SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Reduce 40% go-to-
market time & cost on
your next product
the speaker
• Senior Product professional with 16+ years of
experience in B2B and B2C (Web / Mobile, Cloud /
Analytics) products in Telecom, Banking, Education
and Healthcare industries world-wide
• Evangelist of Agile and Lean (Scrum, XP, Kanban,
Lean Startup)
• Consultant to Fortune 500 companies on
transformations and Advanced Project / Program /
Portfolio management
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development
Nisha Shoukath
Co-Founder, People10
the panelist
• Technology Leader with 18+ years experience in
building mission critical products for Investment
Banking, Education, Healthcare and E-Commerce,
across the globe
• Adviser to Fortune 500 companies for Enterprise
• Agile and Lean evangelist; Led 1000 member Agile
organization for a global Investment Bank
• Expert in Continuous deployment, MVP and UX for
Web / Mobile / Cloud / Analytics for B2B and B2C
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development
Rakesh Dahiya
Co-Founder, People10
for the attendees!
30 minutes of FREE
consultation for your
Lean Product
(technology choices,
frameworks, practices,
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 4

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Growth Hacking at SPN
Growth Hacking at SPNGrowth Hacking at SPN
Growth Hacking at SPN

Introduction to Growth Hacking: - Principles - Examples (from US and from #FrenchTech) - Theory - AARRR / Metrics - Tools - Must read stuff And plenty other things!

growthmobile growth hackingdigital strategy
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)

Updated presentation on Startup Metrics, delivered at SeedCamp 2008 in London, England. Dave McClure, 500 Hats.

Service x berkeley 2015
Service x berkeley 2015Service x berkeley 2015
Service x berkeley 2015

This document outlines lessons learned from developing a product to automate customer support. It discusses the hierarchy of customer pain, when to pivot a product, and the value of specific hypotheses. Key lessons include: 1) Customers are at different stages of addressing problems; 2) Products should pivot when hypotheses are invalidated; and 3) Hypotheses work best when focused on specific customer archetypes like a UX researcher seeking real-time customer feedback. The final MVP developed was a tool to provide real-time product insight for customers.

business model canvascustomer developmentbusiness model
…in the next 45 minutes
• New products & concerns
• Startups, Lean Startups…
• Traditional vs. Agile vs. Lean Startup
• Why Lean startup?
• Lean startup principles
• Case study on quantified benefits
• Q&A
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are you planning to
launch a new
technology product?
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your concerns?
early revenue
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what is a startup for us here?
“A human institution designed to create new
products and services under conditions of
extreme uncertainty”
“Nothing to do with size of the company, sector
of the economy or industry”
Eric Ries – 2011
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 8

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Minimum Viable Product in brief!
Minimum Viable Product in brief!Minimum Viable Product in brief!
Minimum Viable Product in brief!

Find what is the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and how to create an MVP. This slide was created for my "MVP workshop" at TrigUp's Pre-Accelerating Program.

market analysislean startupproduct development
How to Identify a lean startup
How to Identify a lean startupHow to Identify a lean startup
How to Identify a lean startup

An investor focussed deck that covers: - What is a Lean Startup? - The key behaviors of being lean - Using lean to define and measure progress in a startup

business modellean startup
Get Set Grow - Navigating the Startup Lifecycle - Sudhir Swamy
 Get Set Grow - Navigating the Startup Lifecycle - Sudhir Swamy Get Set Grow - Navigating the Startup Lifecycle - Sudhir Swamy
Get Set Grow - Navigating the Startup Lifecycle - Sudhir Swamy

The document provides an overview of the start-up lifecycle and key considerations at different stages. It discusses the four main stages: idea discovery and validation, customer acquisition, company building, and growth. Several startup examples are provided to illustrate validation strategies, customer acquisition tactics, and growth models. The document concludes with next steps entrepreneurs should take and resources available to support startups.

traditional waterfall approach
• Unit of progress : „Advance to next stage‟
• Take untested, un-validated assumptions and pour
money into it
• Lessons are learned only at the end
• Cost of learning is hefty
• Causes most products to fail
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 9
Problem is Known Solution is Known
• Unit of progress : „Line of working code‟
• Your business idea is very clear and validated
• Solution evolves iteratively
• Needs iterative delivery
• High product quality
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 10
Problem is Known
Solution is Unknown
Product owner /
internal customer
• “Should this product be built?” instead of “Can
this product be built?”
• “Can we build a sustainable business around this
set of products and services?”
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 11
why do we need to look
beyond agile?
lean startup
• Unknown problem; unknown solution
• Solution evolves iteratively to validate the hypothesis
• High level of customer focus and development
• Uses Agile development practices
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 12

Recommended for you

Minimum Viable Product - theory and workshop
Minimum Viable Product - theory and workshopMinimum Viable Product - theory and workshop
Minimum Viable Product - theory and workshop

This document discusses the concept of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It defines an MVP as the version of a new product that allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort. The document provides reasons why MVPs often fail, such as not identifying the early adopter customer or including unnecessary features. It also discusses data sources, quality considerations, and approaches to developing an MVP, including creating only a video or becoming a concierge service for the first customers. The presentation includes challenges and workshops for attendees to develop MVPs for their products.

product managementminimum viable productmvp
Columbia lecture 111210 customer development
Columbia lecture 111210 customer developmentColumbia lecture 111210 customer development
Columbia lecture 111210 customer development

The document discusses different types of businesses - small businesses, scalable startups, and large companies - and how they differ. It notes that small businesses serve known customers with known products, while scalable startups aim to solve unknown customer needs and unknown product features through iteration. Startups search for a business model through customer development and pivoting, while companies focus on executing a known business model through metrics, sales, product management, and planning. The document advocates for searching for a business model using customer development rather than relying on traditional business plans.

business modelsteve blankstartup
Business Models Template E145
Business Models Template E145Business Models Template E145
Business Models Template E145

The document discusses the key components of a business model including users/customers, products/services, revenue flows, pricing, demand creation, and sales/distribution. It defines users as those who interact with the product for free, customers as those who pay for the product, and markets as customer segments. The business model canvas maps these components to understand what problem is being solved, who has this problem, how value is delivered and monetized, and how users and customers are acquired.

steve blankfloodgatecustomer development
lean startup principles
• Eliminate uncertainty
• Develop an MVP
• Validated learning
• Pivot
• The power of feedback loop
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 13
Practices to minimize total time to feedback loop
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 14
Build Faster
Unit test
Usability Test
Continuous Integration
Incremental Deployment
Free & Open-Source
Cloud Computing
Cluster Immune System
Just-in-time Scalability
Developer Sandbox
Minimum Viable Product
Funnel Analysis
Cohort Analysis
Net Promoter Score
Search Engine Marketing
Predictive Monitoring
Split Tests
Continuous Deployment
Usability Tests
Real-time Monitoring & Alerting
Customer Liaison
Measure FasterSplit Tests
Customer Deployment
Five Whys
Customer Advisory Board
Falsifiable Hypotheses
Product Owner
Customer Archetypes
Cross-functional Teams
Semi-autonomous Teams
Smoke Tests
Learn Faster
what is an MVP?
• A Minimum Viable Product is version of your “product”
that maximizes validated learning for the least amount of
• NOT an MVP: a landing page to get sign-ups
• Great companies that started this way…
– Email MVP (TimeHop)
– Blog MVP (Groupon)
– Video MVP (DropBox)
– Hustle MVP (paper prototypes…)
• Simple wireframes and working prototypes
Get out of the building, talk to possible customers and
hack together a creative solution to solve their problems
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 15
case study
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 16

Recommended for you

Lean Startup Analytics and MVP – Lecture and Workshop at Zeppelin University
Lean Startup Analytics and MVP – Lecture and Workshop at Zeppelin UniversityLean Startup Analytics and MVP – Lecture and Workshop at Zeppelin University
Lean Startup Analytics and MVP – Lecture and Workshop at Zeppelin University

The document summarizes key concepts around startups, minimum viable products (MVP), and achieving product/market fit. It includes workshops on developing hypotheses for a startup idea and creating an MVP. Customers should be interviewed to validate problems and solutions, and qualitative feedback is more important than numbers in understanding customer needs. Various types of MVPs are presented such as landing pages, videos, and single feature products. The goal of an MVP is to validate assumptions quickly before building full features. Achieving product/market fit is the big leap for a startup, and actionable, rather than vanity, metrics should be used to guide decisions.

lean startupminimum viable productquantitative research
Build A Minimum Viable Product PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Build A Minimum Viable Product PowerPoint Presentation Slides Build A Minimum Viable Product PowerPoint Presentation Slides
Build A Minimum Viable Product PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Presenting this set of slides with name - Build A Minimum Viable Product PowerPoint Presentation Slides. We bring to you to the point topic specific slides with apt research and understanding. Putting forth our PPT deck comprises of twentyone slides. Our tailor made Build A Minimum Viable Product PowerPoint Presentation Slides editable presentation deck assists planners to segment and expound the topic with brevity. The advantageous slides on Build A Minimum Viable Product PowerPoint Presentation Slides is braced with multiple charts and graphs, overviews, analysis templates agenda slides etc. to help boost important aspects of your presentation. Highlight all sorts of related usable templates for important considerations. Our deck finds applicability amongst all kinds of professionals, managers, individuals, temporary permanent teams involved in any company organization from any field.

product development pptpowerpoint infographicsppt graphics
Stanford Entrepreneurship Week 030211
Stanford Entrepreneurship Week 030211Stanford Entrepreneurship Week 030211
Stanford Entrepreneurship Week 030211

The document discusses how startups have traditionally operated with high costs and long development times, leading to slow customer adoption, high failure rates, and innovation limited to a few regions. However, it notes an "entrepreneurial explosion" is now occurring, enabled by low startup costs, short development times, fast customer adoption, global innovation, and large pools of risk capital. It distinguishes between small businesses, large company innovation, and scalable startups. Scalable startups search for a business model through customer development and agile development, rather than executing a predetermined plan, in order to transition successfully from startup to large company.

stanfordstartupsteve blank
B2B education product
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 17
The client is a leading EduTech product and consulting firm
specializing in K12 space, working with the US school districts
offering advanced teaching solutions.
Goal: Improve teaching standards for education institutions through expert
consulting and innovative technology platforms
Complex non-functional requirements: Domain standards, third party
connectivity, content distribution, responsive UX, high speed video
streaming, multi-browser compatibility, scalability, collaboration features…
Business need
solution highlights
• Lean startup delivery model (iterative delivery, MVP and
continuous deployment)
• Captured priorities through product backlog and wireframes –
Zero specs!
• 8 weeks MVP and 6 months Beta
• Client showcased the MVP and got customer validation
• MVP helped to get market feedback; iterative changes in UI
and product features
• Recipe for product‟s success and avoided cost escalation and
time delays
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 18
How we built fast
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 19
Build Faster
Unit test
Usability Test
Continuous Integration
Incremental Deployment
Free & Open-Source
Cloud Computing
Cluster Immune System
Just-in-time Scalability
Developer Sandbox
Minimum Viable Product
Funnel Analysis
Cohort Analysis
Net Promoter Score
Search Engine Marketing
Predictive Monitoring
Split Tests
Continuous Deployment
Usability Tests
Real-time Monitoring & Alerting
Customer Liaison
Measure FasterSplit Tests
Customer Deployment
Five Whys
Customer Advisory Board
Falsifiable Hypotheses
Product Owner
Customer Archetypes
Cross-functional Teams
Semi-autonomous Teams
Smoke Tests
Learn Faster
build practices used
• Customer validation
– MVP Approach, Wireframes
– End-user feedback
• Technology
– Open source stack (HTML5, CSS3, Popcorn.js, Knockout.js, MongoDB,
Groovy, Node.js, Bootstrap UI)
– Cloud hosted solution Amazon EC3
– Just-in-time, scalable architecture and design
– Productive frameworks like Grails
• Testing practices
– Unit tests
– Usability tests
– Test automation
• Release and deploy
– Developer sandbox
– Continuous Deployment
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 20

Recommended for you

AIA2019 - Mariam Rafehi - Create Your Landing Page & Collecting Leads
AIA2019 - Mariam Rafehi - Create Your Landing Page & Collecting LeadsAIA2019 - Mariam Rafehi - Create Your Landing Page & Collecting Leads
AIA2019 - Mariam Rafehi - Create Your Landing Page & Collecting Leads

This document provides guidance on creating an effective landing page to collect leads and validate a solution. It recommends including a catchy headline, sub-headline, clear call to action, and value proposition with great copy and visuals. A checklist is given for the landing page, and a step-by-step guide outlines how to plan, design, and use the page by setting a goal, defining the solution for customers, using simple branding and images, connecting it to analytics, and testing it for 5 seconds to validate the message is understood. An example experiment card is also shown.

landing pagemarketing
How-to Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
How-to Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)How-to Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
How-to Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Learn tactics to rapidly build and test a startup idea with a minimal budget. Step-by-step details to create your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and achieve Product-Market-Channel-Fit. Quickly build, launch, test, gather data, analyze data, iterate, and/ or kill the startup idea. Have questions? Tweet @Adriana_Herrera or email adriana [at] openbubbles dot com.

lean startupstartupsstartup
Building an MVP
Building an MVPBuilding an MVP
Building an MVP

The document discusses building a minimum viable product (MVP) for a project idea. It provides examples of MVPs for Facebook, Dropbox, and Zappos and explains how they tested hypotheses with very simple initial products. The meeting's agenda is then to understand lean startup methodology and MVPs, see examples, and use story mapping to define an MVP for a semester project. Story mapping is introduced as a technique to replace feature lists with a two-dimensional map focusing on user activities and vision. Attendees will work in groups to define an MVP for a project helping users find and share healthy recipes.

how can we quantify the
benefits of lean startup based
development ?
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 21
time savings
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 22
MVP Dev.
Beta Development (6m) UAT
Requirements , architecture, design(6m) Beta Development (8m) Int.
Rework (3m)
• 10 months to launch the beta
• <1 month for initial requirement
• No additional integration effort
required due to continuous
integration. The integration happens
every day
• No changes for beta due to frequent
feedbacks, demo, MVP & interim
• 19+ months to launch the beta
• 6+ months of requirements,
architecture, design
• Additional 1 month of integration
• Due to late feedback, the potential
rework of 3+ months post beta
traditional SDLC lean startup
time savings
m = month
9 months of time gain (47%)
cost savings
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 23
• Just enough documentation using
product backlog, sprint backlog and
• Savings of integration effort
• Others – Saving on repetitive efforts
(tests, deploys, etc…)
• Requires more effort for detailed
requirement documentation, review,
validation, sign-off
• Additional cost for integration
• Additional cost of rework due to late
customer feedback and changes
traditional SDLC lean startup
Activity Effort (person-months) Cost (USD)
Requirements (0.5 FTE x 6m) 3pm 480
Development (4 FTE x 8m) 32pm 5,120
Integration (4 FTE x 1m) 4pm 640
UAT (4 FTE x 1m) 4pm 640
Rework (4 FTE x 3m) 12pm 1,920
Activity Effort (person-months) Cost (USD)
Requirements (0.2 FTE x 6m) 1.2pm 192
Development (4 FTE x 8m) 32pm 5,120
Integration 0 pm 0
UAT (4 FTE x 1m) 4pm 640
Rework 0pm 0
$32 over $100 savings (32%)
* assumption : cost of $1 / hour
quality benefits
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 24
• Frequent feedback through sprint demos
and working software releases
• Continuous automated quality checks
on continuous integration platforms
• 100x more testing cycles
• 10x full system testing cycles
• Testing is not frequent; done on big chunks
• Entire system is barely tested 1 or 2 times
• Disconnected pieces are internally tested;
customer feedback is very late
traditional SDLC lean startup
Superior Quality – cost of defect is majorly reduced (-55%)
automated tests / unit & behaviour
functional testing
customer feedback
acceptance tests with customer
100 defects: (80% @3x) 240 + (20% @5x) 100 = 340 defect points
100 defects: (80% @1x) 80 + (15% @3x) 45 + (5% @ 5x) 25 = 150 defect points

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Running lean - YearOneLabs, Montreal
Running lean - YearOneLabs, MontrealRunning lean - YearOneLabs, Montreal
Running lean - YearOneLabs, Montreal

This document introduces the concept of "Running Lean", which is a systematic process for iterating a web application from the initial "Plan A" to a plan that works. It discusses how most startups fail because they do not change their original plans even when they are not working. Running Lean involves three stages - validating the problem/solution fit, achieving product/market fit, and optimizing for scale. It emphasizes the importance of testing hypotheses through experiments, gathering both qualitative and quantitative customer feedback, and using that learning to continually pivot and improve the product. The overall goal is to iterate quickly and use validated learning to progress from an unproven initial plan to one that customers want.

running leanlean startupcustomer development
AIA2019 - Emad Saif - Business & Revenue Models
AIA2019 - Emad Saif - Business & Revenue ModelsAIA2019 - Emad Saif - Business & Revenue Models
AIA2019 - Emad Saif - Business & Revenue Models

The document discusses business model innovation through recognizing patterns. It identifies three types of business model innovation: product, customer, and revenue innovation. Examples are provided for each type. Product innovation includes improving performance, sustainability, customization, extra services, localization, and design. Customer innovation involves finding new markets, sales channels, loyalty programs, service, community building, and co-creation. Revenue innovation examples provided are one-time payments, subscriptions, freemium models, advertising, pay per use, and bait-and-hook strategies. The document advocates recognizing these patterns from other companies to help pivot and experiment with new business model innovations.

business modelrevenue model
Will Everitt, Pacific Magazines
Will Everitt, Pacific Magazines Will Everitt, Pacific Magazines
Will Everitt, Pacific Magazines

The CEO of Microsoft stated that every business will become a software business. Pacific Magazines lost its technology edge by solely focusing on print with no digital strategy for over a decade. To regain its "tech mojo", Pacific Magazines focused on transforming its products, processes, people, and technology. This included establishing agile processes, onboarding new digital talent, empowering cross-functional teams, and building scalable platforms to enable rapid innovation and frequent delivery of new digital experiences. As a result, Pacific Magazines released engaging digital products, established clear roadmaps, created a high performing team, and built a quality technology foundation to ensure its long term survival in a fast changing market.

business value
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 25
• Frequent & early value through MVP &
• Can adapt - early product visibility
• Able to generate more revenue due to
early MVP deliveries
• Value (product) is delivered only once
• Often perceived as insufficient value –
gaps, misunderstandings, and unwanted
• Revenue realization is late - high risk of
losing the competitive edge
traditional SDLC lean startup
Early and frequent Value  More opportunity  More $$$
1 4 7 10 13 16 19
Traditional SDLC
Lean Startup
quantified benefits
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 26
-47% -32%
+55% +40%
How we embraced lean startup here…
• Unknown problem; unknown solution
• Solution evolves iteratively to validate the hypothesis
• High level of customer focus and development
• Uses Agile development practices
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 27
client endorsement
“Insight Education Group has been working with
People10 on the development of a new suite of web-
based products. From the beginning of the process,
the knowledgeable and experienced team has been
responsive to our vision, helping craft that vision into a
reality. The Lean Startup philosophy is integral to the
product development processes at Insight.”
Richard Nyankori, Executive Vice President
Nancy Goodman, Senior Project Director
- Insight Education Group
Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 28

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Dashlane Mission Teams

We explain the history of our agile organization with a focus on the latest round of evolution of our Product and Engineering organization, moving from business-oriented feature teams to mission teams.

agilefeature teamsmission
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Join us as we hear Ramkumar Ravichandran, the Director of A/B Testing at Visa Checkout, explain how he created a high impact experimentation program. Ram will take us through the growth of Visa’s program: from selling the value, to laying down the vision, the roadmap and success criteria, to creating the right team and driving engagement with the program. Attend this webinar to learn: -How an experimentation program drives business impact. -A model to drive continuous stakeholder engagement with the program. -How to build a roadmap that goes above and beyond simple UX optimization.

experience optimizationoptimizationoptimizely
• email me at for your
complementary 30 minutes product development
• Survey
• Handbook
• #People10Meetup
• @people_10
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Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 30
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Lean Startup: Reduce 40% go-to-market time & cost on your next product launch

  • 1. Reduce 40% go-to- market time & cost on your next product launch #People10Meetup @people_10
  • 2. the speaker • Senior Product professional with 16+ years of experience in B2B and B2C (Web / Mobile, Cloud / Analytics) products in Telecom, Banking, Education and Healthcare industries world-wide • Evangelist of Agile and Lean (Scrum, XP, Kanban, Lean Startup) • Consultant to Fortune 500 companies on transformations and Advanced Project / Program / Portfolio management Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development Nisha Shoukath Co-Founder, People10 @nishashoukath 2
  • 3. the panelist • Technology Leader with 18+ years experience in building mission critical products for Investment Banking, Education, Healthcare and E-Commerce, across the globe • Adviser to Fortune 500 companies for Enterprise transformations • Agile and Lean evangelist; Led 1000 member Agile organization for a global Investment Bank • Expert in Continuous deployment, MVP and UX for Web / Mobile / Cloud / Analytics for B2B and B2C Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development Rakesh Dahiya Co-Founder, People10 @rakeshdahiya 3
  • 4. for the attendees! 30 minutes of FREE consultation for your Lean Product Development (technology choices, frameworks, practices, approach) Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 4 +
  • 5. …in the next 45 minutes • New products & concerns • Startups, Lean Startups… • Traditional vs. Agile vs. Lean Startup • Why Lean startup? • Lean startup principles • Case study on quantified benefits • Q&A Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 5
  • 6. are you planning to launch a new technology product? Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 6
  • 8. what is a startup for us here? “A human institution designed to create new products and services under conditions of extreme uncertainty” “Nothing to do with size of the company, sector of the economy or industry” Eric Ries – 2011 Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 8
  • 9. traditional waterfall approach • Unit of progress : „Advance to next stage‟ • Take untested, un-validated assumptions and pour money into it • Lessons are learned only at the end • Cost of learning is hefty • Causes most products to fail Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 9 Problem is Known Solution is Known
  • 10. agile • Unit of progress : „Line of working code‟ • Your business idea is very clear and validated • Solution evolves iteratively • Needs iterative delivery • High product quality Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 10 Problem is Known Solution is Unknown Product owner / internal customer
  • 11. • “Should this product be built?” instead of “Can this product be built?” • “Can we build a sustainable business around this set of products and services?” Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 11 why do we need to look beyond agile?
  • 12. lean startup • Unknown problem; unknown solution • Solution evolves iteratively to validate the hypothesis • High level of customer focus and development • Uses Agile development practices Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 12
  • 13. lean startup principles • Eliminate uncertainty • Develop an MVP • Validated learning • Pivot • The power of feedback loop Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 13
  • 14. Practices to minimize total time to feedback loop Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 14 Build Code Measure Data Learn Ideas Build Faster Unit test Usability Test Continuous Integration Incremental Deployment Free & Open-Source Cloud Computing Cluster Immune System Just-in-time Scalability Refactoring Developer Sandbox Minimum Viable Product Funnel Analysis Cohort Analysis Net Promoter Score Search Engine Marketing Predictive Monitoring Split Tests Continuous Deployment Usability Tests Real-time Monitoring & Alerting Customer Liaison Measure FasterSplit Tests Customer Deployment Five Whys Customer Advisory Board Falsifiable Hypotheses Product Owner Accountability Customer Archetypes Cross-functional Teams Semi-autonomous Teams Smoke Tests Learn Faster
  • 15. what is an MVP? • A Minimum Viable Product is version of your “product” that maximizes validated learning for the least amount of effort • NOT an MVP: a landing page to get sign-ups • Great companies that started this way… – Email MVP (TimeHop) – Blog MVP (Groupon) – Video MVP (DropBox) – Hustle MVP (paper prototypes…) • Simple wireframes and working prototypes Get out of the building, talk to possible customers and hack together a creative solution to solve their problems Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 15
  • 16. case study Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 16
  • 17. B2B education product Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 17 The client is a leading EduTech product and consulting firm specializing in K12 space, working with the US school districts offering advanced teaching solutions. Background Goal: Improve teaching standards for education institutions through expert consulting and innovative technology platforms Complex non-functional requirements: Domain standards, third party connectivity, content distribution, responsive UX, high speed video streaming, multi-browser compatibility, scalability, collaboration features… Business need
  • 18. solution highlights Approach • Lean startup delivery model (iterative delivery, MVP and continuous deployment) • Captured priorities through product backlog and wireframes – Zero specs! • 8 weeks MVP and 6 months Beta Benefits • Client showcased the MVP and got customer validation • MVP helped to get market feedback; iterative changes in UI and product features • Recipe for product‟s success and avoided cost escalation and time delays Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 18
  • 19. How we built fast Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 19 Build Code Measure Data Learn Ideas Build Faster Unit test Usability Test Continuous Integration Incremental Deployment Free & Open-Source Cloud Computing Cluster Immune System Just-in-time Scalability Refactoring Developer Sandbox Minimum Viable Product Funnel Analysis Cohort Analysis Net Promoter Score Search Engine Marketing Predictive Monitoring Split Tests Continuous Deployment Usability Tests Real-time Monitoring & Alerting Customer Liaison Measure FasterSplit Tests Customer Deployment Five Whys Customer Advisory Board Falsifiable Hypotheses Product Owner Accountability Customer Archetypes Cross-functional Teams Semi-autonomous Teams Smoke Tests Learn Faster
  • 20. build practices used • Customer validation – MVP Approach, Wireframes – End-user feedback • Technology – Open source stack (HTML5, CSS3, Popcorn.js, Knockout.js, MongoDB, Groovy, Node.js, Bootstrap UI) – Cloud hosted solution Amazon EC3 – Just-in-time, scalable architecture and design – Productive frameworks like Grails • Testing practices – Unit tests – Usability tests – Test automation • Release and deploy – Developer sandbox – Continuous Deployment Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 20
  • 21. how can we quantify the benefits of lean startup based development ? Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 21
  • 22. time savings Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 22 Req. (1m) MVP Dev. (2m) Beta Development (6m) UAT (1m ) Requirements , architecture, design(6m) Beta Development (8m) Int. (1m ) UAT (1m) Rework (3m) • 10 months to launch the beta • <1 month for initial requirement capture • No additional integration effort required due to continuous integration. The integration happens every day • No changes for beta due to frequent feedbacks, demo, MVP & interim releases • 19+ months to launch the beta • 6+ months of requirements, architecture, design • Additional 1 month of integration • Due to late feedback, the potential rework of 3+ months post beta deployment. traditional SDLC lean startup time savings m = month 9 months of time gain (47%)
  • 23. cost savings Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 23 • Just enough documentation using product backlog, sprint backlog and wireframes • Savings of integration effort • Others – Saving on repetitive efforts (tests, deploys, etc…) • Requires more effort for detailed requirement documentation, review, validation, sign-off • Additional cost for integration • Additional cost of rework due to late customer feedback and changes traditional SDLC lean startup Activity Effort (person-months) Cost (USD) Requirements (0.5 FTE x 6m) 3pm 480 Development (4 FTE x 8m) 32pm 5,120 Integration (4 FTE x 1m) 4pm 640 UAT (4 FTE x 1m) 4pm 640 Rework (4 FTE x 3m) 12pm 1,920 8,800 Activity Effort (person-months) Cost (USD) Requirements (0.2 FTE x 6m) 1.2pm 192 Development (4 FTE x 8m) 32pm 5,120 Integration 0 pm 0 UAT (4 FTE x 1m) 4pm 640 Rework 0pm 0 5,952 $32 over $100 savings (32%) * assumption : cost of $1 / hour
  • 24. quality benefits Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 24 • Frequent feedback through sprint demos and working software releases • Continuous automated quality checks on continuous integration platforms • 100x more testing cycles • 10x full system testing cycles • Testing is not frequent; done on big chunks • Entire system is barely tested 1 or 2 times • Disconnected pieces are internally tested; customer feedback is very late traditional SDLC lean startup Superior Quality – cost of defect is majorly reduced (-55%) automated tests / unit & behaviour functional testing customer feedback acceptance tests with customer 100 defects: (80% @3x) 240 + (20% @5x) 100 = 340 defect points 100 defects: (80% @1x) 80 + (15% @3x) 45 + (5% @ 5x) 25 = 150 defect points
  • 25. business value Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 25 • Frequent & early value through MVP & releases • Can adapt - early product visibility • Able to generate more revenue due to early MVP deliveries • Value (product) is delivered only once • Often perceived as insufficient value – gaps, misunderstandings, and unwanted features • Revenue realization is late - high risk of losing the competitive edge traditional SDLC lean startup Early and frequent Value  More opportunity  More $$$ -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 Traditional SDLC Lean Startup
  • 26. quantified benefits Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 26 TIME COST QUALITY BUSINESS VALUE -47% -32% +55% +40%
  • 27. How we embraced lean startup here… • Unknown problem; unknown solution • Solution evolves iteratively to validate the hypothesis • High level of customer focus and development • Uses Agile development practices Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 27
  • 28. client endorsement “Insight Education Group has been working with People10 on the development of a new suite of web- based products. From the beginning of the process, the knowledgeable and experienced team has been responsive to our vision, helping craft that vision into a reality. The Lean Startup philosophy is integral to the product development processes at Insight.” Richard Nyankori, Executive Vice President Nancy Goodman, Senior Project Director - Insight Education Group Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 28
  • 29. • email me at for your complementary 30 minutes product development consultation • Survey • Handbook • #People10Meetup • @people_10 Copyright. People10 | Lean Startup Product Development 29
  • 31. agile & lean product development THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!