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Hybrid clouds offer new revenue opportunities
By Jelle Frank van der Zwet & Ian Murphy
Business computing stands at a crossroads.
There is no more tolerance for the costly, under-
delivering, grand IT projects of the past.
2 No Cloud is an Island
Companies increasingly look at cloud-based
technologies as a means of delivering the next
generation of IT via a low cost, dynamic and flexible
resource platform.
3 No Cloud is an Island
But not every application will go into the cloud. Core
business-critical systems will stay in-house, while
less sensitive systems are ideal candidates for cloud
This presentation proves that cloud and on-premise
systems can work together.
4 No Cloud is an Island

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The document discusses how DevOps approaches can help organizations accelerate software delivery through expanded collaboration, automating processes, and reducing feedback times while balancing speed, quality, cost and risk; it also examines challenges of adoption at scale, maintaining innovation versus optimization in multi-speed IT environments, and how IBM capabilities can help organizations achieve continuous delivery across hybrid clouds.

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The document discusses how technology is transforming the way we live and work at an increasing pace. It describes how the focus over the last 15 years was on IT-centric systems of record and transactional data, while the next 15 years will focus on business-centric cloud-native apps, systems of engagement and insight, and streams of data and analytics. Digital businesses need a truly digital workforce that can empower new ways of working, modernize the user experience, and innovate by pushing decision-making to the edge. Dell EMC aims to help customers transform by combining industry-leading capabilities and expertise across converged infrastructure, storage, data center infrastructure, secure laptops, cloud IT infrastructure, server virtualization, and more.

IBM cloud open by design
IBM cloud open by designIBM cloud open by design
IBM cloud open by design

IBM Blue Box is a private cloud as a service offering that provides a dedicated, scalable OpenStack cloud infrastructure either hosted in IBM data centers (Blue Box Dedicated) or on a customer's own premises (Blue Box Local). Key benefits include fully managed infrastructure, high availability, security, and flexibility to scale compute, storage, and networking resources as needed. IBM provides expertise in deploying and managing the OpenStack environment so customers can focus on applications.

open sourceopenstack
We want to lay down some straight-forward advice and steps on how this
can be achieved.
That’s what this presentation delivers.
5 No Cloud is an Island
The challenges addressed are:
• A world of many clouds
• Cloud deployment models
• Why cloud appeals to your customers
• Better fiscal management
• Adopting a hybrid cloud
• Challenges known
• Challenges new
6 No Cloud is an Island
No Cloud is an Island7
• There are three key cloud models: private, public and hybrid, and market-
focused versions such as community clouds that address specific markets
and groups.
• A private cloud is where the resources are owned and accessed only by the
enterprise, whereas the public cloud is a shared environment.
• For some applications and organisations, there is a solid business case
where core applications will be in a private cloud but some applications and
functions exist in the public cloud.
• This is known as the hybrid cloud.
8 No Cloud is an Island

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Executive summary of implementing containers, microservices and continuous deployment in the enterprise data centre.

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IBM Cloud Services Portfolio

IBM provides a portfolio of cloud services including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). These services can be delivered through IBM's public cloud (SoftLayer), private cloud, or on-premises to help customers build hybrid cloud solutions. IBM also offers professional services to help customers design, deploy, and manage their hybrid cloud environments.

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Metamorfosi presentation material during Seminar Seminar Accelerating Business Using Microservices Architecture in Digital Age

9 No Cloud is an Island
Cloud offers a range of benefits to both large and small enterprises
10 No Cloud is an Island
Large Small
• Efficiency: ability to manage budgets, IT
maintenance and upgrade programmes more
efficiently. This is because cloud computing
offers flexible access to IT resources, skills,
new technologies and the latest updates and
patches for servers, tools and applications.
All this without the management, licensing and
purchasing headache this would normally
• New Access: cloud computing levels the
technology playing field. Access to resources
and technologies beyond anything their usual
budgets could afford enables them to take their
business to the next level.
Importantly, they gain access to the people and
processes that can help create competitive
advantage from these new technologies.
No Cloud is an Island11
• The key challenges for all sizes of business are creating the private cloud
and then integrating it with their chosen public cloud.
• Correctly configured, the hybrid cloud offers many benefits. Improved
SLAs, the ability to scale an application out to hundreds of servers, the
ability to do very specific types of computing, such as big data or
application testing.
12 No Cloud is an Island

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In het huidige economische klimaat staan innovatie, flexibiliteit en klantenbinding centraal. Hoe blijf je als bedrijf relevant in deze snel veranderende wereld, hoe kan de informaticadienst aan de basis staan van meer efficiente processen en nieuwe bronnen van inkomsten en welke rol speelt het datacenter in deze evolutie? Een sessie rond digitale transformatie voor kleine en middelgrote bedrijven.

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Cloud Computing
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This document provides an overview of cloud computing. It introduces Nathaniel Gates and Keith Dobson, who will discuss cloud computing. The agenda includes an overview of cloud computing, why it is relevant now, how to get started, and the future of IT in Alaska. Cloud computing provides on-demand computing resources over the internet. It can save companies money compared to traditional infrastructure models by providing flexibility and scaling. There are different types of cloud including Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). Cloud adoption is growing rapidly and expected to continue growing strongly in coming years.

by UOS
The most important benefit of hybrid cloud is cost reduction and better fiscal
management of IT. This benefit can be realized in several ways:
• Reduced capital expenditure on new hardware and software
• Reduced running costs on data centre power and cooling
• Higher utilisation of resources which in turn lowers the cost of providing IT
• Metering which allows application usage to be more effectively costed
• Faster and more cost-effective access to new applications through
Software as a Service (SaaS)
• Ability to deploy new solutions more quickly
13 No Cloud is an Island
14 No Cloud is an Island
Enterprises will pick and choose applications and vendors based on their
business needs, thus creating a diverse and heterogeneous cloud
Examples of hybrid cloud adoption today are:
• Corporate websites are moving to the public cloud to improve access and
reduce the risk of downtime.
• Online web stores are using the public cloud for their catalogue and
transferring customers to the private cloud to complete payment options.
The public cloud allows for the quick provisioning of resources when a
promotion takes place while the private cloud enables the securing of
customer data.
15 No Cloud is an Island
No Cloud is an Island16

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By 2021, 98% of organizations plan to adopt multicloud architectures, but only 41% have a multicloud management strategy and just 38% have procedures and tools to operate a multicloud environment. As an IT leader you don't want to stifle forays into multicloud as it is an engine to efficiently support growth, innovation and transformation, however, it can be one of the most challenging changes that organizations face. Join IBM for the keynote presentation where we’ll discuss: • Opportunities and inherent challenges for organizations as applications across categories migrate to multicloud • Stages of multicloud transformation • Best practices from organizations that are succeeding with a multicloud environments

by IBM
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Microsoft Cloud Computing E-Book

The document discusses the shift in the IT industry towards cloud computing. It notes that cloud computing represents a new deployment option that offers flexible consumption of computing resources and storage on demand. While cloud computing promises potential cost savings and business agility, organizations need to carefully assess which workloads and applications are suitable for a cloud environment versus maintaining existing on-premises infrastructure. A hybrid approach that combines on-premises systems with cloud-based services may provide the optimal solution for most businesses.

microsoftmicrosoft online servicesoffice 365
Challenge Description
Infrastructure and Virtualisation Hardware is increasingly power-efficient. Although prices have
fallen, it can still be expensive. The recession has seen a large
amount of hardware, often less than 3 years old, on the quality
second hand market
Software and Services The challenge is creating an automated and controlled
environment with proper management and governance tools
Security You may be sharing hardware and even services across multiple
clients, so there is a need to ensure the physical and logical
designs are secure
The importance of partners Choosing the right partner is important because they will have
lease programmes for hardware and software and will work with
you on resolving issues such as software licensing
17 No Cloud is an Island
Cloud infrastructure requires a
18 No Cloud is an Island
Challenge Description
Fast Cloud-based solutions can take advantage of very high speed interconnects
that would be very expensive to provision direct to a company office.
Dedicated Direct links between the cloud and the customer guarantees performance, and
improves security by removing the public Internet risk
Scalable All applications have traffic peaks which can sometimes be managed through
the Quality of Service mechanisms.
Efficient QoS and traffic shaping help manage network traffic - important for mission-
critical applications that need guaranteed bandwidth at busy times.
Resilient Multiple network circuits into both the data centre and the customer provide
scalability and business continuity.
19 No Cloud is an Island
• Traditional solutions rely on firewalls for protection.
• Recognising the speed with which VMs are created and deployed, vendors
have created rule-based virtual firewalls that can be kept constantly
updated and deployed on demand.
• The key here is ‘constantly updated’. Now, there are vendors that allow for
a master firewall to update the elements of all firewalls, even those in
shutdown VMs.
20 No Cloud is an Island

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This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation about VMware's end user computing portfolio including Horizon 6. The presentation covers VMware's vision of delivering a secure virtual workspace to users on any device from the datacenter or cloud. It summarizes Horizon 6's capabilities for delivering virtual desktops and applications from the datacenter in a flexible way to promote an engaging user experience. The presentation also highlights technologies like App Volumes for application delivery and Mirage for image management.

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The document discusses EMC's hybrid cloud solution. It provides an overview of EMC and VMware's federated architecture and hybrid cloud approach. Key features of EMC Hybrid Cloud 2.5 are highlighted, including automated provisioning, monitoring, backup/recovery, and the ability to migrate workloads between private and public clouds.

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Cloud-delivered desktops are virtual desktops delivered as a managed service via the cloud, allowing secure access to applications and data from any device from anywhere. Traditional desktop management has issues for IT, businesses, and users. Cloud-delivered desktops address these issues by offering all necessary servers, networking, security updates, and licensing as a monthly fee. This solution provides benefits like efficiency, optimization, security, cost savings, flexibility, and control for businesses while being environmentally friendly.

cloud computingpci compliantit infrastructure
No Cloud is an Island21
 The real ROI for cloud is about the costs that it would take to deliver the
same level of service internally.
 This includes hard and soft metrics such as uptime, user experience, cost
of hardware / software, integration, cost of bandwidth, data centre power
and cooling costs, and staff costs
22 No Cloud is an Island
23 No Cloud is an Island
Business Case Cloud Premium
Reducing the cost of
development and testing
• The speed with which a testing environment can be provisioned
• Ability to do more intensive and extensive testing of applications
• Access to high value test tools on demand via SaaS
• Access to test professionals in different locations
Scalability • Ease of adding additional compute, network and/or storage
• Ability to shrink resource pool when not required
Competitive advantage • Faster time-to-market for new applications and solutions means
new market opportunities can be quickly explored
• Speed of identification of trends and designing competitive
• Lower cost of IT releasing more money for other parts of the

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This document discusses developing a multi-cloud strategy to accelerate digital transformation. It outlines a 6-step process: 1. Identify business drivers through stakeholder interviews and use case analysis. 2. Assess cloud readiness by analyzing applications and determining best deployment options. 3. Define enabling capabilities like automation, cost management and security. 4. Choose a management platform and reference architecture for consumption. 5. Organize people and processes with new roles and cross-functional teams. 6. Create a roadmap with workstreams for implementation and ongoing optimization.

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Cloud computing is the fifth generation of computing that allows applications to be accessed from anywhere via the internet. It is projected to grow six times faster than traditional IT spending, reaching $42 billion by 2012. Key benefits include lower upfront and ongoing costs, easier application access, and improved datacenter utilization. However, security concerns, latency issues, and lack of control present barriers for some applications. Private enterprise clouds can provide cloud advantages internally while addressing barriers through server virtualization, availability, and control over resource allocation.

data abt cloud computing
Cloud computing
Cloud computingCloud computing
Cloud computing

Cloud computing allows users to access computational resources like software, data storage, and computing power without needing to know details of the physical systems delivering those resources. It provides dynamism through flexible scaling of resources to meet fluctuating demand, abstraction by hiding technical details from end users, and resource sharing to improve utilization. The three main types of cloud computing services are Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Cloud computing spending is growing much faster than traditional IT spending and is projected to become a large market.

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No Cloud is an Island

  • 1. NO CLOUD IS AN ISLAND Hybrid clouds offer new revenue opportunities By Jelle Frank van der Zwet & Ian Murphy @interxion
  • 2. INTRODUCTION Business computing stands at a crossroads. There is no more tolerance for the costly, under- delivering, grand IT projects of the past. 2 No Cloud is an Island
  • 3. INTRODUCTION Companies increasingly look at cloud-based technologies as a means of delivering the next generation of IT via a low cost, dynamic and flexible resource platform. 3 No Cloud is an Island
  • 4. INTRODUCTION But not every application will go into the cloud. Core business-critical systems will stay in-house, while less sensitive systems are ideal candidates for cloud deployment. This presentation proves that cloud and on-premise systems can work together. 4 No Cloud is an Island
  • 5. INTRODUCTION We want to lay down some straight-forward advice and steps on how this can be achieved. That’s what this presentation delivers. 5 No Cloud is an Island
  • 6. INTRODUCTION The challenges addressed are:  UNDERSTANDING THE CLOUD • A world of many clouds • Cloud deployment models • Why cloud appeals to your customers  WHY HYBRID? • Better fiscal management • Adopting a hybrid cloud  THE LOGICAL HOME FOR YOUR CLOUD • Challenges known • Challenges new 6 No Cloud is an Island
  • 8. A WORLD OF MANY CLOUDS • There are three key cloud models: private, public and hybrid, and market- focused versions such as community clouds that address specific markets and groups. • A private cloud is where the resources are owned and accessed only by the enterprise, whereas the public cloud is a shared environment. • For some applications and organisations, there is a solid business case where core applications will be in a private cloud but some applications and functions exist in the public cloud. • This is known as the hybrid cloud. 8 No Cloud is an Island
  • 9. CLOUD DEPLOYMENT MODELS 9 No Cloud is an Island
  • 10. WHY CLOUD APPEALS TO YOUR CUSTOMERS Cloud offers a range of benefits to both large and small enterprises 10 No Cloud is an Island Large Small • Efficiency: ability to manage budgets, IT maintenance and upgrade programmes more efficiently. This is because cloud computing offers flexible access to IT resources, skills, new technologies and the latest updates and patches for servers, tools and applications. All this without the management, licensing and purchasing headache this would normally involve. • New Access: cloud computing levels the technology playing field. Access to resources and technologies beyond anything their usual budgets could afford enables them to take their business to the next level. Importantly, they gain access to the people and processes that can help create competitive advantage from these new technologies.
  • 11. WHY HYBRID? No Cloud is an Island11
  • 12. WHY HYBRID? • The key challenges for all sizes of business are creating the private cloud and then integrating it with their chosen public cloud. • Correctly configured, the hybrid cloud offers many benefits. Improved SLAs, the ability to scale an application out to hundreds of servers, the ability to do very specific types of computing, such as big data or application testing. 12 No Cloud is an Island
  • 13. BETTER FISCAL MANAGEMENT The most important benefit of hybrid cloud is cost reduction and better fiscal management of IT. This benefit can be realized in several ways: • Reduced capital expenditure on new hardware and software • Reduced running costs on data centre power and cooling • Higher utilisation of resources which in turn lowers the cost of providing IT • • Metering which allows application usage to be more effectively costed • Faster and more cost-effective access to new applications through Software as a Service (SaaS) • Ability to deploy new solutions more quickly 13 No Cloud is an Island
  • 14. WHY HYBRID? 14 No Cloud is an Island
  • 15. ADOPTING A HYBRID CLOUD Enterprises will pick and choose applications and vendors based on their business needs, thus creating a diverse and heterogeneous cloud environment. Examples of hybrid cloud adoption today are: • Corporate websites are moving to the public cloud to improve access and reduce the risk of downtime. • Online web stores are using the public cloud for their catalogue and transferring customers to the private cloud to complete payment options. The public cloud allows for the quick provisioning of resources when a promotion takes place while the private cloud enables the securing of customer data. 15 No Cloud is an Island
  • 16. CHALLENGES KNOWN AND NEW No Cloud is an Island16
  • 17. CHALLENGES KNOWN Challenge Description Infrastructure and Virtualisation Hardware is increasingly power-efficient. Although prices have fallen, it can still be expensive. The recession has seen a large amount of hardware, often less than 3 years old, on the quality second hand market Software and Services The challenge is creating an automated and controlled environment with proper management and governance tools Security You may be sharing hardware and even services across multiple clients, so there is a need to ensure the physical and logical designs are secure The importance of partners Choosing the right partner is important because they will have lease programmes for hardware and software and will work with you on resolving issues such as software licensing 17 No Cloud is an Island
  • 18. CHALLENGES NEW Cloud infrastructure requires a Fast Dedicated Scalable Efficient Resilient network 18 No Cloud is an Island
  • 19. CHALLENGES NEW Challenge Description Fast Cloud-based solutions can take advantage of very high speed interconnects that would be very expensive to provision direct to a company office. Dedicated Direct links between the cloud and the customer guarantees performance, and improves security by removing the public Internet risk Scalable All applications have traffic peaks which can sometimes be managed through the Quality of Service mechanisms. Efficient QoS and traffic shaping help manage network traffic - important for mission- critical applications that need guaranteed bandwidth at busy times. Resilient Multiple network circuits into both the data centre and the customer provide scalability and business continuity. 19 No Cloud is an Island
  • 20. NETWORK SECURITY • Traditional solutions rely on firewalls for protection. • Recognising the speed with which VMs are created and deployed, vendors have created rule-based virtual firewalls that can be kept constantly updated and deployed on demand. • The key here is ‘constantly updated’. Now, there are vendors that allow for a master firewall to update the elements of all firewalls, even those in shutdown VMs. 20 No Cloud is an Island
  • 21. ASSESSING RETURN ON INVESTMENT No Cloud is an Island21
  • 22. ASSESSING ROI  The real ROI for cloud is about the costs that it would take to deliver the same level of service internally.  This includes hard and soft metrics such as uptime, user experience, cost of hardware / software, integration, cost of bandwidth, data centre power and cooling costs, and staff costs 22 No Cloud is an Island
  • 23. ASSESSING ROI 23 No Cloud is an Island Business Case Cloud Premium Reducing the cost of development and testing environments • The speed with which a testing environment can be provisioned • Ability to do more intensive and extensive testing of applications • Access to high value test tools on demand via SaaS • Access to test professionals in different locations Scalability • Ease of adding additional compute, network and/or storage resources • Ability to shrink resource pool when not required Competitive advantage • Faster time-to-market for new applications and solutions means new market opportunities can be quickly explored • Speed of identification of trends and designing competitive solutions • Lower cost of IT releasing more money for other parts of the business
  • 25. Amsterdam • Brussels • Copenhagen • Dublin • Düsseldorf • Frankfurt • Hilversum • London • Madrid • Paris • Stockholm • Vienna • Zurich THANK YOU Follow us on Twitter @interxion