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Startup Metrics for Pirates AARRR! SeedCamp 2008 University College London  09/16/08 Dave McClure, Master of 500 Hats
AARRR!: 5-Step Startup Metrics Model R evenue $$$ Biz Dev Ads, Lead Gen, Subscriptions, ECommerce A CQUISITION SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains R etention Emails & Alerts System Events & Time-based Features Blogs, RSS, News Feeds
Disclaimer I’m not rich I’m lazy I’m easily distracted (ADD) I’ve failed more than succeeded I’m a  crappy (but entertaining) blogger I’m often wrong (but never in doubt)
500 Startups (500=13)

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Sendgrid pitch deck

From Techstars, 2009. This was used to raise ~750k in the original seed round. The company later sold for $2B.

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AdPushup Fundraising Deck - First Pitch

This document discusses AdPushup, a solution that helps web publishers optimize ad revenue. It uses A/B testing of different ad placements, sizes, and types to improve click-through rates and revenue per thousand impressions. Since display advertising is growing significantly, AdPushup's approach can help publishers maximize profits from their ad spaces. A case study showed it increasing one publisher's revenue per thousand impressions from $3.82 to $12.10. AdPushup plans to monetize further as it adds more publisher clients and inventory.

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Mattermark 2nd (Final) Series A Deck
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Mattermark 2nd (Final) Series A Deck

This was our final Series A deck. Read more about raising the round in this blog post:

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Web 2.0: What’s So Special? Startup Costs = lower # Users, Bandwidth = bigger Online Adv / E-Com = still growing Collect  Usage Metrics  in  Real-Time Make Decisions based on User Behavior
Startup Metrics: An Overview Business Plans are  BULLSHIT Revenue Projections are  Hockey Stick Delusions Features  Don’t Matter … [Measured]  Conversion Matters Offline PR, “Big-Bang” Launches are  Stupid & Expensive FAIL. WIN! Reality  = Conversion Events => Measured User Behavior  Conversion + Usability  => Design + Development (not vice versa) Success  =  Evolution   not  Revolution   (modify, measure, iterate)
Startup Metrics: An Overview What Really Matters: Passion  for Problem/Solution  + Hypothesis of  Customer Lifecycle 1-pg Business Model : Prioritized Matrix of (User Types + Conversion Events) Critical, Few, Actionable   Metrics + Dashboard of (Measured User Behavior) 1-pg Marketing Plan : (Channels + Campaigns) * (Volume, Cost, Conv %) Velocity of (Product  Execution  + Cycle Time of  Testing ) *  Iteration 20% Inspiration  +  80% Perspiration Long-term:  Audacity + Creative Inspiration Short-term:  Humility + Analytic Rigor
Startup Metrics:  Passion  vs  Precision “ Solve a Problem” =  Passion “ Optimize the Solution” =  Precision On the Other Hand… “ Precision” is Illusion Data is fuzzy Collecting data takes time & effort Keep Metrics  Simple  &  Actionable

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BuzzFeed Pitch Deck
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Inilah pitch deck dari raksasa media digital, Buzzfeed. Bagi kamu yang memiliki model bisnis yang serupa dengan BuzzFeed, mungkin kamu dapat terinspirasi dari pitch deck ini.

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This document introduces a new service that provides outsourced accounting, legal, and payroll services for small and medium enterprises. It utilizes cloud-based technology and integrations with accountants and lawyers to automate back office processes. The service has over 180 clients so far, $42,000 in monthly revenue, and aims to reach $1 million in annual income by 2018. It also outlines the company's team and investors, as well as its vision to expand to multiple countries serving over 1.5 million small businesses.

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Flowhaven Pitch Deck
Flowhaven Pitch DeckFlowhaven Pitch Deck
Flowhaven Pitch Deck

Flowhaven Pitch Deck

What’s The Best Metric ?  Users, Pages, Clicks, Emails, $$$ Q: Which Would You Prefer? 1,000,000 one-time, unregistered unique visitors 500,000 visitors who view 2+ pages / stay 10+ sec 200,000 visitors who clicked on a link or button 20,000 registered users w/ email address 1,000 monthly subscribers @ $10/mo 200 passionate fans who refer 5+ users / month
Startup Metrics for Pirates A cquisition:  users come to site from various  channels A ctivation:  users enjoy 1 st  visit: " happy ” experience R etention:  users  come back , visit site multiple times R eferral:  users like product enough to  refer others R evenue:  users conduct some  monetization  behavior AARRR !
AARRR!: 5-Step Startup Metrics Model R evenue $$$ Biz Dev Ads, Lead Gen, Subscriptions, ECommerce A CQUISITION SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains R etention Emails & Alerts System Events & Time-based Features Blogs, RSS, News Feeds
Q: What’s My Business Model? Can be one of the following: Get Users  (= Acquisition, Referral) Drive Usage  (= Activation, Retention) Make Money  (= Revenue*) * ideally  profitable   revenue Note:  eventually  need to turn Users/Usage -> Money

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The document describes Launchrock, a startup that helps other startups and companies acquire users and understand them. Some key points: - Launchrock has helped over 1,000,000 startups sign up users and 50,000 get in line for product launches. It has over 3,000 customers. - It provides user management, marketing, social insights and relationship infrastructure tools to help companies acquire and understand users. - The CEO is Jameson Detweiler and it has received funding from investors like 500 Startups and advisors from companies like Hubspot, KISSmetrics, and HootSuite. - Launchrock has helped many companies launch successfully, including the Olsen Twins'

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Kibin Kibin

Kibin is the newest and easiest way to get the things you write looked at by another set of eyes. Upload to Kibin and have another user leave edits and feedback on your writing in less than 24 hours! Find out more at or

kibintravis biziorek & jim nguyen500 startups
From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned
From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learnedFrom Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned
From Zero to a Million Users - Dropbox and Xobni lessons learned

Drew Houston and Adam Smith discuss how their startups Dropbox and Xobni reached 2 million users in 2 years through focusing on product-market fit, learning from early users, and designing viral features. They emphasize the importance of talking to potential users early, generating buzz through scarcity and word of mouth, and optimizing the user funnel through metrics to understand what drives acquisition and retention.

startupy combinatorxobni
Role: Founder/CEO Q: Which Metrics? Why? A: Focus on  Critical Few Actionable  Metrics (if you don’t use the metric to make a decision, it’s not actionable) Hypothesize Customer Lifecycle Target ~3-5 Conversion Events  (tip: Less = More) Test, Measure, Iterate to Improve
The 1-Page Business Model (Users + Conversions + Priorities) Q1: What types of people use your website?  Visitor  = Average User / Buyer Contributor  = Content Contributor / Seller Distributor  = Passionate Fan (unpaid) / Affiliate (paid) 1 2 3
The 1-Page Business Model (Users + Conversions + Priorities) Q2: What actions could they take to help  you   or  them   ? 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 2
Role: Product / Engineering Q: What to Build?  Why? A:  Build Features that  Increase Conversion Wireframes = Conversion Steps Measure, A/B Test, Iterate FAST (daily/weekly) Optimize for Conversion Improvement 80% on existing feature optimization 20% on new feature development

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This document provides an overview of Google Analytics fundamentals and best practices. It discusses how Google Analytics works using JavaScript and cookies to collect data. It also covers common issues like tracking across devices and disabled JavaScript. The document then explores various Google Analytics reports like content, navigation, channels, and search terms to understand user behavior. It provides tips on setting up goals and event tracking as well as campaign tracking. Overall, the document is a guide to setting up and leveraging Google Analytics effectively.

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Transferwise: €56K VC investment turned into $3.5B. Transferwise's initial pi...
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🔮 Want more VC/investment startup pitch decks? We’ve centralised ALL succesful investor pitch decks at: — check all of them out 🔮 The effort is adhering to the ideology of “The Future Of Freemium” — read more here: 🔮 Our library of pitch decks will not have any advertisement, only a signature. We are a design agency that helps SaaS CEOs reduce user churn.

Dropbox: $15K VC investment turned into $16.8B. Dropbox's initial pitch deck
Dropbox: $15K VC investment turned into $16.8B. Dropbox's initial pitch deckDropbox: $15K VC investment turned into $16.8B. Dropbox's initial pitch deck
Dropbox: $15K VC investment turned into $16.8B. Dropbox's initial pitch deck

🔮 Want more VC/investment startup pitch decks? We’ve centralised ALL succesful investor pitch decks at: — check all of them out 🔮 The effort is adhering to the ideology of “The Future Of Freemium” — read more here: 🔮 Our library of pitch decks will not have any advertisement, only a signature. We are a design agency that helps SaaS CEOs reduce user churn.

Example Conversion Metrics (note: *not* actuals… your mileage may vary) Stage Conversion Status Conv.  % Est. Value (*not* cost) Acquisition Visitors -> Site/Widget/Landing Page (2+ pages, 10+ sec, 1+ clicks = don’t abandon) 60% $.05 Activation “ Happy” 1 st  Visit; Usage/Signup (clicks/time/pages, email/profile reg, feature usage) 15% $.25 Retention Users Come Back; Multiple Visits (1-3x visits/mo; email/feed open rate / CTR) 5% $1 Referral Users Refer Others (cust sat >=8; viral K factor > 1; ) 1% $5 Revenue Users Pay / Generate $$$ (first txn, break-even, target profitability) 2% $10
Role: Marketing / Sales Q: What channels?  Which users?  Why? A: High Volume (#), Low Cost ($), High Conv (%) Design & Test Multiple Marketing Channels + Campaigns Select & Focus on Best-Performing Channels & Themes Optimize for conversion to target CTAs, not just site/landing page Match/Drive channel cost to/below revenue potential Low-Hanging Fruit:  Blogs SEO/SEM Landing Pages Automated Emails
Example Marketing Channels disclaimer: estimates of vol, cost/user, time & effort are subjective – actual costs are dependent on your specific business
Startup Priorities  Diff’rent Strokes for Diff’rent Folks: Make a Good Product : Activation & Retention Market the Product : Acquisition & Referral Make Money : Revenue & Profitability

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The document summarizes Square, a mobile payments startup. Square provides merchants with a free card reader that plugs into smartphones and tablets, allowing them to accept credit card payments with low fees of 2.75% per transaction. Square has a simple pricing model and signup process with no long-term commitments. The management team has successful experience in payments and technology. Square sees a large market opportunity in mobile payments given traditional card readers are expensive and inconvenient for small businesses. Square aims to acquire customers through wide exposure on social media and in stores. It has a first-mover advantage and plans to defend its position through brand recognition and compatibility across devices. Financial projections estimate high revenue growth and profitability that would generate strong returns for new

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Startup Metrics Activation Activation Criteria: 10-30+ seconds 2-3+ page views 3-5+ clicks 1 key feature usage do LOTS of  landing  page  &  A/B tests  –  make lots of dumb  guesses &  iterate FAST Activation SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains
Activation What do users do on their first visit? Example Activation Goals Click on something! Account sign up / Emails Referrals / Tell a friend Widgets / Embeds Low Bounce Rate Activation Tips Less is more Focus on user experience / usability Provide incentives & call to actions Test and iterate continuously
Activation What do users do on their first visit? Key Metrics to Track Pages per visit Time on site Conversions

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This document summarizes a platform that allows users to create customized maps of communities and interests. It started with 20,000 unique users and 18,000 monthly alerts. The platform has since received many requests to build maps for different interests around the world. The document outlines the business model, which includes organizing map data and monetizing through advertising, premium listings, and a potential SAAS model. It provides a timeline showing past pilots and plans for future mobile and discovery features. The team is seeking $1M in funding to further develop their self-service platform.

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Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)

Updated "Startup Metrics for Pirates: AARRR!" presentation by Dave McClure from the Future of Web Apps conference in Miami, February 2009.

Activation Tools Crazy Egg (Visual Click Mapping) Google Website Optimizer (A/B & Multivariate Testing) (B2B Lead Generation Management) Resources Experimentation and Testing: A Primer 2006/ 05/experimentation-and-testing-a-primer.html Landing Page Tutorials and Case Studies 101 Easy Easy to use Google Website Optimizer
Startup Metrics Retention Automated emails: lifecycle emails @ +3, +7, +30d  status / “best of” weekly/monthly “ something happened” emails BUT:  make it  easy  to unsubscribe Tip on emails: > 80% or more on  SUBJECT LINE < 20% or less on BODY TEXT Retention SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains Emails & Alerts System Events & Time-based Features Blogs, RSS, News Feeds
Cohort Analysis: Distrib of Visits over Time Rate of Decay Effective Customer Lifecycle Retention Methods Automated Emails * Track open rate / CTR / Quantity RSS / News Feeds * Track % viewed / CTR / Quantity Widgets / Embeds * Track impressions / CTR / Quantity Retention How do users come back? How often?

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Startup Metrics for Pirates (Foo Camp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Foo Camp 2008)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Foo Camp 2008)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Foo Camp 2008)

The document discusses key metrics for startups across different stages: acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue (AARRR model). It provides examples of metrics to track for each stage like visits, time on site, email opens for activation and retention. It also discusses tools to measure different channels and optimize for conversions at each stage of the customer lifecycle.

Startup Metrics For Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF Oct 2008)
Startup Metrics For Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF Oct 2008)Startup Metrics For Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF Oct 2008)
Startup Metrics For Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF Oct 2008)

My latest "Startup Metrics for Pirates" presentation from the conference, San Francisco, Oct 2nd 2008.

Startup Metrics for Pirates (March 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (March 2009)Startup Metrics for Pirates (March 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (March 2009)

Slightly updated presentation from my talk at at Stanford University (March 2009). note: basically same as FOWA talk, minor update added slide 17.

Example Retention Goals 1 - 3+ visits per month 20% open rate / 2% CTR High deliverability / Low spam rating Long customer life cycle / Low decay Identify fanatics and cheerleaders Retention Tips Email is simple and it works BUT make unsubscribe easy 80% subject line / 20% body text ACTUALLY 99% subject line / 1% body text Fanatics = virality + affiliate channel (bloggers?) Retention How do users come back? How often?
Retention How do users come back? How often? Key Metrics to Track Source Quantity Conversions Visitor Loyalty Session Length
Retention Tools Campaign Monitor / MailChimp (email newsletter software) / TriggerMail (site-centric email management) Litmus (email and website design testing - clients / browsers) Resources 30 free HTML email templates Best Practices in Writing Email Subject Lines Learning Viral: Viral Emails of
Startup Metrics Acquisition

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Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Beijing, June 2009)

Updated "Startup Metrics for Pirates" presentation, Startonomics Beijing (June 2009). Also included a few slides from Eric Ries, Lean Startup.

startup metricsstartuppirates
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Startup Metrics Revolution (Tokyo, December 2008)
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Startup Metrics Revolution (Tokyo, December 2008)Silicon Valley 2.0: The Startup Metrics Revolution (Tokyo, December 2008)
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Startup Metrics Revolution (Tokyo, December 2008)

The document discusses startup metrics and measurement frameworks. It introduces the AARRR pirate metrics model of Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. It emphasizes keeping metrics simple, focusing on critical few that are actionable. Key frameworks discussed are the 1-page business model defining customer types and desired actions, a conversion dashboard to prioritize and measure key events, and a marketing plan measuring channels by volume, cost and conversion.

startup metricsdave.mcclureaarrr
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Hawaii Nov 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Hawaii Nov 2009)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Hawaii Nov 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Hawaii Nov 2009)

The document discusses startup metrics and provides a 5-step model called AARRR for measuring key metrics. The model focuses on Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. It emphasizes measuring user behavior, testing features and marketing channels, optimizing for conversions, and iterating quickly based on data. The overall message is that startups should focus on measuring the right metrics and using data to continuously improve the product, user experience and business model. Marketing Channels: largest-volume (#)  lowest-cost ($) best-performing (%)  Acquisition SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains
Acquisition Where are users coming from? Acquisition Methods SEO / SEM Blogs Email Social Media & Social Networks Domains
Acquisition Keyword Vocabulary Top 10 - 100 words Your Brand / Products Customer Needs / Benefits Competitor��s Brand / Products Semantic Equivalents Misspellings Things to analyze Sources Volume Cost Conversion
Acquisition Where are users coming from? Key Metrics to Track Quantity (#) Cost ($) Conversions (%) Example

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Startup Metrics For Scottish Pirates (AARRR!) v1.3
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Startup Metrics For Scottish Pirates (AARRR!) v1.3

The document discusses business metrics and models for startups, focusing on the AARRR framework of Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. It provides examples of metrics for each stage of the customer lifecycle and conversion funnel. Key recommendations include focusing on the critical few actionable metrics that drive decisions, optimizing for conversion improvement, and testing assumptions through A/B testing.

Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)

The document discusses startup metrics and provides a model called AARRR for measuring the success of a startup. The AARRR model focuses on Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. It describes each step of the model and provides examples of metrics and goals for activation and retention, which involve getting users to engage with the product and come back to the site. The document also discusses approaches for testing features and marketing channels to improve conversions at each step of the AARRR model.

How to be a Web 2.0 Metrics Jedi (Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009)
How to be a Web 2.0 Metrics Jedi  (Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009)How to be a Web 2.0 Metrics Jedi  (Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009)
How to be a Web 2.0 Metrics Jedi (Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009)

How to use metrics to optimize your product, marketing, and business by Dave McClure, Dan Olsen, and Ted Rheingold at O'Reilly San Francisco Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009.

Acquisition Tools Google Analytics (web analytics) Google Keyword Tool (keyword research tool) SEO Book Tools (SEO related tools) Resources SEO Book Blog The Social Media Manual: Read Before You Play Strategies to ruthlessly acquire users
Startup Metrics Referral Focus on driving referrals * after * users have a “ happy ” experience; avg score >=  8 out of 10 Referral Acquisition SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains Retention Emails & Alerts System Events & Time-based Features Blogs, RSS, News Feeds
Referral How do users refer others? Referral Methods Send to Friend: Email / IM Social Media Widgets / Embeds Affiliates

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Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (Montreal, May 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (Montreal, May 2010)Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (Montreal, May 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (Montreal, May 2010)

The document provides an overview of startup metrics for measuring user acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue (AARRR). It discusses focusing metrics on key conversion events and prioritizing the top 3-5 metrics. Various marketing channels are outlined for driving acquisition cost-effectively. Retention strategies include automated emails, system events, and engaging content. An ideal startup moves users through the stages of the AARRR model to maximize long-term value.

Startup Metrics for Pirates (Chicago, Aug 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Chicago, Aug 2010)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Chicago, Aug 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Chicago, Aug 2010)

The document provides an overview of startup metrics for evaluating different stages of a startup. It discusses the AARRR framework which focuses on Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. For each stage, it recommends key metrics to track, tools to use, and tips for optimization, such as testing different landing pages and marketing channels to improve conversion rates at each stage of the customer lifecycle.

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Startup Metrics for Pirates (Twiistup, Jan 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Twiistup, Jan 2010)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Twiistup, Jan 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Twiistup, Jan 2010)

slides from my talk at Twiistup (LA, Jan 2010). note these slides are almost exactly the same as my previous talk earlier this week in San Francisco... so yes, i'm stealing my own shit. whatEVer.

twiistupstartup metricspirates
Referral Viral Growth Factor Viral Growth Factor =  X  *  Y  *  Z X = % of users who invite other people Y = average # of people that they invited Z = % of users who accepted an invitation A viral growth factor > 1 means an exponential organic user acquisition.
Referral Tools Gigya (social media distribution & tracking tool) ShareThis / AddThis (sharing buttons) / GetMyContacts (PHP contacts importing & invitation software) Resources Seven Ways to GO VIRAL What’s your viral loop? Understanding the engine of adoption Metrics: Where Users Come From
Startup Metrics Revenue Revenue This is the part *you*  still have to figure out…  (we  don’t know jack  about your business) R evenue $$$ Biz Dev Ads, Lead Gen, Subscriptions, ECommerce Acquisition SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains Retention Emails & Alerts System Events & Time-based Features Blogs, RSS, News Feeds

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Startup Metrics for Pirates (SF, Jan 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SF, Jan 2010)Startup Metrics for Pirates (SF, Jan 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SF, Jan 2010)

The document discusses metrics for startups, focusing on the AARRR framework of Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. It provides examples and recommendations for measuring key metrics at each stage, including number of visitors, time on site, page views, and conversions. The document emphasizes testing marketing channels and optimizing for user experience and conversion rates through iteration and A/B testing.

Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (DogPatch Labs, Boston, March 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (DogPatch Labs, Boston, March 2010)Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (DogPatch Labs, Boston, March 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (DogPatch Labs, Boston, March 2010)

The document provides an overview of startup metrics and models presented by Dave McClure at Dogpatch Labs Boston in March 2010. It discusses the AARRR pirate metrics model for measuring acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue. It emphasizes the importance of defining key metrics and conversion funnels, testing marketing channels, and optimizing products and marketing using fast iteration and A/B testing to improve conversions.

dogpatchstartup metricsboston
Marketing Metrics 4 Pirates (July 2010)
Marketing Metrics 4 Pirates (July 2010)Marketing Metrics 4 Pirates (July 2010)
Marketing Metrics 4 Pirates (July 2010)

Dave McClure discusses startup marketing metrics and focuses on the AARRR framework: Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. He emphasizes measuring key metrics like conversion rates at different stages to optimize the customer journey from first visit to monetization. McClure also provides examples of marketing channels and tools to track metrics like volume, cost and conversions.

Revenue How do you make money? Revenue Tips Don’t Rely on AdSense (only) Start Free => 2% “ Freemium ” Subscription / Recurring transactions Qualify your customers -> Lead generation (arbitrage) Sell something! (physical or virtual)
Links & Resources Additional References: “ Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion ”, Robert Cialdini (book) “ Putting the Fun in Functional ”, Amy Jo Kim (etech 2006 preso) “ Futuristic Play ”, Andrew Chen (blog) “ Don’t Make Me Think ”, Steve Krug (book) “ A Theory of Fun ”, Raph Koster (book, website) “ Designing for the Social Web ”, Joshua Porter (book, website)

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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
Startup Metrics for Pirates (March 2009)
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
Silicon Valley 2.0: The Startup Metrics Revolution (Tokyo, December 2008)
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SF, Jan 2010)
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
Marketing Metrics 4 Pirates (July 2010)
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
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Startup Metrics for Pirates (Nov 2010)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Nov 2010)
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Dave McClure

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Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)
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Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (Montreal, May 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Chicago, Aug 2010)
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Startup Metrics for Pirates (Twiistup, Jan 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Twiistup, Jan 2010)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Twiistup, Jan 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Twiistup, Jan 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SF, Jan 2010)
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Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (DogPatch Labs, Boston, March 2010)Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (DogPatch Labs, Boston, March 2010)
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Marketing Metrics 4 Pirates (July 2010)
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Marketing Metrics 4 Pirates (July 2010)
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Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (July 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Nov 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Nov 2010)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Nov 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Nov 2010)

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Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)

  • 1. Startup Metrics for Pirates AARRR! SeedCamp 2008 University College London 09/16/08 Dave McClure, Master of 500 Hats
  • 2. AARRR!: 5-Step Startup Metrics Model R evenue $$$ Biz Dev Ads, Lead Gen, Subscriptions, ECommerce A CQUISITION SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains R etention Emails & Alerts System Events & Time-based Features Blogs, RSS, News Feeds
  • 3. Disclaimer I’m not rich I’m lazy I’m easily distracted (ADD) I’ve failed more than succeeded I’m a crappy (but entertaining) blogger I’m often wrong (but never in doubt)
  • 5. Web 2.0: What’s So Special? Startup Costs = lower # Users, Bandwidth = bigger Online Adv / E-Com = still growing Collect Usage Metrics in Real-Time Make Decisions based on User Behavior
  • 6. Startup Metrics: An Overview Business Plans are BULLSHIT Revenue Projections are Hockey Stick Delusions Features Don’t Matter … [Measured] Conversion Matters Offline PR, “Big-Bang” Launches are Stupid & Expensive FAIL. WIN! Reality = Conversion Events => Measured User Behavior Conversion + Usability => Design + Development (not vice versa) Success = Evolution not Revolution (modify, measure, iterate)
  • 7. Startup Metrics: An Overview What Really Matters: Passion for Problem/Solution + Hypothesis of Customer Lifecycle 1-pg Business Model : Prioritized Matrix of (User Types + Conversion Events) Critical, Few, Actionable Metrics + Dashboard of (Measured User Behavior) 1-pg Marketing Plan : (Channels + Campaigns) * (Volume, Cost, Conv %) Velocity of (Product Execution + Cycle Time of Testing ) * Iteration 20% Inspiration + 80% Perspiration Long-term: Audacity + Creative Inspiration Short-term: Humility + Analytic Rigor
  • 8. Startup Metrics: Passion vs Precision “ Solve a Problem” = Passion “ Optimize the Solution” = Precision On the Other Hand… “ Precision” is Illusion Data is fuzzy Collecting data takes time & effort Keep Metrics Simple & Actionable
  • 9. What’s The Best Metric ? Users, Pages, Clicks, Emails, $$$ Q: Which Would You Prefer? 1,000,000 one-time, unregistered unique visitors 500,000 visitors who view 2+ pages / stay 10+ sec 200,000 visitors who clicked on a link or button 20,000 registered users w/ email address 1,000 monthly subscribers @ $10/mo 200 passionate fans who refer 5+ users / month
  • 10. Startup Metrics for Pirates A cquisition: users come to site from various channels A ctivation: users enjoy 1 st visit: &quot; happy ” experience R etention: users come back , visit site multiple times R eferral: users like product enough to refer others R evenue: users conduct some monetization behavior AARRR !
  • 11. AARRR!: 5-Step Startup Metrics Model R evenue $$$ Biz Dev Ads, Lead Gen, Subscriptions, ECommerce A CQUISITION SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains R etention Emails & Alerts System Events & Time-based Features Blogs, RSS, News Feeds
  • 12. Q: What’s My Business Model? Can be one of the following: Get Users (= Acquisition, Referral) Drive Usage (= Activation, Retention) Make Money (= Revenue*) * ideally profitable revenue Note: eventually need to turn Users/Usage -> Money
  • 13. Role: Founder/CEO Q: Which Metrics? Why? A: Focus on Critical Few Actionable Metrics (if you don’t use the metric to make a decision, it’s not actionable) Hypothesize Customer Lifecycle Target ~3-5 Conversion Events (tip: Less = More) Test, Measure, Iterate to Improve
  • 14. The 1-Page Business Model (Users + Conversions + Priorities) Q1: What types of people use your website? Visitor = Average User / Buyer Contributor = Content Contributor / Seller Distributor = Passionate Fan (unpaid) / Affiliate (paid) 1 2 3
  • 15. The 1-Page Business Model (Users + Conversions + Priorities) Q2: What actions could they take to help you or them ? 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 2
  • 16. Role: Product / Engineering Q: What to Build? Why? A: Build Features that Increase Conversion Wireframes = Conversion Steps Measure, A/B Test, Iterate FAST (daily/weekly) Optimize for Conversion Improvement 80% on existing feature optimization 20% on new feature development
  • 17. Example Conversion Metrics (note: *not* actuals… your mileage may vary) Stage Conversion Status Conv. % Est. Value (*not* cost) Acquisition Visitors -> Site/Widget/Landing Page (2+ pages, 10+ sec, 1+ clicks = don’t abandon) 60% $.05 Activation “ Happy” 1 st Visit; Usage/Signup (clicks/time/pages, email/profile reg, feature usage) 15% $.25 Retention Users Come Back; Multiple Visits (1-3x visits/mo; email/feed open rate / CTR) 5% $1 Referral Users Refer Others (cust sat >=8; viral K factor > 1; ) 1% $5 Revenue Users Pay / Generate $$$ (first txn, break-even, target profitability) 2% $10
  • 18. Role: Marketing / Sales Q: What channels? Which users? Why? A: High Volume (#), Low Cost ($), High Conv (%) Design & Test Multiple Marketing Channels + Campaigns Select & Focus on Best-Performing Channels & Themes Optimize for conversion to target CTAs, not just site/landing page Match/Drive channel cost to/below revenue potential Low-Hanging Fruit: Blogs SEO/SEM Landing Pages Automated Emails
  • 19. Example Marketing Channels disclaimer: estimates of vol, cost/user, time & effort are subjective – actual costs are dependent on your specific business
  • 20. Startup Priorities Diff’rent Strokes for Diff’rent Folks: Make a Good Product : Activation & Retention Market the Product : Acquisition & Referral Make Money : Revenue & Profitability
  • 22. Activation Criteria: 10-30+ seconds 2-3+ page views 3-5+ clicks 1 key feature usage do LOTS of landing page & A/B tests – make lots of dumb guesses & iterate FAST Activation SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains
  • 23. Activation What do users do on their first visit? Example Activation Goals Click on something! Account sign up / Emails Referrals / Tell a friend Widgets / Embeds Low Bounce Rate Activation Tips Less is more Focus on user experience / usability Provide incentives & call to actions Test and iterate continuously
  • 24. Activation What do users do on their first visit? Key Metrics to Track Pages per visit Time on site Conversions
  • 25. Activation Tools Crazy Egg (Visual Click Mapping) Google Website Optimizer (A/B & Multivariate Testing) (B2B Lead Generation Management) Resources Experimentation and Testing: A Primer 2006/ 05/experimentation-and-testing-a-primer.html Landing Page Tutorials and Case Studies 101 Easy Easy to use Google Website Optimizer
  • 27. Automated emails: lifecycle emails @ +3, +7, +30d status / “best of” weekly/monthly “ something happened” emails BUT: make it easy to unsubscribe Tip on emails: > 80% or more on SUBJECT LINE < 20% or less on BODY TEXT Retention SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains Emails & Alerts System Events & Time-based Features Blogs, RSS, News Feeds
  • 28. Cohort Analysis: Distrib of Visits over Time Rate of Decay Effective Customer Lifecycle Retention Methods Automated Emails * Track open rate / CTR / Quantity RSS / News Feeds * Track % viewed / CTR / Quantity Widgets / Embeds * Track impressions / CTR / Quantity Retention How do users come back? How often?
  • 29. Example Retention Goals 1 - 3+ visits per month 20% open rate / 2% CTR High deliverability / Low spam rating Long customer life cycle / Low decay Identify fanatics and cheerleaders Retention Tips Email is simple and it works BUT make unsubscribe easy 80% subject line / 20% body text ACTUALLY 99% subject line / 1% body text Fanatics = virality + affiliate channel (bloggers?) Retention How do users come back? How often?
  • 30. Retention How do users come back? How often? Key Metrics to Track Source Quantity Conversions Visitor Loyalty Session Length
  • 31. Retention Tools Campaign Monitor / MailChimp (email newsletter software) / TriggerMail (site-centric email management) Litmus (email and website design testing - clients / browsers) Resources 30 free HTML email templates Best Practices in Writing Email Subject Lines Learning Viral: Viral Emails of
  • 33. Marketing Channels: largest-volume (#) lowest-cost ($) best-performing (%) Acquisition SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains
  • 34. Acquisition Where are users coming from? Acquisition Methods SEO / SEM Blogs Email Social Media & Social Networks Domains
  • 35. Acquisition Keyword Vocabulary Top 10 - 100 words Your Brand / Products Customer Needs / Benefits Competitor’s Brand / Products Semantic Equivalents Misspellings Things to analyze Sources Volume Cost Conversion
  • 36. Acquisition Where are users coming from? Key Metrics to Track Quantity (#) Cost ($) Conversions (%) Example
  • 37. Acquisition Tools Google Analytics (web analytics) Google Keyword Tool (keyword research tool) SEO Book Tools (SEO related tools) Resources SEO Book Blog The Social Media Manual: Read Before You Play Strategies to ruthlessly acquire users
  • 39. Focus on driving referrals * after * users have a “ happy ” experience; avg score >= 8 out of 10 Referral Acquisition SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains Retention Emails & Alerts System Events & Time-based Features Blogs, RSS, News Feeds
  • 40. Referral How do users refer others? Referral Methods Send to Friend: Email / IM Social Media Widgets / Embeds Affiliates
  • 41. Referral Viral Growth Factor Viral Growth Factor = X * Y * Z X = % of users who invite other people Y = average # of people that they invited Z = % of users who accepted an invitation A viral growth factor > 1 means an exponential organic user acquisition.
  • 42. Referral Tools Gigya (social media distribution & tracking tool) ShareThis / AddThis (sharing buttons) / GetMyContacts (PHP contacts importing & invitation software) Resources Seven Ways to GO VIRAL What’s your viral loop? Understanding the engine of adoption Metrics: Where Users Come From
  • 44. Revenue This is the part *you* still have to figure out… (we don’t know jack about your business) R evenue $$$ Biz Dev Ads, Lead Gen, Subscriptions, ECommerce Acquisition SEO SEM Apps & Widgets Affiliates Email PR Biz Dev Campaigns, Contests Direct, Tel, TV Social Networks Blogs Domains Retention Emails & Alerts System Events & Time-based Features Blogs, RSS, News Feeds
  • 45. Revenue How do you make money? Revenue Tips Don’t Rely on AdSense (only) Start Free => 2% “ Freemium ” Subscription / Recurring transactions Qualify your customers -> Lead generation (arbitrage) Sell something! (physical or virtual)
  • 46. Links & Resources Additional References: “ Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion ”, Robert Cialdini (book) “ Putting the Fun in Functional ”, Amy Jo Kim (etech 2006 preso) “ Futuristic Play ”, Andrew Chen (blog) “ Don’t Make Me Think ”, Steve Krug (book) “ A Theory of Fun ”, Raph Koster (book, website) “ Designing for the Social Web ”, Joshua Porter (book, website)