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@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
The Road To A More Secure Web
Aysun Akarsu 10 March 2017 #SEOCamp Paris
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Aysun Akarsu / Search Data Strategist
Digital data strategist specialized in technical and architectural SEO wanting to
help companies in making data driven decisions to generate more search traffic.
12 Years in Search Data Analysis
Founder & Blogger of SearchDatalogy
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp

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10 Things Web Designers tend to forget when doing SEO
10 Things Web Designers tend to forget when doing SEO10 Things Web Designers tend to forget when doing SEO
10 Things Web Designers tend to forget when doing SEO

1) Tim Hartung presented 10 things web designers tend to forget when doing SEO, including using Google Webmaster Tools, having good sitemaps, being careful with robots.txt files, ensuring AJAX and JavaScript content is crawlable, and optimizing site speed. 2) and rel=author annotations can increase click-through rates on search engine results pages by providing rich snippets for structured data and attributing content to authors. 3) International IP redirects that send all traffic to country-specific sites can hurt SEO by preventing search engines from accessing global site content. Redirects should target homepages only and notifications provided for users redirected away from their expected language or country content.

seo servicesonline marketingweb design and development
10 Things Webdesigners tend to do Wrong in SEO - SMX 2014
10 Things Webdesigners tend to do Wrong in SEO  - SMX 201410 Things Webdesigners tend to do Wrong in SEO  - SMX 2014
10 Things Webdesigners tend to do Wrong in SEO - SMX 2014

Tim Hartung gives a presentation on common mistakes in SEO and how to avoid them. Some of the key points he discusses are: - Using Google Webmaster Tools to find 404 errors on your site and submit your XML sitemap. - Ensuring your XML sitemap is up-to-date and checking it for broken links to improve your crawl rate. - Being careful with your robots.txt file as incorrectly blocking bots can prevent them from crawling your site. - Optimizing for site speed as it is one of Google's ranking factors and users prefer faster sites. - Implementing structured data and Rel=Author to increase click through rates on search results.

technical seogwmtseo
Accelerated Mobile - Beyond AMP
Accelerated Mobile - Beyond AMPAccelerated Mobile - Beyond AMP
Accelerated Mobile - Beyond AMP

This document discusses various strategies for optimizing website performance. It begins with a brief overview of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and acknowledges that AMP is just the beginning. The bulk of the document then provides tips across several areas: infrastructure and network optimization using techniques like HTTP/2 and content delivery networks; front-end optimization of assets, caching, and resource loading; back-end optimization including server ecosystems and caching; and progressive web app techniques. Key takeaways are that every byte of content matters to users, tools' performance scores should be ignored, and opportunities exist across infrastructure, front-end, and back-end optimizations.

@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Transport Layer Security (TLS)
■ Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
■ Transport Layer Security (TLS)
■ TLS replaced SSL
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
TLS Protocol / Authentication
Bob Alice
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
TLS Protocol / Encryption
Bob Alice

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10 Tips to make your Website lightning-fast - SMX Stockholm 2012
10 Tips to make your Website lightning-fast - SMX Stockholm 201210 Tips to make your Website lightning-fast - SMX Stockholm 2012
10 Tips to make your Website lightning-fast - SMX Stockholm 2012

Talking about advanced performance optimization strategies at SMX Stockholm 2012 covering request reduction & optimization, caching, mark-up tuning, database & webserver performance and much, much more!

grimm digitalgoogleseo
How Data Science can boost your SEO ?
How Data Science can boost your SEO ?How Data Science can boost your SEO ?
How Data Science can boost your SEO ?

This document discusses how data science can be used to boost SEO efforts. It provides examples of using data science tools like Dataiku to analyze web server logs, predict Google rankings, and detect SEO opportunities. Key steps include collecting SEO and web log data, cleaning the data, running machine learning algorithms to predict rankings, and creating custom SEO data science plugins. The overall goal is to build an SEO data science platform to improve monitoring, reporting, and strategic decision making.

Implementing in the JSON-LD format with Google Tag Manager
Implementing in the JSON-LD format with Google Tag ManagerImplementing in the JSON-LD format with Google Tag Manager
Implementing in the JSON-LD format with Google Tag Manager

Learn how to easily implement structured data ( in the JSON-LD format with Google Tag Manager. These are the slides from my talk at SEO-Day 2017 in Cologne, Germany.
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
TLS Protocol / Integrity
Bob Alice
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Good For What?
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure 1/2
■ Integrity of the website
■ Privacy and security of the user
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure 2/2
Requirement For
■ HTTP2 Protocol
■ Explicit user opt-in
■ Amp-ad, amp-embed, amp-video, amp-form, amp-iframe
Enables Powerful Features
■ Accessing user’s geolocation, taking pictures, recording video
■ Offline app experiences and notifications (Service Workers)
Enables Referrer Data (from HTTPS sites)

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The State of the Web: Pagination and Infinite Scroll
The State of the Web: Pagination and Infinite ScrollThe State of the Web: Pagination and Infinite Scroll
The State of the Web: Pagination and Infinite Scroll

Providing recommendations on how to optimize pagination (post rel=next and rel=prev) based on results of testing pagination and infinite scroll in the wild.

SEO Tools of the Trade - Barcelona Affiliate Conference 2014
SEO Tools of the Trade - Barcelona Affiliate Conference 2014SEO Tools of the Trade - Barcelona Affiliate Conference 2014
SEO Tools of the Trade - Barcelona Affiliate Conference 2014

My talk at #BAC14 covering a massive set of 60+ tools for each and every aspect in and around SEO including crawling, auditing, link-building, competetive research and more!

seosocial mediaoff-page
How fast is fast enough - SMX West 2018
How fast is fast enough - SMX West 2018How fast is fast enough - SMX West 2018
How fast is fast enough - SMX West 2018

My talk on web performance optimizations (including critical rendering path, better measurements, paint timings, custom font optimization, chrome performance observer and much more) from SMX West 2018 in San Jose.

web performancesite speedspeed
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
HTTPS As Google’s Mission
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Google Explains
"Security is a top priority at Google. We are investing and working to make sure
that our sites and services provide modern HTTPS by default. We're committed to
making the web a safer place not only for Google users, but for all users. HTTPS
makes it difficult for Internet Service Providers, governments and others to
watch what you're doing online."
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
How Google Motivates HTTPS Migration 1/2
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
How Google Motivates HTTPS Migration 2/2
By Chrome
■ Supporting HTTP2 on Chrome only if encrypted
■ Marking HTTP sites as Non Secure on Chrome

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Whats Next in SEO & CRO - 3XE Conference 2018 Dublin
Whats Next in SEO & CRO - 3XE Conference 2018 DublinWhats Next in SEO & CRO - 3XE Conference 2018 Dublin
Whats Next in SEO & CRO - 3XE Conference 2018 Dublin

My talk from 3XE in Dublin covering why I believe that thinking in silos will hurt your 2018 marketing efforts significantly!

seocrovoice search
Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...
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Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...

Hreflang is a common challenge in international SEO, but for a good reason. It can make the difference between success or failure in reaching your target audience around the world.

Seozone - 5 tips
Seozone  - 5 tips Seozone  - 5 tips
Seozone - 5 tips

The document discusses the importance of technical SEO and on-page factors like content, architecture, and HTML. It provides tips for technical SEO audits, including using a crawler to discover technical issues, establishing a clear picture of the website, recommending quick wins and long-term fixes from audits, monitoring canonical links and robots.txt files, and optimizing website architecture for efficient crawling. Experts are quoted emphasizing that technical flaws can negate other SEO efforts and clear, consistent signals help search engines understand websites.

@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Top Sites
HTTPS migration dates
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Among Top Sites
Google was one of the
■ First in moving on HTTPS
■ Last bringing HTTP Strict Transport Security(HSTS) to Google. (HSTS is
brought only to on 27/07/2016)
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
HTTPS Across Google
According to Google's statistics, 86 percent of requests sent from around the world to
Google's servers used encrypted connections by mid February 2017. That was 47
percent at the end of 2013.Google has done a good job in terms of HTTPS at its own
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
HTTPS In Google Index
SMX Advanced on 23/06/2016

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Structured Data & - SMX Milan 2014
Structured Data & - SMX Milan 2014Structured Data & - SMX Milan 2014
Structured Data & - SMX Milan 2014

My presentation from SMX Milan 2014 covering the history of structured data, usage statistics, implementation guidelines as well as tools.

Advanced Web Scraping or How To Make Internet Your Database #seoplus2018
Advanced Web Scraping or How To Make Internet Your Database #seoplus2018Advanced Web Scraping or How To Make Internet Your Database #seoplus2018
Advanced Web Scraping or How To Make Internet Your Database #seoplus2018

Web scraping, or extracting data from websites, can be done using various techniques and tools. The document discusses web scraping using Python, covering topics like understanding the DOM, common extraction methods like XPath and CSS selectors, and popular scraping tools. Key scraping libraries for Python mentioned are Requests with BeautifulSoup for static sites, and Selenium for dynamic sites rendered with JavaScript. The document provides examples of scraping with tools like Scraper, Screaming Frog, and Grepsr.

web scrapingscrapingwebsite
SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox
SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick StoxSMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox
SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox

The document discusses SEO considerations for JavaScript frameworks. It notes that SEOs need to understand how JavaScript works and how search engines handle it, as many developers are not familiar with SEO. It provides tips for SEOs, including that search engines don't interact with the page content in the same way users do, and content should be loaded by default without user interaction. It also discusses different approaches to rendering pages for search engines like server-side rendering versus client-side rendering.

seotechnical seojavascript
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
HTTPS Usage On Chrome
Percentage of pages loaded over HTTPS
Percentage of browsing time spent on HTTPS websites
Desktop users load more than
half of the pages they view
over HTTPS and spend
two-thirds of their time on
HTTPS pages.
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
HTTPS On Top 100 Non Google Sites
Google shared the data concerning a list
of top 100 non Google sites on the
Internet and their HTTPS states in
February 2016.
According to Google the sites in this list
accounts for approximately 25% of all
website traffic worldwide.
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
HTTPS On 1M Top Sites
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
TLS Certificates

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Page Speed
Page SpeedPage Speed
Page Speed

The document discusses various techniques for improving page speed, including optimizing critical rendering path and first meaningful paint, inlining critical CSS and JS, using async and defer attributes, prioritizing important resources, using server-side processing, font-display, responsive images, HTTP/2, resource hints, and tools like Chrome Developer Tools. The goal is to have 80% of content viewable within the first few seconds by prioritizing what is needed for initial render.

Pubcon Vegas 2017 You're Going To Screw Up International SEO - Patrick Stox
Pubcon Vegas 2017 You're Going To Screw Up International SEO - Patrick StoxPubcon Vegas 2017 You're Going To Screw Up International SEO - Patrick Stox
Pubcon Vegas 2017 You're Going To Screw Up International SEO - Patrick Stox

The document discusses many of the common issues that can arise when implementing hreflang tags for internationalization, such as tools providing incorrect information; content being served from different URLs than indexed; duplicate pages causing problems; and it taking time for all language versions to be crawled. It emphasizes that internationalization is complex with multiple systems involved and recommends automating the process as much as possible to avoid manual errors, and to expect that problems will occur and need repeated checking.

seointernational seotechnical seo
The Future of https in Search
The Future of https in SearchThe Future of https in Search
The Future of https in Search

Neil Walker from made Notable will discuss secure search, its past, impact and future. It was big news when Google first announced HTTPS as a ranking signal in August 2014, so what impact has this had for businesses, should brands and webmaster update to https and what tools and advise is needed to ensure a website meet Google’s guidelines. This webinar will cover: 1. History of Https 2. The impact – Winners & Losers 3. Tools and advice to help you switch 4. The future of https as a ranking signal

@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Type Of TLS Certificates 1/2
TLS Certificates by Validation Level
■ Domain Validation TLS Certificates
■ Organization Validation TLS Certificates
■ Extended Validation TLS Certificates
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Type Of TLS Certificates 2/2
TLS Certificates by Secured Domains
■ Single-name TLS Certificates
■ Wildcard TLS Certificates
■ Multi-Domain TLS Certificates
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Free Certificates / Let’s Encrypt
■ Free (Accepts donations)
■ Sponsored by leading companies
■ TLS Configuration
■ Don’t provide wildcard certificates
■ Provide only domain-validated certificates. No future plans to provide
Organization Validation or Extended Validation Certificates.
■ Renewals
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Free Certificates / Caddy Server
■ Free (Asks for donations)
■ Automatic Renewals
■ No TLS configuration
■ Don't provide wildcard certificates
■ Don't provide Organization Validation or Extended Validation Certificates.
■ It is the new kid in town.

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Overdose / The Left Bank / WeWork - What Does Google Want
Overdose / The Left Bank / WeWork - What Does Google WantOverdose / The Left Bank / WeWork - What Does Google Want
Overdose / The Left Bank / WeWork - What Does Google Want

A lunch and learn session about SEO in conjunction with The Left Bank @ WeWork Melbourne. Covering the basics of how Google works and basic SEO tips.

Migration Best Practices - SMX West 2019
Migration Best Practices - SMX West 2019Migration Best Practices - SMX West 2019
Migration Best Practices - SMX West 2019

My talk from SMX West 2019 in San Jose covering best practices on how to successfully navigate through the various types of migrations (protocol migrations, frontend migrations, website migration, cms migration, etc.) from an SEO perspective - mainly focussing on all things technical SEO.

migrationsite migrationcms migration
How Search Works
How Search WorksHow Search Works
How Search Works

Patrick Stox gives a presentation on how search works. He discusses how Google crawls and indexes websites, processes content, handles queries, and ranks results. Some key points include: Google's crawler downloads pages and files from websites; processing includes duplicate detection, link parsing, and content analysis; queries are understood through techniques like spelling correction and query expansion; and search results are ranked based on numerous freshness, popularity, and relevancy signals.

seotechnical seosearch
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
In seconds
HSTS lets a website tell web browsers that it should only be communicated with
using HTTPS instead of using HTTP.
HSTS eliminates HTTP → HTTPS redirects
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Chrome HSTS Preload List
{ "name": "", "include_subdomains": true, "mode": "force-https" },
{ "name": "", "include_subdomains": true, "mode": "force-https", "pins": "facebook" },
{ "name": "", "mode": "force-https", "pins": "facebook" },
{ "name": "", "mode": "force-https", "pins": "twitterCom" },
{ "name": "", "include_subdomains": true, "mode": "force-https", "pins": "twitterCom" },

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The State of HTTPS In Search
The State of HTTPS In SearchThe State of HTTPS In Search
The State of HTTPS In Search

Why you should move to HTTPS and what mistakes to avoid along the way. In her speech at Pubcon, Olga covers: - HTTPs adoption rates in various industries and countries - the importance of this to Google - mistakes companies make when migrating their website.

BigWP: Delivering the news over HTTPS
BigWP: Delivering the news over HTTPSBigWP: Delivering the news over HTTPS
BigWP: Delivering the news over HTTPS

HTTP is dead. Here’s why, and what you need to know to migrate to HTTPS. Delivered to the BigWP Meetup NYC on September 15, 2015. Detailed guide:

Creating Secure Web Apps: What Every Developer Needs to Know About HTTPS Today
Creating Secure Web Apps: What Every Developer Needs to Know About HTTPS TodayCreating Secure Web Apps: What Every Developer Needs to Know About HTTPS Today
Creating Secure Web Apps: What Every Developer Needs to Know About HTTPS Today

Webinar recording here: Secure internet communication is one of the most important issues facing technology practitioners these days. But for many software development teams, it’s an afterthought. Almost every week there’s a new headline about web security: Google Chrome flagging non-HTTPS sites as insecure, Apple requiring iOS apps’ API communication to use HTTPS, and Google giving search ranking preference to HTTPS. Join Josh Aas, Executive Director of Let's Encrypt, and Chris Castle, Developer Advocate from Heroku, as they take you on a quick tour of what you, as a developer, need to know about HTTPS today plus show you how Let's Encrypt and Heroku are making it easier than ever for all developers to add HTTPS to their web apps.

@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Before Moving
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Choose Well Your IT Infrastructure
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp

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Migration Best Practices - SEOkomm 2018
Migration Best Practices - SEOkomm 2018Migration Best Practices - SEOkomm 2018
Migration Best Practices - SEOkomm 2018

My talk from SEOkomm 2018 in Salzburg covering best practices on how to successfully naviate through the various types of migrations (protocal migrations, frontend migrations, etc.) from an SEO perspective - mainly focussing on all things tech.

seomigrationtechnical seo
Google are pushing HTTPS hard. Why? And​,​ when should you act? by Mark Thoma...
Google are pushing HTTPS hard. Why? And​,​ when should you act? by Mark Thoma...Google are pushing HTTPS hard. Why? And​,​ when should you act? by Mark Thoma...
Google are pushing HTTPS hard. Why? And​,​ when should you act? by Mark Thoma...

Google is pushing websites to adopt HTTPS to secure connections and provide encryption. The document discusses reasons for this, including privacy benefits and how some new browser features only work for secure HTTPS sites. It outlines challenges with migrating to HTTPS, including speed impacts and ensuring all site assets use HTTPS. HTTP/2 is presented as the next evolution, allowing more efficient use of network resources. Browser support for HTTP/2 is discussed, along with how it generally requires HTTPS for implementation.

Google's Search Signals For Page Experience - SMX Advanced 2021 Patrick Stox
Google's Search Signals For Page Experience - SMX Advanced 2021 Patrick StoxGoogle's Search Signals For Page Experience - SMX Advanced 2021 Patrick Stox
Google's Search Signals For Page Experience - SMX Advanced 2021 Patrick Stox

Patrick Stox is a product advisor, technical SEO, and brand ambassador at Ahrefs who writes for their blog and speaks at conferences. He summarizes that Google's Page Experience update is currently rolling out and focuses on core web vitals like LCP, FID, and CLS. He provides tips on optimizing pages for speed by prioritizing critical resources, using content delivery networks, caching, and other techniques.

seotechnical seocore web vitals
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
If Using SNI
Check Web Servers & Browsers Support
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Consider HTTP2
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Plan Only HTTPS Migration
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
No Access To Users & Bots

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SEO for developers in e-commerce business
SEO for developers in e-commerce businessSEO for developers in e-commerce business
SEO for developers in e-commerce business

In the ever changing Google algorithms' world, you need to be up-to-dated to take the lead and outrace your competition. Find out what's the most important from the perspective of developers team when building a highly successful e-commerce businesses. - Why to use SSL and how to be good for the Crawler - Picking perfect link structure - Mind the 'duplicated content' trap - What should you know about meta tags - Use canonical to promote your finest content - The common mistake on uploading pictures - How to use a tool almost nobody take advantage of This is a part of Mirumee Talks — an engineering meetup that is free for everyone to come and enjoy. We love sharing what we know and what we are currently up to our in the techy trenches. Talk. Share. Learn.

contentcontent marketingcontent strategy

This document discusses technical SEO techniques including prefetching and prerendering to improve page load speeds, using AJAX in a search engine friendly way through pushState, and supercharging crawling through tools like Screaming Frog and PowerMapper combined with grep searches to analyze crawled pages for patterns. Specific techniques mentioned include prefetching assets, prerendering pages for faster loading, using pushState for SEO-friendly AJAX, installing crawling and grep tools, building regex pattern libraries, and grep searches to discover structured data, nofollow links, and more across competitor pages and link prospects.

multi-signal searchseosearch engine optimisation
React JS and Search Engines - Patrick Stox at Triangle ReactJS Meetup
React JS and Search Engines - Patrick Stox at Triangle ReactJS MeetupReact JS and Search Engines - Patrick Stox at Triangle ReactJS Meetup
React JS and Search Engines - Patrick Stox at Triangle ReactJS Meetup

Patrick Stox is a technical SEO expert who works for IBM and writes for Search Engine Land. He speaks at conferences on SEO and technical SEO topics. He runs several meetup groups and a conference on SEO. Googlebot has updated to support newer web features like JavaScript. It renders pages dynamically but initially indexes an HTML snapshot. Google recommends using dynamic rendering techniques like Puppeteer or Rendertron to ensure Googlebot sees the same content as users.

@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Get & Configure TLS Certificate On Staging Server
■ Certificate from a reliable CA offering technical support.
■ Choose a 2048-bit key.
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Collect Data
■ Production Site’s Crawl
■ Staging Site’s Crawl
■ Analytics Tools e.g. Google Analytics
■ Google Search Console
■ Web Server Logs
■ External Links e.g. Majestic
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Analyze Data (Production)
■ Error Pages
■ Crawl Waste
■ Low Quality Content Pages
■ Orphan Pages
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Analyze Data (Staging)
On each page check
■ Status Code
■ Scheme(Protocol) on the URL of the page
■ Scheme(Protocol) on the URLs of the links, web assets (images, tracking,
ads, js etc)
■ Canonical tag
■ Hreflang tag
■ Meta tags (e.g. noindex, nofollow)
■ HTTP Headers
■ Content

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Technical seo
Technical seoTechnical seo
Technical seo

Technical SEO refers to website optimizations that help search engines index a site effectively to improve organic rankings. This document provides an 8-step checklist for technical SEO best practices including using SSL, having a mobile-friendly responsive design, optimizing page speed, fixing duplicate content, creating an XML sitemap, enabling AMP, adding structured data markup, and registering the site with search console and webmaster tools. Following these guidelines can help ensure a site meets search engine expectations and is rewarded in search results.

seoseo company in indiaseo services
Technical SEO. By Hitesh SEGU Digital marketing .
Technical SEO. By Hitesh SEGU Digital marketing .Technical SEO. By Hitesh SEGU Digital marketing .
Technical SEO. By Hitesh SEGU Digital marketing .

Technical SEO

digital marketingseotechnicalseo
Overview of SSL: choose the option that's right for you
Overview of SSL: choose the option that's right for youOverview of SSL: choose the option that's right for you
Overview of SSL: choose the option that's right for you

Keeping communication between your visitors and your website secure and confidential has never been more important. Data can be vulnerable to theft as it’s transferred to and from your website. One simple solution to this security threat is to encrypt your traffic with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). SSL encryption ensures the data transferred between your visitors and your site is safe from data theft, and having SSL enabled can also boost your Google search rankings. CloudFlare has made it simple and easy to add SSL to your site: you don’t have to purchase a separate certificate or install anything. In this webinar CloudFlare’s solution engineer Peter Griffin explains the key features of SSL, and walks you through the simple process of getting SSL running on your site.

sslelenitsa staykovawebsite security
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
■ Migration Section Planning (If moving in sections)
■ URL Mapping List
■ URL Monitoring List
■ Sitemaps (HTTP, HTTPS)
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Check The TLS Certificate
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Check Common Configuration & Security Flaws
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Google Search Console (If mobile on the origin) (If subdomains on the origin) (If directories on the origin)

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Flavours of SEO
Flavours of SEOFlavours of SEO
Flavours of SEO

Presentation about SEO for IAB Belgium @Google Offices BXL (intermediate level) TOC: - The SEO Pyramid - Which ranking factors matter - SEO trends - SEO Migration - New sites & SEO - Social Media & SEO - International SEO - Local SEO - Video & Image SEO - Keyword Research (finally done right) - Optimizing your website / writing content

video seoimage seointernational seo
How to be trusted in 2017
How to be trusted in 2017How to be trusted in 2017
How to be trusted in 2017

A Symantec webinar about the changes on browsers that will happen in January and how not to suffer from them!

online securitycyberssl
Migrating Your WordPress Site to HTTPS - Getting it right the first time Word...
Migrating Your WordPress Site to HTTPS - Getting it right the first time Word...Migrating Your WordPress Site to HTTPS - Getting it right the first time Word...
Migrating Your WordPress Site to HTTPS - Getting it right the first time Word...

Discover step by step how to migrate your WordPress site to HTTPS successfully. Covers all the changes necessary ensure all functionality and SEO value is maintained during migration.

wordpresshttpsweb marketing
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Configure (On The Destination Site)
Google Search Console
Replicate Origin’s Configuration
■ URLs Parameters
■ Geotargeting
■ Disavow
■ Preferred domain
Submit Sitemaps
Analytics Tools e.g. Google Analytics Configuration
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Access To Users & Bots
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Implement Redirects

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Analyzing a Link with Google's Eyes by Matteo Monari
Analyzing a Link with Google's Eyes by Matteo MonariAnalyzing a Link with Google's Eyes by Matteo Monari
Analyzing a Link with Google's Eyes by Matteo Monari

The document discusses analyzing links and summarizing link data for SEO purposes. It describes over 25 factors that Google examines for links, sites, and pages. It then recommends tools for extracting link data and simplifying the analysis process by focusing on easier to measure factors. Automating data extraction and creating visualizations like heat maps and graphs are presented as ways to accelerate link analysis. An example analysis of a successful link building campaign is also included to demonstrate the summarized link data approach.

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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs ConferenceUiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference

We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Collect & Analyze
■ Production Site’s Crawl
■ Web Server Logs
■ Analytics Tools e.g. Google Analytics
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Update URLS
■ Profile Links (e.g. Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn)
■ Owned Media
■ Partner Sites
■ Ad Campaigns
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
■ Production Site’s Crawl
■ Sitemaps Crawl
■ Web Server Logs
■ Analytics Tools e.g. Google Analytics
■ Google Search Console
■ External Links

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論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...
論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...
論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...

Jindong Gu, Zhen Han, Shuo Chen, Ahmad Beirami, Bailan He, Gengyuan Zhang, Ruotong Liao, Yao Qin, Volker Tresp, Philip Torr "A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation Models" arXiv2023

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Recent advancements in the NIST-JARVIS infrastructure: JARVIS-Overview, JARVIS-DFT, AtomGPT, ALIGNN, JARVIS-Leaderboard

Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly DetectionAdvanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection

Cybersecurity is a major concern in today's connected digital world. Threats to organizations are constantly evolving and have the potential to compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and lead to significant financial losses. Traditional cybersecurity techniques often fall short against modern attackers. Therefore, advanced techniques for cyber security analysis and anomaly detection are essential for protecting digital assets. This blog explores these cutting-edge methods, providing a comprehensive overview of their application and importance.

cybersecurityanomaly detectionadvanced techniques
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
Implement HSTS
■ Send HSTS headers with a short max-age.
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=300; includeSubDomains
■ Increase slowly the HSTS max-age.
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=86400; includeSubDomains
■ If no impact on audience and search engines consider being added to the
Chrome HSTS preload list.
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
@aysunakarsu @searchdatalogy #seocamp
“Protecting less sensitive sites strengthens the protections of more sensitive sites.”
“The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for
all of us and incorporated into our common life.”
Jane Addams

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