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Human Accessible
Mapping Applications
    There is always a
     different view.
Christian Heilmann, WhereCamp Sunnyvale
You can copy, distribute, transmit and remix this
if you attribute me and release it under the same
or similar licence.
• I am terribly bad at reading maps
  and driving instructions.
• Directions like “take the street
  north” don’t work for me unless I
  have a compass with me.
• Furthermore, I am normally not in a
  car, but use public transport, cycle
  or walk (London, eh?)
• However, I have a good photographic
• Instructions from me would be:
  – Walk down the street towards the big
    building with the crown on top.
  – You’ll go past a sex shop on the right,
    followed by a kebab place and a news
    stand with a grumpy looking man with
    a shaggy beard inside.
  – After about 5 minutes and two bus
    stops there’ll be a pub called “The

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Traballo de Rodrigo P. Barbeito, 4º B, curso 2006-2007

Mc Rain01op Cb
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Mc Rain01op Cb

This automatic presentation discusses rain and includes photos from the internet and music by F. Chopin - Nocturno in C-Sharp Minor 063. The presentation provides visual and auditory elements related to rain without further details.

Deixem Me Viver
Deixem Me ViverDeixem Me Viver
Deixem Me Viver

Este documento descreve animais de estimação como companheiros amorosos, carinhosos e divertidos que precisam de proteção e compaixão, pedindo às pessoas que não comprem ou usem peles de animais e permitam que eles vivam livremente.
Human Accessible Mapping Applications
• These are human-readable
  instructions, and they don’t have the
  problems others have, which are:
  – North, South, West and East are not
    obvious when you don’t have a compass
  – Street signs are amazingly expensive
    and there is no real need to keep them
    up-to date.
  – Post codes are an approximation.
• Using these principles and GPS
  devices we could create more human
  instructions how to find your way
• This could also be an accessibility

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Museu Hermitage I

O Museu Hermitage é o maior museu da Rússia, localizado no Palácio de Inverno em São Petersburgo. O museu abriga uma coleção impressionante de obras de arte, incluindo pinturas de artistas como Ticiano, Rafael, Rembrandt e Leonardo da Vinci, bem como esculturas de Rodin e Canova. Além do Palácio de Inverno, o complexo do museu inclui outros prédios como o Pequeno e Grande Hermitage.

Learn BEM: CSS Naming Convention
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Learn BEM: CSS Naming Convention Learn BEM fundamentals as fast as possible. What is BEM (Block, element, modifier), BEM syntax, how it works with a real example, etc.

SEO: Getting Personal
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SEO: Getting Personal

The document discusses how personalization and dynamic content are becoming increasingly important on websites. It notes that 52% of marketers see content personalization as critical and 75% of consumers like it when brands personalize their content. However, personalization can create issues for search engine optimization as dynamic URLs and content are more difficult for search engines to index than static pages. The document provides tips for SEOs to help address these personalization and SEO challenges, such as using static URLs when possible and submitting accurate sitemaps.

• Humanware in Canada have
  developed a GPS driven device for
  blind people
• This device allows a person with a
  disability to explore unknown
  territory unaided.
• The problem is that instructions for
  sighted people are not necessarily
  the right ones for blind people.
• Good instructions are catered for the
  person who needs them and written
  by somebody with a similar
Human Accessible Mapping Applications
• Therefore in order to come up with
  really human-friendly map
  applications and GPS devices we’ll
  need to work on a format to define
  them in.
• One option is to take a leaf out of the
  book of SMIL.
• Use XML to define a time-line with
  GPS data translated to the different
  output formats.

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Doing Local Right
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Doing Local Right

The document discusses doing local search and local media right by focusing on a community newspaper in Lawrence, Kansas called the Lawrence Journal-World. It notes the challenges traditional newspapers face as business models change and how focusing on local knowledge and building strong local sites and services can help address these challenges. It then outlines how the Lawrence Journal-World's small but passionate web team has successfully done this by focusing on serving the local community and treating data with respect.

Ruling the World: When Life Gets Gamed
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Ruling the World: When Life Gets Gamed

1. The document discusses how increasingly, computer systems and algorithms are ruling our world through automated processes like phone trees, ATMs, and online recommendations. This world of ubiquitous sensors and algorithms is called "code/space." 2. The concept of "gamification" is introduced, where goals, rules and feedback systems from games are applied to reality to motivate and change human behavior regarding health, education, productivity and other areas of life. However, exceptions will always exist that systems cannot foresee, requiring human judgment. 3. As systems become more complex and removed from human oversight, the ability to handle exceptions or override decisions is lost. Rules are also never fully explicit and usually intend the "spirit of the law

Vortraglift120215sde 120222182845-phpapp02
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Vortraglift120215sde 120222182845-phpapp02

1. The document discusses how increasingly, computer systems and algorithms are "ruling the world" by determining many aspects of daily life, such as through online recommendations, traffic control systems, and gamification approaches. 2. It notes that real-life situations often involve exceptions that computer systems cannot foresee or accommodate. Humans are needed to interpret contexts and handle exceptions. However, as systems become more complex and remote, manual overrides are harder to access. 3. Rules implemented by computers also lack the flexibility to follow the spirit or intentions behind rules, as humans can. The document gives examples of how strict literal interpretations can break systems or miss the point. Intentions and contexts are important for rules to function appropriately

• Last but not least, we need more
  social mashups.
  – Right now, local applications show
    things like petrol stations, cafés, shops
    and points of interest.
– Where is the information about clean
  free public toilets*?
– Where are the hangouts of beautiful
  single people?
– Where can I safely deposit my luggage
  when I have 3 hours to kill before my
  flight leaves?
– Where can I get the cheapest, but also
  best quality “My son went to San
  Francisco but all I got is this lousy T-
  Shirt” shirt?
            Christian Heilmann


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Human Accessible Mapping Applications

  • 1. Human Accessible Mapping Applications There is always a different view. Christian Heilmann, WhereCamp Sunnyvale 02.06.2007
  • 2. You can copy, distribute, transmit and remix this if you attribute me and release it under the same or similar licence.
  • 3. • I am terribly bad at reading maps and driving instructions. • Directions like “take the street north” don’t work for me unless I have a compass with me. • Furthermore, I am normally not in a car, but use public transport, cycle or walk (London, eh?)
  • 4. • However, I have a good photographic memory. • Instructions from me would be: – Walk down the street towards the big building with the crown on top. – You’ll go past a sex shop on the right, followed by a kebab place and a news stand with a grumpy looking man with a shaggy beard inside. – After about 5 minutes and two bus stops there’ll be a pub called “The Swan”
  • 7. • These are human-readable instructions, and they don’t have the problems others have, which are: – North, South, West and East are not obvious when you don’t have a compass – Street signs are amazingly expensive and there is no real need to keep them up-to date. – Post codes are an approximation.
  • 8. • Using these principles and GPS devices we could create more human instructions how to find your way around. • This could also be an accessibility benefit.
  • 9. • Humanware in Canada have developed a GPS driven device for blind people • This device allows a person with a disability to explore unknown territory unaided.
  • 10. • The problem is that instructions for sighted people are not necessarily the right ones for blind people. • Good instructions are catered for the person who needs them and written by somebody with a similar disposition.
  • 12. • Therefore in order to come up with really human-friendly map applications and GPS devices we’ll need to work on a format to define them in. • One option is to take a leaf out of the book of SMIL. • Use XML to define a time-line with GPS data translated to the different output formats.
  • 13. • Last but not least, we need more social mashups. – Right now, local applications show things like petrol stations, cafés, shops and points of interest.
  • 14. – Where is the information about clean free public toilets*? – Where are the hangouts of beautiful single people? – Where can I safely deposit my luggage when I have 3 hours to kill before my flight leaves? – Where can I get the cheapest, but also best quality “My son went to San Francisco but all I got is this lousy T- Shirt” shirt? *
  • 15. Thanks! rel=“me” Christian Heilmann flickr/ codepo8