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Agility to Thrive in Challenging Times Introducing Agile Software Development Gerry Kirk Agile Coach / Trainer
Software development has risks (That cost money, reduce value, delay benefits)
Risk: Build more than needed ⬆ cost ⬆ benefit  delay
Risk: Build lower priority items ⬇  value  ⬆ benefit  delay (or run out of budget)

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Structuring Content, Restructuring Organizations - CS Forum 2012
Structuring Content, Restructuring Organizations - CS Forum 2012Structuring Content, Restructuring Organizations - CS Forum 2012
Structuring Content, Restructuring Organizations - CS Forum 2012

Whether you’re talking about APIs, responsive sites, or content repositories, you’re going to need structured content. But if you want structure to really work, you have to change more than your CMS. You have to change your organization.

structured contentmobileorganizational change
Orchestrating Content
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Orchestrating Content

Templates, trainings, threats: I’ve tried everything to get content from clients and colleagues sooner—and mobile hasn’t made things easier. Instead of planning pages, now we’re asking stakeholders to prioritize and manage a million bits of modular content. So how do we keep our subject-matter experts from feeling overwhelmed, prevent carousel-obsessed executives from endless homepage arguments, and get the content we need to make design and development decisions? The answer is in using content strategy as a means to orchestrate, not dictate.

content managementmobile contentcontent strategy
Content Amid Chaos
Content Amid ChaosContent Amid Chaos
Content Amid Chaos

This document discusses approaches for turning web projects into catalysts for positive change by making improvements achievable, aiming for ownership among stakeholders, and getting commitment through roadmaps. It advocates starting with a visible, valuable problem of limited scope and involving others through asking questions rather than directives. Breaking larger goals into defined smaller projects and assigning leaders can help keep efforts moving forward. The overall message is that addressing complex issues requires an iterative process of making progress, however imperfect, through collaboration rather than perfection.

content strategy#aeaatlmobile content
Risk: Build the wrong thing right ⬆  cost ⬆ delay
Risk: Poor quality software - buggy, not maintainable ⬆⬆  cost ⬇ value
Risk: Discover needs late in project, but unable to build them
Agile software development best addresses these risks

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How to be a you tube creator
How to be a you tube creatorHow to be a you tube creator
How to be a you tube creator

To start a successful YouTube channel, one must first create a Gmail account and YouTube channel, choose a name and niche, then obtain the basic equipment of a camera, computer, and video and photo editing programs. The document provides steps for filming, editing, saving, and uploading videos, with tips on length, adding background music, and sharing across social media to promote the channel.

Designer vs Developer: BE THE UNICORN
Designer vs Developer: BE THE UNICORNDesigner vs Developer: BE THE UNICORN
Designer vs Developer: BE THE UNICORN

Are you a Designer or a Developer or both? – This talk will explore myths & preconceptions about roles.. And how when we push these boundaries, we can achieve greater things. Because, if you understand what you’re trying to accomplish both technically and visually, you will have fantastic a outcome. We’ll touch on “crossover” (golden unicorn) topics such as UI, UX, trusting instincts, user testing, wire framing, information architecture, typography, front end structure, form, and the mindset we need to have in order to challenge both sides of our brain. WordPress is a great place to put this into practice: as its a perfect environment for leaning php & css, but also its surrounding community support helps us achieve greatness. Weather you consider yourself a Designer, a Developer, or both: this talk is for you.

golden unicorndevelopmentweb design and development
Evaluation post6
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Evaluation post6

The document discusses various online tools, software, and hardware the author used to create a media project. They found Google useful for research and problem-solving. Slideshare allowed them to upload and embed files. Through using iMovie, the author learned how to confidently edit videos. Photoshop helped develop new skills for creating a logo. Recording with a high-quality video camera and tripod supported getting professional shots and angles for different camera movements. Overall, the author gained knowledge applicable to future projects.

Risk: Build more than you need Action: Release Early
Risk: Build lower priority items Action: Work on highest priority items first
Risk: Build the wrong thing right Action: Continuous Feedback
Risk: Poor quality software - buggy, not maintainable Action: TDD, Pair Program,  CI, Refactor

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PSU Web 2015: How To Take The Crazy Out Of Your Company's Process Flows #psuweb
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PSU Web 2015: How To Take The Crazy Out Of Your Company's Process Flows #psuweb

Labels, labels everywhere: product managers, product owners, squads, designers, developers, architects, agile, lean, waterfall, roles, methodologies - the list goes on and on. How do you pick an internal process flow that will work for your company? What do you do when only part of a process flow fits? What do you do when an entire process you've invested time and money in is a total flop? This talk will cover how our company created a positive, interdepartmentally collaborative, innovation friendly, process flow from the top down. I'll cover some trial and error stories, some tools that rescued our sanity, and the workflow we uncovered that fits our organization like a glove.

Question 6
Question 6 Question 6
Question 6

The document discusses the technologies used to construct a media product. A Nikon D5100 camera was used to take photos for a magazine, allowing adjustment of focus and aperture during shooting. An HTC Desire S mobile phone also took photos at a concert, and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom and CS5 were used to edit photos and make the cover. Various Photoshop tools like Quick Selection and Refine Edge helped adjust people in photos. All work was recorded on Blogger for organization and safekeeping. SlideShare was additionally used to upload PowerPoint slides to the blog.

Media presentation
Media presentationMedia presentation
Media presentation

The document discusses the various technologies used to construct a product. Photoshop was used but layers were initially tricky to learn. A camera was used to take photos for the front cover and contents page. Prezi was used to create a location presentation with photos. Slideshare was used to upload documents to a Blogger blog, allowing them to be presented nicely. Blogger was used as a production diary to upload documents, texts, videos and images. A phone was used to take photos for the location presentation. Emaze was used to create an evaluation and compare the author's magazine to a real one.

Risk: Discover needs late in project, but unable to build them Action: Plan to adjust plan every 2 weeks
Speed  +  Quality  Create Value Lower Costs Be Sustainable
Agile Manifesto Common Sense Enabler
Bottom Line Beginner Agile Intermediate Agile Advanced Agile Good Waterfall ROI based on actual savings in time-to-market & productivity on over 7500 projects

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F36 Blogging Presentation

How to Build a Blog for the Construction Industry and Market With It is a presentation for the CONEXPO-CON/AGG 2011 audience, teaching professional blog techniques to save time while building a new customer base.

Cheap or Free UX Tools
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Cheap or Free UX Tools

This document lists and describes various free and low-cost tools that can be used for user experience design, research, and testing. It discusses tools for collecting and visualizing data, project management, prototyping, usability testing, analytics, and more. Many of the recommended tools can be used for tasks like wireframing, creating interactive prototypes, user feedback, and usability testing without significant costs. Traditional methods like paper prototyping are also mentioned.

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ITEC 2019 STEM is F.U.N.
ITEC 2019 STEM is F.U.N.ITEC 2019 STEM is F.U.N.
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This document provides an overview of STEM activities for students including coding, circuitry, 3D design, and games. It introduces several free online tools and projects for engaging students in science, technology, engineering, and math topics. Suggested activities include using Tinkercad for 3D modeling and circuits, Code Club for learning Python, MakeCode Arcade for building video games, and cheap circuitry projects using everyday materials. The document emphasizes sharing experiences and reflections on how the activities incorporate different STEM areas.
Agile Process
Agile Roles Product Owner Scrum Master Development Team
SM helps Product Owner define & prioritize features, write conditions of satisfaction for completeness Card, Conversation, Confirmation

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This document provides a checklist for participants attending a session on flipping the classroom at the KySTE 2014 conference. It instructs participants to complete several tasks before the session, including creating accounts on YouTube/Vimeo and Edmodo, learning to use video tools like iMovie and Screencast-O-Matic, and watching introductory videos on flipping the classroom and building a paper airplane. It also provides options for video recording equipment and ideas for creating an instructional video to be shared at the session.

flipped classroomhow to flip your classroomblended learning
Evaluation post6 (2)
Evaluation post6 (2)Evaluation post6 (2)
Evaluation post6 (2)

Through completing this project, the author learned about various online tools, software, and hardware. Google helped provide reliable research for the project. Slideshare allowed uploading files to a blog. YouTube taught how to embed videos in a blog. iMovie was an effective and easy to use editing software that taught video editing skills. Photoshop was used to design a logo and develop new photo editing skills. The video camera, tripod, and iMac computer were valuable resources for recording, editing, and researching footage for the project. Overall, hands-on experience with these technologies improved the author's technical, research, and multimedia skills.

Evaluation post6
Evaluation post6Evaluation post6
Evaluation post6

Google, Slideshare, and YouTube helped the author gather research and learn how to embed videos and codes for their media project. Through using tools like IMovie, Photoshop, a video camera, tripod, and IMac, the author gained skills in video editing, image editing, camera angles, different camera shots, and using advanced computer resources for editing footage and research. Overall, the author learned how to use various online tools and software more efficiently and gained confidence in skills like video editing, camera work, and using design software.

Scrum Master facilitates planning meetings Planning poker = better estimates + more fun
SM facilitates daily check-ins to co-ordinate, surface problems
SM prepares burn down chart to report daily progress
SM facilitates demos of working software

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Evaluation question 6
Evaluation question 6Evaluation question 6
Evaluation question 6

The document discusses the technologies used during the different stages of constructing a coursework product for AS Media. It includes a table to log the software, hardware, and online tools used, as well as their specific features. During research and planning, websites like Rolling Stone and Google Images provided inspiration. Blogger allowed viewing other students' blogs. Microsoft Word and Photoshop were key software for production. A camera was also used. For post-production, SlideShare enabled uploading work to showcase the development process. Overall, digital technologies helped capture ideas and complete the project, though some skills like Photoshop could still be improved.

Evaluation question 6
Evaluation question 6Evaluation question 6
Evaluation question 6

The student created a magazine using various technologies. They took photos in a studio using lights and backdrops, and learned to properly connect the lighting equipment to their camera. They used a digital SLR camera to take high quality photos and capture details. The student also used the internet to research and construct their magazine, learning how to use blogspot to publish and organize their work, and prezi to present their data. Photoshop was used to edit photos by removing blemishes and adjusting brightness. InDesign provided tools for laying out the magazine pages and inserting images. Overall, the student found these technologies helpful for creating a professional product, though some software could only be accessed on campus.

Introduction to Scrum
Introduction to ScrumIntroduction to Scrum
Introduction to Scrum

Scrum is a simple framework that embraces change, fosters collaboration, and delivers value to boost productivity. It involves a product owner defining features, the team estimating work and committing to sprints, and daily standups to coordinate and surface issues. Progress is measured using a burndown chart, and working software is demonstrated to the product owner. A scrum master guides the self-organizing, cross-functional team and protects them from external interferences. Test-driven development and continuous integration are also important parts of the process.

Scrum Master guides, helps team be productive
SM facilitates retrospectives for continuous improvement
Client involvement
Thank you! Discuss more or inquire about agile coaching  Email: Twitter: @gerrykirk Skype: gerry.kirk

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Working Together Virtually
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Working Together Virtually

Powerpoint for talk on working together virtually for ALA's Emerging Leaders, 2009. The text can be found at:

Use Scrum and Continuous Delivery to innovate like crazy!
Use Scrum and Continuous Delivery to innovate like crazy!Use Scrum and Continuous Delivery to innovate like crazy!
Use Scrum and Continuous Delivery to innovate like crazy!

How often do you release your product to your end users? How often do your end users see and use your product? Why is Continuous Delivery helping us to focus on business value? How can Scrum help us to be innovative? These and more questions are going to be answered in this talk about Scrum with Continuous Delivery. Companies and organizations struggle with bureaucracy, dependencies, silo thinking, human behavior and technical problems and loose the real goal. Continuous Delivery being more than a technical practice can work with Scrum and changes the way we write software completely. Let’s see how we can combine those and delight our customers with a constant flow of features and happiness. Target audience: Experienced Scrum Practitioners that would like to take the next step to delight their customers

continuous deploymentscrumcontinuous delivery

If your performance metric gives all the content in the page the same value, that's not a good metric.

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Manage software risk in uncertain times with Agile

Editor's Notes

  1. Welcome, thanks for coming Ask if people having a great time at conference? My first conference Thrilled to give something back Audience survey: - some form of Agile development? - Scrum? - XP? - thinking about trying Scrum? - who attended Mike's post-conf session?