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Because of this man’s dreams and vision, we have one of the
most revolutionary mobile devices available…
Photo Credit: <a href="">OM N0M NOM N0M</a> via
<a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
The Apple iPad
Photo Credit: <a href="">Mediakirja</a> via <a
href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
This device has changed our way of computing, interacting
with the cyber world and our way of personal entertainment.
Photo Credit: <a href="">rschimanski1978</a> via <a
href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
But as revolutionary and game changing as this device may be,
there are still a few features consumers would like to see implemented in this
Photo Credit: <a href="">йάήǿ</a> via <a
href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>

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Aviary suite tutorial feb 2012
Aviary suite tutorial feb 2012Aviary suite tutorial feb 2012
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This document provides an overview of the Aviary suite of online editing tools, including Phoenix for image editing, Peacock for adding effects to images, Myna for audio editing, Roc for music creation, Toucan for working with color palettes, Raven for vector editing, and Falcon for image markup. Links and video tutorials are provided for each tool to help users get started with the Aviary suite after creating an account.

Embrace Native Async Nature of JavaScript in WebDriver JS - SeleniumConf Aust...
Embrace Native Async Nature of JavaScript in WebDriver JS - SeleniumConf Aust...Embrace Native Async Nature of JavaScript in WebDriver JS - SeleniumConf Aust...
Embrace Native Async Nature of JavaScript in WebDriver JS - SeleniumConf Aust...

JavaScript is commonly used for testing due to its asynchronous nature and promise-based libraries that simplify asynchronous code. While JavaScript testing libraries use promises to handle asynchronous code, this can lead to "pyramid of doom" or "callback hell" code structures. New async/await syntax in JavaScript helps address this by allowing asynchronous code to be written in a simpler, synchronous-looking way. Popular JavaScript testing libraries like WebDriverJs support async/await to make asynchronous testing code more readable and maintainable.

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The Adventure - From idea to the iPhone
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The Adventure - From idea to the iPhone

Slides of my "London iPhone Developer Group" presentation on March 3rd 2010: "The Adventure - From idea to the iPhone"

For instance, the iPad could use more ports such as USB or SD card
slot for extra storage and file management.
Photo by: Sean Grady
It seems as though the iPad’s competitors offer more integration to other
devices and storage options for the user.
Photo Credit: <a href="">carltongamble</a> via <a
href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
Photo Credit: <a href="">Wayan Vota</a> via <a
href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
To us users who are producers and musicians, you have options
Such as the Alesis IO Dock which is a great device,
but the iPad has no basic inputs onboard
without using third party devices.

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Instant Mobile Web presentation for Silicon Valley Code Camp 2017. Session:

@media - Even Faster Web Sites
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The document discusses techniques for loading JavaScript files to optimize website performance. It describes methods like splitting the initial payload, loading scripts asynchronously without blocking parsing and rendering, and deferring non-critical scripts. Examples of major sites like Gmail, Facebook, Google and Wikipedia that use these techniques are also provided.

Modern Backends for Mobile Apps
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Modern Backends for Mobile Apps

Presentation from Software Architect 2014, covering modern cloud backends for mobile apps with a focus on Microsoft Azure Mobile Services and Facebook Parse.

Photo Credit: <a href="">Brian A Petersen</a> via <a
href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
Into recording applications such as this one for the iPad
Photo Credit: <a href="">Christian Steen</a> via <a
href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
Traditional hardware is quickly becoming almost obsolete and a thing of the
past with replacements such as…..
Photo Credit: <a href="">mrCollaborator</a> via <a
href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
This software remake of the Korg Electribe SX Sampler on the iPad
Photo Credit: <a href="">livid instruments</a> via <a
href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>

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High Performance Web Components
High Performance Web ComponentsHigh Performance Web Components
High Performance Web Components

How many photo carousels have you built? Date pickers? Dynamic tables and charts? Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to make these custom elements encapsulated and reusable? Welcome to Web Components! The building blocks are well known: HTML templates, custom elements, HTML imports, and shadow DOM. It's fairly easy to build simple examples. But what happens when performance degrades? Join this discussion of the synchronous and asynchronous nature of web components, and how they can impact the rendering of the entire page.

blockingweb componentshtml imports
Web 2.0 Expo: Even Faster Web Sites
Web 2.0 Expo: Even Faster Web SitesWeb 2.0 Expo: Even Faster Web Sites
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The document discusses techniques for improving frontend web performance, including splitting codepayloads, loading scripts without blocking, and not scattering scripts across pages. It recommends focusing first on optimizing frontend performance since 80-90% of end user response time is spent loading frontend resources. Specific techniques include splitting JavaScript payloads into above-the-fold and below-the-fold code, using techniques like XHR and iframes to load scripts asynchronously without blocking page rendering, and avoiding placing inline scripts between stylesheets and other page resources.

Web Directions South - Even Faster Web Sites
Web Directions South - Even Faster Web SitesWeb Directions South - Even Faster Web Sites
Web Directions South - Even Faster Web Sites

The document discusses techniques for optimizing web page performance, including loading scripts asynchronously without blocking page rendering, splitting scripts into critical and non-critical parts, leveraging content delivery networks, minimizing downloads, and using new web standards like the Navigation Timing API. It emphasizes the importance of front-end optimization and progressive enhancement to improve site speed. Examples are given of how major sites like Google, Facebook, and Wikipedia optimize script loading.

Here is my classic Akai MPC 2000XL,now you no longer
have to carry around this heavy piece of equipment the
studio or your next live performance.
Photo by: Sean Grady
Photo Credit: <a href="">App Review Pros</a> via <a
href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a
The iPad’s processor is capable to run the full version OSX on the device, so why
not implement that feature instead of a cut down mobile OS?
Photo Credit: <a href="">CrazyCa$h</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a
OSX Applications
Photo Credit: <a href="">FabioHofnik</a> via <a
href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>

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Las apps

Apps are software programs designed to run on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. The term "app" is short for "application." Successful apps tend to be easy to use, solve specific user problems, and provide value to customers. The document provides information on what apps are, where the term comes from, key characteristics of apps, and examples of popular apps in different categories like AutoCAD 360 Pro, Paper by FiftyThree, Archisketch, Magic Plan, and Autodesk FormIt.

Presentación CAC, Consultoría en Ahorro de Costes
Presentación CAC, Consultoría en Ahorro de CostesPresentación CAC, Consultoría en Ahorro de Costes
Presentación CAC, Consultoría en Ahorro de Costes

CAC, Consultoría en Ahorro de Costes nace en el año 2012 con la misión de AHORRARLE MUCHO TIEMPO gracias a la capitalización de la experiencia de los profesionales que la componen como responsables de compras en las principales áreas de gasto de la empresa, ya sea grande, PYME o autónomo. Por ello, CAC se convierte en el aliado y soporte indispensable a corto, medio y largo plazo para CEO's, Gerentes, Directores Financieros, Responsables de Compras, Servicios Generales, Procurement y Purchasing y hacer que su trabajo sea mucho más productivo. Debido a las necesidades del mercado, en el caso de aquellas PYMEs medianas y pequeñas empresas concienciadas en que un incremento de su competitividad es un valor diferencial frente a la competencia. Al no disponer de personal dedicado a la gestión de las compras, CAC, Consultoría en Ahorro de Costes puede también asumir el rol para ellas de departamento externalizado de asesoramiento en la optimización de los recursos actuales, reducción de costes y gastos generales. Gracias a alianzas con empresas líderes en su sector, ponemos a disposición de nuestros clientes un equipo de expertos en las principales áreas de gasto de cualquier empresa. De esta manera, se analizará la situación actual y tras un meticuloso estudio, procederán a realizarle una recomendación específica sobre la estrategia a llevar a cabo para implementar las medidas correctoras en el caso de ser necesarias. De esta manera, optimizamos los requerimientos estratégicos, operativos, técnicos y legales a los económicos. Debido a nuestro nivel de contacto, volumen de negocio y expansión geográfica, otra de las ventajas que ponemos a disposición de nuestros clientes es ofrecerles las mejores condiciones prenegociadas con nuestros proveedores de servicio. Estamos tan convencidos de la eficacia de nuestros servicios, que una vez aceptadas nuestras condiciones de colaboración, podemos realizar un estudio previo de ahorro de costes cuyo importe posteriormente será deducido de nuestros honorarios de propuesta de mejora posterior.

optimización de los recursoslimpieza profesionalgastos generales
็ํ๊๊Father's Day
็ํ๊๊Father's  Day็ํ๊๊Father's  Day
็ํ๊๊Father's Day

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States on December 5, 1927. He is the grandson of His Late Majesty King Chulalongkorn, who modernized Thailand's institutions to bring them in line with the Western world. The facts of King Bhumibol's birth seem significant as he has royal lineage and was born during a time of reforms in Thailand.

Is it too much to have laptop like features in a mobile tablet to meet
the needs, usage and features for each consumers
computing lifestyle?
Photo Credit: <a href="">ˆ-ˆ</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a
Full OSX support would be a welcomed feature by consumers to the
Photo Credit: <a href="">Laurent Baumann</a> via <a
href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
“In order to be the wave of the future, one must meet the needs of today”
…Sean Grady. In order to establish a following a company or product must give its
followers reason to follow. Though Apple is a great company with superb products,
It is only as great as its customers input as well. Apple needs to listen more to the
complaints of its customers and not be so worried about the profit but rather the
Photo Credit: <a href="">Cliff_Baise</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a
If Apple would take the time to listen to their customers on how to further
improve their products, the end results would be a lot less customers
switching to the competitors and a lot more smiling faces!
Photo Credit: <a href="">icedgrandesoylatte</a> via <a
href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>

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The document discusses best practices for developing Joomla extensions, including using Git and GitHub for version control, a decent IDE like NetBeans or PHPStorm, standard folder structures, libraries like jQuery and Bootstrap, JTable for managing data, the JModel class for retrieving data, JController and JView for controlling application flow, and creating separate objects for different extension components like talks, speakers, rooms, etc. It also recommends using private and public properties appropriately, logging with JLog, and providing documentation and example code.

Bernice Lau, Artist Entrepreneur
Bernice Lau, Artist EntrepreneurBernice Lau, Artist Entrepreneur
Bernice Lau, Artist Entrepreneur

Bernice Lau is an artist entrepreneur who collects fish bones to create commemorative tsuru ornaments. She sources bones from wet markets to find the right fish for making the traditional paper cranes. Her goal is to alter her art perspective from traditional drawings to lighted designs, such as by exhibiting 1000 illuminated tsuru in an aquarium setting in September 2016 to honor her grandmother and gather a community of fish bone artists.

Bernice lau (yuan)
 Bernice lau (yuan) Bernice lau (yuan)
Bernice lau (yuan)

A 7 slides presentation containing information about fish and art. Join Bernice on a maker journey where she teaches interested parties how to do food Upcycling with fish bones.


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Grady sean slide_sharepresentation

  • 1. Because of this man’s dreams and vision, we have one of the most revolutionary mobile devices available… Photo Credit: <a href="">OM N0M NOM N0M</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 2. The Apple iPad Photo Credit: <a href="">Mediakirja</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 3. This device has changed our way of computing, interacting with the cyber world and our way of personal entertainment. Photo Credit: <a href="">rschimanski1978</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 4. But as revolutionary and game changing as this device may be, there are still a few features consumers would like to see implemented in this device. Photo Credit: <a href="">йάήǿ</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 5. For instance, the iPad could use more ports such as USB or SD card slot for extra storage and file management. Photo by: Sean Grady
  • 6. It seems as though the iPad’s competitors offer more integration to other devices and storage options for the user. Photo Credit: <a href="">carltongamble</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 7. Photo Credit: <a href="">Wayan Vota</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 8. To us users who are producers and musicians, you have options Such as the Alesis IO Dock which is a great device, but the iPad has no basic inputs onboard without using third party devices.
  • 9. Photo Credit: <a href="">Brian A Petersen</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 10. Into recording applications such as this one for the iPad Photo Credit: <a href="">Christian Steen</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 11. Traditional hardware is quickly becoming almost obsolete and a thing of the past with replacements such as….. Photo Credit: <a href="">mrCollaborator</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 12. This software remake of the Korg Electribe SX Sampler on the iPad Photo Credit: <a href="">livid instruments</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 13. Here is my classic Akai MPC 2000XL,now you no longer have to carry around this heavy piece of equipment the studio or your next live performance. Photo by: Sean Grady
  • 14. Photo Credit: <a href="">App Review Pros</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a
  • 15. The iPad’s processor is capable to run the full version OSX on the device, so why not implement that feature instead of a cut down mobile OS? Photo Credit: <a href="">CrazyCa$h</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 16. OSX Applications Photo Credit: <a href="">FabioHofnik</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 17. Is it too much to have laptop like features in a mobile tablet to meet the needs, usage and features for each consumers computing lifestyle? Photo Credit: <a href="">ˆ-ˆ</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 18. Full OSX support would be a welcomed feature by consumers to the iPad. Photo Credit: <a href="">Laurent Baumann</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 19. “In order to be the wave of the future, one must meet the needs of today” …Sean Grady. In order to establish a following a company or product must give its followers reason to follow. Though Apple is a great company with superb products, It is only as great as its customers input as well. Apple needs to listen more to the complaints of its customers and not be so worried about the profit but rather the Product. Photo Credit: <a href="">Cliff_Baise</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>
  • 20. If Apple would take the time to listen to their customers on how to further improve their products, the end results would be a lot less customers switching to the competitors and a lot more smiling faces! Photo Credit: <a href="">icedgrandesoylatte</a> via <a href="">Compfight</a><a href="">cc</a>

Editor's Notes

  1. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  2. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  3. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  4. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  5. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  6. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  7. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  8. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  9. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  10. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  11. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  12. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  13. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  14. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  15. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  16. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  17. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  18. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  19. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.  
  20. BIG IDEA My topic for discussion is the revolutionary Apple iPad and how it may replace the laptop and some recording studio equipment. With the increasing speed of technology there is no reason why the iPad should not have the full Mac OSX and not some mobile cut down version OS.  TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience would be power users and all musicians and producers who would like to have studio access on the go but with full desktop computer like features built into a tablet.  RESEARCH BEGINNING Attention Grabber: I would show video clips and play audio of my friend and I doing music on the iPad.The Big Idea: Is to transform the iPad into the ultimate mobile full-featured device.What’s in it for the audience? The audience can input what they would like seen in a mobile device and how to implement their lifestyle of their personal workflow of doing things on a mobile device.Why should the audience listen to me? The audience should listen to me because of personal experience of recording on every device from the iPhone to the iMac, plus I can show personal work of stuff I’ve done on each platform.Call to Action: As a customer of Apple I personally can share other consumers wants and needs in this mobile device. This product has too much potential and processing power for it to just be a mediocre mobile tablet. MIDDLEThree main supporting points: The iPad is changing the way music is made, It changes the way we compute and interact with a computer, it changes our way of personal entertainment.Supporting Point 1: I have personal experience with the iPad and it’s many users and audiences.Supporting Point 2: Apple customers are asking for more laptop like features. Just view the commercial with the iPad being compared to the Dell Tablet.Supporting Point 3: The iPad is quickly becoming a mobile studio but doesn’t quite have the power to totally replace it or a laptop just yet.Call to Action: We as consumers, hobbyist, and producers should be the voice as to what goes into a product. When a company actually listens to their customers they keep them. ENDSummary: The product already has changed lives and has been a major success in mobile computing history. Why not enhance it and give customers what they want?Restate Big Idea: Make the iPad the true one in all mobile devices to appeal to the lifestyle of any customer who owns it.Clincher: Just imagine a device just as powerful as your desktop but could easily be placed in a purse or backpack. Imagine capturing recording ideas while in the mood and get the same quality as a multi million-dollar studio.