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Trends in the Israeli
Infrastructure Market 2009
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                             Pini Cohen
                             EVP & Senior Analyst
                             Architecture & Infrastructure Strategies
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• General
         SOI - service oriented infrastructure

         Cloud Computing

         Open Source and other general issues

         Major Trends

         General recommendations

• Technology domains

         Enterprise System Management



10 –
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This presentation is an extraction from
the complete 200+ slides presentation.
      Latest version is in the WEB

    Some of the slides will be presented
             quickly as a teaser
  Thank you for your help in STKI’s research
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Scenario: Adapting in Healthy Ways, Rather                                                   General
              Than Fixating
  Adaptive organizations have a core foundation of values
   and principles that keep them from chasing their tails
              every time tactical winds blow


                                                  Risk and


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Technological Advancement & Present engineering practices in india
Technological Advancement & Present engineering practices in indiaTechnological Advancement & Present engineering practices in india
Technological Advancement & Present engineering practices in india

In the new century, the whole concept of living hood is redefining, and so is engineering. The approach towards engineering needs to be revisited. Engineering as an education and as profession needs to be relooked. Especially potential developing countries like India must redefine engineering practices to capture leverages it is getting in the new century.

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Smarter Computing Integrated Systems
Smarter Computing Integrated SystemsSmarter Computing Integrated Systems
Smarter Computing Integrated Systems

IBM introduced its first family of expert integrated systems called PureSystems. PureSystems include the PureFlex and PureApplication systems. PureFlex is an infrastructure system expert at optimizing resources, while PureApplication is a platform system expert at rapidly deploying and running applications. PureSystems are designed to provide the benefits of flexibility, simplicity, and agility while overcoming the challenges of time, expense, and shared dependence faced by other approaches.

technologyintegrated systemsgovernment
Lean Keynote Agile Ukraine
Lean Keynote Agile UkraineLean Keynote Agile Ukraine
Lean Keynote Agile Ukraine

This document provides an overview of Lean and Agile concepts from Innovel LLC. It discusses Lean as a way to minimize waste and maximize value delivery to customers. Agile is described as an approach for incremental delivery of products and services that minimizes risk. Scrum is presented as a project management framework for incremental delivery. The relationship between Lean, Agile and Scrum is explored, and examples of companies using these approaches are provided. Key Lean concepts like value streams, forms of waste and continuous improvement are summarized.

Agility attributes                                                               General

                                                                             Agility Attributes of the Adaptive
• Economic agility
• Technology agility
   – Infrastructure
   – Architecture                                                                                             Human
   – Application portfolio                                                                                   Resource
• Human resource agility                                                        Economic
• Operational agility                                                            Agility
• Process agility                                                                                     IT         Operational
                                                                                                   Organ-          Agility
• Strategic agility                                                                                ization
• Organizational, innovational, and                                              Strategic
  learning agility                                                                Agility


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What’s the Problem With                                                                 General
                                                                  • Too much stuff
                                                                  • Handoffs don’t work
 • Costs too much                                                 • Too much theory or too little
 • Too slow                                                         practice
 • Nothing works together

  Application                                        Infrastructure                 Integration   Deployment     Operations
 Development                                            Planning                      Testing     Installation

The infrastructure as we now it today is very rigid and this
        causes very poor utilization (40% or less)
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Example of Service Definition                                                                                                   General

    Name: Identity infrastructure service                                                Examples
•                                                                                 •
                                                                                                 MSFT Active Directory (NOS file and print)
    Owner: Bob Smith, architect                                                              –
                                                                                                 MSFT Passport online service
         Providing user identity information (attributes),
         including authentication credentials and related                                        Simple authentication is usually enough
         SSO services; also offers Web URL permissions                                           Replication to scale (mostly read-only)
    Use case
•                                                                                        Component and service manifest
         Direct use by application (LDAP)
     –                                                                                           API: LDAP, Web server exits, proprietary
         Indirect use via Web server (with attribute
     –                                                                                           Presentation: NA
         passing in headers)
                                                                                                 Application server: NA (see Web SSO)
         Direct use by application (security APIs)
                                                                                                 Integration: Metadirectory utilities
    Service-level matches
•                                                                                                Database: iPlanet Directory Server
         + Scalability (over 500 users, etc.)
     –                                                                                           Server HW/OS: Sun Solaris on SPARC …
         + Scale incrementally using replicas
     –                                                                                           Storage: EMC SAN
         – Direct application support
     –                                                                                           Network: NA
•                                                                                                Security: Netegrity SiteMinder Web SSO
         “Included” in e-business costs                                                          Management: Delegated admin, …
     –                                                                                       –
                                                                                                 Installed since 2001 with all customer names
                                                                                                 Used by X, Y, Z apps now                  7
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Storage Services                                                                        General

                                                             Disk                                                   Tape

      Tier                    Enterprise                  Midrange                                                           Manual
    Design                    Monolithic                   Modular                        Modular       ATL                   Rack
                          SCSI/FC Drives
 Drive Interface                                           SCSI/FC                   ATA/SATA           FC                   People

                             1.2 Million+                1.2 Million+                     400K+      1 Million+             1 Million+
Reliability MTBF

      rpm                      10K-15K                     10K-15K                         7.2K
   Seek Time                     <6ms                       <15ms                         <1 sec.     <1 min.                 days
                                                                                  Fixed Content,
Key Environments          Mission Critical,          Business Critical                              BU, Archival,
                                                                                                                           Archival, BU
                                                                                  WORM, Archival
                               OLTP                                                                   WORM

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EAdirections Managing Directors George Paras and Tim Westbrock present some of the fundamental concepts of Enterprise Architecture.

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It's the organisation, Stupid
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It's the organisation, Stupid

A presentation on how to scope the role organization has to play in implementing a service management program.

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Asset Lifecycle Management: A Community Worth Joining

Sid Snitkin presentation from ARC Advisory Group's World Industry Forum located in Orlando, Florida in 2008.

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Many dimensions for each service                                                                                       General

   Policy                                                                                   Operations
                                                                 Performance                  Resource             Availability
    Adaptive                     Storage
                                                                  Monitoring                  Allocation           Assurance
     Storage                   Architecture
    Resource                     Design
5 Application
                                                                                            5 Change Management
                          5                                                                                       5 Production
                               Hardware Support                     Capacity Management
5 Asset Management                                                                          5 Configuration
                          5                                    5
                               Infrastructure Planning                                                              Acceptance
                                                                    Inventory Management
5 Budget Management                                                                           Management
                          5                                                                                       5 QA
                               Security Management                  Network Monitoring
5 Business Continuity                                                                       5 Cost-Recovery
                          5                                                                                       5 Test Lab
                               SW Distribution                      Performance
5 Contract Management                                                                         Management
                          5    Facility Planning                                                                    Management
5 Contractor                                                                                5 Physical DB
                          5                                    5
                               Security                             Problem Management
  Management                                                                                  Management
                                                               5    Production Control
5 Negotiation                                                                               5 Disk Storage
                                                               5    SW Management
  Management                                                                                  Management
                                                               5    Service Level
5 Service Level                                                                             5 Job Scheduling
                                                                                            5 Service Request
                                                               5    Workload Monitoring
  Management                                                                                  Management
                                                               5    System Monitoring
                                                               5    Tape Management
                                                               5    Database Adm

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What Are the Benefits of a Ensemble                                                                                                                   General
    Technology reuse
•                                                                                                                            Ensemble
     – Pattern blueprints: Architecture, technology,
       product, configuration
     – Technical services:                                                                                                                   Process
       Actual implementations
    IT Process reuse
         Pattern matching
                                                                                                                       Technology                      People
         Service support
         Predictive costing                                                                                             P8
     –                                                                                                                                                             P1
                                                                                                             P7 P
         Experience gained: Good and bad practices
     –                                                                                                                                                           P7
                                                                                                             P5    P4
                                                                                                                       P6                                       P8
    People reuse
     – Fewer technology skills specific to the pattern                                                                        J1                                                    J1
                                                                                                   T2                                   J3                                        J2
     – More common roles focused in fewer service
                                                                                              T7                              J6
                                                                                                        T8                                                                   J4
                                                                                         T1                                         J4 J7         T3
                                                                                              T3                             J2                                         J6
       areas                                                                                                                       J8
                                                                                                   T5                                        J5

           Today : Too many technologies, too many
               processes, not enough people
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Infrastructure Services                                        General

• Infrastructure services are very appealing
• However in many cases this involves:
  – Saying “no”

  – Buying “more expensive equipment” than needed

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Infrastructure Services are the building blocks                                                                                 General
                 of Ensembles
Ensemble is a combination of specific Infrastructure Services that enable execution of
specific Mashup for specific Business Process
                                                      T6                                                 T2
                                                      T3                                                      T8

                                                 T7                                                T2
                                                                                           T7 T8
                                       T1                                          T1                         T5
                                                           T4     T2                     T3 T4
                                                      T5                                           T6
            Applications                                                                                           Infrastructure
            Services                                                                                               Services

                                   Puzzle Builder

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Business Skils For Technical Profession
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The document summarizes a webinar presented on June 13, 2007 titled "Outside the Box: Business Skills for Technical Professionals". It discusses the need for technical professionals to also have business skills in order to meet changing market trends and client demands. The webinar covered topics like what business skills are, examples of critical business skills like business acumen and communication, and how developing these skills in technical employees could benefit organizations. It also included a polling question about the business skills present in the technical staff of participants' own organizations.

Day 1 p3 - project and portfolio management
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This document discusses project and portfolio management solutions from HP. It highlights that 62% of IT projects fail or face challenges, while only 38% succeed. HP solutions can help empower transformation by managing the full lifecycle of projects, programs and applications, from assessment through governance and modernization. HP's solutions assess portfolio value, validate rationalization opportunities, consolidate demand, manage investments, and allow for resource planning to improve project success rates. Independent analysts have found HP's solutions provide an average 6.2% return on investment within the first year.

IBM Social Business Agenda template
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The document provides templates for conducting a social business agenda workshop. The workshop is designed to help organizations align their social business strategy with organizational goals and culture. It involves assessing goals, audiences, and cultural fit, as well as developing plans for gaining trust, engaging audiences, networking processes, managing reputation and risk, and analyzing social data. The templates provide guidance on activities for each step of the workshop process.

social businesssocial business agenda
General -
Cloud Computing Modularity                                                      Cloud

                        Desktop as a service

                      Software as a service
                     (standard applications)
                         Platform as a service
                         (custom applications)
                    Infrastructure as a service
                   (compute, storage, network)
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General -
    Requirements for Cloud Services                                                                                                       Cloud

    Multitenant. A cloud service must support multiple, organizationally distant
    Elasticity. Tenants should be able to negotiate and receive resources/QoS on-
    Resource Sharing. Ideally, spare cloud resources should be transparently applied
    when a tenant’s negotiated QoS is insufficient, e.g., due to spikes.
    Horizontal scaling. It should be possible to add cloud capacity in small increments;
    this should be transparent to the tenants of the service.
    Metering. A cloud service must support accounting that reasonably ascribes
    operational and capital expenditures to each of the tenants of the service.
    Security. A cloud service should be secure in that tenants are not made vulnerable
    because of loopholes in the cloud.
    Availability. A cloud service should be highly available.
    Operability. A cloud service should be easy to operate, with few operators.
    Operating costs should scale linearly or better with the capacity of the service.

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General -
                       Amazon EC2                                                                                     Cloud

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General -
                       Mosso - Cloud Files                                           Cloud

                                                                             1 TB = 4K$~ per

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Steven Geiger - Skolkovo - International Best Practices in Innovation Management
Steven Geiger - Skolkovo - International Best Practices in Innovation ManagementSteven Geiger - Skolkovo - International Best Practices in Innovation Management
Steven Geiger - Skolkovo - International Best Practices in Innovation Management

Skolkovo is a strategic initiative in Russia to grow the economy through innovation and entrepreneurship. It aims to close the "gap" between research and commercialization seen in Russia. The Skolkovo ecosystem drives innovation through the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, five technology clusters in the Innovation Center, and partnerships with international companies. The Institute provides world-class education and research while clusters and partnerships help startups commercialize technologies and bring international best practices to Russia.

Toc and kanban in embedded domain
Toc and kanban in embedded domainToc and kanban in embedded domain
Toc and kanban in embedded domain

This document discusses the experience of a team at Huawei Technologies India in adopting Theory of Constraints (TOC) and Kanban practices. The team analyzed constraints through TOC to identify gaps like inefficient processes and lack of resources. They developed a future state tree to break conflicts with win-win solutions. This led them to adopt agile development using Scrum and share team members across components. Further TOC analysis identified challenges of reduced testing time and high workload bursts. The team addressed this by prioritizing work daily in one piece flow and using Kanban to control queues and delays. This improved efficiency by ensuring continuity of workflow.

IT Governance/Office of the CIO Trends Stki Summit 2009
IT Governance/Office of the CIO Trends Stki Summit 2009IT Governance/Office of the CIO Trends Stki Summit 2009
IT Governance/Office of the CIO Trends Stki Summit 2009

IT Governance / Office of the CIO Trends from STKI Summit 2009, The presentation from STKI annual conference regarding IT trends 2009

General -
                            Amazon SimpleDB                                        Cloud

• web service providing the core database
  functions of data indexing and querying

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Amazon Simple Queue Service                                                   General -
          (Amazon SQS)
• Offers a reliable, highly scalable, hosted queue for storing
  messages as they travel between computers
• Pay only for what you use. There is no minimum fee. Estimate
  your monthly bill using AWS Simple Monthly Calculator.
• $0.01 per 10,000 Amazon SQS Requests ($0.000001 per
• Amazon SQS requests are CreateQueue, ListQueues,
  DeleteQueue, SendMessage, ReceiveMessage,
  DeleteMessage, SetQueueAttributes and GetQueueAttributes
• Data Transfer
    * $0.100 per GB – all data transfer in
    * $0.170 per GB – first 10 TB / month data transfer out
•                             18
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General -
So many new alternatives-players!                                                                                             Cloud



                                                               Global low







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Data Center Locations                                                                                                General -

                                                                Netherlands                                              China

               Texas                     Puerto Rico

  Microsoft is planning
                                                                                      Current Online locations
  to have 1M servers by
  the end of 2009                                                                     Proposed future Online locations
                                                                                      Other Microsoft locations

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Aggregating application, service, and portfolio demand using HP Project and P...
Aggregating application, service, and portfolio demand using HP Project and P...Aggregating application, service, and portfolio demand using HP Project and P...
Aggregating application, service, and portfolio demand using HP Project and P...

The document summarizes NBC Universal's implementation of HP Project and Portfolio Management Center (PPMC) to standardize its IT demand management and project execution processes. Key points: - Phase 1 streamlined operational demand processes, replacing custom tools with PPMC configuration. This provided improved visibility and data for support requests. - Phase 2 implemented strategic demand management in PPMC, including proposals/project linking, resource planning, and financial management. This provided increased project visibility and cost tracking. - The implementation followed a "recipe for success" using a phased approach over 2009-2010, configured PPMC when possible, and included organizational change management.

time managementproject managementresource management
STS 19_11_11 Skolkovo
STS 19_11_11 SkolkovoSTS 19_11_11 Skolkovo
STS 19_11_11 Skolkovo

Skolkovo Innovation Center aims to close Russia's technology commercialization gap. It will create an innovation "ecosystem" including a Skolkovo Institute, Technopark, and partnerships with companies. This ecosystem will provide tools to efficiently move technologies from research to market. Skolkovo City is being developed as a sustainable site for the ecosystem, which will include residential and professional spaces. The goal is to develop human capital, diversify Russia's economy through innovation and entrepreneurship, and better integrate Russia into global technology networks.

Dechema Conference: Istanbul
Dechema Conference: IstanbulDechema Conference: Istanbul
Dechema Conference: Istanbul

This document discusses a presentation given by Dr. Matthias Kaiserswerth, Director and Vice President of IBM Research - Zurich. It provides an overview of IBM Research, including its global network of labs, large investment in R&D, and focus on collaborating across divisions, clients, universities and the broader innovation ecosystem to turn ideas into innovations. It also examines some of the dilemmas faced in strategic innovation management, such as balancing long-term research with short-term success, and promoting intellectual property.

General -
         Microsoft Cloud Services                                                                 Cloud

         Azure Services Platform   ™

                                                                             Microsoft    Microsoft
                                                                             SharePoint   Dynamics CRM
                                                                             Services     Services

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General -

Microsoft: Software + Services                                                   Cloud

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General -
                The Cast Iron Integration Solution                                                                                                        Cloud

                  Traditional Approach                                                                                                    Benefits
                                                                                       Today’s Approach

                                                                                                                                      • No Software to install

                                                                                                                                        or maintain
                                                                                                                                      • Configuration, not
                                                                                                                                      • Weeks, not months

                  Enterprise                        Home
                    CRM                             Grown
                  Software                          CRM

               Enterprise Integration Home grown
                     Software          integration
              (TIBCO, webMethods)
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Flexible Deployment Options                                                                                                            General -

                                          Integration on Premise

                                              Customer’s Data Center

                                                     Virtual Appliances
                                                   Powered By Cast Iron*

                                            Integration as a Service

                                                    Cast Iron Cloud™

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Looking for my fittest process' model
Looking for my fittest process' modelLooking for my fittest process' model
Looking for my fittest process' model

In recent years, concern for quality in the ICT sector has increased, so that many companies are looking for models and certifications that allow them to demonstrate  to customers and to the market  their commitment to quality, industry best practices and international standards. The first decision to be taken by a company, that wants to implement an improvement program, is the choice of process model or standard to be used as roadmap on the path of continuous improvement. On some occasions, there may be no choice to be made because, the sector itself, the requirements of a government or of large buyers have already established which is the a reference model. However, in other cases, it is necessary to define what are the business objectives of the company, and then, define the improvement project and the process model that best fits their needs. This presentation gives an overview of the components that are part of a successful improvement program and places special emphasis on the most recognized models in the market (EFQM, ISO 9001, COBIT, People CMM, CMMI, ITMARK, IDEAL), especially the scope and structure of each one. Exercises will be presented to reinforce the theory and allow interaction with participants.

process modelcobitcmmi
Summit 2011 infra_dev_soa
Summit 2011 infra_dev_soaSummit 2011 infra_dev_soa
Summit 2011 infra_dev_soa

The document discusses trends in development and SOA including code intelligence, BRMS, CEP, data quality, HTML5, and keyword driven testing. It also addresses SOA maturity, selected SOA projects, SOA/ESB staffing ratios, and ratings for SOA/ESB and ETL tools. The presentation contains an agenda, technologies maturity model, and discussions around various topics with various figures and diagrams.

Toward Innovation Capability Maturity
Toward Innovation Capability MaturityToward Innovation Capability Maturity
Toward Innovation Capability Maturity

The document describes research on developing a framework to assess organizational innovation capability. It involved analyzing literature to identify innovation capabilities, developing a model (ICMM) to assess capabilities, and refining the model using topic modeling and case studies. The topic modeling provided insights into capability themes and interrelationships. Case studies applied the model and identified strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for different organizations. Participants found the approach useful for discussion, prioritizing improvement efforts, and gaining commitment to those efforts.

General -
                   Cloud Computing Challenges                                                                      Cloud



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Gmail issues                                                                         General -

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       Example for potential new business model                                                                - Cloud

                                               Different SAAS providers                    Integrator is responsible for
              Old Fashion
                                               (Salseforce Netsuite) +                     different SAAS and hosting

                                               Pay per use – managed
Licensing     User                                                                         Pay per use- to the integrator
                                               separately for each SAAS

Servers -     User owned –                     At different SAAS provider’s                AT SAAS and integrator site
HW                                             site and in the users location
              User owned –
PC’s                                           Integrator responsibility                   Integrator responsibility
User          Integrator             Split responsibilities between                        Integrator responsibility
              responsibility but
perspective                          Integrator and SAAS providers
              expensive. Utilization
              is a joke!
Integrator                                               Bad -The SAAS provider might      Good but costly - needs to
                                                         add more services that will       maintain high skills for 27
perspective   Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
                                                         take the integrator’s place.      hostingSAAS
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New player – Integration Business                                                                       General
                                                                                                         – Cloud -
     & SaaS Solutions(IBSS)                                                                                 last

• IBSS is new player –                                                             With IBSS

  providing variety of                                                             Pay per use- to the
  hosting services and                                                             integrator

  linksintegration to
                                                               Servers - HW        AT SAAS and IBSS site
  different SAAS
  providers                                                    PC’s                Integrator responsibility
• IBSS clients are the
  integrators                                                  User perspective    Integrator responsibility

• Example:
                                                               Integrator          Good and cheaper – less
                                                                                   skills are needed  less
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Opti Products Overview
Opti Products OverviewOpti Products Overview
Opti Products Overview

The OPTI solution provides a proven methodology for driving profitability and security through process optimization. It consists of four integrated products that perform due diligence, identify optimization opportunities, develop roadmaps to address gaps, and implement process redesign. The suite utilizes proprietary modules and best practices derived from over 30 years of application to help assess sustainability, optimize financial performance, and retool infrastructure in a quick and detailed manner.

Agile Framework
Agile FrameworkAgile Framework
Agile Framework

This document discusses the Agile framework and methodology. It defines Agile as a process and method for delivering strategic business outcomes through concurrent collaboration, communication, and continuous delivery. It emphasizes responding quickly to changing priorities and delivering value to customers iteratively rather than through discrete programs or projects. The document outlines how Agile requires close integration of business requirements, systems artifacts, and development to enable rapid and responsive delivery of solutions.

Ea Landscape Capabilities Summary Slides 2009 Share
Ea Landscape Capabilities Summary Slides 2009 ShareEa Landscape Capabilities Summary Slides 2009 Share
Ea Landscape Capabilities Summary Slides 2009 Share

This document provides an overview of integrated enterprise architecture capabilities to achieve competitive advantage and success through an organizational blueprint. It discusses aligning corporate strategy and goals, organizing value chains and lines of business, and using priority dimensions. Frameworks and methodology are presented for defining and improving value streams, processes, sub-processes, and activities. Options for IT infrastructure and applications are also discussed. The goal is to architect relationships between interrelated parts through business driven integration enabled by applying behavioral factors to the enterprise planning reference model.

         Why Companies Use Open Source                                                            Source

• Freedom / Flexibility
• Lowers barriers to entry / exit
• Can’t afford to build new applications from
• Tired of waiting on hold for support
• Speed up development
• Purchase only the functionality needed
• Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
• ROI is shortened

                                                                                Source: AnyOpen
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Solution - OSS quality                                                                     General

• Emerging Vendors Utilize OSS
                                                                                 Defects Per Thousands
   – Netezza
                                                                                 lines of Code
       • Data warehousing appliance
                   Commodity hardware (servers, CPUs, storage)
                   PostgreSQL, Linux                                                                           0.00057

• End user clients utilize OSS
   – Retail – in-store appliances
   – Travel – web sites, fee schedules,
     reservations                                                                            0.00009

                                                                                     MySQL             Commercial

                                                                                                       Source: Reasoning Inc.

 Be assured the next generation of
 developers/entrepreneurs will build on OSS
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Introduction to Lean, Agile, Scrum, & XP
Introduction to Lean, Agile, Scrum, & XPIntroduction to Lean, Agile, Scrum, & XP
Introduction to Lean, Agile, Scrum, & XP

This document provides an introduction to Lean, Agile, Scrum, and XP. It defines Lean as focusing on identifying value and optimizing processes. Agile emphasizes responding quickly to change through principles like valuing individuals, working software, and customer collaboration. Scrum is a framework that uses short cycles, daily stand-ups, and product backlogs to organize complex work. XP includes practices like pair programming, test-driven development, and collective code ownership.

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This document discusses becoming more agile in project management. It notes that traditional waterfall models focus on long tunnels of work, while agile approaches slice work into smaller increments and iterations to deliver value faster. Going agile requires changes to working culture, not just methodology. True agility integrates clients and production teams for continuous delivery of business value from end to end. Two principles can help bridge client needs into development and operations for integral agility.

itsmfagile dynamics
How to implement ECM?
How to implement ECM?How to implement ECM?
How to implement ECM?

This presentation provides you with a practical approach for implementing Enterprise Content Management (ECM) using the open methodology MIKE2. The slides are from the AIIM ECM Specialist and Master Certificate Programs. For more information visit


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    Microsoft OpenSource site                                                 Open

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Microsoft IIS: An Interoperable Web                                             General
                 Server                                                          Source

• Build and Run          Web applications in a
  high-performance and reliable way along side
  ASP.NET with IIS 7.0 FastCGI.

    Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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ISV’s are offering Open Source as                                                                                         General
     alternative for commercial                                                                                             Source

• IBI is offering R-Statistics as basic alternative
  for MATLAB

     Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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Recommended for you

Lean Construction Webinar
Lean Construction WebinarLean Construction Webinar
Lean Construction Webinar

This is a Webinar Done in December 2009 by Nirmalya Banerjee, Principal Consultant at BMGI India about application of Lean in the Construction space. The same concepts apply to any kind of Project Environment. For any questions regarding the webinar and business enquiries, please mail

real estate developmentproject managementsite construction
On Kue Business Architecture101
On Kue Business Architecture101On Kue Business Architecture101
On Kue Business Architecture101

Business architecture is a disciplined approach to creating and maintaining a set of business-owned information assets that serve as a blueprint for planning and executing strategy. Organizations can take a top-down or bottom-up approach to business architecture. A bottom-up approach focuses on techniques and best practices among operational teams but may lack strategic alignment. A top-down approach ties documentation to strategic goals but can lack tactical execution. Most organizations get stuck taking both approaches without integrating them, failing to connect strategic goals to operations. To be successful, an organization needs both senior leadership buy-in and skills in business architecture modeling, bringing together strategy and analysis.

EAdirections State Of Ea 6 15 2010
EAdirections State Of Ea 6 15 2010EAdirections State Of Ea 6 15 2010
EAdirections State Of Ea 6 15 2010

The document provides an overview of the state of enterprise architecture (EA) in 2010. It discusses key drivers for EA including business change, leveraging new technologies, and overly complex IT environments. It also examines findings on EA maturity levels and whether organizations are architecting the enterprise or just IT. Additionally, it explores the state of the EA profession, including challenges around inconsistent definitions and certifications. Finally, it predicts some changes and consistencies in the field over the next 5 years.

enterprise architectureeait leadership
                                  STKI Madad                                         Open Source
                                                                                        - last

•Lately we have received lots of Open
Source related inquiries – maturity, support,
reference, prices of:

        Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
        Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
Online Bids                                           General

• Online bids are powerful tool in case
  of real competition of commodity
  products (apples vs. apples)
• Suggested steps are – technical à
  traditional negotiation for getting 2-3
  suppliers for best of finalà online bid
• In case there is no real competition
  online bids can not help

         Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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Virtualisation Licensing                                                                                             General
• Historic
         compatibility (product & license – “serial machine
• PUR’s (product user rights) not supporting new technology
• Inventory / Discovery tools not designed to support Virtualised
• Ever more complicated product variations to accommodate
• More software products required to run and support it
• Increased licensing knowledge required
• Makes planning and budgeting more complicated

 STKI Round Table for IT procurement managers at 22.4.09
                                                    68E8F39F79D0/0/S20080912Agenda5AlexLemonCIVICAVirtuallyLicensed.ppt STKI modifications

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Virtualisation Licensing                                                                             General


Software ISV is installed                            Software ISV is installed                       Software ISV is installed
server a: 2 cpu dual core                            server b: 2 cpu dual core                       server c: 2 cpu dual core

                                                                                       Virtual server a with
                                                                                       ISV installed
   Virtual server a with
                                                                                       Server Z : 4 CPU
   ISV installed
   Server X : 2 CPU                                                                    QUAD CORE
   dual core

                                 STKI Round Table for IT procurement
                                        managers at 22.4.09
          Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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Agiles2011 - A story of transformation: how Lean & Agile + Nearhore can incre...
Agiles2011 - A story of transformation: how Lean & Agile + Nearhore can incre...Agiles2011 - A story of transformation: how Lean & Agile + Nearhore can incre...
Agiles2011 - A story of transformation: how Lean & Agile + Nearhore can incre...

This document discusses how Ci&T transformed its application development process through adopting Lean and Agile principles and practices, as well as distributing teams across nearshore locations. It describes Ci&T's journey from a traditional outsourcing model focused on cost and predictability to an Agile model prioritizing business value, quality, speed and customer satisfaction. The transformation included establishing a Lean culture, implementing Agile methodologies like Scrum, and distributing teams across locations like Brazil, Argentina and China while still maintaining coordination and integration.

A Story of Transformation: How Lean & Agile + Nearshore Outsourcing Can Incre...
A Story of Transformation: How Lean & Agile + Nearshore Outsourcing Can Incre...A Story of Transformation: How Lean & Agile + Nearshore Outsourcing Can Incre...
A Story of Transformation: How Lean & Agile + Nearshore Outsourcing Can Incre...

This document discusses how Ci&T transformed its application development approach by combining Lean principles and Agile methodologies with a Nearshore delivery model. This increased Ci&T's agility, quality, speed and customer satisfaction, leading to higher productivity and revenue growth for the company. The transformation was driven by a need to continually improve value delivery for clients in a global, multicultural software development context.

by CI&T
software developmentscrumnearshore
EA and Innovation - Open Group Conference 2012
EA and Innovation -  Open Group Conference 2012EA and Innovation -  Open Group Conference 2012
EA and Innovation - Open Group Conference 2012

The document discusses innovation and enterprise architecture. It addresses key challenges facing enterprises, such as end user autonomy, cloud computing, and social media. The role of enterprise architecture is described as providing principles, policies, and governance to bridge the gap between business strategy and rapid development. Ways to overcome challenges include understanding solution dynamics, engaging stakeholders, and creating a culture of innovation. Appendices provide additional resources on related topics.

enterprise architectureagile developmentreal time data
Virtualisation Licensing                                                                             General


Software ISV is installed                             Software ISV is installed                          Software ISV is installed
server a: 2 cpu dual core                             server b: 2 cpu dual core                          server c: 2 cpu dual core


        Virtual server c with
                                                                                 Virtual server c with
        ISV installed
                                                                                 ISV installed
        Virtual server b with
                                                                                 Virtual server b with
        ISV installed
                                                                                 ISV installed
        Virtual server a with
                                                                                 Virtual server a with
        ISV installed
                                                                                 ISV installed
        Server X : 2 CPU
                                                                                 Server Z: 4 CPU
        dual core
                                                                                 QUAD CORE
           Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
           Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
HP EDS merge                                                                                               General

                                                                                                                                   Maximum Client

                                            Established, market-
Technology platform

                                                                                      Improved Efficiency of IT Service Delivery
                                                                                                                                    end-to-end IT
                                            leading services …
                                            breadth and depth
Shared Standard Services

                                                                                                                                                        Increased business value from IT
                                            Industry reach across
Model and expertise for
                                            major industries
mid-market customers

                                                                                                                                    Deep industry
                                            Global Delivery
High outsourcing market
growth rates and                            • EDS Best Shore®
momentum                                      locations
                                            • Enterprise Service Mgmt.
Innovation from HP Labs,
annual R&D investment
                                                                                                                                      Based on
                                            Market leadership across
of $3.6B2
                                            ITO segments
                                                                                                                                   technology and

         Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
42       Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
New business models                                                                      General

                                                                             We sell those
We acquire BEST
                                                                             solutions to
 solutions from
                                                                              other ITs

Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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Recommendations                                           General

4Less technologies to take care of. Can existing
 technologies  products do the job?
4Define Infrastructure Services
4New technology ROI is tricky – the new technology can
 save money but it requires new processes, people,
 integration here
       Your Text                          Your Text here
4Open Source
4IaaS for:
       Peak time activities
       Testing applications and new technologies
       Training and Development
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The Agile PMO: Ensuring visibility and governance
The Agile PMO: Ensuring visibility and governanceThe Agile PMO: Ensuring visibility and governance
The Agile PMO: Ensuring visibility and governance

The document discusses how an agile project management office (PMO) can help ensure visibility and governance of agile projects. It outlines some pitfalls that can jeopardize a traditional PMO and attributes of a successful PMO. The document then discusses how agile benefits PMOs by helping them align projects to goals, improve success rates over time, enhance competence, develop standards, promote a collaborative tone, and encourage continuous learning. An agile PMO can achieve these benefits through practices like a whole team approach, transparency, integrated tooling, and continuous process improvement.

agile rational ibm pmo project_management alm aust
Enabling Innovation: A Strength In Any Economy
Enabling Innovation: A Strength In Any EconomyEnabling Innovation: A Strength In Any Economy
Enabling Innovation: A Strength In Any Economy

Innovation is not the sole responsibility of a single group within the organization. All groups play a role in enabling innovation. This presentation challenges the CIO/CTO: 1) Think differently about their leadership role when it comes to enabling innovation. 2) Provide some insight into "whats coming" so they can express an opinion to their peers and CEO. Don't set back and hope someone else is going to pick up the mantle. Take charge.

management of innovationfuture trendsceo
Professional Support Services
Professional Support ServicesProfessional Support Services
Professional Support Services

AIT Group is a global management consulting firm that has over 10 years experience in Lean Six Sigma Training, Coacing, and Certification as well as Supply Chain using the SCOR model to transform business processes to standardized and streamlined value streams.

Recommendations :                                       General

4SAAS for internal IT needs –Example ALM tools as Saas
4SBC (traditional & VDI) for remote locations , call
4Operations Scorecards for better alignment
                 consolidation, Server Consolidation (to
       Your Text                          Your Text here
 standard platforms) and Server Virtualization
4Asset management in general and usagemetering
4Storage readwrite “snap on snap” for cost efficient
 environment creation
4Vendor and Contract management (STKI can help!)
        Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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Technologies Maturity Model                                                                                        DEV
      2009 – Middleware and Development                                                                                  Trends

Business Value
Investment                                                                                                          Semantic
to make money                                                                                             Full SOA –
                                                                                            BPM           Organization
Cut costs,                                                                         WPF
                                                            integration                                                   IT Project
                                                                               Open Source                                Pure
productivity                                                                                                              Business
                                                                               ALM tools                                  Project
                                   EAI                                                                     PaaS
Commodity IT                                                               SOA
Services                                                                   Governance
for regulations

                                          Using                       Implementing                        Looking

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Recommended for you

Professional Support Services
Professional Support ServicesProfessional Support Services
Professional Support Services

AIT Group is a global management consulting firm that has over 10 years experience in Lean Six Sigma Training, Coacing, and Certification as well as Supply Chain using the SCOR model to transform business processes to standardized and streamlined value streams.

OR Society workshop: Practical process improvement using Lean and 6 Sigma
OR Society workshop: Practical process improvement using Lean and 6 SigmaOR Society workshop: Practical process improvement using Lean and 6 Sigma
OR Society workshop: Practical process improvement using Lean and 6 Sigma

The document describes a 1-day workshop on using Lean and Six Sigma approaches for process improvement. It will teach participants how Lean and Six Sigma differ but can be used together, how to define and set up a process improvement project, and how to map, measure, analyze, improve and manage business processes. Tools from both Lean, like value stream mapping, and Six Sigma, like statistical process control, will be covered.


This document outlines Oracle's general product direction and provides context for information in the document. It states that the information is for reference only and does not constitute a commitment to deliver functionality. It also notes that Oracle has sole discretion over the development, release, and timing of any product features described.

New Generation of Knowledge                                                                                                  DEV

             Workers                                                                                                            Trends

• Live in virtual worlds
• Expect immediate results
  Many open threads
  Deliver quickly, in small
• Expect personalization
• Intolerant of disruption

    In short: very agile!
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                   Platform convergence                                                                                 Trends

• “Developers are customers too”
  – Demand the same features as the intended
    users (multi-medial, social networking,
    personalization, customization, etc.)

• Developers should live in the same world
  they are constructing
• Very Agile
                                                                   AgileDevelopmentPlatform-Rudd-Young-Agile2008.ppt STKI
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Agile Project Management -                                                                                 DEV
          Overview                                                                                        Trends






                                     3                          6                   9

                                                                                         Source: Cutter
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Cost of Feedback – Test Driven                                                    DEV

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Opti accounting customer presentation_10.1.01
Opti accounting customer presentation_10.1.01Opti accounting customer presentation_10.1.01
Opti accounting customer presentation_10.1.01

OPTI is a cloud-based tool that links operational and cybersecurity risk mitigation. It drives profitability for customers by increasing revenue up to 10% and productivity by 6% on average. OPTI also enhances security by protecting data and networks. For consultants, OPTI increases billing opportunities and allows profitable revenue sharing. It has an intuitive interface and typical ROI of less than 3 months.

STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final v1
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final  v1STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final  v1
STKI Israeli Market Study 2024 final v1

2024 Market analysis of the Israeli Information Technology Market

israel information technologiesmarket analysiscio
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdfSTKI Israeli Market Study 2023   corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 corrected forecast 2023_24 v3.pdf

The document appears to be a presentation from STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on the state of Israel's economy and IT market following the outbreak of war in October 2023. It includes data and forecasts from various sources on how the war has negatively impacted Israel's GDP, business activity, and key industries. The original forecast predicted growth in Israel's IT market from 2018-2024, but the forecast has been corrected downward due to the unforeseen economic damage from the war, with the IT market now expected to decline in 2023 and 2024 compared to 2022 levels.

itmarketingisrael information technologies
              Test-Driven Development                                                                                  Trends

    Pick a Feature
    Write a Test for that Feature
    Run all Tests and see new Test Fail
    Write Code for Feature
    Run all Tests and see all Tests Pass
                                                                                    Copyright 2008
       Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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Composite Application Platform in the                                                                                                                   DEV
  new Open Source – Cloud world
                                                    Development and
        Plug-ins and Extentions

                                                                                                             Integrations with existing networks and
                                  Web Portal                                                   RIA
                                                       Test Tools

                                                                                                               Integrations with existing networks
                                                                                                                functionality – Mashups, OpenID
                                   Collaboration:                     Custom Productivity
                                   Wiki, Blog, Chat                   Tools - Conferencing
                                  Social Networking:                 Business Intelligence:
                                       People                             Reporting
                                      Activities                           Analysis
                                    Associations                           Search
                                   Enterprise Content Management:
                                        Document Repository
                                            Web publishing
                                     Security and Authentication

                                    Hosted SaaS Deployment Environment

  Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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Open source solutions for .NET                                                                                DEV

• Spring open source programming framework
  also for .net!
• Nhibernate (Object/Relational Mapping ):
  – ORM library implemented using .NET
  – Port of the Java library called Hibernate
  – Database-independent (almost)
  – Provides most advanced features
  – Free, open source and mature
                                                                         _Action_Seminar.ppt stki modifications
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RIA - Rich Internet applications
• Rich Internet applications (RIAs) are web
  applications that have some of the
  characteristics of desktop applications,
  typically delivered by
  – web browser plug-ins, javascript compiler , etc.
  – independently via sandboxes or virtual machines
• Examples are : Adobe AIR, JavaFX, Microsoft
  Silverlight, Magic’s UniPaaS

                                                                                  Source :
     Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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Recommended for you

STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2 STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 version 2

The document describes STKI, an IT market research and strategic analyst firm based in Israel. Over its 31 years in business, STKI has established relationships with major IT organizations and vendors through thousands of annual interviews. STKI uses an equilibrium model to analyze both what users purchase from vendors and what vendors sell, in order to determine the overall Israeli IT market size. The company provides research reports, briefings, and workshops to clients on topics like technology trends, industry surveys, and vendor positioning.

israelinformation technologyit market study
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023 STKI Israeli Market Study 2023
STKI Israeli Market Study 2023

This document is a presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators on their 2023 Israel IT Market Study. It provides information on STKI's methodology, which uses an equilibrium model to calculate the IT market size based on interviews with both technology users and vendors. It outlines the types of research and services STKI provides on topics like IT trends, budgets, forecasts, and vendor positioning. The presentation also includes sections on the Israeli economy, changing business environment, and factors impacting the CIO role. Slides are included on Israeli company statistics and examples of STKI's vendor positioning analysis.

israel market researchinformation technologyerp
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdfCollaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf
Collaboration and The Human Factor - Reut 2022.pdf

This document discusses communication and collaboration in product-led organizations. It covers topics like internal collaboration, collaboration challenges, collaboration tools, and collaboration overload. It also discusses the human factors of product-led organizations like empowering teams, keeping people interested and informed, and addressing issues like the great resignation and quiet quitting. The overall document provides insights into improving collaboration and communication in product-led companies.

Mashups - Where Can I Live?                                                                                  DEV

• Find a new place to live with a travel time
• It works on commuting time between stations
  (Underground and DLR only) and average
  house prices. You can also view property
  listings around your chosen station and fun
  stuff like house price statistics.
• APIs CloudMade + Google Maps + Nestoria +
     Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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http://www.where-can-i-                                          DEV

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Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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Multicore programming skills                                                                                                     Trends

                                                                                                                                 60   •

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OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022OCIO SUMMIT  Galit Summit 2022
OCIO SUMMIT Galit Summit 2022

The document discusses the evolution of the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) role over time. It describes how the OCIO started as an "order taker" for IT in the 1990s (OCIO v1). In the 2000s, the OCIO was established to better align IT with business needs (OCIO v2). Later, business relationship managers (BRMs) were introduced to improve customer experience but acted as bottlenecks (2017-2022). The document argues for a product-led organization where product teams are empowered and the OCIO acts as an enabler by providing resources and skills to product managers based on product success metrics.

ocioit managementinformation technology
CTO Summit 2022
CTO Summit 2022 CTO Summit 2022
CTO Summit 2022

This document discusses platform teams and platform engineering. It introduces platform products as products that can be easily used by other teams to focus on business problems while maintaining standards. Platform engineering is defined as designing and building toolchains and workflows that enable self-service capabilities for other teams. Platform products have functionality above the surface that developers see, and infrastructure components below the surface. Integration platforms, SRE, SASE, storage and backup tools, and micro frontends are discussed as examples of platform products.

platform productsplatform engineering
Product management Summit 2022
Product management Summit 2022Product management Summit 2022
Product management Summit 2022

This document discusses transitioning from a project-led organization to a product-led organization. It notes that while many companies have tried approaches like agile, digital transformation and design thinking, software projects still often fail to deliver user satisfaction. It advocates empowering product teams to own the entire product lifecycle and giving them autonomy to solve problems, rather than managing software development as a series of projects. This approach mirrors how successful startups operate and can help deliver better customer outcomes.

product managementproduct teams
MDM – Master Data Management                                                                                     Trends

• Typical workflow                                              • New workflow
  Search of customer exist – in
                                                                                    Search of customer– in MDM
 the current application domain

                                                                        Enter details of new customer in MDM
 Enter details of new customer

                                                                  Enter details of transaction sometimes based
                                                                          on insights taken from MDM
  Enter details of transaction
                                                                     Sometimes if online search is not possible -add
                                                                       new phase to process – “end of day” data


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Enabling MDM in new applications                                                  Trends

• Application Architecture:
  – Data of MDM candidates should be kept
  – Function for identifying existing customers
• Different business process (users):
  – Identifying the customer is part of the process
  – Sometimes the identification is done after the
    customer is left

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                Local Trends - Platforms                                           Local

• .Net is very strong in the general IT
  development scene
• Many clients are suspicious towards Open
  Source. There are some innovators (Harel
  Insurance, Direct Insurance, etc.)
• Users are still using legacy development
  environments – Cobol , Natural, PowerBuilder
• Magic uniPaaS RIA & SaaS: New Rich internet
  & SaaS application platform based on .NET
  Technology (Launched on January 2009)
     Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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             Local Trends - Estimation                                             Local

• Israeli project manager do not use formal
  estimation methodologies for estimation
  (function points, cocomo, etc.)
• Each member of project gives estimation “to
  the best of his knowledge”
• Some organizations have estimation sheets
  with questions like “does the project needs
  information from the DW?”
• Only few organizations track the real usage of
  specific requests (after went to production)
     Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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Recommended for you

Data Products and teams
Data Products and teamsData Products and teams
Data Products and teams

This document discusses transforming from data projects to data products. It outlines how companies can adopt a product mindset and focus on creating data products that solve specific customer problems. Key aspects include defining data product teams led by data product managers, adopting a product mindset of focusing on outcomes rather than outputs, and using storytelling to communicate insights from data products. The presentation argues that treating data as a product can create competitive advantages and that every company may need to become a data science company in the future.

data productsai products
Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management Discovery in product management
Discovery in product management

This document discusses product discovery and the importance of making the process data-driven. It recommends gathering customer data from various sources, analyzing the customer experience, and using product analytics tools to obtain both quantitative and qualitative insights. This will help ensure ideas are validated with real customers before significant development work begins. The goal is to learn fast through discovery while still releasing products with confidence.

discoveryproduct teams
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy STKI Summit 2022  presentation Jimmy
STKI Summit 2022 presentation Jimmy

The document discusses content from STKI, an IT knowledge integration company, including information about their new website and content examples. It covers topics like digital disruption, the four industrial revolutions, predictions for 2023 in Israel, and how every company will need to become a software company. Across multiple pages, it provides definitions, predictions, recommendations, and perspectives on challenges and opportunities brought about by digital transformation and the fourth industrial revolution.

product managementinformation technology
                               Local Trends - SOA                                     Local
• Most users have EAI tools. Some SOA tools.
• Run Time SOA governance (mainly monitoring) is an issue to
  many users
• Dev. SOA governance tools are considered as part of general
  SOA adoption
• What stops SOA are related organizations issues –
  development roles are different – the architect is in the center
• Sometimes the EAISOA team creating bottleneck for the
• STKI Round Table: What are the optimal technology and
  processes that enable code and interfacesservices reuse? At

        Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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                            Local Trends - Agile                                     Local

• Many organizations did not try “agile software
  development” formally
• Many organization have tight relationship with their
  users – try to deliver in short release cycles, however
  official project design is done
• “Agile Sparks” offers training and accompanying
  scrum processes mainly to ISV’s. The “end user” is
  the marketing manager
• Some nice first steps for Agile in Israeli enterprise
  (STKI Round Table)
   – More details at

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  The PMO-Development gap?                                                          Local

• What is PMO?
      IT Plan Development
      Demand Management
      Budget and Resource Management
      Post implementation audits
      Managing largestrategiccross LOB projects
• What about PMO and Dev
  methodologiestechnologies ?
      Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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                            EAISOA Support Ratios                                                            Local

• EAI  SOA variations are very big:
       From static (old) messaging interface (MQ) to new and changing “SOA” service
       How “thick” is the interface: 20 times a day to 20,000 a minute
       How involved are the applications programmers ?
       How static are the interfaces? How many new interfaces?
       Does “one user” for web service is valid “Services count”?
• EAISOA typical Support Ratios : from 10
  interfacesservices per FTE to 300 interfacesservicesweb
  services per FTE . Median is 40 interfaces.
• This demonstrates the large variety between organization
  with their perspective to EAISOAIntegration

                                                                                         Source: STKI
            Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2 STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022 version 2

The document is a slide deck from STKI, an Israeli market research and strategic analyst firm, discussing the impact of global events on IT budgets in Israel in 2022-2024. It notes that while IT budget increases were forecasted to be large in 2022, events like the war in Ukraine, inflation, interest rate hikes, and political instability have changed the outlook. IT budgets in Israel are still expected to rise 12-13% in 2022 but forecasts beyond that are difficult given uncertainties. Digital transformation alone is no longer sufficient - companies must undergo smart business transformations to deliver personalized, data-driven experiences to customers.

israel information technologies itit market studyinfrastructures
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdfpresentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf
presentations for the STKI Summit 2022 part a 30_5_22.pdf

This document appears to be from an annual IT market study presentation by STKI IT Knowledge Integrators. It includes an agenda for the presentation covering the 2022 IT market study results, enterprise budgets, economic forecasting signals, top vendors, and a post-COVID world. The presentation contains many slides with graphs, charts, and text analyzing the Israeli IT market and global economic conditions. It discusses challenges in forecasting 2023-2024 given various political and economic uncertainties globally and in Israel.

digitalisrael information technologies itinfrastructures
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022STKI Israeli IT market study 2022
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022

The document provides information about STKI IT Knowledge Integrators, a market research and strategic analyst firm in Israel. It includes pages describing STKI's services, methodology, research focus areas, and client base. STKI conducts original research through face-to-face interviews and surveys of both technology users and vendors to establish an equilibrium model of the Israeli IT market. The document contains sample slides of the type of data and positioning analyses STKI provides to clients.

israel information technologiesisraeltechnology
                    STKI recommendation                                            Local

• Can I define ServiceStandards for
  Development  Middleware ?

• STKI Round Table: What are the optimal technology
  and processes that enable code and
  interfacesservices reuse? At 7.6.09

     Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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      Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
      Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
Technologies Maturity Model                                                                              ESM
       2009 – Enterprises System Management                                                                       Trends

Business Value

to make money

Cut costs,
                                                    End User                                                      IT Project
                                                    Experience                              RBA                   Pure
productivity                    Monitoring                                                                        Business
                                                                                                    CMDB with
Commodity IT
                                                                                                    closed loop
                                                                                        CMDB –
Services                                                                                Basic –
for regulations

                                          Using                       Implementing                  Looking

               Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
               Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
    Definition of the Mgmt Segments                                                       Trends

                       Technologies used to understand and manage what resources an
 System &
                       organization has as well as how, when, and who alters it all
Config Mgmt
                       Covers all aspects of software, hardware, and licenses/contracts

                       Technologies used to control how an organization delivers and manages IT
                       services supplied to the business
                       Act as the primary communication point between IT and the rest of the

                       Technologies focused on observing and ensuring the health and availability
                       of infrastructure
& Monitoring
                       Used to understand the current state of all hardware, software, and
                       business services
                       Technologies used to automate day to day operational tasks
                       Used to assist IT staff in automation of routine tasks

        ESM - Service Desk – Asset – System (configuration) – Security events
            Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pagesSTKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages
STKI Israeli IT market study 2022__2 pages

This document provides an overview of the 2022 STKI IT Knowledge Integrators summit. It discusses how global events have impacted the previously optimistic outlook for IT budgets in 2022, noting issues like rising inflation, economic recession, war in Ukraine, and layoffs in the tech sector. However, it predicts that Israeli IT budgets will still rise 12-13% in 2022. It also covers STKI's services, research methodology, vendor positioning approach, and includes data about Israel's population, mobile/internet usage, and 5G penetration.

israelisrael information technologiescloud computing
NEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applicationsNEXT generation enterprise applications
NEXT generation enterprise applications

Recommended for CIOs and Applications Managers In this session we will discuss how next generation business applications enable the creation of much needed hyper-personalized experiences for customers and employees. Center Office is a new delivery model that is emerging in response to the need to deliver end to end hyper-personalized solutions that improve on older enterprise (legacy) applications. Center Office relies on technologies such as APIs, microservices and Hyperautomation (next level of automation that meshes AI tools with RPA,, enabling scaling for complex business processes). How do we manage employees' experiences as well as preserve talent and create collaborative workplaces for teams? which new skills are needed? what will the workforce of the future look like? Which new tools are needed for HR (employee well- being)?

software erpcrmcomposable apps
Journey for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organizationJourney for a data driven organization
Journey for a data driven organization

Recommended for CDOs and all Data & Analytics Managers The past 2 years have had a huge impact on organizations journeys to become data driven. Existing data architectures were disrupted; rigid structures and processes were questioned, and many data strategies were re-written. On the one hand, the global pandemic emphasized the need for organizations to raise the bar, implement strategies, improve data literacy and culture, increase investments in data and analytics, and explore AI opportunities. On the other, it also presented new challenges such as: the war for data talent and the wide literacy gap. Inadequate structures as well as outdated processes were exposed. Major changes in the data landscape (Data Fabric, Data Mesh, Transition to Data Clouds) will further disrupt existing data architectures and enhance the need for a new adaptive architecture and organization.

                          CMDB automatic discovery                                                            Trends

Learn how their CIs are configured (& changing over time)
                                                                                        Automatically tracks
Configuration Auditing
                                                                                        changes on all CIs &
  – Tracks changes in
                                                                                        attribute values over time…
  – Depicts that information on
    the map
  – Depicts that information                                 Application
    thru reports

      73   Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI                                         Source: IBM                   73
           Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
     CMDB is improving configuration management                                                             Trends

Comparing two instances of an Apache Web
  Server to the golden master
                                                                                          Values in red and blue are
 – Compare configuration to
                                                                                          policy violations
   “reference master”
 – Compare
   to your

     74   Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
                                                                                       Source: IBM
          Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
           Local Trends – change management                                        Local

• One week ago we have switched off backup
  communication line but found out that it
  was used by application in productionquot;
• quot;Expect the unknown results when installing
  new patchquot;
• Number of changes in large bank (MF
  environment) 80K a year!
• Above 50% of problems are related to

     Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
     Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
                                           Local trends                             Local

• Who is the ESM “owner” ? Different approaches:
• “High Touch” ESM team:
  – The different system teams (Win, Unix, Network, PC) install
    the agents but with strict instructions from the ESM team
  – Single console maintained by the ESM team
• The ESM team is in the “background”
  – The different teams have their own management consoles
    (example – Win- MOM, Unix- BMC, Network – NMM, PC –
  – Manger of managers console is updated by the ESM team

      Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
      Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic

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CTO presentation
CTO presentation  CTO presentation
CTO presentation

Recommended for CTOs, architects, IT Managers COVID-19 has emphasized the fact that business agility and hence technology agility are the most if not the only factors for business success. However, technology agility in most IT departments is not the “strongest muscle”. Technology adoption of Cloud, Devops, Integration, Low-Code and Zero Trust are affecting all IT departments and even the entire organization. New processes and relationships between the various branches of the IT department should emerge, forsaking old habits and technologies. New technologies and roles\responsibilities are taking their place.

it service organizationit data centers
Big iIT stagnation
Big iIT stagnationBig iIT stagnation
Big iIT stagnation

Recommended for CXOs and all IT Managers If COVID-19 has demonstrated anything it is that organizations can no longer rely on traditional long-term strategic direction-setting, in order to succeed and grow. Today, organizations need to be able to quickly identify changes and respond with speed. Adaptive enterprises have the technical and organizational agility to do this. In this session, we will present the organizational structure, technologies and concepts that make up an adaptive organization and discuss topics such as: Concierge hyper-personalization services; Personalized (PBC) Business Capabilities; adaptive organizational structure; Centers of Excellence; center office; hyper-automation and data centric organizations.

it marketdigitaltransformation
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2    2 slides per page STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised  V2  2    2 slides per page
STKI Israeli it market study 2021 revised V2 2 2 slides per page

The document discusses the findings of an Israeli IT market study conducted by STKI in 2021. It notes that COVID-19 accelerated changes in how IT services are delivered to satisfy new delivery scenarios. The study analyzed trends like the remote-first, data, and passion economies that emerged from the pandemic. The key finding is that the most enduring impact of COVID-19 will be as an "implementation accelerant", forcing faster implementations of technologies to deliver value immediately. The document provides background on STKI and outlines the methodology used in the 2021 market study.

ESM (Enterprise System                                                                          ESM
            Management) Ratios                                                                            Trends

• ESM Ratios are very different from companies
  implementing ESM solutions since the level of
  implementation, internal processes , tools and
  automation is very different.
• The KPI itself –” per Servers “– is not ideal as well
  since it doe not give indication to Routers, Storage
  devices, etc.
• From 110 Servers monitored by 1 FTE to 500 Servers
  monitored by 1 FTE. .Median is 300 Servers
• Increase of about 20% from last years data
• Data point in the STKI survey 1 FTE per 1000 server.
  STKI comment “close the project!”
                                                                                      Source: STKI
         Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
         Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
                   STKI recommendation                                            Local

• Can I define ServiceStandards for System
  Management  Monitoring?

    Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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   Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
   Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
    The evolution of distributed architecture                                                                                    Trends

           Scale up by working with layers,
Try not to bother the database as much as possible!
        Bottleneck's…                                                                     U

                                        L                                                 U
     DB            A
                   L                                                                      U
                                                                 G                        U

            Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI
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Transcript: Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - T...
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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and slides: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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Infrastructure Market 2009

  • 1. Trends in the Israeli Infrastructure Market 2009 Your Text here Your Text here Pini Cohen EVP & Senior Analyst Architecture & Infrastructure Strategies 1 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 2. Agenda • General SOI - service oriented infrastructure – 1 Cloud Computing – 2 Open Source and other general issues – 3 Major Trends – 4 General recommendations – 5 • Technology domains Development – 6 Enterprise System Management 7– Servers 8– Desktop 9– Storage 10 – Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 2 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 3. This presentation is an extraction from the complete 200+ slides presentation. Latest version is in the WEB Some of the slides will be presented quickly as a teaser Thank you for your help in STKI’s research Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 4. Scenario: Adapting in Healthy Ways, Rather General Than Fixating Adaptive organizations have a core foundation of values and principles that keep them from chasing their tails every time tactical winds blow Cost Risk and Transformation Quality Speed 4 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 5. Agility attributes General Agility Attributes of the Adaptive • Economic agility Organization • Technology agility – Infrastructure Technology – Architecture Human Agility – Application portfolio Resource Agility • Human resource agility Economic • Operational agility Agility Adaptive • Process agility IT Operational Organ- Agility • Strategic agility ization • Organizational, innovational, and Strategic learning agility Agility Process Organization Agility Innovative Learning Agility 5 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 6. What’s the Problem With General Infrastructure? • Too much stuff • Handoffs don’t work • Costs too much • Too much theory or too little • Too slow practice • Nothing works together Application Infrastructure Integration Deployment Operations Development Planning Testing Installation The infrastructure as we now it today is very rigid and this causes very poor utilization (40% or less) 6 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 7. Example of Service Definition General Name: Identity infrastructure service Examples • • MSFT Active Directory (NOS file and print) Owner: Bob Smith, architect – • MSFT Passport online service – Description • Principles • Providing user identity information (attributes), – including authentication credentials and related Simple authentication is usually enough – SSO services; also offers Web URL permissions Replication to scale (mostly read-only) – Use case • Component and service manifest • Direct use by application (LDAP) – API: LDAP, Web server exits, proprietary – Indirect use via Web server (with attribute – Presentation: NA – passing in headers) Application server: NA (see Web SSO) – Direct use by application (security APIs) – Integration: Metadirectory utilities – Service-level matches • Database: iPlanet Directory Server – + Scalability (over 500 users, etc.) – Server HW/OS: Sun Solaris on SPARC … – + Scale incrementally using replicas – Storage: EMC SAN – – Direct application support – Network: NA – Pricing • Security: Netegrity SiteMinder Web SSO – “Included” in e-business costs Management: Delegated admin, … – – Maturity • Installed since 2001 with all customer names – Used by X, Y, Z apps now 7 – Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 8. Storage Services General Disk Tape Online Automated Tier Enterprise Midrange Manual Capacity/Arc Capacity hival Design Monolithic Modular Modular ATL Rack SCSI/FC Drives Drive Interface SCSI/FC ATA/SATA FC People Drive/Media 1.2 Million+ 1.2 Million+ 400K+ 1 Million+ 1 Million+ Reliability MTBF (Hour) Performance: rpm 10K-15K 10K-15K 7.2K Seek Time <6ms <15ms <1 sec. <1 min. days Fixed Content, Key Environments Mission Critical, Business Critical BU, Archival, Archival, BU WORM, Archival OLTP WORM Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 8 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 9. Many dimensions for each service General Architecture Policy Operations Performance Resource Availability Adaptive Storage Monitoring Allocation Assurance Storage Architecture Resource Design 5 Application 5 Change Management Optimization 5 5 Production 5 Hardware Support Capacity Management 5 Asset Management 5 Configuration 5 5 Infrastructure Planning Acceptance Inventory Management 5 Budget Management Management 5 5 QA 5 Security Management Network Monitoring 5 Business Continuity 5 Cost-Recovery 5 5 Test Lab 5 SW Distribution Performance 5 Contract Management Management 5 Facility Planning Management Management 5 Contractor 5 Physical DB 5 5 Security Problem Management Management Management 5 Production Control 5 Negotiation 5 Disk Storage 5 SW Management Management Management 5 Service Level 5 Service Level 5 Job Scheduling Management 5 Service Request Agreement 5 Workload Monitoring Management Management 5 System Monitoring 5 Tape Management 5 Database Adm 9 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 10. What Are the Benefits of a Ensemble General Infrastructure? Technology reuse • Ensemble – Pattern blueprints: Architecture, technology, product, configuration – Technical services: Process Actual implementations IT Process reuse • Pattern matching – Technology People Service support – P2 Predictive costing P8 – P1 P7 P P3 1 P3 Experience gained: Good and bad practices – P7 P5 P4 P6 P8 People reuse • – Fewer technology skills specific to the pattern J1 J1 T1 T2 J3 J2 – More common roles focused in fewer service T2 T7 J6 T8 J4 T1 J4 J7 T3 T4 T3 J2 J6 areas J8 T5 J5 T6 Today : Too many technologies, too many processes, not enough people 10 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 11. Infrastructure Services General • Infrastructure services are very appealing • However in many cases this involves: – Saying “no” – Buying “more expensive equipment” than needed 11 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 12. Infrastructure Services are the building blocks General of Ensembles Ensemble is a combination of specific Infrastructure Services that enable execution of specific Mashup for specific Business Process T6 T2 T1 T3 T8 T7 T5 T4 Gateway T8 T7 T2 T7 T8 T6 T3 T1 T1 T5 T4 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Applications Infrastructure Services Services Puzzle Builder 12 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 13. General - Cloud Computing Modularity Cloud Desktop as a service Software as a service (standard applications) Platform as a service (custom applications) Infrastructure as a service (compute, storage, network) 13 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 14. General - Requirements for Cloud Services Cloud Multitenant. A cloud service must support multiple, organizationally distant • customers. Elasticity. Tenants should be able to negotiate and receive resources/QoS on- • demand. Resource Sharing. Ideally, spare cloud resources should be transparently applied • when a tenant’s negotiated QoS is insufficient, e.g., due to spikes. Horizontal scaling. It should be possible to add cloud capacity in small increments; • this should be transparent to the tenants of the service. Metering. A cloud service must support accounting that reasonably ascribes • operational and capital expenditures to each of the tenants of the service. Security. A cloud service should be secure in that tenants are not made vulnerable • because of loopholes in the cloud. Availability. A cloud service should be highly available. • Operability. A cloud service should be easy to operate, with few operators. • Operating costs should scale linearly or better with the capacity of the service. mad/2008/uploads/K_Raghu_CloudComputing.ppt+Multitenancy+Elasticity+fil etype:ppt&hl=iw&ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=il&client=firefox-a 14 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 15. General - Amazon EC2 Cloud 15 Source: Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 16. General - Mosso - Cloud Files Cloud 1 TB = 4K$~ per year 16 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 17. General - Amazon SimpleDB Cloud • web service providing the core database functions of data indexing and querying 17 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 18. Amazon Simple Queue Service General - Cloud (Amazon SQS) • Offers a reliable, highly scalable, hosted queue for storing messages as they travel between computers • Pay only for what you use. There is no minimum fee. Estimate your monthly bill using AWS Simple Monthly Calculator. • $0.01 per 10,000 Amazon SQS Requests ($0.000001 per Request) • Amazon SQS requests are CreateQueue, ListQueues, DeleteQueue, SendMessage, ReceiveMessage, DeleteMessage, SetQueueAttributes and GetQueueAttributes • Data Transfer * $0.100 per GB – all data transfer in • * $0.170 per GB – first 10 TB / month data transfer out • • 18 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 19. General - So many new alternatives-players! Cloud Consistency Availability SQL/ACID Operability Global low Structured Updates latency Elastic access model Sherpa Y! UDB MySQL Oracle HDFS BigTable Dynamo Cassandra 19 19 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic u_CloudComputing.ppt
  • 20. Data Center Locations General - Cloud Netherlands China Illinois Ireland Japan Washington India Virginia Singapore California Texas Puerto Rico Microsoft is planning Current Online locations to have 1M servers by the end of 2009 Proposed future Online locations Other Microsoft locations 20 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 0097312 STKI modifications Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 21. General - Microsoft Cloud Services Cloud Azure Services Platform ™ Microsoft Microsoft SharePoint Dynamics CRM Services Services Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 22. General - Microsoft: Software + Services Cloud Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 23. General - The Cast Iron Integration Solution Cloud Traditional Approach Benefits Today’s Approach • No Software to install CRM or maintain • Configuration, not coding • Weeks, not months Enterprise Home CRM Grown Software CRM Integration Enterprise Integration Home grown Software integration (TIBCO, webMethods) Source: 23 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI _Cast%20Iron.ppt Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 24. Flexible Deployment Options General - Cloud Integration on Premise Customer’s Data Center Virtual Appliances Powered By Cast Iron* Integration as a Service Cast Iron Cloud™ Source: 24 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 25. General - Cloud Computing Challenges Cloud Source: 25 25 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 26. Gmail issues General - Cloud 26 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 27. General Example for potential new business model - Cloud Different SAAS providers Integrator is responsible for Old Fashion (Salseforce Netsuite) + different SAAS and hosting integrator Pay per use – managed Licensing User Pay per use- to the integrator separately for each SAAS provider Servers - User owned – At different SAAS provider’s AT SAAS and integrator site Integrator HW site and in the users location responsibility User owned – PC’s Integrator responsibility Integrator responsibility Integrator responsibility User Integrator Split responsibilities between Integrator responsibility responsibility but perspective Integrator and SAAS providers expensive. Utilization is a joke! Integrator Bad -The SAAS provider might Good but costly - needs to Good add more services that will maintain high skills for 27 perspective Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI take the integrator’s place. hostingSAAS Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 28. New player – Integration Business General – Cloud - & SaaS Solutions(IBSS) last • IBSS is new player – With IBSS providing variety of Pay per use- to the Licensing hosting services and integrator linksintegration to Servers - HW AT SAAS and IBSS site different SAAS providers PC’s Integrator responsibility • IBSS clients are the integrators User perspective Integrator responsibility • Example: Integrator Good and cheaper – less skills are needed less perspective investment 28 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 29. General Open Why Companies Use Open Source Source • Freedom / Flexibility • Lowers barriers to entry / exit • Can’t afford to build new applications from scratch • Tired of waiting on hold for support • Speed up development • Purchase only the functionality needed • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) • ROI is shortened Source: AnyOpen Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 29 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 30. Solution - OSS quality General Open Source • Emerging Vendors Utilize OSS Defects Per Thousands – Netezza lines of Code • Data warehousing appliance Commodity hardware (servers, CPUs, storage) – PostgreSQL, Linux 0.00057 – • End user clients utilize OSS – Retail – in-store appliances – Travel – web sites, fee schedules, reservations 0.00009 MySQL Commercial Source: Reasoning Inc. Be assured the next generation of developers/entrepreneurs will build on OSS 30 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 31. General Open Source 31 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 32. General Open Source 32 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 33. General Open Source 33 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 34. General Microsoft OpenSource site Open Source 34 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 35. Microsoft IIS: An Interoperable Web General Open Server Source • Build and Run Web applications in a high-performance and reliable way along side ASP.NET with IIS 7.0 FastCGI. Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 36. ISV’s are offering Open Source as General Open alternative for commercial Source products • IBI is offering R-Statistics as basic alternative for MATLAB Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 37. General STKI Madad Open Source - last •Lately we have received lots of Open Source related inquiries – maturity, support, reference, prices of: •OpenOffice •Tomcat •Jboss •MySQL •Drupal •Nagios •Subversion 37 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 38. Online Bids General Procurement • Online bids are powerful tool in case of real competition of commodity products (apples vs. apples) • Suggested steps are – technical à traditional negotiation for getting 2-3 suppliers for best of finalà online bid • In case there is no real competition online bids can not help Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 38 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 39. Virtualisation Licensing General Procurement Complications • Historic compatibility (product & license – “serial machine number”) • PUR’s (product user rights) not supporting new technology • Inventory / Discovery tools not designed to support Virtualised environments • Ever more complicated product variations to accommodate model • More software products required to run and support it • Increased licensing knowledge required • Makes planning and budgeting more complicated STKI Round Table for IT procurement managers at 22.4.09 68E8F39F79D0/0/S20080912Agenda5AlexLemonCIVICAVirtuallyLicensed.ppt STKI modifications 39 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 40. Virtualisation Licensing General Complications Procurement Software ISV is installed Software ISV is installed Software ISV is installed server a: 2 cpu dual core server b: 2 cpu dual core server c: 2 cpu dual core Virtual server a with ISV installed Virtual server a with Server Z : 4 CPU ISV installed Server X : 2 CPU QUAD CORE dual core STKI Round Table for IT procurement managers at 22.4.09 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 41. Virtualisation Licensing General Complications Procurement Software ISV is installed Software ISV is installed Software ISV is installed server a: 2 cpu dual core server b: 2 cpu dual core server c: 2 cpu dual core Lower cost? Virtual server c with Virtual server c with ISV installed ISV installed Virtual server b with Virtual server b with ISV installed ISV installed Virtual server a with Virtual server a with ISV installed ISV installed Server X : 2 CPU Server Z: 4 CPU dual core QUAD CORE Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 42. HP EDS merge General Maximum Client Value Comprehensive Established, market- Technology platform Improved Efficiency of IT Service Delivery end-to-end IT leading services … leadership services breadth and depth Portfolio Shared Standard Services Increased business value from IT Industry reach across Model and expertise for major industries mid-market customers Deep industry Global Delivery High outsourcing market Expertise, growth rates and • EDS Best Shore® delivered momentum locations Globally • Enterprise Service Mgmt. Innovation from HP Labs, annual R&D investment Based on Market leadership across of $3.6B2 market-leading ITO segments technology and Innovation 42 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 42 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 43. New business models General alternatives We sell those We acquire BEST solutions to solutions from other ITs LEADING ITs Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 44. Recommendations General Recommendations 4Less technologies to take care of. Can existing technologies products do the job? 4Define Infrastructure Services 4New technology ROI is tricky – the new technology can save money but it requires new processes, people, integration here Your Text Your Text here 4Open Source 4IaaS for: Peak time activities • Backup • Testing applications and new technologies • Training and Development • 44 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 45. Recommendations : General Recommendations 4SAAS for internal IT needs –Example ALM tools as Saas 4SBC (traditional & VDI) for remote locations , call centers 4Operations Scorecards for better alignment consolidation, Server Consolidation (to 4Datacenterhere Your Text Your Text here standard platforms) and Server Virtualization 4Asset management in general and usagemetering 4Storage readwrite “snap on snap” for cost efficient environment creation 4Vendor and Contract management (STKI can help!) 45 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 46. General 46 46 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 47. STKI IT Model Development and Middleware Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 47 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 48. Technologies Maturity Model DEV 2009 – Middleware and Development Trends Business Value Investment Semantic AGILE to make money Full SOA – BPM Organization GUI change Cut costs, WPF TDD integration IT Project Increase Open Source Pure productivity Business ALM tools Project EAI PaaS Commodity IT SOA ETL Services Governance tools Investment for regulations Using Implementing Looking 48 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 49. New Generation of Knowledge DEV Workers Trends • Live in virtual worlds • Expect immediate results Many open threads • Deliver quickly, in small • increments • Expect personalization • Intolerant of disruption In short: very agile! AgileDevelopmentPlatform-Rudd-Young- Agile2008.ppt 49 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 50. DEV Platform convergence Trends • “Developers are customers too” – Demand the same features as the intended users (multi-medial, social networking, personalization, customization, etc.) • Developers should live in the same world they are constructing • Very Agile Source: AgileDevelopmentPlatform-Rudd-Young-Agile2008.ppt STKI modifications 50 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 51. Agile Project Management - DEV Overview Trends 12 Code Analysis Code Test Test Implement Analysis 9 6 3 12 3 6 9 Source: Cutter Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 51 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 52. Cost of Feedback – Test Driven DEV Trends Development 52 52 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 53. DEV Test-Driven Development Trends Pick a Feature • Write a Test for that Feature • Run all Tests and see new Test Fail • Write Code for Feature • Run all Tests and see all Tests Pass • Refactor • Repeat • dToTestDrivenDevelopment.ppt 53 Copyright 2008 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 54. Composite Application Platform in the DEV Trends new Open Source – Cloud world Development and Plug-ins and Extentions Integrations with existing networks and Web Portal RIA RIA Test Tools Integrations with existing networks functionality – Mashups, OpenID Collaboration: Custom Productivity Wiki, Blog, Chat Tools - Conferencing Social Networking: Business Intelligence: People Reporting Activities Analysis Associations Search Enterprise Content Management: Management: Document Repository Versioning Web publishing Workflow Security and Authentication Authentication Hosted SaaS Deployment Environment 54 AgileDevelopmentPlatform-Rudd-Young-Agile2008.ppt Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 55. Open source solutions for .NET DEV Trends environment • Spring open source programming framework also for .net! • Nhibernate (Object/Relational Mapping ): – ORM library implemented using .NET – Port of the Java library called Hibernate – Database-independent (almost) – Provides most advanced features – Free, open source and mature _Action_Seminar.ppt stki modifications 55 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 56. RIA - Rich Internet applications • Rich Internet applications (RIAs) are web applications that have some of the characteristics of desktop applications, typically delivered by – web browser plug-ins, javascript compiler , etc. – independently via sandboxes or virtual machines • Examples are : Adobe AIR, JavaFX, Microsoft Silverlight, Magic’s UniPaaS Source : stki modifications 56 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 57. Mashups - Where Can I Live? DEV Trends • Find a new place to live with a travel time search. • It works on commuting time between stations (Underground and DLR only) and average house prices. You can also view property listings around your chosen station and fun stuff like house price statistics. • APIs CloudMade + Google Maps + Nestoria + OpenStreetMap From 57 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 58. http://www.where-can-i- DEV Trends 58 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 59. DEV Trends Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 60. DEV Multicore programming skills Trends 60 • core-boom-needs-new-developer-skills_1.html Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 60 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 61. DEV MDM – Master Data Management Trends • Typical workflow • New workflow Search of customer exist – in Search of customer– in MDM the current application domain Enter details of new customer in MDM Enter details of new customer Enter details of transaction sometimes based on insights taken from MDM Enter details of transaction Sometimes if online search is not possible -add new phase to process – “end of day” data corrections End END Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 62. DEV Enabling MDM in new applications Trends • Application Architecture: – Data of MDM candidates should be kept separately – Function for identifying existing customers • Different business process (users): – Identifying the customer is part of the process – Sometimes the identification is done after the customer is left Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 63. DEV Local Trends - Platforms Local Trends • .Net is very strong in the general IT development scene • Many clients are suspicious towards Open Source. There are some innovators (Harel Insurance, Direct Insurance, etc.) • Users are still using legacy development environments – Cobol , Natural, PowerBuilder • Magic uniPaaS RIA & SaaS: New Rich internet & SaaS application platform based on .NET Technology (Launched on January 2009) Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 63 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 64. DEV Local Trends - Estimation Local Trends • Israeli project manager do not use formal estimation methodologies for estimation (function points, cocomo, etc.) • Each member of project gives estimation “to the best of his knowledge” • Some organizations have estimation sheets with questions like “does the project needs information from the DW?” • Only few organizations track the real usage of specific requests (after went to production) Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 64 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 65. DEV Local Trends - SOA Local Trends • Most users have EAI tools. Some SOA tools. • Run Time SOA governance (mainly monitoring) is an issue to many users • Dev. SOA governance tools are considered as part of general SOA adoption • What stops SOA are related organizations issues – development roles are different – the architect is in the center • Sometimes the EAISOA team creating bottleneck for the projects • STKI Round Table: What are the optimal technology and processes that enable code and interfacesservices reuse? At 7.6.09 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 65 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 66. DEV Local Trends - Agile Local Trends • Many organizations did not try “agile software development” formally • Many organization have tight relationship with their users – try to deliver in short release cycles, however official project design is done • “Agile Sparks” offers training and accompanying scrum processes mainly to ISV’s. The “end user” is the marketing manager • Some nice first steps for Agile in Israeli enterprise (STKI Round Table) – More details at Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 66 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 67. DEV The PMO-Development gap? Local Trends • What is PMO? IT Plan Development – Demand Management – Budget and Resource Management – Post implementation audits – Managing largestrategiccross LOB projects – • What about PMO and Dev methodologiestechnologies ? SOA – Reuse – Agile – TDD – Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 67 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 68. DEV EAISOA Support Ratios Local Trends • EAI SOA variations are very big: From static (old) messaging interface (MQ) to new and changing “SOA” service – How “thick” is the interface: 20 times a day to 20,000 a minute – How involved are the applications programmers ? – How static are the interfaces? How many new interfaces? – Does “one user” for web service is valid “Services count”? – • EAISOA typical Support Ratios : from 10 interfacesservices per FTE to 300 interfacesservicesweb services per FTE . Median is 40 interfaces. • This demonstrates the large variety between organization with their perspective to EAISOAIntegration Source: STKI Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 68 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 69. DEV STKI recommendation Local Trends • Can I define ServiceStandards for Development Middleware ? • STKI Round Table: What are the optimal technology and processes that enable code and interfacesservices reuse? At 7.6.09 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 69 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 70. STKI IT Model Enterprise System Management Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 70 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 71. Technologies Maturity Model ESM 2009 – Enterprises System Management Trends Business Value Investment to make money Cut costs, End User IT Project Increase Experience RBA Pure Application productivity Monitoring Business Project CMDB with System Commodity IT closed loop CMDB – BSM Management Services Basic – change Automatic management discovery Investment for regulations Using Implementing Looking 71 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 72. ESM Definition of the Mgmt Segments Trends Technologies used to understand and manage what resources an System & organization has as well as how, when, and who alters it all Config Mgmt Covers all aspects of software, hardware, and licenses/contracts Technologies used to control how an organization delivers and manages IT Service services supplied to the business Management Act as the primary communication point between IT and the rest of the organization Technologies focused on observing and ensuring the health and availability Performance of infrastructure & Monitoring Used to understand the current state of all hardware, software, and business services Technologies used to automate day to day operational tasks Operations Used to assist IT staff in automation of routine tasks Automation ESM - Service Desk – Asset – System (configuration) – Security events Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 72 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 73. ESM CMDB automatic discovery Trends Learn how their CIs are configured (& changing over time) Automatically tracks Configuration Auditing changes on all CIs & – Tracks changes in attribute values over time… applications – Depicts that information on the map – Depicts that information Application thru reports 73 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI Source: IBM 73 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 74. ESM CMDB is improving configuration management Trends Comparing two instances of an Apache Web Server to the golden master Compliance Values in red and blue are – Compare configuration to policy violations “reference master” – Compare to your standard policy 74 Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 74 Source: IBM Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 75. ESM Local Trends – change management Local Trends • One week ago we have switched off backup communication line but found out that it was used by application in productionquot; • quot;Expect the unknown results when installing new patchquot; • Number of changes in large bank (MF environment) 80K a year! • Above 50% of problems are related to changes Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 75 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 76. ESM Local trends Local Trends • Who is the ESM “owner” ? Different approaches: • “High Touch” ESM team: – The different system teams (Win, Unix, Network, PC) install the agents but with strict instructions from the ESM team – Single console maintained by the ESM team • The ESM team is in the “background” – The different teams have their own management consoles (example – Win- MOM, Unix- BMC, Network – NMM, PC – Aternity) – Manger of managers console is updated by the ESM team Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 76 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 77. ESM (Enterprise System ESM Local Management) Ratios Trends • ESM Ratios are very different from companies implementing ESM solutions since the level of implementation, internal processes , tools and automation is very different. • The KPI itself –” per Servers “– is not ideal as well since it doe not give indication to Routers, Storage devices, etc. • From 110 Servers monitored by 1 FTE to 500 Servers monitored by 1 FTE. .Median is 300 Servers • Increase of about 20% from last years data • Data point in the STKI survey 1 FTE per 1000 server. STKI comment “close the project!” Source: STKI Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 77 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 78. ESM STKI recommendation Local Trends • Can I define ServiceStandards for System Management Monitoring? Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 78 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 79. STKI IT Model DBMS Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 79 Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic
  • 80. DBMS The evolution of distributed architecture Trends Scale up by working with layers, Try not to bother the database as much as possible! U G U Bottleneck's… U I B SCALE L U G D U DB A I L U B L G U U I U SCALE Pini Cohen’s work Copyright 2009©STKI 80 7F99-4A16-9652-9A2DAC44986F/ARC301.ppt Do not remove source or attribution from any graphic or portion of graphic