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10 Things Web Designers tend to forget
when doing SEO
by Timon Hartung @ SMX Munich 2014
Timon Hartung
• Managing Director
• Master of Business Informatics
• 10 years SEO & online marketing
• Former Head of Online Marketing
at amiando
• Consulting cooperations on
international SEO
• 15 years coding experience Java,
• Previously spoken at SMX Munich
and Social Media Economy Days
Use Google Webmaster Tools
• Setting GWMT up takes 5 minutes!
• GMWT gives you a lot of information on how google sees your site
• Find 404 pages on your website with external links pointing to it
• So use Google Webmaster Tools! Just do it!
Google Webmaster Tools

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Preconnect, prefetch, prerender...
Preconnect, prefetch, prerender...Preconnect, prefetch, prerender...
Preconnect, prefetch, prerender...

aka, building a web performance oracle in your application! Presentation by Ilya Grigorik (@igrigorik)

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Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript
Deep crawl the chaotic landscape of JavaScript

The document discusses the challenges of indexing JavaScript-powered websites by search engines. It notes that JavaScript rendering takes significant computational resources, straining crawlers' budgets. It also suggests that client-side rendered JavaScript websites have difficulties with search engine indexing and ranking, as content may be missed during Google's two-wave indexing process for JavaScript. The document recommends using server-side rendering, hybrid rendering, or prerendering to help search engines properly index JavaScript websites.

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Hardening WordPress - Friends of Search 2014 (WordPress Security)
Hardening WordPress - Friends of Search 2014 (WordPress Security)Hardening WordPress - Friends of Search 2014 (WordPress Security)
Hardening WordPress - Friends of Search 2014 (WordPress Security)

My talk at "Friends of Search 2014" in Amsterdam covering the most important security fixes & tweaks for WordPress blogs.

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Good site maps
Site map
• Auto generate a site map! So that it‘s allways up to date
• Submit your site map to google in the GWMTs
• Check your site map for broken links with
Screamingfrog to find and fix the 404 errors
• A good clean site map will increase your crawl rate
Good site maps increase
your crawl rate
A good site map and a good website will have most of its content in the
site map indexed if not check the content and why (GWMT)

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5 Time-Saving SEO Alerts to Use Right Now - brightonSEO 2019
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5 Time-Saving SEO Alerts to Use Right Now - brightonSEO 2019

Have you ever spent time and effort on optimizing a website only to see all that hard work blown away in a blink of an eye? In this session, Marco explains how he has explored the world of SEO custom alerts to make sure that key elements such as performance, robots.txt, traffic and rankings are closely monitored and shows you how to track issues and fix them straight away.

seoseo custom alertsgoogle analytics
courts circuits : l'innovation dans le luxe 'mon idendité de luxe" (partie 3)
courts circuits : l'innovation dans le luxe 'mon idendité de luxe" (partie 3)courts circuits : l'innovation dans le luxe 'mon idendité de luxe" (partie 3)
courts circuits : l'innovation dans le luxe 'mon idendité de luxe" (partie 3)

rapport d'innovation de courts circuits : le marketing du luxe ("mon identité de luxe") Des marques comme Paul&Joe ou Nespresso en s'appropriant les codes du luxe de plus en plus vite et avec talent forcent le luxe à INNOVER Plus qu'une remise en cause de la notion de "luxe", nous assistons à une confrontation d'IDENTITÉ entre les ADNs de marque et les individus qui cherchent à s'accomplir à travers elles. Le renouveau viendra de ce que les marques et les individus ont en CULTURE...mais cela n'ira pas sans certaines tensions... jeremy dumont, directeur de pourquoi tu cours (l'agence des idees)

Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...
Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...
Mauro Cattaneo - Why hreflang is crucial to international SEO success - Brigh...

Hreflang is a common challenge in international SEO, but for a good reason. It can make the difference between success or failure in reaching your target audience around the world.

Careful with Robots.txt
• Check your Robots.txt right now!
• You probably don‘t need a robots.txt and it does more
harm wrongly configured than having one
• Use noindex, follow as a meta tag instead to steer the
txtWhat if your developers
forget to take out the
disallow all in the
robots.txt from the
development server
when deploying.
When do you notice!?
Great website about actors

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Talking about advanced performance optimization strategies at SMX Stockholm 2012 covering request reduction & optimization, caching, mark-up tuning, database & webserver performance and much, much more!

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On-Page SEO EXTREME - SEOZone Istanbul 2013
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On-Page SEO EXTREME - SEOZone Istanbul 2013

My presentation from #SEOZone Istanbul 2013 covering advanced On-Page SEO optimization aspects such as crawl-ability, semantics, duplicate content issues as well as performance optimization stragies.

How I learned to stop worrying and love the .htaccess file
How I learned to stop worrying and love the .htaccess fileHow I learned to stop worrying and love the .htaccess file
How I learned to stop worrying and love the .htaccess file

An introduction to .htaccess and what this file can do to help with SEO. Redirects: - Mod_alias and mod_rewrite - Most common redirect types (domain migrations, subdomain to folder and folder renaming and how to deal with duplicate content). Indexing & Crawling: - Set HTTP headers for canonicals and meta robots for non-HTML files. Website speed: - Gzip and Deflate - Cache control

SERPs for this website
The robots.txt is blocking all
crawler access
Speaking URLs
Speaking URLs

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40 WordPress Tips: Security, Engagement, SEO & Performance - SMX Sydney 2013
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40 WordPress Tips: Security, Engagement, SEO & Performance - SMX Sydney 2013

Bastian Grimm presented 40 WordPress tips across 6 sections: security, SEO, engagement, maintenance, and performance. The tips included hardening security settings, optimizing images, caching plugins, offloading static content, and debugging. The overall presentation emphasized optimizing a WordPress site for speed, security, and SEO.

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SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO
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SMX Munich 2018 - Current State of JavaScript SEO

The current state of JavaScript SEO. JS crawling and indexing across different frameworks and Search Engines.

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Stefan Judis "Did we(b development) lose the right direction?"
Stefan Judis "Did we(b development) lose the right direction?"Stefan Judis "Did we(b development) lose the right direction?"
Stefan Judis "Did we(b development) lose the right direction?"

Keeping up with the state of web technology is one of the biggest challenges for us developers today. We invent new tools; we define new best practices, everything’s new, always... And we do all that for good user experience! We do all that to build the best possible web – it’s all about our users. But is it, really? Or do developers like to play with technology secretly loving the new and shiny? Or do we only pretend that it’s about users, and behind closed doors, it’s developer experience that matters to us? Did we lose direction? Is it time for a critical look at the state of the web and the role JavaScript plays in it?

Be careful with AJAX & JS
• The google crawler might not see content loaded by
Javascript and Ajax because it is loaded after the page
has been loaded.
Ajax and Javascript
Ajax can really improve
UX but check that you SEO
content is not loaded via
Normal HTML
Ajax loaded content
invisible for the crawler
Ajax and Javascript
• To check if your content is seen by the google bot go
into GWMT and check your page with the function:
„Fetch page as google bot“
Fetch as google bot

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In the SEO industry, we obsess on everything Google says, from John Mueller dropping a hint in a Webmaster Hangout, to the ranking data we spend £1000s to gather. Yet we ignore the data Google throws at us every day, the crawling data. For the longest time, site crawls, traffic data, and rankings have been the pillars of SEO data gathering. Log files should join them as something everyone is doing. We'll go through how to get everything set-up, look at some of the tools to make it easy and repeatable and go through the kinds of analysis you can do to get insights from the data.

Prebrowsing - Velocity NY 2013
Prebrowsing - Velocity NY 2013Prebrowsing - Velocity NY 2013
Prebrowsing - Velocity NY 2013

The document discusses techniques for prebrowsing or prefetching resources to improve page load performance. It describes how developers can use <link> tags with rel="dns-prefetch", rel="prefetch", and rel="prerender" to hint to browsers on resources that could be pre-resolved, pre-downloaded or pre-rendered before they are needed. It also explains how browsers perform internal prefetching optimizations like DNS pre-resolution, TCP pre-connection and prefetching of likely-needed resources during page transitions using predictors. The goal is to get resources the browser will need before it needs them to reduce load times.

GTM Clowns, fun and hacks - Search Elite - May 2017 Gerry White
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As Google becomes a JavaScript crawler, GTM becomes an incredible way to improve your site for both users and bots. This goes through some very simple methods, and what they can be used for...

Site speed
Site speed
Site speed
• Amazon: increased revenue by 1% for every 100
milliseconds load time improvement
• AOL: the top 10% in site speed viewed 50% more
pages than the bottom 10%
• Yahoo: increased traffic by 9% for every 400
milliseconds of load time improvement
• Conclusion: Users love fast websites!
Site speed

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Web Performance & Search Engines - A look beyond rankings
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London Web Performance Meetup - 10th November 2020 There is a lot of talk about web performance as a ranking signal in Search Engines and how important or not it is, but often people are overlooking how performance affects multiple phases of a search engine such as crawling, rendering, and indexing. In this talk, we'll try to understand how a search engine works and how some aspects of web performance affect the online presence of a website.

search enginesseocrawler
Jabber Bot
Jabber BotJabber Bot
Jabber Bot

This document describes how to build a Jabber bot that can process Twitter messages serialized as XMPP messages. It provides instructions on setting up the necessary Ruby gems, creating a daemon to serialize tweets, writing specs to test the bot's behavior, and implementing the bot client to apply rules to messages. Sample Twitter messages in XMPP format are also included. The goal is to allow others to build their own bot armies that can process tweets and perform actions.

Shining a light on performance (js meetup)
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Shining a light on performance (js meetup)

This document discusses various tools and techniques for optimizing web performance, including Lighthouse, PageSpeed Insights, the Rendering tab in DevTools, memoization, virtual scrolling, removing unused code, optimizing fonts and images, service workers, and media optimizations like lazy loading and CDNs. Useful links are provided for each topic to learn more about improving performance.

Site speed - what about google
• Site speed is one of the over 200 signals used by
google to determine search rankings.
• Site speed is NOT the most critical ranking factor
• But Remember: Search engines like fast sites that don‘t
waste their resources.
Site speed - some tips how to optimise
• Check your site speed with:
Site speed - Analyse your site
• Analyse your site with google and yahoo
• Google:
• Yahoo:
• Site speed optimisation guideline
• Yahoo:
Site speed -
Check your site speed in Google Analytics

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Core Web Vitals to improve your website performance for better SEO results with CWV. CWV Topics include: - Understanding the latest Core Web Vitals including the significance of LCP, INP and CLS + their impact on SEO - Optimisation techniques from our experts on how to improve your CWV on platforms like WordPress and WP Engine - The impact of user experience and SEO

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Schema and Open Graph 101 - SMX Munich

Matthew Brown discusses semantic search engine optimization techniques. He defines semantic SEO as using semantic web technologies to send detailed page content meanings to search engines in a way computers can process. Brown recommends starting with and Open Graph vocabularies and provides links to resources on structured data types, markup troubleshooting, and semantic web statistics. He also lists people involved in both SEO and semantic web fields.

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Future of Search Engine Factors, AMP, On-Page Key to Success
Future of Search Engine Factors, AMP, On-Page Key to SuccessFuture of Search Engine Factors, AMP, On-Page Key to Success
Future of Search Engine Factors, AMP, On-Page Key to Success

Farid Asadi introduces himself as an inbound marketing manager and UI/UX designer who is interested in SEO and Google Analytics. The document then provides information on key ranking factors for search engines, both currently and how they are predicted to change in the future. It emphasizes factors like mobile friendliness, structured data, site speed, HTTPS usage, and Accelerated Mobile Pages. The document concludes with tips on on-page SEO best practices like keyword targeting strategies and fulfilling user intent.

source: & Rel Author
30 = Rich Snippets
<div itemscope itemtype="">
<h1 itemprop="name">Avatar</h1>
<span>Director: <span itemprop="director">James Cameron</span></span>
<span itemprop="genre">Science fiction</span>
<a href="../movies/avatar-theatrical-trailer.html" itemprop="trailer">Trailer</a>
More Rich Snippets
Check out the specification
and increase your snippet CTRs
Which snippet would you click?

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Ui and ux principles
Ui and ux principlesUi and ux principles
Ui and ux principles

This document outlines a basic web development class that covers UI/UX principles, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and website evaluation. The class schedule includes presentations on UI/UX principles and website projects. The document then provides details on UI/UX principles, including definitions of UI and UX, examples of good and bad design, and key principles like aesthetics, usability, affordance, responsiveness, and brand image. Students are assigned an exercise to evaluate a company website and create a PowerPoint presentation demonstrating UI/UX principles and including examples of bad design.

Swf search final
Swf search finalSwf search final
Swf search final

This document summarizes a presentation on search engine optimization (SEO) for Flash content. It discusses how search engines index Flash, including breakthroughs that allow indexing of text, links, and interactions. It emphasizes the importance of dynamic page ranking and getting links over initial page rank. Testing over long periods is recommended to understand how content is indexed. Tips provided include using descriptive text, metadata, and linking to optimize Flash content for search engines.

SMX@adtech: Mobile Local and Video Search — Cindy Krum
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The document provides tips for optimizing websites for mobile search engines. It discusses the differences between mobile and desktop search, including that mobile has carrier search engines that are often white-labeled versions of other engines. It also outlines strategies for mobile search engine optimization, including appropriate site architecture, clean code, relevant mobile content, and submitting the site to various mobile directories and search engines.

• Rel=Author is huge and easy to get.
• Rel=Author will dramatically increase you SERP snippet CTRs
• How to:
• Get a google+ profile
• Get circled a lot by others
• Link to your domain from your google+ profile
• Link to your google+ profile from your domain with ?rel=author
• Done!
33 and Rel=author
• Check your markup with googles Rich Snippet Testing
International IP Redirects
• Sometimes you might think redirecting all of your
visitors based on their IP to the dedicated country and
language page might be a good idea.
International IP Redirects

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Introduction to Responsive Web Design
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Introduction to Responsive Web Design

A brief introduction to responsive web design presented to Biomedical Communications (MScBMC) students on March 15, 2013.

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Grow your Magento store: going multilingual and setting up a marketplace
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Deadly sins of multilingual Magento SEO Structure and on-site factors that influence rankings Best practices to ensure fast and smooth indexation Overview of online marketplaces, their types and specific features Analysis of most popular marketplaces: vendor access, payments, order fulfillment Solutions for building a Magento-based marketplace, pros and cons

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Responsive Web Design_2013
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Responsive Web Design_2013

This document discusses responsive web design (RWD). RWD allows websites to automatically adjust their layout depending on the user's screen size using media queries. It is important for accessibility and usability as most internet users now access the web on mobile devices. The document recommends using a mobile-first and progressive enhancement approach where basic content and functionality work on all browsers and advanced features are progressively added. It provides examples of RWD techniques and tools to test responsive designs.

drupalresponsive web designsandcamp
International IP Redirects
Users get redirected correctly
• But where does the google bot come from? The US!
• Thats a serious problem for SEO
International IP Redirects
International IP Redirects
Google bot from the US will also get directed
„correctly“ ALWAYS to the US version but NEVER
see any other language or country version!
International IP Redirects
• Solution:
• If you want IP redirects just do them on the home page nowhere else
• Don‘t forget about the users:
• What if a user from Germany follows a US link from a forum. That user will
not get the desired and expected result and thats bad.

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As’s former head of Performance and Reliability, Cliff Crocker knows large scale web performance. Now SOASTA’s VP of products, Cliff is pouring his passion and expertise into cloud testing to solve the biggest challenges in mobile and web performance. The holiday rush of mobile and web traffic to your web site has the potential for unprecedented success or spectacular public failure. The world’s leading retailers have turned to the cloud to assure that no matter what load, mobile and web apps will delight customers and protect revenue. Join us as Cliff explores the key criteria for holiday web performance readiness: Closing the gap in front- and back-end web performance and reliability Collecting real user data to define the most realistic test scenarios Preparing properly for the virtual walls of traffic during peak events Leveraging CloudTest technology, as have 6 of 10 leading retailers

load testingretailperformance testing
Topic 6- SEO and Analytics .ppt
Topic 6- SEO and Analytics  .pptTopic 6- SEO and Analytics  .ppt
Topic 6- SEO and Analytics .ppt

SEO and Analytics Analytics & Analysers Usability Testing & Heatmaps Get customer feedback on your site Google Page Ranking Site Submission

seogoogle analyticsmarketing analysers
Exploring internet
Exploring internetExploring internet
Exploring internet

The document provides a list of useful websites for various topics like online courses, dictionaries, programming languages, certifications, and more. Some key websites listed include open courseware sites like MIT OpenCourseWare, coding challenge sites like Hackerrank, and certification programs from companies like Microsoft, Oracle, and Cisco. The document serves as a comprehensive guide to finding online educational resources and reference materials for different subjects on the internet.

A great way to do it is to give
the user a notification that there
is a dedicated country page 41
Mobile Strategy
• There are a few mobile web design strategies out there
1.Subdomain strategy
2.Different domain strategy
3.Subdirectory strategy
4.Responsive design or template strategy on same URL
Mobile Strategy
Responsive Design
• Responsive web design (often abbreviated to RWD) is an approach to web
design in which a site is crafted to provide an optimal viewing experience—
easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and
scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer
monitors to mobile phones).

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The session includes a brief history of the evolution of search before diving into the roles technology, content, and links play in developing a powerful SEO strategy in a world of Generative AI and social search. Discover how to optimize for TikTok searches, Google's Gemini, and Search Generative Experience while developing a powerful arsenal of tools and templates to help maximize the effectiveness of your SEO initiatives. Key Takeaways: Understand how search engines work Be able to find out where your users search Know what is required for each discipline of SEO Feel confident creating an SEO Plan Confidently measure SEO performance

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Smart Browsers and HTML5 Web Apps for Chrome Web Store, presented to the San Diego HTML5 Web Apps and RefreshSD groups on 2011-02-08

SEO Expert Resume
SEO Expert ResumeSEO Expert Resume
SEO Expert Resume

The document provides a summary of an individual's career experience and qualifications for an IT position. It summarizes their 4.6 years of experience in SEO, digital marketing, web development and programming. It also lists their technical skills in various programming languages, CMS platforms and design tools. Their most recent role was as an SEO Team Leader at Adodis Technologies where they managed tasks like lead generation, social media marketing and web promotions for clients.

nazar seo resume
Live example:
Desktop & IPad 1024x 768

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We all know that site speed matters not only for users but also for search rankings. As marketers, how can we measure and improve the impact of site speed? Mat will cover a range of topics and tools, from the basic quick wins to some of the more surprising and cutting-edge techniques used by the largest websites in the world.

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Web Performance Optimization
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Overview on why web performance matters, how to measure it and some discussion on 3rd-party content. Presented t the DC area Web Manager's Roundtable group on 12/7/2011.

Google Mobile Algorithm Change
Google Mobile Algorithm ChangeGoogle Mobile Algorithm Change
Google Mobile Algorithm Change

The document discusses Google's upcoming mobile-friendly algorithm update and provides recommendations for websites to prepare. It advises checking if your site is mobile-friendly, optimizing for speed and load times, ensuring proper redirects and image optimization, and monitoring analytics pre- and post-update to understand any effects on traffic. The document also reviews mobile design configurations like responsive design that Google prefers and provides a checklist of actions to take to help websites succeed with the update.

seomobile websitegoogle
Mobile Strategy
• Best thing about responsive design for SEO
• All links go to the same URL
• No duplicate content
• Other benefits
• No problems displaying content on different devices following a mobile or
not mobile link, better conversion rates
• Easier to manage content
Relaunch SEO
• Don‘t change your URLs
• Redirect changed URLs by 301 or canonical
• Short downtimes
• Check your titles and descriptions
• Do a crawl before and after with Screamingfrog or XENU to
find missing pages
• Use GWMT to solve 404 problems
Relaunch SEO Tips

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The document discusses Google's upcoming mobile-friendly algorithm update and provides recommendations for websites to prepare. It recommends checking if your site is mobile-friendly, optimizing for speed and load times, ensuring proper redirects and image optimization, and monitoring analytics pre- and post-update to understand any impacts on traffic. The document also provides resources on mobile-friendly design configurations, common mistakes to avoid, and measuring success.

Importance of SEO to support holistic marketing strategies and the rise of n...
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Importance of SEO to support holistic marketing strategies and the rise of n...

A presentation for the Digital Marketing World Forum by Jessica Redman and Andrew Fox. Discussing how SEO supports across numerous marketing channels and how user search behaviour is changing. Discover how to optimise social media posts for discoverability and learn about Topical Domination.

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The Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry Kim
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The Top 6 Facebook Ad Hacks of 2024, Targeting the Untargetable - Larry Kim

It’s been a difficult few years for Facebook Ads due to signal loss from iOS/Firefox/Chrome and the associated loss of ad targeting precision and ROAS. In this session, delve into 100% new high-impact strategies for thriving in Facebook advertising in a world without 3rd party cookies. You'll uncover the top 7 Facebook ad hacks of 2024, all centered around first party ad signal data restoration and how to coax the new default Meta Audience+ ad targeting system to do what you want it to do, each backed by solid results and case studies. Learn how to skyrocket your landing page conversions by 20-25%, how to scale ads like never before, and target niche audiences with strategies that defy traditional norms. Plus, gain insights into critical privacy regulations and how to maintain a full compliance therein.

digital marketingmarketingsales
Thank you!
get in touch:
• @timondeluxe

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