store must be set in cmon.cnf 26 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 28. Confidential Galera: Bootstrap Cluster ¤  ClusterControl cannot always automatically recover a cluster if it cannot determine the most advanced node ¤  E.g, X nodes maybe unreachable (by SSH) ¤  Filesystem may be corrupted on one or more nodes ¤  Administrator must make the decision which node to bootstrap from ¤  Bootstrap Cluster creates a new Cluster based on one of the nodes ¤  The other nodes will then recover from the Bootstrapped node. 28 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB
  • 30. Confidential Puppet Module and Chef Recipe ¤  Automate installation of ClusterControl ¤ infrastructure-automation-ecommerce-replay-slides ¤  Puppet/Chef only used for initial deploy ¤  ClusterControl handles the management and automation aspects. 30 Copyright 2012 Severalnines AB