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University of York
At the University of York Library we’ve undertaken
several projects using UX techniques, which has given
us a hugely rich understanding of our users. It’s
increasingly embedded in our way of working. These
slides detail some of the techniques we’ve used.
You can read more about our ethnographic work on
the Lib-Innovation Blog: there’s a link at the end of
the presentation (as Slideshare doesn’t allowworking
links in the first fewslides online…).

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Mastering The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Mastering The Fourth Industrial Revolution Mastering The Fourth Industrial Revolution
Mastering The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Technology Futurist Monty Metzger ( speaks about how to master the fourth industrial revolution. The Digital Future will have far more impact — the next 25 years will usher more change than in the previous three centuries. What separates great leaders from the rest, is they have a precise vision of the future. A vision to enable change today. Who will be leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution? How will our economy depend on data, analytics and AI? How Digital Transformation can boost your business? Monty’s keynote speeches are for those who want to change things and for those who want embrace the opportunities of the Digital Future. Book Monty for your conference, workshop or company meeting

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Communicating and Establishing DesignOps as a New Function (Brennan Hartich a...
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Communicating and Establishing DesignOps as a New Function (Brennan Hartich a...

Brennan Hartich: "Communicating and Establishing DesignOps as a New Function" DesignOps Summit 2018 • November 7-8, 2018 • New York, NY

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31+ Startup Tools, Both Online & Offline
31+ Startup Tools, Both Online & Offline31+ Startup Tools, Both Online & Offline
31+ Startup Tools, Both Online & Offline

Over the past year I have used hundreds of tools while building Pixc. It’s now time I list them for everyone.

by Pixc
lean startupinternet marketingecommerce
Ethnographic Museum
Ethnographic Archive
Ethnographic Library
Ethnographic Museum
Ethnographic Archive
Ethnographic Library
This is about using ethnography to observe
users of libraries, archives and museums…
UX has
become an
term to
cover a
suite of
that can be
roughly into
two parts:
and design

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Flow and Superfluidity for Design Orgs (Jacqui Frey at DesignOps Summit 2018)Flow and Superfluidity for Design Orgs (Jacqui Frey at DesignOps Summit 2018)
Flow and Superfluidity for Design Orgs (Jacqui Frey at DesignOps Summit 2018)

Jacqui Frey: "Flow and Superfluidity for Design Orgs" DesignOps Summit 2018 • November 7-8, 2018 • New York, NY

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Simba Chain pitch deck
Simba Chain pitch deckSimba Chain pitch deck
Simba Chain pitch deck

The document discusses Simba Chain, a blockchain platform that aims to make blockchain simple, scalable, and sustainable for businesses and developers. Some key points: - Simba Chain provides a no-code API interface that allows generating APIs for smart contracts without needing blockchain programming knowledge. This makes blockchain accessible. - It supports deployment on multiple blockchain networks and chains, allowing applications to be portable across platforms. - The company has seen strong traction with customers in sectors like government, education, and enterprise supply chain management. It also has a strong investor base including founders of top firms like KKR.

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The Minimum Loveable Product
The Minimum Loveable ProductThe Minimum Loveable Product
The Minimum Loveable Product

From Laurence McCahill's talk at UX Café, March 2014. You can watch the talk here

user experience designstartupslean startup
Ethnographic techniques and observation lead to a
deeper and more complex understanding of user
needs and behaviour than traditional data gather
methods normally allow. (Examples follow)
Simply put,
prioritises the end user, their
needs, and their behaviour, at
every stage of the design
process, with an aim to making
several small changes to
improve the user experience…
In recent years the User
Experience in Libraries
movement (UX) has
spread from the US
and Scandinavia
to the UK

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25 Need-to-Know Marketing Stats

25 stats—13 positive, 12 negative—that reflect the marketing world, including content marketing, social media, email newsletters, analytics, blogging, digital video, and more. Keep these stats in mind when crafting your marketing strategy.

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Visual Silence can help your PowerPoint slides
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This is a minimal concept you should consider for your PowerPoint slides in order to make them more engaging and exciting. I work as a presentation designer and help speakers and marketers with their pitches. If you need help with any of these concepts, drop me an email and I will be happy to help.

Why Content Marketing Fails
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Why Content Marketing Fails

Rand Fishkin discusses why content marketing often fails and provides 5 key reasons: 1) Unrealistic expectations of how content marketing works, 2) Creating content without a community to amplify it, 3) Focusing on content creation but not amplification, 4) Ignoring search engine optimization, and 5) Giving up too soon and not allowing time for content to gain traction. He emphasizes that content marketing is a long-term process of building relationships and that most successful content took years of iteration before gaining significant reach.

UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives
Libraries are
using UX to
make an
their users’ day
to day lives

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Design Thinking 101 Workshop
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Design Thinking 101 Workshop

December 2017 presentation covering: What is design thinking? What does it look like in practice? What are some case stories of design thinking being used in the real world? How can we use design thinking in our organization? Where can I learn more?

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We held the largest ever Virtual SlideShare Summit a week back, if you missed it here's your chance to hear from the experts once more on some of the takeaways on presentation design and SlideShare Marketing

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The document discusses the process of business design and the business model canvas. It emphasizes that design involves considering technical, business, and human factors holistically. An effective business model incorporates perspectives on offerings, operations, economics, marketing, and growth strategy. The business model canvas is a tool to design these perspectives and test assumptions through simple early experiments. The process involves clearly defining customer needs and value propositions, and designing how value will be operationally delivered. It highlights that business design requires continually exploring options, testing assumptions empirically and keeping the model hypothesis simple and elegant.

business modelstartupsbusiness
What does all of
this have to do
What does all of
this have to do
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives

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The Science of Story: How Brands Can Use Storytelling To Get More Customers
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The Science of Story: How Brands Can Use Storytelling To Get More Customers

Storytelling is not only an entertaining source for information, but a way to engage and humanize our messages that helps them stick. Our brains are wired for stories. Like a drug, we seek them out. Good stories create lasting emotional connections that persuade, educate, entertain, and convert consumers into brand loyalists. Here’s another good reason to believe in the power of stories: You don't have a goddamn choice. We spend a third of our waking hours crafting stories, and the rest of the time consuming them. Our brains are always searching for stories. You need stories. You live your life around stories. Your life itself is a story. So, now find out how you can use them to better understand how brands and businesses can use storytelling to increase engagement and sales.

public relationsbrandbrands
Kickstarting Design Thinking
Kickstarting Design ThinkingKickstarting Design Thinking
Kickstarting Design Thinking

This is a short talk and workshop (30' + 90') to give a first introduction to design thinking. Gives theory foundation, notes a few different approaches, and then dives into one of them. This presentation was first done at ImpactON / StartupChile evening in 2015.

Pitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to others
Pitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to othersPitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to others
Pitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to others

Learn how to convince others of your UX ideas by understanding them. We are good in designing usable and engaging products and services. We understand the user's needs and have a toolkit with dozens of deliverables. But for some reason it remains difficult to sell an idea or concept to team members, managers or clients. After this session that problem will be solved! Selling your ideas and convincing others is one of the most undervalued assets in our field. This ranges from convincing a colleague to use a certain design pattern to selling research to your boss and convincing a client to go for your concept. You can come up with the best ideas in the world, but if it is presented in the wrong way these ideas will die a lonely dead. This is sad, because everybody can learn how to bring a message across. The main thing is that you know what to pay attention to. In this session I will take you on a journey through the world of presenting ideas. We will move through the heads of clients and your colleagues, learn what their thoughts and needs are. We will move to the core of your idea and into the world of psychology.

businessinteraction designux
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives
Observation / Behavioural Mapping
Unstructured and Semi-Structured
Cognitive Mapping
Touchstone Tours
Love Letters / Breakup Letters
Cultural Probes
Graffiti Walls

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Design Thinking
Design Thinking Design Thinking
Design Thinking

The key points: ▫️Empathy in business and how to measure it? ▫️Design thinking tools ▫️How to handle uncertainty as the project evolves? ▫️Design thinking in IT — how does it work? ▫️Tips and tricks on design thinking methodology.

#design#design thinking#empathy
Agile Product Discovery
Agile Product DiscoveryAgile Product Discovery
Agile Product Discovery

This document discusses product discovery and defines it as determining "what to build", "why is this product needed", "who has the problem", and "what should be built". Traditional product discovery is viewed as pre-work to generate ideas, but it faces challenges in fast-paced environments where needs change. Agile focuses on how to build well but not what to build. The document advocates for modern product discovery approaches like design thinking, lean startup, and dual-track development to focus on quick, validated learning through customer development and business model innovation. Key aspects of product discovery discussed are understanding customer pain points, jobs-to-be-done, and determining what customers would pay for.

State of the Cloud 2017
State of the Cloud 2017State of the Cloud 2017
State of the Cloud 2017

Bessemer Venture Partners' is proud to share The State of the Cloud for 2017. As the definitive guide to the biggest trends in the cloud industry, this year’s “State of the Cloud Report” includes:  1. A Look Back at 2016  - 2016 was a marquee year for a number of reasons. First, we all remember the rocky start in February where the Cloud Market dropped 35% - Subsequently, rebounded back to normal levels and ended the year up +15%. - The dip in the market had two main outcomes: First, it led to unprecedented amounts of M&A (4x more than any other year and 40% of the total cloud market cap of $300B) – and second, it led to the fewest number of cloud tech IPOs since the financial crisis. - A combination of these factors has led to the highest quality backlog of private cloud companies in history. The top 100 private Cloud companies alone represent over $100B of private enterprise value.   2. We provide a deeper look into the three top questions every private cloud CEO should be discussing with his/her executive team                 - How fast should I be growing?                 - How much should I burn?                 - How do I scale?   3. Bessemer’s 7 Predictions for 2017                 - The year of human assisted AI                 - APIs will serve as the backbone for a majority of software infrastructure                 - Architect for infinite scale without infinite spend                 - Mobile unlocks non-desk worker productivity                 - NPS everything                 - Diverse teams win                 - The screenless software movement

cloud computingcloudpartner
1. Observation / Behavioural Mapping
Note your users as
they move through and
interact with the space.
1. Observation / Behavioural Mapping
Note your users as
they move through and
interact with the space.
What are
their paths?
What do they
see? What
do they use?
What do they
1. Observation / Behavioural Mapping
2. Unstructured/ Semi-Structured Interviews
Interview your subject about
their working / scholarly /
cultural LIFE, not just the
institution. Ask open
questions, based on what
they’re saying rather than
based on a pre-prepared list.

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Build Features, Not Apps
Build Features, Not AppsBuild Features, Not Apps
Build Features, Not Apps

Presented at Tokyo iOS Meetup Video here:

ios swiftswift programmingios10
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 20173 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017

Thinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue. Read the full story on the Drift blog here:

bdrssales toolsmessaging
Visual Design with Data
Visual Design with DataVisual Design with Data
Visual Design with Data

An immersive workshop at General Assembly, SF. I typically teach this workshop at General Assembly, San Francisco. To see a list of my upcoming classes, visit I also teach this workshop as a private lunch-and-learn or half-day immersive session for corporate clients. To learn more about pricing and availability, please contact me at

data designdata visualizationnarrative
2. Unstructured/ Semi-Structured Interviews
For example ask not
‘what e-resources do
you use?’ but ‘what’s
your process when
you’re set an
assignment / job-
2. Unstructured/ Semi-Structured Interviews
For example ask not
‘what is your favourite
part of the museum?’
but ‘how do museum
visits fit in with your
other cultural
3. Cognitive Maps
A brilliant jumping off point for the
interview is the Cognitive Map. Ask
your subject to draw a map from
3. Cognitive Maps
The Cognitive Map can be of a
building or space – but it can also
be of a process, like researching
their family tree, or completing a
college assignment.
They have 6 minutes to do this,
changing colour of pen every
2 minutes.

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TEDx Manchester: AI & The Future of Work
TEDx Manchester: AI & The Future of WorkTEDx Manchester: AI & The Future of Work
TEDx Manchester: AI & The Future of Work

TEDx Manchester talk on artificial intelligence (AI) and how the ascent of AI and robotics impacts our future work environments. The video of the talk is now also available here:

How to Become a Thought Leader in Your Niche
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheHow to Become a Thought Leader in Your Niche
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your Niche

Are bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.

bloggingthought leadersonline business
UX at York: starting small and scaling up (#nclxux)
UX at York: starting small and scaling up (#nclxux)UX at York: starting small and scaling up (#nclxux)
UX at York: starting small and scaling up (#nclxux)

A timeline of our ethnography and design work at the University of York, encompassing four UX (User Experience) Projects. Includes the changes we've made to services and space as a result of the fieldwork we've undertaken, and our strategy for dissemination.

university of yorkstudentsuser centred design
3. Cognitive Maps
Note what they put down first,
what’s a last minute addition, what
they leave out entirely. You can
code this later.
Then to introduce the unstructured
or semi-structured interview, ask
them to talk you through their
map. Use what they tell you
to inform your questions.
3. Cognitive Maps
3. Cognitive Maps
3. Cognitive Maps

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Virtual Desktops on AWS by Mike Burke, Farm Credit Canada
Virtual Desktops on AWS by Mike Burke, Farm Credit CanadaVirtual Desktops on AWS by Mike Burke, Farm Credit Canada
Virtual Desktops on AWS by Mike Burke, Farm Credit Canada

Mike Burke, Velocity Enablement Manager at Farm Credit Canada presented at the Canadian Executive Cloud & DevOps Summit on June 9, 2017 in Toronto, ON hosted by TriNimbus Technologies.

canadian executive cloud & devops summittrinimbustoronto aws
Romanian Sales Conference 2014
Romanian Sales Conference 2014Romanian Sales Conference 2014
Romanian Sales Conference 2014

This document discusses blue ocean strategy and making competitors irrelevant by not competing directly. It references a Romanian sales conference presentation about blue ocean strategy and generating new demand rather than focusing on taking sales from competitors. The document provides examples from Cirque du Soleil and Yellow Tail wine about bringing in new customers beyond the traditional audience or market.

vanzariconferinta vanzariromanian sales conference
4. Touchstone Tours
Rather than showing your users around, let them
take YOU on a tour of the building (and record
what they say). Does their understanding of
processes, systems and the space match your
5. Love Letters / Break-up Letters
your users
to write a letter
to a collection or
service (NOT a member
of staff!) – either professing
their love for, or breaking up
with, that service. This seems
very gimmicky and won’t work with
everyone, but when it does work it
really allows you to understand the
emotion engendered by the
user experiences
5. Love Letters / Break-up Letters
5. Love Letters / Break-up Letters

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9 month sales conference presentation
9 month sales conference presentation9 month sales conference presentation
9 month sales conference presentation

François-Xavier Roger, CFO of Nestlé, presented results for the first nine months of 2015. Sales totaled CHF 64.9 billion, impacted by -6.7% from foreign exchange rates and +0.4% from M&A activity. Organic growth was +4.2% and real internal growth was +2.0%. The company projected full-year organic growth of around 4.5% with improvements in margins, earnings per share, and capital efficiency. Growth was broad-based across geographies and categories, though some emerging markets faced challenges.

2013 Q1 sales conference call slides
2013 Q1 sales conference call slides2013 Q1 sales conference call slides
2013 Q1 sales conference call slides

Nestlé reported sales of CHF 21.9 billion for the first quarter of 2013, an increase of 5.4% over the same period last year. Organic growth was 4.3% and real internal growth was 2.3%. All regions saw growth, with emerging markets growing at 8.4% organically. Key product categories like infant nutrition and pet care performed well. Nestlé reiterated its full-year outlook of 5-6% organic growth, improved margins and earnings per share.

Exposing the Myth Of Planned Obsolescence: Why the Sales Compensation Plan Mu...
Exposing the Myth Of Planned Obsolescence: Why the Sales Compensation Plan Mu...Exposing the Myth Of Planned Obsolescence: Why the Sales Compensation Plan Mu...
Exposing the Myth Of Planned Obsolescence: Why the Sales Compensation Plan Mu...

presented at TrueConnection: Sales Performance Management Conference 2007 by Mark Davis, Managing Principal of Valitus Group, Inc.

5. Love Letters / Break-up Letters
5. Love Letters / Break-up Letters
6. Cultural Probes
Give your users the
tools they need to take
ethnography home with
them – diary studies, a
voice recorder, the chance
to take pictures…
Encourage them to record
feelings, events and
7. Graffiti Walls
Give your users a
feedback mechanism
which is quick, easy
and interactive

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A guide to functional areas and cost of sales P&L reporting in the SAP® Gener...
A guide to functional areas and cost of sales P&L reporting in the SAP® Gener...A guide to functional areas and cost of sales P&L reporting in the SAP® Gener...
A guide to functional areas and cost of sales P&L reporting in the SAP® Gener...

- The document provides guidance on using functional areas for cost-of-sales accounting in SAP General Ledger, including how to activate cost-of-sales functionality, define functional areas in master records, and create cost-of-sales financial statements by functional area using standard reports. - It discusses approaches for deriving functional areas from cost objects, G/L accounts, substitutions, and manual entry. Activating the cost-of-sales scenario updates the functional area field for postings. - The document demonstrates how to generate cost-of-sales reports by functional area using the standard report 0SAPBSPL-01 and drilling down by characteristics for analysis.

sap controllingfunctional areascost of sales
Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving Cars
Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving CarsStudy: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving Cars
Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving Cars

We asked LinkedIn members worldwide about their levels of interest in the latest wave of technology: whether they’re using wearables, and whether they intend to buy self-driving cars and VR headsets as they become available. We asked them too about their attitudes to technology and to the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the devices that they use. The answers were fascinating – and in many cases, surprising. This SlideShare explores the full results of this study, including detailed market-by-market breakdowns of intention levels for each technology – and how attitudes change with age, location and seniority level. If you’re marketing a tech brand – or planning to use VR and wearables to reach a professional audience – then these are insights you won’t want to miss.

automotivesocial media marketinglinkedin marketing solutions
MS Cloud Summit Paris 2017 - Azure Stack
MS Cloud Summit Paris 2017 - Azure StackMS Cloud Summit Paris 2017 - Azure Stack
MS Cloud Summit Paris 2017 - Azure Stack

Notre session Azure Stack avec Bruno SAILLE et Benoît SAUTIERE au Microsoft Cloud Summit Paris 2017

azure stack
7. Graffiti Walls
7. Graffiti Walls
These methods for
feedback gathering
tend to reveal very in-
depth and varied
views, feelings and
The key is not to get stuck on
the ethnography phase – the next step
is to design changes to your service
based on what you’ve learned.

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Cloud Services and Infrastructure in 2017
Cloud Services and Infrastructure in 2017Cloud Services and Infrastructure in 2017
Cloud Services and Infrastructure in 2017

Topics: Cloud computing fundamentals SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, and managed services State of cloud infrastructure in 2017 Current Market Key differentiators of market leaders Emerging trends

cloud computing
Cloud computing with MS Azure
Cloud computing with MS AzureCloud computing with MS Azure
Cloud computing with MS Azure

This document summarizes the key qualifications and experience of Syed Sabhi Haider. It lists his certifications in Microsoft technologies including MCSA Office 365, MCSA Windows Server 2012, MCSE SharePoint 2013, and Specialist certifications in Azure Infrastructure and Azure Solutions. It also lists his roles as a Microsoft Consultant and Technical Writer.

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Introduction to Cloud Computing & Market Review
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Introduction to Cloud Computing & Market Review

High level overview of Cloud COmputing, benefits, markets...

cloud computing
The aim is to tweak the
service to make the user
experience better. This
may mean a small number
of large changes – you
never know what the data
will tell you – but most
often this will mean a large
number of small changes
that positively influence the
user day to day
The Design Thinking process first defines the
problem and then implements the solutions,
always with the needs of the user demographic at
the core of concept development. This process
focuses on needfinding, understanding, creating,
thinking, and doing. At the core of this process is
a bias towards action and creation: by creating
and testing something, you can continue to learn
and improve upon your initial ideas.
Stanford Design School
(In other words: it’s iterative.
Rather than saving up your
design tweaks for one huge
change, go for a rapid-
prototyping model…)

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Trust in the Digital Single Market - Cloud Expo 2017
Trust in the Digital Single Market - Cloud Expo 2017Trust in the Digital Single Market - Cloud Expo 2017
Trust in the Digital Single Market - Cloud Expo 2017

ESSENTIALS TOWARDS A SECURE AND RESILIENT CLOUD FOR THE DIGITAL SINGLE MARKET Reducing frictions between cloud buyers and sellers, and building trust in the Digital Single Market. We set the scene for a resilient cloud market, and discuss the value of services that lead to greater trust and uptake of cloud services.

digital single marketict

Dịch Vụ Chuyển Nhà Liên Tình, Chuyển Nhà Liên Tình, xe tải chuyển nhà liên tỉnh, chuyển nhà trọn gói liên tỉnh

dịch vụ chuyển địa chỉ liên lạcchuyển nhà liênxe đẩy tỉnh

This document discusses using ethnographic techniques to understand user needs and behaviors in libraries, archives, and museums. It outlines 7 key ethnographic techniques including observation, interviews, cognitive mapping, and cultural probes. The goal is to gather insights that can be used to design small changes that improve the user experience. Examples are given of changes institutions have made based on ethnographic research, such as adjusting opening hours, adding signage and charging stations. The document encourages organizations to try these methods by starting with a specific space or user group and making changes quickly based on findings.

Make changes
early and often,
monitor your users’
responses, and
don’t be afraid
to fail.
Just make sure
you record and
learn from
Perhaps it’s better to make something self-
righting than to aim for perfection. Can your
users find their own way out of difficulties?
Use design techniques to help structureyour thinking
Examples courtesy of
Modern Human

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What is UX and how can it help your organisation?
What is UX and how can it help your organisation?What is UX and how can it help your organisation?
What is UX and how can it help your organisation?

An overview of User Experience techniques. No longer just web usability testing, there's a new much more human movement in UX. This presentation outlines the key components, with examples: ethnography, and human-centred design.

Impact the UX of Your Website with Contextual Inquiry
Impact the UX of Your Website with Contextual InquiryImpact the UX of Your Website with Contextual Inquiry
Impact the UX of Your Website with Contextual Inquiry

A contextual inquiry is a research study that involves in-depth interviews where users walk through common tasks in the physical environment in which they typically perform them. It can be used to better understand the intents and motivations behind user behavior. In this session, learn what’s needed to conduct a contextual inquiry and how to analyze the ethnographic data once collected. We'll cover how to synthesize and visualize your findings as sequence models and affinity diagrams that directly inform the development of personas and common task flows. Finally, learn how this process can help guide your design and content strategy efforts while constructing a rich picture of the user experience.

assessmentuxcontextual inquiry
Cultural probes dk
Cultural probes dkCultural probes dk
Cultural probes dk

Cultural probes are a research method used to understand user culture without directly questioning users. Probes take the form of design objects like disposable cameras or diaries that are given to users to provoke inspirational responses. When returned, the probes are not analyzed but rather looked through for inspiration to inform experimental design through dialogue. The goal is to discover new cultural understandings and preferences to inspire design, rather than gather precise information.

involving userscultural probesexercise
Here are some examples of changes: tweaks to our
services at the University of York, informed or
supported by our three major UX projects since 2015.
We installed hot-drinking-water taps,
for those who prefer to drink hot
water during the winter months
We changed the opening hours of
one of our sites to 24hrs, because
students told us they were reluctant
to use it if it meant setting up all
their stuff and then having to move
at 10pm when it previously closed
We added white-boards to the
Postgrad areas to try and help
foster a sense of community.

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Interface prototyping 2014
Interface prototyping 2014Interface prototyping 2014
Interface prototyping 2014

This presentation was done for the course Interface prototyping. 22.04.2014. Media lab. Media Department.

prototypespaper prototypinginterfaces
Mobile research smart or dumb?
Mobile research  smart or dumb?Mobile research  smart or dumb?
Mobile research smart or dumb?

Why research lags behind the mobile explosion and what to do about it. Rethink research, rethink design, rethink methods and avoid putting online research on a phone - but create truly smart mobile research projects.

mobile market researchtechnologydesign
Contextual Inquiry: How Ethnographic Research can Impact the UX of Your Website
Contextual Inquiry: How Ethnographic Research can Impact the UX of Your WebsiteContextual Inquiry: How Ethnographic Research can Impact the UX of Your Website
Contextual Inquiry: How Ethnographic Research can Impact the UX of Your Website

Ethnographic research methods like contextual inquiry were used to understand user experiences of the university library website. Contextual interviews were conducted with students, faculty, and staff, followed by interpretation sessions to analyze the data. This involved creating sequence models of user tasks, affinity diagrams to group themes, and personas. The goal was to gain insights into how users work in order to design services and a website that better meet their needs. Challenges included the time and resources required, but advantages were an in-depth understanding of users and their research processes to inform improvements.

uxacademic libraries
We bought blankets for all our sites.
It may not seem like much, but…
We bought blankets for all our sites.
It may not seem like much, but…
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives

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Mobile & Tablet UX | NYU School of Professional Studies | Week 1 (Intro)

These are my slides for the first week of the class "Mobile and Tablet UX" at the NYU School of Professional Studies. The course is taught online in 4 sessions.

Smart Campus: Some Pilots
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Smart Campus: Some Pilots

Presentation from Professor Matthew Chalmers from the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow who gave a presentation on beacons at the Intelligent Campus Community Event on the 10th April 2018.

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Business Origami: a practical guide to running a Business Origami workshopBusiness Origami: a practical guide to running a Business Origami workshop
Business Origami: a practical guide to running a Business Origami workshop

The document provides guidance on running a Business Origami workshop to better understand users and map out systems or processes. Business Origami is a collaborative design thinking activity that uses paper cutouts to represent people, places, things, and their interactions. It helps visualize relationships and uncover pain points and opportunities for improvement. The document outlines workshop preparations, activities, and goals which include creating models of the ecosystem, identifying interactions and challenges, and gathering insights to inform further research. It also includes an example practice workshop focused on mapping employees' lunch habits.

business origamiuxux research
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives
We changed the way our Flexible Loans system
works for the academic community, and data from
ethnographic fieldwork also fed into changes to the
catalogue front-end, and our reading list system
We changed the way we
communicate with our users

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One of the most persistent factors limiting the impact of user research in business is that projects often stop with a cataloging findings and implications rather than generating opportunities that directly enable the findings. We’ve long heard the lament “Well, we got this report and it just sat there. We didn’t know what to do with it.” But design research (or ethnography, or user research, or whatever the term du jour may be) has also become standard practice, as opposed to something exceptional or innovative. That means that designers are increasingly involved in using contextual research to inform their design work. Courses at CHI and elsewhere have increased the ranks of designers and others who feel comfortable conducting user research. But analysis and synthesis is a more slippery skill set, and we see how easy it is for teams to ignore (more out of frustration than anything malicious) data that doesn’t immediately seem actionable. This course gives people the tools to take control over synthesis and ideation themselves by breaking it down into a manageable framework and process.

insightuser experienceux
Life, actually: An All Channels Open approach to real time research on the move
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We know that people behave irrationally, spontaneously, sub consciously, and non-sequentially. However, research is still largely isolated, linear, and at a single point in time. Why do we tell people they have to fill out a survey in one sitting, or join a discussion at their desktop at 8pm on a Monday night or drive 20 miles to a focus group facility on a wet Wednesday in January only to be asked to remember what they were doing in Waitrose at 3pm last Thursday? This is not how people live their lives. Mobile research methodologies have started to open the door to a new way of collecting data, but its potential will remain unfulfilled if the prevailing methodological wisdom is to simply think of mobile as another way to deliver the same techniques, or simply focus on gathering insight quickly. Designing platforms for research should be done solely in the best interest of the people taking part in the research, allowing them to complete tasks on any device they want, maximising the potential of that device, and blending devices as needed. We can then allow people to tell us their thoughts in an online discussion one day, from any device they have to hand at the time, record experiences via their phone in real time, via both qualitative and quantitative means, before engaging in a dialogue with a skilled researcher about their behaviours or sharing with their peers and discovering new insights about each other as a group. When research reflects how people make decisions, based on how we know people to be, and that they live their lives in a series of disconnected moments, we will get more natural, open, engaging and real insight.

UXPA 2023: UX Fracking: Using Mixed Methods to Extract Hidden Insights
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Users do not always accurately describe what they mean or feel. There are many reasons for this, ranging from politeness to poor introspection, to lack of sufficient technical vocabulary. Fortunately, UX researchers have tools in their trade to deduce what was really meant. We call this UX Fracking, a mixed methods approach that is optimized for extracting hidden user insights. We will illustrate the dangers of inadequate, superficial research, and how this may lead to outcomes incapable of addressing the users’ core issues. We will explore ways to avoid these pitfalls by leveraging mixed research methods to test hypotheses about the users’ intent and needs. This starts with a thorough understanding of who the user is, their goals, and how they work today, to an approach that combines surveys, interviews, and comment analysis with behavioral observation, and finally, validating the newly discovered user insights with the users themselves.

uxuser experienceuserexperience
Examples of changes at other institutions include changing the
location of digital screens, to areas where they’ll be actually
engaged with by a larger number of people…
… or of identifying why supposedly quiet areas were still thought of
as noisy by users – solutions included oiling loud hinges on office
doors, and turning the volume down on self-issue machines…
Another HEI put in more printers, more signage (both
physical and digital) and a phone charging station. Again,
none of these changes are huge on their own, but…

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This workshop explores how requirements engineering can be employed by digital and non-digital humanities scholars (and others) to conceptualise and communicate a research project. requirementsEngineeringAs the field of digital humanities has evolved, one of the biggest challenges has been getting the marrying technical expertise with humanities scholarly practice to successfully deliver sustainable and sound digital projects. At its core this is a communications exercise. However, to communicate effectively demands an ability to effectively translate, define and find clarity in your own mind.

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Impact your Library UX with Contextual Inquiry
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A contextual inquiry is a research study that involves in-depth interviews where users walk through common tasks in the physical environment in which they typically perform them. It can be used to better understand the intents and motivations behind user behavior. In this session, learn what’s needed to conduct a contextual inquiry and how to analyze the ethnographic data once collected. I'll cover how to synthesize and visualize your findings as sequence models and affinity diagrams that directly inform the development of personas and common task flows. Finally, learn how this process can help guide your design and content strategy efforts while constructing a rich picture of the user experience.

personasuser researchcontextual design
UPDATED: Everything old is new again…or is it?
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UPDATED: Everything old is new again…or is it?

Updated to include audience responses and participation! Slides from Keynote Presentation by Janine Bowes. In this presentation Janine will explore the skills and attributes that an online teacher needs in the 21st century to stay on top of the game. In considering the past two decades of online learning, it is useful to note some underlying principles that are timeless but also to be open to new possibilities.

= a better user experience,
happier users
Often UX fieldwork can be
the evidence and trigger
required to make the
changes you’ve known
you want to do for a while…
If you’d like to try this at your library, museum or archive
(or any other organisation) here’s a potential path forward:

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The document outlines an agenda and process for turning field research data into insights and solutions. It begins with exercises to synthesize observations from fieldwork into themes and opportunities. Participants then generate strategies and solutions to address ideation questions formulated from the opportunities. The goal is to practice connecting research findings to a range of potential business areas and solutions through collaborative, visual ideation techniques.

In front of our very eyes the value of UX research methods
In front of our very eyes  the value of UX research methodsIn front of our very eyes  the value of UX research methods
In front of our very eyes the value of UX research methods

A presentation I gave on the value of applying User Experience research methods in libraries at the LIASA conference in Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2017.

uxuser experienceethnography
Design Thinking for the Masses: Creating a Culture of Empathy Across a Librar...
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Design thinking puts users at the forefront. It encourages us to practice empathy, observe our surroundings, question assumptions, and identify big problems. It then asks us to prototype and iterate on solutions. Inspired by the power of these concepts, University of Arizona Libraries initiated a library-wide design thinking project. This inclusive, collaborative effort guided strategic initiatives and put user experience in the minds of library employees at all levels. Presentation at Designing for Digital 2018 in Austin, Texas.

design thinkinguser experiencestrategic planning
1. Choose either a space or a demographic
1. Choose either a space or a demographic
2. Choose some ethnographic fieldwork to try
out. Behavioural Mapping is a good way to
start for space. Cognitive Mapping and
Interviews are good to do with a
3. Practice on colleagues first!
1. Choose either a space or a demographic
2. Choose some ethnographic fieldwork to try
out. Behavioural Mapping is a good way to
start for space. Cognitive Mapping and
Interviews are good to do with a
3. Practice on colleagues first!
4. Try to avoid going in trying to solve a
specific problem. Be led by the data.
1. Choose either a space or a demographic
2. Choose some ethnographic fieldwork to try
out. Behavioural Mapping is a good way to
start for space. Cognitive Mapping and
Interviews are good to do with a
3. Practice on colleagues first!
4. Try to avoid going in trying to solve a
specific problem. Be led by the data.
5. As soon as you find something you can
change, design and implement the change
right away.

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A library social media manifesto | #VALA2022
A library social media manifesto | #VALA2022A library social media manifesto | #VALA2022
A library social media manifesto | #VALA2022

My talk for the #VALA2022 conference in Melbourne. Watch the full video of it here: This is inended to apply to all sectors of librarianship, and is potentially relevant to all non-profits. Discussing purpose, personality, coordination, empathy and analytics - to refresh and re-energise your organisational social media and marketing. If you want to book a marketing or social media workshop for your organisation, get in touch at

Book Takeout and User-Docused Delivery
Book Takeout and User-Docused DeliveryBook Takeout and User-Docused Delivery
Book Takeout and User-Docused Delivery

I gave this presentation at the NEFLIN Conference in June 2021. They asked me to talk about the University of York Library's response to the pandemic.

book takeawayuniversity of yorkyork library
Risks and rough edges: Building Genuine Relationships Through Library Social...
Risks and rough edges:  Building Genuine Relationships Through Library Social...Risks and rough edges:  Building Genuine Relationships Through Library Social...
Risks and rough edges: Building Genuine Relationships Through Library Social...

A presentation about University of York Library Social Media, delivered at the #LibSocMed online event organised by Royal Holloway University Library. Images are either CC0 pics or pictures by the library photographer Paul Shields.

social mediamarketing and advertisinginstagram
1. Choose either a space or a demographic
2. Choose some ethnographic fieldwork to try
out. Behavioural Mapping is a good way to
start for space. Cognitive Mapping and
Interviews are good to do with a
3. Practice on colleagues first!
4. Try to avoid going in trying to solve a
specific problem. Be led by the data.
5. As soon as you find something you can
change, design and implement the change
right away.
6. Have fun!
All photos are CC0 (sourced via
Pixabay & Pexels) except the
Touchstone Tour pic, courtesy of
Georgina Cronin and the Modern
Human design cards, taken by me.
Thanks to Andy Priestner, Jenny
Foster, Ingela Wahlgren and Carl
Barrow for their examples of UX-led
changes. Follow them on Twitter for
more good stuff!
Read more about UX at the
University of York Library
a structured introduction to UX:
chat to me on twitter: @ned_potter
Find out about the UXLibs Conference:

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UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and Archives

  • 2. At the University of York Library we’ve undertaken several projects using UX techniques, which has given us a hugely rich understanding of our users. It’s increasingly embedded in our way of working. These slides detail some of the techniques we’ve used.
  • 3. You can read more about our ethnographic work on the Lib-Innovation Blog: there’s a link at the end of the presentation (as Slideshare doesn’t allowworking links in the first fewslides online…).
  • 6. Ethnographic Museum Ethnographic Archive Ethnographic Library This is about using ethnography to observe users of libraries, archives and museums… TERMINOLOGY
  • 8. UX has become an IP UMBRELLA term to cover a suite of techniques that can be divided roughly into two parts: ethnography and design
  • 9. SIMPLY PUT Ethnographic techniques and observation lead to a deeper and more complex understanding of user needs and behaviour than traditional data gather methods normally allow. (Examples follow)
  • 10. Simply put, HUMAN CENTRED D E S I G N prioritises the end user, their needs, and their behaviour, at every stage of the design process, with an aim to making several small changes to improve the user experience…
  • 11. In recent years the User Experience in Libraries movement (UX) has spread from the US and Scandinavia to the UK
  • 16. Libraries are using UX to make an IMPACT on their users’ day to day lives
  • 17. What does all of this have to do with…
  • 18. What does all of this have to do with…
  • 24. 7 KEY ETHNOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES Observation / Behavioural Mapping Unstructured and Semi-Structured Interviews Cognitive Mapping Touchstone Tours Love Letters / Breakup Letters Cultural Probes Graffiti Walls
  • 25. 1. Observation / Behavioural Mapping Note your users as they move through and interact with the space.
  • 26. 1. Observation / Behavioural Mapping Note your users as they move through and interact with the space. What are their paths? What do they see? What do they use? What do they ignore?
  • 27. 1. Observation / Behavioural Mapping
  • 28. 2. Unstructured/ Semi-Structured Interviews Interview your subject about their working / scholarly / cultural LIFE, not just the institution. Ask open questions, based on what they’re saying rather than based on a pre-prepared list.
  • 29. 2. Unstructured/ Semi-Structured Interviews For example ask not ‘what e-resources do you use?’ but ‘what’s your process when you’re set an assignment / job- hunting?’
  • 30. 2. Unstructured/ Semi-Structured Interviews For example ask not ‘what is your favourite part of the museum?’ but ‘how do museum visits fit in with your other cultural activities?’
  • 31. 3. Cognitive Maps A brilliant jumping off point for the interview is the Cognitive Map. Ask your subject to draw a map from memory.
  • 32. 3. Cognitive Maps The Cognitive Map can be of a building or space – but it can also be of a process, like researching their family tree, or completing a college assignment. They have 6 minutes to do this, changing colour of pen every 2 minutes.
  • 33. 3. Cognitive Maps Note what they put down first, what’s a last minute addition, what they leave out entirely. You can code this later. Then to introduce the unstructured or semi-structured interview, ask them to talk you through their map. Use what they tell you to inform your questions.
  • 37. 4. Touchstone Tours Rather than showing your users around, let them take YOU on a tour of the building (and record what they say). Does their understanding of processes, systems and the space match your expectations?
  • 38. 5. Love Letters / Break-up Letters Ask your users to write a letter to a collection or service (NOT a member of staff!) – either professing their love for, or breaking up with, that service. This seems very gimmicky and won’t work with everyone, but when it does work it really allows you to understand the emotion engendered by the user experiences
  • 39. 5. Love Letters / Break-up Letters
  • 40. 5. Love Letters / Break-up Letters
  • 41. 5. Love Letters / Break-up Letters
  • 42. 5. Love Letters / Break-up Letters
  • 43. 6. Cultural Probes Give your users the tools they need to take ethnography home with them – diary studies, a voice recorder, the chance to take pictures… Encourage them to record feelings, events and interactions.
  • 44. 7. Graffiti Walls Give your users a feedback mechanism which is quick, easy and interactive
  • 47. These methods for feedback gathering tend to reveal very in- depth and varied views, feelings and experiences
  • 48. The key is not to get stuck on the ethnography phase – the next step is to design changes to your service based on what you’ve learned.
  • 50. The aim is to tweak the service to make the user experience better. This may mean a small number of large changes – you never know what the data will tell you – but most often this will mean a large number of small changes that positively influence the user day to day
  • 51. The Design Thinking process first defines the problem and then implements the solutions, always with the needs of the user demographic at the core of concept development. This process focuses on needfinding, understanding, creating, thinking, and doing. At the core of this process is a bias towards action and creation: by creating and testing something, you can continue to learn and improve upon your initial ideas. “ Stanford Design School
  • 52. (In other words: it’s iterative. Rather than saving up your design tweaks for one huge change, go for a rapid- prototyping model…)
  • 53. Make changes early and often, monitor your users’ responses, and don’t be afraid to fail. Just make sure you record and learn from failure
  • 54. Perhaps it’s better to make something self- righting than to aim for perfection. Can your users find their own way out of difficulties?
  • 55. Use design techniques to help structureyour thinking Examples courtesy of Modern Human
  • 57. Here are some examples of changes: tweaks to our services at the University of York, informed or supported by our three major UX projects since 2015.
  • 58. We installed hot-drinking-water taps, for those who prefer to drink hot water during the winter months
  • 59. We changed the opening hours of one of our sites to 24hrs, because students told us they were reluctant to use it if it meant setting up all their stuff and then having to move at 10pm when it previously closed
  • 60. We added white-boards to the Postgrad areas to try and help foster a sense of community.
  • 61. We bought blankets for all our sites. It may not seem like much, but…
  • 62. We bought blankets for all our sites. It may not seem like much, but…
  • 67. We changed the way our Flexible Loans system works for the academic community, and data from ethnographic fieldwork also fed into changes to the catalogue front-end, and our reading list system
  • 68. We changed the way we communicate with our users
  • 69. Examples of changes at other institutions include changing the location of digital screens, to areas where they’ll be actually engaged with by a larger number of people…
  • 70. … or of identifying why supposedly quiet areas were still thought of as noisy by users – solutions included oiling loud hinges on office doors, and turning the volume down on self-issue machines…
  • 71. Another HEI put in more printers, more signage (both physical and digital) and a phone charging station. Again, none of these changes are huge on their own, but…
  • 73. = a better user experience, happier users
  • 74. Often UX fieldwork can be the evidence and trigger required to make the changes you’ve known you want to do for a while…
  • 76. If you’d like to try this at your library, museum or archive (or any other organisation) here’s a potential path forward:
  • 77. 1. Choose either a space or a demographic
  • 78. 1. Choose either a space or a demographic 2. Choose some ethnographic fieldwork to try out. Behavioural Mapping is a good way to start for space. Cognitive Mapping and Interviews are good to do with a demographic. 3. Practice on colleagues first!
  • 79. 1. Choose either a space or a demographic 2. Choose some ethnographic fieldwork to try out. Behavioural Mapping is a good way to start for space. Cognitive Mapping and Interviews are good to do with a demographic. 3. Practice on colleagues first! 4. Try to avoid going in trying to solve a specific problem. Be led by the data.
  • 80. 1. Choose either a space or a demographic 2. Choose some ethnographic fieldwork to try out. Behavioural Mapping is a good way to start for space. Cognitive Mapping and Interviews are good to do with a demographic. 3. Practice on colleagues first! 4. Try to avoid going in trying to solve a specific problem. Be led by the data. 5. As soon as you find something you can change, design and implement the change right away.
  • 81. 1. Choose either a space or a demographic 2. Choose some ethnographic fieldwork to try out. Behavioural Mapping is a good way to start for space. Cognitive Mapping and Interviews are good to do with a demographic. 3. Practice on colleagues first! 4. Try to avoid going in trying to solve a specific problem. Be led by the data. 5. As soon as you find something you can change, design and implement the change right away. 6. Have fun!
  • 82. SOME CREDITS All photos are CC0 (sourced via Pixabay & Pexels) except the Touchstone Tour pic, courtesy of Georgina Cronin and the Modern Human design cards, taken by me. Thanks to Andy Priestner, Jenny Foster, Ingela Wahlgren and Carl Barrow for their examples of UX-led changes. Follow them on Twitter for more good stuff!
  • 83. Read more about UX at the University of York Library a structured introduction to UX: chat to me on twitter: @ned_potter THANKS FOR LISTENING! Find out about the UXLibs Conference: