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• Senior Developer Advocate for Auth0 Extend
• Extend, serverless, web and Enterprise Cat demos
• Blogging at
• Tweeting at @raymondcamden
• Cover the basics of PWAs
• Show an example
• Do this in <50 minutes

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Vaadin filtering table example
Vaadin filtering table exampleVaadin filtering table example
Vaadin filtering table example

Vaadin Framework Presentation - Filtering Table @ Jan 9th 2013 Codeaholics. A server-side filterable, sortable and editable table as a demo.

Introduction to vaadin
Introduction to vaadinIntroduction to vaadin
Introduction to vaadin

This document introduces Vaadin, an open source web framework for building desktop-like web applications. It highlights that Vaadin allows for very fast development time through its server-centric approach that hides client/server complexity. It also provides excellent documentation and a growing add-on directory. The document demonstrates creating a new Vaadin project and discusses where to go from there, such as using the Visual Editor Eclipse plugin and learning about data binding. It encourages combining Vaadin with Spring for features like inversion of control and security.

Progressive web apps
Progressive web appsProgressive web apps
Progressive web apps

Alex Russell Software Engineer, Google at Fastly Altitude 2016 New browser technologies are arriving that are poised to change user and developer expectations of what’s possible on the web; particularly on slow mobile devices with flaky connections. This talk discusses how these new technologies – Service Workers, Progressive Web Apps, HTTP/2, Push, Notifications, and Web Components are being combined, e.g. in the new PRPL pattern, to transform user experiences while improving business results.

web appsmobilegoogle
• By: Tal Ater
Progressive Web App
• A term
• Coined by Frances Berriman and Alex Russell in 2015
• Set of Guidelines
• Technical Baseline
• Progressive
• Responsive
• Works offline, or in poor network conditions
• App-like
• Fresh
• Safe
• Discoverable
• Re-engageable
• Installable
• Linkable

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Best Practices for creating WP REST API by Galkin Nikita
Best Practices for creating WP REST API by Galkin NikitaBest Practices for creating WP REST API by Galkin Nikita
Best Practices for creating WP REST API by Galkin Nikita

The document provides best practices for creating a WordPress REST API, including using the default REST API in WordPress 4.4, adding routes, namespaces, and arguments. It also mentions using middleware, ETAGs, and RAML. Useful links for the REST API, plugins, and Cloud9 IDE are included.

rest apiwordpressmeetup
Nürnberg WooCommerce Talk - 11/24/16
Nürnberg WooCommerce Talk - 11/24/16Nürnberg WooCommerce Talk - 11/24/16
Nürnberg WooCommerce Talk - 11/24/16

Thomas Shellberg delivers a short presentation going over three WooCommerce topics to the Nürnberg WordPress meetup group.

The moment my site got hacked
The moment my site got hackedThe moment my site got hacked
The moment my site got hacked

You always think it will never happen to you but when it does, it’s all hands on deck. My personal site was almost hacked and since then I actively looked at what I could improve. During this talk I will talk what I had before and show all the improvements I made since then. It will be a mixed of using using the existing tools and my own creation in managing my sites.

• Manifest
• Service Workers
• App Shell
• "Web App Manifest"
• Just a JSON file (woot!)
• Allows for "installable" web apps
• Controls behavior when launched
• The name (as it appears in the shortcut)
• Icons (of various sizes)
• Splash screen and colors (bg and toolbar)
• Chrome
• Forced Orientation
• The starting URL (handy for passing a param to note the launch)
– https://(something)/index.html?utm_source=homescreen
• <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">

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Embrace Native Async Nature of JavaScript in WebDriver JS - SeleniumConf Aust...
Embrace Native Async Nature of JavaScript in WebDriver JS - SeleniumConf Aust...Embrace Native Async Nature of JavaScript in WebDriver JS - SeleniumConf Aust...
Embrace Native Async Nature of JavaScript in WebDriver JS - SeleniumConf Aust...

JavaScript is commonly used for testing due to its asynchronous nature and promise-based libraries that simplify asynchronous code. While JavaScript testing libraries use promises to handle asynchronous code, this can lead to "pyramid of doom" or "callback hell" code structures. New async/await syntax in JavaScript helps address this by allowing asynchronous code to be written in a simpler, synchronous-looking way. Popular JavaScript testing libraries like WebDriverJs support async/await to make asynchronous testing code more readable and maintainable.

selenium conferencejavascriptseconf austin
Ionic: The Web SDK for Develop Mobile Apps.
Ionic: The Web SDK for Develop Mobile Apps.Ionic: The Web SDK for Develop Mobile Apps.
Ionic: The Web SDK for Develop Mobile Apps.

A presentation about Ionic SDK in the first meetup of Google Developers Group (GDG) in Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil.

Making JavaScript Accessible
Making JavaScript AccessibleMaking JavaScript Accessible
Making JavaScript Accessible

Presented by Dennis Lembree at the BayJax - The Bay Area Ajax and JavaScript Meetup, June 15, 2010, Yahoo! HQ, Sunnyvale, CA.

javascript accessible ajax aria a11y keyboard web
• Show manifest1 and 2
• AKA Web Install Banners
• *Current* criteria is:
– manifest with short_name, name, 192x192 icon (png only), start_url
– service worker
– https
– "Meets a site engagement heuristic defined by Chrome (this is regularly being changed)."
• Event is fired: beforeinstallprompt
• Details:

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The ES6 Conundrum - All Things Open 2015
The ES6 Conundrum - All Things Open 2015The ES6 Conundrum - All Things Open 2015
The ES6 Conundrum - All Things Open 2015

The document discusses the ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) specification and challenges with adopting it. Some key points: - ES6 provides many new features but poses issues as browsers have varying support levels - Transpiling ES6 to ES5 allows use of new features but adds steps and browsers never get the native code - Feature testing can be used but has limitations and complexity - Options like libraries introduce dependencies rather than using the standard - Widespread testing and use of ES6 is needed to improve support and performance in browsers

Intro to Progressive Web App Development (using Ionic)
Intro to Progressive Web App Development (using Ionic)Intro to Progressive Web App Development (using Ionic)
Intro to Progressive Web App Development (using Ionic)

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can function like native mobile apps by working offline, using push notifications, and accessing device hardware. Ionic makes it easy to build PWAs using open source tools and standards like Angular. Developers can get started quickly by creating an Ionic project with the CLI and adding a web app manifest and service worker to enable core PWA features like offline support.

front end developmentpwaionic
Let’s learn how to use JavaScript responsibly and stay up-to-date.
Let’s learn how to use JavaScript responsibly and stay up-to-date. Let’s learn how to use JavaScript responsibly and stay up-to-date.
Let’s learn how to use JavaScript responsibly and stay up-to-date.

This document discusses responsible and up-to-date use of JavaScript. It recommends directly learning JavaScript instead of relying on libraries without understanding. Browser tools and editors have improved, removing the need for user agent sniffing or outdated polyfills. New JavaScript features like ES6 are supported in modern browsers through transpilation or superset languages. The overall message is that JavaScript has matured and developers should embrace new capabilities instead of clinging to past workarounds.

Into the Box 2018 Building a PWA
• Doesn't support manifest :(
• But you can configure...
Into the Box 2018 Building a PWA

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Selenium 4 with Simon Stewart [Webinar]
Selenium 4 with Simon Stewart [Webinar]Selenium 4 with Simon Stewart [Webinar]
Selenium 4 with Simon Stewart [Webinar]

BrowserStack hosted Simon Stewart, creator of WebDriver and core-contributor to the Selenium project for a webinar on the 18th of June. Simon spoke about Selenium 4, the upcoming Selenium upgrade. Simon covered various topics like the philosophy behind the upgrade and what it means for the QA community. Here's the webinar, along with the transcript.

seleniumtestingtest automation
Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon US 2014
Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon US 2014Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon US 2014
Modern Web Application Development Workflow - EclipseCon US 2014

People often consider that creating a web application is done by creating a bunch of HTML, Javascript and CSS files together in a text editor and uploading them on the web. Well, things have changed and in this presentation, you will see how the workflow used to deliver web applications has evolved over the past few years! We will start by seeing how you can use Yeoman and its generators to kickstart your project. Then you will see how Bower let you manage the dependencies of your project. Downloading the JavaScript and CSS frameworks that you are using for you. After that we will have a look at Chrome Devtools in order to debug and edit our application. We will also see how to use remote debugging to inspect a web application running on a phone or a tablet. Finally we will see how you can set up your whole continuous integration workflow with Grunt. Compilation, static code analysis, unit tests, integration tests, minification, code coverage, you name it. This talk has been presented during EclipseCon North America 2014 in San Francisco

Configuration Management Camp 2015
Configuration Management Camp 2015Configuration Management Camp 2015
Configuration Management Camp 2015

This document discusses improving the reusability of configuration management through better design of cookbooks and resources in Chef. It identifies common pain points like lack of platform support and standard interfaces. The document proposes focusing on resources by standardizing their interfaces, isolating data and logic, and providing resources for common tasks to make configuration management more reusable and delightful.

IOS 11.3!
S AV E S T H E D AY ! ( U M , K I N D A )
• JavaScript
• A script registered via a script
• Now - forget everything you know about <script>
• You load foo.html
• foo.html is all like <script src="ftw_js_is_awesome_unicorns.js"></script>
• Code executes while the tab (window) is "alive"
• Close the tab and ftw_js_is_awesome_unicorns.js goes bye bye

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AWS Tech Summit - Berlin 2011 - Running Java Applications on AWS
AWS Tech Summit - Berlin 2011 - Running Java Applications on AWSAWS Tech Summit - Berlin 2011 - Running Java Applications on AWS
AWS Tech Summit - Berlin 2011 - Running Java Applications on AWS

Presentation on running Java applications on AWS using AWS Elastic Beanstalk. AWS Tech Summit, Berlin, May 2011

aws cloudjava applicationsjava
That's crazy! how to build single page web apps
That's crazy! how to build single page web appsThat's crazy! how to build single page web apps
That's crazy! how to build single page web apps

The document discusses building single page web apps and provides tips for doing so efficiently. It recommends using templating to build markup on demand, destroying and rebuilding elements, and managing data through tombstoning, on-demand loading, and purging stale data. It also recommends libraries like Backbone.js, Upshot.js, Navigation.js, and Knockout.js and discusses using local storage and deferred loading of content to improve performance of single page apps.

spaweb applicationweb design and development
Building a PWA - For Everyone Who Is Scared To
Building a PWA - For Everyone Who Is Scared ToBuilding a PWA - For Everyone Who Is Scared To
Building a PWA - For Everyone Who Is Scared To

This document provides an overview of building progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the key technologies needed for PWAs including manifest files, service workers, and app shells. It provides examples of how to add a manifest to enable installable web apps, how to cache assets using service workers, and how to send push notifications. While Safari and iOS do not fully support these technologies yet, the document notes they are being developed for future releases.

• Runs in parallel to pages in it's scope
• Can't actually do anything the first time it loads
• Can run when you're not even on the page
• Can intercept every single network request (to be clear, not just XHR)
• Can work with the browser cache
• Can fire off notifications while you're away (and you totally won't abuse this)
• Can respond to push notifications (and you totally won't abuse this)
• Can help you sync data
• Can't touch the DOM
• You can (and must) check for support
• Requires https, but localhost is ok
• They have a life cycle
• Devtools will be very, very helpful
• Show sw1, debugging

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Single Page Applications: Your Browser is the OS!
Single Page Applications: Your Browser is the OS!Single Page Applications: Your Browser is the OS!
Single Page Applications: Your Browser is the OS!

Single Page Applications have gained tremendous popularity over the past few years and have prompted the creation of several frameworks to support their development. Unlike traditional web applications, most of the heavy lifting for SPA happens on the client side in your web browser. These applications rely on hundreds of lines of JavaScript coupled with asynchronous web service calls to provide a desktop-like experience that is accessible from virtually any device. Join Principal Architect, Jeremy Likness, to learn more about SPA, including how to determine when you should choose this approach, how SPA compares and contrasts with traditional server-based approaches including ASP.NET WebForms and MVC, and what frameworks and tools (such as jQuery, AngularJS, and Aurelia) make building SPA easier. Discover how single page applications powered by HTML5 and JavaScript transform your browser into a web-based operating system.

Exploring pwa for shopware
Exploring pwa for shopwareExploring pwa for shopware
Exploring pwa for shopware

Learn how to build your own PWA enabled page in under 5 minutes ⚡️, what SPAs' have to do with PWA and how Shopware implements their headless commerce solution!

Standardizing and Managing Your Infrastructure - MOSC 2011
Standardizing and Managing Your Infrastructure - MOSC 2011Standardizing and Managing Your Infrastructure - MOSC 2011
Standardizing and Managing Your Infrastructure - MOSC 2011

Introduction to some of the newer, available tools for use in standardizing and managing server infrastructures. Also includes simple ways on

information technologynagiossystem administration
• CacheStorage API (LINK)
• Keyed by name (this is how you version)
• Ability to add one or multiple URLs
• Ability to read from the cache (and delete)
• Show sw2 (just fetch handler) and sw3

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Service workers your applications never felt so good
Service workers   your applications never felt so goodService workers   your applications never felt so good
Service workers your applications never felt so good

If you have not heard of service workers you must attend this session. Service Workers encompass new browser capabilities, along with shiny new version of AJAX called Fetch. If you have every wanted your web applications to experience many native application features, such as push notifications, service workers is the gateway to your happiness. Have you felt confused by application cache and going offline? Well service workers enable offline experiences in a much cleaner way. But that is not all! If you want to see some of the cool new, advanced web platform features that you will actually use come to this session!

service workersprogressive web applicationspwa
A year with progressive web apps! #webinale
A year with progressive web apps! #webinaleA year with progressive web apps! #webinale
A year with progressive web apps! #webinale

About a year ago, we started using Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). The idea behind PWA was to replace native mobile apps. In this talk, I will show you what is possible to build with PWA, what kind of limitations exist, and what we learned in our journey. Along the way, you will see where progressive web apps can be a good fit for your own projects.

webinalepwaprogressive web applications
Cvcc performance tuning
Cvcc performance tuningCvcc performance tuning
Cvcc performance tuning

Web Performance tuning presentation given at Covers basic http flow, measuring performance, common changes to improve performance now, and several tools and techniques you can use now.

Into the Box 2018 Building a PWA
Into the Box 2018 Building a PWA
Into the Box 2018 Building a PWA
Into the Box 2018 Building a PWA

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From Zero to Performance Hero in Minutes - Agile Testing Days 2014 Potsdam
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From Zero to Performance Hero in Minutes - Agile Testing Days 2014 Potsdam

As a Tester you need to level up. You can do more than functional verification or reporting Response Time In my Performance Clinic Workshops I show you real life exampls on why Applications fail and what you can do to find these problems when you are testing these applications. I am using Free Tools for all of these excercises - especially Dynatrace which gives full End-to-End Visibility (Browser to Database). You can test and download Dynatrace for Free @

load testingwebperfhibernate
Continuous Integration with Open Source Tools - PHPUgFfm 2014-11-20
Continuous Integration with Open Source Tools - PHPUgFfm 2014-11-20Continuous Integration with Open Source Tools - PHPUgFfm 2014-11-20
Continuous Integration with Open Source Tools - PHPUgFfm 2014-11-20

Presentation about open source tools to set up continuous integration and continuous deployment. Covers Git, Gitlab, Chef, Vagrant, Jenkins, Gatling, Dashing, TYPO3 Surf and some other tools. Shows some best practices for testing with Behat and Functional Testing.

continuous integrationgittypo3 surf
DevOps on AWS: Accelerating Software Delivery with the AWS Developer Tools
DevOps on AWS: Accelerating Software Delivery with the AWS Developer ToolsDevOps on AWS: Accelerating Software Delivery with the AWS Developer Tools
DevOps on AWS: Accelerating Software Delivery with the AWS Developer Tools

The document discusses best practices for building application development release pipelines, including: - Implementing continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices like committing code frequently and building on every commit. - Deploying code to running environments for further testing before production. - Storing all code, including applications, infrastructure, and documentation in code repositories. - Starting with continuous delivery and gated deployments, then moving to continuous deployment with excellent testing. - Conducting code reviews to ensure code quality and understandability.

Into the Box 2018 Building a PWA
• You want to change a file
• You only want to use the cache if offline
• You want some mix of things where you use the cache first then network but then sometimes
you want to hit the network first and then cache and oh yeah maybe you want to use the
cache and that's cool but maybe you want to hit the network in the background and passively
update stuff and oh my god does this end?
• Good News: Caching Strategies exist
• Bad News: You're responsible for figuring it out
• See "The Offline Cookbook" -
• See Workbox:
• iOS - no support for Service Workers
• But officially "in development" for WebKit
• AppCache

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Reusable Whiteboard Wicket Component for Apache Openmeetings
Reusable Whiteboard Wicket Component for Apache OpenmeetingsReusable Whiteboard Wicket Component for Apache Openmeetings
Reusable Whiteboard Wicket Component for Apache Openmeetings

How the multi user whiteboard web application is build with Apache Wicket inside the Next Generation Video Conferencing tools: Apache Openmeetings


This document provides an introduction to Joomla, an open-source content management system (CMS). It discusses the history and evolution of Joomla, from its origins as Mambo through its various releases. Key features of Joomla 3 are summarized, including its responsiveness, use of Bootstrap, integration of LESS CSS, and simplified three-step installation process. Instructions are also provided on installing Joomla 3 using XAMPP, along with an overview of common Joomla components.


This document provides an introduction to Joomla, an open-source content management system (CMS). It discusses the history and evolution of Joomla, from its origins as Mambo to the current version, Joomla 3. Key features of Joomla 3 include being responsive for mobile devices, use of Bootstrap framework, integration of LESS CSS, a common user interface library for extensions, and a simplified three-step installation process. The document also covers installing Joomla using XAMPP local server software, and an overview of common Joomla components like articles, categories, modules and templates.

Into the Box 2018 Building a PWA
IOS 11.3!
S AV E S T H E D AY ! ( U M , K I N D A )
• Another ServiceWorker feature
• App js tells SW js - "hey, start syncing Foo"
• SW says - "Ok, no problem. I'll get around to it."
• SW will try to do Foo (you write the logic)
• If it fails, it will try again (and again...)
• Finally, it will try one last time and *tell* you as well

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Microservices on Application Container Cloud Service
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ACCS provides the perfect cloud service to develop microservices on! In this presentation I'll demonstrate some of recent the highlights for developers such as Python support, integration options with the Event Hub and I'll go into detail for using the Application Caches to increase performance. Spring Boot will be used extensively in this presentation. After this presentation you will have a better understanding of the options provided by ACCS to create microservices quick and easily.

Azure Functions Real World Examples
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Azure Functions Real World Examples

The document discusses serverless computing and introduces Microsoft Azure Functions as a serverless platform, highlighting how Functions allows developers to write code that runs in response to events using triggers and bindings to integrate with other Azure services, and provides examples of common serverless patterns that can be implemented using Functions.

serverlessazureazure functions
How to Contribute to Apache Usergrid
How to Contribute to Apache UsergridHow to Contribute to Apache Usergrid
How to Contribute to Apache Usergrid

Whether you are building a mobile app or a web app, Apache Usergrid (incubating) can provide you with a complete backend that supports authentication, persistence and social features like activities and followers all via a comprehensive REST API — and backed by Cassandra, giving you linear scalability. This session will tell you what you need to know to be a Usergrid contributor, starting with the basics of building and running Usergrid from source code. You’ll learn how to find your way around the Usergrid code base, how the code for the Stack, Portal and SDKs and how to use the test infrastructure to test your changes to Usergrid. You’ll learn the Usergrid contributor workflow, how the project uses JIRA and Github to manage change and how to contribute your changes to the project. The session will also cover the Usergrid roadmap and what the community is currently working on.

• Two APIs - Push and Notification
• Notification -
• Request permission to show a notification
• You can show it

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Stapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San Francisco
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Stapling and patching the web of now - ForwardJS3, San Francisco

This document summarizes a talk given by Chris Heilmann at ForwardJS in 2015. Heilmann discusses the state of web development technologies and how developers have focused too much on experimental features that are not ready for production use. This has led to a fragmented web where browsers implement features differently. He argues developers should focus on standardizing and improving existing web standards rather than constantly introducing new technologies. ES6 is highlighted as a priority for improving existing JavaScript.

AWS Summit Stockholm 2014 – T5 – Deploy, manage and scale applications on AWS
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AWS Summit Stockholm 2014 – T5 – Deploy, manage and scale applications on AWS

AWS offers a number of services that help you easily deploy and run applications in the cloud. Come to this session to learn how to choose among these options. Through interactive demonstrations, this session will show you how to get an application running using AWS OpsWorks and AWS Elastic Beanstalk application management services. You will also learn how to use AWS CloudFormation templates to document, version control, and share your application configuration. This session will cover topics like application updates, customization, and working with resources such as load balancers and databases. This session is recommended for people who understand AWS and want to know more about deployment options for their applications.

Intro to Service Worker API and its use cases
Intro to Service Worker API and its use casesIntro to Service Worker API and its use cases
Intro to Service Worker API and its use cases

The document introduces service workers, which are scripts that run in the background to cache assets and handle requests to provide functionality even when a network is unavailable; it discusses key service worker concepts like promises, registration, installation and activation; and it provides examples of how service workers can be used to improve performance and the offline experience on a web page.

workersservice workersapi
• User subscribes to push messaging (two step process)
• Your server sends a message to central Message server
• Messaging server talks to Service Worker
• Service Worker does whatever (probably Notification)

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Modern Web Framework : Play framework
Modern Web Framework : Play frameworkModern Web Framework : Play framework
Modern Web Framework : Play framework

- Play is a popular Java web framework that aims to optimize developer productivity through conventions over configurations and other features. - It provides stateless MVC architecture, easy reloading of changes without redeploying, and includes testing frameworks. - Play emphasizes features like asynchronous I/O, CRUD modules, job scheduling, and integration with Heroku, Bootstrap, and Git.

play frameworkmodern web framework
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Sami provided a beginner-friendly introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS), covering essential terms, products, and services for cloud deployment. Participants explored AWS' latest Gen AI offerings, making it accessible for those starting their cloud journey or integrating AI into coding practices.

How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours
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How we built TryBoxLang in under 48 hours

Explore the rapid development journey of TryBoxLang, completed in just 48 hours. This session delves into the innovative process behind creating TryBoxLang, a platform designed to showcase the capabilities of BoxLang by Ortus Solutions. Discover the challenges, strategies, and outcomes of this accelerated development effort, highlighting how TryBoxLang provides a practical introduction to BoxLang's features and benefits.

• ServiceWorker to browser communication
– postMessage
• Client-side storage

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Migrate your Infrastructure to the AWS Cloud
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Migrate your Infrastructure to the AWS Cloud

Are you wondering how to migrate to the Cloud? At the ITB session, we addressed the challenge of managing multiple ColdFusion licenses and AWS EC2 instances. Discover how you can consolidate with just one EC2 instance capable of running over 50 apps using CommandBox ColdFusion. This solution supports both ColdFusion flavors and includes cb-websites, a GoLang binary for managing CommandBox websites.

BoxLang Developer Tooling: VSCode Extension and Debugger
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BoxLang Developer Tooling: VSCode Extension and Debugger

Discover BoxLang, the innovative JVM programming language developed by Ortus Solutions. Designed to harness the power of the Java Virtual Machine, BoxLang offers a modern approach to application development with robust performance and scalability. Join us as we explore the capabilities of BoxLang, its syntax, and how it enhances productivity in software development.

How to debug ColdFusion Applications using “ColdFusion Builder extension for ...
How to debug ColdFusion Applications using “ColdFusion Builder extension for ...How to debug ColdFusion Applications using “ColdFusion Builder extension for ...
How to debug ColdFusion Applications using “ColdFusion Builder extension for ...

Unlock the secrets of seamless ColdFusion error troubleshooting! Join us to explore the potent capabilities of Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and ColdFusion Builder (CF Builder) in debugging. This hands-on session guides you through practical techniques tailored for local setups, ensuring a smooth and efficient development experience.

• Web, not native
• Because - duh
• No marketing, just text
• Works offline
• That's it.
H T T P S : / / C F J E D I M A S T E R . G I T H U B . I O /
I C E C O N F D E M O /

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Web Hosting with CommandBox and CommandBox Pro
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Web Hosting with CommandBox and CommandBox Pro

CommandBox was highlighted as a powerful web hosting solution, perfect for developers and businesses alike. Featuring a built-in server and command-line interface, CommandBox simplified web application management. Developers could deploy multiple application instances simultaneously, optimizing development workflows. CommandBox's efficient deployment processes ensured reliable web hosting, seamlessly integrating into existing workflows for scalability and feature enhancements.

commandboxcommandbox procfml
Revolutionizing Task Scheduling in ColdBox
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Revolutionizing Task Scheduling in ColdBox

Join me for an insightful journey into task scheduling within the ColdBox framework. In this session, we explored how to effortlessly create and manage scheduled tasks directly in your code, enhancing control and efficiency in applications and modules. Attendees experienced a user-friendly dashboard for seamless task management and monitoring. Whether you're experienced with ColdBox or new to it, this session provided practical knowledge and tips to streamline your development workflow.

Disk to Cloud: Abstract your File Operations with CBFS
Disk to Cloud: Abstract your File Operations with CBFSDisk to Cloud: Abstract your File Operations with CBFS
Disk to Cloud: Abstract your File Operations with CBFS

In this session, we explored how the cbfs module empowers developers to abstract and manage file systems seamlessly across their lifecycle. From local development to S3 deployment and customized media providers requiring authentication, cbfs offers flexible solutions. We discussed how cbfs simplifies file handling with enhanced workflow efficiency compared to native methods, along with practical tips to accelerate complex file operations in your projects.

• Supported in the *released* iOS
• Only in Safari, no other browser
• Service Workers (Caching) and App Manifests (not entirely)
• No Push or Sync
• And it gets better:
• Email me at
• Visit my awesome blog at
• Follow my awesome Twitter account at @raymondcamden

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Into the Box 2018 Building a PWA

  • 1. BUILDING A PWA F O R E V E R Y O N E W H O I S S C A R E D T O . . .
  • 2. RAYMOND CAMDEN • Senior Developer Advocate for Auth0 Extend • Extend, serverless, web and Enterprise Cat demos • Blogging at • Tweeting at @raymondcamden
  • 4. THE PLAN • Cover the basics of PWAs • Show an example • Do this in <50 minutes
  • 5. THE GUIDE • By: Tal Ater •
  • 6. WHAT THE HECK IS PWA? Progressive Web App
  • 7. OK - BUT *WHAT* IS IT? • A term • Coined by Frances Berriman and Alex Russell in 2015 • Set of Guidelines • Technical Baseline
  • 8. GUIDELINES • Progressive • Responsive • Works offline, or in poor network conditions • App-like • Fresh • Safe • Discoverable • Re-engageable • Installable • Linkable Source:
  • 9. THE TECH STACK • Manifest • Service Workers • App Shell
  • 10. MANIFEST • "Web App Manifest" • Just a JSON file (woot!) • Allows for "installable" web apps • Controls behavior when launched
  • 11. MANIFEST • The name (as it appears in the shortcut) • Icons (of various sizes) • Splash screen and colors (bg and toolbar) • Chrome • Forced Orientation • The starting URL (handy for passing a param to note the launch) – https://(something)/index.html?utm_source=homescreen
  • 12. ADDING TO HTML • <link rel="manifest" href="/manifest.json">
  • 15. (AUTO) ADD TO HOME • AKA Web Install Banners • *Current* criteria is: – manifest with short_name, name, 192x192 icon (png only), start_url – service worker – https – "Meets a site engagement heuristic defined by Chrome (this is regularly being changed)." • Event is fired: beforeinstallprompt • Details:
  • 19. THANKS IOS • Doesn't support manifest :( • But you can configure... • ation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent /ConfiguringWebApplications/ConfiguringWebApplica tions.html
  • 21. IOS 11.3! S AV E S T H E D AY ! ( U M , K I N D A )
  • 23. SERVICE WORKERS - INTRO • JavaScript • A script registered via a script • Now - forget everything you know about <script>
  • 24. "REGULAR" JS • You load foo.html • foo.html is all like <script src="ftw_js_is_awesome_unicorns.js"></script> • Code executes while the tab (window) is "alive" • Close the tab and ftw_js_is_awesome_unicorns.js goes bye bye
  • 25. SERVICE WORKER JS • Runs in parallel to pages in it's scope • Can't actually do anything the first time it loads • Can run when you're not even on the page • Can intercept every single network request (to be clear, not just XHR) • Can work with the browser cache • Can fire off notifications while you're away (and you totally won't abuse this) • Can respond to push notifications (and you totally won't abuse this) • Can help you sync data • Can't touch the DOM
  • 26. MORE SERVICE WORKER • You can (and must) check for support • Requires https, but localhost is ok • They have a life cycle • Devtools will be very, very helpful
  • 28. DEMO • Show sw1, debugging
  • 29. CACHING! • CacheStorage API (LINK) • Keyed by name (this is how you version) • Ability to add one or multiple URLs • Ability to read from the cache (and delete)
  • 32. DEMO • Show sw2 (just fetch handler) and sw3
  • 38. EXCEPT... • You want to change a file • You only want to use the cache if offline • You want some mix of things where you use the cache first then network but then sometimes you want to hit the network first and then cache and oh yeah maybe you want to use the cache and that's cool but maybe you want to hit the network in the background and passively update stuff and oh my god does this end?
  • 39. GOOD NEWS/BAD NEWS • Good News: Caching Strategies exist • Bad News: You're responsible for figuring it out • See "The Offline Cookbook" - offline/offline-cookbook/ • See Workbox:
  • 40. EXCEPT ROUND TWO... • iOS - no support for Service Workers • But officially "in development" for WebKit • AppCache
  • 42. IOS 11.3! S AV E S T H E D AY ! ( U M , K I N D A )
  • 43. BACKGROUND SYNC • Another ServiceWorker feature • App js tells SW js - "hey, start syncing Foo" • SW says - "Ok, no problem. I'll get around to it." • SW will try to do Foo (you write the logic) • If it fails, it will try again (and again...) • Finally, it will try one last time and *tell* you as well •
  • 46. PUSH NOTIFICATIONS • Two APIs - Push and Notification • Notification - • Request permission to show a notification • You can show it
  • 50. PUSH • User subscribes to push messaging (two step process) • Your server sends a message to central Message server • Messaging server talks to Service Worker • Service Worker does whatever (probably Notification)
  • 53. STUFF I DIDN'T COVER • ServiceWorker to browser communication – postMessage • Client-side storage
  • 54. RESOURCES • • • • • •
  • 57. LAST DEMO C O N F E R E N C E S
  • 58. CONFERENCE "APPS" • Web, not native • Because - duh • No marketing, just text • Works offline • That's it.
  • 59. H T T P S : / / C F J E D I M A S T E R . G I T H U B . I O / I C E C O N F D E M O / T H E M O S T A W E S O M E D E M O E V E R
  • 61. SAFARI AND PWAS • Supported in the *released* iOS • Only in Safari, no other browser • Service Workers (Caching) and App Manifests (not entirely) • No Push or Sync • And it gets better: a-problem-2ff49fd7d6ea
  • 62. ANY QUESTIONS? • Email me at • Visit my awesome blog at • Follow my awesome Twitter account at @raymondcamden