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Dave McClure, Founders Fund
Startup Metrics for Pirates

•    Acquisition: users come to site from various channels
•    Activation: users enjoy 1st visit: "happy” experience
•    Retention: users come back, visit site multiple times
•    Referral: users like product enough to refer others
•    Revenue: users conduct some monetization behavior


      (note: If you’re in a hurry, Google
      “Startup Metrics” & watch 5m video)
50 Slides + 30 Min = Crap.
The Basics
•    Measure Stuff. Keep It Simple.
•    5 Steps: Startup Metrics for Pirates (AARRR!)
•    3 Metrics Frameworks + 3 Roles (CEO, Dev/Product, Marketing)
•    Iterate & Optimize. Feedback Loop. (Loop. Loop.)
•    One Step at a Time. The “Ass vs. Face” Issue.

Appendix (we won’t have time)
•    Activation
•    Retention
•    Acquisition
•    Referral
•    Revenue
Dave McClure


•  Startup Investor: 500 Hats LLC, Founders Fund
•  Tech Marketing: PayPal, Simply Hired, Mint

•  Advisor, Angel Investor: 40+ Startups

•  Conf. Organizer: Web 2.0, O’Reilly, Startonomics

•  Stanford Visiting Lecturer: Facebook, Startup Metrics

80’s & 90’s:

•  Entrepreneur: Founder/CEO Aslan Computing (acq.)

•  Developer: Windows Apps / SQL DB Admin

•  User Groups: E-Commerce, Internet, Client-Server

•  Engineer: Johns Hopkins ‘88, BS Eng / Applied Math
Personal Investments (2004-2008)
+40x         +10x
Professional Investments (2009)

FF Angel – 12 deals @$50-250K   fbFund REV – 22 deals @ ~$15-75K
Web 2.0: Hell Yes, Good Times.

1.  # Users, Bandwidth = Bigger.
2.  Lower Startup Costs = Badder.
3.  PPC, E-Com $ Growing = Uncut.

  Collect Usage Metrics in Real-Time
  Decisions Based on Measured User Behavior
The Startup Metrics Religion

•  Progress ≠ Features (Less = More)
•  Focus on User Experience
•  Measure Conversion; Compare 2+ Options
•  Fast, Frequent Iteration (+ Feedback Loop)
•  Keep it Simple & Actionable
Minimize TOTAL time through the loop


     LEARN             BUILD



                                Source: Eric Ries,
                                The Lean Startup
There’s much more…



Split Tests        LEARN
               Unit Tests
Customer Interviews                                                                    Usability Tests
Customer Development                                                          Continuous Integration
Five Whys Root Cause Analysis                                               Incremental Deployment
Customer Advisory Board                                                         Free & Open-Source
Falsifiable Hypotheses                                                                   Components
Product Owner Accountability                                                       Cloud Computing
Customer Archetypes
Cross-functional Teams
           Cluster Immune System
                                                                              Just-in-time Scalability
Semi-autonomous Teams                                                                     Refactoring
Smoke Tests                                                                      Developer Sandbox
                                                                            Minimum Viable Product

                Funnel Analysis

                   Cohort Analysis
       Net Promoter Score
           Search Engine
        Real-Time Alerting           Source: Eric Ries,
         Predictive Monitoring          The Lean Startup
The Startup Pyramid
         (Sean Ellis,


                        Transition to

                    Product/Market Fit
Q: What’s My Business Model?

Can be one of the following:
   1. Get Users (= Acquisition, Referral)
   2. Drive Usage (= Activation, Retention)
   3. Make Money (= Revenue*)
     * ideally profitable revenue

Note: eventually need to turn Users/Usage -> Money
AARRR!: 5-Step Startup Metrics Model
                                     SEO          Campaigns,
                           SEM              PR     Contests
          Networks                                                   Dev
                            Blogs                  Affiliates
         Apps &                                                    Direct, Tel,
         Widgets                    Email                              TV



                            Homepage /                                           Emails &
                                                   Landing Page

                                              Product                           Affiliates,

                                               Features                          Contests

                  Biz Dev



Just Gimme the GOOD Metrics.
             Users, Pages, Clicks, Emails, $$$...?

         Q: Which of these is best? How do you know?
           •  1,000,000 one-time, unregistered unique visitors

the        •  500,000 visitors who view 2+ pages / stay 10+ sec
good       •  200,000 visitors who clicked on a link or button
           •  20,000 registered users w/ email address
           •  2,000 passionate fans who refer 5+ users / mo.
           •  1,000 monthly subscribers @ $5/mo
Startup Challenges

Startups have problems in 3 key areas:
•  Management: Setting Priorities, Defining Key Metrics,
   Creating Dashboard, Reporting Progress

•  Product: Building the “Right” Features, Getting Product
   Out Quickly, Testing for User Conversion / Adoption

•  Marketing: Accessing “Web 2.0” Channels (Search,
   Social, Viral, New Media), Cost-Efficient Distribution
3 Core Models:
     biz model, conversion dashboard, mktg channels

•  Define 1-Page Biz Model: customer segments + desired actions / behaviors
•  Identify critical Conversion Events & Dashboard for each segment & prioritize
•  Test & develop Marketing Channels; measure Volume (#), Cost ($), Conv (%)

  Optimize product & marketing using Fast Iteration Cycles & A/B Testing
Role: Founder/CEO
Q: Which Metrics? Why?
A: Focus on Critical Few Actionable Metrics
   (if you don���t use the metric to make a decision, it’s not actionable)

•  Hypothesize Customer Lifecycle
•  Target ~3-5 Conversion Events (tip: Less = More)
•  Test, Measure, Iterate to Improve
The 1-Page Business Model
             (Users + Conversions + Priorities)
   Q1: What types of people use your website?
       •  Visitor = Average User / Buyer
       •  Contributor = Content Contributor / Seller
       •  Distributor = Passionate Fan (unpaid) / Affiliate (paid)
   Q2: What actions could they take to help you or them ?

                  Visitor            Contributor              Distributor
                                                           (aka “Share Pimp”)
Activation         Watch                Submit               Share/Embed
                a slideshow           a slideshow             a slideshow
Retention       Visit 1x/mo.       Submit “hi-qual”         Share/Embed =>
                for 3+ mo’s      ppt (=> 1K views/yr)      drive 100 visits/mo
                                      every mo.                for 3+ mo’s
Revenue          Ad Click;       $/mo Premium Sub;               Drive
               Qualified Lead    Pay $$+ for traffic or   10+ Premium users;
                Generated              leads                 1K+ Viewers
TeachStreet Metrics v1:
  Eye Chart Madness
TeachStreet 1-Page Business Model:
       Teachers & Students

                       Teachers                 Students
   Activation   •  laim Profile
                 C                       •  ontact Teacher
                •  dd Class
                 A                       •  iew 3 Pages

   Retention    •  isit 1x/mo for 3 mo’s •  isit 1x/mo for 3 mo’s
                 V                        V

   Referral     •  equest Review
                 R                       •  uggest Teacher
TeachStreet: 45-day Claim Rates
       (Seattle, Portland)
Role: Product / Engineering
Q: What Features to Build? Why? When are you “Done”?
A: Easy-to-Find, Fun/Useful, Unique Features that
   Increase Conversion (stop iterating when increase decelerates)

•  Wireframes = Conversion Steps
•  Measure, A/B Test, Iterate FAST (daily/weekly)
•  Optimize for Conversion Improvement
    –  80% on existing feature optimization
    –  20% on new feature development
Optimize 4 Happiness                     $$$
            (both User + Business)

•    Define States of User + Business Value
•    Prioritize (Estimate) Relative Value of Each State
•    Move Users: Lower Value -> Higher Value
•    Optimize for User Happiness / Business $$$
•    Achieve Low Cost + High Value @ Scale
Discover Meaning
             Keywords, Images, Call-to-Action

Top 10 - 100 words                     Call-to-Action
    •  Your Brand / Products               •  Words
    •  Customer Needs / Benefits           •  Images
    •  Competitor’s Brand / Products       •  Context
    •  Semantic Equivalents                •  Button/Link
    •  Misspellings                        •  Emotion

Relevant images                        Result
    •  People                             •  Positive?
    •  Products                           •  Negative?
    •  Problems                           •  Neutral (= Death)
    •  Solutions                          •  A/B test & Iterate
Example Conversion Dashboard
                  (note: *not* actuals… your mileage may vary)

  Stage                     Conversion Status                         Conv.   Est. Value
                                                                       %      (*not* cost)

Acquisition         Visitors -> Site/Widget/Landing Page              60%        $.05
                (2+ pages, 10+ sec, 1+ clicks = don’t abandon)

Activation              “Happy” 1st Visit; Usage/Signup               15%        $.25
              (clicks/time/pages, email/profile reg, feature usage)

Retention            Users Come Back; Multiple Visits                  5%         $1
                 (1-3x visits/mo; email/feed open rate / CTR)

 Referral                    Users Refer Others                        1%         $5
                       (cust sat >=8; viral K factor > 1; )

 Revenue                    Users Pay / Generate $$$                   2%         $50
                   (first txn, break-even, target profitability)
Role: Marketing / Sales

Q: What channels? Which users? Why?
A: High Volume (#), Low Cost ($), High Conv (%)

•     Design & Test Multiple Marketing Channels + Campaigns
•     Select & Focus on Best-Performing Channels & Themes
•     Optimize for conversion to target CTAs, not just site/landing page
•     Match/Drive channel cost to/below revenue potential

•     Low-Hanging Fruit:
     –  Blogs
     –  SEO/SEM
     –  Landing Pages
     –  Automated Emails
Example Marketing Channels
•    PR                   •    Email
•    Contest              •    SEO / SEM
•    Biz Dev              •    Blogs / Bloggers
•    Direct Marketing     •    Viral / Referral
•    Radio / TV / Print   •    Affiliate / CPA
•    Dedicated Sales      •    Widgets / Apps
•    Telemarketing        •    LOLCats ;)
MAARRRketing Plan

Marketing Plan = Target Customer Acquisition Channels
   •  3 Important Factors = Volume (#), Cost ($), Conversion (%)
   •  Measure conversion to target customer actions
   •  Test audience segments, campaign themes, Call-To-Action (CTAs)

[Gradually] Match Channel Costs => Revenue Potential
    •  Increase Vol. & Conversion, Decrease Cost, Optimize for Revenue Potential
    •  Avg Txn Value (ATV), Ann Rev Per User (ARPU), Cust Lifetime Value (CLV)
    •  Design channels that (eventually) cost <20-50% of target ATV, ARPU, CLV

Consider Costs, Scarce Resource Tradeoffs
   •  Actual $ expenses
   •  Marketing time & resources
   •  Product/Engineering time & resources
   •  Cashflow timing of expense vs. revenue, profit
One Step at a Time.

1. Make a Good Product: Activation & Retention
2. Market the Product: Acquisition & Referral
3. Make Money: Revenue & Profitability

  “You probably can’t save your Ass and your Face
  at the same time… choose carefully.” – DMC

•    Measure Stuff. Keep It Simple.
•    5 Steps: Startup Metrics for Pirates (AARRR!)
•    3 Items: Biz Model, Conversion, Mktg Channels
•    Iterate & Optimize. Feedback Loop. (Loop. Loop).
•    One Step at a Time.
Links & Resources
Additional References:
• Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Robert Cialdini (book)
• Putting the Fun in Functional Amy Jo Kim (etech 2006 preso)
• Futuristic Play Andrew Chen (blog)
• Don’t Make Me Think Steve Krug (book)
• Designing for the Social Web Joshua Porter (book, website)
• Startup Lessons Learned Eric Ries (blog)
• Customer Development Methodology Steve Blank (presentation, blog)
• Sean Ellis (blog)
• Hiten Shah / Neil Patel (website)
• How To Pitch a VC Dave McClure (slides, NSFW)
Startup Metrics

                         SEO          Campaigns,
              SEM                PR    Contests
Networks                                               Dev
                Blogs                   Affiliates                      Activation Criteria:
Apps &                                               Direct, Tel,
Widgets                 Email                            TV             • 10-30+ seconds
          Domains                                                       • 2-3+ page views
                                                                        • 3-5+ clicks
                                                                        • 1 key feature usage
                                       Homepage /
                                      Landing Page


                                                                    do LOTS of landing page
                                                                    & A/B tests –
                                                                    make lots of dumb
                                                                    guesses & iterate FAST
          What do users do on their first visit?

Example Activation Goals
   •  Click on something!
   •  Account sign up / Emails
   •  Referrals / Tell a friend
   •  Widgets / Embeds
   •  Low Bounce Rate

Activation Tips
    •  Less is more
    •  Focus on user experience / usability
    •  Provide incentives & call to actions
    •  Test and iterate continuously
       What do users do on their first visit?

Key Metrics to Track
   Pages per visit
   Time on site
   Conversions
   Crazy Egg (Visual Click Mapping)
   Google Website Optimizer (A/B & Multivariate Testing) (B2B Lead Generation Management)

   Experimentation and Testing: A Primer
   Landing Page Design Toolbox: 100 Tips & Tools
   Landing Page Tutorials & Case Studies
   101 Easy Easy to use Google Website Optimizer
Startup Metrics

                                                                             SEO            Campaigns,
Automated emails:                                                  SEM              PR       Contests
                                                  Networks                                                  Dev
• lifecycle emails @ +3, +7, +30d                                   Blogs                    Affiliates
                                                 Apps &                                                   Direct, Tel,
• status / “best of” weekly/monthly              Widgets                    Email                             TV
• “something happened” emails                                Domains
• make it easy to unsubscribe

                                Homepage /
                                                                                         Landing Page


Tip on emails:
• > 80% or more on SUBJECT LINE

• < 20% or less on BODY TEXT                Time‐based

            How do users come back? How often?

Cohort Analysis:
•  Distrib of Visits over Time
•  Rate of Decay
•  Effective Customer Lifecycle

Retention Methods
  Automated Emails
   * Track open rate / CTR / Quantity
  RSS / News Feeds
   * Track % viewed / CTR / Quantity
  Widgets / Embeds
   * Track impressions / CTR / Quantity
       How do users come back? How often?

Example Retention Goals
   •  1 - 3+ visits per month
   •  20% open rate / 2% CTR
   •  High deliverability / Low spam rating
   •  Long customer life cycle / Low decay
   •  Identify fanatics and cheerleaders

Retention Tips
   •  Email is simple and it works
   •  BUT make unsubscribe easy
   •  80% subject line / 20% body text
   •  ACTUALLY 99% subject line / 1% body text
   •  Fanatics = virality + affiliate channel (bloggers?)
       How do users come back? How often?

Key Metrics to Track
    Source
    Quantity
    Conversions
    Visitor Loyalty
    Session Length
   Campaign Monitor / MailChimp (email newsletter software) /
   TriggerMail (site-centric email management)
   Litmus (email and website design testing - clients / browsers)

   30 free HTML email templates
   Best Practices in Writing Email Subject Lines
   Learning Viral: Viral Emails of
Startup Metrics

                         SEO         Campaigns,
              SEM               PR    Contests       Biz
Networks                                             Dev
                Blogs                 Affiliates
Apps &                                             Direct, Tel,
Widgets                 Email                          TV


                                                   Marketing Channels:
                                                      • largest-volume (#)
                                                      • lowest-cost ($)
                                                      • best-performing (%)

        Where are users coming from?

Acquisition Methods
 Blogs
 Email
 Social Media &
  Social Networks
 Domains
                     Keyword Vocabulary

Top 10 - 100 words
    •  Your Brand / Products
    •  Customer Needs / Benefits
    •  Competitor’s Brand / Products
    •  Semantic Equivalents
    •  Misspellings

Things to analyze
    •  Sources
    •  Volume
    •  Cost
    •  Conversion
         Where are users coming from?

Key Metrics to Track           Example
   Quantity (#)
   Cost ($)
   Conversions (%)
   Google Analytics (web analytics)
   Google Keyword Tool (keyword research tool)
   SEO Book Tools (SEO related tools)

   SEO Book Blog
   The Social Media Manual: Read Before You Play
   Strategies to ruthlessly acquire users
Startup Metrics

                                     SEO               Campaigns,
                           SEM                  PR      Contests          Biz
          Networks                                                        Dev
                            Blogs                          Affiliates
         Apps &                                                         Direct, Tel,
         Widgets                    Email                                   TV                  Viral


                                                                                                            Emails &
                                    Homepage /
                                                           Landing Page

                                                      Product                      Contests


                                                                                       Focus on driving referrals


                                                                                       *after* users have a
                                                                                       “happy” experience;
                                                                   avg score >= 8 out of 10
          How do users refer others?

Referral Methods
 Send to Friend:
  Email / IM
 Social Media
 Widgets / Embeds
 Affiliates
                       Viral Growth Factor

  Viral Growth Factor = X * Y * Z
     X = % of users who invite other people
     Y = average # of people that they invited
     Z = % of users who accepted an invitation

A viral growth factor > 1 means an exponential organic user acquisition.
   Gigya (social media distribution & tracking tool)
   ShareThis / AddThis (sharing buttons) /
   GetMyContacts (PHP contacts importing & invitation software)

   Seven Ways to GO VIRAL
   What’s your viral loop? Understanding the engine of adoption
   Metrics: Where Users Come From
Startup Metrics

                                     SEO               Campaigns,
                           SEM                  PR      Contests
          Networks                                                        Dev
                            Blogs                          Affiliates
         Apps &                                                         Direct, Tel,
         Widgets                    Email                                   TV



                                    Homepage /                                        Emails &
                                                           Landing Page

                                                      Product                        Affiliates,

                                                       Features                       Contests

                  Biz Dev



       This is the part *you*                
       still have to figure out…
       (we don’t know jack
       about your business)
                How do you make money?

Revenue Tips
  •    Don’t Rely on AdSense (only)
  •    Start Free => 2% “Freemium”
  •    Subscription / Recurring transactions
  •    Qualify your customers -> Lead generation (arbitrage)
  •    Sell something! (physical or virtual)
Resources & Tools
   Revenue Metrics (Andrew Chen)
   How to Create a Profitable “Freemium” Startup (Andrew Chen)
   2008 Affiliate Marketing Review (Scott Jangro)
Be Bold. Be Humble.

       20% Inspiration + 80% Perspiration
       Long-term: Audacity + Creative Inspiration
       Short-term: Humility + Analytic Rigor

Stuff That Matters:
•    Passion for Problem/Solution + Hypothesis of Customer Lifecycle
•    1-page Business Model: Prioritized List of (Users + Conversions)
•    Critical, Few, Actionable Metrics + Dashboard of Measured User Behavior
•    1-pg Marketing Plan: (Channels + Campaigns) * (Volume, Cost, Conv %)
•    Velocity of (Product Execution + Cycle Time of Testing) * Iteration
Passion vs. Precision
•  “Solve a Problem” = Passion
•  “Optimize the Solution” = Precision

  Long-term: Audacity + Creative Inspiration
  Short-term: Humility + Analytic Rigor

   •  Precision” is Illusion; “data” is fuzzy
   •  Collecting & Interpreting data takes time & effort
   •  Keep Metrics Simple & Actionable
Types of Measurement
1.       Qualitative: Usability Testing / Session Monitoring
      •    Watch users, guess problems & solutions from small # of users

2.       Quantitative: Traffic Analysis / User Engagement
      •    Track users, usage, conv %'s for empirical sample # of users

3.       Comparative: A/B, Multivariate Testing
      •    Compare what users do in one scenario vs another
      •    Measure which copy/graphics/UI are most effective

4.       Competitive: Monitoring & Tracking Competitors
      •    Track competitor activity & compare against yours (if possible)
      •    Compare channels, keyword traffic, demographics, user sat, etc.
Design, Optimize for Conversion

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Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp, Sept 2009)

  • 1. Dave McClure, Founders Fund
  • 2. Startup Metrics for Pirates •  Acquisition: users come to site from various channels •  Activation: users enjoy 1st visit: "happy” experience •  Retention: users come back, visit site multiple times •  Referral: users like product enough to refer others •  Revenue: users conduct some monetization behavior AARRR! (note: If you’re in a hurry, Google “Startup Metrics” & watch 5m video)
  • 3. 50 Slides + 30 Min = Crap. The Basics •  Measure Stuff. Keep It Simple. •  5 Steps: Startup Metrics for Pirates (AARRR!) •  3 Metrics Frameworks + 3 Roles (CEO, Dev/Product, Marketing) •  Iterate & Optimize. Feedback Loop. (Loop. Loop.) •  One Step at a Time. The “Ass vs. Face” Issue. Appendix (we won’t have time) •  Activation •  Retention •  Acquisition •  Referral •  Revenue
  • 4. Dave McClure 2001-2009:
 •  Startup Investor: 500 Hats LLC, Founders Fund •  Tech Marketing: PayPal, Simply Hired, Mint
 •  Advisor, Angel Investor: 40+ Startups
 •  Conf. Organizer: Web 2.0, O’Reilly, Startonomics
 •  Stanford Visiting Lecturer: Facebook, Startup Metrics
 80’s & 90’s:
 •  Entrepreneur: Founder/CEO Aslan Computing (acq.)
 •  Developer: Windows Apps / SQL DB Admin
 •  User Groups: E-Commerce, Internet, Client-Server
 •  Engineer: Johns Hopkins ‘88, BS Eng / Applied Math
  • 6. Professional Investments (2009) FF Angel – 12 deals @$50-250K fbFund REV – 22 deals @ ~$15-75K
  • 7. Web 2.0: Hell Yes, Good Times. 1.  # Users, Bandwidth = Bigger. 2.  Lower Startup Costs = Badder. 3.  PPC, E-Com $ Growing = Uncut.   Collect Usage Metrics in Real-Time   Decisions Based on Measured User Behavior
  • 8. The Startup Metrics Religion •  Progress ≠ Features (Less = More) •  Focus on User Experience •  Measure Conversion; Compare 2+ Options •  Fast, Frequent Iteration (+ Feedback Loop) •  Keep it Simple & Actionable
  • 9. Minimize TOTAL time through the loop IDEAS LEARN BUILD DATA CODE MEASURE Source: Eric Ries, The Lean Startup
  • 10. There’s much more… IDEAS
 Split Tests LEARN
 Unit Tests Customer Interviews Usability Tests Customer Development Continuous Integration Five Whys Root Cause Analysis Incremental Deployment Customer Advisory Board Free & Open-Source Falsifiable Hypotheses Components Product Owner Accountability Cloud Computing Customer Archetypes Cross-functional Teams DATA
 Cluster Immune System Just-in-time Scalability Semi-autonomous Teams Refactoring Smoke Tests Developer Sandbox Minimum Viable Product Measure
 Funnel Analysis MEASURE
 Cohort Analysis Clear
 Net Promoter Score Con?nuous
 Search Engine Usability
 Marketing Real‐?me
 Real-Time Alerting Source: Eric Ries, Customer
 Predictive Monitoring The Lean Startup
  • 11. The Startup Pyramid (Sean Ellis, Growth Transition to Growth Product/Market Fit Blog:
  • 12. Q: What’s My Business Model? Can be one of the following: 1. Get Users (= Acquisition, Referral) 2. Drive Usage (= Activation, Retention) 3. Make Money (= Revenue*) * ideally profitable revenue Note: eventually need to turn Users/Usage -> Money
  • 13. AARRR!: 5-Step Startup Metrics Model SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV Domains ACQUISITION
 Homepage / Emails & widgets Landing Page Blogs,
 Product Affiliates,
 Features Contests
 Biz Dev System
  • 14. Just Gimme the GOOD Metrics. Users, Pages, Clicks, Emails, $$$...? Q: Which of these is best? How do you know? •  1,000,000 one-time, unregistered unique visitors the •  500,000 visitors who view 2+ pages / stay 10+ sec good •  200,000 visitors who clicked on a link or button stuff. •  20,000 registered users w/ email address •  2,000 passionate fans who refer 5+ users / mo. •  1,000 monthly subscribers @ $5/mo
  • 15. Startup Challenges Startups have problems in 3 key areas: •  Management: Setting Priorities, Defining Key Metrics, Creating Dashboard, Reporting Progress •  Product: Building the “Right” Features, Getting Product Out Quickly, Testing for User Conversion / Adoption •  Marketing: Accessing “Web 2.0” Channels (Search, Social, Viral, New Media), Cost-Efficient Distribution
  • 16. 3 Core Models: biz model, conversion dashboard, mktg channels •  Define 1-Page Biz Model: customer segments + desired actions / behaviors •  Identify critical Conversion Events & Dashboard for each segment & prioritize •  Test & develop Marketing Channels; measure Volume (#), Cost ($), Conv (%)   Optimize product & marketing using Fast Iteration Cycles & A/B Testing
  • 17. Role: Founder/CEO Q: Which Metrics? Why? A: Focus on Critical Few Actionable Metrics (if you don’t use the metric to make a decision, it’s not actionable) •  Hypothesize Customer Lifecycle •  Target ~3-5 Conversion Events (tip: Less = More) •  Test, Measure, Iterate to Improve
  • 18. The 1-Page Business Model (Users + Conversions + Priorities) Q1: What types of people use your website? •  Visitor = Average User / Buyer •  Contributor = Content Contributor / Seller •  Distributor = Passionate Fan (unpaid) / Affiliate (paid) Q2: What actions could they take to help you or them ? Visitor Contributor Distributor (aka “Share Pimp”) Activation Watch Submit Share/Embed a slideshow a slideshow a slideshow Retention Visit 1x/mo. Submit “hi-qual” Share/Embed => for 3+ mo’s ppt (=> 1K views/yr) drive 100 visits/mo every mo. for 3+ mo’s Revenue Ad Click; $/mo Premium Sub; Drive Qualified Lead Pay $$+ for traffic or 10+ Premium users; Generated leads 1K+ Viewers
  • 19. TeachStreet Metrics v1: Eye Chart Madness
  • 20. TeachStreet 1-Page Business Model: Teachers & Students Teachers Students Activation •  laim Profile C •  ontact Teacher C •  dd Class A •  iew 3 Pages V Retention •  isit 1x/mo for 3 mo’s •  isit 1x/mo for 3 mo’s V V Referral •  equest Review R •  uggest Teacher S
  • 21. TeachStreet: 45-day Claim Rates (Seattle, Portland)
  • 22. Role: Product / Engineering Q: What Features to Build? Why? When are you “Done”? A: Easy-to-Find, Fun/Useful, Unique Features that Increase Conversion (stop iterating when increase decelerates) •  Wireframes = Conversion Steps •  Measure, A/B Test, Iterate FAST (daily/weekly) •  Optimize for Conversion Improvement –  80% on existing feature optimization –  20% on new feature development
  • 23. Optimize 4 Happiness $$$ (both User + Business) •  Define States of User + Business Value •  Prioritize (Estimate) Relative Value of Each State •  Move Users: Lower Value -> Higher Value •  Optimize for User Happiness / Business $$$ •  Achieve Low Cost + High Value @ Scale
  • 24. Discover Meaning Keywords, Images, Call-to-Action Top 10 - 100 words Call-to-Action •  Your Brand / Products •  Words •  Customer Needs / Benefits •  Images •  Competitor’s Brand / Products •  Context •  Semantic Equivalents •  Button/Link •  Misspellings •  Emotion Relevant images Result •  People •  Positive? •  Products •  Negative? •  Problems •  Neutral (= Death) •  Solutions •  A/B test & Iterate
  • 25. Example Conversion Dashboard (note: *not* actuals… your mileage may vary) Stage Conversion Status Conv. Est. Value % (*not* cost) Acquisition Visitors -> Site/Widget/Landing Page 60% $.05 (2+ pages, 10+ sec, 1+ clicks = don’t abandon) Activation “Happy” 1st Visit; Usage/Signup 15% $.25 (clicks/time/pages, email/profile reg, feature usage) Retention Users Come Back; Multiple Visits 5% $1 (1-3x visits/mo; email/feed open rate / CTR) Referral Users Refer Others 1% $5 (cust sat >=8; viral K factor > 1; ) Revenue Users Pay / Generate $$$ 2% $50 (first txn, break-even, target profitability)
  • 26. Role: Marketing / Sales Q: What channels? Which users? Why? A: High Volume (#), Low Cost ($), High Conv (%) •  Design & Test Multiple Marketing Channels + Campaigns •  Select & Focus on Best-Performing Channels & Themes •  Optimize for conversion to target CTAs, not just site/landing page •  Match/Drive channel cost to/below revenue potential •  Low-Hanging Fruit: –  Blogs –  SEO/SEM –  Landing Pages –  Automated Emails
  • 27. Example Marketing Channels •  PR •  Email •  Contest •  SEO / SEM •  Biz Dev •  Blogs / Bloggers •  Direct Marketing •  Viral / Referral •  Radio / TV / Print •  Affiliate / CPA •  Dedicated Sales •  Widgets / Apps •  Telemarketing •  LOLCats ;)
  • 28. MAARRRketing Plan Marketing Plan = Target Customer Acquisition Channels •  3 Important Factors = Volume (#), Cost ($), Conversion (%) •  Measure conversion to target customer actions •  Test audience segments, campaign themes, Call-To-Action (CTAs) [Gradually] Match Channel Costs => Revenue Potential •  Increase Vol. & Conversion, Decrease Cost, Optimize for Revenue Potential •  Avg Txn Value (ATV), Ann Rev Per User (ARPU), Cust Lifetime Value (CLV) •  Design channels that (eventually) cost <20-50% of target ATV, ARPU, CLV Consider Costs, Scarce Resource Tradeoffs •  Actual $ expenses •  Marketing time & resources •  Product/Engineering time & resources •  Cashflow timing of expense vs. revenue, profit
  • 29. One Step at a Time. 1. Make a Good Product: Activation & Retention 2. Market the Product: Acquisition & Referral 3. Make Money: Revenue & Profitability “You probably can’t save your Ass and your Face at the same time… choose carefully.” – DMC
  • 30. Summary •  Measure Stuff. Keep It Simple. •  5 Steps: Startup Metrics for Pirates (AARRR!) •  3 Items: Biz Model, Conversion, Mktg Channels •  Iterate & Optimize. Feedback Loop. (Loop. Loop). •  One Step at a Time.
  • 31. Links & Resources Additional References: • Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Robert Cialdini (book) • Putting the Fun in Functional Amy Jo Kim (etech 2006 preso) • Futuristic Play Andrew Chen (blog) • Don’t Make Me Think Steve Krug (book) • Designing for the Social Web Joshua Porter (book, website) • Startup Lessons Learned Eric Ries (blog) • Customer Development Methodology Steve Blank (presentation, blog) • Sean Ellis (blog) • Hiten Shah / Neil Patel (website) • How To Pitch a VC Dave McClure (slides, NSFW)
  • 34. Activation SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Activation Criteria: Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV • 10-30+ seconds Domains • 2-3+ page views • 3-5+ clicks • 1 key feature usage Homepage / Landing Page Product Features do LOTS of landing page & A/B tests – make lots of dumb guesses & iterate FAST
  • 35. Activation What do users do on their first visit? Example Activation Goals •  Click on something! •  Account sign up / Emails •  Referrals / Tell a friend •  Widgets / Embeds •  Low Bounce Rate Activation Tips •  Less is more •  Focus on user experience / usability •  Provide incentives & call to actions •  Test and iterate continuously
  • 36. Activation What do users do on their first visit? Key Metrics to Track  Pages per visit  Time on site  Conversions
  • 37. Activation Tools Crazy Egg (Visual Click Mapping) Google Website Optimizer (A/B & Multivariate Testing) (B2B Lead Generation Management) Resources Experimentation and Testing: A Primer Landing Page Design Toolbox: 100 Tips & Tools Landing Page Tutorials & Case Studies 101 Easy Easy to use Google Website Optimizer
  • 39. Retention SEO Campaigns, Automated emails: SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev • lifecycle emails @ +3, +7, +30d Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, • status / “best of” weekly/monthly Widgets Email TV • “something happened” emails Domains BUT: • make it easy to unsubscribe Emails
 Homepage / Landing Page Blogs,
 Product News
 Features Tip on emails: • > 80% or more on SUBJECT LINE System
 • < 20% or less on BODY TEXT Time‐based
  • 40. Retention How do users come back? How often? Cohort Analysis: •  Distrib of Visits over Time •  Rate of Decay •  Effective Customer Lifecycle Retention Methods   Automated Emails * Track open rate / CTR / Quantity   RSS / News Feeds * Track % viewed / CTR / Quantity   Widgets / Embeds * Track impressions / CTR / Quantity
  • 41. Retention How do users come back? How often? Example Retention Goals •  1 - 3+ visits per month •  20% open rate / 2% CTR •  High deliverability / Low spam rating •  Long customer life cycle / Low decay •  Identify fanatics and cheerleaders Retention Tips •  Email is simple and it works •  BUT make unsubscribe easy •  80% subject line / 20% body text •  ACTUALLY 99% subject line / 1% body text •  Fanatics = virality + affiliate channel (bloggers?)
  • 42. Retention How do users come back? How often? Key Metrics to Track  Source  Quantity  Conversions  Visitor Loyalty  Session Length
  • 43. Retention Tools Campaign Monitor / MailChimp (email newsletter software) / TriggerMail (site-centric email management) Litmus (email and website design testing - clients / browsers) Resources 30 free HTML email templates Best Practices in Writing Email Subject Lines Learning Viral: Viral Emails of
  • 45. Acquisition SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV Domains Marketing Channels: • largest-volume (#) • lowest-cost ($) • best-performing (%)
  • 46. Acquisition Where are users coming from? Acquisition Methods  SEO / SEM  Blogs  Email  Social Media & Social Networks  Domains
  • 47. Acquisition Keyword Vocabulary Top 10 - 100 words •  Your Brand / Products •  Customer Needs / Benefits •  Competitor’s Brand / Products •  Semantic Equivalents •  Misspellings Things to analyze •  Sources •  Volume •  Cost •  Conversion
  • 48. Acquisition Where are users coming from? Key Metrics to Track Example  Quantity (#)  Cost ($)  Conversions (%)
  • 49. Acquisition Tools Google Analytics (web analytics) Google Keyword Tool (keyword research tool) SEO Book Tools (SEO related tools) Resources SEO Book Blog The Social Media Manual: Read Before You Play Strategies to ruthlessly acquire users
  • 50. Startup Metrics Referral
  • 51. Referral SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV Viral
 Domains Acquisition
 Emails & widgets Emails
 Homepage / Landing Page Affiliates,
 Product Contests
 Features Focus on driving referrals System
 *after* users have a “happy” experience; avg score >= 8 out of 10
  • 52. Referral How do users refer others? Referral Methods  Send to Friend: Email / IM  Social Media  Widgets / Embeds  Affiliates
  • 53. Referral Viral Growth Factor Viral Growth Factor = X * Y * Z X = % of users who invite other people Y = average # of people that they invited Z = % of users who accepted an invitation A viral growth factor > 1 means an exponential organic user acquisition.
  • 54. Referral Tools Gigya (social media distribution & tracking tool) ShareThis / AddThis (sharing buttons) / GetMyContacts (PHP contacts importing & invitation software) Resources Seven Ways to GO VIRAL What’s your viral loop? Understanding the engine of adoption Metrics: Where Users Come From
  • 55. Startup Metrics Revenue
  • 56. Revenue SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV Domains Acquisition
 Homepage / Emails & widgets Landing Page Blogs,
 Product Affiliates,
 Features Contests
 Biz Dev System
 This is the part *you* still have to figure out… (we don’t know jack about your business)
  • 57. Revenue How do you make money? Revenue Tips •  Don’t Rely on AdSense (only) •  Start Free => 2% “Freemium” •  Subscription / Recurring transactions •  Qualify your customers -> Lead generation (arbitrage) •  Sell something! (physical or virtual)
  • 58. Revenue Resources & Tools Revenue Metrics (Andrew Chen) How to Create a Profitable “Freemium” Startup (Andrew Chen) 2008 Affiliate Marketing Review (Scott Jangro)
  • 59. Be Bold. Be Humble.   20% Inspiration + 80% Perspiration   Long-term: Audacity + Creative Inspiration   Short-term: Humility + Analytic Rigor Stuff That Matters: •  Passion for Problem/Solution + Hypothesis of Customer Lifecycle •  1-page Business Model: Prioritized List of (Users + Conversions) •  Critical, Few, Actionable Metrics + Dashboard of Measured User Behavior •  1-pg Marketing Plan: (Channels + Campaigns) * (Volume, Cost, Conv %) •  Velocity of (Product Execution + Cycle Time of Testing) * Iteration
  • 60. Passion vs. Precision •  “Solve a Problem” = Passion •  “Optimize the Solution” = Precision   Long-term: Audacity + Creative Inspiration   Short-term: Humility + Analytic Rigor BUT: •  Precision” is Illusion; “data” is fuzzy •  Collecting & Interpreting data takes time & effort •  Keep Metrics Simple & Actionable
  • 61. Types of Measurement 1.  Qualitative: Usability Testing / Session Monitoring •  Watch users, guess problems & solutions from small # of users 2.  Quantitative: Traffic Analysis / User Engagement •  Track users, usage, conv %'s for empirical sample # of users 3.  Comparative: A/B, Multivariate Testing •  Compare what users do in one scenario vs another •  Measure which copy/graphics/UI are most effective 4.  Competitive: Monitoring & Tracking Competitors •  Track competitor activity & compare against yours (if possible) •  Compare channels, keyword traffic, demographics, user sat, etc.
  • 62. Design, Optimize for Conversion