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Question 6:What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constr...
Question 6:What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constr...Question 6:What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constr...
Question 6:What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constr...

The document discusses what the author has learned about technologies from constructing a media product. Specifically, the author learned how to: 1) Manipulate digital photographs using camera settings and lighting to create different effects. This improved the author's digital photography skills. 2) Use blogs like Eblogger to upload work and research. The author also learned how to use Slideshare to upload documents and presentations. 3) Edit images in Photoshop, including manipulating images and adding text fonts without making images look overly edited. 4) Use presentation platforms like Prezi, finding it a more updated way to present than PowerPoint, and seeing opportunities to experiment further with its features.

Cheap or Free UX Tools
Cheap or Free UX ToolsCheap or Free UX Tools
Cheap or Free UX Tools

This document lists and describes various free and low-cost tools that can be used for user experience design, research, and testing. It discusses tools for collecting and visualizing data, project management, prototyping, usability testing, analytics, and more. Many of the recommended tools can be used for tasks like wireframing, creating interactive prototypes, user feedback, and usability testing without significant costs. Traditional methods like paper prototyping are also mentioned.

uxuser experienceuxyeg
How to Focus on Time and Product by Beachbody Product Manager
How to Focus on Time and Product by Beachbody Product ManagerHow to Focus on Time and Product by Beachbody Product Manager
How to Focus on Time and Product by Beachbody Product Manager

As a Product Manager, many people want to have a part of your time. In this slideshare, Kasha will focus on the importance of prioritising your time correctly and staying focused on your product. Main takeaways: - The why -- Why I am I building this again? - Finding balance in saying NO - How to innovate within obstacles and constraints

product management
Promote the library
And the Library Staff
Punch up a bulletin board
Encourage new tools

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This document discusses the technology used to create a product. The creator used cameras, a Mac computer, and tripod to capture high quality footage, which was then edited using software like Final Cut Express and Garageband. This enhanced the finished product with effects. In the process, the creator also learned new skills in using equipment.

Multimedia tools for EsP part 2
Multimedia tools for EsP part 2Multimedia tools for EsP part 2
Multimedia tools for EsP part 2

This document provides a list of online resources for teaching values education and developing character. It includes links to sites for free inspirational stories and graphic organizers, billboards of everyday heroes, tools for creating interactive posters and presentations, inspirational movies and documentaries, online newspapers, newsletters and journals, video conferencing platforms, webinars, e-cards, quiz makers, polls, rubric libraries, storytelling sites, pages for teachers, and tips for evaluating websites. The overall document serves as a compilation of digital resources that can be used to support values education lessons and activities.

90 tools in 90minutes
90 tools in 90minutes90 tools in 90minutes
90 tools in 90minutes

The document lists 84 web-based tools for learning and leadership across 6 pages, with the name and URL of each tool. It provides resources for integrating new technologies to empower learning and transform leadership.

Encourage Reading Mini Read Posters
Create a logo
Promote a program
Celebrate an Event

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Conducting Usability Testing with a Team of One
Conducting Usability Testing with a Team of OneConducting Usability Testing with a Team of One
Conducting Usability Testing with a Team of One

Conducting usability research with limited resources as a solo practitioner can be challenging due to constraints on time, personnel, budget, and buy-in. However, there are strategies for overcoming these hurdles, such as leveraging free tools, spreading out testing over longer periods, and demonstrating the benefits of usability research to gain support. The document outlines the author's experience conducting pre- and post-redesign usability tests on a tight budget and alone, and provides recommendations for affordable tools and approaches.

Before Starting a Startup – Paweł Wrzeszcz, BNS IT
Before Starting a Startup – Paweł Wrzeszcz, BNS ITBefore Starting a Startup – Paweł Wrzeszcz, BNS IT
Before Starting a Startup – Paweł Wrzeszcz, BNS IT

Most research on why startups fail focuses on two areas: business (no market need, run out of cash, poor marketing) and communication (lack of soft skills, poor communication within the team or with investors). This presentation will show a different perspective – a model that will help startup founders with technological background to analyze their business idea on a deeper level ­- their own needs, their technical ambitions, and the market needs.

Hacking for Innovation - WPP, New York
Hacking for Innovation - WPP, New YorkHacking for Innovation - WPP, New York
Hacking for Innovation - WPP, New York

This document discusses hacking for innovation and provides resources for developing hacks. It defines a hack as a quick solution to a real-world problem. It encourages finding problems to solve and provides examples of challenges that could be addressed. It then outlines the steps to build a typical web hack, including accessing data through APIs, interfaces like YUI, and presenting the hack. Overall resources for hacking are provided, including APIs, tools, and guidelines for what judges look for in a successful hack.

wppyahoonew york
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Sites for Photo Effects

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IE: Hobby (Question: I)
IE: Hobby (Question: I)IE: Hobby (Question: I)
IE: Hobby (Question: I)

This document outlines the process of developing a solar powered toy car that can be controlled by a smartphone. It describes opening up a toy truck to reverse engineer it, developing and testing a first prototype, adding solar power and a mobile app for remote control. Updates include opening the toy, reverse engineering, developing a prototype, adding solar power and an app, a video demonstrating the car, documentation, and personal reflections on enjoying electronics and sharing knowledge with children.

Evaluation technologies
Evaluation   technologiesEvaluation   technologies
Evaluation technologies

The document discusses technologies used in producing a music magazine. It describes learning to use Photoshop tools like drop shadows and learning Publisher was not sophisticated enough. A blog was used to document progress, which allowed for easier editing than physical documentation. While the project could have been done without most technologies, it would have been of lower quality. Software like Survey Monkey and Slideshare helped with collecting opinions and presenting work. The only new hardware used was a camera for production.

MILI Intro 2013-2014
MILI Intro 2013-2014MILI Intro 2013-2014
MILI Intro 2013-2014

The Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI) aims to influence how teachers teach the research process and encourage collaboration between teachers and librarians on research. MILI focuses on helping students develop skills in the three R's: research process, finding reliable resources, and responsible use of information. MILI will provide guidance to teachers on teaching these skills and incorporating information literacy into the curriculum. The goals are to improve students' research abilities and promote 21st century learning.

Photo Effectshttp://www.befunky.comhttp://anymaking.comCartoonizerOld Photo
Add Captions
Anyone can do it!
More  Generators To TryImage Font Generator Slogan Generator Label Maker Giant http://www.glassgiant.comXtraNormal (text to movie) Mosaic Generator

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Hd@your library aasl
Hd@your library aaslHd@your library aasl
Hd@your library aasl

This document describes a collaboration between Metronet, MELSA, and Minnesota History Day to hold an event called "History Day @ your library" that aims to: 1) Introduce teachers, librarians, and students participating in History Day to library resources in the Twin Cities area. 2) Help teachers teach research skills and help librarians understand History Day. 3) The all-day event includes keynote speakers and breakout sessions on researching, finding reliable sources, and responsible use of information. The goal is to improve connections between libraries and History Day students.

Senior techies mla
Senior techies mlaSenior techies mla
Senior techies mla

The Senior Techies program provided technology education classes to older adults across 14 Minnesota libraries. Over 1,000 people attended the 243 classes on topics like basic computer skills, email, digital photography, and internet searching. The classes aimed to boost confidence with technology for participants ages 47-95. Funding from state and national library agencies supported the equipment, staffing, and collaboration needed for the successful multi-library program, which participants found helpful for continuing to use technology and which they hope to see expanded in the future.

One Trick 2.0 Tools
One Trick 2.0 ToolsOne Trick 2.0 Tools
One Trick 2.0 Tools

This document provides a list of one trick productivity tools organized into categories including alarms, backchannels, backup tools, email schedulers, link checkers, WiFi finders, meeting schedulers, PDF converters, polling tools, paper printers, read later tools, reminders, speed reading, status checkers, white noise generators, and YouTube editing tools. Each tool is briefly described and includes a URL. Over 30 different web-based productivity apps and services are highlighted.


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